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Axin forms a complex with adenomatous polyposis coli gene product, glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta), beta-catenin, Dvl, and protein phosphatase 2A and functions as a scaffold protein in the Wnt signaling pathway. In the Axin complex, GSK-3beta efficiently phosphorylates beta-catenin, which is then ubiquitinated and degraded by proteasome. We isolated a novel protein that binds to Axin and named it Axam (for Axin associating molecule). Axam formed a complex with Axin in intact cells and bound directly to Axin. Axam inhibited the complex formation of Dvl with Axin and the activity of Dvl to suppress GSK-3beta-dependent phosphorylation of Axin. Furthermore, Axam induced the degradation of beta-catenin in SW480 cells and inhibited Wnt-dependent axis duplication in Xenopus embryos. These results suggest that Axam regulates the Wnt signaling pathway negatively by inhibiting the binding of Dvl to Axin.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that the Cdx gene products impact on vertebral patterning by direct regulation of Hox gene expression. Data from a number of vertebrate model systems also suggest that Cdx1, Cdx2 and Cdx4 are targets of caudalizing signals such as RA, Wnt and FGF. These observations have lead to the hypothesis that Cdx members serve to relay information from signaling pathways involved in posterior patterning to the Hox genes. Regulation of Cdx1 expression by RA and Wnt in the mouse has been well characterized; however, the means by which Cdx2 and Cdx4 are regulated is less well understood. In the present study, we present data suggesting that Cdx4 is a direct target of the canonical Wnt pathway. We found that Cdx4 responds to exogenous Wnt3a in mouse embryos ex vivo, and conversely, that its expression is down-regulated in Wnt3a(vt/vt) embryos and in embryos cultured in the presence of Wnt inhibitors. We also found that the Cdx4 promoter responds to Wnt signaling in P19 embryocarcinoma cells and have identified several putative LEF/TCF response elements mediating this effect. Consistent with these data, chromatin immunoprecipitation assays from either embryocarcinoma cells or from the tail bud of embryos revealed that LEF1 and beta-catenin co-localize with the Cdx4 promoter. Taken together, these results suggest that Cdx4, like Cdx1, is a direct Wnt target.  相似文献   

Recent evidence supports a role of the Wnt pathway in neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). A relationship between amyloid-beta-peptide (Abeta)-induced neurotoxicity and a decrease in the cytoplasmatic levels of beta-catenin has been proposed. Also, the inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase (GSK-3beta), a central modulator of the pathway, protects rat hippocampal neurons from Abeta-induced damage. Interestingly, during the progression of AD, it has been described that active GSK-3beta is found in neuronal cell bodies and neurites, co-localizing with pre-neurofibrillary tangles observed in disease brains. Since Abeta oligomers are associated with the post-synaptic region and we have found that the non-canonical Wnt signaling modulates PSD-95 and glutamate receptors, we propose that the synaptic target for Abeta oligomers in AD is the postsynaptic region and at the molecular level is the non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway. Altogether, our evidence suggests that a sustained loss of Wnt signaling function may be involved in the Abeta-dependent neurodegeneration observed in AD brains and that the activation of this signaling pathway could be of therapeutic interest in AD.  相似文献   

In attempting to clarify the roles of Dvl in the Wnt signaling pathway, we identified a novel protein which binds to the PDZ domain of Dvl and named it Idax (for inhibition of the Dvl and Axin complex). Idax and Axin competed with each other for the binding to Dvl. Immunocytochemical analyses showed that Idax was localized to the same place as Dvl in cells and that expression of Axin inhibited the colocalization of Dvl and Idax. Further, Wnt-induced accumulation of beta-catenin and activation of T-cell factor in mammalian cells were suppressed by expression of Idax. Expression of Idax in Xenopus embryos induced ventralization with a reduction in the expression of siamois, a Wnt-inducible gene. Idax inhibited Wnt- and Dvl- but not beta-catenin-induced axis duplication. It is known that Dvl is a positive regulator in the Wnt signaling pathway and that the PDZ domain is important for this activity. Therefore, these results suggest that Idax functions as a negative regulator of the Wnt signaling pathway by directly binding to the PDZ domain of Dvl.  相似文献   

Minseong Kim  Eek-hoon Jho 《FEBS letters》2010,584(18):3923-3928
Wnt/β-catenin signaling plays critical roles in embryonic development and tissue homeostasis in adults by controlling the expression of target genes. We found that expression of ptpro, which encodes a protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type O (PTPRO), was induced by Wnt/β-catenin signaling in a T cell factor/lymphoid enhancer factor dependent manner. Biochemical assays found that PTPRO interacted with Wnt via its extracellular domain. In addition, ectopic expression of this extracellular domain inhibited Wnt-mediated reporter activity. These results suggest that ptpro is a target gene of Wnt/β-catenin signaling and that PTPRO may function as a novel receptor for Wnt.

Structured summary

MINT-7992076: Ptpro (uniprotkb:Q7TSY7) physically interacts (MI:0915) with Wnt3a (uniprotkb:P27467) by anti tag coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0007)MINT-7992094: Ptpro (uniprotkb:Q7TSY7) physically interacts (MI:0915) with Wnt-3a (uniprotkb:P27467) by cross-linking study (MI:0030)  相似文献   

The Wnt/Ca2+ pathway: a new vertebrate Wnt signaling pathway takes shape   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Members of the vertebrate Wnt family have been subdivided into two functional classes according to their biological activities. Some Wnts signal through the canonical Wnt-1/wingless pathway by stabilizing cytoplasmic beta-catenin. By contrast other Wnts stimulate intracellular Ca2+ release and activate two kinases, CamKII and PKC, in a G-protein-dependent manner. Moreover, putative Wnt receptors belonging to the Frizzled gene family have been identified that preferentially couple to the two prospective pathways in the absence of ectopic Wnt ligand and that might account for the signaling specificity of the Wnt pathways. As Ca2+ release was the first described feature of the noncanonical pathway, and as Ca2+ probably plays a key role in the activation of CamKII and PKC, we have named this Wnt pathway the Wnt/Ca2+ pathway.  相似文献   

Korade Z  Mirnics K 《Neuron》2011,71(6):955-957
Progranulin mutations result in frontotemporal dementia, but the underlying pathophysiology has remained largely unexplained. New data by Geschwind and colleagues in this issue of Neuron uncovered that the Wnt/FZD2 signaling pathway is an early and critical contributor to disease pathology.  相似文献   

Hackam AS 《IUBMB life》2005,57(6):381-388
The retina is a complex tissue composed of multiple interconnected cell layers, highly specialized for transforming light and color into electrical signals perceived by the brain. Damage or death of the primary light-sensing cells, the photoreceptors, results in devastating effects on vision. Despite the identification of numerous mutations that cause inherited retinal degenerations, the cellular and molecular mechanisms leading from the primary mutations to photoreceptor apoptosis are not understood. Wnt signaling has essential regulatory functions in a wide variety of critical developmental processes. Our research and others' have suggested that the Wnt pathway may be involved in retinal degeneration. Wnt ligands regulate developmental death of Drosophila photoreceptors, dysregulated Wnt signaling is involved in neuronal degeneration elsewhere in the central nervous system and Wnts control the expression of pro-survival growth factors in mammalian tissues. Additionally, altered expression of Wnt pathway genes, including the anti-apoptotic Wnt signaling regulator Dickkopf 3 (Dkk3), were observed during photoreceptor loss. This review examines the evidence and develops a model proposing a pro-survival role for Wnt signaling during photoreceptor injury. Because manipulating Wnt signaling has been demonstrated to have therapeutic potential for the treatment of Alzheimers disease, understanding the involvement of Wnts in photoreceptor death will determine whether targeting the Wnt pathway should also be considered as a possible therapeutic strategy for retinal degenerations.  相似文献   

Wnt信号通路与神经干细胞   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zhang H  Yin ZS 《生理科学进展》2005,36(3):249-252
神经干细胞增殖、分化机制的研究为神经系统疾病治疗提供了新的途径,具有巨大的潜在应用价值和理论研究意义。业已发现,Wnt信号通路对神经干细胞的增殖发挥着决定性作用,但新近的研究却表明Wnt信号能够明显促进神经干细胞向神经元分化,这种不同的表现可能与神经干细胞的内在特点、周围环境及靶基因的不同有关。本文试从Wnt信号通路及其在调控神经干细胞的增殖、分化中的作用加以综述。  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent the biggest transmembrane receptor family. The Frizzled group of GPCRs is evolutionarily conserved and serves to transduce signals from the Wnt-type lipoglycoprotein growth factors. The Wnt/Frizzled signaling cascades are repeatedly used during animal development and are mostly silent in the adult. Improper activation of these cascades, e.g. through somatic mutation, underlies cancer development in various tissues. Our research over the past years has identified the trimeric G proteins as crucial transducers of the Wnt/Frizzled cascades in insect and mammalian cells. The current mini-review summarizes our findings on the role of G proteins in Wnt/Frizzled signaling, as well as on identification of other signaling intermediates in this physiologically and pathologically important type of intracellular signal transduction.  相似文献   

Regulation of beta-catenin signaling in the Wnt pathway   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
beta-Catenin not only regulates cell to cell adhesion as a protein interacting with cadherin, but also functions as a component of the Wnt signaling pathway. The Wnt signaling pathway is conserved in various organisms from worms to mammals, and plays important roles in development, cellular proliferation, and differentiation. Wnt stabilizes cytoplasmic beta-catenin and then beta-catenin is translocated into the nucleus where it stimulates the expression of genes including c-myc, c-jun, fra-1, and cyclin D1. The amounts and functions of beta-catenin are regulated in both the cytoplasm and nucleus. Its molecular mechanisms are becoming increasingly well understood.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling is known to regulate multiple processes including angiogenesis, inflammation, and fibrosis. Here, we identified a novel inhibitor of the Wnt pathway, pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF), a multifunctional serine proteinase inhibitor. Both overexpression of PEDF in transgenic mice and administration of PEDF protein attenuated Wnt signaling induced by retinal ischemia. Furthermore, PEDF knockdown by small interfering RNA (siRNA) and PEDF knockout in PEDF(-/-) mice induced activation of Wnt signaling. PEDF bound to LRP6, a Wnt coreceptor, with high affinity (K(d) [dissociation constant] of 3.7 nM) and blocked the Wnt signaling induced by Wnt ligand. The physical interaction of PEDF with LRP6 was confirmed by a coprecipitation assay, which showed that PEDF bound to LRP6 at the E1E2 domain. In addition, binding of PEDF to LRP6 blocked Wnt ligand-induced LRP6-Frizzled receptor dimerization, an essential step in Wnt signaling. These results suggest that PEDF is an endogenous antagonist of LRP6, and blocking Wnt signaling may represent a novel mechanism for its protective effects against diabetic retinopathy.  相似文献   

张蔓丽  卢彦平  李亚里 《遗传》2015,37(3):233-239
初级纤毛是一类以微管为基础结构的细胞器,其来源于细胞的母中心粒,锚定在细胞膜并如“天线”般突出细胞表面。作为细胞感受器,初级纤毛从环境中接受各种信号,传导至细胞内引起细胞反应。近期的研究表明,初级纤毛对与胚胎发育密切相关的Wnt信号通路的传导起重要作用。纤毛的损害可造成Wnt信号通路的异常,并引起胚胎中多类脏器一系列的病理改变,导致初级纤毛相关疾病的发生。文章主要阐述了初级纤毛与Wnt/β-catenin、Wnt/PCP通路及初级纤毛相关疾病之间的关系,并对初级纤毛相关疾病的治疗进行了初步探讨。对初级纤毛与Wnt信号通路关系的深入研究将有助于人们对该类疾病的进一步诊断和治疗。  相似文献   

The non-canonical Wnt/Ca(2+) signaling cascade is less characterized than their canonical counterpart, the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. The non-canonical Wnt signaling pathways are diverse, defined as planer cell polarity pathway, Wnt-RAP1 signaling pathway, Wnt-Ror2 signaling pathway, Wnt-PKA pathway, Wnt-GSK3MT pathway, Wnt-aPKC pathway, Wnt-RYK pathway, Wnt-mTOR pathway, and Wnt/calcium signaling pathway. All these pathways exhibit a considerable degree of overlap between them. The Wnt/Ca(2+) signaling pathway was deciphered as a crucial mediator in development. However, now there is substantial evidence that the signaling cascade is involved in many other molecular phenomena. Many aspects of Wnt/Ca(2+) pathway are yet enigmatic. This review will give a brief overview of the fundamental and evolving concepts of the Wnt/Ca(2+) signaling pathway.  相似文献   

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