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Structure-function relations of the colicin E1 ion channel were studied through the effects of mutations in the 35-residue hydrophobic region of the channel polypeptide and neighboring residues in the channel domain. Mutation of neutral residues threonine 501 and glycine 502 to a more polar or charged glutamic acid generated a protein whose channel conductance properties in each case had a decreased selectivity for anions. There was no significant effect on ion selectivity caused by mutations that changed residue charge outside the hydrophobic domain at the neighboring aspartic acid 509 or at glycine 439. The Thr501----Glu and Gly502----Glu mutants possessed lower cytotoxic and in vitro activity. An altered thermolysin cleavage pattern and a greater binding to membrane vesicles at pH greater than 4.5 of the Gly502----Glu mutant indicated greater exposure of its COOH-terminal hydrophobic domain in solution. It is concluded that the hydrophobic nature of threonine 501 and glycine 502 is important in the structure of the channel lumen and the soluble colicin. Altering proline 462, a residue conserved in five sequenced channel-forming colicins, had no significant effect on channel properties. These conclusions are discussed in the context of sequence-structure-function concepts for channel proteins.  相似文献   

One of the two main causes of acetylcholine-receptor loss in myasthenia gravis is antigenic modulation, i.e. accelerated internalization and degradation rate by antibody-crosslinking. This phenomenon has been studied only in animal tissues. Therefore, we tested antigenic modulation of the acetylcholine receptor on human embryonic myotubes in cultures. Several monoclonal antibodies to the alpha, beta and gamma subunits of the receptor reduced its concentration, in some cases down to one-third of the control. Some of these antibodies only form complexes of one antibody with two receptor molecules; consequently such small complexes are sufficient to accelerate internalization of the human acetylcholine receptor. This technique might be proved valuable for clinical screening of sera from myasthenic patients.  相似文献   

Congenital cataracts are a common major abnormality of the eye that frequently cause blindness in infants. At least one-third of all cases are familial; autosomal-dominant congenital cataract appears to be the most-common familial form in the Western world. Elsewhere, in family ADCC-3, we mapped an autosomal-dominant cataract gene to chromosome 3q21-q22, near the gene that encodes a lens-specific beaded filament protein gene, BFSP2. By sequencing the coding regions of BFSP2, we found that a deletion mutation, DeltaE233, is associated with cataracts in this family. This is the first report of an inherited cataract that is caused by a mutation in a cytoskeletal protein.  相似文献   

Among polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, and spermine), spermine specifically induces cataract in an organ cultured lens. Spermine uptake nearly paralleled the cataract formation. When polyamines were added to lens soluble proteins, spermine specifically induced turbidity. When lens soluble proteins were separated by gel chromatography, heavy-molecular-weight protein (HMW, high molecular form of alpha-crystallin) and proteins between betaH- and betaL-crystallin fractions reacted with spermine and aggregated. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the aggregated proteins showed that 43-kDa lens protein was commonly observed in both aggregates. Spermine-affinity chromatography of the total soluble proteins showed the binding of HMW protein to the gel and the chromatogram of the second turbidity peak in the gel chromatography showed the binding of 43-kDa protein. These results indicated that 43-kDa protein, which is present as a subunit in HMW and also in free form, binds spermine and induces turbidity of lens soluble proteins and produces cataract in a cultured lens.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide in the aqueous humor was measured in cataractous eyes from normal subjects and in cataractous eyes from diabetic subjects. The level of H2O2 in the aqueous humor was significantly higher in diabetes than in the idiopathic forms. It is likely that in the eye, impaired enzymic defenses lead to the accumulation of reactive species of O2, such as H2O2, which induces lipid peroxidation. This mechanism may be involved, as a direct consequence of retinal damage, in the pathogenesis of cataract in diabetes.  相似文献   

The level of hepatic lipidperoxides in chick embryos was determined during cataract formation resulting from glucocorticoid treatment. When 15 day old chick embryos were administered 0.25 mumol of hydrocortisone acetate their hepatic lipidperoxide level, determined by thio-barbituric acid, increased after a lag time of 20 hr and reached approximately 8-fold of control at 48 hr after the treatment. These studies indicate that the peroxidation of lipid in tissues should be considered in elucidating mechanisms of action or adverse effects of glucocorticoids.  相似文献   

SEC23B is one of two vertebrate paralogs of SEC23, a key component of the coat protein complex II vesicles. Complete deficiency of SEC23B in mice leads to perinatal death caused by massive degeneration of professional secretory tissues. However, functions of SEC23B in postnatal mice and outside professional secretory tissues are unclear. In this study, we generated a Sec23b KO mouse and a knockin (KI) mouse with the E109K mutation, the most common human mutation in congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II patients. We found that E109K mutation led to decreases in SEC23B levels and protein mislocalization. However, Sec23bki/ki mice showed no obvious abnormalities. Sec23b hemizygosity (Sec23bki/ko) was partially lethal, with only half of expected hemizygous mice surviving past weaning. Surviving Sec23bki/ko mice exhibited exocrine insufficiency, increased endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis in the pancreas, and phenotypes consistent with chronic pancreatitis. Sec23bki/ko mice had mild to moderate anemia without other typical congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II features, likely resulting from exocrine insufficiency. Moreover, Sec23bki/ko mice exhibited severe growth restriction accompanied by growth hormone (GH) insensitivity, reminiscent of Laron syndrome. Growth restriction is not associated with hepatocyte-specific Sec23b deletion, suggesting a nonliver origin of this phenotype. We propose that inflammation associated with chronic pancreatic deficiency may explain GH insensitivity in Sec23bki/ko mice. Our results reveal a genotype–phenotype correlation in SEC23B deficiency and indicate that pancreatic acinar is most sensitive to SEC23B deficiency in adult mice. The Sec23bki/ko mice provide a novel model of chronic pancreatitis and growth retardation with GH insensitivity.  相似文献   

Liver fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP) is a highly conserved key factor in lipid metabolism. Amino acid replacements in L-FABP might alter its function and thereby affect glucose metabolism in lipid-exposed subjects, as indicated by studies in L-FABP knockout mice. Amino acid replacements in L-FABP were investigated in a cohort of 1,453 Caucasian subjects. Endogenous glucose production (EGP), gluconeogenesis, and glycogenolysis were measured in healthy carriers of the only common Thr(94)-to-Ala amino acid replacement (Ala/Ala(94)) vs. age-, sex-, and BMI-matched wild-type (Thr/Thr(94)) controls at baseline and after 320-min lipid/heparin-somatostatin-insulin-glucagon clamps (n = 18). Whole body glucose disposal was further investigated (subset; n = 13) using euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamps without and with lipid/heparin infusion. In the entire cohort, the only common Ala/Ala(94) mutation was significantly associated with reduced body weight, which is in agreement with a previous report. In lipid-exposed, individually matched subjects there was a genotype vs. lipid-treatment interaction for EGP (P = 0.009) driven mainly by reduced glycogenolysis in Ala/Ala(94) carriers (0.46 +/- 0.05 vs. 0.59 +/- 0.05 mgxkg(-1)xmin(-1), P = 0.013). The lipid-induced elevation of plasma glucose levels was smaller in Ala/Ala(94) carriers compared with wild types (P < 0.0001). Whole body glucose disposal was not different between lipid-exposed L-FABP genotypes. In summary, the Ala/Ala(94)-mutation contributed significantly to reduced glycogenolysis and less severe hyperglycemia in lipid-exposed humans and was further associated with reduced body weight in a large cohort. Data clearly show that investigation of L-FABP phenotypes in the basal overnight-fasted state yielded incomplete information, and a challenge test was essential to detect phenotypical differences in glucose metabolism between L-FABP genotypes.  相似文献   

The UFD (ubiquitin fusion degradation) pathway is responsible for multiubiquitination of the fusion proteins that bear a "non-removable" N-terminal ubiquitin moiety. Previous reports have shown that the UFD pathway is conserved from yeast to human. The essential elements of the UFD pathway have also been identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These studies, however, are limited to use of engineered UFD substrates. The biological significance of the UFD pathway remains unknown. Here we demonstrate that Ufd4, the E3 component of the UFD pathway, is involved in controlling the degradation of Rad4, a nucleotide excision repair protein. Moreover, simultaneous loss of Ufd4 and Rad23 exhibits a synthetic inhibitory effect on Rad4 degradation, presenting the first example that a UBA/UBL-domain protein functionally overlaps with a ubiquitin ligase in determining the turnover rate of a protein substrate. The current work also provides a direction for further investigation of the physiological functions of the UFD pathway.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant dyskeratosis congenita (DKC) has been linked to mutations in the RNA component of telomerase, the ribonucleoprotein responsible for telomere maintenance. Recent studies have investigated the role of the GC (107-108) --> AG mutation in the conserved P3 helix in the pseudoknot domain of human telomerase RNA. The mutation was found to significantly destabilize the pseudoknot conformation, resulting in a shift in the thermodynamic equilibrium to favor formation of a P2b hairpin intermediate. In the wild-type sequence, the hairpin intermediate was found to form a novel sequence of pyrimidine base pairs in a continuous stem capped by a structured pentaloop. The DKC mutant hairpin was observed to be slightly more stable than the wild-type hairpin, further shifting the pseudoknot-hairpin equilibrium to favor the mutant P2b hairpin. Here we examined the solution structure of the DKC mutant hairpin to identify the reason for this additional stability. We found that the mutant hairpin forms the same stem structure as wild-type and that the additional stabilization observed using optical melting can be explained by the formation of a YNMG-type tetraloop structure, with the last nucleotide of the pentaloop bulged out into the major groove. Our results provide a structural explanation for the increased stability of the mutant hairpin and further our understanding of the effect of this mutation on the structure and stability of the dominant conformation of the pseudoknot domain in this type of DKC.  相似文献   

The L-arabinose-binding protein (ABP) of Escherichia coli consists structurally of two distinct globular domains connected by a hinge of three separate peptide segments. Arabinose is bound and completely sequestered within the deep cleft between the two domains. With reduced affinity, ABP also binds D-galactose (approximately 2-fold reduction) and D-fucose (approximately 40-fold reduction). Experiments have been conducted to explore the role in sugar binding of the hinge connecting the two domains of ABP. To increase the flexibility of the hinge region, a glycine was substituted for a proline at position 254 by site-directed mutagenesis. Unexpectedly, this mutation resulted in the dramatic enhancement of galactose binding over that of arabinose. The affinity of the mutant ABP for galactose increased by over 20-fold, while that for arabinose and fucose remained relatively unchanged. We have measured association and dissociation rates of the Gly-254 ABP with L-arabinose, D-galactose, and D-fucose and have determined the crystallographic structure of the protein complexed with each of the three sugars. Both the ligand-binding kinetic measurements and structure analysis indicate that the altered specificity is due to an effective increase in the rigidity of the hinge in the closed conformation which is induced upon galactose binding. Stabilizing contacts are formed between the strands of the hinge in the Gly-254 ABP when galactose is bound which are not found in complexes with the other sugars or the liganded wild-type protein.  相似文献   

Many well-defined mutations in the gene for the catalytic subunit of polymerase gamma (POLG1) have been found to be associated with disease, whereas the status of several mutations remains unresolved due to the conflicting reports on their frequencies in populations of healthy individuals. Here, we have developed a highly sensitive, real-time allelic discrimination assay enabling detection of the Y831C mutation in the POLG1 gene. The Y831C mutation is present in the Polish population at a frequency of 2.25%. The new assay is well suited to both extensive population studies and molecular diagnostics of POLG1.  相似文献   

Non-commercial spices and herbs Tetrapleura tetrapetra, Triumfetta cordifolia, Garcina kola, Monodora myristica and Xylopia aethiopica at 0.08 to 0.32% (w/v) decreased the mycelial weight of Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999 in yeast extract/sucrose broth by up to 68%. Aflatoxin production, monitored with ELISA, was most effectively decreased, from 97 to 23 g/ml, when the extract of G. kola was added at 0.32% (w/v).  相似文献   

Human gammaD crystallin (HgammaD-Crys), a major protein of the human eye lens, is a primary component of cataracts. This 174-residue primarily beta-sheet protein is made up of four Greek keys separated into two domains. Mutations in the human gene sequence encoding HgammaD-Crys are implicated in early-onset cataracts in children, and the mutant protein expressed in Escherichia coli exhibits properties that reflect the in vivo pathology. We have characterized the unfolding, refolding, and competing aggregation of human wild-type HgammaD-Crys as a function of guanidinium hydrochloride (GuHCl) concentration at neutral pH and 37 degrees C, using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence to monitor in vitro folding. Wild-type HgammaD-Crys exhibited reversible refolding above 1.0 M GuHCl. The GuHCl unfolded protein was more fluorescent than its native counterpart despite the absence of metal or ion-tryptophan interactions. Aggregation of refolding intermediates of HgammaD-Crys was observed in both equilibrium and kinetic refolding processes. The aggregation pathway competed with productive refolding at denaturant concentrations below 1.0 M GuHCl, beyond the major conformational transition region. Atomic force microscopy of samples under aggregating conditions revealed the sequential appearance of small nuclei, thin protofibrils, and fiber bundles. The HgammaD-Crys fibrous aggregate species bound bisANS appreciably, indicating the presence of exposed hydrophobic pockets. The mechanism of HgammaD-Crys aggregation may provide clues to understanding age-onset cataract formation in vivo.  相似文献   

A new cataract mutation was discovered in an ongoing program to identify new mouse models of hereditary eye disease. Lens opacity 12 (Lop12) is a semidominant mutation that results in an irregular nuclear lens opacity similar to the human Coppock cataract. Lop12 is associated with a small nonrecombining segment that maps to mouse Chromosome 1 close to the eye lens obsolescence mutation (Cryge(Cat2-Elo)), a member of the gamma-crystallin gene cluster (Cryg). Using a systemic candidate gene approach to analyze the entire Cryg cluster, a G to A transition was found in exon 3 of Crygd associated with the Lop12 mutation and has been designated Crygd(Lop12). The mutation Crygd(Lop12) leads to the formation of an in-frame stop codon that produces a truncated protein of 156 amino acids. It is predicted that the defective gene product alters protein folding of the gamma-crystallin(s) and results in lens opacity.  相似文献   

Halophilic proteins are characterized by high net negative charges and relatively small fraction of hydrophobic amino acids, rendering them aggregation resistant. These properties are also shared by histidine‐rich metal binding protein (HP) from moderate halophile, Chromohalobacter salexigens, used in this study. Here, we examined how halophilic proteins form amyloid fibrils in vitro. His‐tagged HP, incubated at pH 2.0 and 58°C, readily formed amyloid fibrils, as observed by thioflavin fluorescence, CD spectra, and transmission or atomic force microscopies. Under these low‐pH harsh conditions, however, His‐HP was promptly hydrolyzed to smaller peptides most likely responsible for rapid formation of amyloid fibril. Three major acid‐hydrolyzed peptides were isolated from fibrils and turned out to readily form fibrils. The synthetic peptides predicted to form fibrils in these peptide sequences by Waltz software also formed fibrils. Amyloid fibril was also readily formed from full‐length His‐HP when incubated with 10–20% 2,2,2‐trifluoroethanol at pH 7.8 and 25°C without peptide bond cleavage.  相似文献   

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