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The association between population dynamics and genetic variability is of fundamental importance for both evolutionary and conservation biology. We combined long-term population monitoring and molecular genetic data from 123 offspring and their parents at 28 microsatellite loci to investigate changes in genetic diversity over 14 cohorts in a small and relatively isolated population of mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus) during a period of demographic increase. Offspring heterozygosity decreased while parental genetic similarity and inbreeding coefficients (F(IS) ) increased over the study period (1995-2008). Immigrants introduced three novel alleles into the population and matings between residents and immigrants produced more heterozygous offspring than local crosses, suggesting that immigration can increase population genetic variability. The population experienced genetic drift over the study period, reflected by a reduced allelic richness over time and an 'isolation-by-time' pattern of genetic structure. The temporal decline of individual genetic diversity despite increasing population size probably resulted from a combination of genetic drift due to small effective population size, inbreeding and insufficient counterbalancing by immigration. This study highlights the importance of long-term genetic monitoring to understand how demographic processes influence temporal changes of genetic diversity in long-lived organisms.  相似文献   

Selection and mating methods for controlling inbreeding in selection programmes are based on relationships obtained from pedigrees. The efficiency of these methods has always been tested by studies using genetic models of independent loci. However, under linkage the rate of inbreeding obtained from pedigrees can be different from the probability of identity by descent of genes. We simulated a quantitative trait under artificial selection controlled by a large number of genes spread on genome regions of different sizes. A method to control inbreeding based on minimising the average coancestry of selected individuals with a restriction in the loss of selection response, and a mating procedure to control inbreeding were applied. These methods, that use coancestry relationships, were not effective in controlling inbreeding when the genome sizes were smaller than five morgans or so. However, for larger genome sizes the methods were sufficiently efficient. For very tight linkage, methods that utilise molecular information from markers should be used. We finally discuss the effects of the selection of individual major genes on the neutral variability of adjacent genome regions.  相似文献   

Grant  Peter R.  Grant  B. Rosemary  Petren  Kenneth 《Genetica》2001,(1):359-382
Events occurring at the founding of a population, and in the next few generations, are potentially of great importance for the future evolution of the population. This study reports demographic, genetic, and morphological changes that took place during and after the colonization of the small Galápagos island of Daphne Major by three male and two female large ground finches, Geospiza magnirostris, at the end of 1982. Using assignment tests with microsatellite DNA data we demonstrate heterogeneity among the immigrants. Their sources included both a near island (Santa Cruz) and a far island (Marchena). However, almost all immigrants that stayed to breed were from an intermediate island (Santiago) and its satellites. Song may have been responsible for this selectivity. Mean heterozygosity stayed roughly constant over the next 15 years while allelic diversity almost doubled, after an initial decline, as the breeding population increased to a maximum of 30 pairs. Although close inbreeding occurred, with a reduction in heterozygosity, an expected net decline in heterozygosity did not occur, for two reasons: it was counteracted by continuing gene flow from immigrants at a low rate, and inbred birds (in one cohort) were at a selective disadvantage. An abrupt step-function shift in beak shape occurred after 9 years. Thus the study provides evidence of drift and selection causing morphological and genetic divergence in the establishment of a new population and in the first few generations.  相似文献   

居群遗传学原理及其在珍稀濒危植物保护中的应用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
居群遗传学在珍稀濒危植物保护研究中有着重要的应用价值。本文首先介绍了居群遗传学中的几个重要概念——有效居群大小、近交繁殖、遗传漂变和基因流,然后详细叙述了居群遗传学原理在珍稀濒危植物保护中的应用途径和前景。  相似文献   

Population size and the nature of genetic load in Gentianella germanica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Theory predicts a significant relationship between the size of a population and the magnitude and composition of its genetic load, but few natural populations have been investigated. We examined the magnitude of genetic load due to recessive deleterious alleles (GL) both segregating and fixed within Gentianella germanica populations of varying size by selfing and reciprocally crossing plants within and between natural populations according to a partial diallel design and by comparing the performance of the experimental progeny in a common-garden experiment. The results show that GL for total fitness in small populations (fewer than 200 plants) was mainly due to fixed recessive deleterious alleles, whereas GL for total fitness in larger populations (more than 200 plants) appeared to be mainly due to segregating deleterious recessive alleles. The total fitness of selfed plants increased with decreasing population size, indicating some purging of deleterious alleles associated with declining population sizes. The magnitudes of GL due to fixed deleterious alleles in small populations and segregating deleterious alleles in large populations, however, were overall similar, suggesting that purging selection was an insignificant force when compared to genetic drift in determining the magnitude of GL in small natural populations in this species. The results of this study highlight the importance of population size in determining the dynamics of genetic loads of natural populations and are overall in line with a large body of theoretical work indicating that small populations may face higher extinction risks due to the fixation and accumulation of deleterious alleles of small effect.  相似文献   

It is timely to re-examine the phenomenon of polyploidy in plants. Indeed, the power of modern molecular technology to provide new insights, and the impetus of genomics, make polyploidy a fit, fashionable and futuristic topic for review. Some historical perspective is essential to understand the meaning of the terms, to recognize what is already known and what is dogma, and to frame incisive questions for future research. Polyploidy is important because life on earth is predominantly a polyploid phenomenon. Moreover, civilization is mainly powered by polyploid food – notably cereal endosperm. Ongoing uncertainty about the origin of triploid endosperm epitomizes our ignorance about somatic polyploidy. New molecular information makes it timely to reconsider how to identity polyploids and what is a polyploid state. A functional definition in terms of a minimal genome may be helpful. Genes are known that can raise or lower ploidy level. Molecular studies can test if, contrary to dogma, the relationship between diploids and polyploids is a dynamic two-way system. We still need to understand the mechanisms and roles of key genes controlling ploidy level and disomic inheritance. New evidence for genome duplications should be compared with old ideas about cryptopolyploidy, and new views of meiosis should not ignore premeiotic genome separation. In practice, new knowledge about polyploidy will be most useful only when it reliably predicts which crops can be usefully improved as stable autopolyploids and which genomes combined to create successful new allopolyloids.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 411–423.  相似文献   

It has been assumed, based on theoretical studies, that lethals with the level of dominance estimated from experimental studies would have an allele frequency that is virtually independent of effective population size. However, here it is shown numerically that the expected frequency of lethals with low levels of dominance is also dependent on finite population size, although not as much as completely recessive lethals. This finding is significant in determining the standing level of inbreeding depression and the consequent potential for the evolution of self-fertilization. In addition, the architecture of genetic variation influencing inbreeding depression in populations with a history of small size may be of important consequence in endangered species. Finally, it is shown that the loss of lethal genetic variation often occurs much more quickly than the regeneration of lethal variation by mutation. This asymmetry may result in a lower standing genetic variation for inbreeding depression than expected from mutation rates and contemporary population size data.  相似文献   

Gene duplication and evolutionary novelty in plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Duplication is a prominent feature of plant genomic architecture. This has led many researchers to speculate that gene duplication may have played an important role in the evolution of phenotypic novelty within plants. Until recently, however, it was difficult to make this connection. We are now beginning to understand how duplication has contributed to adaptive evolution in plants. In this review we introduce the sources of gene duplication and predictions of the various fates of duplicates. We also highlight several recent and pertinent examples from the literature. These examples demonstrate the importance of the functional characteristics of genes and the source of duplication in influencing evolutionary outcome.  相似文献   

高山林线形成机理及植物相关生理生态学特性研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
李明财  罗天祥  朱教君  孔高强 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5583-5591
高山林线作为极端环境条件下树木生存的界限,由于其对气候变化的敏感性,在全球变化研究中得到了广泛关注。研究高山林线形成机理以及林线地带植物相关生理生态学特性成为预测未来气候变化条件下植被动态变化的出发点。对于高山林线形成机理研究主要关注两方面问题:(1)林线地带外界环境如何限制乔木生长和分布,其内在机理如何;(2)灌木及草本相对于乔木在林线地区有哪些生存优势,从乔木到灌木及草本生活型演变的功能及意义如何。综述了当前高山林线形成机理及相关生理生态特性的国内外最新研究成果,指出尽管温度(尤其是生长季低温)在全球尺度上能解释大部分高山区域林线的分布,但树木生长和生存受限的内在机理并没有弄清楚,目前主要存在“碳受限”以及“生长受限”假说两大争论焦点。另外,理论上受温度控制的高山林线对气候变化的响应表现出不同的模式,表明全球变化对林线分布和植被生长影响的复杂性和不确定性。因此,未来的研究应该关注影响林线地区植被生长的多种生理生态学过程,比如水分及养分利用过程,以及从乔木到灌木及草本生活型演变的功能意义,从而为林线形成机理以及对气候变化的响应提供更好的解释。  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of dark respiration was carried out for 18 plant species inhabiting arctic zone (Wrangel Island, lat. 71° N) and temperate zone (Leningrad oblast, lat. 59° N). For 15 pairs of species examined, the Stocker’s rule was proved valid; i.e., respiration rates of identical species were equal at average temperatures of their natural habitats. The concept of respiratory features in boreal and mountain plants is described in its historic development. The possible causes for controversial data are explained. It is concluded that gas exchange measurements in natural plant habitats are the only valid means for characterizing plant respiration. Only such measurements should provide the basis for the discussion of global climate changes.  相似文献   

Estimates of effective population size (Ne) are required to predict the impacts of genetic drift and inbreeding on the evolutionary dynamics of populations. How the ratio of Ne to the number of sexually mature adults (N) varies in natural vertebrate populations has not been addressed. We examined the sensitivity of Ne/N to fluctuations of N and determined the major variables responsible for changing the ratio over a period of 17 years in a population of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from Washington State. Demographic and genetic methods were used to estimate Ne. Genetic estimates of Ne were gained via temporal and linkage disequilibrium methods using data from eight microsatellite loci. DNA for genetic analysis was amplified from archived smolt scales. The Ne/N from 1977 to 1994, estimated using the temporal method, was 0.73 and the comprehensive demographic estimate of Ne/N over the same time period was 0.53. Demographic estimates of Ne indicated that variance in reproductive success had the most substantial impact on reducing Ne in this population, followed by fluctuations in population size. We found increased Ne/N ratios at low N, which we identified as genetic compensation. Combining the information from the demographic and genetic methods of estimating Ne allowed us to determine that a reduction in variance in reproductive success must be responsible for this compensation effect. Understanding genetic compensation in natural populations will be valuable for predicting the effects of changes in N (i.e. periods of high population density and bottlenecks) on the fitness and genetic variation of natural populations.  相似文献   

Colonies of the polymorphic snail Cepaea nemoralis on the sand dune at Point of Air, north Wales, first sampled in 1962 by A.J. Cain and P.M. Sheppard, have been re-sampled after 35 years. The frequency of the mid-banded morph has increased. Overall, yellow frequency has decreased at the expense of pink, but the change is in different directions in different parts of the dune. Yellow mid-banded and pink five-banded, phenotype combinations controlled by alleles at unlinked loci, are in excess within colonies, which suggests an effect of selection. It is argued that changes in morph frequency are due, at least in part, to movement between colonies. Cepaea populations are slow to respond to environmental changes and displacement of individuals may be greater than is often assumed. It is therefore difficult to interpret frequency changes over time. Correlated changes in groups of colonies may not always be interpretable as indicating selection.  相似文献   

Climate change and abiotic stress factors are key players in crop losses worldwide. Among which, extreme temperatures (heat and cold) disturb plant growth and development, reduce productivity and, in severe cases, lead to plant death. Plants have developed numerous strategies to mitigate the detrimental impact of temperature stress. Exposure to stress leads to the accumulation of various metabolites, e.g. sugars, sugar alcohols, organic acids and amino acids. Plants accumulate the amino acid ‘proline’ in response to several abiotic stresses, including temperature stress. Proline abundance may result from de novo synthesis, hydrolysis of proteins, reduced utilization or degradation. Proline also leads to stress tolerance by maintaining the osmotic balance (still controversial), cell turgidity and indirectly modulating metabolism of reactive oxygen species. Furthermore, the crosstalk of proline with other osmoprotectants and signalling molecules, e.g. glycine betaine, abscisic acid, nitric oxide, hydrogen sulfide, soluble sugars, helps to strengthen protective mechanisms in stressful environments. Development of less temperature-responsive cultivars can be achieved by manipulating the biosynthesis of proline through genetic engineering. This review presents an overview of plant responses to extreme temperatures and an outline of proline metabolism under such temperatures. The exogenous application of proline as a protective molecule under extreme temperatures is also presented. Proline crosstalk and interaction with other molecules is also discussed. Finally, the potential of genetic engineering of proline-related genes is explained to develop ‘temperature-smart’ plants. In short, exogenous application of proline and genetic engineering of proline genes promise ways forward for developing ‘temperature-smart’ future crop plants.  相似文献   

木本植物多度在草原和稀树干草原中增加的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
熊小刚  韩兴国  陈全胜  潘庆民 《生态学报》2003,23(11):2436-2443
木本植物多度在草原和稀树干草原中增加已经成为全球范围普遍发生的现象。为揭示这一现象发生的原因,从放牧和气候变化与木本植物多度增加的关系、木本植物多度增加过程中的正反馈作用以及木本植物侵入的关键阶段——幼苗的补充和定居,这三个方面综述了目前的研究结果。强调放牧和气候变化之间的相互共同作用,可能引发了木本植物向草原和稀树干草原中的入侵;而生物引起的正反馈作用则进一步促进了木本植物的扩展。从生态系统干扰的角度,讨论了木本植物多度增加机制的复杂性,并指出木本植物幼苗补充和定居的连续性和间断性两种方式,对于草原和稀树干草原木本植物多度增加的贡献。  相似文献   

Climate is a potent selective force in natural populations, yet the importance of adaptation in the response of plant species to past climate change has been questioned. As many species are unlikely to migrate fast enough to track the rapidly changing climate of the future, adaptation must play an increasingly important role in their response. In this paper we review recent work that has documented climate‐related genetic diversity within populations or on the microgeographical scale. We then describe studies that have looked at the potential evolutionary responses of plant populations to future climate change. We argue that in fragmented landscapes, rapid climate change has the potential to overwhelm the capacity for adaptation in many plant populations and dramatically alter their genetic composition. The consequences are likely to include unpredictable changes in the presence and abundance of species within communities and a reduction in their ability to resist and recover from further environmental perturbations, such as pest and disease outbreaks and extreme climatic events. Overall, a range‐wide increase in extinction risk is likely to result. We call for further research into understanding the causes and consequences of the maintenance and loss of climate‐related genetic diversity within populations.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Despite the great importance of autopolyploidy in the evolution of angiosperms, relatively little attention has been devoted to autopolyploids in natural polyploid systems. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain why autopolyploids are so common and successful, for example increased genetic diversity and heterozygosity and the transition towards selfing. However, case studies on patterns of genetic diversity and on mating systems in autopolyploids are scarce. In this study allozymes were employed to investigate the origin, population genetic diversity and mating system in the contact zone between diploid and assumed autotetraploid cytotypes of Vicia cracca in Central Europe.


Four enzyme systems resolved in six putative loci were investigated in ten diploid, ten tetraploid and five mixed-ploidy populations. Genetic diversity and heterozygosity, partitioning of genetic diversity among populations and cytotypes, spatial genetic structure and fixed heterozygosity were analysed. These studies were supplemented by a pollination experiment and meiotic chromosome observation.

Key Results and Conclusions

Weak evidence of fixed heterozygosity, a low proportion of unique alleles and genetic variation between cytotypes similar to the variation among populations within cytotypes supported the autopolyploid origin of tetraploids, although no multivalent formation was observed. Tetraploids possessed more alleles than diploids and showed higher observed zygotic heterozygosity than diploids, but the observed gametic heterozygosity was similar to the value observed in diploids and smaller than expected under panmixis. Values of the inbreeding coefficient and differentiation among populations (ρST) suggested that the breeding system in both cytotypes of V. cracca is mixed mating with prevailing outcrossing. The reduction in seed production of tetraploids after selfing was less than that in diploids. An absence of correlation between genetic and geographic distances and high differentiation among neighbouring tetraploid populations supports the secondary contact hypothesis with tetraploids of several independent origins in Central Europe. Nevertheless, the possibility of a recent in situ origin of tetraploids through a triploid bridge in some regions is also discussed.  相似文献   

A transnational network of genetic conservation units for forest trees was recently documented in Europe aiming at the conservation of evolutionary processes and the adaptive potential of natural or man‐made tree populations. In this study, we quantified the vulnerability of individual conservation units and the whole network to climate change using climate favourability models and the estimated velocity of climate change. Compared to the overall climate niche of the analysed target species populations at the warm and dry end of the species niche are underrepresented in the network. However, by 2100, target species in 33–65 % of conservation units, mostly located in southern Europe, will be at the limit or outside the species' current climatic niche as demonstrated by favourabilities below required model sensitivities of 95%. The highest average decrease in favourabilities throughout the network can be expected for coniferous trees although they are mainly occurring within units in mountainous landscapes for which we estimated lower velocities of change. Generally, the species‐specific estimates of favourabilities showed only low correlations to the velocity of climate change in individual units, indicating that both vulnerability measures should be considered for climate risk analysis. The variation in favourabilities among target species within the same conservation units is expected to increase with climate change and will likely require a prioritization among co‐occurring species. The present results suggest that there is a strong need to intensify monitoring efforts and to develop additional conservation measures for populations in the most vulnerable units. Also, our results call for continued transnational actions for genetic conservation of European forest trees, including the establishment of dynamic conservation populations outside the current species distribution ranges within European assisted migration schemes.  相似文献   

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