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Stimulation of fatty acid synthesis by oestradiol in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

RNA from testes of hypophysectomized rats treated with follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone markedly stimulates in vitro the incorporation of acetate and malonate (as CoA derivatives) into polyunsaturated fatty acids. The system in vitro contains the components necessary for both protein and fatty acid synthesis. That the RNA is a hormone-induced messenger type that causes enzyme synthesis that then causes fatty acid synthesis is supported by the following observations: (1) the stimulation of RNA synthesis by follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone is decreased by injection of the animals with actinomycin D; (2) puromycin in the system in vitro decreases the synthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acids; (3) the activity of the RNA preparation is destroyed by digestion with ribonuclease; in fact, the digest is inhibitory, which is a characteristic of messenger-RNA-mediated protein synthesis; (4) protein that might be denatured enzyme is virtually absent from the effective RNA preparations.  相似文献   

Acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthetase are the two major enzymes involved in the synthesis of fatty acids in animals. The activities of both enzymes are affected by nutritional manipulations. Although acetyl-CoA carboxylase is considered generally to be the rate-limiting step in lipogenesis, there is evidence that suggests that fatty acid synthetase may become rate limiting under certain conditions. The principal support for the view that acetyl-CoA carboxylase is the rate-limiting enzyme for lipogenesis is that the activity of the enzyme is controlled by allosteric effectors that change the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme. Until recently, the only known control of fatty acid synthetase was through changes in rate of enzyme synthesis. Data are reviewed that show that fatty acid synthetase can exist in forms possessing different catalytic activities. Thus fatty acid synthetase appears to be subject to the type of control necessary for an enzyme to serve as a regulator of the rate of a biological process over a short term.  相似文献   

1. The importance of fatty acid synthesis as a pathway for the disposal of ingested glucose has been evaluated in rats and mice given a purified diet high in glucose and low in fat. [U-14C]Glucose was either added to the diet and fed for 24hr. or given by stomach tube as a 250mg. (mice) or 1000mg. (rats) meal. The two methods of isotope administration gave similar results. 2. Under the conditions employed fatty acid synthesis appeared to be a more important pathway for glucose disposal in mice than in rats. In mice 15·3% of ingested [U-14C]glucose was converted into fatty acid and in rats the corresponding value was 8·6%. In contrast, the conversion of [U-14C]glucose into cholesterol, as a percentage of dose, was twice as high in rats as in mice. 3. The effect of 20% of corn oil in the diet on the conversion of dietary [U-14C]glucose into fat was also investigated. Mice given diets containing 1% or 20% of corn oil converted 14·6% or 7·0% respectively of dietary [U-14C]glucose into fatty acid over a 24hr. period. There was no effect of fat on the incorporation of the isotope into cholesterol. 4. In mice given diets containing 1% or 20% of corn oil approx. 10% and 2% respectively of newly synthesized fatty acids were found in the liver. Hepatic fatty acid synthesis appears to be more sensitive to dietary fat than is extrahepatic synthesis.  相似文献   

The concentrations of malonyl-CoA, citrate, ketone bodies and long-chain acylcarnitine were measured in freeze-clamped liver samples from fed or starved normal, partially hepatectomized or sham-operated rats. These parameters were used in conjunction with measurements of the concentration of plasma non-esterified fatty acids and the rates of hepatic lipogenesis to obtain correlations between rates of fatty acid delivery to the liver, lipogenesis and fatty acid oxidation to ketone bodies and CO2. These correlations indicated that the development of fatty liver after partial hepatectomy is due to an increased partitioning of long-chain acyl-CoA towards acylglycerol synthesis and away from acylcarnitine formation. However, this did not appear to be due to an altered relationship between hepatic malonyl-CoA concentration and acylcarnitine formation. For any concentration of long-chain acylcarnitine, the concentrations of both hepatic and blood ketone bodies were significantly lower in partially hepatectomized rats than in normal or sham-operated animals. This indicated that a lower proportion of the product of beta-oxidation was used for ketone-body formation and more for citrate synthesis in the regenerating liver, especially during the first 24 h after resection. This inference was supported by the changes in hepatic citrate concentrations observed. The high rates of lipogenesis that occurred in the liver remnant were accompanied by an altered relationship between lipogenic rate and hepatic malonyl-CoA concentration, such that much lower concentrations of malonyl-CoA were associated with any given rate of lipogenesis. These adaptations are discussed in relation to the requirements by the remnant for high rates of energy formation through the tricarboxylic acid cycle during the first 24 h after resection, and the possibility that cycling between fatty acid oxidation and synthesis may occur to a greater degree in regenerating liver.  相似文献   

The newly hatched chick obtains its fatty acids almost completely from the lipids of the egg yolk as these are transferred to the developing embryo during its 21-day period of incubation. Since the diet of the laying hen greatly influences the fatty acid composition of the egg lipids, and presumably also the fatty acid composition of the resulting chick, we tested how quickly and to what extent varying the amount of n-3 fatty acids in the diet of the hen would modulate the level of n-3 fatty acids in the brain and retina of the newly hatched chick. White Leghorn hens were fed commercial or semi-purified diets supplemented with 10% fish oil, linseed oil, soy oil, or safflower oil. Eggs, together with the brain, retina, and serum of newly hatched chicks, were then analyzed for fatty acid composition. The fatty acids of egg yolk responded quickly to the hen's diet with most of the change occurring by 4 weeks. There was a linear relationship between the linolenic acid content of the diets and levels of this fatty acid in egg yolk and chick serum. In chicks from hens fed the fish oil diet, the total n-3 fatty acids, including 22:6(n-3), were elevated twofold in the brain and retina and sevenfold in serum relative to commercial diet controls. The safflower oil diet led to a very low n-3 fatty acid content in egg yolks and only 25% of the control n-3 fatty acid content in the brain and retina of chicks.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthetase activity in chick embryonic liver is negligible compared to that in newly hatched, fed chicks. The enzyme activity is prematurely induced 5–50-fold in 20-day-old embryos and in newly hatched chicks by the administration of insulin, hydrocortisone, growth hormone, glucagon or dibutyryl cyclic AMP. The induction of the enzyme activity is blocked by the administration of cycloheximide, indicating that new protein synthesis is required. Immunochemical titrations of different enzyme preparations from 5-day-old chicks, adult chicken and various inducer-treated embryos gave an identical equivalence point, indicating that the changes in synthetase activity after hormonal induction in embryos are related entirely to changes in content of enzyme. The increase in liver synthetase content after administration of insulin, glucagon or dibutyryl cyclic AMP is directly related to an increase in the rate of synthetase synthesis. The induction of the synthetase activity by suboptimal doses of glucagon or cyclic AMP is potentiated by the phosphodiesterase inhibitory theophylline. There is a very rapid decay of synthetase activity, with a half-life of about 4 h after elevation to higher levels following administration of insulin, glucagon or dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Glucagon and dibutyryl cyclic AMP induction of the synthetase activity is observed early in the embryonic development, whereas insulin induction is noted 2 days before hatching. Insulin, glucagon and cyclic AMP are potentially capable of altering the levels of glycolytic intermediates which may be involved in the induction of synthetase.  相似文献   

The general morphology of the mucous gland cell and the nature of the secretory granule in esophageal glands of the newly hatched chick have been described. Lightly basophilic supporting cells, attached to secretory cells by desmosomes and containing tonofilaments, are located on the basal lamina. Electron microscopic studies showed a morphological polarity of the Golgi complex which suggests that mucous precursors are transported from other sites within the cell to the Golgi complex for further packaging into secretory granules. Finally, acid mucopolysaccharides (AMPS) were specifically stained using the Thorotrast technique and not detected in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the transitional elements, or in the lamellae at the forming face of the Golgi complex. Conversely, AMPS are found in the vicinity of the mature face of the Golgi complex, and in the secretory granules. The acquisition of cytochemical reactivity for AMPS within the Golgi complex is discussed.  相似文献   

The hatching process is characterized by a range of adaptive changes, and a newly hatched chick is considered as an intermediate stage between prenatal and postnatal development. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the characteristic relationships between tissue-specific fatty acid composition and antioxidant protection in newly hatched chicks. Liver, yolk sac membrane, heart, kidney, lung, and four brain regions (cerebrum, cerebellum, stem, and optic lobes) were collected. Fatty acid composition of total lipids and phosphoglycerides, α-tocopherol, lutein, ascorbic acid, reduced glutathione, and the activities of Mn-and Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) and Se-dependent and non-Se-glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and catalase (CAT) were determined. The levels of Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn as well as tissue susceptibility to lipid peroxidation were also studied. The tissues of the newly hatched chick showed distinctive features in fatty acid profiles, antioxidant accumulation, and susceptibility to lipid peroxidation. The brain clearly displayed the greatest susceptibility to spontaneous and Fe-stimulated lipid peroxidation, was highly unsaturated and contained very low levels of vitamin E, no detectable carotenoids, low GSH-Px, and low CAT activity. At the same time, the brain was characterized by high ascorbic acid concentration and comparatively high SOD activity. It was suggested that in postnatal development, antioxidant enzymes presumably play the major role in antioxidant protection of the chick tissues.  相似文献   

The regulation of hypoxanthine transport activity by Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts grown in culture was examined in wild-type clones and 8-azaguanine-resistant mutant clones which lack hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase. Hypoxanthine transport activity increases with increased rates of cellular growth expressed as viable cell number, total cell protein, and DNA synthesis. The transport activity for hypoxanthine declines when the fibroblasts approach confluence or after exposure to cycloheximide or actinomycin D. In vivo incubation of either fibroblast subline with 100 μm dibutyryl cyclic AMP decreases transport activity over 50%, whereas exposure to 10 μm dibutyryl cyclic GMP increases hypoxanthine uptake by 40%. A synergistic effect is observed when fibroblasts are incubated with a phosphodiesterase inhibitor (3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine or theophylline) plus glucagon, an adenylate cyclase stimulator. Such additions result in a 70% decrease in the cellular transport capacity. Stimulation of hypoxanthine transport by 40% is observed following incubation with insulin. Addition of all agents produces maximum changes in the rate of hypoxanthine transport only after a 6-h in vivo incubation with the fibroblasts. These findings suggest that hypoxanthine transport is regulated by the intracellular concentration of cyclic nucleotides. This control may occur at the level of gene expression for a hypoxanthine transport protein.  相似文献   

Trypsin inhibitor and proteolytic activities were studied in incubated eggs, embryos, and newly hatched chicks. After rupture of the secondary seroamniotic suture at 11 days, the trypsin inhibitor content of the albumen gradually passes into the amniotic cavity; from there it is taken up orally by the chick embryo. It is supposed that between 11 and 18 days of embryonic development the trypsin inhibitor passes from the gut to the yolk sac through the vitellointestinal duct. The thin yolk contained only traces of trypsin inhibitor, and the allantoic fluid was entirely free from it. The amylase activity demonstrable in the liquid intestinal contents of the chick embryo indicates the presence of pancreatic secretion. The trypsin inhibitor probably suppresses the proteases not only directly, but also through prevention of the activation of zymogens. Enterocytes of chick embryos showed no morphological indication of the absorption of undigested proteins on histological examination. The cloacal membrane of the newly hatched chick ruptures shortly after the bird has dried up, and the trypsin inhibitor is subsequently eliminated along with the intestinal contents. The intestinal proteolytic enzymes appear immediately afterward. The proteolytic activity appeared regardless of whether the birds were or were not fed. Maximum proteolytic activity was measured in the small intestine of chicks that were fasted for 2 days after hatching. The pattern of proteolytic enzymes as well as their sensitivity to protease inhibitors did not notably differ from that of mammals.  相似文献   

The rate of lipogenesis in the liver was increased by glucose injection at birth, mediated by the insulin secretion. In addition, glucagon decreased the rates of lipogenesis and non-saponifiable-lipid synthesis after birth. These rates decreased after prolonged starvation in the newborn rat. Tri-iodothyronine injection increased the rates of lipogenesis enhanced in response to glucose administration after prolonged starvation in liver and brown adipose tissue. Dexamethasone, however, increased the rates of lipogenesis enhanced in response to glucose in liver and prevented the increase in the rates of lipogenesis in brown adipose tissue.  相似文献   

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