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Over the course of the last two decades, the understanding of the early evolution of feathers in nonavian dinosaurs has been revolutionized. It is now recognized that early feathers had a simple form comparable in general structure to the hairs of mammals. Insight into the prevalence of simple feathers throughout the dinosaur family tree has gradually arisen in tandem with the growing evidence for endothermic dinosaur metabolisms. This has led to the generally accepted opinion that the early feather coats of dinosaurs functioned as thermo insulation. However, thermo insulation is often erroneously stated to be a likely functional explanation for the origin of feathers. The problem with this explanation is that, like mammalian hair, simple feathers could serve as insulation only when present in sufficiently high concentrations. The theory therefore necessitates the origination of feathers en masse. We advocate for a novel origin theory of feathers as bristles. Bristles are facial feathers common among modern birds that function like mammalian tactile whiskers, and are frequently simple and hair‐like in form. Bristles serve their role in low concentrations, and therefore offer a feasible first stage in feather evolution.  相似文献   

A panel of geochemical techniques is used here to investigate the taphonomy of fossil feathers preserved in association with the skeleton of the Jurassic theropod Anchiornis huxleyi. Extant feathers were analysed in parallel to test whether the soft tissues morphologically preserved in the fossil also exhibit a high degree of chemical preservation. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) indicate that clays and iron oxide pseudomorphs occur in the surrounding sediment and also reveal the preservation of melanosome-like microbodies in the fossil. Carbon gradient along a depth profile and co-occurrence of carbon and sulphur are shown in the fossil by elastic backscattering (EBS) and particle-induced x-ray emission (PIXE), which are promising techniques for the elemental analysis of fossil soft tissues. The molecular composition of modern and fossil soft tissues was assessed from micro-attenuated total reflectance fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (micro-ATR FTIR), solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (CP-MAS 13C NMR) and pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry in the presence of TMAH (TMAH-Py-GC-MS). Results indicate that the proteinaceous material that comprises the modern feathers is not present in the fossil feathers. The fossil feathers and the embedding sediment exhibit a highly aliphatic character. However, substantial differences exist between these samples, revealing that the organic matter of the fossil feathers is, at least partially, derived from original constituents of the feathers. Our results suggest that, despite the morphological preservation of Anchiornis feathers, original proteins, that is keratin, were probably not preserved in the 160-myr-old feathers.  相似文献   

Seeds from Hypericum species have recently been identified as an interesting source of xanthone derivatives. Extraction of seeds from H. perforatum with MeOH and subsequent concentration via polyamide adsorption yielded a fraction enriched in tetrahydroxyxanthones (THX), which were further semipurified by silica gel chromatography. Based on tentative structure assignment of the two main THX X1 and X2 by NMR a total synthesis was performed for both compounds (THX 1 and 2 , respectively), starting with an Ullmann ether synthesis. The synthesized 1 and 2 were characterized via 1D‐ and 2D‐NMR methods as well as by LC/HR‐MS analysis and proven to be 1,4,6,7‐THX ( 1 ) and 1,2,6,7‐THX ( 2 ). Final structure assignment of the natural Hypericum THX constituents was accomplished by comparing chromatographic and spectroscopic data (LC/MSn and GC/MS) with those of 1 and 2 which were obtained by synthesis. Beyond, investigations into the seeds of H. perforatum and H. tetrapterum by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provided insights of the structure of the testa (seed coat), which is established by two cell layers, with the lignified sclerenchyma presumably being the depository of the xanthones.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of exceptionally preserved theropod dinosaurs with soft tissues in China in the 1990s, there has been much debate about the nature of filamentous structures observed in some specimens. Sinosauropteryx was the first non‐avian theropod to be described with these structures, and remains one of the most studied examples. Despite a general consensus that the structures represent feathers or feather homologues, a few identify them as degraded collagen fibres derived from the skin. This latter view has been based on observations of low‐quality images of Sinosauropteryx, as well as the suggestion that because superficially similar structures are seen in Jurassic ichthyosaurs they cannot represent feathers. Here, we highlight issues with the evidence put forward in support of this view, showing that integumentary structures have been misinterpreted based on sedimentary features and preparation marks, and that these errors have led to incorrect conclusions being drawn about the existence of collagen in Sinosauropteryx and the ichthyosaur Stenopterygius. We find that there is no evidence to support the idea that the integumentary structures seen in the two taxa are collagen fibres, and confirm that the most parsimonious interpretation of fossilized structures that look like feather homologues in Sinosauropteryx is that they are indeed the remains of feather homologues.  相似文献   

Joyce, W.G. and Sterli J. 2010. Congruence, non‐homology, and the phylogeny of basal turtles.–Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) Modern cladistic analysis is characterized by the assembly of increasingly larger data sets coupled with the use of congruence as the final test of homology. Some critics of this development have recently called for a return to more detailed primary homology analysis while questioning the utility of congruence. This discussion appears to be central to the debate regarding the phylogenetic relationships of basal turtles, as the large data sets developed by us have been criticized recently for utilizing poorly constructed characters and including too many homoplasy‐prone characters. Our analysis of this critique reveals that (1) new information regarding poorly understood taxa has a greater impact on the outcome of turtle phylogenies than the characters under dispute; (2) most current turtle phylogenies differ in taxon sampling, not character sampling, and so it appears illogical to condemn a particular analysis for its character sampling; (3) even evolutionary taxonomists should agree that key characters utilized to resolve basal turtle relationships cannot be thought to be ‘infallible’; (4) whereas various criteria provide positive evidence for homology, only congruence provides positive evidence for non‐homology; and (5) a stalemate between conflicting camps within a congruence frame work is preferable to the ad hoc dismissal of data sets, because authoritative statements are untestable.  相似文献   

Metopid armophoreans are ciliates commonly found in anaerobic environments worldwide; however, very little is known of their fine structure. In this study, the metopid Parametopidium circumlabens (Biggar and Wenrich 1932) Aescht, 1980, a common endocommensal of sea urchins, is investigated for the first time with emphasis on transmission electron microscopy, revealing several previously unknown elements of its morphology. Somatic dikinetids of P. circumlabens have a typical ribbon of transverse microtubules, an isolated microtubule near triplets 4 and 5 of the anterior kinetosome, plus two other microtubules between anterior and posterior kinetosomes, a short kinetodesmal striated fiber and long postciliary microtubules. In the dikinetids of the perizonal stripe, the kinetodesmal fiber is very pronounced, and there is a conspicuous microfibrillar network system associated with the kinetosomes. A new structure, shaped as a dense, roughly cylindrical mass surrounded by microtubules, is found associated with the posterior kinetosome of perizonal dikinetids. The paroral membrane is diplostichomonad and the adoral membranelles are of the “paramembranelle” type. Bayesian inference and maximum‐likelihood analysis of the 18S‐rDNA gene unambiguously placed P. circumlabens as sister group of the cluster formed by ((Atopospira galeata, Atopospira violacea) Metopus laminarius) + Clevelandellida, corroborating its classification within the Metopida.  相似文献   

Because many species of large birds must remain capable of flight during moult and breeding, complete replacement of all flight feathers often takes two or more years, with the result that their plumage normally includes many faded, worn and sometimes even broken feathers. It seems adaptive for such birds to have the ability to quickly replace severely damaged feathers. In search of such a feather replacement mechanism, we cut rectrices on a captive Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos and found that feathers cut in their first year of use were replaced, on average, after 11.4 months, whereas uncut feathers before and during the experiment were moulted, on average, after 24 months of use. Feather cutting advanced moult, on average, in excess of a year and thereby demonstrates the existence of a previously undescribed neurophysiological mechanism for preferentially replacing damaged feathers.  相似文献   

Although tropical forests have been rapidly converted into human‐modified landscapes, tree species response to forest edges remains poorly examined. In this study, we addressed four pioneer tree species to document demographic shifts experienced by this key ecological group and make inferences about pioneer response to forest edges. All individuals with dbh ≥ 1 cm of two short‐lived (Bellucia grossularioides and Cecropia sciadophylla) and two long‐lived species (Goupia glabra and Laetia procera) were sampled in 20 1‐ha forest edge plots and 20 1‐ha forest interior plots in Oiapoque and Manaus, Northeast and Central Amazon, respectively. As expected, pioneer stem density with dbh ≥ 1 cm increased by around 10–17‐fold along forest edges regardless of species, lifespan, and study site. Edge populations of long‐lived pioneers presented 84–94 percent of their individuals in sapling/subadult size classes, whereas edge populations of short‐lived pioneers showed 56–97 percent of their individuals in adult size classes. These demographic biases were associated with negative and positive net adult recruitment of long‐ and short‐lived pioneers, respectively. Our population‐level analyses support three general statements: (1) native pioneer tree species proliferate along forest edges (i.e., increased density), at least in terms of non‐reproductive individuals; (2) pioneer response to edge establishment is not homogeneous as species differ in terms of demographic structure and net adult recruitment; and (3) some pioneer species, particularly long‐lived ones, may experience population decline due to adult sensitivity to edge‐affected habitats.  相似文献   

Epiphytes are conspicuous structural elements of tropical forest canopies. Individual tree crowns in lowland forests may support more than 30 ant species, yet we know little about the effects of epiphytes on ant diversity. We examined the composition of arboreal ant communities on Annona glabra trees and their interactions with the epiphytic orchid Caularthron bilamellatum in Panama. We surveyed the ants on 73 trees (45 with C. bilamellatum and 28 lacking epiphytes) and recorded their nest sites and behavioral dominance at baits. We found a total of 49 ant species (in 20 genera), ranging 1–9 species per tree. Trees with C. bilamellatum had higher average (±SD) ant species richness (4.2±2.28) than trees without epiphytes (2.7±1.21). Hollow pseudobulbs (PBs) of C. bilamellatum were used as nest sites by 32 ant species, but only 43 percent of suitable PBs were occupied. Ant species richness increased with PB abundance in trees, but nest sites did not appear to be a limiting resource on A. glabra. We detected no close association between ants and the orchid. We conclude that higher ant species richness in the presence of the orchid is due to bottom‐up effects, especially the year‐round supply of extrafloral nectar. The structure of ant communities on A. glabra partly reflects interference competition among behaviorally dominant species and stochastic factors, as observed in other forests.  相似文献   

Jörg Maletz 《Palaeontology》2019,62(1):151-161
Dictyonema retiforme has been regarded as the benthic ancestor to the planktic Graptoloidea, represented by the earliest planktic Rhabdinopora flabelliformis and its descendants. The revision of the type material of Dictyonema retiforme, the type species of the genus Dictyonema, from the Silurian of New York State shows compound stipes formed by the complexly growing and overlapping tubular thecae of acanthograptid type. The connections between adjacent stipes are formed by thecal tubes or thecal bridges and not by dissepiments. Thus, the species has to be transferred to the Acanthograptidae and cannot be regarded as being related to the early planktic Graptoloidea. The tubarium meshwork of Dictyonema is phylogenetically unrelated to the meshwork of the planktic Rhabdinopora, and represents a case of convergent evolution. The origins of the planktic graptoloids lie among members of middle to upper Cambrian Dendrograpidae, as can be seen from the thecal style and the triad budding patterns with regularly developed bithecae in this group.  相似文献   

Ocelli are serially repeated colour patterns on the wings of many butterflies. Eyespots are elaborate ocelli that function in predator avoidance and deterrence as well as in mate choice. A phylogenetic approach was used to study ocelli and eyespot evolution in Vanessa butterflies, a genus exhibiting diverse phenotypes among these serial homologs. Forty‐four morphological characters based on eyespot number, arrangement, shape and the number of elements in each eyespot were defined and scored. Ocelli from eight wing cells on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the forewing and hindwing were evaluated. The evolution of these characters was traced over a phylogeny of Vanessa based on 7750 DNA base pairs from 10 genes. Our reconstruction predicts that the ancestral Vanessa had 5 serially arranged ocelli on all four wing surfaces. The ancestral state on the dorsal forewing and ventral hindwing was ocelli arranged in two heterogeneous groups. On the dorsal hindwing, the ancestral state was either homogenous or ocelli arranged in two heterogeneous groups. On the ventral forewing, we determined that the ancestral state was organized into three heterogeneous groups. In Vanessa, almost all ocelli are individuated and capable of independent evolution relative to other colour patterns except for the ocelli in cells ?1 and 0 on the dorsal and ventral forewings, which appear to be constrained to evolve in parallel. The genus Vanessa is a good model system for the study of serial homology and the interaction of selective forces with developmental architecture to produce diversity in butterfly colour patterns.  相似文献   

as1, for antenna size mutant 1, was obtained by insertion mutagenesis of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. This strain has a low chlorophyll content, 8% with respect to the wild type, and displays a general reduction in thylakoid polypeptides. The mutant was found to carry an insertion into a homologous gene, prokaryotic arsenite transporter (ARSA), whose yeast and mammal counterparts were found to be involved in the targeting of tail‐anchored (TA) proteins to cytosol‐exposed membranes, essential for several cellular functions. Here we present the characterization in a photosynthetic organism of an insertion mutant in an ARSA‐homolog gene. The ARSA1 protein was found to be localized in the cytosol, and yet its absence in as1 leads to a small chloroplast and a strongly decreased chlorophyll content per cell. ARSA1 appears to be required for optimal biogenesis of photosynthetic complexes because of its involvement in the accumulation of TOC34, an essential component of the outer chloroplast membrane translocon (TOC) complex, which, in turn, catalyzes the import of nucleus‐encoded precursor polypeptides into the chloroplast. Remarkably, the effect of the mutation appears to be restricted to biogenesis of chlorophyll‐binding polypeptides and is not compensated by the other ARSA homolog encoded by the C. reinhardtii genome, implying a non‐redundant function.  相似文献   

  • Orchidaceae is a widely distributed plant family with very diverse vegetative and floral morphology, and such variability is also reflected in their karyotypes. However, since only a low proportion of Orchidaceae has been analysed for chromosome data, greater diversity may await to be unveiled. Here we analyse both genome size (GS) and karyotype in two subtribes recently included in the broadened Maxillariinea to detect how much chromosome and GS variation there is in these groups and to evaluate which genome rearrangements are involved in the species evolution.
  • To do so, the GS (14 species), the karyotype – based on chromosome number, heterochromatic banding and 5S and 45S rDNA localisation (18 species) – was characterised and analysed along with published data using phylogenetic approaches.
  • The GS presented a high phylogenetic correlation and it was related to morphological groups in Bifrenaria (larger plants – higher GS). The two largest GS found among genera were caused by different mechanisms: polyploidy in Bifrenaria tyrianthina and accumulation of repetitive DNA in Scuticaria hadwenii. The chromosome number variability was caused mainly through descending dysploidy, and x=20 was estimated as the base chromosome number.
  • Combining GS and karyotype data with molecular phylogeny, our data provide a more complete scenario of the karyotype evolution in Maxillariinae orchids, allowing us to suggest, besides dysploidy, that inversions and transposable elements as two mechanisms involved in the karyotype evolution. Such karyotype modifications could be associated with niche changes that occurred during species evolution.

Scales and bristles ofMallomonas crassisquama (Asmund) Fott andM. elongata Reverdin are reported from the laminated sediments of Laukunlampi, a small kettlehole lake in N. Karelia, Finland. The white summer laminae in the deeper sediment are composed almost entirely ofM. crassisquama scales and bristles. The taxonomy, ecology and distribution ofM. crassisquama andM. elongata are briefly discussed and factors influencing the preservation of scales and bristles in sediments are considered. It is suggested that analysis of sedimentary associations of scales, bristles and cysts could be used to improve cyst taxonomy inMallomonas.  相似文献   

This review covers the current knowledge and gaps in Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide (LPS) structure and biosynthesis. H. pylori is a Gram‐negative bacterium which colonizes the luminal surface of the human gastric epithelium. Both a constitutive alteration of the lipid A preventing TLR4 elicitation and host mimicry of the Lewis antigen decorated O‐antigen of H. pylori LPS promote immune escape and chronic infection. To date, the complete structure of H. pylori LPS is not available, and the proposed model is a linear arrangement composed of the inner core defined as the hexa‐saccharide (Kdo‐LD‐Hep‐LD‐Hep‐DD‐Hep‐Gal‐Glc), the outer core composed of a conserved trisaccharide (‐GlcNAc‐Fuc‐DD‐Hep‐) linked to the third heptose of the inner core, the glucan, the heptan and a variable O‐antigen, generally consisting of a poly‐LacNAc decorated with Lewis antigens. Although the glycosyltransferases (GTs) responsible for the biosynthesis of the H. pylori O‐antigen chains have been identified and characterized, there are many gaps in regard to the biosynthesis of the core LPS. These limitations warrant additional mutagenesis and structural studies to obtain the complete LPS structure and corresponding biosynthetic pathway of this important gastric bacterium.  相似文献   

Under stress conditions, such as nutrient deprivation, bacteria enter into a hibernation stage, which is characterized by the appearance of 100S ribosomal particles. In Escherichia coli, dimerization of 70S ribosomes into 100S requires the action of the ribosome modulation factor (RMF) and the hibernation‐promoting factor (HPF). Most other bacteria lack RMF and instead contain a long form HPF (LHPF), which is necessary and sufficient for 100S formation. While some structural information exists as to how RMF and HPF mediate formation of E. coli 100S (Ec100S), structural insight into 100S formation by LHPF has so far been lacking. Here we present a cryo‐EM structure of the Bacillus subtilis hibernating 100S (Bs100S), revealing that the C‐terminal domain (CTD) of the LHPF occupies a site on the 30S platform distinct from RMF. Moreover, unlike RMF, the BsHPF‐CTD is directly involved in forming the dimer interface, thereby illustrating the divergent mechanisms by which 100S formation is mediated in the majority of bacteria that contain LHPF, compared to some γ‐proteobacteria, such as E. coli.  相似文献   

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