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我国食用菌害虫的研究现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张志勇 《昆虫知识》1991,28(3):181-185
<正> 一、害虫种类的研究 我国食用菌栽培的历史悠久,但对其害虫的研究起步较晚,多数工作是80年代进行的。1981年杨集昆统计我国已明确的食用菌害虫仅5种,1982年沈水根调查并报道了上海菇房害虫8种。之后,一些作者相继对当地食用菌害虫进行了研究和报道,其中有一些新记录或新种,邹萍等对上海等地食用菌害螨进行了系统研究,发现有20余种螨类为害食用  相似文献   

我国柑桔害虫的研究现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵志模 《昆虫知识》2000,37(2):110-116
柑桔是我国南方最重要的果树之一。改革开放以来,柑桔生产的迅速发展对繁荣农村经济,增加农民收入,满足城乡人民的生活需求发挥了重要作用。据国家统计局发表的资料,1998年全国柑桔种植面积发展到127万hmz,总产量达85.9亿kg。但由于柑桔属多年生常绿果树,原产于中国,种植地区气候温和,雨量充沛,因此在柑桔生长发育过程中遭受多种害虫为害。据忡国果树病虫志》(第二版户已载,我国柑桔害虫有2门14目106科865种。在这些害虫中不少属于客居性或偶然发生、为害很轻的种类;有的属于与其他果树或作物共有的种类;只有一部分属柑桔的主…  相似文献   

我国微生物防治害虫的研究在中华人民共和国成立前就已开始,当时有利用病死野蚕制成浆液防治桑蟥的记载,蒲蛰龙在1941年曾进行过细菌防治菜粉蝶的试验。但是,这项研究只是在新中国成立后才受到重视,得到了较快的发展。建国初期,对白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana),苏芸金杆菌(Bacillus thurigiensis Berliner)进行过试验。1959年和1961年又先后对苏  相似文献   

我国花椒害虫研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张晓明  陈国华  李强 《昆虫知识》2009,46(4):532-537
危害我国花椒的害虫种类达190余种,隶属于16目82科。文章对我国广泛分布及危害严重的花椒害虫的危害特点、发生规律及防治技术进行综述,将我国花椒害虫分布及危害区分为北部、东部、西南部、华南部4个区域。北部地区的主要害虫包括5目24科30余种,危害严重的害虫为花椒窄吉丁甲、花椒桔啮跳甲、台湾狭天牛等;东部地区的主要害虫包括4目11科20余种,危害严重的害虫为台湾狭天牛、二斑黑绒天牛、吹棉蚧等;西南地区的主要害虫包括5目19科20余种,危害严重的害虫为棉蚜、桑拟轮蚧、花椒伪安瘿蚊等;华南地区的主要害虫包括3目16科20余种,危害严重的害虫为棉蚜、花椒桔啮跳甲、星天牛等。  相似文献   

我国害虫生物防治概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒲蛰龙 《昆虫学报》1976,(3):247-252

1997年春,沙县板栗试验场20hm~2的二年生板栗树开始抽梢展绿,可是还有几百株树却迟迟不见萌芽现绿。我们现场检查发现这些树多已枯死,稍微-推在离地面10-30cmd处的主干即断裂,断裂处均是交错蛀空的虫道、虫室,虫室中有一种甲虫及其幼虫、卵、蛹。把主干纵向剖开,也有众多的虫道、虫室和甲虫的成虫、幼虫、卵、蛹。我们随即对已经萌发抽梢的板栗树进行调查,发现许多树的主干上有数量不等的虫孔,株受害率高达77.6%。该虫的危害特点,是由于成虫蛀空了主干木质部造成水分、养分无法输导,而导致全株枯死。该甲虫…  相似文献   

本文对西方花蓟马在我国适生性进行了简要的分析,概述了当前国内外西方花蓟马综合防治的研究进展,并提出了在我国控制该虫扩散蔓延的对策.  相似文献   

我国农业害虫综合防治研究现状与展望   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
害虫综合防治作为农业生产的一项重要策略,在农业可持续发展中具有举足轻重的作用。近年来,针对我国害虫防治所存在的技术需求,科技部等部门先后通过973计划、863计划、科技支撑计划和农业行业专项等对重要害虫防治研究立项支持。通过这些项目的实施,我国建成了一支由国家和省级科研单位和大学组成的专业科研队伍和研究平台,对害虫监测预警技术、基于生物多样性保护利用的生态调控技术、害虫生物防治技术、化学防治技术、抗虫转基因作物利用技术等方面的研究取得了一系列的重要进展,研究建立了棉花、水稻、玉米、小麦和蔬菜等作物重要害虫的综合防治技术体系,并在农业生产中发挥了重要作用。以基因工程和信息技术为代表的第二次农业技术革命的到来,推动了害虫综合防治的理论发展,为害虫综合防治技术的广泛应用提供了新的机遇。地理信息系统、全球定位系统等信息技术和计算机网络技术的应用,提高了对害虫种群监测和预警的能力和水平,转基因抗虫作物的商业化种植等技术的应用显著增强了对害虫种群的区域性调控效率。针对产业结构调整和全球气候变化所带来的害虫新问题,进一步发展IPM新理论与新技术将成为我国农业昆虫学研究的重要方向之一。  相似文献   

<正> 我国劳动人民早在一千六百多年前,就利用生物防治害虫了。 解放以来,尤其从七十年代起,生物防治的科研和利用有了迅速发展。目前已成为防治病虫害的一个重要手段。主要成就有以下几个方面。 一、人工繁殖和利用的主要天敌 1.赤眼蜂 国内天敌研究以赤眼蜂工作做得较多。国际上已定名的有50多种,我国有记载的约18种,主要如松毛虫赤眼蜂、玉米螟赤眼蜂、稻螟赤眼蜂、螟黄赤眼蜂、拟澳洲赤眼蜂、广赤眼蜂、舟蛾赤眼蜂等。  相似文献   

我国的十四种检疫害虫   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马铃薯块茎蛾(图1)属鳞翅目麦蛾科,分布在我国西部和南部,计陕西二县,四川九县市,湖南四县,贵州十四县,云南八县,台湾本来就有,据最近报告安徽也有发现。它的寄主都是茄科植物,如:马铃薯(俗名马铃薯蛀虫,洋芋绣虫)、菸草(菸潜叶蛾)、茄子、番茄、蔓陀萝、刺蓟、酸浆等,而以为害马铃薯最占主要。成虫产卵在  相似文献   

中国南方害虫生物防治50周年回顾   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
综述了中国南方50年来害虫生物防治的研究与应用概况,特别是大卵(蓖麻蚕卵)繁殖赤眼蜂防治甘蔗螟虫的成功先例,为后来国内应用柞蚕卵繁殖赤眼蜂提供了宝贵经验。应用平腹小蜂防治荔枝蝽,解决了荔枝生产的主要害虫问题;引进澳洲瓢虫、孟氏隐唇瓢虫、松突圆蚧花角蚜小蜂均是我国生物防治成功的例证;以生物防治为主的水稻害虫综合防治研究坚持了20多年,从生产实践和理论方面均取得显著的成绩;在昆虫病原微生物的研究与应用方面,利用苏云金杆菌以色列变种防治蚊虫、松毛虫质多角体病毒的发现和应用、斜纹夜蛾核多角体病毒的分离以及中试和工厂化生产、昆虫病原线虫的大量繁殖与应用,取得了一批有应用价值的成果;在分子生物学研究方面,利用基因重组扩大了病原微生物的毒力与杀虫谱。总结和继承我国乃至世界上最早的以虫治虫(黄蚁防治柑桔害虫)的经验,对促进我国生物防治事业的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

福建省栗树害虫的考查(Ⅰ)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本记载福建省栗树害虫计昆虫纲8目,蛛形纲蜱螨亚纲1目,合计68科,约290种,并对其中比较重要的害虫种类进行简要的记述。全分(Ⅰ)(Ⅱ)两篇,(Ⅰ)42科约164种。  相似文献   

K. Katagiri 《BioControl》1969,14(2):203-214
In Japan, two different serious defoliators were controlled by viruses:Dendrolimus spectabilis using cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus andLymantria fumida using cytoplasmic and nuclear polyhedrosis viruses. For controllingD. spectabilis, good results were obtained when the spraying was done against old larvae of intermediate population density. AgainstL. fumida, a mixed suspension of native nuclear and cytoplasmic polyhedrosis viruses was sprayed at the early stage. The epizootic was initiated earlier than being supposed, and the population collapsed.  相似文献   

Cystatin CsC, a cysteine proteinase inhibitor from chestnut (Castanea sativa) seeds, has been purified and characterized. Its full-length cDNA clone was isolated from an immature chestnut cotyledon library. The inhibitor was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified from bacterial extracts. Identity of both seed and recombinant cystatin was confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry analysis, two-dimensional electrophoresis and N-terminal sequencing. CsC has a molecular mass of 11275 Da and pI of 6.9. Its amino acid sequence includes all three motifs that are thought to be essential for inhibitory activity, and shows significant identity to other phytocystatins, especially that of cowpea (70%). Recombinant CsC inhibited papain (Ki 29 nM), ficin (Ki 65 nM), chymopapain (Ki 366 nM), and cathepsin B (Ki 473 nM). By contrast with most cystatins, it was also effective towards trypsin (Ki 3489 nM). CsC is active against digestive proteinases from the insect Tribolium castaneum and the mite Dermatophagoides farinae, two important agricultural pests. Its effects on the cysteine proteinase activity of two closely related mite species revealed the high specificity of the chestnut cystatin.  相似文献   

Cotton is one of the most economically important crops in China, while insect pest damage is the major restriction factor for cotton production. The strategy of integrated pest management (IPM), in which biological control plays an important role, has been widely applied. Nearly 500 species of natural enemies have been reported in cotton systems in China, but few species have been examined closely. Seventy-six species, belonging to 53 genera, of major arthropod predators and parasitoids of lepidoptera pests, and 46 species, belonging to 29 genera, of natural enemies of sucking pests have been described. In addition, microsporidia, fungi, bacteria and viruses are also important natural enemies of cotton pests. Trichogramma spp., Microplitis mediator, Amblyseius cucumeris, Bacillus thuringiensis and Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus (HaNPV) have been mass reared or commercially produced and used in China. IPM strategies for cotton pests comprising of cultural, biological, physical and chemical controls have been developed and implemented in the Yellow River Region (YRR), Changjiang River Region (CRR) and Northwestern Region (NR) of China over the past several decades. In recent years, Bt cotton has been widely planted for selectively combating cotton bollworm, H. armigera, pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella, and other lepidopteran pest species. As a result of reduced insecticide sprays, increased abundance of natural enemies in Bt cotton fields efficiently prevents outbreaks of other pests such as cotton aphids. In contrast, populations of mirid plant bugs have increased dramatically due to a reduction in the number of foliar insecticide applications for control of the bollworms in Bt cotton, and now pose a key problem in cotton production. In response to this new pest issue in cotton production, control strategies including biological control measures are being developed in China.  相似文献   

中国森林害虫化学防治研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
近年来我国林业有害生物呈频发重发态势,严重危害林业生态安全。化学防治是目前森林害虫综合治理体系中不可或缺的措施之一。本文基于我国森林害虫发生特点,详实阐述森林害虫化学防治中烟雾防治、注干防治、昆虫生长调节剂防治和行为化学防治的作用、应用技术和存在的问题,并结合化学防治现阶段存在的问题,探讨了森林害虫化学防治未来发展方向,为我国森林害虫化学防治的研发和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

China has a very long history of biological control in citrus. Hundreds years ago, predatory ants (Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricius) were used to manage pests by Chinese citrus growers. Considerable effort has been placed on the use of biological control in citrus plant landscapes during last three decades. Many scientific studies have now been published, and some additional implementations have already working. In this paper, we review the research, development and application of biological control of citrus insect pests in China. In addition, the importance of biological control for the future control of citrus insect pests is also discussed.  相似文献   

Apple is one of the most important fruits in China, and both yield and quality are greatly affected by insect pests. According to surveys, there are more than 200 species of natural enemies in apple orchards. Few, however, have been closely studied. Major natural enemies including parasitoids, predators and pathogens are briefly described in this review, especially focusing on two parasitoids of Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura and Aphelinus mali Haldeman, predatory mites and a pathogenic fungus of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin as case studies. Augmentation, one important strategy of biological control, supplements the natural control provided by the existing natural enemy community in apple orchards, and greatly increases their efficiency in controlling pests. Conservation biological control is also widely applied in four major apple-producing areas. Based on habitat manipulation, the ground cover planting system helps regulate the microclimate and enhance the biodiversity of apple orchards, effectively conserving the richness and diversity of beneficial insect species. Certain achievements have been made in the main biological control strategies including successful introduction of some exotic natural enemies such as A. mali and Typhlodromus occidentalis Nesbitt, augmentative production and application of biological control agents such as T. dendrolimi, B. bassiana and Bacillus thuringiensis, and further research in conservation of establishing adaptive ground cover planting patterns to local environment. Challenges, however, still exist. Biological control of insect pests in apple orchards is an important part of integrated pest management programs, requiring more research and application in China.  相似文献   

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