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TadashiFukami  William G.Lee 《Oikos》2006,113(2):353-356
Didham et al. suggested that abiotically structured communities showing trait under-dispersion are more likely to exhibit alternative stable states than are competitively structured communities showing trait over-dispersion. We argue that the opposite is the logical expectation, and discuss implications for ecological restoration at local and regional scales.  相似文献   

Our current understanding of molecular mechanisms of cellular regulation still does not support quantitative predictions of the overall growth kinetics of normal or malignant tissues. However, discernment of the role of growth-factor mediated cell-cell communication in tissue kinetics is possible by the use of simple mathematical models. Here we discuss the design and use of mathematical models in quantifying the contribution of autocrine and paracrine (i.e., humoral) interactions to the kinetics of tissue growth. We present models that include a humorally mediated regulatory feedback among cells built into phenomenological mathematical models of growth. Application of these models to data exemplifies the finite contributions of positive feedback in cell-cell interactions to the overall tissue growth. In addition, we propose a perturbation approach to allow separation of cell-cell interactions dependent on the perturbing agent (such as hormone antagonists in hormone-dependent tissues) from cell-cell interactions independent of it.  相似文献   

退化生态系统恢复与恢复生态学   总被引:46,自引:4,他引:46  
任海  彭少麟  陆宏芳 《生态学报》2004,24(8):1756-1764
恢复生态学起源于100a前的山地、草原、森林和野生生物等自然资源的管理研究,形成于20世纪80年代。它是研究生态整合性的恢复和管理过程的科学。恢复生态学的研究对象是在自然或人为干扰下形成的偏离自然状态的退化生态系统。生态恢复的目标包括恢复退化生态系统的结构、功能、动态和服务功能,其长期目标是通过恢复与保护相结合,实现生态系统的可持续发展。恢复生态学的理论与方法较多,它们均源于生态学等相关学科,但自我设计和人为设计是唯一源于恢复生态学研究和实践的理论。由于生态系统的复杂性,退化生态系统恢复的方向和时间具有不确定性,其恢复的机理可用临界阈值理论和状态跃迁模型进行解释。中国森林恢复中存在的问题包括:大量营造种类和结构单一的人工林忽视了生物多样性在生态恢复中的作用;大量使用外来种;忽视了生态系统健康所要求的异质性;忽略了物种间的生态交互作用;造林时对珍稀濒危种需要缺乏考虑;城镇绿化忽略了植被的生态功能等问题。此外,还介绍了生态恢复的方法、成功恢复的标准,并提出了恢复生态学的发展趋势:恢复生态学尚未形成理论和方法体系,要成熟还有很长的路要走;恢复生态学正在强调自然恢复与社会、人文的耦合;对森林恢复研究要集中在恢复中的障碍和如何克服这些障碍两个方面;鉴于生态系统复杂性和动态性,应停止期待发现能预测恢复产出的简单定律,相反,应该根据恢复地点及目标多样性而强调适应性恢复。  相似文献   

Progress in wetland restoration ecology   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It takes more than water to restore a wetland. Now, scientists are documenting how landscape setting, habitat type, hydrological regime, soil properties, topography, nutrient supplies, disturbance regimes, invasive species, seed banks and declining biodiversity can constrain the restoration process. Although many outcomes can be explained post hoc, we have little ability to predict the path that sites will follow when restored in alternative ways, and no insurance that specific targets will be met. To become predictive, bolder approaches are now being developed, which rely more on field experimentation at multiple spatial and temporal scales, and in many restoration contexts.  相似文献   

N. W. H. Mason, J. B. Wilson and J. B. Steel argue that there is no logical conceptual basis, and no empirical data, to support an association between environmental adversity and the occurrence of alternative stable states. While we agree that robust debate on the relative frequency of occurrence of alternative stable states is valuable, any apparent logic in their argument is confounded by misinterpretation and direct misrepresentation of our earlier arguments ( Didham et al. 2005 ), despite the fact that we clarified many of the same issues in response to T. Fukami and W. G. Lee ( Didham and Norton 2006 ). Opinion, not logic or evidence, underlies Mason, Wilson and Steel's argument, and this does little to further our understanding of why some systems exhibit alternative stable states that are resilient to restoration management efforts.  相似文献   

恢复生态学研究的一些基本问题探讨   总被引:180,自引:13,他引:180  
对恢复生态学的研究概况、基本概念、内涵与研究内容以及生态恢复的目标、原则、程序与技术进行了分析与探讨。指出恢复生态学应加强基础理论研究(包括生态系统的演替理论及干扰条件下生态系统的受损过程与响应机制研究等)和应用技术研究(包括土壤、水体、大气和植被恢复技术、生物多样性保护技术以及生态系统的组装与集成技术等).生态恢复与重建是指根据生态学原理,通过一定的生物、生态以及工程的技术,人为地切断生态系统退化的主导因子和过程,调整和优化系统内部及其与外界的物质、能量和信息的流动过程及其时空秩序,使生态系统的结构、功能和生态学潜力尽快地成功地恢复到原有的乃至更高的水平。  相似文献   

弃耕演替与恢复生态学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
弃耕演替是一种重要的演替模式 ,可以为生态恢复规划提供指导。弃耕演替为进展演替 ,但要恢复为稳定的生态系统可能会经历很长一段时间。这是由演替本身的规律决定的。适当的人为干预可能会改变这种状况 ,并使演替进程大大缩短。对弃耕演替的研究是恢复生态学兴起的原始策动力 ,恢复生态学是在对弃耕演替的研究中形成并获得发展的。弃耕演替研究隶属于恢复生态学 ,是恢复生态学涵盖的一个重要领域。  相似文献   

Invasive species have the potential to create positive feedbacks and push an ecosystem into an alternative state through a variety of mechanisms. Unless the drivers behind these feedbacks are understood, restoring a system to a more desirable state may not be possible. We used a long‐term vernal pool restoration project based out of Travis Airforce Base, Fairfield, CA, U.S.A. to examine natural pools dominated by either invasive or native plant communities, and restored pools predominately composed of invasive plants. We determined that plant community structure is drastically altered towards invasive grasses with the addition of a single centimeter of litter. In the absence of this litter layer, community structure was driven by a non‐native forb rather than native species. We also found that native plant‐dominated vernal pools have a longer inundation duration and are deeper compared to invasive‐dominated pools, regardless of construction status. These results suggest that once invasive grasses establish through lower inundation depths, their litter deposition can initiate a positive feedback to maintain an invasive alternative state. However, even after litter removal, non‐native forbs can replace the grasses causing a second alternative state still separate from the most desirable native dominated state. This study directly demonstrates that invasive species, and their positive feedbacks, may limit the success of ecological restoration. To effectively restore a system all constraints must be identified and removed before successful restoration can occur.  相似文献   

Ecology of Shallow Lakes by Marten Scheffer Chapman and Hall (Population and Community Biology Series 22), 1998. £45.00/$79.65 hbk (xx+357 pages) ISBN 0 412 74920 3.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a conceptual model of integrated plant-soil interactions which illustrates the importance of identifying the primary belowground feedbacks, both positive and negative, which can simultaneously affect plant growth responses to elevated CO2. The primary negative feedbacks share the common feature of reducing the amount of nutrients available to plants. These negative feedbacks include increased litter C/N ratios, and therefore reduced mineralization rates, increased immobilization of available nutrients by a larger soil microbial pool, and increased storage of nutrients in plant biomass and detritus due to increases in net primary productivity (NPP). Most of the primary positive feedbacks share the common feature of being plant mediated feedbacks, the only exception being Zak et al.'s hypothesis that increased microbial biomass will be accompanied by increased mineralization rates. Plant nutrient uptake may be increased through alterations in root architecture, physiology, or mycorrhizal symbioses. Further, the increased C/N ratios of plant tissue mean that a given level of NPP can be achieved with a smaller supply of nitrogen.Identification of the net plant-soil feedbacks to enhanced productivity with elevated CO2 are a critical first step for any ecosystem. It is necessary, however, that we first identify how universally applicable the results are from one study of one ecosystem before ecosystem models incorporate this information. The effect of elevated CO2 on plant growth (including NPP, tissue quality, root architecture, mycorrhizal symbioses) can vary greatly for different species and environmental conditions. Therefore it is reasonable to expect that different ecosystems will show different patterns of interacting positive and negative feedbacks within the plant-soil system. This inter-ecosystem variability in the potential for long-term growth responses to rising CO2 levels implies that we need to parameterize mechanistic models of the impact of elevated CO2 on ecosystem productivity using a detailed understanding of each ecosystem of interest.  相似文献   

采石场废弃地的生态重建研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
杨振意  薛立  许建新 《生态学报》2012,32(16):5264-5274
采石场的开采严重破坏了植被和土壤,形成了大量的裸露岩石斜坡,造成宏观景观支离破碎和极端的环境条件,限制了植物的生长。由于自然恢复所需时间长久,人工恢复被广泛应用于采石场废弃地的生态重建。自然演替过程是采石场生态重建的理论基础,自然演替理论可以为人工恢复措施提供指导。植物群落演替的早期阶段,非生物因素起主要作用,随着演替的推移,生物因素的重要性增强。邻近自然植被的土壤和繁殖体通过外力的扩散,对恢复起重要作用。除了非生物和其他的限制,先到达恢复地的物种竞争能力的变化能决定了演替过程。演替过程中的干扰因素往往成为演替重要的驱动力。裸露岩石斜坡的物理稳定性对植被恢复有重要影响,有机废物的使用和施肥可以影响恢复演替的方向和生物多样性。播种一定的植物能够改变恢复演替方向,加速演替过程。乡土物种适应了当地气候,能够促进演替。随着修复时间的延长,土壤有机质含量,植被覆盖度和物种丰富度不断增加,土壤微生物生物量随之增加。开展不同地区采石场植物种类的选育、研究乡土物种的功能特性、土壤微生物群落和酶的变化、植被演替过程的定位研究、植物种间的竞争关系、自然演替和人工恢复的比较研究、探索经济高效的采石场生态重建方法是未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

景观生态学与退化生态系统恢复   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:29  
退化生态系统的恢复是一项艰巨任务,它需要考虑到所要恢复的退化生态系统的结构,多样性和其动态的整体性和长期性。现在对于退化生态系统恢复研究已经要使生态学家们关注受损生态系统的理论和实际问题。退化生态系统恢复所面临的挑战是理解和利用生态演替理论来完成并加速恢复进程。恢复的主要目标是建立一个自维持的,由不同的群落或生态系统组成的能够满足不同需要如生物保护和粮食生产需要的景观。景观生态学关注于大的空间尺度的生态学问题。景观生态学研究方法可以为退化生态系统恢复实践提供指导。在解决退化生态系统的恢复问题时,景观生态学的方法在理论和实践上是有效的。景观生态学中的核心概念和其一般原理斑块形状、生态系统间相互作用、镶嵌系列等都同退化生态系统的恢复有着密切的关系。如恢复地点的选择和适当的恢复要素的空间配置。在评价退化生态系统的恢复是否取得成功,利用景观生态学也具有重要的意义。景观生态学理论如景观格局与景观异质性理论,干扰理论和尺度理论都能够指导退化生态系统的恢复实践。同样地,退化生态系统的恢复可以为景观生态学的研究提供非常恰当的实验场。寓景观生态学思想于退化生态系统恢复过程是一种新的有效途径。  相似文献   

恢复生态学的理论与研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
任海  王俊  陆宏芳 《生态学报》2014,34(15):4117-4124
简介了恢复生态学中常用的生态学原理,以及在其自身发展过程中产生的状态过渡模型及阈值、集合规则、参考生态系统、人为设计和自我设计、适应性恢复等理论;从生境、种群、群落、生态系统、景观尺度层面,以及将全球变化与人类干扰纳入生态恢复范畴等方面介绍了恢复生态学的研究进展与主流认识。在此基础上,对恢复生态学的发展障碍与发展趋势进行了评述。  相似文献   

Cui J  Chen C  Lu H  Sun T  Shen P 《PloS one》2008,3(1):e1469


The complex interplay between B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) family proteins constitutes a crucial checkpoint in apoptosis. Its detailed molecular mechanism remains controversial. Our former modeling studies have selected the ‘Direct Activation Model’ as a better explanation for experimental observations. In this paper, we continue to extend this model by adding interactions according to updating experimental findings.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Through mathematical simulation we found bistability, a kind of switch, can arise from a positive (double negative) feedback in the Bcl-2 interaction network established by anti-apoptotic group of Bcl-2 family proteins. Moreover, Bax/Bak auto-activation as an independent positive feedback can enforce the bistability, and make it more robust to parameter variations. By ensemble stochastic modeling, we also elucidated how intrinsic noise can change ultrasensitive switches into gradual responses. Our modeling result agrees well with recent experimental data where bimodal Bax activation distributions in cell population were found.


Along with the growing experimental evidences, our studies successfully elucidate the switch mechanism embedded in the Bcl-2 interaction network and provide insights into pharmacological manipulation of Bcl-2 apoptotic switch as further cancer therapies.  相似文献   

Choi HS  Han S  Yokota H  Cho KH 《FEBS letters》2007,581(14):2684-2690
Apoptosis is a form of a programmed cell death for multicellular organisms to remove unwanted or damaged cells. This critical choice of cellular fate is an all-or-none process, but its dynamics remains unraveled. The switch-like apoptotic decision has to be reliable, and once a pro-apoptotic fate is determined it requires fast and irreversible execution. One of the key regulators in apoptosis is caspase-3. Interestingly, activated caspase-3 quickly executes apoptosis, but it takes considerable time to activate it. Here, we have analyzed this "slow induction plus fast switching" mechanism of caspase-3 through mathematical modeling and computational simulation. First, we have shown that two positive feedbacks, composed of caspase-8 and XIAP, are essential for the "slow induction plus fast switching" behavior of caspase-3. Second, we have found that XIAP in the feedback loops primarily regulates induction time of caspase-3. In many cancer cells activation of caspase-3 is suppressed. Our results suggest that reinforcement of the positive feedback by XIAP, which relieves XIAP-mediated caspase-3 inhibition, might favor a pro-apoptotic cellular fate.  相似文献   

Restoration ecology struggles to mitigate human‐caused ecological damage. Non‐native species are a particular challenge. This article describes two restoration attempts following introduced species in California and then makes a radical culling proposal. Environmental regulations, legal protections, and restoration projects are necessary to preserve ecosystem services, but such policies are often unpopular. Restorers often struggle when public opinion opposes evidence‐based practice, and this occurs particularly when the interventions involve killing mammals. Therefore, restoration efforts may benefit from more attention to how individuals perceive the acceptability of environmental policies and how to communicate policy options effectively for individuals to make informed decisions. Restoration ecology can follow the recent shift of medicine away from imperatives and toward informed patient choice. Restoration projects may benefit from recent advances in psychology and communication that help individuals make policy decisions that align with their personal values.  相似文献   

恢复生态学焦点问题   总被引:53,自引:9,他引:53  
彭少麟  陆宏芳 《生态学报》2003,23(7):1249-1257
就恢复生态学的概念、近期的发展趋势与前沿命题、传统生态学理论在生态恢复过程中的应用及恢复生态学的社会性等核心问题展开论述。恢复生态学是一门年轻的学科,迄今尚无统一的定义。代表性的有3方面的学术观点。第1种强调受损的生态系统要恢复到理想的状态;第2种强调其应用生态学过程;第3种强调生态整合性恢复。笔者认为,恢复生态学是研究生态系统退化的原因、退化生态系统恢复与重建的技术与方法、过程与机理的科学。从近年的国际恢复生态学大会来看,恢复生态学研究近期主要有3个方面的发展趋势。一是强调自然恢复与社会、人文的耦合。认为恢复生态是全球性的,不只是自然的过程,应有全社会的支持,包括政治、经济和人文的介入。二是强调无论是在地域上还是在理论上都要跨越边界。有效的生态恢复实践在地域上要求多地区甚至是多国家的合作,在理论上要求多学科的交叉与耦合。三是强调以生态系统为基点,在景观尺度表达。随着环境和经济问题的全球化,生态系统和景观尺度的恢复生态学研究引起了越来越多的关注。2004年第15届国际恢复生态学大会的会议主题已定为:恢复、景观与设计。在当前研究趋势的基础上,提出了恢复生态学当前研究的6个前沿命题:恢复生态学的学科理论框架研究、恢复生态系统的功益研究、生物多样性在生态恢复中的作用研究、生态恢复对全球变化的响应研究、生态恢复立法研究和生态恢复与社会、经济的整合性研究。退化生态系统的恢复与重建是一项十分复杂的系统工程,尤其需要生态学理论的指导。多数生态学理论已被应用于恢复生态学的研究与实践。结合实例,着重阐述了生态系统演替理论在生态恢复中的应用。恢复生态与全球变化间的相互作用研究越来越多的引起了人们的关注,但多数研究仍停滞在定性研究阶段。在广东的恢复生态学研究表明,广东省从1986年至1998年,植被覆盖从26%到51%,新造林绿化的植被每年可吸收、固定广东省年排放CO2量的一半。人类社会与自然环境的协调可持续发展,不仅要求实现生态环境的可持续,同时亦要求实现人类社会与经济的可持续发展。这就要求生态系统的恢复与重建必须同时实现生态、经济与社会效率的三重优化。中国科学院华南植物研究所生态中心在中国热带、南亚热带进行的退化生态系统的恢复与重建研究历时30余年,所产生的显著的经济和社会效益,在各个实验站点均已有所反映。  相似文献   

There is ambiguity in the use of the terms “enclosure” and “exclosure” in describing the passive method used for the restoration of degraded ecosystems. We argue that in the context of ecological restoration, the term enclosure is generally more appropriate to use than exclosure. Unlike exclosure, the term enclosure focuses on the degraded area to be restored, does not exclude selective permeability of external factors, and potentially accommodates local people's livelihood needs. However, the term exclosure is appropriate to use in the case of experimental exclosures or management of restoration sites which explicitly exclude specific disturbance factors.  相似文献   

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