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The ligand binding domain of glutamate receptors (GluRs) has 2-fold rotational symmetry. The structure including the symmetry of the GluR ion channel remains undefined. Here we used substituted cysteines in the pore-lining M3 segment of the AMPAR GluR-A subunit and various cysteine-reactive agents to study the structure of the channel during gating. We find that cysteines substituted at A+6, located in the highly conserved SYTANLAAF motif, are grouped in pairs consistent with a 2-fold symmetry in the extracellular part of the pore. To account for this symmetry and crosslinking, we propose that the M3 segments in two neighboring GluR subunits are kinked within SYTANLAAF in opposite directions relative to the central axis of the pore. Our results extend the 2-fold rotational symmetry from the ligand binding domain to at minimum the extracellular part of the channel and suggest a model of gating movements in GluR pore-forming domains.  相似文献   

Cyclic electron transport around photosystem (PS) I is believed to play a role in generation of ATP required for adaptation to stress in cyanobacteria and plants. However, elucidation of the pathway(s) of cyclic electron flow is difficult because of low rates of this electron flow relative to those of linear photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport. We have constructed a strain of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 that lacks both PSII and respiratory oxidases and that, consequently, neither evolves nor consumes oxygen. However, this strain is still capable of cyclic electron flow around PSI. The photoheterotrophic growth rate of this strain increased with light intensity up to an intensity of about 25 mumol photons m-2 s-1, supporting the notion that cyclic electron flow contributes to ATP generation in this strain. Indeed, the ATP-generating ability of PSI is demonstrated by the fact that the PSII-less oxidase-less strain is able to grow at much higher salt concentrations than a strain lacking PSI. A quinone electrode was used to measure the redox state of the plastoquinone pool in vivo in the various strains used in this study. In contrast to what is observed in chloroplasts, the plastoquinone pool was rather reduced in darkness and was oxidized in the light. This is in line with significant electron donation by respiratory pathways (NADPH dehydrogenase and particularly succinate dehydrogenase) in darkness. In the light, the pool becomes oxidized due to the presence of much more PSI than PSII. In the oxidase-less strains, the plastoquinone pool was very much reduced in darkness and was oxidized in the light by PSI. Photosystem II activity did not greatly alter the redox state of the plastoquinone pool. The results suggest that cyclic electron flow around PSI can contribute to generation of ATP, and a strain deficient in linear electron transport pathways provides an excellent model for further investigations of cyclic electron flow.  相似文献   

Membrane transport proteins: implications of sequence comparisons.   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Analyses of the sequences and structures of many transport proteins that differ in substrate specificity, direction of transport and mechanism of transport suggest that they form a family of related proteins. Their sequence similarities imply a common mechanism of action. This hypothesis provides an objective basis for examining their mechanisms of action and relationships to other transporters.  相似文献   

Copper is an essential trace element which forms an integral component of many enzymes. While trace amounts of copper are needed to sustain life, excess copper is extremely toxic. An attempt is made here to present the current understanding of the normal transport of copper in relation to the absorption, intracellular transport and toxicity. Wilson disease is a genetic disorder of copper transport resulting in the accumulation of copper in organs such as liver and brain which leads to progressive hepatic and neurological damage. The gene responsible for Wilson disease (ATP7B) is predicted to encode a putative copper-transporting P-type ATPase. An important feature of this ATPase is the presence of a large N-terminal domain that contains six repeats of a copper-binding motif which is thought to be responsible for binding this metal prior to its transport across the membrane. We have cloned, expressed and purified the N-terminal domain (approximately 70 kD) of Wilson disease ATPase. Metal-binding properties of the domain showed the protein to bind several metals besides copper; however, copper has a higher affinity for the domain. The copper is bound to the domain in Cu(I) form with a copper: protein ratio of 6.5:1. X-ray absorption studies strongly suggest Cu(I) atoms are ligated to cysteine residues. Circular dichroism spectral analyses suggest both secondary and tertiary structural changes upon copper binding to the domain. Copper-binding studies suggest some degree of cooperativity in binding of copper. These studies as well as detailed structural information of the copper-binding domain will be crucial in determining the specific role played by the copper-transporting ATPase in the homeostatic control of copper in the body and how the transport of copper is interrupted by mutations in the ATPase gene.  相似文献   

R B Dodd  K Drickamer 《Glycobiology》2001,11(5):71R-79R
Classes of intracellular lectins that recognize core-type structures and mediate intracellular glycoprotein trafficking are present in vertebrates, model invertebrates such as Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster, plants, and yeasts. Lectins that recognize more complex structures at the cell surface, such as C-type lectins and galectins, are also found in invertebrate organisms as well as vertebrates, but the functions of these proteins have evolved differently in different animal lineages.  相似文献   

Different families of transport proteins catalyze transmembrane solute translocation, employing different mechanisms and energy sources. Several of these functionally dissimilar proteins nevertheless exhibit similar strutural units, consisting of six tightly packed α-helices which may comprise all or part of a transmembrane channel. It is now recognized that some of these families arose independently of each other by convergence, while others arose from common precursors by divergence. The former families apparently arose at different times in evolutionary history, in different groups of organisms, employing different routes.  相似文献   

The pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex was purified from B. stearothermophilus. The enzyme was found to be of high molecular weight (s20,w0 = 75S) and to contain four different types of polypeptide chain, with subunit molecular weights estimated as 57,000, 54,000, 42,000 and 36,000, respectively. The subunit of molecular weight 57,000 was shown to derive from the lipoate acetyltransferase component (EC, whereas the subunit of molecular weight 54,000 was identified as lipoamide dehydrogenase (EC The other two polypeptide chains are likely to be the subunits of pyruvate decarboxylase (EC The purified lipoate acetyltransferase component was also of high molecular weight (s20,w0 = 35S), and both it and the intact enzyme complex were readily visualized in negatively-stained preparations in the electron microscope. The lipoate acetyltransferase component, in particular, clearly showed the 5 fold, 3 fold and 2 fold rotation axes of a regular pentagonal dodecahedron with a diameter of 23 nm. The symmetry of the enzyme complex is apparently icosahedral. In all these properties the enzyme from B. stearothermophilus (Gram-positive) strikingly resembles the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex from the mitochondria of eucaryotic cells, and stands in marked contrast to the enzyme from E. coli (Gram-negative). A growing body of evidence indicates that the quaternary structures of enzymes from Gram-positive bacteria and the mitochondria of eucaryotes share distinctive common features that set them apart from the corresponding enzymes from Gram-negative bacteria. Adopting the serial endosymbiosis theory for the evolution of the mitochondrion, it follows that the forerunner of mitochondria may have been a Gram-positive rather than a Gram-negative bacterium.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the functional effect of site-directed mutations and deletions in the copper-binding domain of ATP7B (the copper transporting P-type ATPase defective in Wilson disease) using a yeast complementation assay. We have shown that the sixth copper-binding motif alone is sufficient, but not essential, for normal ATP7B function. The N-terminal two or three copper-binding motifs alone are not sufficient for ATP7B function. The first two or three N-terminal motifs of the copper-binding domain are not equivalent to, and cannot replace, the C-terminal motifs when placed in the same sequence position with respect to the transmembrane channel. From our data, we propose that the copper-binding motifs closest to the channel are required for the copper-transport function of ATP7B. We propose that cooperative copper binding to the copper-binding domain of ATP7B is not critical for copper transport function, but that cooperative copper binding involving the N-terminal two or three copper-binding motifs may be involved in initiating copper-dependent intracellular trafficking. Our data also suggest a functional difference between the copper-binding domains of ATP7A and ATP7B.  相似文献   

Coronavirus spike protein genes were expressed in vitro by using the recombinant vaccinia virus expression system. Recombinant spike proteins were expressed at the cell surface and induced cell fusion in a host-cell-dependent fashion. The intracellular transport of recombinant spike proteins was studied. The half time of acquisition of resistance to endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H was approximately 3 h for the recombinant feline infectious peritonitis virus S protein. The S protein in feline infectious peritonitis virus-infected cells was found to have a half time of acquisition of resistance to endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H of approximately 1 h. This difference can be explained by the fact that coronavirus budding takes place at intracellular membranes and that the oligosaccharides of the spike protein are modified after budding. Apparently, spike protein incorporated into budded virions is transported faster through the Golgi apparatus than is spike protein alone. These findings provide new insights into the mechanism of coronavirus budding and are discussed in relation to current models of intracellular transport and sorting of proteins.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Multi-domain proteins have evolved by insertions or deletions of distinct protein domains. Tracing the history of a certain domain combination can be important for functional annotation of multi-domain proteins, and for understanding the function of individual domains. In order to analyze the evolutionary history of the domains in modular proteins it is desirable to inspect a phylogenetic tree based on sequence divergence with the modular architecture of the sequences superimposed on the tree. RESULT: A Java applet, NIFAS, that integrates graphical domain schematics for each sequence in an evolutionary tree was developed. NIFAS retrieves domain information from the Pfam database and uses CLUSTAL W to calculate a tree for a given Pfam domain. The tree can be displayed with symbolic bootstrap values, and to allow the user to focus on a part of the tree, the layout can be altered by swapping nodes, changing the outgroup, and showing/collapsing subtrees. NIFAS is integrated with the Pfam database and is accessible over the internet (http://www.cgr.ki.se/Pfam). As an example, we use NIFAS to analyze the evolution of domains in Protein Kinases C.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented against the concept that arginine appeared later in the evolution of life that the other common amino acids, as an ‘evolutionary intruder’. Alternative explanations for the relatively low frequency of arginine in proteins are considered, based on the proposition that there has been selection for such low frequency because of special properties of the amino acid.  相似文献   

The cDNA, coding for the first metal-binding domain (MBD1) of Menkes protein, was cloned into the T7-system based vector, pCA. The T7 lysozyme-encoding plasmid, pLysS, is shown to be crucial for expression, suggesting that the protein is toxic to the cells. Adding copper to the growth medium did not affect the plasmid stability. MBD1 is purified in two steps with a typical yield of 12 mg.L-1. Menkes protein, a P-type ATPase, contains a sequence GMXCXSC that is repeated six times, at the N-terminus. The paired cysteine residues are involved in metal binding. MBD1 has only two cysteine residues, which can exist as free thiol groups (reduced), as a disulphide bond (oxidized) or bound to a metal ion [e.g. Cu(I)-MBD1]. These three MBD1 forms have been investigated using CD. No major spectral change was seen between the different MBD1 forms, indicating that the folding is not changed upon metal binding. A copper-bound MBD1 was also studied by EPR, and the lack of an EPR signal suggests that the oxidation state of copper bound to MBD1 is Cu(I). Cu(I) binding studies were performed by equilibrium dialysis and revealed a stoichiometry of 1 : 1 and an apparent Kd = 46 microM. Oxidized MBD1, however, is not able to bind copper. Different copper complexes were investigated for their ability to reconstitute apo-MBD1. Given the same total copper concentration CuCl43- was superior to Cu(I)-thiourea (structural analogue of metallothionein) and Cu(I)-glutathione (used at fivefold higher copper concentration) although the latter two were able to partially reconstitute apo-MBD1. Cu(II) was not able to reconstitute apo-MBD1, presumably due to Cu(II)-induced oxidation of the thiol groups. Based on our results, glutathione and/or metallothionein are likely candidates for the in vivo incorporation of copper to Menkes protein.  相似文献   

Growth of the marine bacterium Vibrio alginolyticus is temporarily inhibited by micromolar levels of copper. During the copper-induced lag phase, supernatant compounds which complex and detoxify copper are produced. In this study two copper-inducible supernatant proteins having molecular masses of ca. 21 and 19 kilodaltons (CuBP1 and CuBP2) were identified; these proteins were, respectively, 25 and 46 times amplified in supernatants of copper-challenged cultures compared with controls. Experiments in which chloramphenicol was added to cultures indicated that there was de novo synthesis of these proteins in response to copper. When supernatants were separated by gel permeation chromatography, CuBP1 and CuBP2 coeluted with a copper-induced peak in copper-binding activity. CuBP1 and CuBP2 from whole supernatants were concentrated and partially purified by using a copper-charged immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography column, confirming the affinity of these proteins for copper. A comparison of cell pellets and supernatants demonstrated that CuBP1 was more concentrated in supernatants than in cells. Our data are consistent with a model for a novel mechanism of copper detoxification in which excretion of copper-binding protein is induced by copper.  相似文献   

When the entire genome of a filamentous heterocyst-forming N2-fixing cyanobacterium, Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 (Anabaena) was determined in 2001, a large number of PAS domains were detected in signal-transducing proteins. The draft genome sequence is also available for the cyanobacterium, Nostoc punctiforme strain ATCC 29133 (Nostoc), that is closely related to Anabaena. In this study, we extracted all PAS domains from the Nostoc genome sequence and analyzed them together with those of Anabaena. Clustering analysis of all the PAS domains gave many specific pairings, indicative of evolutionary conservations. Ortholog analysis of PAS-containing proteins showed composite multidomain architecture in some cases of conserved domains and domains of disagreement between the two species. Further inspection of the domains of disagreement allowed us to trace them back in evolution. Thus, multidomain proteins could have been generated by duplication or shuffling in these cyanobacteria. The conserved PAS domains in the orthologous proteins were analyzed by structural fitting to the known PAS domains. We detected several subclasses with unique sequence features, which will be the target of experimental analysis.  相似文献   

Extracellular proteins of wild-type Vibrio alginolyticus were compared with those of copper-resistant and copper-sensitive mutants. One copper-resistant mutant (Cu40B3) constitutively produced an extracellular protein with the same apparent molecular mass (21 kDa) and chromatographic behavior as copper-binding protein (CuBP), a copper-induced supernatant protein which has been implicated in copper detoxification in wild-type V. alginolyticus. Copper-sensitive V. alginolyticus mutants displayed a range of alterations in supernatant protein profiles. CuBP was not detected in supernatants of one copper-sensitive mutant after cultures had been stressed with 50 microM copper. Increased resistance to copper was not induced by preincubation with subinhibitory levels of copper in the wild type or in the copper-resistant mutant Cu40B3. Copper-resistant mutants maintained the ability to grow on copper-amended agar after 10 or more subcultures on nonselective agar, demonstrating the stability of the phenotype. A derivative of Cu40B3 with wild-type sensitivity to copper which no longer constitutively expressed CuBP was isolated. The simultaneous loss of both constitutive CuBP production and copper resistance in Cu40B3 indicates that constitutive CuBP production is necessary for copper resistance in this mutant. These data support the hypothesis that the extracellular, ca. 20-kDa protein(s) of V. alginolyticus is an important factor in survival and growth of the organism at elevated copper concentrations. The range of phenotypes observed in copper-resistant and copper-sensitive V. alginolyticus indicate that altered sensitivity to copper was mediated by a variety of physiological changes.  相似文献   

The evolution of oxygen transport hemoglobins occurred on at least two independent occasions. The earliest event led to myoglobin and red blood cell hemoglobin in animals. In plants, oxygen transport "leghemoglobins" evolved much more recently. In both events, pentacoordinate heme sites capable of inert oxygen transfer evolved from hexacoordinate hemoglobins that have unrelated functions. High sequence homology between hexacoordinate and pentacoordinate hemoglobins in plants has poised them for potential structural analysis leading to a molecular understanding of this important evolutionary event. However, the lack of a plant hexacoordinate hemoglobin structure in the exogenously ligand-bound form has prevented such comparison. Here we report the crystal structure of the cyanide-bound hexacoordinate hemoglobin from barley. This presents the first opportunity to examine conformational changes in plant hexacoordinate hemoglobins upon exogenous ligand binding, and reveals structural mechanisms for stabilizing the high-energy pentacoordinate heme conformation critical to the evolution of reversible oxygen binding hemoglobins.  相似文献   

Among the EF-hand Ca(2+)-binding proteins, parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin D9k (CaB) have the function of Ca(2+) buffers. They evolved from an ancestor protein through two phylogenetic pathways, keeping one pair of EF-hands. They differ by the extra helix-loop-helix (AB domain) found in PV and by the linker between the binding sites. To investigate whether the deletion of AB in PV restores a CaB-like structure, we prepared and solved the structure of the truncated rat PV (PVratDelta37) by X-ray and NMR. PVratDelta37 keeps the PV fold, but is more compact, having a well-structured linker, which differs remarkably from CaB. PvratDelta37 has no stable apo-form, has lower affinity for Ca(2+) than full-length PV, and does not bind Mg(2+), in contrast to CaB. Structural differences of the hydrophobic core are partially responsible for lowering the calcium-binding affinity of the truncated protein. It can be concluded that the AB domain, like the linker of CaB, plays a role in structural stabilization. The AB domain of PV protects the hydrophobic core, and is required to maintain high affinity for divalent cation binding. Therefore, the AB domain possibly modulates PV buffer function.  相似文献   



The PD-(D/E)xK superfamily, containing a wide variety of other exo- and endonucleases, is a notable example of general function conservation in the face of extreme sequence and structural variation. Almost all members employ a small number of shared conserved residues to bind catalytically essential metal ions and thereby effect DNA cleavage. The crystal structure of the RecBCD prokaryotic DNA repair machinery shows that RecB contains such a nuclease domain at its C-terminus. The RecC C-terminal region was reported as having a novel fold.  相似文献   

Alan Stemler 《BBA》1980,593(1):103-112
In broken chloroplasts the presence of 100 mM sodium formate at pH 8.2 will specifically lengthen the Photosystem II relaxation times of the reactions S′2 → S3 and S′3 → S0. Rates of reactions S′0 → S1 and S′1 → S2 remain unaffected. Evidence is presented which indicates the discrimination among S-states by formate cannot be attributed to a block imposed on the reducing side of Photosystem II. The results are interpreted in context of the known interaction of formate and CO2 which is bound to the Photosystem II reaction center complex. It is proposed that those S-state transitions which show extended relaxation times in the presence of formate must result in the momentary release and rebinding of CO2. Furthermore since formate is acting on the oxygen-evolving side of Photosystem II, it would seem that CO2 is released in reactions that occur there. A chemical model of oxygen evolution is presented. It is based on the hypothesis that hydrated CO2 is the immediate source of photosynthetically evolved oxygen and explains why, under certain conditions formate slows only the S-state transitions S′2 → S3 and S′3 → S0.  相似文献   

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