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The effect of hypoxia on circulatory levels of insulin, its response to oral glucose administration (100 g) and changes in circadian rhythms of glucose as well as insulin were evaluated in euglycemic males at sea level (SL, 220 m) during their stay at high altitude (3500 m, SJ) and in high altitude natives (HAN).Basal glucose levels were not altered at high altitude but the rise in glucose ( glucose) after glucose load was significantly higher in SJ and HAN (p<0.01) as compared to SL values. An increase (p<0.01) both in basal as well as glucose induced rise in insulin secretion ( insulin) was observed at HA. The rise in insulin in SJ was significantly higher (p<0.01) than in HAN. This elevation in glucose and insulin levels was also evident at different times of the day. The circadian rhythmicity of glucose as well as insulin was altered by the altitude stress. The findings of the study show a rise in insulin level at HA but the hyperglycemia in the face of hyper-insulinism require the presumption of a simultaneous and dispropotionate rise of insulin antagonistic hormones upsetting the effect of insulin on glucose metabolism.Presented at International Conference of Biometeorology held at New Delhi from December 26–30, 1983.  相似文献   

The effect of bombesin on gastrin release and gastric acid secretion was investigated in 10 healthy volunteers. Bombesin (0.6 μg · Kg?1 · hr?1) produced a significantly higher (p< 0.001) increase in plasma gastrin levels (86.7 11.1 pmo/1 than after a protein meal (39.6 ± 5.6 pmol1/1). The gastric acid secretory response to bombesin (12.1 ± 2.9 mEq · hr?1) was however significantly lower (p< 0.005) than the maximal response produced by pentagostrin (20.9 ± 3.5 mEq · hr?1) at the dose of 6 μg · Kg?1. Atropine did not modify gastrin release induced by bombesin but significantly reduced gastric acid secretion (p< 0.01). From the data presented it may be hypothesized that less biologically active forms of gastrin and/or other peptides inhibiting the gastrin effect upon gastric acid secretion may be released by bombesin.  相似文献   

Gastrin and ghrelin are secreted from G cells and X/A-like cells in the stomach, respectively, and respective hormones stimulate gastric acid secretion by acting through histamine and the vagus nerve. In this study, we examined the relationship between gastrin, ghrelin and gastric acid secretion in rats. Intravenous (iv) administration of 3 and 10 nmol of gastrin induced transient increases of ghrelin levels within 10 min in a dose-dependent manner. Double immunostaining for ghrelin and gastrin receptor revealed that a proportion of ghrelin cells possess gastrin receptors. Although (iv) administration of gastrin or ghrelin induced significant gastric acid secretion, simultaneous treatment with both hormones resulted in a synergistic, rather than additive, increase of gastric acid secretion. This synergistic increase was not observed in vagotomized rats.These results suggest that gastrin may directly stimulate ghrelin release from the stomach, and that both hormones may increase gastric acid secretion synergistically.  相似文献   

The effect of intravenously administered calcitonin and secretin on bombesin-stimulated serum gastrin and gastric acid secretion was studied in 7 volunteers. Secretin G.I.H. (1 C.U./kg per h) and calcitonin (0.5 I.U./kg per h) significantly (P < 0.05) inhibited the serum gastrin and gastric acid responses to bombesin-14 (90 pmol/kg per h). Inhibition of gastrin release could not fully account for the inhibition of gastric acid secretion.  相似文献   

The effect of synthetic human β-endorphin on gastric acid secretion was studied in 9 healthy subjects. Neither 2.5 mg or 15 mg β-endorphin had a significant effect on acid secretion or on serum gastrin concentration despite the fact that this dose of opiate caused a significant increase in serum prolactin concentrations. The role of endogenous opiate-like peptides on gastric secretion is discussed.  相似文献   

Dose-response studies were performed in 6 human volunteer subjects to determine the threshold and optimal doses of intravenous bombesin for stimulation of gastric acid secretion and gastrin release. A significant stimulation of both acid and gastrin was obtained with a very low dose, 3 pmol · kg?1 · h?1. Peak stimulation of acid secretion (67% of pentagastrin PAO) was obtained at 12.5 pmol · kg?1 · h?1. Serum gastrin response to this dose of bombesinn was similar to that obtained after a high protein meal. Higher doses of bombesin caused further increases in serum gastrin but not in acid secretion. Since very low doses of bombesin, too small to produce detectable increases in immunoreactive serum bombesim, caused parallel increases in gastrin and acid secretion, it is possible that the bombesin-like peptides present in human gastrointestinal tissues contribute to regulation of human gastric secretion.  相似文献   

Background. Comparative studies of gastric acid secretion in children related to Helicobacter pylori infection are lacking. The purpose of this study was to compare acid secretion and meal‐stimulated gastrin in relation to H. pylori infection among pediatric patients. Materials and Methods. Thirty‐six children aged 10–17 years (17 with H. pylori infection) undergoing diagnostic endoscopy participated in the study. Diagnoses included gastritis only (n = 23), duodenal ulcer (n = 5) and normal histology (n = 8). Gastric acid output was studied using the endoscopic gastric secretion test before and 2–3 months after H. pylori eradication. Meal‐stimulated serum gastrin response was assessed before and 12 months after eradication. Results. H. pylori gastritis was typically antrum‐predominant. Acid secretion was greater in H. pylori‐positive patients with duodenal ulcer than in gastritis‐only patients or controls [mean ± standard error (SE): 6.56 ± 1.4, 3.11 ± 0.4 and 2.65 ± 0.2 mEq/10 minutes, respectively; p < .001]. Stimulated acid secretion was higher in H. pylori‐positive boys than girls (5.0 ± 0.8 vs. 2.51 ± 0.4 mEq/10 minutes, respectively; p < .05). Stimulated acid secretion pre‐ and post‐H. pylori eradication was similar (5.47 ± 0.8 vs. 4.67 ± 0.9 mEq/10 minutes, respectively; p = .21). Increased basal and meal‐stimulated gastrin release reversed following H. pylori eradication (e.g. basal from 134 to 46 pg/ml, p < .001 and peak from 544 to 133 pg/ml, p < .05). Conclusions. H. pylori infection in children is associated with a marked but reversible increase in meal‐stimulated serum gastrin release. Gastric acid hypersecretion in duodenal ulcer remains after H. pylori eradication, suggesting that the host factor plays a critical role in outcome of the infection.  相似文献   

Orexin A (OXA) increases food intake and inhibits fasting small bowel motility in rats. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of exogenous OXA and endogenous OXA on gastric emptying, acid secretion, glucose metabolism and distribution of orexin immunoreactivity in the stomach. Rats equipped with a gastric fistula were subjected to intravenous (IV) infusion of OXA or the selective orexin-1 receptor (OX1R) antagonist SB-334867-A during saline or pentagastrin infusion. Gastric emptying was studied with a liquid non-nutrient or nutrient, using 51Cr as radioactive marker. Gastric retention was measured after a 20-min infusion of OXA or SB-334867-A. Plasma concentrations of OXA, insulin, glucagon, glucose and gastrin were studied. Immunohistochemistry against OXA, OX1R and gastrin in gastric tissue was performed. OXA alone had no effect on either acid secretion or gastric emptying. SB-334867-A inhibited both basal and pentagastrin-induced gastric acid secretion and increased gastric retention of the liquid nutrient, but not PEG 4000. Plasma gastrin levels were unchanged by IV OXA or SB-334867-A. Plasma OXA levels decreased after intake of the nutrient meal and infusion of the OX1R antagonist. Only weak effects were seen on plasma glucose and insulin by OXA. Immunoreactivity to OXA and OX1R were found in the mucosa, myenteric cells bodies and varicose nerve fibers in ganglia and circular muscle of the stomach. In conclusion, endogenous OXA influences gastric emptying of a nutrient liquid and gastric acid secretion independent of gastrin. This indicates a role for endogenous OXA, not only in metabolic homeostasis, but also in the pre-absorptive processing of nutrients in the gut.  相似文献   

Vagal afferents play a role in gut-brain signaling of physiological and pathological stimuli. Here, we investigated how backdiffusion of luminal HCl or NH(4)OH and pentagastrin-stimulated acid secretion interact in the communication between rat stomach and brain stem. Rats were pretreated intraperitoneally with vehicle or appropriate doses of cimetidine, omeprazole, pentagastrin, dexloxiglumide (CCK(1) receptor antagonist), and itriglumide (CCK(2) receptor antagonist) before intragastric administration of saline or backdiffusing concentrations of HCl or NH(4)OH. Two hours later, neuronal activation in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) and area postrema was visualized by c-Fos immunohistochemistry. Exposure of the rat gastric mucosa to HCl (0.15-0.5 M) or NH(4)OH (0.1-0.3 M) led to a concentration-dependent expression of c-Fos in the NTS, which was not related to gender, gastric mucosal injury, or gastropyloric motor alterations. The c-Fos response to HCl was diminished by cimetidine and omeprazole, enhanced by pentagastrin, and left unchanged by dexloxiglumide and itriglumide. Pentagastrin alone caused an omeprazole-resistant expression of c-fos, which in the NTS was attenuated by itriglumide and prevented by dexloxiglumide but in the area postrema was reduced by dexloxiglumide and abolished by itriglumide. We conclude that vagal afferents transmit physiological stimuli (gastrin) and pathological events (backdiffusion of luminal HCl or NH(4)OH) from the stomach to the brain stem. These communication modalities interact because, firstly, acid secretion enhances afferent signaling of gastric acid backdiffusion and, secondly, gastrin activates NTS neurons through stimulation of CCK(1) receptors on vagal afferents and of CCK(2) receptors on area postrema neurons projecting to the NTS.  相似文献   

The effects of intravenous infusions of morphine, met-enkephalin and leu-enkephalin on gastric acid secretion, gastrin release and gastric emptying were investigated in four dogs with gastric cannulas stimulated by a liquid peptone meal. The actions of a potent opiate antagonist, naloxone, used alone or combined with opiates were also studied. Morphine, met-and leu-enkephalin decreased the fractional gastric emptying rate. Acid secretion was decreased by enkephalins and increased by high doses of morphine. Enkephalins and to a lesser degree morphine inhibited gastrin release during the first hour following the administration of the meal. Only leu-enkephalin decreases significantly the integrated gastrin response. Naloxone at the doses used antagonized partly or totally the effects of opiates on gastric emptying but not those on gastric secretion or gastrin release. Naloxone infused alone had no significant effect on the gastric functions tested. These studies indicate that in dogs stimulated by a liquid test meal, enkephalins inhibit gastric emptying, acid secretion and gastrin release. Morphine inhibits gastric emptying and gastrin release and enhances acid secretion.  相似文献   

Serum immunoreactive erythropoietin (siEp) was estimated in samples collected from members of two scientific and mountaineering expeditions, to Mount Kongur in Western China and to Mount Everest in Nepal. SiEp was increased above sea-level control values 1 and 2 days after arrival at 3,500 m and remained high on ascent to 4,500 m. Thereafter, while subjects remained at or above 4,500 m, siEp declined, and by 22 days after the ascent to 4,500 m was at control values but increased on ascent to higher altitude. Thus siEp was at a normal level during the maintenance of secondary polycythemia from high-altitude exposure. On descent, with removal of altitude hypoxia, siEp decreased, but despite secondary polycythemia levels remained measurable and in the range found in subjects normally resident at sea level. On Mount Everest, siEp was significantly (P less than 0.01) elevated above preexpedition sea-level controls after 2-4 wk at or above 6,300 m. There was no correlation between estimates of siEp and plasma renin activity in samples collected before and during both expeditions.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of acute exposure to hypobaric hypoxia on gastric and colonic motilities. Wistar rats, which were instrumented chronically with strain gauge force transducer to measure gastric and colonic motilities, were exposed acutely to hypobaric hypoxia [0.5 atmosphere absolute (ATA, 380 Torr)] over 1 h. In a separate group, the gastric branches of the vagal nerves were cut and underwent the same experimental protocol. Each contraction wave of the stomach and colon was analyzed into frequency and area under the curves, which were then averaged every 10 min. Acute exposure to 0.5 ATA resulted in significant (P < 0.05) decreases in frequency and area of gastric contraction wave by 0.5 +/- 0.1 cycles/min and 64.6 +/- 4.0%, respectively. Gastric vagotomy abolished completely the suppression in the area observed in the intact rats during the 0.5-ATA exposures. Colonic motility increased significantly only at the start and end of exposure to 0.5 ATA and sham exposure [1 ATA (760 Torr), time control] in both intact and vagotomized rats. These data suggest that the acute suppression of the area of the gastric contraction wave that occurred during 0.5-ATA exposure is likely to be mediated by the vagal nerve.  相似文献   

The role of the vagus nerve in the control of gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) stimulated gastroenteropancreatic hormone release and gastric acid secretion was investigated in four conscious gastric fistula dogs using a technique of bilateral cryogenic vagal blockade. A 90-min infusion of GRP at a dose of 400 pmol X kg-1. h-1 produced significant elevations in plasma levels of gastrin, motilin, GIP, enteroglucagon, insulin, pancreatic glucagon, pancreatic polypeptide and VIP. Vagal blockade reversibly inhibited the rise of plasma PP and significantly blunted the elevation of plasma VIP. However, the GRP stimulated response of the other hormones investigated was not modified by vagal blockade. Similarly, the substantial secretion of gastric acid observed with GRP was not influenced by vagal blockade. Thus GRP acts predominantly via mechanisms which are independent of vagal integrity, findings that are in support of a major role for the local neuromodulation of hormone release and gastric acid secretion.  相似文献   

The correlation between serum gastrin levels and gastric acid secretion during 4 weeks of cimetidine administration (once daily) was investigated. Serum gastrin levels and gastric acid secretion were estimated on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day after cimetidine administration (25 mg.kg-1, intragastrically). At the mentioned time intervals gastric acid secretion stimulated by histamine and pentagastrin was also studied. It was found that on the 14th and 21st day after cimetidine administration serum gastrin levels were significantly elevated. Basal gastric acid secretion after cimetidine administration was significantly decreased at all the observed time intervals. Histamine-stimulated gastric acid secretion was increased on the 14th, 21st and 28th day after cimetidine administration. Hypoacidity was not followed at all time intervals by hypergastrinaemia (only on day 14 and 21 after cimetidine).  相似文献   

The aspartic acid residue at the penultimate position is known to be essential for the hormonal activity of CCK and gastrin on gastric acid secretion. This residue was successively replaced by beta-aspartic acid, beta-alanine, and glutamic acid in the C-terminal heptapeptide of CCK 27-33. The analogues obtained were tested on rat gastric acid secretion and for recognition by gastrin receptors. The replacement by beta-aspartic or beta-alanine decreased gastric secretion and gastrin receptor recognition. In contrast, replacement by glutamic acid affected these two parameters less. The nature of the N-blocking group (Boc or Z) also influenced these activities, Boc derivatives being more potent than Z derivatives. The results were compared to those previously obtained on pancreatic secretion and on stimulation of gall bladder contraction where the modifications were found capable of differentiating between cholecystokinin, pancreozymin and gastrin activities.  相似文献   

Latent amoebiasis is aggravated at high altitude. Protean manifestations are common. Fever is usually absent. Liver tenderness is not a feature and may have to be specially elicited. Leucocytosis is rare. Bowel symptoms inspite of presence of intestinal ulcerations are usually absent. Response to treatment with emetine or chloroquin is unsatisfactory and relapse rate is high. These points may interest mountaineers and other sojourners to high altitude.  相似文献   

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