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Understanding predator avoidance behavior by prey remains an important topic in community and invasion ecology. Recently, the Ponto-Caspian amphipod Echinogammarus ischnus (Stebbing 1898) was accidentally introduced into the Great Lakes. Since its introduction, it has displaced the native amphipod, Gammarus fasciatus (Say 1818), from several locations in the lower lakes. To assess whether behavioral differences in predator avoidance might be a causal mechanism increasing the success of the invasive amphipods, two experiments were conducted examining (1) native and invasive amphipod behavioral responses to five fish species with different foraging behaviors, and (2) amphipod responses to different densities of round gobies, a hyper-abundant benthic invertivore. Echinogammarus reduced its distance moved in the presence of all fish species tested, whereas Gammarus reduced its distance moved only after exposure to round gobies, black crappies, and rainbow darters. Both amphipod species increased the time spent motionless following exposure to round gobies, but not after encountering the scent of most of the remaining fish predators. The exception was that Echinogammarus also responded to black crappie scent whereas Gammarus did not. Although both amphipod species exhibited behavioral responses to many of the fish predators, the magnitude of their responses differed only after exposure to the brown bullhead. In the bullhead trials, Echinogammarus reduced its distance traveled significantly more than Gammarus. Both amphipod species increased their avoidance response to increasing goby density, however, the pattern of avoidance behavior was different. Invasive E. ischnus exhibited a consistently strong avoidance response to round gobies over the test duration. Native G. fasciatus initially avoided goby scent, but then either ceased their avoidance response or showed a hyper-avoidance response, depending on goby density. These results suggested (1) both species of amphipods were able to differentiate and react to a variety of fish predators, (2) invasive Echinogammarus amphipods avoided a larger range of fish predators than the native Gammarus, (3) increased avoidance behavior was associated with an increased density of fish, and (4) the avoidance response patterns of invasive Echinogammarus when faced with round goby predators might lead to increased predation on native Gammarus in habitats where they co-occur.  相似文献   

The shimofuri goby (Tridentiger bifasciatus), which is native to Asian estuaries, was recently introduced to the San Francisco Estuary, California, USA. We conducted gut content analyses to examine the gobys feeding ecology in this highly invaded estuary. Shimofuri gobies were generalist predators on benthic invertebrates, consuming seasonally abundant prey, especially amphipods (Corophium spp.). In addition, shimofuri goby utilized two novel prey items not exploited by other resident fishes – hydroids (Cordylophora caspia) and barnacle (Balanus improvisus) cirri, both of which are alien. The shimofuri gobys feeding ecology appears well-suited to the fluctuating environment of the San Francisco Estuary and may partially explain observed increases in shimofuri goby abundance compared with declines in populations of some native species.  相似文献   

The composition of the diet of the Indo-Pacific cornetfish Fistularia commersonii from the SE Aegean Sea is described. The stomach contents of 245 specimens collected between September 2004 and March 2005 were examined. Dietary comparisons were made reflecting the relationship between diet composition, time of year, and fish size. Correlation between predator length and prey length was significant. The diet of the blue cornetfish consists of 96% by number and 99.95% by weight of fish. Size classification and habitat of prey groups (benthic, supra-benthic, and pelagic) showed that with increased body length the blue cornetfish extended its diet to larger prey and more generalist feeding. Spicara smaris, Boops boops, and Mullidae spp. were the most abundant prey by weight whereas a variety of small benthic fish (especially gobiids) and newly hatched fish constituted the largest number of prey items. Length–weight relationships for the cornetfish were investigated.  相似文献   

To study the effects of short-term experience on prey size-selection ten-spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius) were fed 7–13 days with five differing diets of novel prey, Daphnia magna. The diets consisted either of a mixture of two prey size classes (1.7 and 2.2 mm) or of single-sized (1.7 and 2.2 mm) prey. Before and after the diets, the sticklebacks' prey size selection was tested with a 1:1 ratio of 1.7 and 2.2 mm D. magna. Sticklebacks made more attempts to capture large than small prey, but their foraging success was better for small than for large prey. Sticklebacks fed with a diet of both prey sizes chose significantly more large prey on the 13th day than on the 7th day or at the beginning of the experiment. Handling times for both Daphnia size classes decreased slightly with increasing foraging experience. Inexperienced sticklebacks made more unsuccessful strikes on large prey than did experienced fish. Foraging success on large prey improved somewhat with increasing experience in all but one diet group. The results indicate that experience affected ten-spined sticklebacks' prey selection.  相似文献   

Functional responses of five cyprinid species to planktonic prey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synopsis The functional responses of five species of cyprinids (Chalcalburnus chalcoides, Vimba vimba, Abramis brama, Rutilus rutilus, and Scardinius erythrophthalmus) feeding on four planktonic prey types were measured in the laboratory. Although no alternative prey types were present, the response curves were sigmoid in most cases, because attack rates were not independent of prey density. The findings are explained as being the overt expression of the fishes& foraging tactics. The chief way of maximizing food uptake, according to our interpretation, is accelerating attack rates with increasing prey density. The ability of prey to escape or relative prey size may interfere with this strategy. C. chalcoides, the only obligatory planktivore among the species studied, attacks at higher rates and responds most markedly to changes in prey density.  相似文献   

Habitat use and foraging behavior of two benthic insectivorous gobies, Rhinogobius sp. CO (cobalt type) and Rhinogobius sp. DA (dark type), were examined in relation to their predation effects on local prey density in a small coastal stream in southwestern Shikoku, Japan. Correlations among the foraging range, frequency of foraging attempts and current velocity indicated that individuals using fast-current habitats had small foraging ranges and infrequently made foraging attempts while those in slow currents frequently foraged over large areas. The former and the latter were recognized as ambush and wandering foragers, respectively. Interspecific comparisons of habitat use, foraging behavior and prey preference suggested that Rhinogobius sp. CO selectively forage mobile prey by ambushing in fast currents, whereas Rhinogobius sp. DA randomly forage available prey by wandering in slow-current habitats. A cage experiment was conducted to assess prey immigration rate and the degree of predation effects on local prey density in relation to current velocity. The results of the experiment support, at least in part, our initial predictions: (1) prey immigration rates increase with current velocity and (2) the effects of fish predation on local prey density are reduced as current velocity increases. Overall results illustrated a link between the foraging modes of the stream gobies and their predation effects on local prey density: fish adopt ambush foraging in fast currents, where the decrease in prey density tends to be less, whereas fish actively forage over large areas in slow currents, where the decrease in prey is relatively large.  相似文献   

The foraging behaviour variability of three striped red mullet (Mullus surmuletus L. 1758) populations with respect to the vegetation cover was examined along the French Mediterranean coasts. We tested both the carrying capacity of different habitats and the hypothesis of a food segregation by the invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh, on the functioning of benthic fish populations. The results indicated a significant site effect on M. surmuletus foraging behaviour and movements. The vegetation cover may play an important role in modifying the striped red mullet cost of foraging (sampling effort) and thus its strategy of prey capture. As long as the cover of marine phanerogams and/or macrophyte algae (Caulerpaceae) increases, the foraging budget and the distances covered in search of prey decrease significantly. Similarly, the striped red mullet increases the prospected sample periods to augment its foraging success, swimming above the bottom. These changes are related to the development of a dense superficial network of plagiotropic rhizomes and stolons, and to the reduction of space between fronds that limits the accessibility to resources and may increase intra-specific food competition. The role of C. taxifolia does not differ from that of other marine phanerogams but induces significant changes in the structure of Mullidae populations at the local level. The rapid expansion of Caulerpaceae in the Mediterranean Sea could constitute a real threat for the balance of the marine coastal biodiversity and the ecology of M. surmuletus, which is considered a flagship species for coastal Mediterranean demersal fisheries.  相似文献   

Marine mammals often exhibit significant sexual segregation in their diet and habitat use but these differences have not been studied systematically in historic or ancient populations due to the difficulties associated with determining the sex of skeletal elements based on gross morphology. Using a combined ancient DNA and stable isotope approach, we document a sexual difference in the foraging ecology of late 19th century beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from the Canadian High Arctic. Using two PCR assays that coamplify fragments of the Y-linked SRY and X-linked ZFX genes, we assigned reproducible sex identities to 35 beluga specimens. This provided a basis for investigating sex-specific differences in foraging ecology using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of bone collagen. These isotopic data demonstrate that although both males and females primarily consumed Arctic cod, males utilized a wider range of prey than females, feeding on high trophic level benthic prey (sculpins) to a greater extent. Because bone collagen integrates prey isotopic compositions over the course of several years these sex-based differences in beluga bone collagen isotopic compositions reflect long-term and sustained sexual differences in foraging.  相似文献   

The coexistence of competing species relies on niche partitioning. Competitive exclusion is likely inevitable at high niche overlap, but such divide between competitors may be bridged if environmental circumstances displace competitor niches to enhance partitioning. Foraging‐niche dimension can be influenced by environmental characteristics, and if competitors react differently to such conditions, coexistence can be facilitated. We here experimentally approach the partitioning effects of environmental conditions by evaluating the influence of water turbulence on foraging‐niche responses in two competing fish species, Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis and roach Rutilus rutilus, selecting from planktonic and benthic prey. In the absence of turbulence, both fish species showed high selectivity for benthic chironomid larvae. R. rutilus fed almost exclusively on zoobenthos, whereas P. fluviatilis complemented the benthic diet with zooplankton (mainly copepods). In turbulent water, on the other hand, the foraging‐niche widths of both R. rutilus and P. fluviatilis increased, while their diet overlap simultaneously decreased, caused by 20% of the R. rutilus individuals turning to planktonic (mainly bosminids) prey, and by P. fluviatilis increasing foraging on littoral/benthic food sources. We show that moderate physical disturbance of environments, such as turbulence, can enhance niche partitioning and thereby coexistence of competing foragers. Turbulence affects prey but not fish swimming capacities, with consequences for prey‐specific distributions and encounter rates with fish of different foraging strategies (pause‐travel P. fluviatilis and cruise R. rutilus). Water turbulence and prey community structure should hereby affect competitive interaction strengths among fish species, with consequences for coexistence probability as well as community and system compositions.  相似文献   

The foraging efficiency of juvenile perch (Perca fluviatilis), feeding on two types of prey, was studied in laboratory experiments. Waterfleas (Daphnia magna) and phantom midge larvae (Chaoborus flavicans) were offered in a range of densities, either separately or combined. Perch fed more efficiently on each prey type separately than when both were mixed. Foraging efficiency decreased with an increase of mixed prey density with both prey types present in equal numbers, but also when the proportion of Chaoborus increased. This could be caused by the existence of different hunting techniques, each of which is fully efficient in the presence of one prey type only. In the presence of two prey types, the predator constantly has to switch from one hunting technique to another.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of the small‐bodied benthic naked goby Gobiosoma bosc, a western Atlantic species that occurs in estuaries and other inshore habitats from Connecticut to Texas U.S.A., was investigated in a total of four estuaries spanning South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland and New Jersey. Gut content analysis of 391 individuals revealed that G. bosc is a benthic microcarnivore that feeds primarily on polychaetes, gammarid amphipods and harpacticoid copepods. Diet composition varied with body size, tidal creek within an estuary and geographic region. Analyses of gut fullness suggest that G. bosc is a daytime visual predator and that nest and egg guarding during the reproductive season reduce foraging activity in mature males. Additionally, G. bosc infected with adult digenean parasites of the gut foraged more intensely than uninfected individuals, a relationship that was strongest for reproductively mature males. Regionally, significant variation in dietary breadth was documented and may reflect a foraging response to a decrease in prey diversity moving from estuaries of higher salinity and lower latitude to estuaries of lower salinity and higher latitude. These results contribute to an understanding of the life history of G. bosc and the role played by this common species in estuarine food webs.  相似文献   

I examined sex differences in diet and foraging behavior in two groups of white-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus)in a tropical dry forest at Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. I tested three hypotheses: sex differences in diet and foraging behavior are best explained by (1) sexual dimorphism, (2) the energy demands of pregnancy and lactation for females;and (3) avoidance of competition between the sexes. Sexual dimorphism offered the best explanation of sex differences in the diet and foraging behavior of C. capucinus,accurately predicting that males do more strenuous foraging activity, make less use of small foraging supports, and spend more time on or near the ground. Females spent more time foraging than males did but probably obtained a lower protein yield per unit foraging time. Females exploited more small and embedded invertebrates, while males ate more large invertebrates and vertebrate prey. Pregnant and lactating females spent more time resting and less time foraging than other females did, increasing their foraging return by focusing on foods requiring little handling. There was little evidence of competition avoidance between the sexes.  相似文献   

D. M. Perry 《Oecologia》1987,72(3):360-365
Summary The tenets of optimal foraging theory are used to contrast the behavior of the predatory snail Acantina spirata when feeding on the barnacles Balanus glandula and Chthamalus fissus under conditions of satiation and starvation. As predicted in optimal diet models, A. spirata is less selective (ratio of attack frequency on a prey species to number of individuals available) when the higher ranking prey has low abundance. When given a choice, starved snails attack both barnacle species equally, whereas satiated individuals preferentially attack B. glandula, the more profitable prey (ash-free dry weight of barnacles ingested per unit handling time). Under starvation conditions, equal attack frequency does not result in equal prey species consumption because Acanthina spirata is more successful at attacking C. fissus than B. glandula.The assumption of constant prey encounter rates in optimal diet models is not met when A. spirata goes from a state of satiation to starvation. The encounter rate on B. glandula is lowered due to a decrease in attack success. A loss of feeding skills in starved A. spirata is responsible for the greater difficulty snails have in gaining access through the opercular plates of B. glandula.Behavioral changes in A. spirata as snails pass from satiation to hunger translate into an energetic disadvantage during feeding for hungry snails for two reasons. First, higher prey handling times result in a decreased rate of biomass intake. Second, alteration in the relative attack frequency between barnacle species, combined with a decrease in attack success on the more profitable prey leads to more frequent ingestion of the less profitable prey.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore differences in dietary specialization across two foraging modes (benthic v. surface‐drift foraging) of stream‐dwelling brown trout Salmo trutta. The degree of inter‐individual niche variation within each foraging mode was high, but the dietary specialization was maintained between foraging modes. This study supports the view that if aquatic invertebrates are more abundant and accessible than surface prey, the individuals will not specialize on surface prey (surface‐drift foraging).  相似文献   

Optimal foraging theory assumes that predators use different prey types to maximize their rate of energetic gain. Studies focusing on prey preference are important sources of information to understand the foraging dynamics of Chrysomya albiceps. The purpose of this investigation is to determine the influence of larval starvation in C. albiceps on the predation rate of different prey blowfly species and instars under laboratory conditions. Our results suggest that C. albiceps prefers Cochliomyia macellaria larvae to Chrysomya megacephala under non-starvation and starvation conditions. Nevertheless, predators gained more weight consuming C. macellaria. This result suggests that C. albiceps profit more in consuming C. macellaria rather than C. megacephala. The foraging behaviour displayed by C. abiceps on their prey and the consequences for the blowfly community are also discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of foraging experiences on the residence time of Neoseiulus womersleyi in a currently inhabited prey (Tetranychus urticae) patch. Satiated predators that had experienced starvation stayed longer in a current patch than those that had not experienced starvation. Satiated predators that had experienced a prey-rich patch showed approximately the same residence time in the current patch irrespective of the number of prey therein. By contrast, satiated predators that had experienced a prey-poor patch stayed longer in a current patch of high prey density than in one of low prey density. N. womersleyi appears to determine residence time in the current patch based on foraging experiences together with the quantity of prey in the current patch.  相似文献   

Jacobs DS  Barclay RM  Walker MH 《Oecologia》2007,152(3):583-594
The peak echolocation frequency of insectivorous bats generally declines as body size increases. However, there are notable exceptions to this rule, with some species, such as Rhinolophus clivosus, having a higher than expected peak frequency for their body size. Such deviations from allometry may be associated with partitioning of foraging habitat (the foraging habitat hypothesis) or insect prey (the prey detection hypothesis). Alternatively, the deviations may be associated with the partitioning of sonar frequency bands to allow effective communication in a social context (the acoustic communication hypothesis). We tested the predictions of these hypotheses through comparisons at the family, clade and species level, using species of rhinolophids in general and R. clivosus, a species with a wide distribution, as a specific test case. We compared the wing parameters, echolocation frequency and ecology of R. clivosus to those of the sympatric R. capensis. Rhinolophus clivosus has a much higher echolocation frequency than predicted from its wing loading or body mass. Furthermore, contrary to the predictions of the foraging habitat hypothesis, we found no difference in foraging habitat between R. clivosus and R. capensis. The size range of insect prey taken by the two species also overlapped almost completely, contrary to the prey detection hypothesis. On the other hand, the variation of echolocation frequencies around the allometric relationship for rhinolophids was smaller than that for Myotis spp., supporting the prediction of the acoustic communication hypothesis. We thus propose that the relatively high peak frequency of R. clivosus is the result of partitioning of sonar frequency bands to minimize the ambiguity of echolocation calls during social interactions.  相似文献   

Perillus bioculatus(F.) is sometimes considered a generalist but has most often been recorded as predator of Colorado potato beetle (CPB),Leptinotarsa decemlineata.(Say). This study was designed to analyze prey selection inP. bioculatuswith respect to factors that may lead to specialization. To establish if parental prey determines preference in na?̈ve progeny, prey selection experiments were conducted with the CPB and two unusual prey, the yellow mealwormTenebrio molitor(L.) and the house cricketAcheta domesticus(L.). Na?̈ve nymphs reared from yellow mealworm-fed parents in the absence of contact with the CPB initiated feeding more frequently on CPB (81.4%) than on cricket prey (69.6%) (P = 0.038), suggesting genetically inheritable preference for CPB. Progeny from CPBfed parents initiated feeding more frequently on CPB prey (93.3%) than on yellow mealworm prey (76.6%) (P = 0.0001), but progeny from yellow mealwormfed parents initiated feeding on yellow mealworm prey as frequently (89.2%) as on CPB (95.0%) (P = 0.613). Similarly, progeny from CPB-fed parents established proboscis contact more frequently on CPB (39.2%) than on house cricket prey (25.0%) (P = 0.008), whereas those from cricket-fed parents probed house cricket prey as frequently (12.5%) as CPB prey (15.4%) (P = 0.416). Results confirm specialization ofP. bioculatustoward CPB or related prey and suggest genetically inheritable as well as maternally reinforcible affinity toward CPB prey. However, affinity of na?̈ve nymphs for the CPB can be lowered by rearing parents on alternative prey, increasing their chances of survival when alternative prey must be relied upon.  相似文献   

Prey utilization by the generalist predator Coleomegilla maculata lengi Timb. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of three sympatric lepidopterous species was quantified in relation with prey size (age) and prey species. Based on optimal foraging theory, we argued that costs associated with the utilization of small and large prey are higher than those of intermediate prey size. As a result, we expected a higher prey consumption rate on intermediate prey size leading to a convex prey consumption curve. Laboratory experiments showed that, within a given prey instar, Coleomegilla maculata lengi preyed more on Plutella xylostella (L.) compared to Artogeia rapae (L.) and Trichoplusia ni (Hübner). Generally, prey consumption rate by Coleomegilla maculata lengi on the three prey species decreased with increasing immature prey size (age). The predation efficacy of Coleomegilla maculata lengi adults and fourth instar larvae was higher compared to younger coccinellids (L2). Although, Coleomegilla maculata lengi showed a higher level of predation on smaller immature prey, we demonstrated that it is not the optimal size range for this predator. As predicted, prey weight consumption rate by Coleomegilla maculata lengi was higher at intermediate prey size leading to a convex prey utilization curve. The beneficial impact of Coleomegilla maculata lengi predation on the host plant was also estimated by using a Protection Index that considers the differential predation caused by the coccinellids and the relative importance of each pest species in terms of plant injury. Coleomegilla maculata lengi has a more significant beneficial impact when it preys on T. ni immatures.  相似文献   

Maximizing the average rate of energy intake (profitability) may not always be the optimal foraging strategy for ectotherms with relatively low energy requirements. To test this hypothesis, we studied the feeding behaviour of captive insectivorous lizards Psammodromus algirus, and we obtained experimental estimates of prey mass, handling time, profitability, and attack distance for several types of prey. Handling time increased linearly with prey mass and differed significantly among prey types when prey size differences were controlled for, and mean profitabilities differed among prey taxa, but profitability was independent of prey size. The attack distance increased with prey length and with the mobility of prey, but it was unrelated to profitability. Thus, lizards did not seem to take account of the rate of energy intake per second as a proximate cue eliciting predatory behavior. This information was combined with pitfall-trap censuses of prey (in late April, mid-June and late July) that allowed us to compare the mass of the prey captured in the environment with that of the arthropods found in the stomachs of sacrificed free-living lizards. In April, when food abundance was low and lizards were reproducing, profitability had a pronounced effect on size selection and lizards selected prey larger than average from all taxa except the least profitable ones. As the active season progressed, and with a higher availability of food, the number of prey per stomach decreased and their mean ize increased. The effect of profitability on size selection decreased (June) and eventually vanished (July–August). This variation is probably related to seasonal changes in the ecology of lizards, e.g. time minimization in the breeding season as a means of saving time for nonforaging activities versus movement minimization by selecting fewer (but larger) prey in the postbreeding season. Thus, the hypothesis that maximizing profitability could be just an optional strategy for a terrestrial ectothermic vertebrate was supported by our data.  相似文献   

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