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Profilin controls actin nucleation and assembly processes in eukaryotic cells. Actin nucleation and elongation promoting factors (NEPFs) such as Ena/VASP, formins, and WASP-family proteins recruit profilin:actin for filament formation. Some of these are found to be microtubule associated, making actin polymerization from microtubule-associated platforms possible. Microtubules are implicated in focal adhesion turnover, cell polarity establishment, and migration, illustrating the coupling between actin and microtubule systems. Here we demonstrate that profilin is functionally linked to microtubules with formins and point to formins as major mediators of this association. To reach this conclusion, we combined different fluorescence microscopy techniques, including superresolution microscopy, with siRNA modulation of profilin expression and drug treatments to interfere with actin dynamics. Our studies show that profilin dynamically associates with microtubules and this fraction of profilin contributes to balance actin assembly during homeostatic cell growth and affects micro­tubule dynamics. Hence profilin functions as a regulator of microtubule (+)-end turnover in addition to being an actin control element.  相似文献   

Disanza A  Scita G 《Current biology : CB》2008,18(18):R873-R875
The Arp2/3 complex is essential for actin nucleation and filament elongation in a variety of intracellular processes. This functional versatility is exerted through the regulation of its activity by nucleation-promoting factors (NPFs). The discovery of a new NPF, WHAMM, reveals unexpected connections between the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons and membrane dynamics during ER-to-Golgi transport.  相似文献   

Although much evidence suggests that axon growth and guidance depend on well-coordinated cytoskeletal dynamics, direct characterization of the corresponding molecular events has remained a challenge. Here, we address this outstanding problem by examining neurite outgrowth stimulated by local application of cell adhesion substrates. During acute outgrowth, the advance of organelles and underlying microtubules was correlated with regions of attenuated retrograde actin network flow in the periphery. Interestingly, as adhesion sites matured, contractile actin arc structures, known to be regulated by the Rho/Rho Kinase/myosin II signaling cascade, became more robust and coordinated microtubule movements in the growth cone neck. When Rho Kinase was inhibited, although growth responses occurred with less of a delay, microtubules failed to consolidate into a single axis of growth. These results reveal a role for Rho Kinase and myosin II contractility in regulation of microtubule behavior during neuronal growth.  相似文献   

The migration of tissue cells requires interplay between the microtubule and actin cytoskeletal systems. Recent reports suggest that interactions of microtubules with actin dynamics creates a polarization of microtubule assembly behavior in cells, such that microtubule growth occurs at the leading edge and microtubule shortening occurs at the cell body and rear. Microtubule growth and shortening may activate Rac1 and RhoA signaling, respectively, to control actin dynamics. Thus, an actin-dependent gradient in microtubule dynamic-instability parameters in cells may feed back through the activation of specific signalling pathways to perpetuate the polarized actin-assembly dynamics required for cell motility.  相似文献   

Actin in migrating cells is regulated by Rho GTPases. However, Rho proteins might also affect microtubules (MTs). Here, we used time-lapse microscopy of PtK1 cells to examine MT regulation downstream of Rac1. In these cells, "pioneer" MTs growing into leading-edge protrusions exhibited a decreased catastrophe frequency and an increased time in growth as compared with MTs further from the leading edge. Constitutively active Rac1(Q61L) promoted pioneer behavior in most MTs, whereas dominant-negative Rac1(T17N) eliminated pioneer MTs, indicating that Rac1 is a regulator of MT dynamics in vivo. Rac1(Q61L) also enhanced MT turnover through stimulation of MT retrograde flow and breakage. Inhibition of p21-activated kinases (Paks), downstream effectors of Rac1, inhibited Rac1(Q61L)-induced MT growth and retrograde flow. In addition, Rac1(Q61L) promoted lamellipodial actin polymerization and Pak-dependent retrograde flow. Together, these results indicate coordinated regulation of the two cytoskeletal systems in the leading edge of migrating cells.  相似文献   

Dominant keratin mutations cause epidermolysis bullosa simplex by transforming keratin (K) filaments into aggregates. As a first step toward understanding the properties of mutant keratins in vivo, we stably transfected epithelial cells with an enhanced yellow fluorescent protein-tagged K14R125C mutant. K14R125C became localized as aggregates in the cell periphery and incorporated into perinuclear keratin filaments. Unexpectedly, keratin aggregates were in dynamic equilibrium with soluble subunits at a half-life time of <15 min, whereas filaments were extremely static. Therefore, this dominant-negative mutation acts by altering cytoskeletal dynamics and solubility. Unlike previously postulated, the dominance of mutations is limited and strictly depends on the ratio of mutant to wild-type protein. In support, K14R125C-specific RNA interference experiments resulted in a rapid disintegration of aggregates and restored normal filaments. Most importantly, live cell inhibitor studies revealed that the granules are transported from the cell periphery inwards in an actin-, but not microtubule-based manner. The peripheral granule zone may define a region in which keratin precursors are incorporated into existing filaments. Collectively, our data have uncovered the transient nature of keratin aggregates in cells and offer a rationale for the treatment of epidermolysis bullosa simplex by using short interfering RNAs.  相似文献   

Over the past several years, it has become clear that the Rho family of GTPases plays an important role in various aspects of neuronal development including cytoskeleton dynamics and cell adhesion processes. We have analysed the role of MEGAP, a GTPase-activating protein that acts towards Rac1 and Cdc42 in vitro and in vivo, with respect to its putative regulation of cytoskeleton dynamics and cell migration. To investigate the effects of MEGAP on these cellular processes, we have established an inducible cell culture model consisting of a stably transfected neuroblastoma SHSY-5Y cell line that endogenously expresses MEGAP albeit at low levels. We can show that the induced expression of MEGAP leads to the loss of filopodia and lamellipodia protrusions, whereas constitutively activated Rac1 and Cdc42 can rescue the formation of these structures. We have also established quantitative assays for evaluating actin dynamics and cellular migration. By time-lapse microscopy, we show that induced MEGAP expression reduces cell migration by 3.8-fold and protrusion formation by 9-fold. MEGAP expressing cells also showed impeded microtubule dynamics as demonstrated in the TC-7 3x-GFP epithelial kidney cells. In contrast to the wild type, overexpression of MEGAP harbouring an artificially introduced missense mutation R542I within the functionally important GAP domain did not exert a visible effect on actin and microtubule cytoskeleton remodelling. These data suggest that MEGAP negatively regulates cell migration by perturbing the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton and by hindering the formation of focal complexes.  相似文献   

Microtubules that are free of microtubule-associated protein undergo dynamic changes at steady state, becoming longer but fewer in number with time through a process which was previously assumed to be based entirely on mechanisms of subunit exchange at polymer ends. However, we recently demonstrated that brain and erythrocyte microtubules are capable of joining end-to-end and suggested that polymer annealing may also affect the dynamic behavior of microtubules in vitro (Rothwell, S. W., W. A. Grasser, and D. B. Murphy, 1986, J. Cell Biol. 102:619-627). In the present study, we first show that annealing is a general property of cytoplasmic microtubules and is not a specialized characteristic of erythrocyte microtubules by documenting annealing between tryosinolated and detyrosinolated brain microtubules. We then examine the contributions of polymer annealing and subunit exchange to microtubule dynamics by analyzing the composition and length of individual polymers in a mixture of brain and erythrocyte microtubules by immunoelectron microscopy. In concentrated preparations of short-length microtubules at polymer-mass steady state, annealing was observed to be the principal factor responsible for the increase in polymer length, whereas annealing and subunit exchange contributed about equally to the reduction in microtubule number.  相似文献   

The NK cell-activating receptor NKG2D recognizes several MHC class I-related molecules expressed on virally infected and tumor cells. Human NKG2D transduces activation signals exclusively via an associated DAP10 adaptor containing a YxNM motif, whereas murine NKG2D can signal through either DAP10 or the DAP12 adaptor, which contains an ITAM sequence. DAP10 signaling is thought to be mediated, at least in part, by PI3K and is independent of Syk/Zap-70 kinases; however, the exact mechanism by which DAP10 induces natural cytotoxicity is incompletely understood. Herein, we identify Vav1, a Rho GTPase guanine nucleotide exchange factor, as a critical signaling mediator downstream of DAP10 in NK cells. Specifically, using mice deficient in Vav1 and DAP12, we demonstrate an essential role for Vav1 in DAP10-induced NK cell cytoskeletal polarization involving both actin and microtubule networks, maturation of the cytolytic synapse, and target cell lysis. Mechanistically, we show that Vav1 interacts with DAP10 YxNM motifs through the adaptor protein Grb2 and is required for activation of PI3K-dependent Akt signaling. Based on these findings, we propose a novel model of ITAM-independent signaling by Vav downstream of DAP10 in NK cells.  相似文献   

Functional cooperation between the microtubule and actin cytoskeletons   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
In diverse cell types, microtubule (MT) and actin filament networks cooperate functionally during a wide variety of processes, including vesicle and organelle transport, cleavage furrow placement, directed cell migration, spindle rotation, and nuclear migration. The mechanisms by which MTs and actin filaments cooperate to mediate these different processes can be grouped into two broad categories: coordinated MT- and actin-based transport to move vesicles, organelles, and cell fate determinants; and targeting and capture of MT ends at cortical actin sites. Over the past several years, a growing number of cellular factors that bridge these cytoskeletal systems have been identified. These include 'hetero-motor' complexes (physically associated myosin and kinesin), myosin-CLIP170 complexes, formin homology (FH) proteins, dynein and the dynactin complex, Kar9p, coronin, Kelch repeat-containing proteins, and ERM proteins.  相似文献   

The microtubule cytoskeleton serves as a primary spatial regulator of cell shape. As part of their function, microtubules appear to activate or inhibit the actin cytoskeleton at specific locations at the cell cortex for cell polarization, cell migration and cytokinesis. Recent studies reveal molecular insights into these processes. Regulators of the actin cytoskeleton, such as activators of formin and Rho GTPases, are transported to specific sites on the cortex by riding on the plus ends of microtubules.  相似文献   

The length dynamics both of microtubule-associated protein (MAP)-rich and MAP-depleted bovine brain microtubules were examined at polymer mass steady state. In both preparations, the microtubules exhibited length redistributions shortly after polymer mass steady state was attained. With time, however, both populations relaxed to a state in which no further changes in length distributions could be detected. Shearing the microtubules or diluting the microtubule suspensions transiently increased the extent to which microtubule length redistributions occurred, but again the microtubules relaxed to a state in which changes in the polymer length distributions were not detected. Under steady-state conditions of constant polymer mass and stable microtubule length distribution, both MAP-rich and MAP-depleted microtubules exhibited behavior consistent with treadmilling. MAPs strongly suppressed the magnitude of length redistributions and the steady-state treadmilling rates. These data indicate that the inherent tendency of microtubules in vitro is to relax to a steady state in which net changes in the microtubule length distributions are zero. If the basis of the observed length redistributions is the spontaneous loss and regain of GTP-tubulin ("GTP caps") at microtubule ends, then in order to account for stable length distributions the microtubule ends must reside in the capped state far longer than in the uncapped state, and uncapped microtubule ends must be rapidly recapped. The data suggest that microtubules in cells may have an inherent tendency to remain in the polymerized state, and that microtubule disassembly must be induced actively.  相似文献   

We have quantitatively studied the dynamic behavior of kinetochore fiber microtubules (kMTs); both turnover and poleward transport (flux) in metaphase and anaphase mammalian cells by fluorescence photoactivation. Tubulin derivatized with photoactivatable fluorescein was microinjected into prometaphase LLC-PK and PtK1 cells and allowed to incorporate to steady-state. A fluorescent bar was generated across the MTs in a half-spindle of the mitotic cells using laser irradiation and the kinetics of fluorescence redistribution were determined in terms of a double exponential decay process. The movement of the activated zone was also measured along with chromosome movement and spindle elongation. To investigate the possible regulation of MT transport at the metaphase-anaphase transition, we performed double photoactivation analyses on the same spindles as the cell advanced from metaphase to anaphase. We determined values for the turnover of kMTs (t1/2 = 7.1 +/- 2.4 min at 30 degrees C) and demonstrated that the turnover of kMTs in metaphase is approximately an order of magnitude slower than that for non-kMTs. In anaphase, kMTs become dramatically more stable as evidenced by a fivefold increase in the fluorescence redistribution half-time (t1/2 = 37.5 +/- 8.5 min at 30 degrees C). Our results also indicate that MT transport slows abruptly at anaphase onset to one-half the metaphase value. In early anaphase, MT depolymerization at the kinetochore accounted, on average, for 84% of the rate of chromosome movement toward the pole whereas the relative contribution of MT transport and depolymerization at the pole contributed 16%. These properties reflect a dramatic shift in the dynamic behavior of kMTs at the metaphase-anaphase transition. A release-capture model is presented in which the stability of kMTs is increased at the onset of anaphase through a reduction in the probability of MT release from the kinetochore. The reduction in MT transport at the metaphase-anaphase transition suggests that motor activity and/or subunit dynamics at the centrosome are subject to modulation at this key cell cycle point.  相似文献   

Although many proteins can be overexpressed several fold without much effect on cell viability and morphology, some become toxic upon a slight increase in their intracellular level. This is particularly true for cytoskeletal proteins and has proven useful in the past for studying the cytoskeleton. In yeast, actin and tubulin are examples of proteins that cannot be overexpressed without affecting cell viability. Here, we have analysed the effect of actin overexpression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show that actin overexpression interferes differently with distinct aspects of actin function. For example, two- to fourfold overexpression of actin did not affect the establishment of actin polarity, whereas it abrogated its maintenance. Also, actin structures that are barely visible in wild-type cells could be observed upon actin overexpression. This allowed us to identify a new ring-like actin structure genetically distinguishable from the actomyosin contractile ring. Formation of this actin structure upon actin overexpression was dependent on the septin cytoskeleton, the poorly understood cytokinetic protein Hof1 and the Arp2/3 complex. In contrast to the actomyosin ring, the ring formed upon actin overexpression required neither Myo1 nor formins for assembly. Therefore, we propose that Hof1 acts as a linker between actin and septins. Furthermore, we found that, in the absence of actin overexpression, a novel, Hof1-dependent actin belt is formed at the bud neck of anaphase cells. The physiological role of this belt might be related to that of the similar structure observed in dividing fission yeast.  相似文献   

Gastrulation is a key developmental stage with striking changes in morphology. Coordinated cell movements occur to bring cells to their correct positions in a timely manner. Cell movements and morphological changes are accomplished by precisely controlling dynamic changes in cytoskeletal proteins, microtubules, and actin filaments. Among those cellular movements, epiboly produces the first distinct morphological changes in teleosts. In this review, I describe epiboly and its mechanics, and the dynamic changes in microtubule networks and actin structures, mainly in zebrafish embryos. The factors regulating those cytoskeletal changes will also be discussed.  相似文献   

In addition to containing microtubule and microfilament systems, vertebrate epithelial cells contain an elaborate keratin intermediate-filament cytoskeleton. Little is known about its structural organization or function. Using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy with an antikeratin antiserum probe, we found that destabilization of microtubules and microfilaments with cytostatic drugs induces significant alterations in the cytoskeletal organization of keratin filaments in HeLa and fetal mouse epidermal cells. Keratin filament organization was observed to undergo a rapid (1-2 h) transition from a uniform distribution to an open lattice of keratin fibers stabilized by membrane-associated focal centers. Since addition of any one drug alone did not elicit significant organizational change in the keratin cytoskeleton, we suggest that microfilaments and microtubules have a combined role in maintaining the arrangement of keratin in these cells. Vimentin filaments, the only other intermediate-sized filaments found in HeLa cells, did not co-distribute with keratin in untreated or drug-treated cells. These findings offer a new way to approach the study of the dynamics and functional roles of the keratin cytoskeleton in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

We have previously identified a new gene with sequence homology to the WASP-family of actin regulators denoted WAFL (WASP and FKBP-like). Here we report a possible biological function for WAFL, by demonstrating an association to early endosomes via its central coiled-coil domain. Further we show by functional and structural studies that WAFL is associated with both microtubules and the actin filament system, the two means of transport of early endosomes. In addition, WAFL interacts with WASP-interacting protein (WIP) and actin, thus linking WAFL to actin dynamics. The use of RNAi depletion of WAFL shows that WAFL-deficient cells display delayed transport of endosomal cargo. Our findings are compatible with a model whereby WAFL is involved in the transport of early endosomes at the level of transition between microfilament-based and microtubule-based movement.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton is required for multiple cellular events including endocytosis and the transfer of cargo within the endocytic system. Polarized epithelial cells are capable of endocytosis at either of their distinct apical or basolateral plasma membrane domains. Actin plays a role in internalization at both cell surfaces. Microtubules and actin are required for efficient transcytosis and delivery of proteins to late endosomes and lysosomes. Microtubules are also important in apical recycling pathways and, in some polarized cell types, basolateral recycling requires actin. The microtubule motor proteins dynein and kinesin and the class I unconventional myosin motors play a role in many of these trafficking steps. This review examines the endocytic pathways of polarized epithelial cells and focuses on the emerging roles of the actin cytoskeleton in these processes.  相似文献   

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