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<正>南非,克鲁格国家公园。新向导费里尼对咕噜博士有点意见,他发现每次他和咕噜博士来考察,两人总得在寻找彼此这件事上耽误很长时间。类似事件发生十几次后,费里尼终于发飙:"你这家伙一天到晚都在迷路,还不如一只蚂蚁!"蚂蚁认路有"天赋"费里尼说的没错,对于认路,蚂蚁的确更有"天赋"。群体生活的蚂蚁经常独自外出并走很远的路去寻找食物,但无论走多远,就算突然乌云密布,遭遇"路况"突变,它们也照样能找到回家的路,看起来很神奇。咕噜博士被说成"路痴"很没面子,但他灵机一动,立即将计就计:"那你倒是说说它们是怎么做到永不迷路的?"  相似文献   

进化中,贮食者只有比不贮食的动物更有可能找到那些贮藏食物时,贮食行为才能成为一种进化稳定策略。本文综述了关于动物找回贮藏食物的假说及其实验验证。寻找贮藏食物时,穴蜂利用贮存地点附近的标志物的空间排列来定位。鸟类的嗅觉不发达,它们主要靠记忆埋藏地点的视觉信息找回埋藏的食物。啮齿动物和犬科动物主要靠嗅觉找回贮藏的食物。记忆埋藏地点对于灰松鼠、更格卢鼠,美洲赤狐和红松鼠也很重要。  相似文献   

间歇性外斜视患儿的注意跟踪能力异常   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
间歇性外斜视是儿童眼科的常见疾病之一,也是目前眼科学研究的热点领域之一.本研究使用多物体跟踪实验范式,系统考察了间歇性外斜视儿童,相对于弱视儿童以及正常对照儿童,注意的容量是否存在异常.实验结果发现间歇性外斜视儿童和弱视儿童的注意跟踪能力都显著地差于正常对照儿童,而且间歇性外斜视儿童和弱视儿童的跟踪成绩基本没有差别,他们的注意跟踪功能的受损程度相近.本研究首次报道了间歇性外斜视儿童注意能力的行为异常,对进一步研究间歇性外斜视的发病机理和早期临床诊断具有潜在的参考意义.  相似文献   

张知彬 Ushe.  MB 《动物学报》1993,39(3):338-340
本文采用无线电遥测技术研究了林姬鼠(Apodemus sylvaticus)移位后在英国农田生态景观中的迁移和扩散。结果发现:被移位到新环境后的林姬鼠表现为明显的不安静,直到找到新的适宜环境;林姬鼠在找回原来巢区时没有超常定位能力,一些林姬鼠经过一段时间后虽然返回了原巢区,但很快又离去;农田中的篱带(Hedgerows)对林姬鼠的扩散路线有一定作用。林姬鼠的这些扩散特点可能与种内或种间竞争,避免天敌捕食,景观生态因子等有关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨TD患儿的气质特征,以及气质作用下心理行为问题出现的可能性,为临床诊疗思路的完善提供可靠依据。方法:采用中国学龄前儿童气质量表(CPTS)及中国学龄儿童气质量表(CSTS)对312名TD患儿进行测查,并与中国常模进行比较。结果:患病组与常模组的气质类型分布有高度显著性差异(P0.01),患儿以中间近麻烦型和中间近容易型最多,TS组以麻烦型为主要气质特点,CTD组以中间型为主要气质特点,TTD组以中间型为主要气质特点。患病组的活动水平,反应强度,心境,持久性,注意转移气质维度的得分与常模组比较有显著性差异。结论:抽动障碍患儿的气质有其独特性,应根据其气质特征来制定相应的干预方案。建议尽早了解儿童的气质特点,给予积极的行为影响因素,会使TD儿童行为问题得到遏制。  相似文献   

几百年来,勘探者一直利用植物、狗、甚至蜜蜂来寻找矿藏。丹佛市美国地质调查局(USGS)的一组研究人员报道,有一种蜡状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus),特别喜爱下面埋有金、铜和其它矿物的表土,而这些矿物可能埋藏在几百英尺深的地方。尽管微生物已被用于石油勘探,但细菌可能用作采矿的路标,还是第一次提出来。  相似文献   

本研究的主要目的是建立昆明小鼠物体识别模型并评价该模型在安全药理学研究中的潜在应用价值。研究了昆明小鼠物体识别记忆随时间而减弱的特性,在训练结束后4h或1h,检测昆明小鼠的物体识别记忆,并评价了东莨胆碱对昆明小鼠物体识别记忆的影响。结果表明:1h间隔组昆明小鼠熟悉期探究物体的时间差和测试期探究物体的时间差存在显著差异(P<0.05),昆明小鼠在训练结束后1h记忆保持良好,可以进行物体识别;东莨胆碱组昆明小鼠熟悉期探究物体的时间差和测试期探究物体的时间差比较(P>0.05),没有显著性差异。因此,东莨胆碱损伤了昆明小鼠的物体识别记忆。用昆明小鼠建立的物体识别模型具有简单、快速、可靠等特点,在安全药理学研究中可用于检测化学药物对记忆的损伤。  相似文献   

有关场景一致性效应的研究发现,人们对与背景语义一致的前景物体的命名、分类、搜索和再认等都快于与背景不一致的物体.和与情境一致的物体相比,与情境不一致的物体在中央顶区等部位,会诱发一个幅度更大的负波(N390).旁海马皮层/旁海马位置区(PHC/PPA)和压部后皮层(RSC)是负责场景加工的重要脑区.场景一致性效应的时间进程可能首先由低空间分辨率(LSF)信息激活眶额皮层(OFC)(130 ms左右)、PHC/PPA和RSC,之后LSF信息与高空间分辨率(HSF)信息在颞叶进行整合.在诸多理论模型中,情境促进模型从生理角度对一致性效应作了较充分的解释.  相似文献   

基于SVM和平均影响值的人肿瘤信息基因提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于基因表达谱的肿瘤分类信息基因选取是发现肿瘤特异表达基因、探索肿瘤基因表达模式的重要手段。借助由基因表达谱获得的分类信息进行肿瘤诊断是当今生物信息学领域中的一个重要研究方向,有望成为临床医学上一种快速而有效的肿瘤分子诊断方法。鉴于肿瘤基因表达谱样本数据维数高、样本量小以及噪音大等特点,提出一种结合支持向量机应用平均影响值来寻找肿瘤信息基因的算法,其优点是能够搜索到基因数量尽可能少而分类能力尽可能强的多个信息基因子集。采用二分类肿瘤数据集验证算法的可行性和有效性,对于结肠癌样本集,只需3个基因就能获得100%的留一法交叉验证识别准确率。为避免样本集的不同划分对分类性能的影响,进一步采用全折交叉验证方法来评估各信息基因子集的分类性能,优选出更可靠的信息基因子集。与基它肿瘤分类方法相比,实验结果在信息基因数量以及分类性能方面具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

立体视觉不仅指对静态深度信息的感知,也包括对物体在三维空间中的运动方向的判断。本研究记录了人眼对于动态随机点图运动方向的辨别能力以及视觉训练在提高对动态信息分辨能力的作用。实验结果表明,对于没有任何相关经验的视力正常的受试者,很难分辨出动态随机点的深度运动方向,而视觉训练可以大大提高人眼对物体深度运动方向判断的敏感度。此外,这种视觉训练所达到的效果具有较长时间的持续性(至少6个月)。这种通过视觉训练提高受试者对立体运动信息的敏感度的方式为立体视觉相关的实验和研究提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

The analysis of the status of sympatho-adrenal and hypophysis-adrenal medulla systems of adaptation in children living in territories contaminated by radionuclides was carried out. A decrease in the catecholamine level in children's urine and hyperactivity of the hormonal response of adrenal medulla to endogenous ACTH indicated the reduced ability of adaptation and decreased resistance of children's organisms to stress factors of the environment.  相似文献   

By means of a careful search we found several representations of dynamic contents of events that show how the depiction of the passage of time in the visual arts has evolved gradually through a series of modifications and adaptations. The general hypothesis we started to investigate is that the evolution of the representation of the time course in visual arts is mirrored in the evolution of the concept of time in children, who, according to Piaget (1946), undergo three stages in their ability to conceptualize time. Crucial for our hypothesis is Stage II, in which children become progressively able to link the different phases of an event, but vacillate between what Piaget termed 'intuitive regulations', not being able to understand all the different aspects of a given situation. We found several pictorial representations - mainly dated back to the 14th to 15th century - that seem to fit within a Stage II of children's comprehension of time. According to our hypothesis, this type of pictorial representations should be immediately understood only by those children who are at Piaget's Stage II of time conceptualization. This implies that children at Stages I and III should not be able to understand the representation of time courses in the aforementioned paintings. An experiment was run to verify the agreement between children's collocation within Piaget's three stages - as indicated by an adaptation of Piaget's original experiment - and their understanding of pictorial representations that should be considered as Stage II type of representations of time courses. Despite the small sample of children examined so far, results seem to support our hypothesis. A follow-up (Experiment 2) on the same children was also run one year later in order to verify other possible explanations. Results from the two experiments suggest that the study of the visual arts can aid our understanding of the development of the concept of time, and it can also help to distinguish between the perceptual and the cognitive constraints (i.e. representational or cultural) in the representation of the succession of events.  相似文献   

The macroscopic, three-dimensional surface layout geometry of an enclosure apparently provides a different contribution for spatial reorientation than the geometric cues associated with freestanding objects arranged in arrays with similar geometric shape. Here, we showed that a unitary spatial representation can account for the capability of animals to reorient both by extended surfaces and discrete objects in a small-scale spatial task. We trained domestic chicks to locate a food-reward from an opening on isolated cylinders arranged either in a geometrically uninformative (square-shaped) or informative (rectangular-shaped) arrays. The arrays were located centrally within a rectangular-shaped enclosure. Chicks trained to access the reward from a fixed position of openings proved able to reorient according to the geometric cues specified by the shape of the enclosure in all conditions. Chicks trained in a fixed position of opening with geometric cues provided both by the arena and the array proved able to reorient according to each shape separately. However, chicks trained to access the reward from a variable position of openings failed to reorient. The results suggest that the physical constrains associated with the presence of obstacles in a scene, rather than their apparent visual extension, are crucial for spatial reorientation.  相似文献   

Spatial reorientation by layout geometry occurs in numerous species, but its underlying mechanisms are debated. While some argue that navigating animals' sense of place is based on geometric computations over three-dimensional representations, others claim it depends on panoramic image-matching processes. Because children reorient by subtle three-dimensional perturbations of the terrain and not by salient two-dimensional brightness contours on surfaces or freestanding columns, children's sense of place cannot be explained by image matching. To test image-matching theories in a different species, the present experiment investigates the reorientation performance of domestic chicks (Gallus gallus) in environments similar to those used with children. Chicks, like children, spontaneously reoriented by geometric relationships of subtle three-dimensional terrains, and not by salient two-dimensional brightness contours on surfaces or columns. These findings add to the evidence for homologous navigation systems in humans and other vertebrates, and they cast doubt on image-matching theories of reorientation in these species.  相似文献   



Plants are subjected to continuous stimuli from the environment and have evolved an ability to respond through various growth and development processes. Phototropism and gravitropism responses enable the plant to reorient with regard to light and gravity.  相似文献   

Purposeful movement requires that an individual produce appropriate joint torques to accelerate segments, and when environmental contact is involved, to develop task-appropriate contact forces. Developmental research has been confined largely to the mastery of unconstrained movement skills (pointing, kicking). The purpose of this study was to study the developmental progression that characterizes the interaction of muscular and non-muscular forces in tasks constrained by contact with the environment. Seven younger children (YC, 6-8 years), 7 older children (OC, 9-11 years) and 7 adults (AD) pedaled an ergometer (80 rpm) at an anthropometrically scaled cycling power. Resultant forces measured at the pedal's surface were decomposed into muscle, inertia and gravity components. Muscle pedal forces were further examined in terms of the underlying lower extremity joint torques and kinematic weights that constitute the muscular component of the pedal force. Data showed children applied muscle forces to the pedal in a significantly different manner compared to adults, and that this was due to the children's lower segmental mass and inertia. The children adjusted the contribution of the proximal joint muscle torques to compensate for reduced contributions to the resultant pedal force by gravitational and inertial components. These data show that smaller segmental mass and inertia limit younger children's ability to construct the dynamic-contact task of cycling in an adult-like form. On the basis of these results, however, the children's response was not "immature". Rather, the results show a task-appropriate adaptation to lower segmental mass and inertia.  相似文献   

Development of cue integration in human navigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mammalian navigation depends both on visual landmarks and on self-generated (e.g., vestibular and proprioceptive) cues that signal the organism's own movement [1-5]. When these conflict, landmarks can either reset estimates of self-motion or be integrated with them [6-9]. We asked how humans combine these information sources and whether children, who use both from a young age [10-12], combine them as adults do. Participants attempted to return an object to its original place in an arena when given either visual landmarks only, nonvisual self-motion information only, or both. Adults, but not 4- to 5-year-olds or 7- to 8-year-olds, reduced their response variance when both information sources were available. In an additional "conflict" condition that measured relative reliance on landmarks and self-motion, we predicted behavior under two models: integration (weighted averaging) of the cues and alternation between them. Adults' behavior was predicted by integration, in which the cues were weighted nearly optimally to reduce variance, whereas children's behavior was predicted by alternation. These results suggest that development of individual spatial-representational systems precedes development of the capacity to combine these within a common reference frame. Humans can integrate spatial cues nearly optimally to navigate, but this ability depends on an extended developmental process.  相似文献   

The ability to categorize elements of the environment is a fundamental aspect of information processing. Many experiments demonstrate the ability of birds and non-human primates to classify items according to their perceptual similarities. Few data are available regarding spontaneous classification of items according to a non-perceptual account in non-human animals. Here, we report unexpected results obtained with African grey parrots learning the referential use of French labels. Parrots did not learn the correct labels but they spontaneously produced more labels corresponding to food when a food item was presented to them and more labels corresponding to an object when shown an object item, although they were never rewarded for doing so. These results demonstrate a form of spontaneous categorization by using vocal imitation of the human language.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that animals, including humans, use the geometric properties of environments to orient. It has been proposed that orientation is accomplished primarily by encoding the principal axes (i.e., global geometry) of an environment. However, recent research has shown that animals use local information such as wall length and corner angles as well as local shape parameters (i.e., medial axes) to orient. The goal of the current study was to determine whether adult humans reorient according to global geometry based on principal axes or whether reliance is on local geometry such as wall length and sense information or medial axes. Using a virtual environment task, participants were trained to select a response box located at one of two geometrically identical corners within a featureless rectangular-shaped environment. Participants were subsequently tested in a transformed L-shaped environment that allowed for a dissociation of strategies based on principal axes, medial axes and local geometry. Results showed that participants relied primarily on a medial axes strategy to reorient in the L-shaped test environment. Importantly, the search behaviour of participants could not be explained by a principal axes-based strategy.  相似文献   

Honey bees are well known to rely on stored landmark information to locate a previously visited site. While various mechanisms underlying insect navigation have been thoroughly explored, little is yet known about the degree of integration of spatial parameters to form higher-level spatial representations. In this paper we explore the basic interactions between landmark cues and directional cues, which stand at the basis of our understanding of piloting mechanisms. A novel experimental paradigm allowed us independent manipulation of each parameter in a highly controlled environment. The approach taken was twofold: cue-conflict experiments were first conducted to examine the interactions between positional cues and directional cues. The bees were then successively deprived of sensory cues to question the dependence of landmark navigation on context cues. Our results confirm previous findings that landmark cues are used in concert with external directional cues if present. Conversely, the bees' ability to locate a food site was not disrupted in the absence of an external directional reference. Thus, bees store landmark memories in an egocentric frame of reference and only loose and facultative associations between visual memories and compass cues are formed.  相似文献   

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