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A small-scale greenhouse investigation was undertaken using Goat willow (Salix caprea) and aspen (Populus tremula) to evaluate the potential of short rotation coppice for remediation of 137Cs- and 90Sr-contaminated sites. Results showed that both species were able to accumulate these radionuclides from a representative disposal soil (aged) and a spiked soil S. caprea accumulating greater levels of 137Cs than P. tremula, with no difference between species for 90Sr accumulation. For each radionuclide, the distribution in both species was similar, with 137Cs accumulation greatest in the roots, whereas 90Sr accumulation was greatest in the leaves. It was also evident that the soil-to-plant transfer factor (Tf) values for 90Sr were greater than for 137Cs, agreeing with differences in the reported bioavailailablity of these radionuclides in soil Based on the Tf values for S. caprea (conservative), estimated remediation times were 92 and 56 yr, for 137Cs and 90Sr, respectively. It is suggested that the selection of Salix species grown in a system of SRC provides a significant opportunity for removal of both 137Cs and 90Sr, primarily due to its higher biomass production. However, for 137Cs phytoremediation investigations into the appropriate use of soil amendments for increasing bioavailability are required.  相似文献   

The objects of researches are the soil and wild vegetation in the region of the radioactive waste storage situation. In result of monitoring it was recognized 137Cs unlike 90Sr did not spread out of storage territory in spite of trench destruction and migration of radionuclides with surface and ground waters. The forms of 137Cs, 90Sr and natural radionuclide 226Ra in soils and coefficients of 90Sr accumulation for the different kinds of plants growing at the territory of storage and 50-m zone around it were researched. The low specific activities of mobile forms of 90Sr were recognized for samples of soils selected from lowland by the terrace. The considerable differences were found for specific activities of radionuclides for different soil layers. Essential irregularity of soil surface and vegetation contamination at the test points disposed at a short distances from each other also was found. The interpretation of obtained results is presented.  相似文献   

The content of radionuclides 90Sr and 137Cs in higher aquatic plants of water objects within Chernobyl NPP exclusion zone has been analysed. Biodiversity of phytocenose was studied and species-indicators of radioactive contamination were revealed. The seasonal dynamics of radionuclide content in macrophytes was studied and the role of main aquatic plant clumps in processes of 137Cs and 90Sr distribution in abiotic component of biohydrocenose was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The accumulation levels of anthropogenic 90Sr and 134Cs and 137Cs radionuclides in the marsh frog have been studied in the areas of the Beloyarskii water-storage reservoir (an industrial storm-water discharge channel of the nuclear power station) and the Verkhnii Tagil water-storage reservoir (the Tagil River down-stream of the dam). No significant distinction in the radionuclide accumulation (90Sr and 137Cs) depending on the amphibian sex and age is detected. Comparable levels of the accumulation of radionuclides in the marsh frog, when compared to the other representatives of the water ecosystem, are estimated. An assumption of the presence of some unidentified source of radioactive contamination of marsh frogs has been made; cesium-137 may be transferred from it to the Tagil River by the frogs.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted on feeding lactating cows with soil and turf additives contaminated with both 137Cs and 90Sr of the Chernobyl origin. The radionuclides transfer coefficients (%) in the food chain were for soil additives: for 137Cs--0.02 +/- 0.006, for 90Sr--0.01 +/- 0.002; for turf additives: for 137Cs--0.02 +/- 0.005, for 90Sr--0.06 +/- 0.035. Regarding 90Sr, there is no significant tendency to higher transfer rate for the radionuclide from turf component compared to that for soil component. A contribution of soil component as well as turf component of soil was evaluated as an additional source of milk contamination while grazing cattle. It was concluded that the contribution is not pronounced at the remedial period after the accident (approximately 3% from total activity consumed with ration) and it can be rejected in cattle breeding practice. The results achieved can be used for prediction of radionuclides concentrations in milk produce in cattle breeding under industrial contamination of agricultural lands.  相似文献   

Levels of soil contamination with 90Sr and 137Cs radionuclides on the plots within the zone of Eastern-Ural radioactive trace exceed values of the global level 4-240 times. We have carried out allozyme analysis of apomict species Taraxacum officinale s.l. from this zone. Zimogrammes were interpreted as allozyme phenotypes. In condition of chronic irradiation the plants had increased phenogenetic variability of majority enzymes systems and high frequency of rare morphs. Thus, in plant coenopopoulations situated in radioactive-polluted zone, genomic recombination processes show higher intensity. High enzymatic variability provides the material for natural selection and increase the adaptive potential of coenopopulations.  相似文献   

The analysis of the content of radionuclides 90Sr, 137Cs, 238Pu, 239 + 240Pu and 241Am in water vegetation of flood plain reservoirs has allowed studing features of radionuclide accumulation by various species of macrophytes and revealing bioindicators of radionuclide contamination. Thus species-specificity of radionuclide accumulation can essentially change the contribution of different species to a percentage ratio of the radionuclide content in phytomass of reservoirs in comparison with fund of higher aquatic plants.  相似文献   

Radionuclide (137Cs and 90Sr) content in soil, plants, terrestrial vertebrates and invertebrates has been studied in Kalmyk ASSR, Turkmenian SSR, and Great Gobi Reserve (Mongolia). The content of radionuclides accumulated by wild animals in arid zone biogeocenoses and the patterns of radionuclide migration along food chains have been estimated. 90Sr was found to be involved in biological cycles with participation of soil and terrestrial organisms 3-23 times more intensively than 137Cs.  相似文献   

Activities of 137Cs and 90Sr, concentrations of the potassium and calcium ions in water and accumulation of the radionuclides in the organisms of various freshwater fish have been measured in the stagnant and semistagnant water reservoirs of Ukraine contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl accident. On the basis of the numerous experimental data for different regions the statistical parameters were derived describing the dependencies of the 137Cs and 90Sr concentration ratios in the muscle tissue of various fish species on the potassium and calcium concentrations in water, respectively.  相似文献   

The studies of 137Cs and 90Sr accumulation characteristics by birch wood (Betula pendula Roth.) growing in different edaphic conditions. Were conducted was stated that the increase in soil fertility from trophotops A to D results in 5-fold 137Cs transfer factor decrease and 2-fold decrease of 90Sr. Soil humidity increase for each grade of trophic net results happens the increase of 137Cs transfer factors to wood and decrease for 90Sr. Total activity of 37Cs and 90Sr in birch wood plantation depends on plantation productivity and on radionuclide transfer factors depending on different plantation conditions. In the most prevailing edaphotops (B2, B3, C2 and C3) birch wood accumulates 0.6-1.2% of 137Cs and 13-19% of 90Sr from total activity of radionuclides in biogeocenosis.  相似文献   

In the course of laboratory experiment, parameters of 90Sr and 137Cs excretion were estimated in individuals of bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus, captured at one of the most contaminated sites of the Chernobyl zone. The animals were kept under laboratory conditions using "clean" feed during 50 days. The similar investigation was carried out with laboratory mice Mus musculus (Big Blue line) during a longer period (184 days). The measurements of 90Sr content in the animals' body were in vivo carried out, using a specially designed beta-spectrometer with appropriate software, and 137Cs one--by the gamma-spectrometer. During the experiment, the animals had lost less 0.4% of activity due to physical decay of radionuclides. The organism was depurated mainly through biological excretion. In accordance with parameters of one-component exponential decay equation, 99.3% of 137Cs initial content in vole was excreted with half-life period of 2.18 days, and mice--4.4 days (99%). 90Sr excretion had longer half-life period: 11.7 days (56%) in voles, and 49.9 days (87%) in laboratory mice. The rest radionuclides amount of given model was considered as non-excreted from the organism during the observation period. It was determined on the example of voles that 90Sr and 137Cs loss in males was faster than in females, and among females more intensive excretion was in lactating females. 137Cs excretion from the body of bank vole is mainly with urine (74.7%), whereas 90Sr one--with feces and urine in approximately equal amounts. Due to the birth of babies and consequent feeding female lose appreciably less amount of radionuclides body burden than at daily loss with urine and feces.  相似文献   

The decision of protein problem on contaminated by radionuclides territories as a result of the accident on Chernobyl NPP is not possible without increase of the sowing areas legumes crops (peas, lupine, soybean). Introduction in agricultural manufacture of grades with a low level of accumulation radionuclides (peas--Aist, Polesskay, Gomelskay Agat; soybean--Severnaya zvezda, Mageva) will allow to receive agricultural production adequate "Republican allowable levels of the contents of 137Cs and 90Sr in agricultural raw material and forages" on arable lands at their higher density of radioactive contamination: 137Cs--1300-1480 kBq/m2 (35.0-40.0 Ci/km2): 90Sr--18.5-37.0 kBq/m2 (0.50-1.00 Ci/km2).  相似文献   

Evaluation of the zoogenic transfer of radionuclides from the 30-km zone around the Chernobyl NPP was necessary because of the enormous heavily polluted territory and mighty flow of migratory birds who tended to large rivers, the Dnieper and Pripyat. The integral estimate of the transferred amount was obtained as a product of three variables: the transfer factor (0.0077 m2/kg for 137Cs; 0.0107 m2/kg for 90Sr), the density of birds (0.002 kg/m2, at the mass of migrants about 5000 t per year), and the total fund of radionuclides throughout the territory. The upper estimated limit of the annual transfer rate was 5.5 Ci (2E + 11 Bq) for 137 Cs and 1.8 Ci (6.7E + 10 Bq) for 90 Sr. Restrictions of hunting are recommended within the northern part of the Kiev reservoir.  相似文献   

The results of the researches of spices-specificity, accumulation dynamics and distribution of 90Sr, of 137Cs and of transuranic elements in fish of the Chernobyl NPP exclusion zone are analysed. The data of estimations of absorbed doze rate from incorporated radionuclides for pray fish and predatory species are given. For the fish from the lake of the left-bank floodplain of the Pripyat River the increase of 90Sr specific activity is registered which is presumably connected with the dynamics of the physical-chemical forms of the radionuclide in soils and their wash out in water bodies from the catchment basin. Now about 90% of internal dose rate of fish from closed aquatic ecosystems within the Chernobyl NPP exclusion zone is caused by 90Sr incorporation.  相似文献   

This article is a review the recent results of research in the accumulation of natural and artificial radionuclides in birds from Russia (Adigea, Krasnodar, Rostov, Astrahan and Moscow regions, Novaya Zemlya isles), Ukraine, Vietnam, Poland, Ethiophia and Mongolia after global precipitation and local pollution, such as in the East-Urals radioactive region and radioactive zones after the Chernobyl accident. Resident birds reflect local level of radionuclide contamination. The 90Sr concentration in the food of the Pied Flycatcher had a tendency to increase in dependent of age. The Common Jay and the Mallard were the most contaminated with 137Cs in the Bryansk region. The total content of various radio-isotopes of plutonium in bird bones from Southwest Russia were hundred and thousand times more, than in Mongolia. Activity levels in specimens from Ethiopia bear record to Ethiopia can notbe a "pure" control site in radioecological research and radioactive background since it does not significantly differ from Turkmenia and Mongolia.  相似文献   

5种水生植物对所用4种放射性同位素都有一定的清除能力,其清除能力的大小不仅取决于生物的种类,而且还取决于生物本身代谢率的高低。试验结果:去污率高的可达80%,积累系数最高可达1,500;水体中含Ca量的多少对生物吸收积累放射性物质的多少有一定的影响;生物在积累放射性物质之后,转移到无放射性物质的水体中将释放出原积累的一部分放射性物质。    相似文献   

Basic features of seasonal and multiyear dynamics of accumulation of Chernobyl-derived 137Cs and 90Sr in wood are considered. Seasonal variation in the radionuclide concentration are shown to be more regular and predictable than the multiyear variation. Seasonal dynamics of 137Cs is opposite by trend to that of 90Sr. The multiyear dynamics of both 137Cs and 90Sr in the wood is variable and depends on chemical nature of individual radionuclide, type of landscape, kinetics of the radionuclide plant-available forms, and irreversible fixation of the radionuclides in the root-abundant soil layer.  相似文献   

The radionuclide content was measured in mushrooms collected in different sites situated in the zone of the radiation influence on the Mining-and-Chemical Combine at Zheleznogorsk and on the control site, near Krasnoyarsk, in 2002-2004. The analytical investigations of fruiting bodies of 12 mushroom species have revealed three gamma-emitting radionuclides: 7Be, 40K (natural) and 137Cs (artificial). It was found that only three species contain 7Be; activity concentration of 40K is not species- and site-dependent, averaging 1600 Bq/kg. All collected samples contain 137Cs, and its accumulation by mushrooms is species-specific. Suillus concentrates more 137Cs activity than other species and can be used as a bioindicator of soil contamination with radiocesium. The average activity concentration of 137Cs in Suillus granulatus collected in the sites subjected only to aerosol discharges of the MCC is more than twice higher than 137Cs content of the mushrooms collected in the control site--"Krasnoyarsk". The maximum activity concentration of 137Cs in Suillus samples collected in the sites that receive 137Cs with the flood water is an order of magnitude higher, amounting to 8624 Bq/kg. The analysis of the radionuclide distribution in a mushroom shows that 40K activity concentration is the same in caps and stems of Suillus, and 137Cs concentration in Suillus caps is 1.7-2.3 times higher than in stems. Binding of radionuclides by mushroom biomass was determined by chemical fractionation; it was found that the highest activities of 137Cs and 40K are in the exchange-adsorption fraction (56 to 71% of the total content of a radionuclide) and in the organic fraction (23 to 37%). Calculations were made for determination of the coefficients of 40K and 137Cs transfer from the soil to the fruiting body of Suillus.  相似文献   

It is shown, that the roots of plants concentrate 137Cs and 90Sr from water solutions in different zones: 137Cs--mainly in a meristem zone, 90Sr--in a stretching zone. The similar character of radionuclide distribution was established regarding water and soil cultures. The real dose loading on critical tissues of main root have appeared to be much higher than it was expected from the assumption of uniform distribution of radionuclides in tissues.  相似文献   

The Techa river was contaminated in 1949-1956 from the nuclear enterprise "Mayak". The investigations were carried out in flood plain of the Techa river in 1992-2001. 90Sr and 137Cs stores were calculated in the soil-vegetation cover. There is uneven character of the spatial radionuclides contamination of the investigated area. The store with 90Sr changes from 25 to 930 kBq/m2 (0.7-25.0 Ci/km2) and that with 137Cs--from 30 to 1700 kBq/m2 (0.8-46.0 Ci/km2). In the preriver-bed soils the ratio 90Sr/137Cs increases with further from discharge point. Individual effective dose was calculated for the Brodocalmak population. 90Sr was revealed in the flood plain soils of the Iset river. The contribution of the contaminated Techa river and its flood plains soils accounted for as by incorporated radionuclides as background gamma-radiation does not exceed 0.13-0.17 mSv/yr if the contaminated Techa river utilization is limited. In other case the contribution of the contaminated Techa river increases to 1.6-3.0 mSv/yr. These values exceed international safety norms.  相似文献   

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