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The question of how tetrapod limbs evolved from fins is one of the great puzzles of evolutionary biology. While palaeontologists, developmental biologists, and geneticists have made great strides in explaining the origin and early evolution of limb skeletal structures, that of the muscles remains largely unknown. The main reason is the lack of consensus about appendicular muscle homology between the closest living relatives of early tetrapods: lobe‐finned fish and crown tetrapods. In the light of a recent study of these homologies, we re‐examined osteological correlates of muscle attachment in the pectoral girdle, humerus, radius, and ulna of early tetrapods and their close relatives. Twenty‐nine extinct and six extant sarcopterygians were included in a meta‐analysis using information from the literature and from original specimens, when possible. We analysed these osteological correlates using parsimony‐based character optimization in order to reconstruct muscle anatomy in ancestral lobe‐finned fish, tetrapodomorph fish, stem tetrapods, and crown tetrapods. Our synthesis revealed that many tetrapod shoulder muscles probably were already present in tetrapodomorph fish, while most of the more‐distal appendicular muscles either arose later from largely undifferentiated dorsal and ventral muscle masses or did not leave clear correlates of attachment in these taxa. Based on this review and meta‐analysis, we postulate a stepwise sequence of specific appendicular muscle acquisitions, splits, and fusions that led from the ancestral sarcopterygian pectoral fin to the ancestral tetrapod forelimb. This sequence largely agrees with previous hypotheses based on palaeontological and comparative work, but it is much more comprehensive in terms of both muscles and taxa. Combined with existing information about the skeletal system, our new synthesis helps to illuminate the genetic, developmental, morphological, functional, and ecological changes that were key components of the fins‐to‐limbs transition.  相似文献   

The Generalized Euclidean Distance (GED) measure has been extensively used to conduct morphological disparity analyses based on palaeontological matrices of discrete characters. This is in part because some implementations allow the use of morphological matrices with high percentages of missing data without needing to prune taxa for a subsequent ordination of the data set. Previous studies have suggested that this way of using the GED may generate a bias in the resulting morphospace, but a detailed study of this possible effect has been lacking. Here, we test whether the percentage of missing data for a taxon artificially influences its position in the morphospace, and if missing data affects pre‐ and post‐ordination disparity measures. We find that this use of the GED creates a systematic bias, whereby taxa with higher percentages of missing data are placed closer to the centre of the morphospace than those with more complete scorings. This bias extends into pre‐ and post‐ordination calculations of disparity measures and can lead to erroneous interpretations of disparity patterns, especially if specimens present in a particular time interval or clade have distinct proportions of missing information. We suggest that this implementation of the GED should be used with caution, especially in cases with high percentages of missing data. Results recovered using an alternative distance measure, Maximum Observed Rescaled Distance (MORD), are more robust to missing data. As a consequence, we suggest that MORD is a more appropriate distance measure than GED when analysing data sets with high amounts of missing data.  相似文献   

Crustaceans have been an important component of marine diversity and biomass since the earliest Phanerozoic. With a relatively well-documented fossil record, they provide an excellent subject for a continuous study of disparity (? bodyplan variety) from the Cambrian to the Recent. A data base of 135 morphological characters forms the basis for cladistic and morphospace studies at the ordinal and sub-ordinal level. Gross cladistic topology is: (Eumalacostraca + Hoplocarida vs Maxillopoda) vs Phyllopoda (paraphyletic). Each of these groups is of approximately equal disparity, and occupies a distinct region of the morphospace plot. A few problematical fossils (e.g. Waptia and Odaraia) fall close to the base of the tree. Comparison of the cladogram with stratigraphic range data indicates the location of probable ghost lineages, and randomization procedures provide a statistical test of the goodness of fit of a given set of stratigraphic ranges to a given tree topology. Disparity indices are calculated at series and stage intervals. Observed range data indicate that Cambrian disparity was approximately one third its present level. The Earliest Ordovician saw a marked decrease, with an increase and subsequent plateau through rest of the period. Increases through the Silurian and Devonian corresponded to the radiation of branchiopods, cephalocarids, and latterly the Eumalacostraca and Hoplocarida. By the end of the Carboniferous, observed disparity had reached over four fifths of Recent levels, and the remaining history of the group saw a gradual but slightly irregular increase up until the end of the Tertiary. Indices of disparity incorporating ghost lineages exhibit less marked peaks and troughs, with fewer perturbations overall. Cladistically-implied disparity in the Lower Cambrian is estimated at three quarters of that in the Recent. Rarefaction is used to compare actual levels of disparity at each time interval with the mean for a similar number of taxa selected randomly from the list of all realized bodyplans. Most intervals preserved a range of forms more disparate than the mean of random samples drawn from the pool of all the taxa considered. From the Triassic to the Recent this difference was intermittently significant. Once occupied, extremes of morphospace tend not to fall vacant again.  相似文献   

Understanding patterns of species richness requires knowledge of the individual roles species play in community structure. Here, I use gastropod shells as a source of information about both their ecological and their evolutionary functions in generating bathymetric gradients of diversity. Specifically, morphological disparity of shell architecture in deep-sea gastropods is evaluated over a depth gradient in the western North Atlantic by constructing an empirical morphospace based on an eigenshape analysis. Morphological disparity is quantified by calculating the centroid, total range, and dispersion of the morphospace at each station along the depth gradient. The results indicate that local faunas are drawn from a regional pool with the same variance but that average dissimilarity in forms reflects the number of species in the sample. The range of the morphospace at local scales is also less than at regional scales, resulting from the variability of the morphospace centroid over depth. Although the position of the morphospace changes with depth, morphological disparity remains unaffected. Despite the lack of bathymetric patterns in variance, patterns in nearest neighbor distance persist. The findings suggest the importance of interacting ecological and evolutionary processes at varying spatiotemporal scales for both morphological disparity and species richness.  相似文献   

The Waterloo Farm lagerstätte in South Africa provides a uniquely well‐preserved record of a Latest Devonian estuarine ecosystem. Ecological evidence from it is reviewed, contextualised, and compared with that available from the analogous Swartvlei estuarine lake, with a particular emphasis on their piscean inhabitants. Although the taxonomic affinities of the estuarine species are temporally very different, the overall patterns of utilisation prove to be remarkably congruent, with similar trophic structures. Significantly, both systems show evidence of widespread use of estuaries as fish nurseries by both resident and marine migrant taxa. Holocene estuaries are almost exclusively utilised by actinopterygians which are overwhelmingly dominated by oviparous species. Complex strategies are utilised by estuarine resident species to avoid exposure of eggs to environmental stresses that characterize these systems. By contrast, many of the groups utilising Devonian estuaries were likely live bearers, potentially allowing them to avoid the challenges faced by oviparous taxa. This may have contributed to dominance of these systems by non‐actinoptergians prior to the End Devonian Mass Extinction. The association of early aquatic tetrapods at Waterloo Farm with a fish nursery environment is consistent with findings from North America, Belgium and Russia, and may be implied by the estuarine settings of a number of other Devonian tetrapods. Tetrapods apparently replace their sister group, the elpistostegids, in estuaries with both groups having been postulated to be adaptated to shallow water habitats where they could access small piscean prey. Correlation of tetrapods (and elpistostegids) with fish nursery areas in the Late Devonian lends strong support to this hypothesis, suggesting that adaptations permitting improved access to the abundant juvenile fish within the littoral zone of estuarine lakes and continental water bodies may have been pivotal in the evolution of tetrapods.  相似文献   

Studies of biodiversity through deep time have been a staple for biologists and paleontologists for over 60 years. Investigations of species richness (diversity) revealed that at least five mass extinctions punctuated the last half billion years, each seeing the rapid demise of a large proportion of contemporary taxa. In contrast to diversity, the response of morphological diversity (disparity) to mass extinctions is unclear. Generally, diversity and disparity are decoupled, such that diversity may decline as morphological disparity increases, and vice versa. Here, we develop simulations to model disparity changes across mass extinctions using continuous traits and birth-death trees. We find no simple null for disparity change following a mass extinction but do observe general patterns. The range of trait values decreases following either random or trait-selective mass extinctions, whereas variance and the density of morphospace occupation only decline following trait-selective events. General trends may differentiate random and trait-selective mass extinctions, but methods struggle to identify trait selectivity. Long-term effects of mass extinction trait selectivity change support for phylogenetic comparative methods away from the simulated Brownian motion toward Ornstein-Uhlenbeck and Early Burst models. We find that morphological change over mass extinction is best studied by quantifying multiple aspects of morphospace occupation.  相似文献   

Schoch, R.R. and Witzmann, F. 2011. Bystrow’s Paradox – gills, fossils, and the fish‐to‐tetrapod transition. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 251–265. The issue of which breathing mechanism was used by the earliest tetrapods is still unsolved. Recent discoveries of stem tetrapods suggest the presence of internal gills and fish‐like underwater breathing. The same osteological features were used by Bystrow to infer a salamander‐like breathing through external gills in temnospondyl amphibians. This apparent contradiction – here called Bystrow’s Paradox – is resolved by reviewing the primary fossil evidence and the anatomy of the two gill types in extant taxa. Rather unexpectedly, we find that internal gills were present in a range of early crown tetrapods (temnospondyls), based on the anatomy of gill lamellae and location of branchial arteries on the ventral side of gill arch elements (ceratobranchials). Although it remains to be clarified which components are homologous in external and internal gills, both gill types are likely to have been present in Palaeozoic tetrapods – internal gills in aquatic adults of some taxa, and external gills in the larvae of these taxa and in larvae of numerous forms with terrestrial adults, which resorbed the external gills after the larval phase. Future developmental studies will hopefully clarify which mechanistic pathways are involved in gill formation and how these might have evolved.  相似文献   

Cynodont therapsids diversified extensively after the Permo-Triassic mass extinction event, and gave rise to mammals in the Jurassic. We use an enlarged and revised dataset of discrete skeletal characters to build a new phylogeny for all main cynodont clades from the Late Permian to the Early Jurassic, and we analyse models of morphological diversification in the group. Basal taxa and epicynodonts are paraphyletic relative to eucynodonts, and the latter are divided into cynognathians and probainognathians, with tritylodonts and mammals forming sister groups. Disparity analyses reveal a heterogeneous distribution of cynodonts in a morphospace derived from cladistic characters. Pairwise morphological distances are weakly correlated with phylogenetic distances. Comparisons of disparity by groups and through time are non-significant, especially after the data are rarefied. A disparity peak occurs in the Early/Middle Triassic, after which period the mean disparity fluctuates little. Cynognathians were characterized by high evolutionary rates and high diversity early in their history, whereas probainognathian rates were low. Community structure may have been instrumental in imposing different rates on the two clades.  相似文献   

Network models of the tetrapod skull in which nodes represent bones and links represent sutures have recently offered new insights into the structural constraints underlying the evolutionary reduction of bone number in the tetrapod skull, known as Williston's Law. Here, we have built null network model-derived generative morphospaces of the tetrapod skull using random, preferential attachment, and geometric proximity growth rules. Our results indicate that geometric proximity is the best null model to explain the disparity of skull structures under two structural constraints: bilateral symmetry and presence of unpaired bones. The analysis of the temporal occupation of this morphospace, concomitant with Williston's Law, indicates that the tetrapod skull has followed an evolutionary path toward more constrained morphological organizations.  相似文献   

Euryhaline adaptations in Pennsylvanian vertebrates allowed them to inhabit the marine to freshwater spectrum. This is illustrated by new assemblages of fish and tetrapods from the early Moscovian Minto Formation of New Brunswick, Canada. Fish include chondrichthyans (xenacanthids and the enigmatic Ageleodus), acanthodians (gyracanthids and acanthodiforms), sarcopterygians (rhizodontids, megalichthyids and dipnoans), and actinopterygians (eurynotiforms). Tetrapods include small‐ to medium‐sized, and largely aquatic, stem tetrapods (colosteids) and anthracosaurs (embolomeres). A key finding is that the parautochthonous fossil assemblages are preserved across a salinity gradient, with diversity (measured by the Simpson Index) declining from open marine environments, through brackish embayments, and reaching a nadir in tidal estuaries. Chondrichthyans dominate the entire salinity spectrum (65% of fossils), a distribution that demonstrates a euryhaline mode of life, and one large predatory chondrichthyan, Orthacanthus, may have practised filial cannibalism in coastal nurseries because its heteropolar coprolites contain juvenile xenacanthid teeth. In contrast, other fish communities were more common in open marine settings while tetrapods were more common in coastal brackish waters. While all these faunas were also likely to have been euryhaline, their osmoregulation was, perhaps, less versatile. The demonstration of widespread euryhalinity among fish and aquatic tetrapods explains why Pennsylvanian faunas generally show a cosmopolitan biogeography because taxa were able to disperse via seaways. It also resolves the paradox of enriched strontium isotopic signatures observed in these faunas because organisms would have been, at times, exposed to continental water bodies as well. Therefore, our new findings contribute to the long‐running debate about the ecology of Pennsylvanian fishes and tetrapods.  相似文献   

Three main modes of extinction are responsible for reductions in morphological disparity: (1) random (caused by a nonselective extinction event); (2) marginal (a symmetric, selective extinction event trimming the margin of morphospace); and (3) lateral (an asymmetric, selective extinction event eliminating one side of the morphospace). These three types of extinction event can be distinguished from one another by comparing changes in three measures of morphospace occupation: (1) the sum of range along the main axes; (2) the sum of variance; and (3) the position of the centroid. Computer simulations of various extinction events demonstrate that the pre‐extinction distribution of taxa (random or normal) in the morphospace has little influence on the quantification of disparity changes, whereas the modes of the extinction events play the major role. Together, the three disparity metrics define an “extinction‐space” in which different extinction events can be directly compared with one another. Application of this method to selected extinction events (Frasnian‐Famennian, Devonian‐Carboniferous, and Permian‐Triassic) of the Ammonoidea demonstrate the similarity of the Devonian events (selective extinctions) but the striking difference from the end‐Permian event (nonselective extinction). These events differ in their mode of extinction despite decreases in taxonomic diversity of similar magnitude.  相似文献   

Here, we advance novel uses of allometric spaces--multidimensional spaces specifically defined by allometric coefficients--with the goal of investigating the focal role of development in shaping the evolution of morphological disparity. From their examination, operational measures of allometric disparity can be derived, complementing standard signals of morphological disparity through an intuitive and process-oriented refinement of established analytical protocols used in disparity studies. Allometric spaces thereby become a promising context to reveal different patterns of evolutionary developmental changes and to assess their relative prevalence and importance. Such spaces offer a novel domain of investigation of phenotypic variation and should help in detecting large-scale trends, thus placing various macroevolutionary phenomena in an explicitly developmental context. Ammonoidea (Cephalopoda) at the Lower-Middle Jurassic transition were chosen as a case study to illustrate this methodological approach. We constructed two phenotypic spaces: a static, adult one (adult morphospace) and a dynamic, developmental one (allometric space). Comparative disparity analyses show a strikingly stable occupation in both spaces, despite extensive change in taxonomic composition. In contrast, disparity analyses of subclades reveal clearly distinct morphological and allometric disparity dynamics. Allometric approaches allow developmental insights into morphological diversification otherwise intractable from the analysis of adult morphospace alone.  相似文献   

Summary Meyer and Wilson's (1990) 12S rRNA phylogeny unites lungfish and tetrapods to the exclusion of the coelacanth. These workers also provide a list of morphological features shared in common between modern lungfish and tetrapods, and they conclude that these traits were probably present in their last common ancestor. However, the exquisite fossil records of the abundant extinct lungfishes and rhipidistians show that at least 13 out of Meyer and Wilson's 14 supposed ancestral traits were not present in the last common ancestor of lungfishes and tetrapods. Using extant taxa to infer ancestral morphologies is fraught with difficulties; just like molecular sequences, ancestral character states of morphological traits may be severely overprinted by subsequent modifications. Modern lungfish are air-breathing nonmarine forms, yet their Devonian forebears were marine fish that did not breathe air. Fossils dating from the time of origin of tetrapods in the Devonian offer the only hope of understanding the morphological innovations that led to tetrapods; morphological analysis of the living fossils, the coelacanth and lungfish, only lends confusion.  相似文献   

Variation in longevity of taxa in the fossil record has been recognized, but few studies have tested for correlation between position in morphospace and differential survivorship. A sample of 322 Triassic ammonoid species, each one representing a genus, was studied to test whether longer-lived genera were significantly further from the centre of morphospace than shorter-lived genera. Two empirical morphospaces were constructed from morphological data, and the deviation of each genus from the “average form” (centroid) was calculated. Spearman Rank Correlation and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to test for any significant relationships between distance from the centre of morphospace and longevity. Some longer-lived taxa tended to plot further from the centre of morphospace, but the amounts of variance in longevity accounted for were small and largely statistically non-significant. Ammonoid clade-level morphological stasis appears to be the product of repeated reoccupation of the centre of morphospaces after taxonomic turnover events.  相似文献   

Theropod dinosaurs, an iconic clade of fossil species including Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor, developed a great diversity of body size, skull form and feeding habits over their 160+ million year evolutionary history. Here, we utilize geometric morphometrics to study broad patterns in theropod skull shape variation and compare the distribution of taxa in cranial morphospace (form) to both phylogeny and quantitative metrics of biting behaviour (function). We find that theropod skulls primarily differ in relative anteroposterior length and snout depth and to a lesser extent in orbit size and depth of the cheek region, and oviraptorosaurs deviate most strongly from the "typical" and ancestral theropod morphologies. Noncarnivorous taxa generally fall out in distinct regions of morphospace and exhibit greater overall disparity than carnivorous taxa, whereas large-bodied carnivores independently converge on the same region of morphospace. The distribution of taxa in morphospace is strongly correlated with phylogeny but only weakly correlated with functional biting behaviour. These results imply that phylogeny, not biting function, was the major determinant of theropod skull shape.  相似文献   

定量古生物学是现代古生物学的一个分支,提倡用定量的手段来研究地质历史时期生命的演化过程。我国从事定量古生物研究的群体较小,特别是对前寒武纪早期生命演化的定量研究还没有系统地展开。这篇文章将主要介绍如何利用定量手段来研究前寒武纪化石的形态演化。对于前寒武纪化石,由于大部分化石分类属性的不确定性,通常使用几何性状对化石的最基本形态结构进行分析,并用存在/缺失(1/0)这种离散变量对每个性状进行量化。非参数多维标量分析方法[Non-parametric multidimensional scaling analysis(MDS)]可以将高维度的离散数据投影到二维或者三维的形态空间上,进而探讨生物群在形态空间中所占有的范围;由离散变量计算得出的生物群的表形分异度(morphological disparity)可以用MDS方差或者平均差异参数[Mean dissimilarity coeffi-cient(MDC)]来计算。形态空间的范围(morphospace range)和表形分异度是相互联系的,如果形态空间范围是固定的,那么表形分异度实际上代表了生物群在形态空间中的分布密度。在解释数据之前,需要对可能存在的样本效应进行测试。常用的方法包括稀释法(rarefaction)、随机取样法(randomization)和自举法(bootstrapping)等。为了帮助读者进一步了解这些方法的使用,文中列举了三个实例:伊迪卡拉生物的形态演化,元古代宏观藻类的形态演化和元古代及寒武纪疑源类的演化。  相似文献   

Understanding how developmental processes change on macroevolutionary timescales to generate body plan disparity is fundamental to the study of vertebrate evolution. Adult morphology of the vertebral column directly reflects the mechanisms that generate vertebral counts (somitogenesis) and their regionalisation (homeotic effects) during embryonic development. Sauropterygians were a group of Mesozoic marine reptiles that exhibited an extremely high disparity of presacral vertebral/somite counts. Using phylogenetic comparative methods, we demonstrate that somitogenesis and homeotic effects evolved in a co‐ordinated way among sauropterygians, contrasting with the wider pattern in tetrapods, in which somitogenetic and homeotic shifts are uncorrelated. Changes in sauropterygian body proportions were primarily enabled by homeotic shifts, with a lesser, but important, contribution from differences in postpatterning growth among somites. High body plan plasticity was present in Triassic sauropterygians and was maintained among their Jurassic and Cretaceous descendants. The extreme disparity in the body plan of plesiosaurian sauropterygians did not result from accelerated rates of evolutionary change in neck length, but instead reflect this ancestral versatility of sauropterygian axial development. Our results highlight variation in modes of axial development among tetrapods, and show that heterogeneous statistical models can uncover novel macroevolutionary patterns for animal body plans and the developmental mechanisms that control them.  相似文献   

Morphological disparity has increasingly been used as an alternative measure of biological diversity based on the shape features of organisms. In this study, we investigated the species diversity and morphological disparity of benthic Desmidiales in Central European peatland pools. The shape features of cells were determined using the 3-D elliptical Fourier analysis of their frontal and lateral views. The resulting morphospace was used to calculate the contributions of localities and species to the morphological variation. In addition, the disparity of samples and their average cell complexity (indicating intricacy of cell shapes) was evaluated. These data were related to species diversity data and to the abiotic factors. Species diversity was positively correlated with pH and conductivity. The low-pH localities generally supported a more variable species composition than did slightly acidic to neutral localities. Conversely, the total nitrogen concentrations of these areas negatively correlated with species diversity. Interestingly, partial morphological disparity (measuring the contribution of a sample to the overall morphological variation) did not correlate with species diversity. On the contrary, several mountain peat bog localities had high disparity values, irrespective of their rather low species diversity. In addition, several samples from minerotrophic fens with high diversity had average or low values of partial morphological disparity. These results indicate the relative importance of mountain peat bogs for the total morphological diversity of Desmidiales within the region that could not be ascertained solely from species diversity data. The inner morphological disparity of samples was highly correlated with their species diversity. Species of the genus Micrasterias, Hyalotheca dissiliens and Desmidium species had the highest partial morphological disparity, thus indicating their marginal position within the morphospace. Micrasterias and Euastrum species had the highest complexity values. The average cell complexity of individual samples did not correlate with their diversity or disparity; however, it was positively correlated with the levels of total nitrogen and phosphorus, and illustrates a pattern different from that arrived at by species diversity data. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

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