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Methanococcus voltae DNA, digested individually with the restriction enzymes ApaI, SacII, BamHI, or EagI, was resolved by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis reproducing the previously published digestion patterns. Hybridization of a flagellin gene-specific probe to such gels dried down (unblots) resulted in the identification of one band per enzyme harboring the flagellin genes. These bands all overlapped, revealing that an approximately 15-kb BamHI/EagI DNA fragment should harbor the flagellin genes. Double digestion with BamHI and EagI resulted in the resolution of two bands in the 15-kb region of the gel. Separation of these two fragments prior to blotting and probing with a flagellar gene-specific probe revealed that one of these fragments possessed the flagellar sequences. The presence of an EagI restriction site in flaB3 localized the flagellin genes precisely at the junction of EagI fragments Ea2 and Ea5 at approximately the 1800-kb position of the physical map.  相似文献   

W Kim  W B Whitman 《Genetics》1999,152(4):1429-1437
To learn more about autotrophic growth of methanococci, we isolated nine conditional mutants of Methanococcus maripaludis after transformation of the wild type with a random library in pMEB.2, a suicide plasmid bearing the puromycin-resistance cassette pac. These mutants grew poorly in mineral medium and required acetate or complex organic supplements such as yeast extract for normal growth. One mutant, JJ104, was a leaky acetate auxotroph. A plasmid, pWDK104, was recovered from this mutant by electroporation of a plasmid preparation into Escherichia coli. Transformation of wild-type M. maripaludis with pWDK104 produced JJ104-1, a mutant with the same phenotype as JJ104, thus establishing that insertion of pWDK104 into the genome was responsible for the phenotype. pWDK104 contained portions of the methanococcal genes encoding an ABC transporter closely related to MJ1367-MJ1368 of M. jannaschii. Because high levels of molybdate, tungstate, and selenite restored growth to wild-type levels, this transporter may be specific for these oxyanions. A second acetate auxotroph, JJ117, had an absolute growth requirement for either acetate or cobalamin, and wild-type growth was observed only in the presence of both. Cobinamide, 5', 6'-dimethylbenzimidazole, and 2-aminopropanol did not replace cobalamin. This phenotype was correlated with tandem insertions in the genome but not single insertions and appeared to have resulted from an indirect effect on cobamide metabolism. Plasmids rescued from other mutants contained portions of ORFs denoted in M. jannaschii as endoglucanase (MJ0555), transketolase (MJ0681), thiamine biosynthetic protein thiI (MJ0931), and several hypothetical proteins (MJ1031, MJ0835, and MJ0835.1).  相似文献   

Previous studies have identified intervening sequences that encode homing endonucleases within the genes encoding several archaeal DNA polymerases. We report the sequence of the gene encoding the DNA polymerase of Methanococcus voltae and describe evidence that it lacks analogous intervening sequences.  相似文献   

The archaeon Methanococcus voltae encodes two pairs of NiFe-hydrogenase isoenzymes. One hydrogenase of each pair contains selenium in the active site, whereas the other one is selenium-free. The gene groups for the selenium-free hydrogenases, called vhc and frc, are linked by a common intergenic region. They are only transcribed under selenium limitation. A protein binding to a negative regulatory element involved in the regulation of the two operons was purified by DNA-affinity chromatography. Through the identification of the corresponding gene the protein was found to be a LysR-type regulator. It was named HrsM (hydrogenase gene regulator, selenium dependent in M. voltae). hrsM knockout mutants constitutively transcribed the vhc and frc operons in the presence of selenium. A putative HrsM binding site was also detected in the intergenic region in front of the hrsM gene. Northern blot analysis indicated that the hrsM gene might be autoregulated.  相似文献   

SMC (structural maintenance of chromosomes) proteins are highly conserved and present in eukaryotes, bacteria and archaea. They function in chromosome condensation and segregation and in DNA repair. Using an insertion vector containing the pac gene for resistance to puromycin, we have created an insertion in the smc gene of Methanococcus voltae. We used epifluorescence microscopy to examine the cell and nucleoid morphology, DNA content and metabolic activity. This insertion causes gross defects in chromosome segregation and cell morphology. Approximately 20% of mutant cells contain little or no DNA, and a subset of cells ( approximately 2%) IS abnormally large (three to four times their normal diameter) titan cells. We believe that these titan cells indicate cell division arrest at a cell cycle checkpoint. The results confirm that SMC in archaea is an important player in chromosome dynamics (as it is in bacteria and eukaryotes).  相似文献   

Small amounts of a 23-kilobase covalently closed circular DNA molecule were isolated from unwashed cells of Methanococcus voltae A3. Further investigation indicated the presence of greater quantities of the circular DNA in the culture supernatant, complexed with protein in a manner rendering the DNA resistant to DNase. Electron-microscopic examination of supernatant material revealed the presence of particles which morphologically resemble virus. Phenol extraction of viruslike particle preparations resulted in the recovery of DNase-sensitive open-circular DNA molecules. As many as 30 viruslike particles per cell were recovered from some cultures. Hybridization data clearly indicated the presence of a chromosomally integrated copy of the viruslike particle DNA. Although M. voltae PS was not observed to produce viruslike particles, DNA homologous to the viruslike particle DNA was detected in its chromosome. A mutant of M. voltae A3 was isolated which produced no particles; its DNA was deleted for 80% of the integrated viruslike particle DNA. Despite any similarities to lysogenic bacteriophages of eubacteria, neither infectivity nor inducibility of the viruslike particles could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Recently, the flagellin proteins of Methanococcus maripaludis were found to harbour an N -linked tetrasaccharide composed of N -acetylgalactosamine, di-acetylated glucuronic acid, an acetylated and acetamidino-modified mannuronic acid linked to threonine, and a novel terminal sugar [( 5S )-2-acetamido-2,4-dideoxy-5-O-methyl-α-L- erythro -hexos-5-ulo-1,5-pyranose]. To identify genes involved in the assembly and attachment of this glycan, in-frame deletions were constructed in putative glycan assembly genes. Successful deletion of genes encoding three glycosyltransferases and an oligosaccharyltransferase (Stt3p homologue) resulted in flagellins of decreased molecular masses as evidenced by immunoblotting, indicating partial or completely absent glycan structures. Deletion of the oligosaccharyltransferase or the glycosyltransferase responsible for the transfer of the second sugar in the chain resulted in flagellins that were not assembled into flagella filaments, as evidenced by electron microscopy. Deletions of the glycosyltransferases responsible for the addition of the third and terminal sugars in the glycan were confirmed by mass spectrometry analysis of purified flagellins from these mutants. Although flagellated, these mutants had decreased motility as evidenced by semi-swarm plate analysis with the presence of each additional sugar improving movement capabilities.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis in the archaebacterium Methanococcus voltae.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The archaebacterium Methanococcus voltae, was shown to be chemotactic. Acetate, isoleucine, and leucine were identified as attractants; whereas histidine was not an attractant. A motile, generally nonchemotactic mutant was isolated.  相似文献   

The differences between archaeal and bacterial flagella are becoming more apparent as research on the archaeal structure progresses. One crucial difference is the presence of a leader peptide on archaeal preflagellins, which is removed from the flagellin prior to its incorporation into the flagellar filament. The enzyme responsible for the removal of the flagellin leader peptide was identified as FlaK. FlaK of Methanococcus voltae retains its preflagellin peptidase activity when expressed in Escherichia coli and used in an in vitro assay. Homologous recombination of an integration vector into the chromosomal copy of flaK resulted in a non-motile, non-flagellated phenotype. The flagellins of the mutant had larger molecular weights than their wild-type counterparts, as expected if they retained their 11- to 12-amino-acid leader peptide. Membranes of the flaK mutant were unable to process preflagellin in the in vitro assay. Site-directed mutagenesis demonstrated that two aspartic acid residues conserved with ones in type IV prepilin peptidases were necessary for proper recognition or processing of the preflagellin. As bacterial flagellins lack a leader peptide and a peptidase is not required for export and assembly, the requirement for FlaK further emphasizes the similarity archaeal flagella have with type IV pili, rather than with bacterial flagella.  相似文献   

Archaeal protein trafficking is a poorly characterized process. While putative type I signal peptidase genes have been identified in sequenced genomes for many archaea, no biochemical data have been presented to confirm that the gene product possesses signal peptidase activity. In this study, the putative type I signal peptidase gene in Methanococcus voltae was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli, the membranes of which were used as the enzyme source in an in vitro peptidase assay. A truncated, His-tagged form of the M. voltae S-layer protein was generated for use as the substrate to monitor the signal peptidase activity. With M. voltae membranes as the enzyme source, signal peptidase activity in vitro was optimal between 30 and 40°C; it was dependent on a low concentration of KCl or NaCl but was effective over a broad concentration range up to 1 M. Processing of the M. voltae S-layer protein at the predicted cleavage site (confirmed by N-terminal sequencing) was demonstrated with the overexpressed archaeal gene product. Although E. coli signal peptidase was able to correctly process the signal peptide during overexpression of the M. voltae S-layer protein in vivo, the contribution of the E. coli signal peptidase to cleavage of the substrate in the in vitro assay was minimal since E. coli membranes alone did not show significant activity towards the S-layer substrate in in vitro assays. In addition, when the peptidase assays were performed in 1 M NaCl (a previously reported inhibitory condition for E. coli signal peptidase I), efficient processing of the substrate was observed only when the E. coli membranes contained overexpressed M. voltae signal peptidase. This is the first proof of expressed type I signal peptidase activity from a specific archaeal gene product.  相似文献   

An auxotrophic mutant of Methanococcus voltae was isolated that required coenzyme M (CoM) for growth. With the mutant as a recipient, conditions were developed that allowed the introduction of wild-type CoM+ DNA into the mutant methanogen via electroporation. This method also allowed the rescue of both a histidine and purine auxotroph as well as the introduction of DNA determining resistance to the CoM analog 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid. Electroporation of the CoM(+)-determining DNA was 50- to 80-fold more efficient than natural transformation.  相似文献   

Formation and Regeneration of Methanococcus voltae Protoplasts   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Methanococcus voltae cells were converted into protoplasts by suspension in anaerobic 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer containing 0.4 M sucrose and 0.05 M NaCl as osmoprotectants. Protoplast formation was monitored microscopically by observing the conversion of the typical irregularly shaped (uneven peripheries) coccoid whole cells to rounded forms with smooth peripheries. Although the procedure resulted in about 50% lysis of the initial number of cells, the remainder were converted to the rounded form. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy of negatively stained cell preparations indicated that the treatment removed the wall layer from whole cells to yield protoplasts. Protoplast regeneration was evaluated by using optimized plating conditions and an anaerobic microplating technique. Between 50 and 63% of the initial number of protoplasts regenerated as colonies on agar medium (35°C, 7 days). The colony and cell morphologies of the regenerated protoplasts were indistinguishable from those of whole cells plated under identical conditions.  相似文献   

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