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In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae,heterochromatin structure is found at three chromosome regions,which are homothallic mating-type loci,rDNA regions and telomeres.To address how telomere heterochromatin is assembled under physiological conditions,we employed a de novo telomere addition system,and analyzed the dynamic chromatin changes of the TRP1 reporter gene during telomere elongation.We found that integrating a 255-bp,but not an 81-bp telomeric sequence near the TRP1 promoter could trigger Sir2 recruitment,active chromatin mark(s)' removal,chromatin compaction and TRP1 gene silencing,indicating that the length of the telomeric sequence inserted in the internal region of a chromosome is critical for determining the chromatin state at the proximal region.Interestingly,Rif1 but not Rif2 or yKu is indispensable for the formation of intra-chromosomal silent chromatin initiated by telomeric sequence.When an internal short telomeric sequence(e.g.,81 bp) gets exposed to become a de novo telomere,the herterochromatin features,such as Sir recruitment,active chromatin mark(s)' removal and chromatin compaction,are detected within a few hours before the de novo telomere reaches a stable length.Our results recapitulate the molecular dynamics and reveal a coherent picture of telomere heterochromatin formation.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination is important for the repair of double-strand breaks and daughter strand gaps, and also helps restart stalled and collapsed replication forks. However, sometimes recombination is inappropriate and can have deleterious consequences. To temper recombination, cells have employed DNA helicases that unwind joint DNA molecules and/or dissociate recombinases from DNA. Budding yeast Srs2 is one such helicase. It can act by dissociating Rad51 nucleoprotein filaments, and is required for channelling DNA lesions to the post-replication repair (PRR) pathway. Here we have investigated the role of Srs2 in controlling recombination in fission yeast. Similar to budding yeast, deletion of fission yeast srs2 results in hypersensitivity to a range of DNA damaging agents, rhp51-dependent hyper-recombination and synthetic sickness when combined with rqh1 that is suppressed by deleting rhp51, rhp55 or rhp57. Epistasis analysis indicates that Srs2 and the structure-specific endonuclease Mus81–Eme1 function in a sub-pathway of PRR for the tolerance/repair of UV-induced damage. However, unlike in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Srs2 is not required for channelling lesions to the PRR pathway in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In addition to acting as an antirecombinase, we also show that Srs2 can aid the recombinational repair of camptothecin-induced collapsed replication forks, independently of PRR.  相似文献   

RecA/Rad51 proteins are essential in homologous DNA recombination and catalyze the ATP-dependent formation of D-loops from a single-stranded DNA and an internal homologous sequence in a double-stranded DNA. RecA and Rad51 require a "recombination mediator" to overcome the interference imposed by the prior binding of single-stranded binding protein/replication protein A to the single-stranded DNA. Rad52 is the prototype of recombination mediators, and the human Rad52 protein has two distinct DNA-binding sites: the first site binds to single-stranded DNA, and the second site binds to either double- or single-stranded DNA. We previously showed that yeast Rad52 extensively stimulates Rad51-catalyzed D-loop formation even in the absence of replication protein A, by forming a 2:1 stoichiometric complex with Rad51. However, the precise roles of Rad52 and Rad51 within the complex are unknown. In the present study, we constructed yeast Rad52 mutants in which the amino acid residues corresponding to the second DNA-binding site of the human Rad52 protein were replaced with either alanine or aspartic acid. We found that the second DNA-binding site is important for the yeast Rad52 function in vivo. Rad51-Rad52 complexes consisting of these Rad52 mutants were defective in promoting the formation of D-loops, and the ability of the complex to associate with double-stranded DNA was specifically impaired. Our studies suggest that Rad52 within the complex associates with double-stranded DNA to assist Rad51-mediated homologous pairing.  相似文献   

Telomere maintenance and DNA repair are crucial processes that protect the genome against instability. RTEL1, an essential iron-sulfur cluster-containing helicase, is a dominant factor that controls telomere length in mice and is required for telomere integrity. In addition, RTEL1 promotes synthesis-dependent strand annealing to direct DNA double-strand breaks into non-crossover outcomes during mitotic repair and in meiosis. Here, we review the role of RTEL1 in telomere maintenance and homologous recombination and discuss models linking RTEL1's enzymatic activity to its function in telomere maintenance and DNA repair.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mre11p/Rad50p/Xrs2p (MRX) complex is evolutionarily conserved and functions in DNA repair and at telomeres [1-3]. In vivo, MRX is required for a 5' --> 3' exonuclease activity that mediates DNA recombination at double-strand breaks (DSBs). Paradoxically, abolition of this exonuclease activity in MRX mutants results in shortened telomeric DNA tracts. To further explore the role of MRX at telomeres, we analyzed MRX mutants in a de novo telomere addition assay in yeast cells [4]. We found that the MRX genes were absolutely required for telomerase-mediated addition in this assay. Furthermore, we found that Cdc13p, a single-stranded telomeric DNA binding protein essential for telomere DNA synthesis and protection [5], was unable to bind to the de novo telomeric DNA substrate in cells lacking Rad50p. Based on the results from this model system, we propose that the MRX complex helps to prepare telomeric DNA for the loading of Cdc13p, which then protects the chromosome from further degradation and recruits telomerase and other DNA replication components to synthesize telomeric DNA.  相似文献   

Although the G2/M DNA damage checkpoint is currently viewed as a set of coordinated cellular responses affecting both cell cycle progression and non-cell cycle targets, the relative contributions of the two target categories to DNA repair and cell survival after exposure to ionizing radiation have not been clearly addressed. We investigated how rad3 (ATR ortholog) or chk1/cds1 (CHK1/CHK2 orthologs) null mutations change the kinetics of double-strand break (DSB) repair in Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells under conditions of forced G2 arrest. After 200-Gy γ-ray irradiation, DSBs were repaired in rad3Δ cdc25-22 or chk1Δ cds1Δ cdc25-22 cells, almost as efficiently as in cdc25-22 cells at the restrictive temperature. In contrast, little repair was observed in the checkpoint-deficient cells up to 4h after higher-dose (500Gy) irradiation, whereas repair was still efficient in the control cdc25-22 cells. Immediate loss of viability appeared not be responsible for the repair defect after the higher dose, since both checkpoint-proficient and deficient cells with cdc25-22 allele synchronously resumed cycling with a similar time course when released to the permissive temperature 4h after irradiation. Recruitment of repair proteins Rad11 (Rpa1 ortholog), Rad22 (Rad52 ortholog), and Rhp54 (Rad54 ortholog) to the damage sites was not significantly impaired in the checkpoint-deficient cells, whereas their release was profoundly delayed. Our results suggest that sensor and effector kinases in the damage checkpoint machinery affect the efficiency of repair downstream of, or in parallel with the core repair reaction.  相似文献   

Decottignies A 《Genetics》2007,176(3):1403-1415
Two DNA repair pathways are known to mediate DNA double-strand-break (DSB) repair: homologous recombination (HR) and nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). In addition, a nonconservative backup pathway showing extensive nucleotide loss and relying on microhomologies at repair junctions was identified in NHEJ-deficient cells from a variety of organisms and found to be involved in chromosomal translocations. Here, an extrachromosomal assay was used to characterize this microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ) mechanism in fission yeast. MMEJ was found to require at least five homologous nucleotides and its efficiency was decreased by the presence of nonhomologous nucleotides either within the overlapping sequences or at DSB ends. Exo1 exonuclease and Rad22, a Rad52 homolog, were required for repair, suggesting that MMEJ is related to the single-strand-annealing (SSA) pathway of HR. In addition, MMEJ-dependent repair of DSBs with discontinuous microhomologies was strictly dependent on Pol4, a PolX DNA polymerase. Although not strictly required, Msh2 and Pms1 mismatch repair proteins affected the pattern of MMEJ repair. Strikingly, Pku70 inhibited MMEJ and increased the minimal homology length required for efficient MMEJ. Overall, this study strongly suggests that MMEJ does not define a distinct DSB repair mechanism but reflects "micro-SSA."  相似文献   

The budding yeast Cdc13, Stn1 and Ten1 (CST) proteins are proposed to function as an RPA-like complex at telomeres that protects (‘caps'') chromosome ends and regulates their elongation by telomerase. We show that Stn1 has a critical function in both processes through the deployment of two separable domains. The N terminus of Stn1 interacts with Ten1 and carries out its essential capping function. The C terminus of Stn1 binds both Cdc13 and Pol12, and we present genetic data indicating that the Stn1–Cdc13 interaction is required to limit continuous telomerase action. Stn1 telomere association, similar to that of Cdc13, peaks during S phase. Significantly, the magnitude of Stn1 telomere binding is independent of telomere TG tract length, suggesting that the negative effect of Stn1 on telomerase action might be regulated by a modification of CST activity or structure in cis at individual telomeres. Genetic analysis suggests that the Tel1 kinase exerts an effect in parallel with the Stn1 C terminus to counteract its inhibition of telomerase. These data provide new insights into the coordination of telomere capping and telomerase regulation.  相似文献   

To achieve drug resistance Leishmania parasite alters gene copy number by using its repeated sequences widely distributed through the genome. Even though homologous recombination (HR) is ascribed to maintain genome stability, this eukaryote exploits this potent mechanism driven by the Rad51 recombinase to form beneficial extrachromosomal circular amplicons. Here, we provide insights on the formation of these circular amplicons by analyzing the functions of the Rad51 paralogs. We purified three Leishmania infantum Rad51 paralogs homologs (LiRad51-3, LiRad51-4 and LiRad51-6) all of which directly interact with LiRad51. LiRad51-3, LiRad51-4 and LiRad51-6 show differences in DNA binding and annealing capacities. Moreover, it is also noteworthy that LiRad51-3 and LiRad51-4 are able to stimulate Rad51-mediated D-loop formation. In addition, we succeed to inactivate the LiRad51-4 gene and report a decrease of circular amplicons in this mutant. The LiRad51-3 gene was found to be essential for cell viability. Thus, we propose that the LiRad51 paralogs play crucial functions in extrachromosomal circular DNA amplification to circumvent drug actions and preserve survival.  相似文献   

XRCC3 is a RAD51 paralog that functions in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by homologous recombination (HR). XRCC3 mutation causes severe chromosome instability. We find that XRCC3 mutant cells display radically altered HR product spectra, with increased gene conversion tract lengths, increased frequencies of discontinuous tracts, and frequent local rearrangements associated with HR. These results indicate that XRCC3 function is not limited to HR initiation, but extends to later stages in formation and resolution of HR intermediates, possibly by stabilizing heteroduplex DNA. The results further demonstrate that HR defects can promote genomic instability not only through failure to initiate HR (leading to nonhomologous repair) but also through aberrant processing of HR intermediates. Both mechanisms may contribute to carcinogenesis in HR-deficient cells.  相似文献   

The notion that homologous recombination is a regulated biological process is not a familiar one. In yeasts, homologous recombination and most site-specific ones are initiated by site-specific double-stranded breaks that are introduced within cis-acting elements for the recombination. On the other hand, yeasts have a group of site-specific endonucleases (multi-site-specific endonucleases) that have a number of cleavage sites on each DNA. One of them, Endo.SceI of S. cerevisiae, was shown to introduce double-stranded breaks at a number of welldefined sites on the mitochondrial DNA in vivo. An Endo.SceI-induced double-stranded break was demonstrated to induce homologous recombination in mitochondria. Like the case of homologous recombination of nuclear chromosomes, the double-stranded break induces gene conversion of both genetic markers flanking and in the proximity of the cleavage site, and the cleaved DNA acts as a recipient of genetic information from the uncleaved partner DNA. The 70 kDa-heat-shock protein (HSP70)-subunit of Endo.SceI and a general role of the HSP70 in the regulation of protein-folding suggest the regulation of nucleolytic activity of Endo.SceI.  相似文献   

In most organisms, the primary function of homologous recombination (HR) is to allow genome protection by the faithful repair of DNA double-strand breaks. The vital step of HR is the search for sequence homology, mediated by the RAD51 recombinase, which is stimulated further by proteins mediators such as the tumor suppressor BRCA2. The biochemical interplay between RAD51 and BRCA2 is unknown in Leishmania or Trypanosoma. Here we show that the Leishmania infantum BRCA2 protein possesses several critical features important for the regulation of DNA recombination at the genetic and biochemical level. A BRCA2 null mutant, generated by gene disruption, displayed genomic instability and gene-targeting defects. Furthermore, cytological studies show that LiRAD51 can no longer localize to the nucleus in this mutant. The Leishmania RAD51 and BRCA2 interact together and the purified proteins bind single-strand DNA. Remarkably, LiBRCA2 is a recombination mediator that stimulates the invasion of a resected DNA double-strand break in an undamaged template by LiRAD51 to form a D-loop structure. Collectively, our data show that LiBRCA2 and LiRAD51 promote HR at the genetic and biochemical level in L. infantum, the causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination-mediated DNA repair is essential for maintaining genome integrity. It is a multi-step process that involves resection of DNA ends, strand invasion, DNA synthesis and/or DNA end ligation, and finally, the processing of recombination intermediates such as Holliday junctions or other joint molecules. Over the last 15 years, it has been established that the Slx4 protein plays key roles in the processing of recombination intermediates, functioning as a scaffold to coordinate the action of structure-specific endonucleases. Recent work in budding yeast has uncovered unexpected roles for Slx4 in the initial step of DNA-end resection and in the modulation of DNA damage checkpoint signaling. Here we review these latest findings and discuss the emerging role of yeast Slx4 as an important coordinator of DNA damage signaling responses and a regulator of multiple steps in homologous recombination-mediated repair.  相似文献   

Mycobacteria have two genetically distinct pathways for the homology-directed repair of DNA double-strand breaks: homologous recombination (HR) and single-strand annealing (SSA). HR is abolished by deletion of RecA and reduced in the absence of the AdnAB helicase/nuclease. By contrast, SSA is RecA-independent and requires RecBCD. Here we examine the function of RecO in mycobacterial DNA recombination and repair. Loss of RecO elicits hypersensitivity to DNA damaging agents similar to that caused by deletion of RecA. We show that RecO participates in RecA-dependent HR in a pathway parallel to the AdnAB pathway. We also find that RecO plays a role in the RecA-independent SSA pathway. The mycobacterial RecO protein displays a zinc-dependent DNA binding activity in vitro and accelerates the annealing of SSB-coated single-stranded DNA. These findings establish a role for RecO in two pathways of mycobacterial DNA double-strand break repair and suggest an in vivo function for the DNA annealing activity of RecO proteins, thereby underscoring their similarity to eukaryal Rad52.  相似文献   

Chicken B lymphocyte precursors and DT40 cells diversify their immunoglobulin-variable (IgV) genes through homologous recombination (HR)-mediated Ig gene conversion. To identify DNA polymerases that are involved in Ig gene conversion, we created DT40 clones deficient in DNA polymerase eta (poleta), which, in humans, is defective in the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum (XP-V). Poleta is an error-prone translesion DNA synthesis polymerase that can bypass UV damage-induced lesions and is involved in IgV hypermutation. Like XP-V cells, poleta-disrupted (poleta) clones exhibited hypersensitivity to UV. Remarkably, poleta cells showed a significant decrease in the frequency of both Ig gene conversion and double-strand break-induced HR when compared to wild-type cells, and these defects were reversed by complementation with human poleta. Our findings identify a DNA polymerase that carries out DNA synthesis for physiological HR and provides evidence that a single DNA polymerase can play multiple cellular roles.  相似文献   

Misregulation of DNA repair is associated with genetic instability and tumorigenesis. To preserve the integrity of the genome, eukaryotic cells have evolved extremely intricate mechanisms for repairing DNA damage. One type of DNA lesion is a double-strand break (DSB), which is highly toxic when unrepaired. Repair of DSBs can occur through multiple mechanisms. Aside from religating the DNA ends, a homologous template can be used for repair in a process called homologous recombination (HR). One key step in committing to HR is the formation of Rad51 filaments, which perform the homology search and strand invasion steps. In S. cerevisiae, Srs2 is a key regulator of Rad51 filament formation and disassembly. In this review, we highlight potential candidates of Srs2 orthologues in human cells, and we discuss recent advances in understanding how Srs2's so-called “anti-recombinase” activity is regulated.  相似文献   

We have encountered a paternity case where exclusion of the putative father was only observed in the ABO blood group (mother, B; child, A1; putative father, O), among the many polymorphic markers tested, including DNA fingerprints and microsatellite markers. Cloning a part of the ABO gene, PCR-amplified from the trio’s genomes, followed by sequencing the cloned fragments, showed that one allele of the child had a hybrid nature, comprising exon 6 of the B allele and exon 7 of the O1 allele. Based on the evidence that exon 7 is crucial for the sugar-nucleotide specificity of A1 and B transferases and that the O1 allele is only specified by the 261G deletion in exon 6 of the consensus sequence of the A1 allele, we concluded that the hybrid allele encodes a transferase with A1 specificity, resulting, presumably, from de novo recombination between the B and O1 alleles of the mother during meiosis. Screening of random populations demonstrated the occurrence of four other hybrid alleles. Sequencing of intron VI from the five hybrid alleles showed that the junctions of the hybrid alleles were located within intron VI, the intron VI-exon 7 boundaries, or exon 7. Recombinational events seem to be partly involved in the genesis of sequence diversities of the ABO gene. Received: 25 October 1996  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR) and nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) play overlapping roles in repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) generated during the S phase of the cell cycle. Here, we characterized the involvement of HR and NHEJ in the rescue of DNA replication forks arrested or slowed by treatment of hamster cells with hydroxyurea or thymidine. We show that the arrest of replication with hydroxyurea generates DNA fragmentation as a consequence of the formation of DSBs at newly replicated DNA. Both HR and NHEJ protected cells from the lethal effects of hydroxyurea, and this agent also increased the frequency of recombination mediated by both homologous and nonhomologous exchanges. Thymidine induced a less stringent arrest of replication and did not generate detectable DSBs. HR alone rescued cells from the lethal effects of thymidine. Furthermore, thymidine increased the frequency of DNA exchange mediated solely by HR in the absence of detectable DSBs. Our data suggest that both NHEJ and HR are involved in repair of arrested replication forks that include a DSB, while HR alone is required for the repair of slowed replication forks in the absence of detectable DSBs.  相似文献   

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