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凹纹胡蜂与黑尾胡蜂蛋白氨基酸分析研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为弄清胡蜂蛋白氨基酸(特别是人体必需氨基酸)的组成,探索利用胡蜂作食品,作者对凹纹胡蜂Vespa velutina auraria Smith与黑尾胡蜂Vespa tropica ducalisSmith成虫、蛹、幼虫、巢室、巢壳的氨基酸成分和含量进行了分析,结果报道如下:  相似文献   

凹纹胡蜂与黑尾胡蜂生物学初步研究:膜翅目:胡蜂科   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文首次介绍了凹纹胡蜂Vespa velutina auraria Smith与黑尾胡蜂V.tropica ducalis Smith在实验室内饲养和自然条件下的生物学习性观察情况。结果表明,两种胡蜂在室内温度14—25℃,相对湿度43—89%条件下完成一代发育所需时间为33—53天,其中卵期9—15天,幼虫期10—18天,蛹期15一20天,全年可发生三代。工蜂寿命为24—142天,雄蜂4—60天。 凹纹胡蜂可在人工控制条件下越冬和自行营巢。 两种胡蜂的主要天敌是蜂蝙科Stylopidae和寄绳科Tachinidae昆虫。  相似文献   

【目的】测序和分析黄侧异腹胡蜂Parapolybia crocea线粒体基因组,并在线粒体基因组水平探讨异腹胡蜂属Parapolybia在胡蜂科中的系统发育地位。【方法】用Illumina二代测序技术测定黄侧异腹胡蜂线粒体基因组全序列,分析其结构特点和碱基组成;使用最大似然法(maximum likelihood,ML)构建胡蜂科7个种线粒体基因组的系统发育树,分析其在胡蜂科中的系统发育关系。【结果】黄侧异腹胡蜂线粒体基因组全长16 619 bp(Gen Bank登录号:KY679828),包含13个蛋白质编码基因,22个t RNA基因,2个r RNA基因(rrn S和rrn L)和1个控制区,基因排列顺序与推测的昆虫祖先序列不完全一致;全部蛋白质编码基因的起始密码子均为ATN,终止密码子除CYTB和ND1为TAG外,其余均为TAA;除t RNASer(AGN)的DHU臂缺失外,其他t RNA均能折叠成典型的三叶草结构;控制区中存在一个18 bp的T-stretch结构和2段串联重复序列。胡蜂科7个种基于线粒体基因组的系统发育关系表现为蜾蠃亚科+(胡蜂亚科+马蜂亚科),异腹胡蜂属与马蜂属Polistes同属于马蜂亚科。【结论】黄侧异腹胡蜂线粒体基因组存在基因重排现象。基于线粒体基因组的胡蜂科系统发育关系与传统的形态分类学结果一致:异腹胡蜂属隶属于马蜂亚科,马蜂亚科与胡蜂亚科的亲缘关系较其与蜾蠃亚科更近。  相似文献   

胡蜂巢穴多建筑在较隐蔽和人难以到达之处,所以给寻找和移巢都会带来很大困难。为帮助较快地找到蜂巢,这里介绍两种方法: 1.直接寻巢:于开春后到野外寻找,地点为向阳背风山坡、村寨、农田附近的土洞、树洞、灌丛等处用棍棒敲打或摇动树杆,当发现有蜂飞出,趁势寻找可得到巢穴。 2.蜂标寻巢:方法是,用一根长约1米左右竹棍,顶端破开呈夹子状,夹入诱饵如  相似文献   

落巨福  刘强 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):971-977
2004-2005年在西鄂尔多斯地区,选择巢室数>300的沙漠石蜂Megachile(Chalicodoma)desertorum Morawitz巢区,通过标记巢室和雌蜂,在整个成蜂活动期连续对沙漠石蜂的筑巢习性和行为进行了观测研究.结果显示:该蜂一生一般能建8~12个巢室,优先利用未被破坏的旧巢.利用旧巢的过程为:...  相似文献   

在陕西少华山首次发现了花长黄胡蜂Dolichovespula flora Archer,1987的地上巢从而获得该种胡蜂完整的3个社会等级,对雄性进行了首次描记,并简要讨论其近似种关氏长黄胡蜂D.kuami KimYoon,1996的分类地位。  相似文献   

陕西省袭人胡蜂种类与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查基本明确了陕西省袭人胡蜂的种类和发生危害情况,确定了袭人胡蜂不同种类在陕西省各地区的分布情况,并制定了分类检索表,描述了3种主要的袭人胡蜂和其它2种胡蜂的基本特征。  相似文献   

为更好地指导自然保护区的功能分区,对自然保护地全境及周边区域的生物多样性本底资源进行科学调查和评估是必要的。独栖性胡蜂是农林业害虫的重要天敌,同时也是重要的环境生物指示类群。本研究以独栖性胡蜂为指示生物,于2018–2020年在广东车八岭国家级自然保护区全境及周边区域使用人工巢管技术和公里网格方案(共计100个调查网格,网格大小为1 km×1 km)对南岭典型亚热带常绿阔叶林中胡蜂科昆虫多样性、分布及其影响因素进行研究,同时评估了其物种多样性的空间分布与保护区功能分区之间的关系。本研究共获得4,156根胡蜂类昆虫筑巢巢管和9,973个孵育室,并鉴定出9种胡蜂科物种,分布于89个网格,绘制了其物种丰富度和多度的分布图。结果显示,海拔、距居民点的最近距离和增强型植被指数(enhanced vegetation index, EVI)是影响胡蜂物种丰富度、多度及分布的关键环境因子;胡蜂科昆虫的物种丰富度、筑巢量和孵育室数量均随海拔升高而显著减少,且越靠近居民点,胡蜂科昆虫的种类和数量越多,但胡蜂群落的α多样性指标与EVI的关系呈先增加后减少的模式。胡蜂科昆虫群落的总体β多样性为0.21,周转...  相似文献   

墨胸胡蜂生物学特性的观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
墨胸胡蜂VespanigrithoraxBuysson隶属膜翅目,胡蜂科。据记载国内主要分布在浙江、江西、福建、四1;D、广东、广西、云南、贵州、西藏。近年来长江以北地区数量增加,我们对安徽江淮地区的墨胸胡蜂的形态、筑巢、食性等生物学特性进行了初步观察,报道如下。l形态特征墨胸胡蜂是社会性昆虫,其群体由雌蜂、职蜂、雄蜂组成。雌蜂:头部略窄于胸部,两触角窝之间三角平面隆起,呈棕色。颊部上部1/3为墨色,下部2/3棕色。上颚粗壮,红棕色,端部呈黑色。胸部均呈黑色,翅呈棕色。前足基节前缘内侧呈棕色,其余黑色,转节、股节黑色,外侧…  相似文献   

双斑切叶蜂的筑巢习性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒙艳华  徐环李 《昆虫学报》2008,51(11):1170-1176
【目的】明确双斑切叶蜂Megachile leachella在沙地上的筑巢环境及筑巢特点,旨在当地利用人工巢管诱引其筑巢。【方法】采用目测和拍照等方法对双斑切叶蜂的整个筑巢过程进行了连续观察; 采用挖掘、测量方法对双斑切叶蜂巢内结构进行了观测;在室内对蜂茧在土中和指形管中的羽化情况进行了初步观测。【结果】双斑切叶蜂一般在废弃的泥墙或者沙地上蚂蚁等废弃的巢穴中筑巢,有时候它也在沙地上挖掘新巢筑巢。双斑切叶蜂用叶片构建巢室,一巢多室,各巢室首尾相接排列在巢中,筑完巢后用叶片将巢口封住。双斑切叶蜂构建一个巢室需要切取11~14片叶子,为每巢室采集蜂粮6~9次,每巢室内产卵1粒;在内蒙古毛乌素沙地,该蜂一年2代,第1代在6月中下旬羽化,第2代大约在7月下旬至8月上旬羽化,主要寄生性天敌有尖腹蜂Coelioxy sp.、青蜂Chrysis sp.。双斑切叶蜂能在指形管中羽化。【结论】双斑切叶蜂不同个体之间的筑巢行为相似,雌蜂可以用人工巢管进行诱集和驯化。  相似文献   

Social wasps of the subfamily Stenogastrinae produce an abdominal secretion that is used in two distinct biological contexts. First, the secretion plays an important role in larval nutrition where it serves as a substrate in which food is placed by the adults for eventual consumption by the larvae. Second, in several species, females apply the same secretion to the substrate on which their nests are constructed, where it constitutes a sticky barrier that defends the immature brood from predation by ants. This paper describes for the first time ant guard construction behaviour of three species of stenogastrine wasps belonging to the genera Eustenogaster and Liostenogaster. The identification of compounds making up these secretions was also performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Ant guards and brood secretions were similar, with saturated and unsaturated long chain hydrocarbons and alcohols as major components. We further confirm that the glandular source of abdominal secretion is the Dufour's gland. This gland contains the same hydrocarbons, and in the same proportions as ant guards and brood secretion. We discuss the fundamental importance of Dufour's gland secretion in the social life of these wasps by comparing species with and without ant guards within the subfamily.  相似文献   

Abstract. Lipid cuticular profiles of females of four species belonging to three different genera of stenogastrine wasps are examined in connection with reproductive potential (relative ovarian development). Cuticular lipids may not only represent the cues for nestmate discrimination (already behaviourally ascertained in three of the same species), but also allow discrimination of fertile and non fertile individuals. Comparisons with more socially evolved insects are reported and discussed.  相似文献   

综述了海南岛苔藓植物的研究历史和现状。目前海南岛已记录的苔藓植物共有87科227属806种,其中苔类33科71属366种,藓类51科152属436种,角苔类3科4属4种;苔藓植物的区系组成以热带亚洲成分为主,与香港、台湾地区的种属相似性高;对海南岛苔藓植物的研究集中在尖峰岭、霸王岭、吊罗山3个国家级自然保护区;叶附生苔是海南热带雨林主要的苔藓生态分布类型之一,共有7科23属123种;初步统计濒危苔藓植物有15种。今后应继续开展广泛和持续的物种多样性调查,从生态学、植物化学、分子生物学等领域进行研究,促进合理的开发利用和推动保护工作。  相似文献   

Polistine and vespine wasps were captured in Malaise traps in two fire-modified shrubland habitats of varying canopy height and composition at Lake Ohia, Northland, New Zealand. Prey consumption rates were calculated for the Asian paper wasp (Polistes chinensis antennalis) occupying these two areas of shrubland and a home garden in Whangarei, Northland. The sites were systematically searched for nests and wasp prey determined by intercepting foragers returning to nests. The Asian paper wasp predominated in the Malaise trap samples from the low- growing habitat while the German wasp (Vespula germanica) was more common in the taller vegetation type. The Asian paper wasp was more abundant than the German wasp in the samples in February and early March. Only four Australian paper wasps (Polistes humilis) and no common wasps (Vespula vulgaris) were caught. Asian paper wasps collected an estimated 15 000 prey loads per ha per season from one of the shrubland areas, and 478 000 prey loads per ha per season from the second area. These convert to estimates of 31 and 957 g per ha per season of invertebrate biomass removed by paper wasps from each habitat, respectively. The estimate for the garden site was 79 g per ha per season. Wasp nest densities varied between 20 and 210 nests per hectare. The biomass estimates are similar to average figures calculated for vespine wasps in scrubland and pasture. Both Asian paper wasps and Australian paper wasps preyed mainly on lepidopteran larvae. The cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae) was the most commonly collected species. Noctuid species were also well represented. Both male and female Asian paper wasps collected nectar in late March and early April.  相似文献   

Polistes sulcifer is a cuckoo paper wasps, an obligate social parasite which must usurp a colony of another species in order to reproduce. Field data show thatP. sulcifer females usurp exclusively nests belonging to one species only (P. dominulus). Moreover, they are more frequently found on large and puparich nests. A series of laboratory trials, in which parasite females were offered a binary choice of nests with different characteristics, confirm both the species specificity betweenP. sulcifer andP. dominulus and the parasite's preference to usurp larger nests containing pupae. The data support the hypothesis thatP. sulcifer females choose between available nests. The biological meaning of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

报告了对哈尔滨地区 40多处水域中淡水枝角类的调查结果。收集标本 1 3 0余份 ,共鉴定出淡水枝角类 3 9种 ,分别隶属于 6科、1 6属。其中有 1属、1 2种为黑龙江省新记录属种。  相似文献   

山西土壤中的暗色丝孢真菌I   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从山西省不同地区采集混合土壤样品45份,从中分离获得49个暗色丝孢菌分离物,经鉴定分属于27属中的36种.其中包括1个新种,草原链格孢Alternaria pratensis;1个中国新记录属,锥梗围瓶孢属Chaetopsina;5个中国新记录种:锥梗围瓶孢Chaetopsina fulva、长椭暗双孢Cordana oblongispora、短小腐质霉Humicola brevis、伦德伯格小粘束霉Leptographium lundbergii和亚简黑乌霉Memnoiella subsimplex;其余30个为中国已知种.除对新种进行拉丁文描述和图示外,对中国新记录种也作了简要描述和描绘,对30个国内已报道种则只作分布和生境的引证.所有研究过的标本(干制培养物)与活菌种均保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP).  相似文献   

Ancistrocerus, Discoelius and Symmorphus are xylicolous predatory wasps, the former two genera hunting caterpillars, the last one using both caterpillars and larvae of Chrysomelidae beetles. One of the aims of this study was to compare the stinging pattern of species from these genera with the ancestral “complete four-sting pattern” (C4SP) and reduced “two-sting pattern” (C2SP). Another aim was to clarify whether stinging pattern of predatory wasps depends mostly on the prey type or on the systematic position of the wasp. Sting traces on 6123 paralysed prey specimens, taken from 409 fresh wasp nests made by 10 wasp species in reed (Phragmites australis) trap-nests in three localities of Lithuania, were studied. The total number of stings applied to a prey specimen, the number and the share of stings directed to its body segments and the probability of stinging the segments were considered. The main conclusions of the study are: (1) the total number of stings delivered to a prey is species-specific, in some cases it may be used to distinguish fresh nests of related wasp species, as those of Symmorphus crassicornis and S. murarius and those of Discoelius dufourii and D. zonalis. (2) The distribution of stings is significantly different from the basic patterns C4SP and C2SP in all ten studied wasps; however, four caterpillar-hunting species have the distribution close to the C2SP The stinging pattern of three Symmorphus species hunting Chrysomelidae larvae included regular stings to the throat, three thoracic and the first abdominal segment; it could be abbreviated as C5SP (a complete five-sting pattern). (3) The distribution of stings among the segments of prey was found to be more dependent on the taxonomic position of the wasp species than on the prey type, thus it might be used as a behavioural character in comparative and phylogenetic studies. (4) The stinging pattern depended on the prey type as well: in the caterpillar-hunting S. debilitatus, it was quite different from the stinging pattern of the Symmorphus that hunt Chrysomelidae larvae.  相似文献   

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