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To illustrate the ecological factors and process leading to the observed diversity patterns of vascular epiphytes, we examined the effect and importance of host tree traits on epiphyte richness and spatial aggregation of epiphytes. The study was conducted in warm-temperate forest in Japan. The recorded host traits were diameter, height, species, habitat topography, and growth rate, and we analyzed the effects and importance of these traits on three species groups: total epiphytic species, epiphytic orchid species, and epiphytic pteridophyte species. Diameter and species of host trees had the greatest influence on epiphytes and their magnitudes were roughly similar in all species groups. Growth rate and topography were less important than host size and species. Growth rate had a negative effect on all three groups, and topography was important for pteridophytes. Epiphyte richness did not exhibit clear spatial aggregation. Our results suggest that size, stability, and quality of the host are equally important in determining epiphyte colonization.  相似文献   

砂仁种植对热带沟谷雨林群落影响的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
通过原始雨林与砂仁种植群落的比较 ,分析了在西双版纳地区沟谷雨林林下种植砂仁对沟谷雨林群落种类组成、结构、外貌和动态 ,以及幼树个体生长的影响 .沟谷雨林林下种植砂仁对雨林的生物多样性有较大的破坏 ,造成种植群落 70~ 90 %的物种流失 ,约 98%个体消失 .其中草本和灌木植物种类和个体基本全部消失 ,乔木植物种类损失 60~ 70 % ,个体损失 50~ 80 % .种植砂仁使群落垂直结构变得简单 ,分层明显 .种植后的群落仍保持雨林的外貌 ,但已不再是雨林群落 ,变成稳定性较差的次生林群落 .  相似文献   

Secondary forests in Central Africa are increasing in importance for biodiversity conservation as old growth forests outside the few protected areas are disappearing rapidly. We examined vegetation recovery in a lowland rain forest area in Cameroon based on a detailed botanical survey of old growth forest and different-aged logging gaps (5–27 years) and shifting cultivation fields (10–60 years). Our analysis focuses on the long-term recovery of botanical conservation values by analysing trends in vegetation structure, species composition, species diversity and levels of endemism and rarity. In the total survey (4.25 ha), we recorded 834 species of which 23% were endemic to the Lower Guinea forest region. The proportion of endemic species was high in shrubs and low in herbs. Geographic range and (local) rarity were not significantly associated. The proportion of rare species (relative frequency <10%) was high in woody climbers and low in trees. In logging gaps, recovery of all vegetation characteristics was relatively quick (5–14 years). Recovery in shifting cultivation sites took longer (30–60 years). Endemic species were found to be highly sensitive to shifting cultivation practices and even after 50–60 years the level of endemism was still significantly lower compared to old growth forest. The proportion of rare species was not significantly different between disturbed sites and old growth forest. We conclude that secondary forests can contribute to biodiversity conservation, e.g. as buffer zones around protected areas. However, this contribution should be assessed differently between land use types and widespread versus endemic species.  相似文献   

The vertical stratification of two species-rich moth families (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Geometridae) was analysed in a lowland rain forest in Costa Rica. Moths were trapped with automatic 8 W ultraviolet light traps at three sites in the understorey and canopy of a primary forest at the La Selva Biological Station (10.4° N, 84.0° W). A total of 846 arctiid moths (148 species) and 946 geometrid moths (140 species) were analysed. Species richness and diversity of arctiid moths was significantly lower in the understorey than in the canopy (Fisher's alpha: 24 vs. 49) whereas geometrid moths showed an inverse pattern (Fisher's alpha: 44 vs. 27). This resulted in an overall increase in the proportion of conspicuously coloured species towards the canopy. Moth ensembles were clearly separated in multidimensional scaling ordinations, and differed significantly in their faunal composition and dominance between the strata. The available host plant data suggest that the flight height of moths was determined by larval resource availability. Examples include understorey flyers such as the geometrid genus Eois feeding on Piper, and canopy flyers such as the arctiid moth genera Aclytia, Macrocneme and Poliopastea which feed on lianas.  相似文献   

The size of a sampling unit has a critical effect on our perception of ecological phenomena; it influences the variance and correlation structure estimates of the data. Classical statistical theory works well to predict the changes in variance when there is no autocorrelation structure, but it is not applicable when the data are spatially autocorrelated. Geostatistical theory, on the other hand, uses analytical relationships to predict the variance and autocorrelation structure that would be observed if a survey was conducted using sampling units of a different size. To test the geostatistical predictions, we used information about individual tree locations in the tropical rain forest of the Pasoh Reserve, Malaysia. This allowed us to simulate and compare various sampling designs. The original data were reorganised into three artificial data sets, computing tree densities (number of trees per square meter in each quadrat) corresponding to three quadrat sizes (5×5, 10×10 and 20×20 m(2)). Based upon the 5×5 m(2) data set, the spatial structure was modelled using a random component (nugget effect) plus an exponential model for the spatially structured component. Using the within-quadrat variances inferred from the variogram model, the change of support relationships predicted the spatial autocorrelation structure and new variances corresponding to 10×10 m(2) and 20×20 m(2) quadrats. The theoretical and empirical results agreed closely, while the classical approach would have largely underestimated the variance. As quadrat size increases, the range of the autocorrelation model increases, while the variance and proportion of noise in the data decrease. Large quadrats filter out the spatial variation occurring at scales smaller than the size of their sampling units, thus increasing the proportion of spatially structured component with range larger than the size of the sampling units.  相似文献   

The effect of a well-developed epiphytic vegetation on the interception of rainfall was investigated in an upper montane rain forest at an altitude of 3370 m in the Cordillera Central of the Colombian Andes. Total epiphyte mass was estimated at 12 tonnes dry weight per hectare, most of it being bryophytes and dead organic matter. The hydrological properties of the epiphyte mass were studied using detached branches. Water gain (during rainfall) and water loss (after experimental saturation) were determined gravimetrically in the field.Rain falling on epiphyte-covered branches was efficiently captured. Drainage of water (held temporarily in excess of the retention capacity) was very gradual. Water loss through evaporation was slow. The observations are in accordance with previously reported data for rainfall interception in the forest studied. The potentially large influence of the exceptionally high canopy storage capacity is restricted due to the clumped distribution of epiphytes and associated low turnover rates of water in the epiphyte mass.  相似文献   

根据在吉林省蛟河实验管理局1 hm2落叶阔叶混交林样地调查结果,对落叶阔叶混交林的群落结构、物种多样性、主要树种的空间分布格局以及树木种群的种间关联进行了研究.结果表明,树木种群优势程度不明显;乔木、灌木、草本的均匀度指数、生态优势度指数都较低.对5个主要乔木种群的空间格局均呈现聚集分布;15个主要树种之间有14个种对存在着显著的种间关联,一个种独立;树种之间正关联的种对少,关联强度低,而负关联多且较高,群落结构组成不稳定,处于软阔叶林向硬阔叶林直至红松阔叶林过渡的阶段.  相似文献   

Species diversity of vascular epiphyte plant communities was studied in La Carbonera, a montane rain forest dominated by Podocarpaceae in the Venezuelan Andes. We compared the epiphyte communities of the primary, disturbed, and secondary forest areas of La Carbonera in order to augment the scarce knowledge on the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on these important elements of tropical vegetation. Diversity of vascular epiphytes (191 species in the whole forest area) was low in the disturbed and secondary areas (81 spp.) compared to adjacent primary forest (178 spp.). Four types of disturbed forest and secondary vegetation supported different numbers of epiphyte species, showing a decline with increasing degrees of disturbance (65 spp. along a road transect, 42 spp. on relict trees in disturbed forest, 13 spp. in a tree plantation and 7 spp. in a former clearing, both secondary vegetation units). Epiphytic species composition in primary and disturbed or secondary forest areas differed markedly: disturbed habitats harboured fewer fern and orchid species but more bromeliad species than the primary forest. Probably the families occurring only in primary forest sites of our study may be useful as bioindicators to determine the degree of disturbance in other habitats of mountain rain forests as well. Epiphyte abundance was also lower in disturbed habitats: a remnant emergent tree supported only about half as many epiphyte individuals as a member of the same species of similar size in the primary forest. The decrease in species numbers and abundance as well as the differences in species composition are mainly due to the less diverse phorophyte structure and less differentiated microclimate in the disturbed and secondary vegetation compared to the primary forest.  相似文献   

Water relations were analysed in a semi-deciduous forest grove occurring in the oxisols of the Orinoco savannas. This grove has a shallow unconsolidated ironstone cuirass, which is overlaid by a sandy loam layer (0.0–0.5 m) that contains more than 90% of the grove forest root phytomass. Evapotranspiration and through drainage were calculated by using data from the soil profile as related to physical characteristics of the site root zone, hydraulic conductivity, volumetric water content and potential hydraulic gradient. Mean annual evapotranspiration was 783 mm year–1 and annual through drainage below the root zone was 14% (162 mm year–1) of the gross rainfall. This drainage recharged the 42% of the annual saturation deficit of the water table. Similar mean annual evapotranspiration (770 mm year–1) was also calculated by using the water balance components. The mean daily coupling omega factor () between the grove canopy and the surrounding atmosphere indicated that a high degree of coupling (=0.14±0.16) occurs in the grove and evapotranspiration was mainly controlled by surface conductance. As the dry season proceeded, the soil saturation deficit () increased rapidly resulting in a threshold surface conductance (0.030–0.005 m s–1) for ranging from 0.05 to 0.10. Hypotheses to explain the omnipresence of perennial species in the wide range of physical conditions in neotropical savannas are discussed.  相似文献   

Aim Identify the taxonomic patterns and the relative importance of particular families of Diptera sampled in comparative biodiversity surveys carried out at seven rain forest locations. We test and quantify the contention that different trapping methods routinely target different families. We identify the south–north (and upland/lowland) patterns and generate a set of hypotheses concerning mechanisms underlying these patterns. Location Australia and Papua New Guinea. Methods A total of 28,647 Diptera collected using canopy knockdown, yellow pan (water) traps and Malaise traps have been sorted to 56 families following these surveys. Comparative analyses across sites from Lamington National Park in south‐east Queensland, Australia to the Kau Wildlife area in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea, of the dipteran assemblages, and separately, of the 14 families which collectively made up 95.8% of the sample, are presented. Results Ordination by multi‐dimensional scaling and analyses of variances showed that the three methods complemented each other in terms of target families and, together, sampled a large proportion of the expected fauna of these sites. Ordinations on a method‐by‐method basis permitted the identification of groups of sites and analyses of variance indicated which taxa differed significantly across these groups. Main conclusions Recurrent patterns and associated hypotheses about their generation emerge from the data. These mirror floristic differences and reflect the biogeographic history of the sites since the Miocene. Clear linkages between the lowland faunas of Papua New Guinea and northern Australia are evident and are reflected in the abundances of the Dolichopodidae, Empididae, Muscidae and Tipulidae (other groupings underlined the essential difference of the New Guinean fauna which had characteristic proportions of Cecidomyiidae, Chironomidae, Dolichopodidae, Phoridae and Psychodidae). A subtropical grouping of families was evident comprising, inter alia, Chloropidae, Mycetophilidae, Drosophilidae and Phoridae which was frequently linked with the higher elevation tropical fauna at Robson's Creek, Atherton Tablelands. The long isolated, high elevation, rain‐forested massif at Eungella, central Queensland often emerged as a unique entity in the analyses, characterized by the high numbers of and proportions of Chironomidae, Psychodidae, Tipulidae and Empididae. This study supports the case for the wider use of Diptera in biodiversity analyses, complementing extensive earlier analyses which have used, predominantly, large coleopteran assemblages. The results indicate the potential power of family‐level analyses at large geographical scales and contribute to the ongoing debate on ‘taxonomic sufficiency’.  相似文献   

Aims Spatial distribution patterns and formation mechanisms of species diversity are fundamental issues in community ecology. The objectives of this study are to assess the species diversity patterns at the different spatial scales in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China.
Methods Based on the dataset from the 60 hm2 plot in the tropical montane rain forest in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, the spatial distribution patterns of species richness, species abundance, Shannon-Wiener, Simpson and Pielou’s evenness indices were analyzed at six spatial scales, including 5 m × 5 m, 10 m × 10 m, 20 m × 20 m, 40 m × 40 m, 100 m × 100 m, and 200 m × 200 m, respectively.Important findings
Results showed that spatial distribution patterns of species richness, species abundance and Shannon-Wiener index were much more obviously changed with the spatial scales than Simpson and Pielou’s evenness indices. Change of variance of the species richness with the increase of spatial scales was unimodal, which had the maximum value at the 20 m × 20 m scale. Variance of the species abundance showed a linear relationship with the increase of spatial scales. The positive relationship between species richness and abundance gradually decreased and even disappeared with the increase of sampling scales, which may be correlated with the increase of habitat heterogeneity. The effects of spatial scales on Shannon-Wiener, Simpson, and Pielou’s evenness indices may be also correlated with the composition of rare species in the plot.  相似文献   

物种多样性的空间分布格局和维持机制是群落生态学的基本问题。为了探讨海南尖峰岭地区物种多样性空间分布格局的尺度效应, 以海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林60 hm2样地为研究对象, 分析了物种丰富度、物种多度、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数以及Pielou均匀度指数随6个空间取样尺度(5 m × 5 m、10 m × 10 m、20 m × 20 m、40 m × 40 m、100 m ×100 m、200 m × 200 m)的变化。结果表明: 相比Simpson指数和Pielou均匀度指数, 物种丰富度、多度以及Shannon-Wiener指数具有更为明显的空间尺度效应; 物种丰富度的方差随取样尺度增加呈现单峰分布特征, 并且在20 m × 20 m尺度上达到最大值, 而物种多度的方差随取样尺度的增加而增大; 物种丰富度和多度的正相关性随着取样尺度的增加逐渐减小甚至消失, 这可能与随取样尺度增加生境异质性增加有关; 取样尺度对3个物种多样性指数空间分布的影响可能与研究区域内稀有种的组成有关。  相似文献   

云南热带季雨林及其与热带雨林植被的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
朱华 《植物生态学报》2011,35(4):463-470
在中国植物学文献中, 对热带季雨林的解释和运用是不一致的, 特别是易于把季雨林与热带雨林相混淆。季雨林是在具有明显干、湿季变化的热带季风气候下发育的一种热带落叶森林植被, 是介于热带雨林与热带稀树草原(savanna)之间的一个植被类型。云南的热带季雨林在分布生境、生态外貌特征、植物种类组成和地理成分构成上, 均与热带雨林有明显区别, 季雨林主要分布在海拔1 000 m以下的几大河流开阔河段两岸和河谷盆地, 其群落结构相对简单, 乔木一般仅有1至2层, 上层树种在干季落叶或上层及下层树种在干季都落叶; 在生活型组成上, 季雨林的木质藤本相对较少, 大高位芽植物及地上芽植物很少, 但地面芽植物很丰富, 地下芽植物和一年生植物也相对丰富; 在叶级和叶型特征上, 季雨林植物的小叶和复叶比例相对较高, 分别占到24%和44%; 在植物区系地理成分构成上, 季雨林的热带分布属合计也占绝对优势, 但以泛热带分布属的比例相对较高, 约占到总属数的30%, 热带亚洲至热带非洲分布属的比例也较高, 约占总属数的12%。季雨林的地理成分更为多样性, 起源与发展历史也更复杂和古老。  相似文献   

1. The distribution patterns of sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) upon tree buttresses were studied in tropical rain forest at Finca la Selva in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. 2. Four species of sandfly, Lutzomyia shannoni Dyar, L. trapidoi F. & H., L. ylephiletor F. & H. and L. vespertilionis F. & H. comprising 97% of those caught, used tree buttresses as diurnal resting sites. Their distribution on the buttresses was aggregated. 3. During the dry season tree species had no significant effect upon the distribution of the sandflies. However, during the wet season the distributions of two of the species, L. trapidoi and L. ylephiletor, were significantly affected by the species of tree; it is suggested that some species of tree may provide greater protection from rainfall than others. 4. L. vespertilionis was restricted to a single buttress on each positive tree. Distribution of this species is evidently determined by the distribution of its host animal, the bat (Emballonuridae). Female flies feed upon the bat's blood and male flies may be attracted to the bat as it provides a source of female sandflies. It is suggested, therefore, that tree buttresses serve as sandfly swarming sites. 5. Within a large buttress the sandflies are not randomly distributed but are aggregated in particular areas. Within these aggregations, the sandflies are vertically zoned upon the buttress with a shift in species composition with height. Two hypothesis were suggested to account for this distribution pattern: a response to an environmental gradient or an interaction between the four species of fly.  相似文献   

海南岛热带天然针叶林附生维管植物多样性和分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
作为热带林中一个重要的特征性组分, 附生维管植物对于维持热带森林的物种多样性及其生态系统功能均具有重要作用。该文首次系统地报道了热带天然针叶林中的附生维管植物多样性和分布特征。以海南岛霸王岭国家级自然保护区保存完好的热带天然针叶林(我国唯一较大面积分布的南亚松(Pinus latteri)天然林)中的附生维管植物为研究对象, 通过样带调查(共设置12个10 m × 50 m的样带, 记录每个样带内胸径(DBH) ≥ 5 cm树木上附生维管植物的物种名称、株数及附生高度), 分析附生维管植物的物种多样性和空间分布特征。结果表明: 1)热带针叶林0.6 hm 2面积内共有附生维管植物769株, 分属于7科17属27种, 附生兰科植物和萝摩科植物为优势类群; 2)附生维管植物在水平方向上呈现出聚集分布; 3)附生维管植物在垂直方向上, 在中等高度层次(10-20 m)分布最多, 在下层(0-5 m)也有较多的分布; 4)少数附生维管植物对南亚松表现出一定的选择性, 如华南马尾杉(Phlegmariurus fordii)、玫瑰毛兰(Eria rosea)、眼树莲(Dischidia chinensis)和铁草鞋(Hoya pottsii)等; 5)附生维管植物的物种丰富度及多度与宿主胸径均存在显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

The geographical characteristics of a total of 1839 forest fragments surrounded by sugar cane fields were studied in the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest region of the northeastern state of Pernambuco. The size and shape of the fragments as well as inter-fragment distances and the effects of varying edge width were examined using a geographical information system. The analyses show that the fragments are relatively small and close to each other. Approximately 48% of the rain forest fragments are <10 hectares, while only about 7% are >100 hectares. Forest fragments are close to each other, as fragments located 50m or less apart formed groups that included ca. 50% of the total forest area. At 350m inter-fragment distance, 98% of the rain forest area was included in groups of fragments. Due to the small size and irregular shape of the fragments, the total area of edge zone exceeds that of the interior habitat when the edge width is ca. 60m. At an edge width of 300m ca. 94% of the total fragment area is edge zone. For conservation purposes, ways of establishing networks of forest fragments connected by corridors and stepping stone fragments are demonstrated using GIS. Simulations using these techniques show that reforestation of sugar cane fields between the forest fragments would considerably increase the area of interior forest habitat and connectivity between fragments.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带山地雨林生物量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
观测了西双版纳山地气候,建立了山地雨林生物量回归方程,调查了海拔1 100~1 820 m范围5块样地(面积0.16~0.25 hm2)的热带山地雨林生物量。结果表明,海拔1 105和1 610 m的年平均温度分别为20.1和16.6℃,年降雨量分别为1 659和2 011 mm,旱季(11~4月)降雨量分别为295和283mm,年平均相对湿度分别为81%和84%;5块样地生物量变化为256.4~368.6 t.hm-2,平均为312.6t.hm-2,其中乔木占97.1%、木质藤本占1.2%、幼树和灌木占1.3%、草本和幼苗占0.4%;采用热带季节雨林生物量回归方程估计山地雨林生物量,会使得总生物量以及树干和树根生物量高估38.3%~61.5%,树枝生物量低估7.6%~30.8%。可见,西双版纳山地海拔增加导致雨季降雨量增加,山地雨林生物量较热带季节雨林降低32.6%,季节雨林生物量方程不适用于山地雨林。  相似文献   

The current interest in non-timber forest products as an economic option for the Brazilian Amazon represents a radical departure from the policies that have guided development in the region during recent decades. Despite this interest, little is currently known about the forms of resource management or economic strategies practiced by populations dependent on such resources. In this study, we measured the annual income and expenditures of ten households on Combu Island, located in the Amazon estuary near the major port city of Belém; in addition, we documented local uses and management of natural resources on the island Average annual income per household was found to be over U.S. $4000, derived primarily from the harvest and sale of non-timber forest products. The results of this study show that the combination of proximity to a major market and appropriate resource management can lead to high and apparently sustainable economic returns.Formerly Senior Researcher at the Museu Paraense Emílio GoeldiFormerly Student Fellow at the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi  相似文献   

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