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The role of complementary spectral utilization of light for the zonation of different groups of oxygenic phototrophic organisms in sediments was studied. The marine sediment was covered by a dense population of diatoms with an underlying population of cyanobacteria. Action spectra for photosynthesis and spectral scalar irradiance, E0, were measured directly in the sediment at a spatial resolution of 0.1 mm by the use of oxygen and light microsensors. The action spectrum for the diatoms was similar to the attenuation spectrum of the scalar irradiance, K0, in the diatom layer with Chl.a. and carotenoids being the major photosynthetic pigments. The action spectrum of the cyanobacteria showed photosynthesis maxima at the absorption regions of Chl.a. and phycocyanin. The measured depth distribution of spectral scalar irradiance and the action spectra of diatoms and cyanobacteria were used to calculate the spectral quality for photosynthesis of the 400–700 nm light to which the two populations were exposed. This spectral quality was compared to that of the light incident on the sediment surface. Due to preferential extinction of wavelengths, at which their photosynthetically active pigments had maximal absorption, the relative light quality for diatoms was reduced to 85% of the quality of d incident light at a similar total quantum flux. This effect was partly due to spectral alterations of light backscattered from the underlying sediment with cyanobacteria. The cyanobacteria at the bottom of the euphotic zone, in contrast, experienced a light spectrum which was favorably altered, to 10% in quality, due to absorption by the overlying diatoms. It was concluded that these changes in spectral light quality can be considered as only one of more factors explaining the zonation of the two phototrophic populations, and that total light intensity and the chemical microenvironment are probably more important factors.  相似文献   

Armitage AR  Fong P 《Oecologia》2004,139(4):560-567
We evaluated the effects of nutrient addition on interactions between the benthic microalgal community and a dominant herbivorous gastropod, Cerithidea californica (California horn snail), on tidal flats in Mugu Lagoon, southern California, USA. We crossed snail and nutrient (N and P) addition treatments in enclosures on two tidal flats varying from 71 to 92% sand content in a temporally replicated experiment (summer 2000, fall 2000, spring 2001). Diatom biomass increased slightly (~30%) in response to nutrient treatments but was not affected by snails. Blooms of cyanobacteria (up to 200%) and purple sulfur bacteria (up to 400%) occurred in response to nutrient enrichment, particularly in the sandier site, but only cyanobacterial biomass decreased in response to snail grazing. Snail mortality was 2–5 times higher in response to nutrient addition, especially in the sandier site, corresponding to a relative increase in cyanobacterial biomass. Nutrient-related snail mortality occurred only in the spring and summer, when the snails were most actively feeding on the microalgal community. Inactive snails in the fall showed no response to nutrient-induced cyanobacterial growths. This study demonstrated strongly negative upward cascading effects of nutrient enrichment through the food chain. The strength of this upward cascade was closely linked to sediment type and microalgal community composition.  相似文献   

A comparative study on the effects of photon flux density and spectral quality on photosynthesis and respiration in the marine red alga Porphyra yezoensis Ueda was conducted using a light dispenser. Results showed that the photosynthetic response, expressed in light utilization efficiency (LUE) for preselected wave bands of photosynthetically active radiation, could be ranked as follows: white > green > red > blue. Differences in LUE were also found between conchocelis and gametophyte stages and different strains of the alga. Pre-illumination light compensation, post-illumination light compensation, light saturation, respiration and photorespiration were also measured and compared. The relationships between light exposure, photosynthetic capacity, and the natural environmental conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

River environments are characterized by extreme spatial and temporal variation in the physical environment. The relationship of fish assemblages to environmental variation is poorly understood in many systems. In Chile zonation patterns of fish assemblages have been documented in several Andean river drainages. Coastal river drainages are comparatively small, but inordinately important because of their highly endemic flora and fauna and their proximity to major human populations. For conservation purposes it is important to understand what environmental factors affect assemblage structure of fishes especially in the comparatively high diversity coastal drainages. We studied patterns of fish distribution and abundance in three rivers of the coastal, Andalien drainage near Concepción, Chile. We used multi-dimensional scaling analyses to compare patterns among zones (rithron, transition and potamon) and high and low flow seasons. Species assemblages differed by zone, but not with season. Assemblages consisted of nested subsets of species characterized by their range of distribution among zones. One species group was composed of widespread species that occurred in all three zones, another species group consisted of species found only in transitional and potamal zones, and a final group was comprised of species found only in the potamal zone. The potamal zone contained the most diverse and abundant fish assemblage. Fish assemblages were related to both water quality and habitat structure variables. This study suggests that the key to conserving the diversity of native fish communities in coastal Chilean rivers is in the conservation of potamal regions. Unfortunately, most protected areas in Chile are in the depauperate headwaters of drainages. Protection of only headwaters is clearly inadequate and will not contribute to the conservation of this unique freshwater fish fauna.  相似文献   

Reduced light availability for benthic primary producers as a result of anthropogenic activities may be an important driver of change in coastal seas. However, our knowledge of the minimum light requirements for benthic macroalgae limits our understanding of how these changes may affect primary productivity and the functioning of coastal ecosystems. This knowledge gap is particularly acute in deeper water, where the impacts of increased light attenuation will be most severe. We examined the minimum light requirements of Anotrichium crinitum, which dominates near the maximum depth limit for macroalgae throughout New Zealand and Southern Australia, and is a functional analog of rhodophyte macroalgae in temperate low‐light (deep‐water) habitats throughout the world. These data show that A. crinitum is a shade‐adapted seaweed with modest light requirements for the initiation of net photosynthesis (1.49–2.25 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1) and growth (0.12–0.19 mol photons · m?2 · d?1). A. crinitum maintains high photosynthetic efficiency and pigment content and a low C:N ratio throughout the year and can maintain biomass under sub‐compensation (critical) light levels for at least 5 d. Nevertheless, in situ photon flux is less than the minimum light requirement for A. crinitum on at least 103 d per annum and is rarely sufficient to saturate growth. These findings reinforce the importance of understanding the physiological response of macroalgae at the extremes of environmental gradients and highlight the need to establish minimum thresholds that modification of the subtidal light environment should not cross.  相似文献   

Elemental stoichiometry and organic composition were investigated in an Adriatic strain of Skeletonema marinoi, cultured at 25 [low light (LL)] and 250 [high light (HL)]µmol photon m?2 s?1. Inorganic carbon acquisition, fixation and allocation, and silicic acid and orthophosphate uptake were also studied. The C : P ratio was below the Redfield ratio, especially at LL. In HL cells, N quota was halved, C quota was similar, silica quota was lower, growth rate and long‐term net primary productivity were almost doubled, relative to LL cells. The HL : LL cell quota ratios were 6 for lipid, 0.5 for protein and 0.4 for carbohydrate. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPc) and glutamine synthetase (GS) activities were unaffected by the growth irradiance; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPck) was 2.5‐fold more active in LL cells. This suggests that in S. marinoi, C4 photosynthesis is unlikely, PEPc is anaplerotic and PEPck may be involved in the conversion of lipid C to carbohydrates, especially in LL cells. Because about 50% of the cost for the production of an HL cell is caused by lipid biosynthesis, we propose that the preferential allocation of C to lipid at HL takes advantage of the relatively high volume‐based energy content of lipids, in an organism that reduces its size at each vegetative cell division.  相似文献   

In the past, enumeration of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) by cultivation-based methods generally contradicted measurements of sulphate reduction, suggesting unrealistically high respiration rates per cell. Here, we report evidence that quantification of SRB rRNA by slot-blot hybridization is a valuable tool for a more realistic assessment of SRB abundance in the natural environment. The distribution of SRB was investigated in a coastal marine sediment by hybridization of membrane-immobilized rRNA with oligonucleotide probes. As represented by general probe-target groups, SRB rRNA contributed between 18% and 25% to the prokaryotic rRNA pool. The dominant SRB were related to complete oxidizing genera (Desulphococcus, Desulphosarcina and Desulphobacterium), while Desulphobacter could not be detected. The vertical profile and quantity of rRNA from SRB was compared with sulphate reduction rates (SRR) measured with 35SO4(2-) tracer in whole-core incubations. While SRB abundance was highest near the surface, peaking at around 1.5 cm, measured sulphate reduction rates were lowest in this region. A second peak of SRB rRNA was observed at the transition zone from oxidized to reduced sediment, directly above the sulphate reduction maximum. Cell numbers calculated by converting the relative contribution of SRB rRNA to the percentage of DAPI-stained cells indicated a population size for SRB of 2.4-6.1 x 10(8) cells cm(-3) wet sediment. Cellular sulphate reduction rates calculated on the basis of these estimated cell numbers were between 0.01 and 0.09 fmol SO4(2-) cell(-1) day(-1), which is below the rates that have been determined for pure cultures (0.2-50 fmol SO4(2-) cell(-1) day(-1)) growing exponentially at nearoptimal temperature with a surplus of substrates.  相似文献   

The distribution of denitrification activity in a coastal marine sediment was determined by the acetylene inhibition technique and compared to concentration profiles of NO3-, NO2-, NO, and N2O. The bulk of the denitrification activity was associated with the accumulation of NO3- in the oxidized surface zone of the sediment, but a secondary denitrification zone was occasionally found in the deeper layers where oxidized patches had been introduced by the burrowing activity of the macrofauna. Maxima of NO and N2O were not associated with the peak activity of denitrification in the surface zone but were located at the lower edge of the activity profile. Significant accumulation of NO was found at the redox transition zone towards the deeper, sulfide-rich layers.  相似文献   

Summary Our objective was to evaluate the physiological response of Fischerella ambigua FS18 to the combined influence of pH (5, 7 and 9) and light intensity (3 and 300 μmol photon m−2 s−1). Growth rates were similar at pH 9 and pH 7. There was no growth at pH 5. Increasing light intensity did not have any considerable influence on growth rates. Chlorophyll concentration was higher at pH 7 at all light intensities. Chlorophyll concentration decreased with increasing light intensity from 3 to 300 μmol photon m−2 s−1. Synthesis of the phycobiliproteins (PBP), phycocyanin (PC) and allophycocyanin (APC) had the highest rate in pH 7. Increasing irradiance decreased the concentrations of all PBPs. The light-saturated photosynthetic rate was clearly higher at high light intensity. With respect to nitrogenase activity, the highest rate was at pH 9 and 300 μmol photon m−2 s−1. Irradiance did not affect significantly this activity at pH 7. This cyanobacterium seems to be alkalophilic with maximum nitrogenase activity and photosynthesis at pH 9. It can also adapt its photosynthetic apparatus to the variable factors that are found in rice fields.  相似文献   

滨海盐渍化土壤中蓝细菌多样性及分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】蓝细菌在贫瘠土壤的固氮、固碳中发挥着重要作用,然而土壤盐渍化对蓝细菌多样性及群落结构的影响还不清楚。本研究以莱州湾南岸及黄河口海水入侵盐渍化土壤为例,研究蓝细菌的多样性、群落结构及丰度沿盐度梯度的分布情况。【方法】利用自动核糖体间隔基因分析(ARISA)技术与群落相似性分析(ANOSIM)探究蓝细菌群落的差异与空间分布格局;通过16S rRNA基因克隆文库、测序与系统进化分析解析了3个典型盐度梯度样品中蓝细菌的群落组成;实时定量PCR测定蓝细菌16S rRNA拷贝数(丰度);BEST多元分析探寻影响蓝细菌分布的主要环境因子。【结果】蓝细菌在莱州湾南岸盐土中分布广泛,其群落结构在低(0.63%?1.27%)、中(1.55%?2.00%)、高盐度(2.39%?5.11%)样品组之间差异显著(P=0.03),而在不同含水量样品组间则不显著(P=0.09)。总体来看,群落结构主要受土壤盐度与含水量这两个因子联合控制(P=0.02)。低盐样品中蓝细菌多样性和丰富度最低,并以Halomicronema和Acaryochloris为优势类群。Leptolyngbya在中、高盐土中占优势。Arthrospira与Geitlerinema仅在低盐土中检测到,而Oscillatoria则仅出现在高盐土中。随盐度升高蓝细菌丰度呈下降趋势,低盐土样中蓝细菌丰度(2.14×105 copies/g干土)显著高于中盐土(1.25×105 copies/g干土)(P<0.05);高盐度土为1.20×105 copies/g干土。【结论】盐渍化程度是调控莱州湾南岸滨海土壤中蓝细菌群落结构与丰度的最重要环境因子,可能对滨海土壤微生物碳氮循环产生重要影响。  相似文献   

Abstract The cyanobacterium Oscillatoria agardhii was grown in turbidostat cultures with the light energy supply in either the continuous mode or in the pulsed mode (8/16 h light/dark (L/D) cycle). The light irradiance value used was sufficient to allow the maximal growth rate to be attained, when supplied continuously. Adaptation of O. agardhii to the L/D cycle was characterized by an increase in pigment content and photosynthetic performance, accompanied by a decrease in growth rate. This mode of adaptation resembled the adaptation of O. agardhii to continuous low light intensities. It is suggested that in this case the L/D cycle provokes this adaptation in order to allow the cells to accumulate carbohydrate rapidly during the light period. This was attributed to the storage of polyglucose, which served as a carbon and energy source for growth in the dark. The utilization of polyglucose in the dark was able to sustain the synthesis of all other cell components at the same rate as when cells were growing in the light. The growth yield in the dark, whilst metabolizing internally stored polyglucose, was 0.52 g cell C/g polyglucose C, or 0.62 g cell dry weight/g polyglucose. Although in the pulsed mode there is a 66% loss in light irradiance per 24 h when compared with a continuous light regime, the growth rate of the cyanobacteria grown in the pulsed mode was only 35% lower than the growth rate of a culture grown in continuous light. This can be explained by a high growth yield in the dark and by increased CO2 fixation rates in the light of cells grown in the pulsed mode.  相似文献   

Plantlets of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) cvs. Atlantic, Berkeley and Elizabeth, were exposed in vitro to radiation of different spectral compositions obtained by filtering the cool-white light with either 2 types of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) layers or glass and different photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD, ranging from 10 to 180 μmol m-2 s-1). Red colour of leaves was the first response to the light treatments: after 14 d under unfiltered light, the shoots exposed to higher PPFD showed dramatic reddening of leaves and sprouts, especially in cv. Atlantic; cutting wavelengths shorter than 520 nm (no-B-PMMA filter) prevented those effects. On average, cv. Atlantic yielded the highest number of shoots per explant (10.4), followed by cv. Elizabeth (9.1) and cv. Berkeley (6.5). No-B-PMMA increased the proliferation rate in all the 3 genotypes, especially in cv. Atlantic. On the other hand, cutting wavelengths between 650 and 760 nm (no-R-PMMA filter) generally depressed the proliferation rate. No-B-PMMA induced remarkable changes in the morphology of the shoots - more elongate leaves and longer internodes - especially in cv. Atlantic. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The zonation and structure of phototrophic microbial mats were studied along two thermal gradients in sulfide-rich hot springs of southwest Iceland. The green, filamentous bacteriumChloroflexus and the unicellular, high-temperature form (HTF) ofMastigocladus formed mats growing up to a temperature limit of 62–66°C. The dominant phototrophs wereChloroflexus sp.,Mastigocladus laminosus, andPhormidium laminosum, respectively, at the three temperature intervals: >60°C, 60°C to 55–50°C, and <55–50°C. AChloroflexus mat growing at 60°C under 60M H2S was anoxic in the light with the exception of a 0.5 mm thick band of HTFMastigocladus which produced oxygen. The oxygenic photosynthesis of these H2S-sensitive cyanobacteria was probably dependent on a preceding sulfide depletion by the anoxygenicChloroflexus. Measurements of spectral radiance gradients with a fiberoptic microprobe showed maximum light attenuation by carotenoids and bacteriochlorophyllC. AM. laminosus mat growing at 52°C was oxic throughout and showed maximum light attenuation by carotenoids, chlorophyllA, and phycocyanin, but no detectable phycoerythrocyanin absorption.  相似文献   

When cells of Synechocystis strain PCC 6308 are starved for nitrogen, the amount of stored carbohydrate increases, the phycocyanin to chlorophyll a ratio decreases, and the rates of oxygen evolution and of carbon dioxide fixation decrease. When nitrate-nitrogen is replenished, the amount of carbohydrate decreases, the rate of oxygen evolution increases immediately, preceeding the increase in phycocyanin or carbon dioxide fixation. The rate of respiration first increases and then decreases upon nitrogen addition. Nitrogen-starved cells show no variable fluorescence; variable fluorescence recovered in parallel with oxygen evolution. This suggests that photosystem II is inactive in nitrogen depleted cells and not blocked by a build up of metabolic endproducts. Since carbon dioxide fixation does not increase until two to four hours after nitrate is replenished to nitrogen starved cells, it is suggested that reducing power may first be needed within the cell for some other process than photosynthesis, such as nitrate reduction.  相似文献   

Twenty-two common British angiosperms were examined for their ability to acclimate photosynthetically to sun and shade conditions. Plants were grown under low irradiance, far-red enriched light (50 μmol m?2 s?1), selected to mimic as closely as possible natural canopy shade, and moderately high light of insufficient irradiance to induce photoinhibitory or photoprotective responses (300 μmol m?2 s?1). Light-and CO2-saturated photosynthetic rates of oxygen evolution (Pmax) and chlorophyll content were measured. Large variation was found in both parameters, and two ‘strategies’ for long-term acclimation were identified: firstly a change in chlorophyll per unit leaf area which was found to correlate positively with photosynthetic capacity, and secondly changes in chlorophyll alb ratio and Pmax, indicative of alterations at the chloroplast level, which were not associated with a change in chlorophyll content per unit leaf area. Combinations of these two strategies may occur, giving rise to the observed diversity in photosynthetic acclimation. The extent and nature of photosynthetic acclimation were compared with an index of shade association, calculated from the association each species has with woodland. It was found that the greatest flexibility for change at the chloroplast level was found in those species possessing an intermediate shade association, whilst acclimation in ‘sun’ species proceeded by a change in chlorophyll content; obligate shade species showed little capacity for acclimation at either the chloroplast or leaf level. A framework for explaining the variation between plant species in leaf-level photosynthetic capacity, in relation to the natural light environment, is presented. This is the first time the potential for light acclimation of photosynthesis in different plant species has been satisfactorily linked to habitat distribution.  相似文献   

The light utilization efficiency and relative photon requirement of photosynthesis in pulsed and continuous light from light emitting diodes (LEDs) has been measured. First, we chacterized the photon requirement of photosynthesis from light of LEDs that differ in spectral quality. A photon requirement of 10.3±0.4 was measured using light from a 658 nm peak wavelength (22 nm half band width) LED over the range of 0–50 mol photons m–2 s–1 in 2 kPa O2 in leaves of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., cv. VF36). Because the conversion of electrical power to photons increased with wavelength, LED lamps with peak photon output of 668 nm were most efficient for converting electricity to photosynthetically fixed carbon. The effect of pulsed irradiation on photosynthesis was then measured. When all of the light to make the equivalent of 50 mol photons m–2 s–1 was provided during 1.5 s pulses of 5000 mol photons m–2 s–1 followed by 148.5 s dark periods, photosynthesis was the same as in continuous 50 mol photons m–2 s–1. When the pulse light and dark periods were lengthened to 200 s and 19.8 ms, respectively, photosynthesis was reduced, although the averaged photon flux density was unchanged. Under these conditions, the light pulses delivered 1017 photons m–2, which we calculate to be equivalent to the capacitance of PS I or PS II. Data support the theory that photons in pulses of 100 s or shorter are absorbed and stored in the reaction centers to be used in electron transport during the dark period. When light/dark pulses were lengthened to 2 ms light and 198 ms dark, net photosynthesis was reduced to half of that measured in continuous light. Pigments of the xanthophyll cycle were not affected by any of these pulsed light treatments even though zeaxanthin formation occurred when leaves were forced to dissipate an equal amount of continuous light.Abbreviations CWF cool white fluorescent - EPS xanthophyll epoxidation state - LED light emitting diode - LUE light utilization efficiency - PFD photon flux density - PR photon requirement (for CO2 fixation) - PS II primary donor in Photosystem II - RPR relative photon requirement  相似文献   

Variation in light demand is a major factor in determining the growth and survival of trees in a forest. There is strong relation between the light‐demand and the effect of growth irradiance on leaf morphology and photosynthesis in three Acer species: A. rufinerve (light‐demanding), A. mono (intermediate) and A. palmatum (shade‐tolerant). The increase in mesophyll thickness and surface area of chloroplasts facing the intercellular airspaces (Sc) with growth irradiance was highest in A. rufinerve. Although the increase in light‐saturated photosynthesis (Amax) was similar among the species, the increase in water use efficiency (WUE) was much higher in A. rufinerve than that in the other species, indicating that the response to water limitation plays an important role in leaf photosynthetic acclimation to high light in A. rufinerve. The low CO2 partial pressure at the carboxylation site (Cc) in A. rufinerve (130 µmol mol?1) at high irradiance was caused by low stomatal and internal conductance to CO2 diffusion, which minimized the increase in Amax in A. rufinerve despite its high Rubisco content. Under shade conditions, interspecific differences in leaf features were relatively small. Thus, difference in light demand related to leaf acclimation to high light rather than that to low light in the Acer species.  相似文献   

Nitrate flux between sediment and water, nitrate concentration profile at the sediment-water interface, and in situ sediment denitrification activity were measured seasonally at the innermost part of Tokyo Bay, Japan. For the determination of sediment nitrate concentration, undisturbed sediment cores were sectioned into 5-mm depth intervals and each segment was stored frozen at -30 degrees C. The nitrate concentration was determined for the supernatants after centrifuging the frozen and thawed sediments. Nitrate in the uppermost sediment showed a remarkable seasonal change, and its seasonal maximum of up to 400 microM was found in October. The directions of the diffusive nitrate fluxes predicted from the interfacial concentration gradients were out of the sediment throughout the year. In contrast, the directions of the total nitrate fluxes measured by the whole-core incubation were into the sediment at all seasons. This contradiction between directions indicates that a large part of the nitrate pool extracted from the frozen surface sediments is not a pore water constituent, and preliminary examinations demonstrated that the nitrate was contained in the intracellular vacuoles of filamentous sulfur bacteria dwelling on or in the surface sediment. Based on the comparison between in situ sediment denitrification activity and total nitrate flux, it is suggested that intracellular nitrate cannot be directly utilized by sediment denitrification, and the probable fate of the intracellular nitrate is hypothesized to be dissimilatory reduction to ammonium. The presence of nitrate-accumulating sulfur bacteria therefore may lower nature's self-purification capacity (denitrification) and exacerbate eutrophication in shallow coastal marine environments.  相似文献   

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