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γ-Secretase is a fascinating, multi-subunit, intramembrane cleaving protease that is now being considered as a therapeutic target for a number of diseases. Potent, orally bioavailable γ-secretase inhibitors (GSIs) have been developed and tested in humans with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and cancer. Preclinical studies also suggest the therapeutic potential for GSIs in other disease conditions. However, due to inherent mechanism based-toxicity of non-selective inhibition of γ-secretase, clinical development of GSIs will require empirical testing with careful evaluation of benefit versus risk. In addition to GSIs, compounds referred to as γ-secretase modulators (GSMs) remain in development as AD therapeutics. GSMs do not inhibit γ-secretase, but modulate γ-secretase processivity and thereby shift the profile of the secreted amyloid β peptides (Aβ) peptides produced. Although GSMs are thought to have an inherently safe mechanism of action, their effects on substrates other than the amyloid β protein precursor (APP) have not been extensively investigated. Herein, we will review the current state of development of GSIs and GSMs and explore pertinent biological and pharmacological questions pertaining to the use of these agents for select indications. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Intramembrane Proteases.  相似文献   

β-Secretase (memapsin 2; BACE-1) is the first protease in the processing of amyloid precursor protein leading to the production of amyloid-β (Aβ) in the brain. It is believed that high levels of brain Aβ are responsible for the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Therefore, β-secretase is a major therapeutic target for the development of inhibitor drugs. During the past decade, steady progress has been made in the evolution of β-secretase inhibitors toward better drug properties. Recent inhibitors are potent, selective and have been shown to penetrate the blood-brain barrier to inhibit Aβ levels in the brains of experimental animals. Moreover, continuous administration of a β-secretase inhibitor was shown to rescue age-related cognitive decline in transgenic AD mice. A small number of β-secretase inhibitors have also entered early phase clinical trials. These developments offer some optimism for the clinical development of a disease-modifying drug for AD.  相似文献   

Herein we describe the structure-activity relationship (SAR) of amino-caprolactam analogs derived from amino-caprolactam benzene sulfonamide 1, highlighting affects on the potency of γ-secretase inhibition, selectivity for the inhibition of APP versus Notch processing by γ-secretase and selected pharmakokinetic properties. Amino-caprolactams that are efficacious in reducing the cortical Aβx-40 levels in FVB mice via a single 100 mpk IP dose are highlighted.  相似文献   

Geng J  Qu K  Ren J  Qu X 《Molecular bioSystems》2010,6(12):2389-2391
Herein we report that a visual, label-free gold nanoparticle-based assay for rapid and efficient screening of Alzheimer's disease β-amyloid inhibitors.  相似文献   

γ-Secretase is an integral membrane protein complex and is involved in the cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein APP to produce amyloid-β peptides. Amyloid-β peptides are considered causative agents for Alzheimer's disease and drugs targeted at γ-secretase are investigated as therapeutic treatments. We synthesized new carprofen derivatives, which showed γ-secretase modulating activity and determined their precise position, orientation, and dynamics in lipid membranes by combining neutron diffraction, solid-state NMR spectroscopy, and molecular dynamics simulations. Our data indicate that the carprofen derivatives are inserted into the membrane interface, where the exact position and orientation depends on the lipid phase. This knowledge will help to understand the docking of carprofen derivatives to γ-secretase and in the design of new potent drugs. The approach presented here promises to serve as a general guideline how drug/target interactions in membranes can be analyzed in a comprehensive manner.  相似文献   

Despite an archive of over 73,000 research papers published in the last two decades on the subject of Alzheimer's disease (AD), little clinical progress has been made relative to how people get sporadic AD and what can be done to help them avoid it. This review spotlights strategic steps that could be a turning point in the dramatic lowering of Alzheimer prevalence. The main strategy includes application of four pillars of prevention: 1) early identification of AD vascular risk factors; 2) early detection of AD vascular risk factors; 3) early intervention of AD vascular risk factors based on evidence-based medical decisions; 4) patient follow-up to assess and modify interventions as needed. Tandem to these four pillars of prevention, a proactive lifestyle consisting of a healthy diet coupled to physical and mental activity should be applied as part of any therapeutic intervention. We are persuaded by mounting and compelling evidence that AD is a multifactorial disorder kindled by vascular risk factors that generate chronic brain hypoperfusion (CBH) during advanced aging. A pathobiological cascade of biochemical events in the presence of CBH that leads to oxidative stress and neurodegeneration appears to involve multiple biofactors including micronutrients, trace metals, lipids, and pro-oxidants, as reviewed in this special issue of BioFactors. Modulation of these biofactors may help prevent or control incipient AD. ? 2012 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.  相似文献   

The synthesis and structure-activity relationship (SAR) of a novel series of di-substituted imidazoles, derived from modification of DAPT, are described. Subsequent optimization led to identification of a highly potent series of inhibitors that contain a β-amine in the imidazole side-chain resulting in a robust in vivo reduction of plasma and brain Aβ in guinea pigs. The therapeutic index between Aβ reductions and changes in B-cell populations were studied for compound 10h.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is clinically characterized by the aggregation of neurotoxic amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides in the brain. γ-Secretase catalyzes the reaction of Aβ formation. Inhibition of γ-secretase activating protein (GSAP) reduces Aβ production without disrupting other molecular functions and serves as a promising therapeutic target for lowering Aβ and curing AD. Till date, no proven drug is available for curing AD because of the nonexistence of crystal/NMR structure of GSAP. Thus in the present study, for the first time, we adopted in silico method to predict the 3D structure of GSAP via comparative modeling and studied the architecture and function of GSAP through simulation studies. Docking studies with 4153 phytochemicals revealed that GSAP having a better binding affinity with macaflavanone C, (E)-1-[2,4-dihydroxy-3-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)phenyl]-3-(2,2-dimethyl-8-hydroxy-2H-benzopyran-6-yl)prop-2-en-1-one, and monachosorin B as compared with the standard drug, imatinib. Further, the molecular dynamics analysis suggested that only two phytochemicals, namely, macaflavanone C and (E)-1-[2,4-dihydroxy-3-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)phenyl]-3-(2,2-dimethyl-8-hydroxy-2H-benzopyran-6-yl)prop-2-en-1-one) significantly disrupt the original property of GSAP and also cleared the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion test. These natural compounds may be utilized in future for curing AD after further investigations.  相似文献   

Understanding how different species of Aβ are generated by γ-secretase cleavage has broad therapeutic implications, because shifts in γ-secretase processing that increase the relative production of Aβx-42/43 can initiate a pathological cascade, resulting in Alzheimer disease. We have explored the sequential stepwise γ-secretase cleavage model in cells. Eighteen BRI2-Aβ fusion protein expression constructs designed to generate peptides from Aβ1–38 to Aβ1–55 and C99 (CTFβ) were transfected into cells, and Aβ production was assessed. Secreted and cell-associated Aβ were detected using ELISA and immunoprecipitation MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Aβ peptides from 1–38 to 1–55 were readily detected in the cells and as soluble full-length Aβ proteins in the media. Aβ peptides longer than Aβ1–48 were efficiently cleaved by γ-secretase and produced varying ratios of Aβ1–40:Aβ1–42. γ-Secretase cleavage of Aβ1–51 resulted in much higher levels of Aβ1–42 than any other long Aβ peptides, but the processing of Aβ1–51 was heterogeneous with significant amounts of shorter Aβs, including Aβ1–40, produced. Two PSEN1 variants altered Aβ1–42 production from Aβ1–51 but not Aβ1–49. Unexpectedly, long Aβ peptide substrates such as Aβ1–49 showed reduced sensitivity to inhibition by γ-secretase inhibitors. In contrast, long Aβ substrates showed little differential sensitivity to multiple γ-secretase modulators. Although these studies further support the sequential γ-secretase cleavage model, they confirm that in cells the initial γ-secretase cleavage does not precisely define subsequent product lines. These studies also raise interesting issues about the solubility and detection of long Aβ, as well as the use of truncated substrates for assessing relative potency of γ-secretase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease of unknown cause, characterized by the selective and progressive death of both upper and lower motoneurons, leading to a progressive paralysis. Experimental animal models of the disease may provide knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms and allow the design and testing of therapeutic strategies, provided that they mimic as close as possible the symptoms and temporal progression of the human disease. The principal hypotheses proposed to explain the mechanisms of motoneuron degeneration have been studied mostly in models in vitro, such as primary cultures of fetal motoneurons, organotypic cultures of spinal cord sections from postnatal rodents and the motoneuron-like hybridoma cell line NSC-34. However, these models are flawed in the sense that they do not allow a direct correlation between motoneuron death and its physical consequences like paralysis. In vivo, the most widely used model is the transgenic mouse that bears a human mutant superoxide dismutase 1, the only known cause of ALS. The major disadvantage of this model is that it represents about 2%–3% of human ALS. In addition, there is a growing concern on the accuracy of these transgenic models and the extrapolations of the findings made in these animals to the clinics. Models of spontaneous motoneuron disease, like the wobbler and pmn mice, have been used aiming to understand the basic cellular mechanisms of motoneuron diseases, but these abnormalities are probably different from those occurring in ALS. Therefore, the design and testing of in vivo models of sporadic ALS, which accounts for >90% of the disease, is necessary. The main models of this type are based on the excitotoxic death of spinal motoneurons and might be useful even when there is no definitive demonstration that excitotoxicity is a cause of human ALS. Despite their difficulties, these models offer the best possibility to establish valid correlations between cellular alterations and motor behavior, although improvements are still necessary in order to produce a reliable and integrative model that accurately reproduces the cellular mechanisms of motoneuron degeneration in ALS.  相似文献   

Active or passive immunization against the beta-amyloid peptide (Abeta) has been proposed as a method for preventing and/or treating Alzheimer's disease (AD). In addition to lowering brain Abeta and amyloid burden in transgenic mouse models of AD, a beneficial effect of immunization on previously characterized memory impairment(s) has also been reported in these mice. Whether these preclinical data will predict efficacy in AD patients remains to be seen. A clinical trial of active immunization (vaccination) was halted, owing to a serious adverse event (meningoencephalitis), raising questions about the safety of this approach. Two recent reports suggest that immunotherapy-based approaches to treating and preventing AD will require careful antigen and antibody selection, to maximize efficacy and minimize serious adverse events. However, given the potential efficacy of this approach, we believe that immunotherapy for AD should not be prematurely abandoned.  相似文献   

The synthesis and SAR of a series of BACE-1 hydroxyethyl amine inhibitors containing substitutions on a spirocyclobutyl moiety is described. Selectivity against cathepsin D, a related aspartyl protease with potential off target toxicity, and improved microsomal stability is exemplified.  相似文献   

Immunotherapy in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) is rapidly becoming a hot topic of modern geriatric and clinical gerontology. Current views see immunization with Aβ peptide, the amyloidogenic protein found in senile plaque of AD patient's brains, or the infusion of preformed antibody specific for human Aβ, as possible therapeutic approaches to improve the cognitive status in the disease. Animal models of the disease have provided positive results from both approaches. Thus, an initial clinical trial using immunization with human Aβ in AD patients was started, but then shortly halted because of an unusually high incidence (6%) of meningoencephalitis. A long and currently ongoing debate in the scientific community about the pro or contra of vaccination or passive immunization with Aβ in AD is thereafter started. Here, the authors would like to stress few points of concern regarding these approaches in clinical practice.  相似文献   

A non-peptide inhibitor that is metabolically stable, orally active and capable of crossing the blood–brain barrier has been a popular option for treating Alzheimer's disease (AD). To identify novel non-peptide inhibitors for AD drug development, a structure-based pharmacophore model (SBPM) was developed using the representative docked conformation of the recently discovered peptide inhibitor PGKLVYA in the potential binding site on the Aβ(17–42) protofibril. The best SBPM, consisting of two hydrophobic, one hydrogen bond donor, and one positive ionisable feature, was further validated using ligand pharmacophore mapping studies. The well-validated SBPM was then used as the 3D query in virtual screening to identify potential hits from the National Cancer Institute database. These hits were subsequently filtered by toxicity prediction and molecular docking, and their binding stabilities and affinities were validated by 20-ns molecular dynamics simulations and molecular mechanics Poisson–Boltzmann surface area analysis, respectively. Finally, two Hits (NSC35984 and NSC102747) were identified as potential leads, which exhibited higher binding stability and affinity towards Aβ compared with PGKVYA. Our results also suggest that these two Hits have the ability to prevent Aβ adopting toxic β-sheet structures, and can be easily synthesised and have structural novelty, indicating that they are promising candidates for treating AD.  相似文献   

Highlights? A concept to explain the production of AD-associated Aβ42(43) is proposed ? Aβ42(43) is not only a product of, but also a substrate for, γ-secretase in cells ? The mechanism underlying the action of γ-secretase modulators is proposed ? Enhancing γ-secretase function to cleave Aβ42(43) is a strategy for anti-AD drugs  相似文献   

Vascular risk factors play a critical role in the development of cognitive decline and AD (Alzheimer's disease), during aging, and often result in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion. The neurobiological link between hypoperfusion and cognitive decline is not yet defined, but is proposed to involve damage to the brain's white matter. In a newly developed mouse model, hypoperfusion, in isolation, produces a slowly developing and diffuse damage to myelinated axons, which is widespread in the brain, and is associated with a selective impairment in working memory. Cerebral hypoperfusion, an early event in AD, has also been shown to be associated with white matter damage and notably an accumulation of amyloid. The present review highlights some of the published data linking white matter disruption to aging and AD as a result of vascular dysfunction. A model is proposed by which chronic cerebral hypoperfusion, as a result of vascular factors, results in both the generation and accumulation of amyloid and injury to white matter integrity, resulting in cognitive impairment. The generation of amyloid and accumulation in the vasculature may act to perpetuate further vascular dysfunction and accelerate white matter pathology, and as a consequence grey matter pathology and cognitive decline.  相似文献   

A hypothesis is proposed that reconciles the epidemiological observation of elevated homocysteine in Alzheimer's disease (AD) with clinical features of the disease, particularly evidence of increased oxidative stress. We propose homocysteine is involved in an iron dysregulation/oxidative stress cycle that has a central role in the pathogenesis of AD. The implications of the hypothesis and some strategies for testing it are discussed.  相似文献   

Cdk5, a therapeutic target for Alzheimer's disease?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Alzheimer's disease (AD) represents the leading cause for senile dementia affecting more than 4 million people worldwide. AD patients display a triad of pathological features including brain atrophy caused by neuronal loss, beta-amyloid plaque and neurofibrillary tangles. We previously show that Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) is deregulated in AD brains and may contribute to the pathogenesis of AD. In AD brains, a calpain cleavage product of its physiological regulator p35, p25 is elevated. p25 causes prolonged activation of Cdk5 and alteration of its substrate specificity. The implications of p25/Cdk5 in neurotoxicity, beta-amyloid plaque and neurofibrillary tangle pathology will be discussed.  相似文献   

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