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Surface characteristics of the bovine oocyte and its investments before, during, and after maturation, and fertilization in vitro were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Oocyte diameters were also measured during SEM analysis of the oocyte. The cumulus cells manifested a compact structure with minimal intercellular spaces among them in the immature oocytes. These became fully expanded with increased intercellular spaces after maturation in vitro, but contracted again after fertilization. The zona pellucida (ZP) showed a fibrous, open mesh-like structure in the maturing and matured oocytes. The size and number of meshes on the ZP decreased dramatically after fertilization. The vitelline surface of immature oocytes was characterized by distribution of tongue-shaped protrusions (TSPs) varying in density. After 10 and 22 hr of maturation incubation, oocyte surface microvilli (MV) increased to become the predominant surface structure, and TSPs decreased substantially. The vitelline surface of fertilized oocytes (at 6 and 20 hr) was similar to that of the matured oocytes, but unfertilized oocytes had less dense MV than did fertilized oocytes (at 20 hr). The diameter of the oocytes decreased from 99 to 80 μm during maturation and increased to 106 μm after insemination (P < 0.05). Membrane maturation was characterized by surface changes from a TSP-predominant pattern to a MV-predominant pattern. Thus, the bovine oocyte maturation process was found to involve the expansion of cumulus cells and the maturation of the ZP, which changes dramatically upon fertilization. Also, volumetric changes occurred in ooplasm processed for SEM following oocyte maturation and insemination. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Levels of thromboxane (TX) B2 (the stable metabolite of TXA2) were quantified by radioimmunoassay in periovulatory ovine follicles. Follicles were obtained before, and at 8, 16, 24 and 32 h after the onset of the preovulatory surge in secretion of luteinizing hormone (the ovulatory event culminates at approximately 24 h). Unruptured follicles were segregated into tissue and fluid components. A portion of the wall of each follicle was processed for examination by high resolution light and transmission electron microscopy. Concentrations of TXB2 in homogenates of the follicular wall, and in fluid of follicles that had not yet ruptured, were dramatically elevated at 24 h. Aggregates of platelets (the suspected source of TXA2) were adhered to endothelial cells at this time; in some cases intra and extravascular clotting was apparent. It is suggested that platelets and(or) TXA2 might contribute to periovulatory processes in the ewe.  相似文献   

An option for fertility preservation for women facing a cancer diagnosis involves the cryopreservation of ovarian tissue for later re‐transplantation or in vitro culture, with in vitro culture preferred to avoid reintroduction of the cancer. Small, immature follicles survive the freeze‐thaw process, and can be matured through in follicle maturation (IFM) that involves an initial growth of the follicle and subsequent maturation of the oocyte. The ovarian tissue can be cryopreserved in two forms: (i) cortical strips consisting of follicles and surrounding stroma (Cryo‐Ov) or (ii) individually isolated follicles (Cryo‐In). The aim of this study was to assess the follicle growth and oocyte maturation for follicles that were cryopreserved either as strips or individually using a slow‐freezing cryopreservation method. The two follicle groups, together with non‐cryopreserved control follicles, were grown in an alginate‐based three‐dimensional culture system for 12 days. The overall survival, size increase and antrum formation rates were comparable among the three groups. At day 12 of culture, Androstenedione levels were decreased in the Cryo‐Ov group relative to the other two, and the ratio of progesterone to estradiol was increased in the two cryopreserved groups relative to the control. Both Gja1 (known as connexin 43) and Gja4 (known as connexin 37) mRNA expression were decreased at day 6 in the cryopreserved groups relative to controls, and by day 12, Gja1 was similar for all three groups. Moreover, Cryo‐In resulted in lower GVBD rate indicating some impaired oocyte development. Overall, the present study demonstrated that mouse preantral follicles, either within ovarian tissues or individually isolated, could be successfully cryopreserved by the slow‐freezing method, as evidenced by post‐thaw follicle development and steroidgenesis, oocyte maturation and molecular markers for oocyte and/or granulosa cells connection. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;103: 378–386. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A detailed chronology of the cytological events related to maturation that take place within the reproduction molt cycle has been established. It has been shown that oocytes, initially arrested at prophase I, resume meiosis when approaching stage D1? of the molt cycle, ie, 4–5 days before molting. The following steps characterize this premolt period of oocyte maturation: nuclear envelope folding, nucleolar dissociation, condensation of the chromosomes, and beginning of the breakdown of the nuclear envelope (GVBD). At the ultrastructural level, it has been confirmed that GVBD actually takes place at the D1??D2 stage transition, when the germinal vesicle still occupies a central position in the oocyte. The migration of the chromosome takes only a few hours and begins approximately 4 hr before molting. It is only 1–2 hr before molting that the divalent chromosomes that are not yet organized in a metaphase plate become visible at the surface of the oocyte. They lay in a nucleoplasmic area no longer limited by the nuclear envelope. Metaphase I is reached a few minutes after molting. A second meiotic block appears at this stage, which persists until spawning, ie, for about 24 hr. Fertilization occurs at the moment of spawning. In vitro fertilization experiments demonstrated that fertilization normally triggers the release of the second meiotic block. Extrusion of the two polar bodies can be easily observed using a method for clearing and staining the oocytes in toto.  相似文献   

Mammalian females enter puberty with follicular reserves that exceed the number needed for ovulation during a single lifetime. Follicular depletion occurs throughout reproductive life and ends in menopause, or reproductive senescence, when the follicle pool is exhausted. The mechanisms regulating the production of a species-specific initial follicle pool are not well understood. However, the establishment of a follicular reserve is critical to defining the length of reproductive cyclicity. Here we show that activin A (rh-ActA), a known regulator of follicle formation and growth in vitro, increased the number of postnatal mouse primordial follicles by 30% when administered to neonatal animals during the time of germline cyst breakdown and follicle assembly. This expansion in the initial follicle pool was characterized by a significant increase in both germ cell and granulosa cell proliferation. However, the excess follicles formed shortly after birth did not persist into puberty and both adult rh-ActA- and vehicle-treated animals demonstrated normal fertility. A follicle atresia kinetic constant (k(A)) was modeled for the two groups of animals, and consistent with the empirical data, the k(A) for rh-ActA-treated was twice that of vehicle-treated animals. Kinetic constants for follicle formation, follicle loss and follicle expansion from birth to postnatal day 19 were also derived for vehicle and rh-ActA treatment conditions. Importantly, introduction of exogenous rh-ActA revealed an intrinsic ovarian quorum sensing mechanism that controls the number of follicles available at puberty. We propose that there is an optimal number of oocytes present at puberty, and when the follicle number is exceeded, it occurs at the expense of oocyte quality. The proposed mechanism provides a means by which the ovary eliminates excess follicles containing oocytes of poor quality prior to puberty, thus maintaining fertility in the face of abnormal hormonal stimuli in the prepubertal period.  相似文献   

We observed the presence of follicular cells (FC) in the ovaries of Penaeus subtilis (n = 1198), which led us to classify the development of germ cells into six phases: oogonia, previtellogenic oocytes, primary and secondary vitellogenic oocytes, mature oocytes and atretic oocytes. The FC changes their shape according to the development of germ cells and showed a different distribution along the ovary, which allowed differentiating vitellogenic oocytes into primary and secondary. We also observed that the postovulatory follicles (POF) are composed of follicular cells. The presence of POF in penaeids ovaries is rarely reported, but allows the differentiation between spent and resting stages, commonly grouped in reproductive biology research. Furthermore, observation of ovarian lining was useful to differentiate immature females from females that had spawned at least once. Thus, ovarian development was classified into six stages: immature, early developing, advanced developing, ripe, spent and resting. The distribution and shape variations of FC, ovarian lining features and presence of POF were considered crucial for the classification of ovarian maturation stages. The methods developed here may improve estimates of their reproductive cycle, size at first maturity and spawning season, which are important variables in future studies of the reproductive dynamics.  相似文献   

Summary The secretory coil of the ovine apocrine gland is composed predominantly of two cell types, secretory cells lining the lumen and myoepithelial cells adjacent to the basement membrane. The glands synthesize a number of hormones and growth factors, but analysis of the functions of these molecules may be hampered by the mixing of apocrine and sebaceous secretions in the pilary canal. The purpose of this study was to isolate the glands and devise simple culture procedures to facilitate investigations of secretory cell function. The most successful approach involved microdissection of the secretory coils individually from skin biopsies and culture in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium. After 1–2 wk in medium, cell outgrowths were seen from explants. These consisted predominantly of populations of epithelial cells, many containing granules. Smaller granules were usually concentrated around the cell nuclei and accumulated lipophilic dyes. Large granules were unreactive. Western analysis showed that cells in culture synthesized nerve growth factor-like peptides, a feature consistent with one of the functions of the gland in vivo. When isolated secretory coils were explanted to culture dishes coated with matrigel, highly compact, multilayered masses of cells grew out. Subsequently, tubular structures formed. The observations suggest that some differentiated functions of gland cells were retained in vitro and that the procedures described provide a system for the study of apocrine secretions in isolation from those of other skin glands.  相似文献   

The cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) were obtained from local abattoir. After aspiration, the COCs were allotted into four treatments to evaluation of brilliant cresyl blue (BCB) test. Control treatment (C): oocytes were cultured directly (without exposure to BCB) after recovery in in vitro production (IVP) process. Oocyte treatment (OBCB): immediately after aspiration, COCs were incubated in modified Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline (mDPBS) supplemented with 26 μM of BCB for 90 min and classified into two classes: oocytes with blue cytoplasm coloration (OBCB+: more competent oocytes) and oocytes without blue cytoplasm coloration (OBCB−: low competent oocytes). Directly after classification, the oocytes were maintained undisrupted in the IVP process. Zygote treatment (ZBCB): After oocyte collection, maturation and fertilization, zygotes were stained with BCB for 10 min and categorized into three ways, according to whether they were highly stained (ZBCB++: low competent zygotes), moderately stained (ZBCB+: moderate competent zygotes) and unstained (ZBCB−: more competent zygotes). Directly after classification, the zygotes were maintained undisrupted in the culture process. Oocyte and zygote treatments (OBCB/ZBCB): COCs were stained with BCB after recovery and classified into two classes (OBCB+ and OBCB−). After fertilization, the zygotes produced from OBCB+ and OBCB− oocytes were further stained with BCB for 10 min and categorized six ways (OBCB+/ZBCB++, OBCB+/ZBCB+, OBCB+/ZBCB−, OBCB−/ZBCB++, OBCB−/ZBCB+ and OBCB−/ZBCB−). Directly after classification, the zygotes were maintained undisrupted in the culture process. The selection rate produced from OBCB treatment (OBCB+; 54.3%) was greater (P < 0.05) than ZBCB treatment (ZBCB−; 44.3%). In addition, the selection rate produced from double application (combination of oocyte and zygote selection) of BCB test (OBCB+/ZBCB−: 28.8%) was less (P < 0.01) than single application of BCB test (ZBCB−: 44.3%or OBCB+: 54.3%). The percentage of blastocyst production from OBCB+ oocytes (35.7%) and ZBCB− zygotes (36.6%) were greater (P < 0.05) than that from C oocytes (25.7%), OBCB− oocytes (16.5%), ZBCB++ (13.5%) and ZBCB+ zygotes (21.3%). However, there were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in the percentages of blastocyst production between OBCB+ oocytes (35.7%) and ZBCB− zygotes (36.6%). The proportion of blastocyst production from double application of BCB test (OBCB+/ZBCB−: 48.0%) was greater (P < 0.05) than that from single application of BCB test (OBCB+: 35.7% or ZBCB−: 36.6%). In conclusion, current results confirmed that combination of oocyte and zygote selection by BCB test enhanced the efficiency of selecting for high quality embryos, compared to the single BCB test.  相似文献   

The organization of tight junctional complexes (TJs) was studied in cultured porcine thyroid cells during the inversion of polarity induced by collagen-embedding of inside-out follicles, using freeze-fracture replicas and lanthanum penetration. During the early steps of polarity reversal, freeze-fractures showed that TJs generally persisted. They increased in width and progressively branched out into the basolateral surfaces, towards the basal pole. Later, the number of TJ strands decreased and gap junctions inserted within TJ networks were found between cells in reversed follicles, in the same manner as in typically polarized follicles, embedded in collagen or in suspension. The de novo formation of TJ complexes was rarely found in the reversing structures. Despite the heterogeneity of TJs assessed by freeze-fracture, impermeability to lanthanum tracer was noted in inside-out structures. During the reversal process, some TJs remained unstained, whereas others displayed permeability to lanthanum. This heterogeneity might be due to the "opening" of a small number of junctions (perhaps only one by aggregate). When the process was achieved after 48 hr in collagen, the tightness of the junctions was complete, confirmed by the absence of lanthanum in luminal cavities of newly formed follicles.  相似文献   

Hamster ovarian follicles at Stages 1 to 10 (Stages 1-4: follicles with 1-4 layers of granulosa cells (GC); Stages 5-7: 5-10 layers GC plus theca; Stages 8-10: antral follicles) were isolated on the morning of proestrus or estrus and incubated for 2 h in the absence or presence of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (Prl), progesterone (P4), 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP), or androstenedione (A). Steroid accumulations in the media were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA). On proestrus, without any hormonal stimulus, consistent accumulation of P4 through estradiol-17 beta (E2) occurred in low amounts only from Stage 6 and on; both FSH (5-25 ng) and LH (1-25 ng) significantly stimulated steroidogenesis by Stage 6-10 follicles, and the effects of FSH, except for Stage 10, were largely attributable to LH contamination. However, 25 ng FSH significantly stimulated A production by Stages 1-4, whereas 1-25 ng LH was ineffective. On estrus, follicles at all stages, especially 1-6, showed significant and dose-dependent increases in P4 production in response to FSH; both FSH and LH significantly stimulated P4 and 17OHP accumulation from Stage 5 onwards; however, there was no increase in A and E2 compared to controls. Even the smallest estrous follicles showed a shift to predominance of P4 accumulation. On proestrus, Prl had a negative influence on LH-induced accumulation of P4 and 17OHP by Stages 7-9 and 6-8, respectively, without affecting A or E2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress induces both autophagy and apoptosis yet the molecular mechanisms and pathways underlying the regulation of these two cellular processes in cells undergoing ER stress remain less clear. We report here that eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase (EEF2K) is a critical controller of the ER stress-induced autophagy and apoptosis in tumor cells. DDIT4, a stress-induced protein, was required for transducing the signal for activation of EEF2K under ER stress. We further showed that phosphorylation of EEF2K at Ser398 was essential for induction of autophagy, while phosphorylation of the kinase at Ser366 and Ser78 exerted an inhibitory effect on autophagy. Suppression of the ER stress-activated autophagy via silencing of EEF2K aggravated ER stress and promoted apoptotic cell death in tumor cells. Moreover, inhibiting EEF2K by either RNAi or NH125, a small molecule inhibitor of the enzyme, rendered tumor cells more sensitive to curcumin and velcade, two anticancer agents that possess ER stress-inducing action. Our study indicated that the DDIT4-EEF2K pathway was essential for inducing autophagy and for determining the fate of tumor cells under ER stress, and suggested that inhibiting the EEF2K-mediated autophagy can deteriorate ER stress and lead to a greater apoptotic response, thereby potentiating the efficacy of the ER stress-inducing agents against cancer.  相似文献   

Successful in vitro maturation (IVM) of oocytes obtained from medium-sized antral follicles could avoid the need for superovulation for in vitro fertilization. The wide range of doses of FSH used in IVM prompted us to study the effect of varying concentrations of FSH on the dynamics of nutrient uptake and production by individual maturing mouse cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs). COCs isolated from the antral follicles of unprimed, prepubertal B6CBF(1) mice were cultured individually in increasing concentrations of FSH (0-2000 ng/ml). Following culture, pyruvate, glucose, and lactate uptake or production by individual complexes were noninvasively assessed and compared with the stage of nuclear maturation of the enclosed oocyte. FSH significantly increased oocyte maturation and produced a two- to threefold increase in glucose uptake and lactate production by COCs in which the enclosed oocyte completed maturation. In these COCs, pyruvate was taken up under control conditions but was produced in progressively higher quantities in increasing concentrations of FSH. In COCs where the oocyte failed to complete maturation, pyruvate was taken up (rather than produced) and glucose uptake and lactate production were lower and unaffected by the presence or absence of FSH. This suggests that there is dialogue between cumulus cells and the maturing oocyte that influences FSH responsiveness and substrate metabolism of the whole COC. Finally, inhibition of FSH-stimulated glucose uptake by the PI3-kinase inhibitor LY294002 and the finding of GLUT4 protein in granulosa cells suggest that FSH increases glucose uptake by PI3-kinase-mediated translocation of GLUT4 to the granulosa cell membrane.  相似文献   

Several conditions in clinical orthopaedic practice can lead to the development of a diaphyseal segmental bone defect, which cannot heal without intervention. Segmental bone defects have been traditionally treated with bone grafting and/or distraction osteogenesis, methods that have many advantages, but also major drawbacks, such as limited availability, risk of disease transmission and prolonged treatment. In order to overcome such limitations, biological treatments have been developed based on specific pathways of bone physiology and healing. Bone tissue engineering is a dynamic field of research, combining osteogenic cells, osteoinductive factors, such as bone morphogenetic proteins, and scaffolds with osteoconductive and osteoinductive attributes, to produce constructs that could be used as bone graft substitutes for the treatment of segmental bone defects. Scaffolds are usually made of ceramic or polymeric biomaterials, or combinations of both in composite materials. The purpose of the present review is to discuss in detail the molecular and cellular basis for the development of bone tissue engineering constructs.  相似文献   

The basement membrane protein laminin-5 promotes cell adhesion and migration. The carboxyl-terminal G3 domain in the alpha3 chain is essential for the unique activity of laminin-5. To investigate the function of the G3 domain, we prepared various recombinant laminin-5 forms with a partially deleted or mutated G3 domain. The deletion of the carboxyl-terminal 28 amino acids (region III) markedly decreased the cell adhesion activity with a slight loss of the cell motility activity toward BRL and EJ-1 cells. This change was attributed to the loss of Lys-Arg-Asp sequence. Further deletion of 83 amino acids (region II) led to almost complete loss of the cell motility activity. All charged amino acid residues tested in this region were not responsible for the activity loss. These results suggest that the G3 domain contains two distinct regions that differently regulate cell adhesion and migration. Analysis of laminin-5 receptors showed that integrins alpha3beta1, alpha6beta1, and alpha6beta4 had different but synergistic effects on cell adhesion and migration on laminin-5. However, the structural change of the G3 domain appeared not to change integrin specificity. The present study demonstrates that the G3 domain in laminin-5 plays a central role to produce different biological effects on cells.  相似文献   

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