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华南虻科三新种(双翅目:虻科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘维德 《昆虫学报》1981,(2):216-218
崇安虻Tabanus (Tabanus)chonganensis新种 雌虫体长22—25毫米棕黄色大型种。头部前额(frons)狭长,高度约为基部宽度8.5倍,两侧大致平行,或顶端稍大于基部宽度。基胛(callus)圆柱形,与亚胛(subcallus)几乎接触而与眼远离。中胛(median callus)线状,与基胛紧密接连,长度约达前额高度的一半。亚胛具淡黄色粉被。触角第1,2节淡黄色具黑毛丛,第3节第1环节深棕色,背缘有钝角突起,上有少量黑毛,长度约为最宽处宽度2倍。  相似文献   

双翅目(Diptera)短角亚目(Brachycera)的蜂虻科(Bombyliidae)昆虫常见于草原和田间,访花吸蜜,有助于植物授粉。蜂虻的幼虫多为捕食性或寄生性,蜂虻亚科(Bombyliinae)的雏蜂虻属(Anastoechus Osten—Saeken)昆虫主要在蝗虫的卵袋内寄食,庸蜂虹亚科(Exoprasopinae)的绒蜂虹属(Villa Lioy)昆虫主要寄生于夜蛾科幼虫,少数为鞘翅目的天敌。这两个属的蜂虻主要分布在古北区,体均粗壮而密生长毛,但从亚科的特征,特别是头部形态容易区分,绒蜂虻属的头近球形,后头极发达。  相似文献   

王遵明 《昆虫学报》1988,(3):323-325
本文记述了海南岛虻属(Tabanus)二新种,翅均具明显的斑纹,该类群的虻在我国属罕见。模式标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所。 壮蛇Tabanus omnirobustus新种(图1,3A) 雌虫体长22—24毫米。头部:复眼裸,无带。前额棕黑色,具黑毛,颇窄,基部窄于端部,基部宽度约为高度的10倍。基胛卵圆形,黑色,两侧与眼分离,上端延线超过前额高度的1/2。亚胛高、棕色,颜与颊黄色。触角黑色,柄节与梗节密覆黑毛,鞭节窄长,背  相似文献   

中国的麻虻属(双翅目:虻科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国的麻虻属 Haematopota经记录清理,国内保存标本的复核,共计52种。其中包括二新种,即似中华麻虻H.sineroides sp.nov.和骚扰麻虻H.vexativa sp.nov.。认为H.pungcnsis 是H.atrata 的误定,H.annandalei是H.personata的误定。对雌性有记载的51种作了分组研究,共分11组,即白条麻虻组H.atrata group 4种;繸腿麻虻组H.cilipes group 1种;毛股麻虻组H.pilosifemura group 5种;怒江麻虻组H.lukiangensis group 1种;条带麻虻组H.lineola group 3种;沥青麻虻组H.picea group 5种;黑角麻虻组H.nigriantenna group 9种;土耳其麻虻组H.rurkestanica group 3种;中华麻虻组H.sinensis group 3种;圆胛麻虻组H.irrorara group 6种;北京麻虻组H.pekingensis group 11种。并编制了分组分种检索表  相似文献   

四川省瘤虻属新种(双翅目:虻科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文记述了四川省瘤虻属6新种。模式标本均保存于中国科学院动物研究所。l.蜂形瘤虻Hybomitra mimapis,新种(图1) 雌虫体长13—14毫米。 头部 前额两侧平行,覆黄灰色粉被及黄黑毛,高度约为基部宽度的2.2—2.3倍。基胛黑色、略呈圆形,两侧与眼分离。中胛矛头状与基胛相连或分离,有些副模标本中胛不明显。单眼瘤卵圆形,棕色。亚胛、颜、颊均覆灰  相似文献   

江西省虻属一新种(双翅目:虻科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王遵明 《昆虫学报》1985,(2):225-226
雌虫体长20毫米,棕黑色。眼有二条带。前额颇窄,深棕,具黑毛;端部明显宽于基部,长为基宽的2倍,高为基宽的9倍。亚胛高,棕色,颊与颜亦棕色,颊具黑色短毛。口毛黑色。基胛黑色,棒状,上端延线超过前额高度的1/2。触角黑色,柄节密覆黑毛,梗节具黑毛,鞭节较窄长,背缘有明显的背角。下颚须黑色,第2节较窄长,末端钝,具黑毛。盾片黑棕,具浅棕色条纹。小盾片、翅前胛(prealar callus)亦呈黑棕。小盾片侧后缘具白毛。胸侧片黑色、覆同色毛。翅透明,具浅棕色阴影,R_4脉无附脉。腋瓣上的一丛毛白色。平衡棒棕色。足黑色,具同色毛。腹部背板黑色,第1—4节中央具不明显白点状斑,  相似文献   

若羌虻,新种Tabanus ruoqiangensis sp.nov.(图1,3,5,7) 鉴别特征 本新种接近T.zimini Olsufjev,1937,但具有暗棕色的触角,着色较浅的颜带及腹板Ⅷ 尾端凹陷较浅而可区分。 雌虻 沙土色,体长13—14毫米。 头部 眼深绿具二紫色带,近中胛另有一对不清楚的紫斑(回潮),额灰黄色,高为基宽的2.5—2.7倍;基胛亮暗棕色至棕黑色,两侧接触眼;中胛黑色,轮廓不清楚,头顶有棕  相似文献   

云南虻属一新种(双翅目:虻科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了虻属1新种-景洪虻,模式标本保存在北京军事医学科学院。  相似文献   

雌虫 体长8—9毫米。 头部 前额具黄灰色粉被及黑、黄色毛,高与基部宽度略等。额胛大、黑色,两侧与眼略有距离。单眼明显,周围有黑色光泽斑,颜与颊黄灰色。颜胛圆形,具黑色光泽。触角长,黑色,具同色毛,梗节长于柄节;鞭节略等于梗节与柄节之和。下颚须黑色、具浅黄色  相似文献   

我国瘤虻属三新种(双翅目:虻科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文记述了采自四川西北部和甘肃南部的瘤虻属三新种,模式标本除注明者外,均保存在军事医学科学院标本室。康定瘤虻Hybomitra kangdingensis新种(封三图1)雌虻体长14—16毫米。头部眼绿具3条紫色窄带,有的副模顶端的1条带不清楚(新鲜或回潮标本),覆盖密的深棕色毛,额高为基部宽  相似文献   

The larval host associations and mode of parasitism of Bombyliidae (bee flies) are summarized and analysed within an evolutionary framework. We discuss difficulties in extracting information from the (almost 1000) host records, noting that most observations are made by chance, often imprecise, and distributed unevenly across bombyliid taxa. These caveats aside, the vast majority of Bombyliidae are ectoparasitoid; endoparasitoids are known in only three tribes belonging to two distandy related subfamilies, the Toxophorinae (Gerontini and Systropodini) and Anthracinae (Villini). The recorded host range of Bombyliidae spans seven insect Orders and the Araneae; almost half of all records are from bees and wasps (Hymenoptera). No Bombyliidae have evolved structures to inject eggs directly into the host as is the case in many hymenopterous parasitoids. Bombyliid larvae usually exhibit hyper-metamorphosis, and contact their host while it is in the larval stage. Bee fly larvae consume the host when it is in a quiescent stage such as the mature larva, prepupa or pupa. Records of hyperparasitism by Bombyliidae are uncommon, most occurring in genera of the Anthracinae. All bombyliids recorded as hyperparasitoids do not appear to have evolved in any close association with the primary host, and are best termed pseudohyperparasitoids. Both facultative and obligate pseudohyperparasitism has been recorded. Bombyliidae are difficult to place in the koinobiont/idiobiont classification used most extensively in Hymenoptera but they share most features of koinobionts. Provision-directed cleptoparasitism has been recorded in one genus. We propose an evolutionary scenario progressing from an ancestral substrate-zone free-living predator to ectoparasitoid, a broadening of host range to include the consumption of orthopteran egg pods, and the independent development of endoparasitism in two lineages. The suggestion that host range narrows as the intimacy of encounter between female parasitoid and host increases is supported in the Bombyliidae. Amongst the basal subfamilies which are parasitoids, host range is narrowest in the Toxophorinae. In the more derived subfamilies host range is generally broad, and is dictated by ecological context rather than host phylogeny. Bombyliidae violate the prediction of increased species richness in parasitic groups, and the broad host range of most bee flies is a possible explanation.  相似文献   

Cladistic analysis is used to isolate the monophyletic group of genera that comprise the Australian Lomatiinae and to investigate the relationships between the Australian genera. Cladograms of genera in the Australian Tomophthalmae and Lomatiinae are presented. Myonema Roberts and Neosardus Roberts are placed in the Cylleniinae, Antonia Loew remains in the Antoniinae and Petrorossia Bezzi is placed in the Anthracinae. The relationship of the Australian lomatiines to the world fauna is discussed, as are the relationships between the Australian genera. Docidomyia White is included in the Lomatiinae and is the sister group of all other genera of the subfamily: Comptosia Macquart sens.lat.; Doddosia Edwards, Oncodosia Edwards and Paramonovomyia Evenhuis. The current diagnosis of the Lomatiinae is changed to reflect the inclusion of Docidomyia. The two subgenera of Comptosia sensu Edwards, Aleucosia Edwards and Comptosia , were not each others' closest relatives in the strict consensus tree. Thus Comptosia as currently recognized is paraphyletic and the two subgenera are treated as genera, Aleucosia stat.nov. and Comptosia stat.nov.  相似文献   

.The endemic Australian genus Oncodosia Edwards is redescribed and diagnosed. Four species are recognized, three redescribed and one, O.triangularis , described as new. Lectotypes are designated for O.patula (Walker) and O.plana (Walker). A cladogram of the species is proposed and a key to species is presented. Wings and genitalia are illustrated. New records extend the known generic distribution eastwards across the continent.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(7):401-405
Paleolomatia menatensis gen. and sp. n., oldest Bombyliidae sensu stricto, is described from the Paleocene of Menat (France). The new genus, based on the wing venation, is attributed to the rather ‘derived’ subfamily Lomatiinae, strongly supporting a Late Cretaceous age for the diversification of the pollinator bee flies, in relation with the floristic changes and the angiosperm radiation that occurred at the same time.  相似文献   

The distributions of 229 beefly (Diptera: Bombyliidae) species across the eight Egyptian ecological zones, together with their faunal affinities to the main zoogeographical regions, were used to test the suggestion of Holt et al. (2013) that the SaharoArabian is a distinct region rather than a subregion of the Palaearctic. All Egyptian ecological zones but one have greater affiliation to the Palaearctic and SaharoArabian than to the Afrotropical region; the Gebel Elba ecological zone, the southeastern triangle of Egypt, has greater affinities with the Afrotropics. Affinities to the Saharo-Arabian region were not different from those to the Palaearctic. From its bombyliid fauna, therefore, the Saharo-Arabian region is so closely allied to the Palaearctic as to constitute merely a subregion of it. Sinai shows a high level of endemism reflecting its isolation from other parts of Egypt.  相似文献   

Bee flies (Bombyliidae) were recorded as parasitoids of larval tiger beetles at two rain forest localities (near São Paulo and Manaus) in Brazil. Anthrax gideon was reared from larvae of Oxycheila tristis. Up to 33 parasitoid larvae were found on a single tiger beetle host. Pupation of the bee fly took place in late August and the pupal stage lasted 14 days. The host digs horizontal burrows in contrast to the great majority of cicindelids, as does Pseudoxycheila tarsalis, the other known host of A. gideon. Two pupae of another undetermined Anthrax species were reared from larvae of Pentacomia ventralis in Central Amazonia. Pupation of this Anthrax sp. took place in October, the period of lowest host abundance.  相似文献   

Bee-flies (Bombyliidae) have morphological adaptations of the mouthparts to particular floral traits. To investigate this the short, plesiomorphic proboscis of Hemipenthes morio was compared with the long, apomorphic proboscis of Bombylius major . A novel feeding position enables B. major to use flowers that open to the side as additional nectar sources. The new horizontal feeding position is enabled by the prolonged ventral base of the proboscis. Bombylius major exploits deep corolla tubes with an elongate proboscis, and an increased efficiency in both the suction pumps and the sealing mechanisms of the proboscis. The exploitation of narrow corolla tubes is made possible by the shift from a sponging feeding mode, exhibited by H. morio , to the exclusively sucking mode in B. major . Besides quantitative changes in the proportions of the different proboscis components, labellar movements as well as the structures of saliva distribution are changed along with this shift. The labial musculature of B. major does not significantly differ from the plesiomorphic state, since both examined species do not only feed on nectar, but also on pollen.  相似文献   

Catherine A. Toft 《Oecologia》1983,57(1-2):200-215
Summary Highly diverse assemblages of nectivorous bee flies (Diptera: bombyliidae) occur at desert sites in California presenting an opportunity to investigate the ecology of this little-known group. This study compared communities of adult bee flies visiting flowers at two sites, one in the Mojave Desert (Darwin Plateau) and one in the Great Basin (Mono Basin), during periods of higher and lower resource abundance. The range of resources used by single species varied inversely with the number of species present, with the greatest number of species and smallest niche breadths occurring at the Darwin Plateau. Adult bee flies did not visit flower resources at random. Rather the two major divisions of the family exhibited contrasting patterns of specialization on plant species. Results of this study support the hypothesis that resources were limiting for adult bee flies in the period of lower food abundance at the Darwin Plateau and not limiting at the Mono Basin during this study. Bee flies at the Mono Basin exhibited lower densities per flower (despite higher densities per unit area), lower frequency of feeding, a lower degree of specialization, and less pronounced phenological changes than bee flies at the Darwin Plateau. The data suggest that episodes of population regulation in the non-parasitic (i.e. adult) stage, due to short supply of the adults' food, contribute to determining the structure of parasitoid communities.  相似文献   

The clypeus of Bombyliidae is subdivided into five morpho-functional parts: median centroclypeus, two lateral “membranes,” and two sclerotized zones. The centroclypeus and lateral membranes are formed by solid sclerotized cuticle and are apparently non-extensible. The dorsal hinge, around which the centroclypeus turns with respect to the head capsule, is an intraclypeal structure formed by rigid cuticle. The true membranes occur only in the distal portion of the clypeus and also at the bases of the labrum and labium. In the long-proboscid bombyliids, the labial base lies deep in the head cavity when the proboscis is in the resting position. As in the previously studied members of Stratiomyidae, the precerebral portion of bombyliid foregut shifts over a considerable distance during the movements of the proboscis. This makes the functioning of the radial pharyngeal dilators impossible, and these muscles disappear, while the typical sclerotized pharynx is modified into an oesophagus-like tube. The formation of the fulcrum is usually related to the development of the clypeus mobility. This process occurred repeatedly in several taxonomically distant dipteran groups.  相似文献   

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