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Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria which occupy a non-acidified vacuole (the inclusion) throughout their developmental cycle. Little is known about events leading to the establishment and maintenance of the chlamydial inclusion membrane. To identify chlamydial proteins which are unique to the intracellular phase of the life cycle, an expression library of Chlamydia psittaci DNA was screened with convalescent antisera from infected animals and hyperimmune antisera generated against formalin-killed purified chlamydiae. Overlapping genomic clones were identified which expressed a 39 kDa protein only recognized by the convalescent sera. Sequence analysis of the clones identified two open reading frames (ORFs), one of which (ORF1) coded for a predicted 39 kDa gene product. The ORF1 sequence was amplified and fused to the malE gene of Escherichia coli and antisera were raised against the resulting fusion protein. Immunoblotting with these antisera demonstrated that the 39 kDa protein was present in lysates of infected cells and in reticulate bodies (RBs), but was at the limit of detection in lysates of purified C. psittaci elementary bodies. Fluorescence microscopy experiments demonstrated that this protein was localized in the inclusion membrane of infected HeLa cells, but was not detected on the developmental forms within the inclusion. Because the protein produced by ORF1 is deposited on the inclusion membrane of infected cells, this gene has been designated incA, (inc lusion membrane protein A ) and its gene product, IncA. In addition to the inclusion membrane, these antisera labelled structures that extended from the inclusion over the nucleus or into the cytoplasm of infected cells. Immunoblotting also demonstrated that IncA, in lysates of infected cells, had a migration pattern that seemed indicative of post-translational modification. This pattern was not observed in immunoblots of RBs or in the E. coli expressing IncA. Collectively, these data identify a chlamydial gene which codes for a protein that is released from RB and is localized in the inclusion membrane of infected cells.  相似文献   

The disulfide bond cross-linked major outer membrane protein (MOMP) of the extracellular elementary bodies (EBs) of Chlamydia psittaci was reduced to its monomeric form within 1 h of entry of EBs into host cells by a process which was inhibited by chloramphenicol, while monomeric forms of three cross-linked cysteine-rich proteins could not be detected in Sarkosyl outer membrane complexes at any time in either extracellular or intracellular forms of C. psittaci. Synthesis and incorporation of the MOMP into outer membrane complexes were detected early in the infection cycle (12 h postinfection), while synthesis and incorporation of the cysteine-rich proteins were not observed until reticulate bodies had begun to reorganize into EBs at 20 to 22 h postinfection. By 46 h postinfection, the intracellular population of C. psittaci consisted mainly of EBs, the outer membrane complexes of which were replete with monomeric MOMP and cross-linked cysteine-rich proteins. Upon lysis of infected cells at 46 h, the MOMP was rapidly cross-linked, and infectious EBs were released. The status of the MOMP of intracellular Chlamydia trachomatis was similar to the status of the MOMP of C. psittaci in that the MOMP was largely uncross-linked at 24 and 48 h postinfection, but formed interpeptide disulfide bonds when it was exposed to an extracellular environment late in the developmental cycle. In contrast to C. psittaci, only a fraction of the cross-linked MOMP of infecting EBs of C. trachomatis was reduced by 4 h postinfection, and reduction of the MOMP was not inhibited by chloramphenicol. Exposure of extracellular EBs of C. trachomatis and C. psittaci to dithiothreitol reduced the MOMP but failed to stimulate metabolic activities normally associated with reticulate bodies.  相似文献   

Most cells process proteins into short peptides that are displayed on the cell surface bound to class I or class II proteins encoded by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). These protein-peptide complexes can then be recognized by the circulating lymphocytes of the immune system. Several genes found recently in the MHC encode proteins with possible roles in the supply of peptides to class I molecules. The results imply that the peptides are produced in the cytoplasm by proteasomes and are translocated into the endoplasmic reticulum by 'peptide transporters' related to the multidrug resistance proteins. While there is little biochemical evidence to validate these ideas, Robert DeMars and Thomas Spies discuss here the arguments supporting this view. New data indicate that there may also be factors for class II peptide-processing hidden in the MHC.  相似文献   

The chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) is an extraembryonic membrane that is vital for the embryo. It undergoes profound cell differentiation between 11 and 15 days of embryonic incubation (EID), which corresponds to the acquisition of its physiological functions. To gain insight into the functional genes that accompany these biological changes, RNA sequencing of the CAM at EID11 and EID15 was performed. Results showed that CAM maturation coincides with the overexpression of 4225 genes, including many genes encoding proteins involved in mineral metabolism, innate immunity, homeostasis, angiogenesis, reproduction, and regulation of hypoxia. Of these genes, some exhibit variability in expression depending on the chicken breed (broiler versus layer breeds). Besides the interest of these results for the poultry sector, the identification of new functional gene candidates opens additional research avenues in the field of developmental biology.  相似文献   

Targeted gene disruption in mice has provided valuable insights into the functions of matricellular proteins. Apart from missense and loss of function mutations that have been associated with inherited diseases, however, their functions in humans remain unclear. The availability of deep exome sequencing data from over 140,000 individuals in the Genome Aggregation Database provided an opportunity to examine intolerance to loss of function and missense mutations in human matricellular genes. The probability of loss-of-function intolerance (pLI) differed widely within members of the thrombospondin, CYR61/CTGF/NOV (CCN), tenascin, small integrin-binding ligand N-linked glycoproteins (SIBLING), and secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) gene families. Notably, pLI values in humans had limited correlation with viability of the corresponding homozygous null mice. Among the thrombospondins, only THBS1 was highly loss-intolerant (pLI = 1). In contrast, Thbs1 is not essential for viability in mice. Several known thrombospondin-1 receptors were similarly loss-intolerant, although thrombospondin-1 is not the exclusive ligand for some of these receptors. The frequencies of missense mutations in THBS1 and the gene encoding its signaling receptor CD47 indicated conservation of some residues implicated in specific receptor binding. Deficits in missense mutations were also observed for other thrombospondin genes and for SPARC, SPOCK1, SPOCK2, TNR, and DSPP. The intolerance of THBS1 to loss of function in humans and elevated pLI values for THBS2, SPARC, SPOCK1, TNR, and CCN1 support important functions for these matricellular protein genes in humans, some of which may relate to functions in reproduction or responding to environmental stresses.  相似文献   

The nature of fish antibodies (concentrating primarily on the most studied species of bony and cartilaginous fishes) is discussed in terms of their immunoglobulin biochemistry and immunobiology. The major serum immunoglobulin (IgM) is described in detail, and structural variants of IgM are discussed in terms of their distribution in different fish species, and different anatomical sites within a fish (e.g. blood, mucus, bile). Structural variation in IgM includes the size of the constituent heavy and light polypeptide chains, and the extent to which they are covalently associated with one another. The intramolecular heterogeneity of binding sites for antigen on IgM is reviewed and possible mechanisms for the phenomenon are presented. The evidence suggests that some, but not all, species of fish possess a detectable J chain in their IgM. The general nature of the fish immune response is that IgM antibody of moderate affinity is produced and prolonged or repeated immunization: (a) fails to produce a switch to production of a non-IgM class of antibody, and (b) fails to induce substantial increases in the affinity of the specific antibodies. Evidence supports a conclusion that fish lack the typical secondary antibody response seen in mammals, and possess antibodies of limited heterogeneity. Our current understanding of the genetic basis for fish antibodies is presented. Fish appear to utilize the same basic genetic elements as mammals to encode and regulate the expression of their immunoglobulins. The teleost heavy chain (IgH) locus resembles that of mammals and amphibia in its organization. The IgH locus of elasmobranchs is arranged in a unique multicluster organization. The light chain loci of elasmobranchs are organized analogously to the heavy chain locus (in multiclusters). The structure of the light chain locus of teleosts is presently unknown. Teleost fish utilize a unique pattern of RNA processing to generate the secreted and membrane receptor forms of the IgM heavy chain. The genes encoding the unique low molecular weight Ig heavy chain found in skates and rays have been cloned and sequenced, and also display the multicluster pattern of organization. Teleost fish appear to have normal numbers of variable regions: it is hypothesized (but as yet unproven) that the failure of their IgM to increase in affinity is due to a deficiency of somatic hypermutational mechanisms in their Ig gene variable regions during B lymphocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

Traditionally regarded as a genetic disease of the cardiac sarcomere, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common inherited cardiovascular disease and a significant cause of sudden cardiac death. While the most common etiologies of this phenotypically diverse disease lie in a handful of genes encoding critical contractile myofilament proteins, approximately 50% of patients diagnosed with HCM worldwide do not host sarcomeric gene mutations. Recently, mutations in genes encoding calcium-sensitive and calcium-handling proteins have been implicated in the pathogenesis of HCM. Among these are mutations in TNNC1- encoded cardiac troponin C, PLN-encoded phospholamban, and JPH2-encoded junctophilin 2 which have each been associated with HCM in multiple studies. In addition, mutations in RYR2-encoded ryanodine receptor 2, CASQ2-encoded calsequestrin 2, CALR3-encoded calreticulin 3, and SRI-encoded sorcin have been associated with HCM, although more studies are required to validate initial findings. While a relatively uncommon cause of HCM, mutations in genes that encode calcium-handling proteins represent an emerging genetic subset of HCM. Furthermore, these naturally occurring disease-associated mutations have provided useful molecular tools for uncovering novel mechanisms of disease pathogenesis, increasing our understanding of basic cardiac physiology, and dissecting important structure-function relationships within these proteins.  相似文献   

In this study, we have cloned the Chlamydia trachomatis genes incB and incC into the expression plasmid vectors from pET series for the subsequent isolation of recombinant proteins. As a result, we have obtained the first full-length recombinant C. trachomatis proteins IncB and IncC, which can be used for following antibody production and for study of their protein-protein interaction.  相似文献   

《Plant science》2001,161(3):379-389
There is broad evidence that an endosymbiotic uptake of a cyanobacterial-type organism was the point of origin for the evolution of chloroplasts. During organelle evolution extensive gene transfer from the symbiont to the host genome occurred, which raises the question of how these gene products, namely proteins, which are still functional in chloroplasts, find their way back ‘home’. Nuclear-encoded proteins enter plastids via a complex import machinery that requires the coordinate interplay of a variety of soluble and membrane-bound factors on the cytosolic site as well as on the stromal side of the chloroplast envelope membranes. We define that the process called ‘import of chloroplast precursor proteins’ begins with the release of the polypeptide from the ribosomes and binding to cytosolic factors, such as a guidance complex, which accompanies (chaperones) proteins to chloroplasts. The translocation across the envelope membranes engages distinct translocation machineries at the outer and the inner envelope membranes. Additionally subsequent sorting events to different subcompartments within the plastids are operated by a number of distinct pathways, all of which seem to involve multiple subunits, which are largely of bacterial (symbiotic) origin. The evolutionary history of proteins mediating the import of chloroplast constituents across the envelope membranes seems more diverse. Since cyanobacteria lack a protein import pathway, it is not surprising that only a few subunits of the chloroplast translocon seem to be of symbiotic origin while others seem to be eukaryotic additions.  相似文献   

The infectious cycle of phiCPG1, a bacteriophage that infects the obligate intracellular pathogen, Chlamydia psittaci strain Guinea Pig Inclusion Conjunctivitis, was observed using transmission electron microscopy of phage-hyperinfected, Chlamydia-infected HeLa cells. Phage attachment to extracellular, metabolically dormant, infectious elementary bodies and cointernalisation are demonstrated. Following entry, phage infection takes place as soon as elementary bodies differentiate into metabolically active reticulate bodies. Phage-infected bacteria follow an altered developmental path whereby cell division is inhibited, producing abnormally large reticulate bodies, termed maxi-reticulate bodies, which do not mature to elementary bodies. These forms eventually lyse late in the chlamydial developmental cycle, releasing abundant phage progeny in the inclusion and, upon lysis of the inclusion membrane, into the cytosol of the host cell. Structural integrity of the hyperinfected HeLa cell is markedly compromised at late stages. Released phage particles attach avidly to the outer leaflet of the outer membranes of lysed and unlysed Chlamydiae at different stages of development, suggesting the presence of specific phage receptors in the outer membrane uniformly during the chlamydial developmental cycle. A mechanism for phage infection is proposed, whereby phage gains access to replicating chlamydiae by attaching to the infectious elementary body, subsequently subverting the chlamydial developmental cycle to its own replicative needs. The implications of phage infection in the context of chlamydial infection and disease are discussed.  相似文献   

The compartments of eukaryotic cells maintain a distinct protein composition to perform a variety of specialized functions. We developed a new method for identifying the proteins that are transported to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in living mammalian cells. The principle is based on the reconstitution of two split fragments of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) by protein splicing with DnaE from Synechocystis PCC6803. Complementary DNA (cDNA) libraries fused to the N-terminal halves of DnaE and EGFP are introduced in mammalian cells with retroviruses. If an expressed protein is transported into the ER, the N-terminal half of EGFP meets its C-terminal half in the ER, and full-length EGFP is reconstituted by protein splicing. The fluorescent cells are isolated using fluorescence-activated cell sorting and the cDNAs are sequenced. The developed method was able to accurately identify cDNAs that encode proteins transported to the ER. We identified 27 novel proteins as the ER-targeting proteins. The present method overcomes the limitation of the previous GFP- or epitope-tagged methods, using which it was difficult to identify the ER-targeting proteins in a high-throughput manner.  相似文献   

Gametic differentiation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a two-step process, which is controlled by the sequential action of the two extrinsic signals, nitrogen starvation and blue light. The gamete-specific genes GAS28 and GAS29 are expressed in the late phase of gametogenesis. Their light-induced expression is restricted to cells that have completed the first, nitrogen starvation-activated, phase of differentiation. A comparison of the two genes revealed striking similarities as well as differences. Their most prominent shared feature is an extended sequence homology of over 90% in their 5′-untranslated regions, suggesting a role in translational regulation. GAS28 and GAS29 both encode hydroxyproline-rich proteins (HRGPs) of very similar sizes that exhibit typical features of volvocalean cell wall constituents. GAS28 shows a high degree of homology with the Volvox pherophorin gene family, suggesting a relationship between these genes. Received: 6 August 1998 / Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

Abstract: Genes from Chlamydia psittaci P-1041 were cloned into the Bam HI site of pUC19 and were transformed to host Escherichia coli JM109. Two recombinant plasmids that expressed protein antigens of Chlamydia were isolated. The sizes of the DNA fragments were 1350 and 1710 bp, and encoded for polypeptides of M r 25 and 42 kilodaltons (kDa), respectively. The 25-kDa protein had cross-reactivity with antisera to ten C. psittaci strains and two C. trachomatis strains, whereas the 42-kDa protein reacted only with homologous antiserum to the C. psittaci P-1041 strain. Furthermore, in Southern hybridization analysis these two fragments as probes hybridized with DNA of ten C. psittaci strains and four C. trachomatis strains. These results indicated that the two fragments shared a DNA sequence common to the chlamydial genus.  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated that the major outer membrane protein of Chlamydia psittaci, the primary vaccine candidate for combating chlamydial infections, functions as a porin-like ion channel. In this study, we have cloned, expressed and functionally reconstituted recombinant major outer membrane proteins from C. psittaci and Chlamydia pneumoniae and analysed them at the single channel level. Both form porin-like ion channels that are functionally similar to those formed by native C. psittaci major outer membrane protein. Also, like the native channels, recombinant C. psittaci channels are modified by a native major outer membrane protein-specific monoclonal antibody. This is the first time that native function has been demonstrated for recombinant chlamydial major outer membrane proteins. Future bilayer reconstitution will provide a strategy for detailed structure/function studies of this new subclass of bacterial porins and the work also has important implications for successful protein refolding and the development of improved subunit vaccines.  相似文献   

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