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The stem cell niche: lessons from the Drosophila testis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In metazoans, tissue maintenance and regeneration depend on adult stem cells, which are characterized by their ability to self-renew and generate differentiating progeny in response to the needs of the tissues in which they reside. In the Drosophila testis, germline and somatic stem cells are housed together in a common niche, where they are regulated by local signals, epigenetic mechanisms and systemic factors. These stem cell populations in the Drosophila testis have the unique advantage of being easy to identify and manipulate, and hence much progress has been made in understanding how this niche operates. Here, we summarize recent work on stem cells in the adult Drosophila testis and discuss the remarkable ability of these stem cells to respond to change within the niche.  相似文献   

Ameboid cells in spermatogenic cysts of caecilian testis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sertoli cells constitute a permanent feature of the testis lobules in caecilians irrespective of the functional state of the testis. The developing germ cells are intimately associated with the Sertoli cells, which are adherent to the basal lamina, until spermiation. There are irregularly shaped cells in the cores of the testis lobules that interact with germ cells at the face opposite to their attachment with Sertoli cells. These irregularly shaped (ameboid) cells first appear in the lumen of the cysts containing primary spermatocytes and are continually present until spermiation. We did not observe any cytoplasmic continuity between a Sertoli cell and an ameboid cell. Both light microscopic and TEM observations reveal a phagocytic role for the ameboid cells: they scavenge the residual bodies shed by spermatozoa. Organization of the ameboid cells is grossly different from that of the spermatogenic and Sertoli cells. They appear to develop from the epithelium at the juncture of the collecting ductule with the testis lobule.  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of the events during mammalian spermatogenesis requires studying specific molecular signatures of individual testicular cell populations as well as their interaction in co-cultures. However, most purification techniques to isolate specific testicular cell populations are time-consuming, require large numbers of animals, and/or are only able to isolate a few cell types. Here we describe a cost-effective and timesaving approach that uses a single protocol to enrich multiple testicular cell populations (Sertoli, Leydig, and several spermatogenic cell populations) from as few as one mouse. Our protocol combines rigorous enzymatic digestion of seminiferous tubules with counter-current centrifugal elutriation, yielding specific testicular cell populations with >80%-95% purity.  相似文献   

A threefold increase for testicular carcinoma has been reported in male dizygotic twins. In this comment we suggest the hypothesis that over-exposure to endogenously hypersecreted Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) may underlie the pathogenesis. This is supported by several findings. 1) FSH hypersecretion in mothers of dizygotic twins is most likely an autosomal trait implicating the possibility of male offspring with the same hormone characteristic. 2) In testicular carcinoma higher levels of cyclin D2 are found. This is an FSH dependent stimulatory regulator of mitosis. 3) There is a marked similarity between geographical distribution in occurence of dizygotic twinning and testicular carcinoma. 4) Men undergoing surgery for testicular carcinoma have higher FSH concentrations and males with Down syndrome have higher FSH levels and are more at risk to develop testicular carcinoma. We suggest to study FSH secretion in males of familial dizygotic twins and furthermore the risk of developing testicular carcinoma in males with elevated FSH. These men with one testicle and/or with dysfunctioning Sertoli/Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Stem cells are fascinating, as they supply the cells that construct our adult bodies and replenish, as we age, worn out, damaged, and diseased tissues. Stem cell regulation relies on intrinsic signals but also on inputs emanating from the neighbouring niche. The Drosophila testis provides an excellent system for studying such processes. Although recent advances have uncovered several signalling, cytoskeletal and other factors affecting niche homeostasis and testis differentiation, many aspects of niche regulation and maintenance remain unsolved. In this review, we discuss aspects of niche establishment and integrity not yet fully understood and we compare it to the current knowledge in other model systems such as vertebrates and plants. We also address specific questions on stem cell maintenance and niche regulation in the Drosophila testis under the control of Hox genes. Finally, we provide insights on the striking functional conservation of homologous genes in plants and animals and their respective stem cell niches. Elucidating conserved mechanisms of stem cell control in both lineages could reveal the importance underlying this conservation and justify the evolutionary pressure to adapt homologous molecules for performing the same task.  相似文献   

A quantitative study of spermatogenesis in the developing rat testis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Quantitative (stereological) studies were performed to determine the number of germ cells in the developing rat testis. Sprague-Dawley rats aged 1-70 days were fixed by immersion or perfusion and embedded in Epon Araldite. Blocks of tissue were sectioned at 1.5 microns and stained with toluidine blue dye. Sections were systematically scanned and the areal density of nuclear profiles counted using an unbiased counting frame. Numerical density and absolute number of germ cells in the processed block were then estimated. Corrections for processing shrinkage were determined by comparing the volume of processed and unprocessed samples. The results demonstrate the necessity of determining absolute number rather than volume density (or areal density) in comparing germ cell numbers. In these experiments, spermatogonial numbers stabilized in the range 18.4-23.6 million per testis on Day 30. The number of primary spermatocytes that were first apparent on Day 15 increased rapidly to 54.6 million per testis on Day 30 and then slowly to 73.6 million on Day 70. Round spermatids were first apparent on Day 25 and increased rapidly to 85.7 million per testis on Day 40, then continued to increase to 151.9 million on Day 70. The study provides both methods and baseline data for future experiments involving manipulation of the spermatogenic potential of the testis.  相似文献   

Comparative ultrastructural observations reveal that cytoplasmic deletion during spermatogenesis in Sphagnum and other mosses (Bryopsida) has two distinct phases. In young spermatids, Golgi-derived vesicles produce the mucopolysaccharide sheaths in which the gametes are liberated. Golgi bodies, however, play no part in removal of cytoplasm during gamete maturation. Rounding off of the cells during this process results in a 50% reduction in volume. Mid-spermatid stages in Sphagnum are characterised by the sequential loss of Golgi bodies and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) but no further diminution of the cytoplasm. The final stages of nuclear metamorphosis and chromatin condensation, in late spermatids, are marked by the sudden appearance, in the otherwise featureless central cytoplasm, of a membrane vesicle complex (MVC) comprising cisternae, tubules, and smooth and coated vesicles. Following repositioning of the MVC beneath the plasma membrane, rapid shrinkage of the cytoplasm is associated with the presence of vesicle fusion profiles at the cell surface. The MVC is considered to be intimately involved in cytoplasmic breakdown and loss. Acid phosphatase activity can be detected throughout spermatogenesis. Spermatogenous cells and young spermatids possess relatively low levels of the enzyme, restricted to the ER and perinuclear space, but particularly high levels occur in the MVC region of late spermatids of Sphagnum. The deletion process in Bryopsida is much more gradual than that of Sphagnum. Mid-spermatids contain sheets of ER, Golgi with small vesicles, and irregular cisternae associated with coated vesicles. Vacuoles derived either from dilation of the ER or the coated vesicle complexes gradually increase in size and number at the expense of the cytoplasm. During the early stages of chromatin condensation, a large central vacuole opens onto the anterior face of the gametes. Further discharge of vesicles continues throughout gamete maturation. A comparative survey of spermatogenesis in land plants indicates that cytoplasmic deletion is achieved in different ways in different groups. We speculate that the spermatozoids of the common ancestor of archegoniate plants probably possessed large amounts of cytoplasm. The deletion mechanisms may have originated from a contractile vacuole apparatus.  相似文献   

Spermatogenic immunoglobulin superfamily (SgIGSF) is a mouse protein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily expressed in the spermatogenic cells of seminiferous tubules. We produced a specific polyclonal antibody against SgIGSF. Western blot analysis of the testes from postnatal developing mice using this antibody demonstrated multiple immunopositive bands of 80-130 kDa, which increased in number and size with the postnatal age. Enzymatic N-glycolysis caused reduction in the size of these bands to 70 kDa, indicating that SgIGSF is a glycoprotein and its glycosylation pattern and extent are developmentally regulated. Immunohistochemical analysis of the adult testis demonstrated that SgIGSF was present in the spermatogenic cells in the earlier steps of spermatogenesis and increased in amount from intermediate spermatogonia through zygotene spermatocytes but was diminished in the steps from early pachytene spermatocytes through round spermatids. After meiosis, SgIGSF reappeared in step 7 spermatids and was present in the elongating spermatids until spermiation. The immunoreactivity was localized primarily on the cell membrane. Consistent with the findings in adult testes, the analysis of the developing testes revealed that SgIGSF was expressed separately in the spermatogenic cells in earlier and later phases. Sertoli cells had no expression of SgIGSF, whereas both SgIGSF immunoprecipitated from the testis lysate and produced in COS-7 cells was shown to bind to the surface of Sertoli cells in primary culture. These results suggested that SgIGSF on the surface of spermatogenic cells binds to some membrane molecules on Sertoli cells in a heterophilic manner and thereby may play diverse roles in the spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

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