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In this work we consider a spatially distributed periodic multi strain SIS epidemic model. We let susceptible and infected individuals migrate between patches, with periodic migration rates. Considering that migrations are much faster than the epidemic process, we build up a less dimensional (aggregated) system that allows to study some features of the asymptotic behavior of the original model. In particular, we are able to define global reproduction numbers in the non-spatialized aggregated system that serve to decide the eradication or endemicity of the epidemic in the initial spatially distributed nonautonomous model. Comparing these global reproductive numbers with those corresponding to isolated patches we show that adequate periodic fast migrations can in many cases reverse local endemicity and get global eradication of the epidemic.  相似文献   

In this work we extend approximate aggregation methods in time discrete linear models to the case of time varying environments. Approximate aggregation consists in describing some features of the dynamics of a general system involving many coupled variables in terms of the dynamics of a reduced system with a few number of variables. We present a time discrete time varying model in which we distinguish two time scales. By using perturbation methods we transform the system to make the global variables appear and build up the aggregated system. The asymptotic relationships between the general and aggregated systems are explored in the cases of a cyclically varying environment and a changing environment in process of stabilization. We show that under quite general conditions the knowledge of the behavior of the aggregated system characterizes that of the general system. The general method is also applied to aggregate a multiregional time dependent Leslie model showing that the aggregated model has demographic rates depending on the equilibrium proportions of individuals in the different patches.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to develop an approximate aggregation method for certain non-linear discrete models. Approximate aggregation consists in describing the dynamics of a general system involving many coupled variables by means of the dynamics of a reduced system with a few global variables. We present discrete models with two different time scales, the slow one considered to be linear and the fast one non-linear because of its transition matrix depends on the global variables. In our discrete model the time unit is chosen to be the one associated to the slow dynamics, and then we approximate the effect of fast dynamics by using a sufficiently large power of its corresponding transition matrix. In a previous work the same system is treated in the case of fast dynamics considered to be linear, conservative in the global variables and inducing a stable frequency distribution of the state variables. A similar non-linear model has also been studied which uses as time unit the one associated to the fast dynamics and has the non-linearity in the slow part of the system. In the present work we transform the system to make the global variables explicit, and we justify the quick derivation of the aggregated system. The local asymptotic behaviour of the aggregated system entails that of the general system under certain conditions, for instance, if the aggregated system has a stable hyperbolic fixed point then the general system has one too. The method is applied to aggregate a multiregional Leslie model with density dependent migration rates.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the influence of patch selection on the dynamics of a system describing the interactions between two populations, generically called 'population N' and 'population P'. Our model may be applied to prey-predator systems as well as to certain host-parasite or parasitoid systems. A situation in which population P affects the spatial distribution of population N is considered. We deal with a heterogeneous environment composed of two spatial patches: population P lives only in patch 1, while individuals belonging to population N migrate between patch 1 and patch 2, which may be a refuge. Therefore they are divided into two patch sub-populations and can migrate according to different migration laws. We make the assumption that the patch change is fast, whereas the growth and interaction processes are slower. We take advantage of the two time scales to perform aggregation methods in order to obtain a global model describing the time evolution of the total populations, at a slow time scale. At first, a migration law which is independent on population P density is considered. In this case the global model is equivalent to the local one, and under certain conditions, population P always gets extinct. Then, the same model, but in which individuals belonging to population N leave patch 1 proportionally to population P density, is studied. This particular behavioral choice leads to a dynamically richer global system, which favors stability and population coexistence. Finally, we study a third example corresponding to the addition of an aggregative behavior of population N on patch 1. This leads to a more complicated situation in which, according to initial conditions, the global system is described by two different aggregated models. Under certain conditions on parameters a stable limit cycle occurs, leading to periodic variations of the total population densities, as well as of the local densities on the spatial patches.  相似文献   

We investigate whether asymmetric fast migration can modify the predictions of classical competition theory and, in particular revert species dominance. We consider a model of two species competing for an implicit resource on a habitat divided into two patches. Both patches are connected through constant migration rates and in each patch local dynamics are driven by a Lotka-Volterra competition system.Local competition is asymmetric with the same superior competitor in both patches. Migration is asymmetric, species dependent and fast in comparison to local competitive interactions. The species and patches are taken to be otherwise similar: in both patches we assume the same carrying capacities for both species, and the same growth rates and pair-wise competition coefficients for each species.We show that global dynamics can be described by a classical Lotka-Volterra competition model. We found that by modifying the ratio of intraspecific migration rates for both species all possible combinations of global species relative dominance can be achieved. We find specific conditions for which the local superior competitor is globally excluded. This is to our knowledge the first study showing that fast asymmetric migration can lead to inferior competitor dominance in a homogeneous environment. We conclude that disparity of temporal scales between migration and local dynamics may have important consequences for the maintenance of biodiversity in spatially structured populations.  相似文献   

In this work we extend approximate aggregation methods to deal with a very general linear time discrete model. Approximate aggregation consists in describing some features of the dynamics of a general system in terms of the dynamics of a reduced system governed by a few global variables. We present a time discrete model for a structured population (i.e., the population is subdivided in subpopulations) in which we can distinguish two processes of a general nature and whose corresponding time scales are very different from each other. We transform the general system to make the global variables appear and obtain the reduced system. These global variables are, for each subpopulation, a certain linear combination of the corresponding state variables. We show that, under quite general conditions, the asymptotic behavior of the reduced system can be known in terms of the corresponding behavior for the reduced system. The general method is applied to aggregate a multiregional Leslie model in which the demographic process is supposed to be fast with respect to migration.  相似文献   

This work presents a predator-prey Lotka-Volterra model in a two patch environment. The model is a set of four ordinary differential equations that govern the prey and predator population densities on each patch. Predators disperse with constant migration rates, while prey dispersal is predator density-dependent. When the predator density is large, the dispersal of prey is more likely to occur. We assume that prey and predator dispersal is faster than the local predator-prey interaction on each patch. Thus, we take advantage of two time scales in order to reduce the complete model to a system of two equations governing the total prey and predator densities. The stability analysis of the aggregated model shows that a unique strictly positive equilibrium exists. This equilibrium may be stable or unstable. A Hopf bifurcation may occur, leading the equilibrium to be a centre. If the two patches are similar, the predator density dependent dispersal of prey has a stabilizing effect on the predator-prey system.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the effects of different individual behaviours on the overall growth of a spatially distributed population. The population can grow on two spatial patches, a source and a sink, that are connected by migrations. Two time scales are involved in the dynamics, a fast one corresponding to migrations and a slow one associated with the local growth on each patch. Different scenarios of density-dependent migration are proposed and their effects on the population growth are investigated. A general discussion on the use of aggregation methods for the study of integration of different ecological levels is proposed.  相似文献   

We consider a predator-prey model in a two-patch environment and assume that migration between patches is faster than prey growth, predator mortality and predator-prey interactions. Prey (resp. predator) migration rates are considered to be predator (resp. prey) density-dependent. Prey leave a patch at a migration rate proportional to the local predator density. Predators leave a patch at a migration rate inversely proportional to local prey population density. Taking advantage of the two different time scales, we use aggregation methods to obtain a reduced (aggregated) model governing the total prey and predator densities. First, we show that for a large class of density-dependent migration rules for predators and prey there exists a unique and stable equilibrium for migration. Second, a numerical bifurcation analysis is presented. We show that bifurcation diagrams obtained from the complete and aggregated models are consistent with each other for reasonable values of the ratio between the two time scales, fast for migration and slow for local demography. Our results show that, under some particular conditions, the density dependence of migrations can generate a limit cycle. Also a co-dim two Bautin bifurcation point is observed in some range of migration parameters and this implies that bistability of an equilibrium and limit cycle is possible.  相似文献   

Density‐dependent population regulation is observed in many taxa, and understanding the mechanisms that generate density dependence is especially important for the conservation of heavily‐managed species. In one such system, North American waterfowl, density dependence is often observed at continental scales, and nest predation has long been implicated as a key factor driving this pattern. However, despite extensive research on this topic, it remains unclear if and how nest density influences predation rates. Part of this confusion may have arisen because previous studies have studied density‐dependent predation at relatively large spatial and temporal scales. Because the spatial distribution of nests changes throughout the season, which potentially influences predator behavior, nest survival may vary through time at relatively small spatial scales. As such, density‐dependent nest predation might be more detectable at a spatially‐ and temporally‐refined scale and this may provide new insights into nest site selection and predator foraging behavior. Here, we used three years of data on nest survival of two species of waterfowl, mallards and gadwall, to more fully explore the relationship between local nest clustering and nest survival. Throughout the season, we found that the distribution of nests was consistently clustered at small spatial scales (?50–400 m), especially for mallard nests, and that this pattern was robust to yearly variation in nest density and the intensity of predation. We demonstrated further that local nest clustering had positive fitness consequences – nests with closer nearest neighbors were more likely to be successful, a result that is counter to the general assumption that nest predation rates increase with nest density.  相似文献   

In this work we consider a structured population with groups and subgroups of individuals. The intra-group dynamics is assumed to be fast in comparison with the inter-group dynamics. We study linear discrete models where the slow dynamics is represented by a single matrix and the fast dynamics is described by means of the first k terms of a converging sequence of different matrices. The number k can be interpreted as the ratio between the two time scales.The aim of this work is to extend aggregation techniques to the case of fast changing environments. The main idea of aggregation is to build up a new system, with lower dimension, that summarizes the information concerning the fast process. This "aggregated" system provides essential information on the original one. It is shown that the asymptotic behavior of the original system can be approximated by the asymptotic behavior of the aggregated system when the ratio between the two time scales is large enough.We present an example of an age structured population in a patchy environment. The migration process is assumed to be fast in comparison with the demographic process. Numerical simulations illustrate that the asymptotic growth rate and the stable age distribution of the population in the original and the aggregated systems are getting closer as the ratio k increases.  相似文献   

Traditional metapopulation theory classifies a metapopulation as a spatially homogeneous population that persists on neighboring habitat patches. The fate of each population on a habitat patch is a function of a balance between births and deaths via establishment of new populations through migration to neighboring patches. In this study, we expand upon traditional metapopulation models by incorporating spatial heterogeneity into a previously studied two-patch nonlinear ordinary differential equation metapopulation model, in which the growth of a general prey species is logistic and growth of a general predator species displays a Holling type II functional response. The model described in this work assumes that migration by generalist predator and prey populations between habitat patches occurs via a migratory corridor. Thus, persistence of species is a function of local population dynamics and migration between spatially heterogeneous habitat patches. Numerical results generated by our model demonstrate that population densities exhibit periodic plane-wave phenomena, which appear to be functions of differences in migration rates between generalist predator and prey populations. We compare results generated from our model to results generated by similar, but less ecologically realistic work, and to observed population dynamics in natural metapopulations.  相似文献   

We consider a bitrophic spatially distributed community consisting of prey and actively moving predators. The model is based on the assumption that the spatial and temporal variations of the predators' velocity are determined by the prey gradient. Locally, the populations follow the simple Lotka-Volterra interaction. We also assume predator reproduction and mortality to be negligible in comparison with the time scale of migration. The model demonstrates heterogeneous oscillating distributions of both species, which occur because of the active movements of predators. One consequence of this heterogeneity is increased viability of the prey population, compared to the equivalent homogeneous model, and increased consumption. Further numerical analysis shows that, on the spatially aggregated scale, the average predator density adversely affects the individual consumption, leading to a nonlinear predator-dependent trophic function, completely different from the Lotka-Volterra rule assumed at the local scale.  相似文献   

In ecology, we are faced with modelling complex systems involving many variables corresponding to interacting populations structured in different compartmental classes, ages and spatial patches. Models that incorporate such a variety of aspects would lead to systems of equations with many variables and parameters. Mathematical analysis of these models would, in general, be impossible. In many real cases, the dynamics of the system corresponds to two or more time scales. For example, individual decisions can be rapid in comparison to growth of the populations. In that case, it is possible to perform aggregation methods that allow one to build a reduced model that governs the dynamics of a lower dimensional system, at a slow time scale. In this article, we present a review of aggregation methods for time continuous systems as well as for discrete models. We also present applications in population dynamics. A first example concerns a continuous time model of a single population distributed on a system of two connected patches (a logistic source and a sink), by fast migration. It is shown that under a certain condition, the total equilibrium population can be larger than the carrying capacity of the logistic source. A second example concerns a discrete model of a population distributed on two patches, still a source and a sink, connected by fast migration. The use of aggregation methods permits us to conclude that density-dependent migration can stabilize the total population.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies have demonstrated that selection will favor increased migration when fitnesses vary both temporally and spatially, but it is far from clear how pervasive those theoretical conditions are in nature. Although consumer–resource interactions are omnipresent in nature and can generate spatial and temporal variation, it is unknown even in theory whether these dynamics favor the evolution of migration. We develop a mathematical model to address whether and how migration evolves when variability in fitness is determined at least in part by consumer–resource coevolutionary interactions. Our analyses show that such interactions can drive the evolution of migration in the resource, consumer, or both species and thus supplies a general explanation for the pervasiveness of migration. Over short time scales, we show the direction of change in migration rate is determined primarily by the state of local adaptation of the species involved: rates increase when a species is locally maladapted and decrease when locally adapted. Our results reveal that long‐term evolutionary trends in migration rates can differ dramatically depending on the strength or weakness of interspecific interactions and suggest an explanation for the evolutionary divergence of migration rates among interacting species.  相似文献   

I analyze the dynamics of predator and prey populations living in two patches. Within a patch the prey grow logistically and the predators have a Holling type II functional response. The two patches are coupled through predator migration. The system can be interpreted as a simple predator-prey metapopulation or as a spatially explicit predator-prey system. Asynchronous local dynamics are presumed by metapopulation theory. The main question I address is when synchronous and when asynchronous dynamics arise. Contrary to biological intuition, for very small migration rates the oscillations always synchronize. For intermediate migration rates the synchronous oscillations are unstable and I found periodic, quasi-periodic, and intermittently chaotic attractors with asynchronous dynamics. For large predator migration rates, attractors in the form of equilibria or limit cycles exist in which one of the patches contains no prey. The dynamical behavior of the system is described using bifurcation diagrams. The model shows that spatial predator-prey populations can be regulated through the interplay of local dynamics and migration.  相似文献   

A prey-predator system that is spatially dependent is built around the familiar logistic equation. The result is a set of coupled integro-differential equations. If at least one of the populations reproduces periodically in a time that is short to other characteristic times, these equations can be transformed to a set of coupled maps, each map representing a spatial point. Various models are developed that include predator ranging as well predator migration via diffusion. In two dimensions the coupling among the spatial points will have the symmetry of the regular polyhedra if the infinite plane is viewed in polar coordinates, or toroidal symmetry if periodic boundary conditions are imposed. Numerical examples are given. Depending on the value of the parameters and on the initial conditions the system can oscillate in a variety of different spatial modes, giving rise to unusual bifurcation portraits, or it can behave chaotically. The solutions show that a patchy distribution of population is more stable against the influences of environmental noise than is a smoothly distributed population. The numerical results in two dimensions are in constrast with the results of a previous study in one dimension.  相似文献   

Aggregation methods allow one to replace a large scale dynamical system (micro-system) by a reduced dynamical system (macro-system) governing a small number of global variables. This aggregation of variables can be performed when two time scales exist, a fast time scale and a slow time scale. Perturbation theory allows to obtain an approximated aggregated dynamical system which describes the behaviour of a few number of slow time varying variables which are constants of motion of the fast part of the micro-system. Aggregation methods are applied to the case of the devastation of the great barrier reef by the starfishes. We recall the Antonelli/Kazarinoff model which implies a stable limit cycle for the corals and starfish populations. This prey-predator model describes the interactions between two species of corals and the starfish. Then, we generalize the Antonelli/Kazarinoff model to the case of two spatial patches with a fast part describing the starfish migration on the patches and the human manipulation of the communities by divers and, a slow part describing the growth and the interactions between the populations. We obtain an aggregated model governing the total coral densities on the patches and the total starfish population. This model can exhibit stable limit cycle oscillations and a Hopf bifurcation. The critical value of the bifurcation parameter is expressed in terms of the proportions of coral species and starfish on the two patches. This implies for example that rather than random killing of starfish by the Australian military, it may be better to send teams of divers to outbreaking reefs when they first occur who will then manipulate the community structure to increase protection.  相似文献   

As the result of the complexity inherent in nature, mathematical models employed in ecology are often governed by a large number of variables. For instance, in the study of population dynamics we often deal with models for structured populations in which individuals are classified regarding their age, size, activity or location, and this structuring of the population leads to high dimensional systems. In many instances, the dynamics of the system is controlled by processes whose time scales are very different from each other. Aggregation techniques take advantage of this situation to build a low dimensional reduced system from which behavior we can approximate the dynamics of the complex original system.In this work we extend aggregation techniques to the case of time dependent discrete population models with two time scales where both the fast and the slow processes are allowed to change at their own characteristic time scale, generalizing the results of previous studies. We propose a non-autonomous model with two time scales, construct an aggregated model and give relationship between the variables governing the original and the reduced systems. We also explore how the properties of strong and weak ergodicity, regarding the capacity of the system to forget initial conditions, of the original system can be studied in terms of the reduced system.  相似文献   

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