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An important task in conservation biology is to assess the spatial scale pertinent for species protection since some species may require protection throughout their distribution, others in only part of their range. Once this is done, species can be correctly identified for listing at different administrative levels (e.g. continental, national, and local). Here, we propose an objective method to list taxa at nested administrative levels based on three criteria (responsibility, rarity and vulnerability). We tested the method using quantitative data on the distribution, abundance and decline of orchids in France. The proposed method enables increased protection status in regions where species’ abundance and diversity are higher, gives priority to species for which an individual administrative unit has high responsibility and allows objective integration of species decline at different administrative levels. The method also enables the integration of locally rare species at their distribution limits and avoids repetition of species listing across second-level administrative units. The use of an objective method such as this could contribute to a standardised system of priority setting that integrates the geographic scale of rarity in relation to different administrative levels for protection.  相似文献   

As an introduction to the Special Issue on the restoration of threatened plant species and their habitats,this editorial shows how the various papers in the issue address the range of in situ interventions involved in species population management and restoration of their habitat, together with examples of case studies implementing these actions. It stresses the need for integrating these various interventions.It highlights the importance of protected areas in providing a degree of protection for threatened species but also the need to complement this with actions at the species level to ensure the effective conservation and long term persistence of these species. It emphasizes that ecological restoration is a complement to, not a substitute for conservation, and that the balance of effort and allocation of resources between them is a key issue.  相似文献   

Plant species richness of twenty old-growth forest reserves in the cool-temperate zone in the Kanto region, Japan were investigated to detect the effect of forest fragmentation. The species richness of trees and forest floor plants were analyzed by multiple regression models relating to nine variables on the characteristics of landscape, local habitat and forest stand. The total species diversity did not have a significant correlation with any variables of landscape patterns. In this study, single large reserve in the SLOSS discussion did not seem very effective to preserve more species. However, forest reserves in large patches tend to have relatively infrequent species. Large patches of natural forests were regarded as one of the important factors to preserve infrequent species.  相似文献   

Conservation genetics and genomics are two independent disciplines that focus on using new techniques in genetics and genomics to solve problems in conservation biology. During the past two decades, conservation genetics and genomics have experienced rapid progress. Here, we summarize the research advances in the conservation genetics and genomics of threatened vertebrates (e.g., carnivorans, primates, ungulates, cetaceans, avians, amphibians and reptiles) in China. First, we introduce the concepts of conservation genetics and genomics and their development. Second, we review the recent advances in conservation genetics research, including noninvasive genetics and landscape genetics. Third, we summarize the progress in conservation genomics research, which mainly focuses on resolving genetic problems relevant to conservation such as genetic diversity, genetic structure, demographic history, and genomic evolution and adaptation. Finally, we discuss the future directions of conservation genetics and genomics.  相似文献   

Risk‐ranking protocols are used widely to classify the conservation status of the world's species. Here we report on the first empirical assessment of their reliability by using a retrospective study of 18 pairs of bird and mammal species (one species extinct and the other extant) with eight different assessors. The performance of individual assessors varied substantially, but performance was improved by incorporating uncertainty in parameter estimates and consensus among the assessors. When this was done, the ranks from the protocols were consistent with the extinction outcome in 70–80% of pairs and there were mismatches in only 10–20% of cases. This performance was similar to the subjective judgements of the assessors after they had estimated the range and population parameters required by the protocols, and better than any single parameter. When used to inform subjective judgement, the protocols therefore offer a means of reducing unpredictable biases that may be associated with expert input and have the advantage of making the logic behind assessments explicit. We conclude that the protocols are useful for forecasting extinctions, although they are prone to some errors that have implications for conservation. Some level of error is to be expected, however, given the influence of chance on extinction. The performance of risk assessment protocols may be improved by providing training in the application of the protocols, incorporating uncertainty in parameter estimates and using consensus among multiple assessors, including some who are experts in the application of the protocols. Continued testing and refinement of the protocols may help to provide better absolute estimates of risk, particularly by re‐evaluating how the protocols accommodate missing data.  相似文献   

A floristic survey has been carried out in a peri-urban forest, the Sonian Forest in Brussels, to identify indicator plant species in the herbaceous layer, which could be used as an aid within the framework of a more sustainable management of the forest. Three hundred and seventy two (372) taxa have been identified, 33 of which are non-native (i.e. non-indigenous species regarding the study area, whether invasive or not). Criteria of habitat quality that have been chosen are the species richness, the commonness of the habitat, based on constitutive species, and its invasibility (vulnerability for invasion). On the basis of a comparison of the value of these criteria when each considered (potential indicator) species is present or not, 17 species have been recognised as reliable indicators of at least one of these three criteria. In particular, vegetation types containing either Anthriscus sylvestris, Galeopsis tetrahit or Senecio ovatus were found to be more susceptible to invasion than other habitats. The way to how the predictability of invasions might be effectively used as a management tool is discussed. Furthermore, we found a positive significant correlation (Bonferroni corrected probabilities) between the species richness and luminosity factor (derived from Ellenberg's indices), and the proportion of grassland and wetland species. The species richness was significantly negatively correlated with the proportion of woodland species. An increase in commonness was significantly correlated with a decrease in the proportion of geophytes. The usefulness of these results as an ecological basis for forest management is discussed.  相似文献   

The Convention on Biological Diversity aims to encourage and enable countries to conserve biological diversity, to use its components sustainably and to share benefits equitably. Species richness and endemism are two key attributes of biodiversity that reflect the complexity and uniqueness of natural ecosystems. National data on vertebrates and higher plants indicate global concentrations of biodiversity and can assist in defining priorities for action. Projections indicate that species and ecosystems will be at maximum risk from human activities during the next few decades. Prompt action by the world community can minimise the eventual loss of species. Highest priorities should be to: (i) strengthen the management of ecosystems containing a large proportion of global biodiversity; (ii) help developing countries complete their biodiversity strategies and action plans, monitor their own biodiversity, and establish and maintain adequate national systems of conservation areas; (iii) support actions at the global level, providing benefit to all countries in managing their own biodiversity. Generally, resources will best be spent in safeguarding ecosystems and habitats that are viable and important for global biodiversity, and which are threatened by factors that can be controlled cost-effectively. Other important criteria are representativeness, complementarity and insurance.  相似文献   

Given that changes in population size are slow, information on future prospects of long-lived tree species is necessarily obtained from demographic models. We studied six threatened tree species in four Vietnamese protected areas: the broad-leaved Annamocarya sinensis, Manglietia fordiana and Parashorea chinensis, and the coniferous Calocedrus macrolepis, Dacrydium elatum and Pinus kwangtungensis. With data from a 2-year field study on recruitment, growth and survival, we constructed matrix models for each species. All species showed continuous regeneration, as indicated by annual seedling recruitment and inverse J-shaped population structures. To evaluate the future prospects of our study species, we calculated three parameters: (1) asymptotic growth rates (λ) from matrix models indicated significant population declines of 2–3%/year for two species; (2) population trajectories for 50–100 years showed slight population declines (0–3%/year) for five species; and (3) the reproductive period required for an adult tree to replace itself was excessive for three of the six species, suggesting that these species presently have insufficient recruitment. Overall agreement of the three parameters was low, showing that reliance on just one parameter is risky. Combining the three parameters we concluded that prospects are good for Dacrydium and Parashorea, worrisome for Annamocarya, Manglietia and Pinus, and intermediate for Calocedrus. We argue that conservation should involve strict protection of (pre-)adult trees, as their survival is crucial for population maintenance in all species (high elasticity). For species with poor demographic prospects, active intervention is required to improve seedling and tree growth, enrich populations with seedlings from controlled germination, and restore habitat. Finally, our study suggests that these conservation measures apply to long-lived trees in general, given that their demography is highly similar. Such measures should be taken before populations decline below critical levels, as long-lived species will respond slowly to management. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The Lorraine region, in northeast France, harbours 77 protected plantspecies whose main localities are in grasslands. About 80% of them are very rareor rare (less than 15 localities) in that territory and are threatened by changes inagriculture. These species occur in a large range of grassland habitats,reflecting variability of climatic, hydrological and edaphic parameters, butalso of agricultural practices. A more precise analysis of managementrequirements was carried out for seven of these species, Euphorbiapalustris, Aster amellus, Pulsatillaalba, Carex hordeistichos, Thalictrumminus ssp. majus, Botrychiummatricariifolium and Ophioglossum vulgatum, whichwere represented on a triangle whose corners correspond to grazing, cutting andno or very low exploitation. It confirmed the large diversity of managementpractices required to ensure conservation of rare and threatened grassland plantspecies, even at a local level. These appropriate conservation measures havetherefore to be carried out or, at least, monitored by specialized natureconservation organizations.  相似文献   

In order to prioritize areas for biodiversity conservation, conservation practitioners frequently employ a single species whose distribution is statistically related to overall species richness. However, the performance of single mammal species in terms of (1) their strength, (2) spatial and (3) temporal variability for predicting large mammal species richness has rarely been assessed. Drawing upon data from multiple vehicle-based surveys in four study sites with varying conservation management approaches in the Tarangire–Manyara ecosystem, we assessed the performance of thirteen candidate indicator species. Overall, we found that the association strength between the distribution of single large mammal species and overall large mammal species richness varied (1) considerably across four management units within the same ecosystem, (2) between seasons and (3) years. In contrast to a study carried out in central Tanzania, elephants performed poorly as an indicator of large mammal species richness. Applying our findings to conservation planning, we suggest that information on zebra and wildebeest distribution should be used for delineating corridors for large mammals between protected areas in this ecosystem. The distribution of these two species had a high correlation with overall large mammal species richness, and these correlations were relatively constant throughout time and space. More generally, our study suggests that the performance of indicator species (1) should be assessed across multiple seasons because snapshot surveys may provide biased estimates of indicator performance, (2), cannot necessarily be extrapolated to other ecosystems and (3) should be supplemented by ecological or functional considerations.  相似文献   

Understanding how overall patterns of spatial variation in species richness are affected by distributional patterns of species has been an area of growing concern. In the present study, we investigated the relative importance of common and rare species as contributors in overall plant species richness. We further examined if the effects of common or rare species in richness patterns are affected by the size of the sampling units and if the observed patterns hold at different habitats. We used a dataset of 5,148 higher plant species distributed across 16,114 sampling plots located in 240 sites of the NATURA 2000 network of Greece. We ranked all species based on the number of sites they occupied and we developed a common to rare and a rare to common sequence. We correlated those sequences with cumulative species distributions. We performed this analysis in nine different sizes of sampling units and in three different datasets referring to (a) all habitat types together, (b) coniferous habitats only and (c) alpine habitats only. Our analysis showed that despite the proportionally higher numbers of restricted species, widespread species make a greater contribution to overall richness patterns and that this observed pattern does not depend on the size of the sampling units. Moreover, the observed pattern stands for different habitat types. Our findings support the generality of this pattern and highlight the importance of widespread species as adequate indicators of biodiversity patterns at various habitat types. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Documenting species distribution is essential to extinction risk asessments and subsequent conservation actions. Historical records are thus essential to understand how species are distributed and how their range has changed over time. However, using historical records might contribute to overestimating the species current range and misrepresent their conservation status. Here, we illustrate the pitfalls of this approach using a widespread but elusive Neotropical snake species, Philodryas livida (Dipsadidae Bonaparte, 1838). We mapped occurrences of this species over time and calculated its Extent of Occurrence and Area of Habitat. Our results show that due to the intense, widespread anthropic land-use transformation since the discovery of P. livida in 1920, most historical localities are now likely unsuitable for its occurrence and both its current Extent of Occurrence and Area of Habitat become remarkably smaller (5.7% and 19.1% remaining, respectively) if only localities from the last 30 years are considered. Apart from the natural elusiveness of the species, intense habitat loss and fragmentation may also explain the low number of recent records of P. livida, all concentrated within or near protected areas, indicating a putative decline in range relevant to its conservation status. We thus highlight how failing to consider the date of records and the associated land-use change over time might underestimate species range reduction and thus threat status. We strongly encourage the inclusion of the date of each occurrence record in conservation assessments, as suggested by the IUCN’s mapping standards, such that historical records are carefully considered, especially in highly dynamic and threatened biomes such as the Cerrado savannas in Brazil.  相似文献   

Aims Understanding tree species richness at a global scale and the origin and maintenance of patterns of tree species richness across the world is crucial to preserving tree species diversity. The recently published global tree database (i.e. GlobalTreeSearch) is the only source with tree lists at both global and national scales. However, our review and assessment show that many species included in GlobalTreeSearch are not tree species. In addition, several thousands of tree species in the botanical literature have not been included in GlobalTreeSearch. The exact number of tree species in the world remains unknown. This study aims to correct errors with GlobalTreeSearch and to estimate the number of tree species in the world based on a large number of regional floras.  相似文献   

三江源自然保护区森林-草甸交错带植物优先保护序列研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
运用系统分析方法和原理,在资料收集和实地调查的基础上,借助专家咨询系统构建了三江源自然保护区森林一草甸交错带植物受威胁等级、优先保护定量分级评价指标体系以及相应的定量评价标准.评价体系包括物种濒危系数、遗传损失系数和利用价值系数3个评价系统层和10个评价指标层.利用专家咨询法和层次分析法,定量确定各个系统层和指标层的权重.通过数学模型和计算机程序计算,分别度量了三江源自然保护区森林.草甸交错带植物物种受威胁状况和优先保护序列状况的濒危系数和优先保护系数;对照植物濒危等级和优先保护序列区域性评价标准,定量评价了植物物种濒危等级和优先保护等级.评价结果表明,三江源自然保护区森林.草甸交错带的种子植物有濒危种4种,脆弱种68种,敏感种179种,安全种695种;该地区种子植物一级保护物种8种,二级保护物种78种,三级保护物种164种。暂缓保护物种696种.最后,针对植物物种优先保护序列评价的指标体系与权重分配问题。物种濒危等级与优先保护序列之间的关系,物种濒危等级评价的空间尺度问题进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Wetland conservation in the Indo-tropics can benefit from the protection of the charismatic Fishing Cat. India, supporting ∼ 40% of its known range, is a stronghold for the species. Here, using multiple information sources we outline a framework to safeguard fishing cats in India. Specifically, we a) estimated district-level Conservation priority scores (using presence records, and habitat suitability and habitat connectivity) to identify ecologically important habitats, b) estimated state-level Conservation likelihood scores assessing the success potential of any conservation intervention, c) collated district-level Conservation initiative information identifying ongoing efforts for species and/or habitat conservation. We consecutively assessed the spatial congruence between (a), (b) and (c) to delineate species’ conservation areas and corresponding action goals (blueprint). Using information on habitat suitability, we also delineated survey landscapes. Although Fishing Cat records were found in 12 Indian states, only a small proportion of the state area was identified harbouring optimal habitat for the species. Three broad habitat clusters - Terai arc, Eastern coast, and Brahmaputra floodplains - were identified, with overall high habitat connectivity. Most districts ranking high in Conservation priority scored low in Conservation likelihood. Districts with Fishing Cat presence (n = 60) were delineated into four tiers of action landscapes and the majority of districts classified as survey landscapes (n = 156) were found in the Terai arc. We use our results to recommend and discuss conservation actions for districts identified in our blueprint. Flagship species conservation approach has substantial potential to enrich wetland conservation, for which our blueprint can act as a baseline.  相似文献   

We ask here which traits predispose one species to extreme rarity and possible extinction while a sympatric sibling is geographically widespread. With background knowledge on the level of habitat specialization of the two species, the population structure and movement of the localized and threatened Orachrysops ariadne were compared to those of the common and highly sympatric O. subravus, using mark-release-recapture. Of a total of 290 marked O. ariadne individuals 42.8% were recaptured, while of 631 O. subravus individuals 49.3% were recaptured. The Jolly-Seber model was used to estimate daily population numbers (N i ), survival rates (ϕ i ), recruitment rates (B i ), proportion of marked animals in the total population (∝i), and the number of marked animals at risk (M i ). O. ariadne is a remarkably rare animal, averaging only 10 individuals ha−1 within its small, remaining colonies. Average residence times of male adults were generally similar in both species, being just over 5 days. O. ariadne is a strong and rapid back and forth flier, covering mean recapture distances of 157 m, almost twice that of O. subravus, principally in search of scarce nectar sources. In short, the rarity of O. ariadne is not so much to do with behaviour, survivorship or longevity, but rather with limited availability of the specialized habitat patches for both larvae and adults, and, in particular, the extreme scarcity of the host plant. Evidence suggests that there has been very high selection pressure on the key trait of strong flight as a compensation for going down the apparently highly risky path of extreme microhabitat specialization. Of concern for conservation of this rare species is that these rare habitat patches have become increasingly isolated through transformation of the surrounding landscape. Reduction of the barrier effects of agroforestry through creation of linkages between colonies is recommended, especially as O. ariadne is such a strong flier. Such corridors are indeed now being implemented.  相似文献   

The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation calls for a preliminary assessment of the conservation status of all known plant species by the year 2010. To date insufficient progress has been made on meeting this target. New efforts to develop a preliminary list beyond using the full IUCN criteria in plant assessments are needed. Here we present an algorithm that provides a preliminary assessment of the conservation status of plant species using data from herbarium specimens. We use Hawaiian specimen data from the United States National Herbarium to calibrate the parameters of the algorithm and then use specimen data from the Arecaceae, Commelinaceae, Gesneriaceae and Heliconiaceae as examples of the application of the algorithm. The algorithm was calibrated to insure 95% accuracy in placing the Hawaiian plant species into previously and independently determined threatened categories. Our results indicate that 28% of the Hawaiian taxa, 27% of the species of Arecaceae, 45% of the species of Commelinaceae, 32% of the species of Gesneriaceae, and 35% of the species of Heliconiaceae are Not Threatened and will not need any further evaluation for the preliminary assessment. Species identified here as Potentially Extinct and Potentially Threatened can be further assessed by additional herbarium material and/or conservation specialists for final evaluation using other assessment strategies (e.g., regional and national lists, taxonomic expert assessment, etc.).  相似文献   

Aim Understanding the spatial patterns of species distribution and predicting the occurrence of high biological diversity and rare species are central themes in biogeography and environmental conservation. The aim of this study was to model and scrutinize the relative contributions of climate, topography, geology and land‐cover factors to the distributions of threatened vascular plant species in taiga landscapes in northern Finland. Location North‐east Finland, northern Europe. Methods The study was performed using a data set of 28 plant species and environmental variables at a 25‐ha resolution. Four different stepwise selection algorithms [Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), adaptive backfitting, cross selection] with generalized additive models (GAMs) were fitted to identify the main environmental correlates for species occurrences. The accuracies of the distribution models were evaluated using fourfold cross‐validation based on the area under the curve (AUC) derived from receiver operating characteristic plots. The GAMs were tentatively extrapolated to the whole study area and species occurrence probability maps were produced using GIS techniques. The effect of spatial autocorrelation on the modelling results was also tested by including autocovariate terms in the GAMs. Results According to the AUC values, the model performance varied from fair to excellent. The AIC algorithm provided the highest mean performance (mean AUC = 0.889), whereas the lowest mean AUC (0.851) was obtained from BIC. Most of the variation in the distribution of threatened plant species was related to growing degree days, temperature of the coldest month, water balance, cover of mire and mean elevation. In general, climate was the most powerful explanatory variable group, followed by land cover, topography and geology. Inclusion of the autocovariate only slightly improved the performance of the models and had a minor effect on the importance of the environmental variables. Main conclusions The results confirm that the landscape‐scale distribution patterns of plant species can be modelled well on the basis of environmental parameters. A spatial grid system with several environmental variables derived from remote sensing and GIS data was found to produce useful data sets, which can be employed when predicting species distribution patterns over extensive areas. Landscape‐scale maps showing the predicted occurrences of individual or multiple threatened plant species may provide a useful basis for focusing field surveys and allocating conservation efforts.  相似文献   

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