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Background The quantification of resource depletion in Life Cycle Assessment has been the topic of much debate; to date no definitive approach for quantifying effects in this impact category has been developed. In this paper we argue that the main reason for this extensive debate is because all methods for quantifying resource depletion impacts have focussed on resource extraction. - Aim and Scope. To further the state of the debate we present a general framework for assessing the impacts of resource use across the entire suite of biotic and abiotic resources. The main aim of this framework is to define the necessary and sufficient set of information required to quantify the effects of resources use. Method logy. Our method is based on a generic concept of the quality state of resource inputs and outputs to and from a production system. Using this approach we show that it is not the extraction of materials which is of concern, but rather the dissipative use and disposal of materials. Using this as a point of departure we develop and define two key variables for use in the modelling of impacts of resource use, namely the ultimate quality limit, which is related to the functionality of the material, and backup technology. Existing methodologies for determining the effects of resource depletion are discussed in the context of this framework. Results We demonstrate the ability of the general framework to describe impacts related to all resource categories: metallic and non-metallic minerals, energy minerals, water, soil, and biotic resources (wild or domesticated plants and animals). Recommendation focus on suggestions for a functionality measure for each of these categories; and how best the two modelling variables derived can be determined.  相似文献   

莫冉  宋卫信  李群  张锋 《生态学报》2021,41(16):6506-6512
互养关系(cross-feeding)是微生物物种之间普遍存在的一种相互关系,其中物种利用环境中其他成员的代谢产物以促进自身生长的情形称为代谢互养关系,这种关系对物种间的竞争结果往往有很大影响,甚至会改变种群结构。为了研究代谢互养关系在维持微生物物种多样性中的作用,构建包含不同代谢互养关系的资源竞争模型,这些模型既体现了微生物物种竞争资源时种群密度及资源量的动态,也展示了物种利用其他竞争者的代谢资源对自身生存状况的影响。数值模拟结果显示:(1)考虑微生物中不同的代谢互养关系结构:两物种间单向互养、双向互养以及多物种间的互养,不同的互养关系都可以促进竞争物种稳定共存,竞争中处于劣势的物种通过利用其他竞争成员的代谢产物,打破外界资源量对其生长的限制,改变原本消亡的命运;而处于优势的物种则通过利用其他竞争成员的代谢产物,增大种群密度。(2)多物种竞争同一种有限资源时,不是所有物种都能共存,在四物种模拟中,原本处于最劣势的物种灭绝,其余三者共存。物种产生代谢资源对其本身是"不利"的,如果在模拟中物种利用代谢资源的能力相同,那么物种竞争外界资源的劣势就很可能无法被抵消。通过改变资源利用率发现只有互养关系中代谢资源的利用可以弥补劣势种在竞争外界资源时的不足,多物种才可以全部共存。(3)验证数值模拟结果的普遍性,分析参数变化对共存的影响,结果表明代谢互养关系促进的共存对代谢资源相关参数不敏感,参数的改变只影响平衡态时物种的种群密度。所以,代谢互养关系可以促进相互竞争的微生物物种共存,即微生物之间的互养关系很可能是维持物种多样性的一种机制。  相似文献   

In the past few years, resource use and resource efficiency have been implemented in the European Union (EU) environmental policy programs as well as international sustainable development programs. In their programs, the EU focuses on four resource types that should be addressed: materials, energy (or carbon dioxide [CO2] emissions), water, and land. In this article, we first discuss different perspectives on energy use and present the results of a long‐term exergy and useful work analysis of the Austrian economy for the period 1900–2012, using the methodology developed by Ayres and Warr. Second, we discuss Austrian resource efficiency by comparing the presented exergy and useful work data with material use, CO2 emissions, and land‐use data taken from statistical sources. This comparison provides, for the first time, a long‐term analysis of Austrian resource efficiency based on a broad understanding thereof and evaluates Austrian development in relation to EU and Austrian policy targets.  相似文献   

通过样线法调查福建省大田县大仙峰野生杜鹃属(Rhododendron)植物资源,掌握其种类及形态特征、适生环境、花期等特性。大仙峰共记录11种杜鹃属植物,分属4亚属,其中映山红亚属3种、马银花亚属4种、常绿杜鹃亚属3种、羊踟蹰亚属1种,种类不同,花期、花色均有所不同。从春季开始至夏季均可欣赏到不同景色的杜鹃。对溪畔杜鹃(R. rivulare)、羊踯躅(R. molle)2种杜鹃进行扦插育苗,二者成活率皆在45%以上,达到资源保存的目的。大仙峰杜鹃属植物种质资源丰富,类型多样,分布范围广,有较大的开发潜力和应用前景。  相似文献   

QoS and Contention-Aware Multi-Resource Reservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To provide Quality of Service (QoS) guarantee in distributed services, it is necessary to reserve multiple computing and communication resources for each service session. Meanwhile, techniques have been available for the reservation and enforcement of various types of resources. Therefore, there is a need to create an integrated framework for coordinated multi-resource reservation. One challenge in creating such a framework is the complex relation between the end-to-end application-level QoS and the corresponding end-to-end resource requirement. Furthermore, the goals of (1) providing the best end-to-end QoS for each distributed service session and (2) increasing the overall reservation success rate of all service sessions are in conflict with each other. In this paper, we present a QoS and contention-aware framework of end-to-end multi-resource reservation for distributed services. The framework assumes a reservation-enabled environment, where each type of resource can be reserved. The framework consists of (1) a component-based QoS-Resource Model, (2) a runtime system architecture for coordinated reservation, and (3) a runtime algorithm for the computation of end-to-end multi-resource reservation plans. The algorithm provides a solution to alleviating the conflict between the QoS of an individual service session and the success rate of all service sessions. More specifically, for each service session, the algorithm computes an end-to-end reservation plan, such that it guarantees the highest possible end-to-end QoS level under the current end-to-end resource availability, and requires the lowest percentage of bottleneck resource(s) among all feasible reservation plans. Our simulation results show excellent performance of this algorithm.  相似文献   

人口老龄化对卫生资源配置的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探索人口老龄化对卫生资源配置的影响,本文在整群抽样调查法获取相关资料的基础上,运用卫生服务需求法测算出老年人群对床位配置、卫生人力的需求量。结果发现在2030年青岛市老年人口所占比重达到31.89%,因老年人口增加导致的床位配置、卫生人力的增加量分别为:2219、3093。面对巨大的老年医疗需求群体如何更合理的配置卫生资源,本文提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

王勇军  常弘 《生态科学》1999,18(4):20-24
经过1年多对内伶禁仃岛兽类资源和保护等方面的调查研究,结果表明,该岛有兽类19种,隶属6目7科,其优势种有猕猴、穿山甲、普通伏翼、褐家鼠、小家鼠等。列为国家二级保护兽类有猕猴、穿山甲和水獭等3种。阐述了该岛兽类区系组成、特征和水獭种群的分布及保护,并提出了内伶仃岛兽类资源管理和保护建议。  相似文献   

全球变化背景下, 诸如营养、水分等资源的波动是非稳态的, 往往以脉冲的形式出现, 呈现出频率低、强度高和持续时间短的特征。资源脉冲往往会打破植物群落固有的平衡状态, 进而影响全球变化的另一重要组分——外来植物入侵。目前, 全球变化对外来植物入侵影响的研究往往关注资源的稳态变化, 忽略了资源的波动性, 特别是脉冲的作用。该文通过综述资源脉冲对外来植物入侵影响的研究, 简要评述了资源脉冲的形成原因、类型及影响, 讨论了不同类型的资源脉冲对外来植物入侵的作用。此外, 该文根据现有的研究进展提出了一些未来可能的研究方向, 如资源脉冲的不同属性, 多种资源脉冲交互作用对植物入侵的影响及其机制等。  相似文献   

动物资源学是近几年生物学科新设课程之一,到目前为止,尚无明确的教材和教学体系。本文结合近几年的教学经验,就该课程的定位、教学对象、教学体系与教学内容以及教学实践等问题进行了详细的探讨,旨在就动物资源学的教学体系抛砖引玉,为丰富课堂教学和提高教学质量提供参考。  相似文献   

1 We measured competition intensity (CI) between herbaceous vegetation and tree seedlings ( Quercus macrocarpa and Q. ellipsoidalis ) along an experimental moisture–light gradient. Contrasting theories were tested by comparing variation in competition intensity to changes in neighbour biomass and resource supply and demand.
2 CI based on survival was inversely correlated with net soil water supply (gross supply minus demand by herbaceous vegetation). CI was not positively correlated with either gross resource supply or neighbour biomass, contrary to predictions of Grime's triangular model for plant strategies.
3 Many of the inconsistencies and conflicting results that have characterized the recent literature on plant competition could be eliminated if changes in competition intensity along a resource gradient are compared with changes in net resource supply rather than changes in productivity or neighbour biomass.
4 Tree seedling success in savannas and grasslands may be strongly influenced by the intensity of competition from herbaceous vegetation. Factors that reduce soil water content are likely to increase competition intensity (and reduce seedling success) in these environments, while factors that increase soil water content will favour seedling success through decreased competition for water with herbaceous vegetation.  相似文献   

朱灵逸  孙明 《生物资源》2022,(4):355-361
国际基因工程机器大赛(international Genetically Engineered Machine competition, iGEM)是面向世界范围的大学生科技赛事,该比赛旨在推广合成生物学,各个参赛队伍通过使用原始元件和自己设计的新元件来构建新的生物系统,并在活细胞中表达,令其行使某种既定功能。每年的参赛队伍会设计许多新的生物元件(biological part),其长期积累为生物系统的构建提供了便利与创新,其本质上也是生物资源不断丰富的体现。本文从生物资源的角度,重点阐述iGEM比赛生物元件库的发展、分类与特点,让更多人了解生物元件的特征,并在基因工程操作中参考使用,推动元件库的扩充与发展。  相似文献   

Plant growth modelling without integrating mechanisms   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The integration of root and shoot activity for resource acquisition and allocation is a central problem both in experimental physiology and in mathematical growth modelling. A key feature in all proposed solutions is the mechanism by which roots and shoot communicate their resource status, their needs or their demands. In experimental studies, chemical messengers (hormones or nutrients) have been central. In mathematical models, partitioning or productivity functions of one form or another have been incorporated to fill a similar role. In this paper, the central hypothesis is that growth and resource allocation can be based solely on local, internal, non-structural resource concentrations and local kinetic rules, without the need for additional mechanisms to integrate activities at the organis-mal level. The specific objective was to develop a formal model using the classical two-compartment, two-resource framework which did not include direct intercompartmental coordinating or communicating mechanisms or resource partitioning functions. The formalization effort was successful based on two criteria. First, the ‘plants’ grow at steady and balanced rates when ‘growth conditions’ are constant; and second, challenged with experimental manipulations such as pruning or limitations in resource acquisition, their growth responses mimic those of real plants. Analysis of the results indicates that the complex integrated growth patterns of the modelled plants are emergent properties – having no direct or indirect mechanistic basis – of the simple system. They imply that similar ‘mechanism-less’ integration is possible in real plants as an emergent property of strictly local, cellular-level activities.  相似文献   

鹞落坪自然保护区商城肥鲵的资源分布及生境选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006~2008年在鹞落坪国家级自然保护区对商城肥鲵资源状况进行调查,并对商城肥鲵栖息地的部分生态因子进行了监测。结果表明:鹞落坪自然保护区内的黄栗园河、大石屋冲和小石屋冲三个地点发现有商城肥鲵的栖息,其栖息地海拔介于600~1200 m之间,分布数量较少,对栖息地的生境有着严格的要求,且显示出"斑块化"和"破碎化"的特点。本文在分析了保护区目前所存在问题的同时,提出了保护商城肥鲵的措施与对策。  相似文献   

Abstract Behaviourally and ecologically dominant ants are thought to structure ant communities through their monopolization of resources. Effects of a dominant ant, Iridomyrmex purpureus, on resource use by ant communities were tested using an exclusion experiment on sandstone outcrops near Sydney, in south‐eastern Australia. The success of functionally different ants at honey and mealworm baits placed in rock and vegetation microhabitats was measured in a series of surveys before and after exclusion. I. purpureus was successfully excluded from the outcrops and patterns of resource use following I. purpureus exclusion were consistent with those of sites without I. purpureus and procedural control sites. At sites with I. purpureus, resources were discovered more rapidly, however, other ants were less successful, particularly on rock substrates. Iridomyrmex spp. were more successful on rock than in vegetation, however, in the presence of I. purpureus, the success of other Iridomyrmex on rock substrates and at honey baits was reduced. Camponotine and myrmicine ants had low success at baits and tended to be less successful in the presence of I. purpureus. In contrast, the opportunist Rhytidoponera metallica was not affected by the presence of I. purpureus and was more successful in the vegetation habitat. These findings indicate that the dominant ant affects the success of other ants at baits, particularly the ecologically similar Iridomyrmex. However, effects of I. purpureus on other taxa differ between habitats differing in complexity and resources differing in composition and defensibility.  相似文献   

东北黑土水稳性团聚体及其结合碳分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以东北黑土区32对自然和耕作黑土为研究对象,对比研究了两种土壤水稳性团聚体及其结合碳的分布特征.结果表明:自然土壤0~30 cm水稳性大团聚体(>0.25 mm)质量分数及其结合碳均高于微团聚体;随着土层深度的增加,大团聚体及其结合碳逐渐降低,而微团聚体(<0.25 mm)及其结合碳显著增加(P<0.01).耕作土壤团聚体分布特征与自然土壤相反,与自然土壤相比,耕作土壤大团聚体数量及其结合碳急剧降低,且>1 mm的大团聚体降低幅度远大于其他粒级团聚体.自然土壤大团聚体质量分数与土壤有机碳(SOC)存在明显的正相关关系(P<0.01),尤其是>1 mm大团聚体;耕作土壤>1 mm大团聚体质量分数与土壤总SOC相关不显著;自然与耕作土壤总SOC与各级团聚体结合碳呈极显著正相关(P<0.01).与自然土壤相比,耕作土壤大团聚体结合碳明显降低,而微团聚体结合碳增加了37.1%,总SOC含量下降了29.5%,表明大团聚体在总SOC变化中起主要作用.水稳性大团聚体对管理措施响应迅速,可以作为评价农业管理措施转变对土壤肥力和土壤质量影响的指标.  相似文献   

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