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Each of the two largest brome mosaic virus RNAs, RNA1 and RNA2, directs the synthesis of a large protein in cell-free extracts derived from wheat embryo. The size of each protein represents the translation of almost the entire length of the corresponding RNA. It was shown previously that brome mosaic virus RNA4 directs the synthesis of the coat protein and that brome mosaic virus RNA3, although it also contains the coat protein cistron, is translated mostly into a single product unrelated to the coat protein (Shih & Kaesberg, 1973). Thus, the brome mosaic virus genome encodes a total of four proteins.  相似文献   

Summary 3 terminal fragments of BMV RNA as short as 153 bases in length serve as efficient templates in vitro for BMV-specific RNA polymerase. Template activity of such fragments or of native BMV RNA is abolished when cDNA fragments as short as 39 bases are hybridized to their 3 termini. Hybridization of cDNa fragments to regions of BMV RNA 200 or more bases distal to the 3 end has no discernible effect on initiation and little effect on elongation. We conclude that BMV RNA polymerase initiates binding with an RNA template through a mechanism mediated by the tRNA-like 3 end of BMV RNA, requiring at least some of the last 39, but no more than the last 153 bases.  相似文献   

A 3′-terminal fragment, about 160 nucleotides long, was cleaved by limited nuclease digestion from each of the four RNA components of brome mosaic virus, and purified by two cycles of gel electrophoresis. These fragments accepted tyrosine in reactions catalyzed by wheat germ aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. Analyses of nuclease digests suggested that the sequences of the fragments from brome mosaic virus RNA 3 and 4 were identical and that the fragments from RNA 1 and 2 differed from that of RNA 4 only in the positions of two and one nucleotides, respectively. A fragment isolated in a similar way from cowpea chlorotic mottle virus was similar in size to the brome mosaic virus RNA fragments, accepted tyrosine in the presence of wheat germ aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase, but had a substantially different nucleotide sequence.  相似文献   

From the studies on the spermidine stimulation of polyphenylalanine synthesis catalyzed by E. coli 50S and reconstituted 30S particles containing 16S RNA and 30S ribosomal proteins from E. coli and B. thuringiensis in different kinds of combinations, it is concluded that 16S RNA is mainly responsible for the stimulation of polypeptide synthesis by spermidine.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison was made of the amino acid sequences of the proteins encoded by RNAs 1 and 2 of alfalfa mosaic virus (A1MV) and brome mosaic virus (BMV), and the 126K and 183K proteins encoded by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Three blocks of extensive homology of about 200 to 350 amino acids each were observed. Two of these blocks are located in the A1MV and BMV RNA 1 encoded proteins and the TMV encoded 126K protein; they are situated at the N-terminus and C-terminus, respectively. The third block is located in the A1MV and BMV RNA 2 encoded proteins and the C-terminal part of the TMV encoded 183K protein. These homologies are discussed with respect to the functional equivalence of these putative replicase proteins and a possible evolutionary connection between A1MV, BMV and TMV.  相似文献   

It is shown that the stimulation of polyphenylalanine synthesis by spermidine is due mainly to the stimulation of initiation of polypeptide synthesis by following reasons: 1) the binding of poly(U) to ribosomes was stimulated more by spermidine than the binding of Phe-tRNA to ribosomes, and 2) the number of polyphenylalanine chains was increased more by spermidine than the extension of the chain length. In addition, it is shown that 30S ribosomal subunits are responsible for the stimulation of polyphenylalanine synthesis by spermidine.  相似文献   

The spermidine stimulation of AUG dependent F-met-tRNA binding to 30S ribosomal subunits and polypeptide synthesis was greater than that of GUG dependent F-met-tRNA binding and polypeptide synthesis. Spermidine stimulation of polypeptide synthesis was greatest when AUG(U)n was used as a template.  相似文献   

Little is known about the mechanisms of intracellular targeting of viral nucleic acids within infected cells. We used in situ hybridization to visualize the distribution of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) viral RNA (vRNA) in infected tobacco protoplasts. Immunostaining of the ER lumenal binding protein (BiP) concurrent with in situ hybridization revealed that vRNA colocalized with the ER, including perinuclear ER. At midstages of infection, vRNA accumulated in large irregular bodies associated with cytoplasmic filaments while at late stages, vRNA was dispersed throughout the cytoplasm and was associated with hair-like protrusions from the plasma membrane containing ER. TMV movement protein (MP) and replicase colocalized with vRNA, suggesting that viral replication and translation occur in the same subcellular sites. Immunostaining with tubulin provided evidence of colocalization of vRNA with microtubules, while disruption of the cytoskeleton with pharmacological agents produced severe changes in vRNA localization. Mutants of TMV lacking functional MP accumulated vRNA, but the distribution of vRNA was different from that observed in wild-type infection. MP was not required for association of vRNA with perinuclear ER, but was required for the formation of the large irregular bodies and association of vRNA with the hair-like protrusions.  相似文献   

The spermidine synthesis inhibitors methylglyoxal bis-(guanylhydrazone) (MGBG) and dicyclohexylammonium sulfate (DCHA) were found to reduce growth and embryogenesis in wild carrot cultures. Cellular polyamine levels were also affected by the inhibitors, with spermidine levels being especially reduced by DCHA. Similarly, MGBG reduced organogenetic development of shoots on excised aspen hypocotyls. These data suggest that the polyamines, especially spermidine, play an important role in the growth and development of plants.  相似文献   

Reassembly of tobacco mosaic virus from the isolated RNA and protein, supplied as a disk preparation consisting of over 75% as the disk aggregate, has been followed by the protection of the RNA from nuclease digestion. The sizes of the RNA fragments were determined on agarose/acrylamide gels.During the first few minutes the protected RNA is found to be “quantized” into discrete lengths, differing on average by about 50 or 100 nucleotides, corresponding to one or two turns of the virus helix and strongly supporting the hypothesis that elongation in the major direction, towards the 5′-hydroxyl end, is occurring by the direct addition of protein disks. Protected RNA of the full length found in tobacco mosaic virus is visible within six minutes of starting reassembly, and by 30 minutes most of the RNA is fully protected.  相似文献   

Structural changes in the single-stranded genome RNAs (RNAs 1, 2 and 3) and the subgenomic coat protein messenger (RNA 4) of alfalfa mosaic virus upon addition of a few coat protein molecules of the virus were investigated by measuring the fluorescent intensity of bound ethidium bromide and by circular dichroism. No effect could be observed in the case of the genome RNAs. However, in RNA 4, which is of much less complexity than the genome RNAs, a reduction of the ethidium bromide binding by 30% was found, whereas the positive molar ellipticity at 265 nm was reduced by 9% upon binding of the coat protein. Both changes point to a reduction of the ordered structure of the RNA. Since the protein is known to bind first at the 3′-terminus of RNA 4 and probably also of the genome RNAs, the conformational changes observed could be those thought to be necessary for replicase recognition in this positive-stranded RNA virus which needs the coat protein for starting an infection cycle.  相似文献   

To clarify the binding properties of hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein and its viral RNA for the encapsidation, morphogenesis, and replication of HCV, the specific interaction of HCV core protein with its genomic RNA synthesized in vitro was examined in an in vivo system. The positive-sense RNA from the 5' end to nucleotide (nt) 2327, which covers the 5' untranslated region (5'UTR) and a part of the coding region of HCV structural proteins, interacted with HCV core protein, while no interaction was observed in the same region of negative-sense RNA and in other regions of viral and antiviral sense RNAs. The internal ribosome entry site (IRES) exists around the 5'UTR of HCV; therefore, the interaction of the core protein with this region of HCV RNA suggests that there is some effect on its cap-independent translation. Cells expressing HCV core protein were transfected with reporter RNAs consisting of nt 1 to 709 of HCV RNA (the 5'UTR of HCV and about two-thirds of the core protein coding regions) followed by a firefly luciferase gene (HCV07Luc RNA). The translation of HCV07Luc RNA was suppressed in cells expressing the core protein, whereas no significant suppression was observed in the case of a reporter RNA possessing the IRES of encephalomyocarditis virus followed by a firefly luciferase. This suppression by the core protein occurred in a dose-dependent manner. The expression of the E1 envelope protein of HCV or beta-galactosidase did not suppress the translation of both HCV and EMCV reporter RNAs. We then examined the regions that are important for suppression of translation by the core protein and found that the region from nt 1 to 344 was enough to exert this suppression. These results suggest that the HCV core protein interacts with viral genomic RNA at a specific region to form nucleocapsids and regulates the expression of HCV by interacting with the 5'UTR.  相似文献   

Due to the broad spectrum of biological activities of flavonoids, their target molecules in the cell are intensively studied. We examined the interactions of the flavonoid quercetin (Q) and its lanthanum complex (QLa3+) with very recently isolated plant viral satellite (sat) dsRNA. Comparison of the cumulative binding affinity and the estimated intercalative binding constant pointed towards an additional binding mode of quercetin to exclusively viral dsRNA, which is not recorded for synthetic dsRNAs. The QLa3+ showed significantly higher affinity toward viral dsRNA than Q and La3+ alone, most likely as the consequence of quercetin intercalation accompanied by additional electrostatic interaction of La3+ with the negatively charged viral RNA backbone.  相似文献   

Many applications in biotechnology require human proteins generated from human cells. Stable cell lines commonly used for this purpose are difficult to develop, and scaling to large numbers of proteins can be problematic. Transient expression can circumvent this problem, but protein yields are generally too low for most applications. Here we report a novel 37‐nucleotide leader sequence that promotes rapid and high transgene expression in mammalian cells. This sequence was identified by in vitro selection and functions in a transient vaccinia‐based cytoplasmic expression system. Vectors containing this sequence produce microgram levels of protein in just 6 h from a small‐scale expression in 106 cells. This level of protein synthesis is ideal for high throughput production of human proteins, and could be scaled to generate milligram quantities of protein. The technology is compatible with a broad range of cell lines, accepts plasmid and linear DNA, and functions with viruses that are approved for use under BSL1 conditions. We suggest that these advantages provide a powerful method for generating human protein in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectra of a number of viruses and E. Coli ribosomes revealed that experimental values of the linewidth (πT2)?1 (< 320 Hz) and T1 (< 1 sec) of the observable nuclei are too small to be accounted for by the system's molecular weight. The nuclei therefore must be internally mobile. From 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectra of 12% 13C enriched E. Coli ribosomes, it follows that 30% of the 5000 CH2CH3 groups, 10–20% of the 225 Phe residues, 20% of the δ-Arg and β-Lys carbons, ~ 100 nucleotides and a number of Cα carbons are internally mobile. It is demonstrated that 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance can fruitfully be applied to intact ribosomes.  相似文献   

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