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Field studies of many vertebrates show that some individuals (floaters) do not defend territories even when there is space for them to do so. We show that the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for the threshold territory quality at which floating takes place is that which maximizes the size of the floating population (but not the total population, breeding population, or reproductive output). The ESS is solved separately for two assumptions: whether individuals wait to occupy a single territory or multiple territories and whether queuing rules are strict or if all waiting individuals are equally likely to obtain the next territory. The four combinations of these assumptions all give the same evolutionarily stable population size of both floaters and breeders. At the ESS, only territories with expected lifetime reproductive success (LRS) exceeding 1 should be occupied, which introduces a limit to ideal habitat selection. The behavioral decision to float alters the shape of the density-dependent response, reduces the equilibrium population size, and affects the response of the population to habitat loss. Specifically, the floater: breeder ratio is directly related to average breeding habitat quality, and the floater population size will decrease more than the breeding population size if better than average quality habitat is lost.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Carotenoid‐based coloration of skin and plumage has been found to be correlated with individual quality in many species of birds during the breeding season. However, less is known about the possible role of these signals during the nonbreeding season, particularly among nonpasserines that defend winter territories. American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) are sexually dimorphic raptors that defend winter territories and possess carotenoid‐based morphological features known to be correlated with individual quality. Much is known about winter territory use and habitat segregation by male and female kestrels, but possible relationships among morphological features, individual quality, and habitat quality have not been examined. Our objective was to examine possible relationships between morphology, territory quality, and skin color of American Kestrels. Male kestrels had brighter skin than females, and the skin color of male kestrels was positively correlated with size (wing chord and tail length) and territorial quality (hunting territories with less canopy and more grass cover). No such relationships were found for female kestrels. Skin color appears to be an honest indicator of quality for male American Kestrels and may serve both intersexual (territory acquisition) and intersexual (mate choice) functions during the breeding and nonbreeding seasons.  相似文献   

Social status can be reflected in many aspects of an individual’s behaviour and ecology, including habitat use and conspecific interactions. In territorial species where at least two social groups – breeding birds and non‐territorial floaters – are recognized, the diverse tasks associated with territorial ownership can lead territory holders to behave differently from the non‐territorial part of the population. Territory holders defend their breeding area and reproduce, whereas floating individuals are dispersing and lead a more transient life, during which they do not show any territorial behaviour even when settling in a more or less fixed area (known as the stop phase). As social interactions are based on visual and vocal cues, the use of specific sites for sending and/or receiving signals can be a crucial choice in an animal’s life. By analysing the post‐site selection of Eagle Owl Bubo bubo breeders and floaters during their nocturnal activity, we found that: (1) territory holders selected more visible and dominant posts than non‐territorial floaters; (2) the choice of posts made by floating individuals did not differ between the wandering and stop phases of dispersal; and (3) floating females intruded more frequently than floating males within a breeder’s home‐range. These findings highlight the fact that two social strategies are possible within the same species, depending on an individual’s social status and its related tasks. Breeders could take advantage of visible locations to declare their status as territory holders, whereas floaters could benefit from a more secretive life to wander unnoticed among occupied territories. This secretive life would help floaters to reduce the risks associated with conspecific aggression. Finally, the greater occurrence of floating females within breeders’ home‐ranges can be explained by the fact that female incursions in a breeder’s home‐range are less risky than male intrusions.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding species, helping at the nest and buddingoff part of the natal territory have been advanced as strategiesto increase fitness in an environment that is saturated withterritories. The importance of helping or territory buddingas a determinant of lifetime reproductive success (LRS) hasbeen debated because the potential benefits of both strategiescould not be separated. Here we test the causes and the immediateand future fitness consequences of single dispersal decisionstaken by male Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis).Males breeding in high-quality territories (high food abundance)have significantly higher LRS than similar-aged males buddingoff part of the parental territory. Initially, budders havea low reproductive success (because of limited food resourcesor absence of a breeding partner). However, they have a longlife span and inherit high-quality territories through sitedominance, by which they gain higher LRS than breeders on low-qualityterritories, helpers, or floaters. Experimental creation ofmale breeding territory vacancies showed that most young malesbecame budders because of intense competition for high-quality territories. The translocation of warblers to the previouslyunoccupied Aride Island shows that males behave according tothe expected fitness benefits of each dispersal strategy. Inthe absence of competition for territories on Aride, all youngmales bred in high-quality territories. However, after saturationof high-quality habitat with territories, most males becamebudders rather than breeders on low-quality habitat, helpers,or floaters.  相似文献   

The relative roles of ecological constraints, the benefits of philopatry, and the role of life history continue to be debated in the evolution of natal philopatry and cooperative breeding. We compare three routes to breeding: departing to search for territories as a floater, staying and queuing to inherit the natal territory, or queuing and eventually shifting to a neighboring vacancy. Our model assumed a dominance-structured population. It quantifies the benefits of philopatry for varying-rank subordinates and contrasts it against the benefit of dispersal. We apply the model to data on Siberian jay Perisoreus infaustus, a species in which retained offspring do not help at the nest. The results indicate that territorial inheritance plays a small role in this species (presumably due to inbreeding avoidance), and territory acquisition is less constrained for dispersing than philopatric offspring. Nevertheless, small family groups-one or, at the most, two same-sex queuers-are predicted to form because philopatric offspring gain nepotistic benefits that improve their survival. This fits with data on group sizes and supports the idea of the natal territory as a safe haven for waiting for breeding opportunities. We also discuss our predictions in the light of ecological constraints and clarify recent confusingly different predictions on the role of habitat saturation as an explanation for delayed dispersal and cooperative breeding. We argue that "ecological constraint" is too wide a term to yield useful predictive power and that it is more appropriate to examine the consequences of specific life-history traits on the success of dispersers.  相似文献   

In territorial species, habitat heterogeneity results in some individuals occupying poor quality sites while others occupy high quality sites. Floaters (mature nonbreeders) may accept a low quality territory, because it is the best they can get and defend (‘inferior phenotype hypothesis’), or because it is a strategic alternative for a high quality territory in the long run (‘queue hypothesis’). Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus territories differ consistently in the amount of offspring produced each year and this is related to the distance between the nesting and feeding territories. The inferior phenotype hypothesis was previously rejected on the basis of the absence of morphometric differences (assumed to indicate competitive abilities) among breeders. We investigated social dominance, in the field and in captivity, in relation to the quality of the breeding territory. In the field, birds with high-quality territories won more often compared to those occupying low-quality territories. However, this difference was not apparent in a small dataset of captive birds. These results are discussed in the framework of the long-term fitness prospects of settling in a high or low quality territory.  相似文献   

In most species, some individuals delay reproduction or occupy inferior breeding positions. The queue hypothesis tries to explain both patterns by proposing that individuals strategically delay breeding (queue) to acquire better breeding or social positions. In 1995, Ens, Weissing, and Drent addressed evolutionarily stable queuing strategies in situations with habitat heterogeneity. However, their model did not consider the non-mutually exclusive individual quality hypothesis, which suggests that some individuals delay breeding or occupy inferior breeding positions because they are poor competitors. Here we extend their model with individual differences in competitive abilities, which are probably plentiful in nature. We show that including even the smallest competitive asymmetries will result in individuals using queuing strategies completely different from those in models that assume equal competitors. Subsequently, we investigate how well our models can explain settlement patterns in the wild, using a long-term study on oystercatchers. This long-lived shorebird exhibits strong variation in age of first reproduction and territory quality. We show that only models that include competitive asymmetries can explain why oystercatchers' settlement patterns depend on natal origin. We conclude that predictions from queuing models are very sensitive to assumptions about competitive asymmetries, while detecting such differences in the wild is often problematic.  相似文献   

Recent research reports that many populations of species showing a wide trophic niche (generalists) are made up of both generalist individuals and individuals with a narrow trophic niche (specialists), suggesting trophic specializations at an individual level. If true, foraging strategies should be associated with individual quality and fitness. Optimal foraging theory predicts that individuals will select the most favourable habitats for feeding. In addition, the “landscape heterogeneity hypothesis” predicts a higher number of species in more diverse landscapes. Thus, it can be predicted that individuals with a wider realized trophic niche should have foraging territories with greater habitat diversity, suggesting that foraging strategies, territory quality and habitat diversity are inter-correlated. This was tested for a population of common kestrels Falco tinnunculus. Diet diversity, territory occupancy (as a measure of territory quality) and habitat diversity of territories were measured over an 8-year period. Our results show that: 1) territory quality was quadratically correlated with habitat diversity, with the best territories being the least and most diverse; 2) diet diversity was not correlated with territory quality; and 3) diet diversity was negatively correlated with landscape heterogeneity. Our study suggests that niche generalist foraging strategies are based on an active search for different prey species within or between habitats rather than on the selection of territories with high habitat diversity.  相似文献   

We examine the evolutionary stability of year-round residency in territorial populations, where breeding sites are a limiting resource. The model links individual life histories to the population-wide competition for territories and includes spatial variation in habitat quality as well as a potential parent-offspring conflict over territory ownership. The general form of the model makes it applicable to the evolution of dispersal, migration, partial migration, and delayed dispersal (offspring retention). We show that migration can be evolutionarily stable only if year-round residency in a given area would produce a sink population, where mortality exceeds reproduction. If this applies to a fraction of the breeding habitat only, partial migration is expected to evolve. In the context of delayed dispersal, habitat saturation has been argued to form an ecological constraint on independent breeding, which favors offspring retention and cooperative breeding. We show that habitat saturation must be considered as a dynamic outcome of birth, death, and dispersal rates in the population, rather than an externally determined constraint. Although delayed dispersal often associates with intense competition for territories, life-history traits have direct effects on stable dispersal strategies, which can often override the effect of habitat saturation. As an example, high survival of floaters selects against delayed dispersal, even though it increases the number of competitors for each breeding vacancy (the "habitat saturation factor"). High survival of territory owners, by contrast, generally favors natal philopatry. We also conclude that spatial variation in habitat quality only rarely selects for delayed dispersal. Within a population, however, offspring retention is more likely in high-quality territories.  相似文献   

Habitat selection by coral reef fish during initial settlement has been shown to depend on various biotic and abiotic characteristics. However, relatively little is known of the factors influencing habitat choice by adults during post-settlement processes such as relocation or migration. In this study, we first characterised the habitat of longfin damselfish (Stegastes diencaeus Jordan and Rutter) territories to quantify territory variability. Characteristics such as percentage cover of rock, sand, live coral and distance from sand were highly variable, while territory area, turf and macro algae cover were relatively uniform across territories.We then assessed the importance of specific habitat characteristics by experimentally removing damselfish and measuring recolonisation times in relation to these characteristics. The presence of nest sites markedly increased the speed of territory recolonisation after experimental removals. Other variable territory characteristics such as substrate type, rugosity and the presence of cleaning stations did not affect recolonisation speed. In general, males recolonised territories faster than females, and males were more likely to recolonise territories previously owned by males with an active nest site. Thus, intraspecific competition for high-quality nest sites may generate sex differences in territory relocation and highly stable sex-specific patterns of adult distribution.  相似文献   

Territorial behaviour can only be adaptive if its costs are outweighed by its benefits. Territorial individuals incur costs by defending their territories against intruders. Usually these intruders are assumed to be non-territorial floaters attempting to take over the whole territory or neighbours trying to extend the borders of their own territory. We instead investigate how costs and benefits of territorial behaviour are affected by neighbours which invade to steal resources on a territory.We show analytically that in the absence of defence intrusion into neighbouring territories always pays and that even if territories are defended intrusion levels can still be high. Using a more detailed simulation model we find that territory defence usually disappears from the population even if owners have a strong advantage over intruders in terms of fighting costs or foraging efficiency. Defence and thus territoriality can only be evolutionarily stable if fighting costs for the intruder relative to the productivity of the territory are very high or if crossing the borders between territories carries additional costs.Our results show that stealing of resources by neighbours can have a considerable effect on the evolutionary stability of territory defence and thus territoriality itself. A more mechanistic model of territorial behaviour is needed to incorporate these kinds of mechanisms into a general theory on the evolution of territoriality.  相似文献   

The frequency of territory occupancy is a good indicator of territory quality. We studied territory occupancy in a Swiss population of the Wryneck Jynx torquilla , a declining farmland woodpecker, with the aim of identifying key habitat features for conservation management. Both static and dynamic approaches were applied using data on nest-site occupancy of 100 territories from six successive years. The static approach models the probability of territory occupancy; the dynamic approach estimates territory colonization and extinction. Frequently occupied territories were settled earlier in the season, suggesting that they may be of better quality, and birds settling in these territories had higher breeding success. Probability of territory occupancy increased with the area of old pear orchards and decreased with the area of vegetable cultivation. Both the area of old pear orchards and the presence of conspecifics within a territory were positively related to territory colonization, whereas territory extinction was negatively related to habitat heterogeneity. Old pear orchards were characterized by having both the highest density of ant nests and the greatest amount of bare ground. The latter is likely to facilitate access to ant prey. To ensure persistence of Wryneck populations in farmland, heterogeneous habitat matrices with high ant nest density and bare ground should be promoted. Finally, provision of artificial nesting cavities is likely to enhance territory occupancy. Providing that these key resources are present, Wrynecks are likely to persist even in intensively farmed areas.  相似文献   

1.?Because habitats have profound effects on individual fitness, there is strong selection for improving the choice of breeding habitat. One possible mechanism is for individuals to use public information when prospecting future breeding sites; however, to our knowledge, no study has shown prospecting behaviour to be directly linked to subsequent choice of breeding site and future reproductive success. 2.?We collected long-term data on territory-specific prospecting behaviour and subsequent breeding in the short-lived northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe). Non-breeders established prospecting territories (<2 ha) that overlapped the breeding territories of conspecifics. We tested whether: (i) prospectors used social and environmental cues that predicted territory-specific breeding success in the following year, and (ii) the prospecting territory was tightly linked to the subsequent breeding territory of the prospector, and whether this link would be weakened by intraspecific competition with original territory owners if they also survived. 3.?As expected, prospectors were attracted to a combination of site-specific cues that predicted future breeding success, i.e. short ground vegetation, a successfully breeding focal pair and successful close neighbours. 4.?Prospecting behaviour was directly linked to the choice of the following year's breeding territory: 79% of surviving prospectors established a breeding territory at their prospecting site in the following year, with their breeding success being higher than other individuals of the same age. As predicted, fidelity to the prospected site was strongly dependent on whether the original territory owner of the same sex had died or moved. 5.?Our findings suggest that the use of multiple cues reduces the negative impact of stochasticity on the reliability of social cues at small spatial scales (e.g. territories) and hence increases the probability of breeding success in the next year. Also, the use of conspecific attraction (i.e. the preference for breeding aggregations) is selectively advantageous because individuals are more likely to find a vacancy in an aggregation as compared to a solitary site. By extension, we hypothesize that species life-history traits may influence the spatial scale of prospecting behaviour and habitat selection strategies.  相似文献   

Summary By analysis of time budgets the daily energy expenditure in territorial individuals of a Hawaiian honeycreeper (Vestiaria coccinea, Fam. Drepanididae) were estimated during the nonbreeding season and compared to that of nonterritorial individuals. The mean rise in living costs was 2.3 kcal/24 h or 17% of the nonterritorial energy budget. The most costly territorial behavior was advertisement rather than chasing, and total territorial cost was seen to be little affected by the number of intruders or the size of the territory. These results are compared with data on feeding (nonbreeding) territories of other nectar-feeding birds. The suggestion is made that hummingbirds may be more likely to develop nonbreeding territorial behavior in any set of environmental circumstances than are honeycreepers because of relatively lower total cost of advertisement plus chasing.  相似文献   

A common assumption in territory and mate selection models isthat individuals evaluate the qualities of territories and/orpartners and then choose the best ones. We determined whetherthis assumption was correct for yearling female willow ptarmigan(Lagopus lagopus). Yearling females did not choose partnersbased on the characteristics of the territories or of the malesthat we measured. In addition, the first females to settle didnot appear to obtain better territories or better partners thanthose settling later; date of settling was not related to subsequentsurvival, reproductive success, or quality of chicks produced.To evaluate whether choices of territories and partners wereconsistent among females, we manipulated settlement such thattwo sets of yearling females had the same suite of territoriesand males available. We found no consistent patterns of territoryand mate choice. We concluded that, in this population, yearlingfemales did not choose where to settle based on the relativequalities of territories or partners. Females may have beenunable to assess differences among territories when settlingbecause all territories were covered with snow.  相似文献   

Female European robins (Erithacus rubecula) adopted three different pairing strategies. These were, in order of frequency: moving on to a male's territory; fusing her territory with that of a neighbouring male; and being joined by a male on her territory. Although females were not free to choose between strategies during a particular season, individuals frequently changed strategy between different years. Their behaviour suggested that they were exercising mate choice, although the scope for such choice was limited by a strong tendency for a female to pair in areas where she had lived previously (her ‘Familiar Areas’). Males with large territories were more likely to pair and tended to pair earlier than those defending small territories. Female pairing strategy was also correlated with the area of their own territory. Although it is considered likely that some unidentified confounding variable was responsible for at least part of these relationships, possible causal explanations involving territory size are discussed. These include mate choice and a random settlement model. However the simplest explanation for the advantage enjoyed by males on large territories is that their territories were more likely to overlap with females' Familiar Areas.  相似文献   

Most tropical insectivorous birds, unlike their temperate counterparts, hold and defend a feeding and breeding territory year-around. However, our understanding of ecological factors influencing territory selection and size in tropical insectivores is limited. Here we examine three prominent hypotheses relating food abundance, food dispersion (spatial arrangement of food items), and habitat structure to territoriality in the Usambara Thrush Turdus roehli. We first compared leaf-litter macro-invertebrate abundance and dispersion, and habitat structure between territories and random sites. We then examined the relation between these same ecological factors and territory size. Invertebrate abundance and dispersion were sparsely and evenly distributed across our study system and did not vary between territories and random sites. In contrast, habitat structure did vary between territories and random sites indicating the Usambara Thrush selects territories with open understorey and closed overstorey habitat. Invertebrate abundance and dispersion within territories of the Usambara Thrush were not associated with habitat structure. We believe the most likely explanation for the Usambara Thrush’s preference for open understorey and closed overstorey habitat relates to foraging behavior. Using information-theoretic model selection we found that invertebrate abundance was the highest-ranked predictor of territory size and was inversely related, consistent with food value theory of territoriality.  相似文献   

The availability of food resources can affect the size and shape of territories, as well as the behaviors used to defend territories, in a variety of animal taxa. However, individuals within a population may respond differently to variation in food availability if the benefits of territoriality vary among those individuals. For example, benefits to territoriality may differ for animals of differing sizes, because larger individuals may require greater territory size to acquire required resources, or territorial behavior may differ between the sexes if males and females defend different resources in their territories. In this study, we tested whether arthropod abundance and biomass were associated with natural variation in territory size and defense in insectivorous green anole lizards, Anolis carolinensis. Our results showed that both male and female lizards had smaller territories in a habitat with greater prey biomass than lizards in habitats with less available prey, but the rates of aggressive behaviors used to defend territories did not differ among these habitats. Further, we did not find a relationship between body size and territory size, and the sexes did not differ in their relationships between food availability and territory size or behavioral defense. Together, these results suggest that differences in food availability influenced male and female territorial strategies similarly, and that territory size may be more strongly associated with variation in food resources than social display behavior. Thus, anole investment in the behavioral defense of a territory may not vary with territory quality.  相似文献   

The theory of evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) in asymmetric contests predicts that the propensity of an individual to expose itself to risk during contests depends on the individual's resource-holding-potential (RHP) and on the value of the disputed resource (V) for the individual compared with that for an opponent. If encounters of a territory owner with individuals of high RHP and high food demands (V) increase in frequency, one should expect a decrease in total aggressiveness of the territory owner, and in consequence a decrease of its territory size. Such a decrease should result in a lower amount of food consumed by the territory owner. Using natural variability in RHP and V in Gerris lacustris, I experimentally tested these predictions. The average prey item has higher value (V) for reproductive female water striders (which probably transform most of their food into eggs), than for nonreproductive females and for males. Because males are smaller, they have lower RHP than females, as RHP depends on size. Thus the reproductive females are the class of individuals of high RHP and high food demands (high V). Most nonreproductive females defend food-based territories. I observed two groups of water striders in a seminatural laboratory setting. As predicted, there was a negative correlation between the rate of encounter with reproductive females and size of the territory, and a positive correlation between territory size and number of Drosophila flies consumed by the owner. Territories were smaller in the group with high rates of encounter between territory owners and reproductive females. Territory owners caught the same number of Drosophila flies as non-territorial individuals in this group. In contrast, in the group with fewer encounters between territory owners and reproductive females, territories were larger, and territory owners gained more food than non territorial water striders.  相似文献   

In order to maximize their fitness, individuals aim at choosing territories offering the most appropriate combination of resources. As population size fluctuates in time, the frequency of breeding territory occupancy reflects territory quality. We investigated the relationships between the frequency of territory occupancy (2002–2009) vs. habitat characteristics, prey abundance, reproductive success and parental traits in hoopoes Upupa epops L., with the objective to define proxies for the delineation of conservation priority areas. We predicted that the distribution of phenotypes is despotic and sought for phenotypic characteristics expressing dominance. Our findings support the hypothesis of a despotic distribution. Territory selection was non-random: frequently occupied territories were settled earlier in the season and yielded higher annual reproductive success, but the frequency of territory occupancy could not be related to any habitat characteristics. Males found in frequently occupied territories showed traits expressing dominance (i.e. larger body size and mass, and older age). In contrast, morphological traits of females were not related to the frequency of territory occupancy, suggesting that territory selection and maintenance were essentially a male''s task. Settlement time in spring, reproductive success achieved in a given territory, as well as phenotypic traits and age of male territory holders reflected territory quality, providing good proxies for assessing priority areas for conservation management.  相似文献   

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