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Lack of ant attendance may induce compensatory plant growth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three levels in ant–plant protection systems need to be considered to fully understand how these symbiotic systems work. Here we present the effect of Oecophylla smaragdina ants on (1) the arthropod community, (2) herbivory, and (3) plant performance, within a studied mangrove ant–plant protection system. On Rhizophora mucronata trees in Thailand ants successfully colonised ant trees attached with a string to a natural ant tree, whereas they were unable to colonise control trees without this connection. Trees were monitored and arthropods (numbers and composition), leaf damage, leaf turnover and growth rates (stem diameter, tree height and total leaf area) were recorded in two surveys covering a period of 12 months. The number of herbivorous arthropods, but not the number of predators, was significantly lower on ant trees compared to control trees. Likewise, the amount of leaf damage inflicted by the four major groups of herbivores (Chrysomelidae, Tortricidae, Geometridae and Sesarminae) was significantly lower on ant trees compared to control trees and so was the leaf turnover rate. In spite of this, the released herbivore pressure on ant trees did not translate into higher growth rates. In contrast, all growth responses increased more on control trees compared to ant trees. Differences between the two groups were insignificant but leaf area increase was only marginally nonsignificant (P=0.062). The results show that ants remove herbivorous arthropods more efficiently than predators but ant-colonised mangroves do not necessarily benefit from this despite the resulting decrease in herbivory.  相似文献   

By estimating relative costs and benefits, we explored the role of the homopteran partner in the protection mutualism between the myrmecophyte Leonardoxa africana T3, the ant Aphomomyrmex afer, and sap-sucking homopterans tended by ants in the tree''s swollen hollow twigs. The ants obtain nest sites and food from their host-plant (food is obtained either directly by extrafloral nectar or indirectly via homopterans). Aphomomyrmex workers patrol the young leaves of L. africana T3 and protect them against phytophagous insects. Because ants tended, either solely or primarily, coccids in some trees and pseudococcids in others, we were able to study whether the nature of the interaction was dependent on the identity of the third partner. First, the type of homopteran affects the benefits to the tree of maintaining a large ant colony. Larger colony size (relative to tree size) confers greater protection against herbivory; this relationship is more pronounced for trees whose ants tend pseudococcids than for those in which ants tend coccids. Second, for trees (and associated ant colonies) of comparable size, homopteran biomass was much larger in trees harbouring coccids than in trees with pseudococcids. Thus, the cost to the tree of maintaining ants may be greater when ants are associated with coccids. The net benefits to the plant of maintaining ants appear to be much greater with pseudococcids as the third partner. To explore how the type of homopteran affects functioning of the system, we attempted to determine which of the resources (nest sites, extrafloral nectar, and homopterans) is likely to limit ant colony size. In trees where ants tended coccids, ant-colony biomass was strongly dependent on the number of extrafloral nectaries. In contrast, in trees whose ants tended only pseudococcids, colony biomass was not related to the number of nectaries and was most strongly determined by the volume of available nest sites. We present hypotheses to explain how the type of homopteran affects functioning of this symbiosis, and discuss the implications of our study for the evolutionary ecology of ant–plant–homopteran relationships.  相似文献   

Ants are widely employed by plants as an antiherbivore defence. A single host plant can associate with multiple, symbiotic ant species, although usually only a single ant species at a time. Different plant‐ant species may vary in the degree to which they defend their host plant. In Kenya, ant–acacia interactions are well studied, but less is known about systems elsewhere in Africa. A southern African species, Vachellia erioloba, is occupied by thorn‐dwelling ants from three different genera. Unusually, multiple colonies of all these ants simultaneously and stably inhabit trees. We investigated if the ants on V. erioloba (i) deter insect herbivores; (ii) differ in their effectiveness depending on the identity of the herbivore; and (iii) protect the tree against an important herbivore, the larvae of the lepidopteran Gonometa postica. We show that experimental exclusion of ants leads to greater levels of herbivory on trees. The ants inhabiting V. erioloba are an effective deterrent against hemipteran and coleopteran, but not lepidopteran herbivores. Defensive services do not vary among ant species, but only Crematogaster ants exhibit aggression towards G. postica. This highlights the potential of the V. erioloba–ant mutualism for studying ant–plant interactions that involve multiple, simultaneously resident thorn‐dwelling ant species.  相似文献   

Extrafloral nectaries: ants,herbivores and fecundity in Cassia fasciculata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carol A. Kelly 《Oecologia》1986,69(4):600-605
Summary Extrafloral nectaries of Cassia fasciculata attract nectar feeding ants which protect the plant against leaf herbivores. High ant visitation in late July coincided with high herbivore densities at two sites in east central Iowa. The highest level of leaf herbivory occurred during the time of flowering and early fruit filling, just after the peak of herbivore and ant activity. Results of ant exclusion experiments at the two sites showed that ant visitation resulted in decreased herbivore numbers, decreased leaf area loss, increased growth, and at one site decreased plant mortality. However, this reduction in leaf area loss and increase in growth did not translate into seed set differences between plants with and without ants at either site. Initial plant size was more important than the presence or absence of ants in determining fecundity for this temperate annual during a year of summer drought.  相似文献   

Macaranga is a tree genus that includes many species of myrmecophytes, which are plants that harbor ant colonies within hollow structures known as domatia. The symbiotic ants (plant–ants) protect their host plants against herbivores; this defense mechanism is called ‘ant defense’. A Bornean phasmid species Orthomeria cuprinus feeds on two myrmecophytic Macaranga species, Macaranga beccariana and Macaranga hypoleuca, which are obligately associated with Crematogaster ant species. The phasmids elude the ant defense using specialized behavior. However, the mechanisms used by the phasmid to overcome ant defenses have been insufficiently elucidated. We hypothesized that O. cuprinus only feeds on individual plants with weakened ant defenses. To test the hypothesis, we compared the ant defense intensity in phasmid-infested and non-infested M. beccariana trees. The number of plant–ants on the plant surface, the ratio of plant–ant biomass to tree biomass, and the aggressiveness of plant–ants towards experimentally introduced herbivores were significantly lower on the phasmid-infested trees than on the non-infested trees. The phasmid nymphs experimentally introduced into non-infested trees, compared with those experimentally introduced into phasmid-infested trees, were more active on the plant surface, avoiding the plant–ants. These results support the hypothesis and suggest that ant defenses on non-infested trees effectively prevent the phasmids from remaining on the plants. Thus, we suggest that O. cuprinus feeds only on the individual M. beccariana trees having decreased ant defenses, although the factors that reduce the intensity of the ant defenses remain unclear.  相似文献   

In many ant–plant mutualisms, ants establish colonies in hollow thorns, leaf pouches, or other specialized structures on their host plants, which they then defend from herbivores. Resource heterogeneity could affect the maintenance of these mutualisms if it leads to one or both partners altering their investment in the interaction. Such a phenomenon may be especially pertinent to the Acacia–ant mutualism found in East African savannas, where termite mounds have a profound effect on the spatial structuring of resources used by both plants and ants. Here, we examined whether the proximity to termite mounds of Acacia drepanolobium trees is associated with variation in the behavior of one of their ant associates, Crematogaster nigriceps. We found that ant colonies near termite mounds had decreased aggressive responses to simulated herbivory as well as increased off‐tree movement. We hypothesize that these changes are the result of resident ant colonies near termite mounds shifting investment from defense of their host plant to foraging for nearby resources.  相似文献   

To examine interspecific variation in the intensity of ant defense among three sympatric species of obligate myrme‐cophytes of Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae), we measured the ratio of ant biomass to plant biomass, ant aggressiveness to artificial damage on host plants, and increase in herbivore damage on host plants when symbiont ants were removed. Increase in herbivore damage from two‐ and four‐week ant exclusion varied significantly among the three species. The decreasing order of vulnerability to herbivory was M. winkleri, M. trachyphylla, and M. beccariana. The antip/ant biomass ratio (= rate of the dry weight of whole ant colonies to the dry weight of whole aboveground plant parts) and ant agressiveness also varied significantly among the three species; the orders of both the ant/plant biomass ratio and ant aggressiveness were the same as in the herbivory increase. These results indicated that the intensity of ant defense differs predictably among sympatric species of obligate myrmecophytes on Macaranga. In addition to the interspecific difference in the total intensity of ant defense, when symbiont ants were excluded, both patterns of within‐plant variation in the amount of herbivore damage and compositions of herbivore species that caused the damage differed among species. This suggests that the three Macaranga species have different systems of ant defense with reference to what parts of plant tissue are protected and what herbivorous species are avoided by ant defense. Thus, it is important to consider the interspecific variation in ant defense among Macaranga species to understand the herbivore community on Macaranga plants and the mechanisms that promote the coexistence of multiple Macaranga myrmecophytes.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether or not coexisting congeneric plant species have different defense strategies against herbivores, and the intensity of defense changes ontogenetically. We focused on nine myrmecophytic Macaranga species and estimated the intensity of non-biotic and biotic defense by the degree of leaf damage in ant-free and ant-occupied plants, respectively. Ant colonization of myrmecophytic Macaranga species occurred in the early stage of plant development (5–50 cm-tall seedlings). Following the colonization, damage by leaf eaters was minimized and stable during the ontogenetic development of the host plants due to protection by ants. In ant-free trees, however, herbivore damage was immense in seedlings and decreased as trees grew. Interspecific comparison of leaf damage and herbivore fauna supported that coexisting congeneric plants differ in their types of non-biotic (chemical/structural) defense: without ant protection, Macaranga beccariana, for example, was somewhat resistant to leaf eaters but susceptible to gall-makers, Macaranga trachyphylla was heavily infested by generalist leaf eaters, and Macaranga winkleri was exploited by ant-predatory birds. Despite these variations in chemical/structural defense, ant-colonized plants were generally well defended by ants against all kinds of herbivores. This suggests that the individual host-specific ant mutualists are well adapted to deter the chemically or structurally adapted herbivores. These results imply that in the history of diversification in the Macaranga–ant–herbivore system, a sequence of mutual counter adaptation took place not only between plants and herbivores but also between ants and herbivores.  相似文献   

Abiotic environmental variables strongly affect the outcomes of species interactions. For example, mutualistic interactions between species are often stronger when resources are limited. The effect might be indirect: water stress on plants can lead to carbon stress, which could alter carbon-mediated plant mutualisms. In mutualistic ant–plant symbioses, plants host ant colonies that defend them against herbivores. Here we show that the partners'' investments in a widespread ant–plant symbiosis increase with water stress across 26 sites along a Mesoamerican precipitation gradient. At lower precipitation levels, Cordia alliodora trees invest more carbon in Azteca ants via phloem-feeding scale insects that provide the ants with sugars, and the ants provide better defense of the carbon-producing leaves. Under water stress, the trees have smaller carbon pools. A model of the carbon trade-offs for the mutualistic partners shows that the observed strategies can arise from the carbon costs of rare but extreme events of herbivory in the rainy season. Thus, water limitation, together with the risk of herbivory, increases the strength of a carbon-based mutualism.  相似文献   

Ants of the genus Oecophylla are predators of other insects and are able to protect a variety of terrestrial plants against pest insects; however, observations on the ecology of these ants in mangrove forests are lacking. General observations on the ecology of Oecophylla smaragdina were carried out in a Thai mangrove forest to determine if these ants can protect their host plants in less favorable mangrove habitats. Leaf herbivory and the density of O. smaragdina ants were measured on Rhizophora mucronata trees at two sites. The results showed a negative correlation between ant density and herbivory. At both sites, the mean percent damaged leaf area was more than four times higher on trees without ants compared to “ant‐trees.” A significant negative correlation was found between tree mean percent leaf damage and the density of ants on the tree. Furthermore, on trees with ants, there was less herbivory on leaves close to ant nests compared to other leaves on the tree. Most damage was caused by chrysomelid beetles (62%) and sesarmid crabs (25%) and both types of herbivory were significantly reduced on ant‐trees.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of defence force size in colonies of the ant Azteca muelleri on the time spent to localize, attack and expel the specialized herbivorous beetle Coelomera ruficornis from Cecropia pachystachya bushes was studied in an area of Atlantic forest in northeastern Brazil. Our results show that Azteca muelleri expel Coelomera ruficornis from Cecropia pachystachya and that the number of ants leaving a colony (defence force size) is negatively correlated with the residence time of an adult beetle on the plant. Colonies with larger defence forces recruited larger numbers of ants, resulting in faster herbivore discovery (r 2=0.80; n=17; P<0.001) and reduced herbivore residence time on a leaf (r 2=0.79 n=23; P<0.001) before being driven off by the ants. We also found a negative and significant relationship between herbivore damage on leaves and ant colony size (r 2=0.28; n=17; P<0.05). We conclude that larger colonies have more individuals available to patrol a plant and recruit defenders toward herbivores. This reduces the time spent to locate and expel susceptible herbivores from the plant. Since the plant probably benefits from reduced herbivory and the plant provides food for the ants, the association between Azteca muelleri and Cecropia pachystachya appears mutualistic.  相似文献   

Macaranga myrmecophytes (ant-plants) provide their partner symbiotic ants (plant-ants) with food bodies as their main food, and they are protected by the plant-ants from herbivores. The amount of resource allocated to food bodies determines the plant-ant colony size and consequently determines the intensity of ant defense (anti-herbivore defense by plant-ants). As constraints in resource allocation change as plants grow, the plant-ant colony size is hypothesized to change with the ontogenesis of Macaranga myrmecophyte. To determine the ontogenetic change in the relative size of the plant-ant colony, we measured the dry weights of the whole plant-ant colony and all of the aboveground parts of trees at various ontogenetic stages for a myrmecophytic species (Macaranga beccariana) in a Bornean lowland tropical rain forest. Ant biomass increased as plant biomass increased. However, the rate of increase gradually declined, and the ant biomass appeared to reach a ceiling once trees began to branch. The ant/plant biomass ratio consistently decreased as plant biomass increased, with the rate of decrease gradually accelerating. We infer that the ontogenetic reduction in ant/plant biomass ratio is caused by an ontogenetic change in resource allocation to food rewards for ants related to the physiological changes accompanying the beginning of branching.  相似文献   

Fire is an important agent of disturbance in many tropical ecosystems that can potentially influence plant consumers. Nevertheless, there are few reports on whether levels of plant damage change as a result of fire. Here we present the results of a 1‐yr study evaluating the effects of fire on rates of herbivory and damage by pathogens in leaves of cerrado (Brazilian savanna) tree species. Damage by leaf chewers was over two times greater in burned than in unburned trees. Levels of damage by leaf miners, leaf scrapers, galling insects, and leaf pathogens were relatively low and increased, remained the same, or even decreased as a result of fire. Nevertheless, in all three plant species studied, total herbivore damage was significantly greater in burned than in unburned trees given the preponderance of damage caused by leaf chewers compared with the other types of damage. Leaf chewers, mainly leaf‐cutter ants, caterpillars, and grasshoppers, completely ate over 50 percent of the >2000 leaves we marked in burned trees. That our results were consistent among different plant species with contrasting leaf phenologies suggests that the observed increase in herbivory is a general phenomenon in our study system. Because herbivore pressure is augmented dramatically in recently burned areas, herbivory may act synergistically with fire in influencing the structure of cerrado vegetation.  相似文献   

The selection of nutrient-rich leaves by leaf-cutter ants ( Atta spp.) is thought to be of indirect benefit to these ants by promoting the growth of their symbiotic fungus. However, relatively few studies have analyzed the influence of leaf nutrient content on host plant selection by leaf-cutter ants, and conflicting results have been found. We compared the content of eight nutritional elements plus the non-nutrient aluminum between leaves harvested by colonies of Atta laevigata (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Attini) and leaves collected randomly within their foraging areas. In addition, we evaluated whether leaf nutrient content explained the frequency with which these ants attacked and defoliated some of the tree species found in the study area. For 2 years, we monitored 17–26 trees from 15 species and determined the number of times each plant was attacked and the amount and type of foliage removed. Leaves harvested by A. laevigata presented significantly higher concentrations of N, P, K, Zn, and Cu than those collected randomly. This result is likely to reflect the foraging pattern presented by these ants, which were selective both in terms of the plant species and age of leaves most commonly attacked. Young leaves were the only or the main leaf type exploited in many species, and in comparison to mature leaves these presented significantly higher concentrations of P and K. Large differences in the mean number of ant attacks on the tree species studied were also observed, and those presenting more leaf N tended to be the most frequently attacked.  相似文献   

The outcome of any interspecific interaction is often determined by the ecological context in which the interacting species are embedded. Plant ontogeny may represent an important source of variation in the outcome of ant–plant mutualisms, as the level of investment in ant rewards, in alternative (non‐biotic) defenses, or both, may be modulated by the plant's developmental stage. In addition, the abundance and identities of the ants involved in the interaction may change during ontogeny of the host‐plant. Here, we evaluated if plant ontogeny affects the interaction between ants and a savanna tree species (Caryocar brasiliense) that produces extrafloral nectar. We found fewer ants per branch and fewer species of ants per tree in juvenile than in reproductive trees of medium and large size. In addition, large‐sized reproductive trees were more likely to host more aggressive ants than were medium‐sized reproductive or juvenile trees. Such differences strongly affected the outcome of the interaction between ants and their host‐plants, as the magnitude of the effect of ants on herbivory was much stronger for large trees than for juvenile ones. The fact that we did not find significant ontogenetic variation in the concentration of leaf tannins suggests that the observed differences in herbivory did not result from a differential investment in chemical defenses among different‐sized plants. Overall, the results of our study indicate that the developmental stage of the host plant is an important factor of conditionality in the interaction between C. brasiliense and arboreal foraging ants.  相似文献   

Frequently, female plants allocate more resources to reproductive structures and defense-related secondary compounds in comparison with male plants that invest more resources to growth, reflecting trade-offs between reproduction, growth and defense. Therefore, differences in herbivory can be expected between genders. In this study, over two years, we analyzed the differences in plant chemical defense, nutritional quality, plant size and herbivory between genders in the dioecious tree, Spondias purpurea in a Mexican tropical dry forest. We estimated the total leaf area and the area consumed by folivory using a digital image of each leaf. The nutritional quality was estimated as water content, and the concentration of chlorophyll and total nonstructural carbohydrates. The secondary metabolites analyzed were total content of soluble phenolics, flavonoids, protein precipitation capacity of tannins, gallotannins, soluble proanthocyanidins, hydrolyzable tannins and ellagitannins. Our results differ from most of studies that analyze the differential herbivory patterns in dioecious plants. We found that female trees had higher levels of herbivory than male trees of S. purpurea. In the same way, female trees showed higher size and nutritional quality than males, while chemical defense was higher in male trees. The higher percentage of folivory in female trees of S. purpurea is associated with greater nutritional quality and lower chemical defenses. Our results show that male-biased herbivory might not be universal in dioecious species. Therefore, studies of fitness components affected by herbivory are necessary to understand the evolution of dioecy and the importance of herbivores as selective agents on breeding system features.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of ant presence at extrafloral nectaries of Lafoensia pacari St. Hil. on herbivore damage and silicon accumulation. Plants that were accessible to ants experienced lower herbivory levels over the first 3 mo of the experiment. After 3 mo, most leaves were fully expanded with inactive extrafloral nectaries; by 6 mo there was no effect of ant access on herbivore damage. Along with experiencing higher herbivory, plants in the ant‐exclusion treatment had significantly higher silicon levels in their leaves, suggesting that silicon serves as an induced defense in this ant–plant–herbivore interaction.  相似文献   

Use of leaf resources by a troop of howling monkeys and two colonies of leaf cutting ants was studied for an annual cycle in the rain forest of Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. Howling monkeys spent half their annual foraging time feeding on leaves; leaf-cutting ants spent at least 80% of their recorded foraging time harvesting leaves. Both herbivores preferred young leaves over nature ones, and chemical analysis showed that the protein: fibre ratio of the leaves used was correlated with these preferences. Howling monkeys used 34 tree species as leaf sources. Leaf-cutting ants used 40 plant species of which 38 were trees. Eighteen species used by Alouatta were also used by Atta; species of Moraceae and Lauraceae were among the most important in their foraging preferences. The plant species used by monkeys and ants occurred at low densities (? 4.0 ind/ha). The seasonal production of leaves, the high density of leaf-cutting ant colonies at the study site, and the high amounts of young foliage harvested by the ants from tree species, and individual trees used by howling monkeys as sources of young leaves suggest that the foraging activities of Atta may represent a significant pressure upon leaf resources available to Alouatta.  相似文献   

F. F. Xu  J. Chen 《Insectes Sociaux》2010,57(3):343-349
In facultative ant–plant interactions, ants may compete with each other for food provided by extrafloral nectar (EFN) plants. We studied resource competition and plant defense in a guild of ants that use the same EFN resource provided by two species of Passiflora in a seasonal rain forest in tropical China. At least 22 ant species were recorded using the EFN resource, although some of those species were rare. Among these ants, Paratrechina sp.1 and Dolichoderus thoracicus were more aggressive than other species. Ant aggressiveness measured as ant behavioral dominance index (BDI) was positively correlated with ant abundance on the Passiflora species studied. Ant BDI was also positively correlated to the protection that ants provided against herbivory. In Passiflora siamica, the number of workers patrolling on the plants did negatively correlate with average leaf loss per plant. We conclude that in this facultative Passiflora–ant system, plant defense upon herbivore was indeed influenced by the total number of ants present on plant and the aggressiveness of these ants.  相似文献   

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