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Unravelling the origin of genetic alterations from point mutations to chromosomal rearrangements was greatly enhanced by the discovery of RNA-DNA hybrids (R-loops) that behave as hotspots of genomic instability in a variety of organisms. Current models suggest that uncontrolled R-loops are a hazard to genome integrity, therefore, identifying proteins that are involved in recognising and signalling R-loop structures are of key importance. Herein we analysed key RNA-DNA hybrid binding proteins in humans taking advantage of large-scale gene expression, survival rate, and drug-sensitivity data from cancer genomics databases. We show that expression of RNA-DNA hybrid binding proteins in various cancer types is associated with survival and may have contrasting outcomes in responding to therapeutic treatments. Based on the revealed pharmacogenomic landscape of human RNA-DNA hybrid binding proteins, we propose that R-loops and R-loop binding proteins are potentially relevant new epigenetic markers and therapeutic targets in multiple cancers.  相似文献   

R-loops are three-stranded nucleic acid structures formed from the hybridization of RNA and DNA. While the pathological consequences of R-loops have been well-studied to date, the locations, classes, and dynamics of physiological R-loops remain poorly understood. R-loop mapping studies provide insight into R-loop dynamics, but their findings are challenging to generalize. This is due to the narrow biological scope of individual studies, the limitations of each mapping modality, and, in some cases, poor data quality. In this study, we reprocessed 810 R-loop mapping datasets from a wide array of biological conditions and mapping modalities. From this data resource, we developed an accurate R-loop data quality control method, and we reveal the extent of poor-quality data within previously published studies. We then identified a set of high-confidence R-loop mapping samples and used them to define consensus R-loop sites called ‘R-loop regions’ (RL regions). In the process, we identified a stark divergence between RL regions detected by S9.6 and dRNH-based mapping methods, particularly with respect to R-loop size, location, and colocalization with RNA binding factors. Taken together, this work provides a much-needed method to assess R-loop data quality and offers novel context regarding the differences between dRNH- and S9.6-based R-loop mapping approaches.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) has first been described in Drosophila as an essential component of constitutive heterochromatin required for stable epigenetic gene silencing. Less is known about the three mammalian HP1 isotypes CBX1, CBX3 and CBX5. Here, we applied a tandem affinity purification approach coupled with tandem mass spectrometry methodologies in order to identify interacting partners of the mammalian HP1 isotypes. Our analysis identified with high confidence about 30–40 proteins co-eluted with CBX1 and CBX3, and around 10 with CBX5 including a number of novel HP1-binding partners. Our data also suggest that HP1 family members are mainly associated with a single partner or within small protein complexes composed of limited numbers of components. Finally, we showed that slight binding preferences might exist between HP1 family members.  相似文献   

RUNX family proteins are critical regulators of lineage differentiation during development. The high prevalence of RUNX mutation/epigenetic inactivation in human cancer indicates a causative role for dysfunctional RUNX in carcinogenesis. This is supported by well-documented evidence of functional interaction of RUNX with components of major oncogenic or tumor suppressive signaling pathways such as TGFβ and Wnt. Here, we explore the binding partners of RUNX3 proteins to further define the scope of RUNX3 function. Using a mass spectrometry-based approach, we found that RUNX3 binds to centrosomal protein rootletin. This led us to uncover the presence of RUNX proteins at the centrosome. Our findings suggest a potential function for RUNX3 during mitosis.  相似文献   

TRIM9 and TRIM67 are neuronally enriched E3 ubiquitin ligases essential for appropriate morphogenesis of cortical and hippocampal neurons and fidelitous responses to the axon guidance cue netrin-1. Deletion of murine Trim9 or Trim67 results in neuroanatomical defects and striking behavioral deficits, particularly in spatial learning and memory. TRIM9 and TRIM67 interact with cytoskeletal and exocytic proteins, but the full interactome is not known. Here we performed the unbiased proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID) approach to define TRIM9 and TRIM67 protein–protein proximity network in developing cortical neurons and identified putative neuronal TRIM interaction partners. Candidates included cytoskeletal regulators, cytosolic protein transporters, exocytosis and endocytosis regulators, and proteins necessary for synaptic regulation. A subset of high-priority candidates was validated, including Myo16, Coro1A, MAP1B, ExoC1, GRIP1, PRG-1, and KIF1A. For a subset of validated candidates, we utilized total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to demonstrate dynamic colocalization with TRIM proteins at the axonal periphery, including at the tips of filopodia. Further analysis demonstrated that the RNA interference–based knockdown of the unconventional myosin Myo16 in cortical neurons altered growth cone filopodia density and axonal branching patterns in a TRIM9- and netrin-1–dependent manner. Future analysis of other validated candidates will likely identify novel proteins and mechanisms by which TRIM9 and TRIM67 regulate neuronal form and function.  相似文献   

Máté G  Néda Z  Benedek J 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e16518
A mechanical spring-block model is used for realizing an objective space partition of settlements from a geographic territory in region-like structures. The method is based on the relaxation-dynamics of the spring-block system and reveals in a hierarchical manner region-like entities at different spatial scales. It takes into account in an elegant manner both the spatiality of the elements and the connectivity relations among them. Spatiality is taken into account by using the geographic coordinates of the settlements, and by detecting the neighbors with the help of a Delaunay triangulation. Connectivity between neighboring settlements are quantified using a Pearson-like correlation for the relative variation of a relevant socio-economic parameter (population size, GDP, tax payed per inhabitant, etc.). The method is implemented in an interactive JAVA application and it is applied with success for an artificially generated society and for the case of USA, Hungary and Transylvania.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the characterization of the phosphoproteome have been limited to measuring phosphorylation statuses, which imply but do not measure protein kinase activity directly. As such, the ability to screen, compare, and define multiple protein enzymatic activities across divergent samples remains a daunting challenge in proteomics. Here, we describe a gel-based kinase assay coupled to MS identification as an approach to map global kinase activity and assign pathway architecture to specified biologic contexts. We demonstrate the utility of this method as a platform for the comparison of proteomes based on differences in both kinase activities and for use in the de novo substrate identification for individual kinases. This approach allowed us to map the signal perturbations in the post-natal heart that were associated with activation of a myopathic cascade as mediated by the mitogen-activated protein kinase MKK6 and established the novel observation that MKK6 promotes the development of cardiomyopathy through multiple substrate interactions.  相似文献   

Electron cryotromography, a relatively new methodology in the field of microbiology, has been exploited by Murphy et al . (in this issue of Molecular Microbiology ) in their analysis of the recently isolated termite gut spirochete Treponema primitia . Unique structures (bowls, arcades of hooks, cones at the cell ends, two layers of wall material) were evident from the analysis of its surface and internal constituents. These results, coupled to video microscopy analysis of swimming cells, allowed the authors to propose a model of cell motility. This highly significant paper highlights the importance of electron cryotomography to the field of microbiology. It also illustrates that newly cultured recalcitrant bacteria from complex environments are likely to possess novel structures not previously seen in other species.  相似文献   

3′,5′-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) is finally recognized as an essential signaling molecule in plants where cAMP-dependent processes include responses to hormones and environmental stimuli. To better understand the role of 3′,5′-cAMP at the systems level, we have undertaken a phosphoproteomic analysis to elucidate the cAMP-dependent response of tobacco BY-2 cells. These cells overexpress a molecular “sponge” that buffers free intracellular cAMP level. The results show that, firstly, in vivo cAMP dampening profoundly affects the plant kinome and notably mitogen-activated protein kinases, receptor-like kinases, and calcium-dependent protein kinases, thereby modulating the cellular responses at the systems level. Secondly, buffering cAMP levels also affects mRNA processing through the modulation of the phosphorylation status of several RNA-binding proteins with roles in splicing, including many serine and arginine-rich proteins. Thirdly, cAMP-dependent phosphorylation targets appear to be conserved among plant species. Taken together, these findings are consistent with an ancient role of cAMP in mRNA processing and cellular programming and suggest that unperturbed cellular cAMP levels are essential for cellular homeostasis and signaling in plant cells.  相似文献   

We derive a map of protein interactions in the parasite Plasmodium falciparum from conserved interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, and Escherichia coli and pool them with experimental interaction data. The application of a clique‐percolation algorithm allows us to find overlapping clusters, strongly correlated with yeast specific conserved protein complexes. Such clusters contain core activities that govern gene expression, largely dominated by components of protein production and degradation processes as well as RNA metabolism. A critical role of protein hubs in the interactome of P. falciparum is supported by their appearance in multiple clusters and the tendencies of their interactions to reach into many distinct protein clusters. Parasite proteins with a human ortholog tend to appear in single complexes. Annotating each protein with the stage where it is maximally expressed we observe a high level of cluster integrity in the ring stage. While we find no signal in the trophozoite phase, expression patterns are reversed in the schizont phase, implying a preponderance of parasite specific functions in this late, invasive schizont stage. As such, the inference of potential protein interactions and their analysis contributes to our understanding of the parasite, indicating basic pathways and processes as unique targets for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) in bacteria regulate many important cellular activities under normal conditions and in response to stress. Many sRNAs bind to the mRNA targets at or near the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) resulting in translation inhibition and accelerated degradation. Often the sRNA-binding site is adjacent to or overlapping with the ribosomal binding site (RBS), suggesting a possible interplay between sRNA and ribosome binding. Here we combine quantitative experiments with mathematical modeling to reveal novel features of the interaction between small RNAs and the translation machinery at the 5′UTR of a target mRNA. By measuring the response of a library of reporter targets with varied RBSs, we find that increasing translation rate can lead to increased repression. Quantitative analysis of these data suggests a recruitment model, where bound ribosomes facilitate binding of the sRNA. We experimentally verified predictions of this model for the cell-to-cell variability of target expression. Our findings offer a framework for understanding sRNA silencing in the context of bacterial physiology.  相似文献   

To enable large-scale multi-factorial finite element (FE) studies, the FE models used must be as computationally efficient as is feasible, while maintaining a suitable level of definition. The present study seeks to find an optimum level of model complexity for use in such large-scale studies by investigating which model attributes are most influential over the chosen model outputs of principal stress and strain in the intact acetabulum. A multi-factorial sensitivity study was carried out using 128 FE models, representing combinations of the following variables: bone stiffness distribution, imposed muscle loading, boundary condition location, hip joint contact conditions and patient's bone anatomy. The relative sensitivity of each input factor was analysed, and it was concluded that the optimum level of model definition must include CT-dependent trabecular bone properties and a sliding interface at the hip joint. It was found that it was not essential to describe the ligamentous sacroiliac and pubic symphysis joints; these could be rigidly fixed in space; and for the normal walking load case, muscle forces may be neglected. It was also concluded that a variety of bone anatomies should be included in a multi-factorial analysis if results are to be inferred for a wider population.  相似文献   

In order to understand the role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in vascular physiopathology, we took advantage of deep-sequencing techniques to accurately and comprehensively profile the entire miRNA population expressed by endothelial cells exposed to hypoxia. SOLiD sequencing of small RNAs derived from human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) exposed to 1% O2 or normoxia for 24 h yielded more than 22 million reads per library. A customized bioinformatic pipeline identified more than 400 annotated microRNA/microRNA* species with a broad abundance range: miR-21 and miR-126 totaled almost 40% of all miRNAs. A complex repertoire of isomiRs was found, displaying also 5′ variations, potentially affecting target recognition. High-stringency bioinformatic analysis identified microRNA candidates, whose predicted pre-miRNAs folded into a stable hairpin. Validation of a subset by qPCR identified 18 high-confidence novel miRNAs as detectable in independent HUVEC cultures and associated to the RISC complex. The expression of two novel miRNAs was significantly down-modulated by hypoxia, while miR-210 was significantly induced. Gene ontology analysis of their predicted targets revealed a significant association to hypoxia-inducible factor signaling, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. Overexpression of the novel miRNAs in hypoxic endothelial cells affected cell growth and confirmed the biological relevance of their down-modulation. In conclusion, deep-sequencing accurately profiled known, variant, and novel microRNAs expressed by endothelial cells in normoxia and hypoxia.  相似文献   

Cerebral ischemia or stroke, an acute neurological injury lacking an effective therapy, is the second leading cause of death globally. The unmet need in stroke research is to identify viable targets and to understand their interplay during the temporal evolution of ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. Here we report a temporal signature of the ischemic hemisphere revealed by the isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ)-based 2D-LC-MS/MS strategy in an in vivo middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model of focal cerebral I/R injury. To recapitulate clinical stroke, two hours of MCAO was followed by 0, 4, and 24 h of reperfusion to capture ischemia with an acute and subacute durations of reperfusion injury. The subsequent iTRAQ experiment identified 2242 proteins from the ischemic hemisphere with <1.0% false discovery rate. Data mining revealed that (1) about 2.7% of detected proteins were temporally perturbed having an involvement in the energy metabolism (Pygb, Atp5b), glutamate excitotoxicity (Slc1a3, Glud1), neuro-inflammation (Tf, C3, Alb), and cerebral plasticity (Gfap, Vim, Gap43); (2) astrocytes participated actively in the neurometabolic coupling underlining the importance of a cerebro-protective rather than a neuro-protective approach; and (3) hyper-acute yet progressive opening of the blood brain barrier (BBB), accompanied by stimulation of an innate immune response and late activation of a regenerative response, which provides an extended therapeutic window for intervention. Several regulated proteins (Caskin1, Shank3, Kpnb1, Uchl1, Mtap6, Epb4.1l1, Apba1, and Ube1x) novel in the context of stroke were also discovered. In conclusion, our result supports a dynamic multitarget therapy rather than the traditional approach of a unilateral and sustained modulation of a single target to address the phasic regulation of an ischemic proteome.  相似文献   

Phycobilisome (PBS) is a photosynthetic antenna supercomplex consisting of a central core subcomplex with several peripheral rods radiating from the core. Subunit structure of PBS was studied in a glaucocystophyte Cyanophora paradoxa strain NIES 547. Subunit composition of PBS was identified by N-terminal sequencing and genes for the subunits were determined by homology search of databases. They included rod linker proteins CpcK1 and CpcK2, rod-core linker proteins CpcG1 and CpcG2, and core linker proteins ApcC1 and ApcC2. Subfractionation by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis provided evidence for novel subcomplexes (ApcE/CpcK1/CpcG2/ApcA/ApcB/CpcD and ApcE/CpcK2/CpcG1/ApcA/ApcB), which connect rod and core subcomplexes. These skeleton-like structures may serve as a scaffold of the whole PBS assembly. Different roles of ApcC1 and ApcC2 were also suggested. Based on these findings, structural models for PBS were proposed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability: from Natural to Artificial.  相似文献   

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