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Morphological (including ultrastructural) and developmental characters utilized in recent literature are critically reviewed as the basis to reassess the phylogenetic relationships of gastropods. The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework of characters for future studies and a testable phylogenetic hypothesis. This is one of the first attempts to use such characters to assess the relationships of all major clades using parsimony methods. The analysis uses 117 characters and includes 40 taxa, predominantly ‘prosobranchs’. Five outgroup taxa are included, representing four conchiferan groups and Poly-placophora. Of the 117 characters reviewed and included in the analyses, nine are shell characters (four of these are shell structure), two opercular, two muscular, four ctenidial, 12 renopericardial and 24 reproductive (including 17 based on sperm and spermatogenesis), 27 of the digestive system, 32 of the nervous system and sense organs; the remainder are developmental (3) and of the foot and hypobranchial gland. In the initial analysis the data set included a mixture of binary and multistate characters with all characters unordered. These data were also analysed after scaling so that each character had equal weight. A third data set was constructed in which all characters were coded as binary characters. These analyses resulted in some implausible character transformations, mainly-involving the regaining of lost pallial structures. Additional analyses were run on all three sets of data after removing five characters showing the most unlikely transformations. These analyses resulted in generally similar topologies. The robustness of the clades was tested using clade decay. The adaptive radiation of gastropods and their life history traits are briefly described and discussed and the terminology for simultaneous hermaphroditism refined. A scenario for the evolution of torsion equated with the fossil record is proposed and the effects of torsion and coiling on gastropods are discussed along with asymmetry imposed by limpet-shaped body forms. It is suggested that the first gastropods were ultradextral. The idea that heterochrony has played a major part in gastropod evolution is developed and discussed, particularly the paedomorphic stamp imposed on the apogastropods. The veliger larvae of caenogastropods and heterobranchs are contrasted and found to differ in many respects. The evolution of planktotrophy within gastropods is discussed. Recent phylogenetic hypotheses for gastropods based on molecular data are generally in broad agreement with the present results. On the basis of our analyses we discuss the major monophyletic groups within gastropods. Gastropods appear to be a monophyletic clade, and divide into two primary groups, the Eogastropoda (incorporating the patellogastropods and their (probably sinistrally coiled) ancestors and the Orthogastropoda – the remainder of the gastropods. Orthogastropoda comprises several well defined clades. The vetigastropod clade encompasses most of the groups previously included in the paraphyletic Archaeogastropoda (fissurellids, trochoideans, scissurelloideans, halioroideans pleurotomarioideans) as well as lepeto-driloidean and lepetelloidean limpets and seguenzids. The location of the hot vent taxa Peltospiridae and Neomphalidae varies with each analysis, probably because there is a lack of ultrastructural data for these taxa and parallelism in many characters. They either form a paraphyletic or monophyletic group at or near the base of the vetigastropods or a clade with the neritopsines and cocculinoideans. The neritopsines (Neritoidea etc.) consistently form a clade with the cocculinoidean limpets, but their position on the tree also differs depending on the data set used and (in the case of the scaled data) whether or not the full suite of characters is used. They are either the sister to the rest of the orthogastropods or to the apogastropods. Caenogastropods [Mesogastropoda (+ architaenioglossan groups) + Neogastropoda] are consistently monophyletic as are the heterobranchs (‘Heterostropha’+ Opisthobranchia + Pulmo-nata). The caenogastropods and heterobranchs also form a clade in all the analyses and the name Apogastropoda is redefined to encompass this group. New taxa are proposed, Sorbeoconcha for the caenogastropods exclusive of the architaenioglossan taxa, and Hypsogastropoda for the ‘higher caenogastropods“– the Sorbeoconcha exclusive of the Cerithioidea and Campaniloidea.  相似文献   

Protein folding is considered here by studying the dynamics of the folding of the triple β-strand WW domain from the Formin-binding protein 28. Starting from the unfolded state and ending either in the native or nonnative conformational states, trajectories are generated with the coarse-grained united residue (UNRES) force field. The effectiveness of principal components analysis (PCA), an already established mathematical technique for finding global, correlated motions in atomic simulations of proteins, is evaluated here for coarse-grained trajectories. The problems related to PCA and their solutions are discussed. The folding and nonfolding of proteins are examined with free-energy landscapes. Detailed analyses of many folding and nonfolding trajectories at different temperatures show that PCA is very efficient for characterizing the general folding and nonfolding features of proteins. It is shown that the first principal component captures and describes in detail the dynamics of a system. Anomalous diffusion in the folding/nonfolding dynamics is examined by the mean-square displacement (MSD) and the fractional diffusion and fractional kinetic equations. The collisionless (or ballistic) behavior of a polypeptide undergoing Brownian motion along the first few principal components is accounted for.  相似文献   

Hinsen K 《Proteins》2006,64(3):795-7; discussion 798-9
The dihedral angle principal component analysis method published recently by Mu, Nguyen, and Stock, is shown to produce distortions of the free energy landscape due to the neglect of constraints in the coordinates. It is further shown that these distortions can create artificial minima and energy barriers. The rugged energy landscape that the authors find for a small peptide chain might thus be an artifact of their method.  相似文献   

影响祁连山区域地貌-水文系统各地理要素的主成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祁连山区域地貌复杂,从而引起水文系统以及生态系统的复杂性。水文系统是引起生态系统复杂的重要原因之一。对影响祁连山区域地貌——水文系统的9个重要地理要素:即流域盆地的总高度、流域的海拔高度、流域周长、河道总长度、河道总数、平均分叉率、河谷最大坡度(度)、河源数以及流域面积进行了综合分析,将其归为3类,即流域盆地的规模,流域侵蚀状况和流域河系形态。在此基础上,认为若要在以后对影响祁连山区域地貌——水文系统地理要素进行分析时,可以直接选取流域面积,流域盆地出口的海拔高度和河道分叉率作为3类地理要素的代表,进行区域地貌——水文系统分析,从而能够降低分析问题的疑难程度与复杂性。  相似文献   

Pulsed laser-induced autofluorescence spectroscopic studies of pathologically certified normal, premalignant, and malignant oral tissues were carried out at 325 nm excitation. The spectral analysis and classification for discrimination among normal, premalignant, and malignant conditions were performed using principal component analysis (PCA) and artificial neural network (ANN) separately on the same set of spectral data. In case of PCA, spectral residuals, Mahalanobis distance, and scores of factors were used for discrimination among normal, premalignant, and malignant cases. In ANN, parameters like mean, spectral residual, standard deviation, and total energy were used to train the network. The ANN used in this study is a classical multiplayer feed-forward type with a back-propagation algorithm for the training of the network. The specificity and sensitivity were determined in both classification schemes. In the case of PCA, they are 100 and 92.9%, respectively, whereas for ANN they are 100 and 96.5% for the data set considered.  相似文献   

Li X  Zeng J  Yan H 《Bioinformation》2008,2(9):373-378

Phylogenetic relationships, taxonomy and nomenclature issues within East Asian voles Alexandromys were addressed using comprehensive species samples, including all 12 valid species of the genus, and multilocus analysis. We examined the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb) gene and three nuclear genes in 36 specimens. Additionally, we examined a data set of 106 specimens using only the cytb gene. Our results did not confirm the aggregation of A. kikuchii, A. montebelli and A. oeconomus into a separate clade, namely the subgenus Pallasiinus. Analysis of incomplete lineage sorting using JML software highlighted both the cases of mitochondrial introgression and incomplete lineage sorting within the genus. Thus, the sister position of A. sachalinensis and A. maximowiczii in mitochondrial trees could be explained by mitochondrial introgression, while the sister position of A. limnophilus and A. fortis in mitochondrial trees could be successfully explained by incomplete lineage sorting. Very short genetic distances, together with an absence of monophyly, of the three species, A. evoronensis, A. mujanensis and A. maximowiczii, is supported by multiple morphological data, which indicates that these three taxa should be one species—A. maximowiczii. Analysis of genetic distances and tree topology revealed that three species of short‐tailed voles—A. middendorffii, A. mongolicus and A. gromovi—are more closely related to each other than to other established species of Alexandromys. The lacustrine vole, A. limnophilus, is closely related to the group of short‐tailed voles. Analysis of the type specimens of limnophilus and flaviventris confirmed that these taxa form one species together with A. l. malygini. Our results suggest that the mountains of western Mongolia are inhabited by a new taxon of short‐tailed voles of the same rank as middendorffii, mongolicus and gromoviA. malpinus ssp. n.  相似文献   

A multivariate analysis derived from principal components analysis (PCA), and which allows the investigation on diet composition data, is introduced. To illustrate the method, prey composition data of stomach contents of brown trout Salmo trutta L. collected in a regulated stream were used. The diet composition, foraging strategies and related patterns of fish diet variation were analysed at a macrohabitat scale (i.e. riffles and glides) by way of biplots. These graphical presentations were consistent with PCA on proportions.  相似文献   

基于与叶和果实相关的30个形态性状(包括20个定性性状和10个定量性状)对中国杏属( Armeniaca Scop.)11种3变种进行了UPGMA聚类分析和主成分分析;在主成分分析基础上,构建了中国杏属植物的OTU散点图;并且,结合降水量分布图绘制了中国杏属植物分布图。聚类分析结果显示:供试杏属植物被分成2支。若包含毛叶梅( A. mume var. goethartiana Koehne),则毛叶梅、梅( A. mume Sieb.)、洪平杏( A. hongpingensis C. L. Li)以及政和杏( A. zhengheensis J. Y. Zhang et M. N. Lu)聚为一支,其余8种2变种聚为另一支;若不包含毛叶梅,梅则被划分在后一个分支中。主成分分析结果显示:前3个主成分的累计贡献率仅60.3180%,说明中国杏属植物的形态性状具有较大的遗传变异;在前3个主成分中,树高、叶片下表面被毛情况、叶长/叶柄长比值、叶长/叶宽比值、果核形状、叶宽、果核宽、叶柄长、果柄长和叶缘锯齿形状的绝对权重值均在0.7以上,表明这10个性状在中国杏属植物的分类学研究中具有重要作用。 OTU散点图显示:中国杏属植物在二维散点图上的分类结果与其聚类结果基本一致,并且,其聚类结果中的各分支在三维散点图上也能够明显区分,说明可以采用前3个主成分中绝对权重值较高的性状对中国杏属植物进行分类。分布图显示:杏属植物遍布中国各省(区),且主要集中分布在400和800 mm等降水量线之间的区域。结合上述研究结果及他人的研究成果,支持“将藏杏﹝A. holosericea ( Batal.) Kost.〕作为杏( A. vulgaris Lam.)的1个变种”以及“将政和杏作为梅的1个变种”的分类处理,并支持“将洪平杏作为独立种”的分类处理。此外,建议将仙居杏( A. xianjuxing J. Y. Zhang et X. Z. Wu)和华仁杏( A. cathayana D. L. Fu et al)作为杏属的栽培种。  相似文献   

Nassariids (Family Nassariidae) are a group of marine snails that are distributed worldwide, with their maximum species diversity in tropical regions, particularly the Indo‐Pacific. However, the traditional taxonomy of Nassariidae defined by shell or radula characters is usually inconsistent with little phylogenetic signal. In the present study, the complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes of nine Nassarius species were sequenced and compared with other eight nassariid species previously reported. All nassariid mt genomes showed the same gene order as in most caenogastropods and shared a very similar pattern with respect to genome size, nucleotide composition and AT contents. A deletion of three nucleotides in nad6 gene was detected in Nassarius jacksonianus and Nassarius acuticostus, and this feature also provided implications for nassariid phylogeny. The genetic distance analysis and reconstructed phylogeny revealed a distant relationship between N. jacksonianus or N. acuticostus and other members in Nassarius. The mitogenomic phylogeny recovered the evolutionary relationships within Nassarius with high statistical support. In addition, a chronogram was reconstructed under an uncorrelated relaxed molecular clock, which dated the divergence among main lineages of Nassarius during ~31 MYA.  相似文献   

Chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) in NMR spectra provide useful information about the interaction of a protein with its ligands. However, in a multiple‐ligand‐binding system, determining quantitative parameters such as a dissociation constant (Kd) is difficult. Here, we used a method we named CS‐PCA, a principal component analysis (PCA) of chemical shift (CS) data, to analyze the interaction between bovine β‐lactoglobulin (βLG) and 1‐anilinonaphthalene‐8‐sulfonate (ANS), which is a multiple‐ligand‐binding system. The CSP on the binding of ANS involved contributions from two distinct binding sites. PCA of the titration data successfully separated the CSP pattern into contributions from each site. Docking simulations based on the separated CSP patterns provided the structures of βLG–ANS complexes for each binding site. In addition, we determined the Kd values as 3.42 × 10−4M2 and 2.51 × 10−3M for Sites 1 and 2, respectively. In contrast, it was difficult to obtain reliable Kd values for respective sites from the isothermal titration calorimetry experiments. Two ANS molecules were found to bind at Site 1 simultaneously, suggesting that the binding occurs cooperatively with a partial unfolding of the βLG structure. On the other hand, the binding of ANS to Site 2 was a simple attachment without a significant conformational change. From the present results, CS‐PCA was confirmed to provide not only the positions and the Kd values of binding sites but also information about the binding mechanism. Thus, it is anticipated to be a general method to investigate protein–ligand interactions. Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Rufous‐headed Robin Larvivora ruficeps is one of the world's rarest and least known birds. We summarize the known records since it was first described in 1905 from Shaanxi Province, central China. All subsequent Chinese records are from seven adjacent localities in nearby Sichuan Province. We studied its phylogenetic position for the first time using mitochondrial and nuclear markers for all species of Larvivora and a broad selection of other species in the family Muscicapidae. Our results confirmed that L. ruficeps is appropriately placed in the genus Larvivora, and suggested that it is sister to the Rufous‐tailed Robin Larvivora sibilans, with these two forming a sister clade to a clade comprising both the Japanese Robin Larvivora akahige and Ryukyu Robin Larvivora komadori. Siberian Blue Robin Larvivora cyane and Indian Blue Robin Larvivora brunnea form the sister clade to the other Larvivora species. In contrast, song analyses indicated that the song of L. ruficeps is most similar to that of L. komadori, whereas the song of L. sibilans is relatively more similar to that of L. akahige, and songs of L. cyane and L. brunnea closely resemble each other. We used ecological niche modelling to estimate the suitable habitats of L. ruficeps based on the records from breeding grounds, suggesting that north and central Sichuan, south Gansu, south Shaanxi and south‐east Tibet are likely to contain the most suitable habitats for this species.  相似文献   

采用HPLC测定不同品种淫羊藿黄酮类即淫羊藿苷、朝藿定A、朝藿定B、朝藿定C4种有效成分含量,结合主成分分析对不同品种淫羊藿进行质量分析与评价,并考察淫羊藿对大鼠肾阳虚保护作用.将实验动物随机分为阳虚模型对照组(模型组)、金匮肾气丸干预组(阳性组)、淫羊藿低(125 mg/kg)、中(250 mg/kg)、高(500 ...  相似文献   

The recent availability of residual dipolar coupling measurements in a variety of different alignment media raises the question to what extent biomolecular structure and dynamics are differentially affected by their presence. A computational method is presented that allows the sensitive assessment of such changes using dipolar couplings measured in six or more alignment media. The method is based on a principal component analysis of the covariance matrix of the dipolar couplings. It does not require a priori structural or dynamic information nor knowledge of the alignment tensors and their orientations. In the absence of experimental errors, the covariance matrix has at most five nonzero eigenvalues if the structure and dynamics of the biomolecule is the same in all media. In contrast, differential structural and dynamic changes lead to additional nonzero eigenvalues. Characteristic features of the eigenvalue distribution in the absence and presence of noise are discussed using dipolar coupling data calculated from conformational ensembles taken from a molecular dynamics trajectory of native ubiquitin.  相似文献   

Protein folds are built primarily from the packing together of two types of structures: alpha-helices and beta-sheets. Neither structure is rigid, and the flexibility of helices and sheets is often important in determining the final fold (e.g., coiled coils and beta-barrels). Recent work has quantified the flexibility of alpha-helices using a principal component analysis (PCA) of database helical structures (J. Mol. Bio. 2003, 327, pp. 229-237). Here, we extend the analysis to beta-sheet flexibility using PCA on a database of beta-sheet structures. For sheets of varying dimension and geometry, we find two dominant modes of flexibility: twist and bend. The distributions of amplitudes for these modes are found to be Gaussian and independent, suggesting that the PCA twist and bend modes can be identified as the soft elastic normal modes of sheets. We consider the scaling of mode eigenvalues with sheet size and find that parallel beta-sheets are more rigid than antiparallel sheets over the entire range studied. Finally, we discuss the application of our PCA results to modeling and design of beta-sheet proteins.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic comparative methods have long considered phylogenetic signal as a source of statistical bias in the correlative analysis of biological traits. However, the main life-history strategies existing in a set of taxa are often combinations of life history traits that are inherently phylogenetically structured. In this paper, we present a method for identifying evolutionary strategies from large sets of biological traits, using phylogeny as a source of meaningful historical and ecological information. Our methodology extends a multivariate method developed for the analysis of spatial patterns, and relies on finding combinations of traits that are phylogenetically autocorrelated. Using extensive simulations, we show that our method efficiently uncovers phylogenetic structures with respect to various tree topologies, and remains powerful in cases where a large majority of traits are not phylogenetically structured. Our methodology is illustrated using empirical data, and implemented in the adephylo package for the free software R.  相似文献   

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