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Abstract 1. Migration into local populations may increase the likelihood of persistence but emigration may decrease the persistence of small and isolated populations. The dispersal behaviour of a day-flying moth Zygaena filipendulae was examined to determine whether emigration is correlated positively or negatively with population size and host plant density.
2. A mark–release–recapture study showed that most moths moved small distances (< 40 m on average) and only 6% of movements were > 100 m.
3. Twenty-five individuals moved between populations, a measured exchange rate of 8%. Moths were more likely to move between patches that were close together and they moved to relatively large patches.
4. The fraction of residents increased with increasing population size in the patch and increasing host plant cover. Relatively high proportions of individuals left small patches with small moth populations.
5. Moths released in grassland lacking Lotus corniculatus (the host plant) tended to leave the area and biased their movement towards host plant areas, whereas those released within an area containing L. corniculatus tended to stay in that area.
6. Biased movement away from small populations and areas of low host plant density (normally with low population density) was found. This migration-mediated Allee effect is likely to decrease patch occupancy in metapopulations, the opposite of the rescue effect. The effects on metapopulation persistence are not known.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. In cannibalistic populations, smaller individuals are subject to predation by larger conspecifics, and small individuals commonly alter their behaviour in response to cannibals. Little is known, however, about the underlying cues that trigger such responses and how the behavioural responses to conspecific cannibals differ from heterospecific predators.
2. This study tests which cues are used for the detection of conspecific predators in the larva of the dragonfly Plathemis lydia and how the behavioural response to cannibals differed from the response to heterospecific predators.
3. Individuals were exposed to chemical cues, visual cues, and a combination of both cues from conspecifics as well as no predator and heterospecific predator controls during which their activity and feeding rates were observed.
4. Individuals increased their activity, spatial movement and feeding behaviour in response to either visual or chemical cues from conspecific predators, which was opposite to responses displayed with cues from heterospecific predators. Interestingly, the responses to visual and chemical cues from conspecifics combined were weaker than to either cue in isolation and similar to the no cue control.
5. The results clearly indicate that individuals are able to use chemical and visual cues to detect even very subtle differences in phenotype of conspecific predators.
6. The opposite response in behaviour when exposed to conspecific cannibals vs. heterospecific predators suggests that the presence of cannibals will increase the mortality risk of small individuals due to heterospecific predation. This risk-enhancement is likely to have important consequences for the dynamics of predator–prey interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The costs of cannibalism were examined in larvae of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the presence of conspecifics infected by a lethal invertebrate iridescent virus (IIV). The hypothesis of a positive correlation between insect density and the likelihood of disease transmission by cannibalism was examined in laboratory microcosms and a field experiment.
2. Transmission was negligible following peroral infection of early instars with purified virus suspensions or following coprophagy of virus-contaminated faeces excreted by infected insects. In contrast, 92% of the insects that predated infected conspecifics acquired the infection and died prior to adult emergence in the laboratory. Diseased larvae were more likely to be victims of cannibalism than healthy larvae.
3. The prevalence of cannibalism was density dependent in laboratory microcosms with a low density (10 healthy insects + one infected insect) or high density (30 healthy insects + one infected insect) of insects, and field experiments performed on maize plants infested with one or four healthy insects + one infected insect.
4. Cannibalism in the presence of virus-infected conspecifics was highly costly to S. frugiperda ; in all cases, insect survival was reduced by between ≈ 50% (laboratory) and ≈ 30% (field) in the presence of the pathogen. Contrary to expectations, the prevalence of disease was not sensitive to density because cannibalism resulted in self-thinning. As infected individuals are consumed and disappear from the population, the prevalence of disease will be determined by the timescale over which transmission can be achieved, and the rate at which individuals that have acquired an infection become themselves infectious to conspecific predators.  相似文献   

1. Crowding `info-chemicals', metabolites released into the environment that act as signals to conspecifics as well as other organisms, have often been shown to cause phenotypic plasticity in cladoceran life-history traits including morphology, reproductive strategy and sex induction. Effects on population demography and diversity, however, have not been examined directly.
2. Replicate laboratory populations of the zooplankter, Daphnia magna, were started with 250 juveniles and allowed to develop for 8 weeks in 10 L flow-through aquaria with food levels of 1 mg CL–1. Two crowded water treatments from different clonal sources were compared with untreated water as a control.
3. The presence of crowding chemicals affected initial population structure, through reduction in parthenogenetic female body lengths, brood sizes and juvenile densities. However, the timing of population density maxima and subsequent population structure, clonal composition and diversity were similar among all treatments.
4. Clonal richness remained slightly higher in untreated populations because of increased prevalence of rare clones.
5. Exploitation competition had greater impact on population structure than the relative concentration of crowding chemicals, indicating that density dependent effects were mediated primarily by competition for common resources.
6. Crowding info-chemicals may play a greater role in community structure than in single species population structure because of taxonomic diversity in species' response that may be unrelated to the source species density.  相似文献   

1. Self-thinning is a progressive decline in population density caused by competitively induced losses in a cohort of growing individuals and can be depicted as: log10 (density) = c − β log10 (body mass).
2. In mobile animals, two mechanisms for self-thinning have been proposed: (i) the space hypothesis predicts that maximum population density for a given body size is the inverse of territory size, and hence, the self-thinning slope is the negative of the slope of the allometric territory-size relationship; (ii) the energetic equivalence hypothesis predicts that the self-thinning slope is the negative of the slope of the allometric metabolic rate relationship, assuming a constant supply of energy for the cohort.
3. Both hypotheses were tested by monitoring body size, population density, food availability and habitat for young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) in Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick. The results were consistent with the predictions of the space hypothesis. Observed densities did not exceed the maximum densities predicted and the observed self-thinning slope of −1·16 was not significantly different from the slope of −1·12, predicted by the allometry of territory size for the population under study.
4. The observed self-thinning slope was significantly steeper than −0·87, predicted by the allometry of metabolic rate, perhaps because of a gradual decline in food abundance over the study period. The decline in density was more rapid in very shallow sites and may have been partly caused by a seasonal change in water depth and an ontogenetic habitat shift rather than solely by competition for food or space.
5. The allometry of territory size may be a useful predictor of self-thinning in populations of mobile animals competing for food and space.  相似文献   

1 Larvae of Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) develop throughout the winter, although their feeding activity and survival can be impaired by adverse climatic factors. The present study investigated the survival at low temperature of larvae originating from a population with range expansion in an alpine valley in Northern Italy.
2 The supercooling point of individually analysed larvae averaged at −7 °C. This value insufficiently described the cold hardiness of the larvae; 39% of the tested larvae were alive when returned to room temperature immediately after freezing. When larval colonies inside their nest were exposed to −17 °C for 1 h after gradual temperature decrease, survival was 70.4%.
3 Rearing of larvae in the laboratory at different day/night temperatures indicated an effect of cumulative chill injury on larvae. A logistic regression explained the relationship between negative thermal sum (h°C below 0 °C) received in the laboratory experiment and larval survival. A similar relationship was demonstrated between negative thermal sum and survival of larval colonies in the field.
4 In the laboratory experiment, some tested larvae were able to survive for up to 8 weeks without feeding depending on rearing temperature. As expected, feeding occurred only when larvae were reared at temperatures of 9 °C day/0 °C night.
5 We classify the larvae of T. pityocampa as being moderate freezing tolerant. The winter behaviour allows this species to track climate warming by a rapid expansion into those areas that become compatible with the insect's development.  相似文献   

1. Genetic variation at five microsatellite loci was analysed in a collection of scales (1970–97) sampled from Atlantic salmon adults returning to the Nivelle River (South France).
2. Native and foreign fish (from an allochthonous Scottish stock introduced into the river to increase population size) were clearly identified as all foreign individuals released in the river were physically marked.
3. Introgression of foreign genes into the native gene pool has occurred, although the reproductive success of foreign Atlantic salmon in the wild was lower than that of native individuals.
4. The utility of old scale samples for investigating the impact of foreign stocking on wild fish populations is demonstrated in this work.  相似文献   

Abstract 1.  The incidence of parasitism by larvae of the mite species Trombidium breei was reported in one population of the lycaenid butterfly Polyommatus icarus , four populations of the satyrine butterfly Maniola jurtina , one population of the satyrine butterfly Aphantopus hyperanthus , and two populations of the satyrine butterfly Pyronia tithonus , as well as on one specimen of the dipteran Alophorus hemiptera . A considerable proportion of butterflies (11-50%) was infested in all study populations.
2. The pattern of infestation was examined in detail in M. jurtina . Males had a significantly higher incidence of infestation than females, and middle-aged butterflies had a higher incidence of infestation than old or young butterflies. The incidence of infestation peaked in the middle of the flight season, and this seasonal effect was independent of the effect of butterfly age.
3. Using a model based on capture-recapture data, it was estimated that a hypothetical ideal male M. jurtina that lives exactly the mean expected lifespan of 9-10 days has an approximately 75% chance of becoming infested with mites at least once during its lifetime, a mean time to first infestation of 3-4 days, and an average infestation persistence time of 2-3 days.
4. Capture-recapture data failed to show any effect of mite infestation on the lifespan or within-habitat movement rate of M. jurtina .
5. In experiments in which individual butterflies were taken out of their normal habitat and released, M. jurtina and P. tithonus that were infested with mite larvae did not differ from uninfested individuals in the efficiency with which they returned to suitable habitat. Thus, parasitism by T. breei larvae had no detectable effects on flight performance or orientation ability.
6. The results suggest that trombidiid mite larvae have limited potential in the biological control of insect pests.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Dispersal and habitat detection are key factors for the colonisation of habitat fragments in heterogeneous landscapes. The ability to recognise a habitat from a certain distance should increase the survival chances of a dispersing individual; however, due to methodological problems there is little information on the perceptual range of most species.
2. In a field experiment, 44 individually marked grasshoppers of the species Oedipoda caerulescens (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Locustinae) were released into an unfamiliar, hostile environment at various distances from a patch of preferred habitat.
3. Whether individuals reached the habitat or not was measured, as well as the daily movement distances. The number of individuals that reached the habitat was tested against computer-generated predictions based on different underlying rules for the movement behaviour of individuals but not accounting for the ability to detect habitat from distance.
4. On the first day a significantly higher proportion of grasshoppers arrived in the habitat than predicted by any of the null models.
5. It was concluded that individuals of O. caerulescens are able to detect their preferred habitat from a distance.
6. Edge permeability was very low as none of the individuals left the habitat once they had reached it.
7. Additional analyses showed that individuals changed movement behaviour from a directed walk with great daily distances in unsuitable habitat to a walk with significantly shorter daily distances within the preferred habitat.
8. The problems that arose in the field experiment are discussed and recommendations are given for further studies.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Inter-patch movement is usually assumed to be homogeneous across a landscape. As the intervening area between suitable patches is usually richly textured, it cannot be assumed to be uniform in real landscapes.
2. In an experimental mark-and-resight study, the movement behaviour of the bush cricket Platycleis albopunctata in four habitat types as well as at the border between two of these habitat types was observed.
3. Analysis of recapture data indicated differences in mortality risk (or emigration rates) between habitat types.
4. When released at the border between suitable habitat and a crop field, P. albopunctata did not show a consistent preference for the suitable habitat. This suggests that the crop field is at least temporarily attractive for P. albopunctata .
5. Movement in suitable habitat was not always different from movement in the matrix, and movement between different types of matrix also differed.
6. The results indicate that the movement behaviour of P. albopunctata is influenced not only by suitability for breeding but also by structural resistance and other factors (e.g. food availability or habitat-specific mortality risk).  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Many cannibalistic species are also intra-guild predators. Such predators will often face the decision whether to consume a conspecific or a heterospecific prey from the same guild. This decision may depend on the relative quality and abundance of the prey but also on other factors such as relatedness by descent, prey-specific defence and the probability of the victim harbouring shared diseases.
2. Here, intra-guild interactions among two cannibalistic species of predatory mites, Iphiseius degenerans and Neoseiulus cucumeris (Acari: Phytoseiidae) that belong to closely related genera were studied.
3. Individuals of I. degenerans were offered a diet of conspecifics or heterospecifics. Because I. degenerans is capable of recognising kin individuals from non-kin, and they were exclusively offered conspecifics that were either distantly related or non-kin, it was expected that it would not refrain from cannibalising for reasons of possible relatedness.
4. When corrected for numbers of victims eaten, survival, and juvenile development of predators fed with intra-guild prey was higher than that of cannibals. This was probably caused by a higher quality of heterospecific victims, even though conspecific victims were larger and therefore potentially contained more food. This led to the prediction that the predators should strongly prefer heterospecific prey. This was indeed borne out in independent choice experiments. Thus, the choice of predators between heterospecific and conspecific prey is not only affected by avoidance of consuming conspecifics, but also by relative prey quality.  相似文献   

Background  Assessment of cerebrospinal (CSF) monoamine metabolites 5-hydroxyindoeacetic acid (5-HIAA) and homovanillic acid (HVA), and the serotonin precursor tryptophan (TRP), in chimpanzees may help in understanding the neurobiology underlying aggressive, impulsive behavior in humans and non-human primates.
Methods  Two CSF samples were obtained from 11 peripubertal chimpanzees 8 months apart and were assayed for monoamine metabolite and TRP concentrations.
Results  Substantial inter-individual stability was observed for 5-HIAA (n = 11; r = 0.83, P  <   0.001) and HVA (r = 0.91, P  <   0.001). Females had significantly higher concentrations of 5-HIAA compared to males (F1,8 = 7.31; P  <   0.05). Levels of 5-HIAA (r = −0.62, P  <   0.05), HVA (r = −0.86, P  <   0.001) and TRP levels (r = −0.67; P  <   0.05) decreased with age.
Conclusion  Close parallels were observed between chimpanzees and humans with respect to absolute levels, sex effects, ontogeny, and 5-HIAA-HVA correlations, supporting the potential utility of the measures in understanding relationships between monoamine functioning and behavior in chimpanzees and humans.  相似文献   

1. Colonization in a reintroduced population of European beavers in the Loire Valley was studied between 1974 and 1999. It followed a discontinuous remoteness model and a scattered distribution, beavers occupying only 25% of the river system over the 2800 km explored.
2. After 5 years, the colonization rate reached 104.2% year–1 of new sites occupied (SD 75% year–1), before dropping over the next 20 years. Nevertheless, the number of new colonies per km (0.125) remained stable throughout the years.
3.  Populus nigra , Salix alba and Fraxinus angustifolia were the dominant woody species in beaver sites, often associated with some herbaceous species.
4. The length of willow grove dominated by S. alba and P. nigra ( x ) was the best predictor of beaver home range ( y ), fitting the equation y =−0.742 x  + 5.9. Long-term maintenance of the population requires a minimum of 1.79-km of willows per colony.
5. In cutting tree trunks, beavers stimulate shoot development from the remaining stumps. They rejuvenate riparian forests, increase the number of tree stems and help stabilize the banks. Their effect on woody plant morphogenesis may have consequences for the helophyte communities used as food or habitat by other aquatic species.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. For many species of insect, cold hardiness is an important trait that enables a population to develop in the next season and to extend its range. To elucidate the role of cold hardiness of the migratory locust Locusta migratoria L. in its outbreak and distribution areas, egg cold hardiness was examined in locusts derived from four locations from latitude 18°23'N to latitude 41°10'N in eastern China.
2. The supercooling points of eggs from different geographic populations did not differ significantly for the first development stage, with an average ± SE of −24.5 ± 0.51 °C, or for the second stage, −22.06 ± 0.68 °C, however there was a significant difference for the embryonic development phase among the four geographical populations. The egg supercooling point increased gradually from neonatal egg to old egg; eggs prior to hatching always had a much higher supercooling point.
3. Comparisons of the cold hardiness of four populations were carried out by validating the close correlation between latitude and the effects of cold on hatching, low lethal temperature (Ltemp50), and low lethal time (Ltime50). There were significant differences among the four populations; the northern population was more cold hardy than the southern population, and the two mid-latitude populations were intermediately cold hardy.
4. The cold hardiness of all populations was enhanced to various degrees by short-term cold acclimation at 0 °C and 5 °C. For most populations, a 2-day acclimation period seemed to be optimal.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. When first instar nymphs and adults of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Aphidiae) were maintained in long-term cultures (>6 months) at 20 °C and 10 °C, the LT50 decreased from −8 and −8.8 °C to −16.0 and −13.5 °C, respectively.
2. When aphids from the 20 °C culture were transferred to 10 °C, there was a progressive increase in cold tolerance through three successive generations. Transfer of newly moulted pre-reproductive adults reared at 10 °C for three generations back to 20 °C resulted in a rapid loss of cold hardiness in their nymphal offspring.
3. In all generations reared at 10 °C, first born nymphs were more cold hardy than those born later in the birth sequence. The LT50 of nymphs produced on the first day of reproduction in the first, second and third generations maintained at 10 °C were −14.8, −17.0 and −16.6 °C, respectively. Thereafter, nymphal cold hardiness decreased over the subsequent 14 days of reproduction in each generation at 10 °C with mean LT50 values of −10.3, −12.6 and −14.8 °C, respectively. By contrast, the cold tolerance of first born nymphs of aphids reared continuously at 20 °C did not differ in comparison with later born siblings. The LT50 of adult aphids was also unaffected by ageing.
4. The ecological relevance of these findings is discussed in relation to the overwintering survival of aphids such as S. avenae .  相似文献   

1. We examined the effect of different periods of prior starvation(from 30 min to 16 h) on the prey capture behaviour, and functional and numerical responses of the predatory rotifer Asplanchna sieboldi using the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus as prey.
2. Feeding activity (i.e. encounter, attack, capture and ingestion) by Asplanchna increased significantly with increasing prey densities from 2 to 16 mL−−1 and with increasing prior starvation periods from 0.5 to 8 h.
3.  Asplanchna sieboldi showed a type II functional response at all the prior starvation periods tested. The asymptotic prey density was highest after 8 h of starvation.
4. The instantaneous population growth rate of A. sieboldi ranged from 0.089 ± 0.044 (when starved for 8 h in every 24 h and at a prey density of 2 individuals mL−−1 for the other 16 h) to 1.015 ± 0.142 in the control (no starvation and at a prey density of 16 individuals mL−−1). The effect of starvation time on the numerical response was evident only at the higher prey density.  相似文献   

1.  Governmental authorities in many countries financially support the implementation of habitat connectivity measures to enhance the exchange of individuals among fragmented populations. The evaluation of the effectiveness of such measures is crucial for future management directions and can be accomplished by using genetic methods.
2.  We retraced the population history of the European tree frog in two Swiss river valleys (Reuss and Thur), performed comprehensive population sampling to infer the genetic structure at 11 microsatellite markers, and used first-generation migrant assignment tests to evaluate the contemporary exchange of individuals.
3.  Compared with the Thur valley, the Reuss valley has lost almost double the number of breeding sites and exhibited a more pronounced genetic grouping. However, similar numbers of contemporary migrants were detected in both valleys. In the Reuss valley, 81% of the migration events occurred within the identified genetic groups, whereas in the Thur valley migration patterns were diffuse.
4.  Our results show that the connectivity measures implemented in the Reuss valley facilitated effective tree frog migration among breeding sites within distances up to 4 km. Nevertheless, the Reuss valley exhibited high genetic differentiation, which reflected the impact of barriers to tree frog movement such as the River Reuss. By contrast in the Thur valley, a larger number of breeding sites have been preserved and high admixture indicated exchange of individuals at distances up to 16 km.
5.   Synthesis and applications . We show that genetic methods can substantiate the effectiveness of connectivity measures taken in conservation management at the landscape scale. We urge responsible authorities from both river valleys to continue implementing connectivity measures and to create a dense network of breeding sites, as spatial gaps of 8 km are rarely traversed by tree frogs.  相似文献   

Aim:  Factors affecting faecal indicator bacteria (FIB) and pathogen survival/persistence in sand remain largely unstudied. This work elucidates how biological and physical factors affect die-off in beach sand following sewage spills.
Methods and Results:  Solar disinfection with mechanical mixing was pilot-tested as a disinfection procedure after a large sewage spill in Los Angeles. Effects of solar exposure, mechanical mixing, predation and/or competition, season, and moisture were tested at bench scale. First-order decay constants for Escherichia coli ranged between −0·23 and −1·02 per day, and for enterococci between −0·5 and −1·0 per day. Desiccation was a dominant factor for E. coli but not enterococci inactivation. Effects of season were investigated through a comparison of experimental results from winter, spring, and fall.
Conclusions:  Moisture was the dominant factor controlling E. coli inactivation kinetics. Initial microbial community and sand temperature were also important factors. Mechanical mixing, common in beach grooming, did not consistently reduce bacterial levels.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Inactivation rates are mainly dependent on moisture and high sand temperature. Chlorination was an effective disinfection treatment in sand microcosms inoculated with raw influent.  相似文献   

Aims:  Characterization of the role of CaiC in the biotransformation of trimethylammonium compounds into l (−)-carnitine in Escherichia coli .
Methods and Results:  The caiC gene was cloned and overexpressed in E. coli and its effect on the production of l (−)-carnitine was analysed. Betaine:CoA ligase and CoA transferase activities were analysed in cell free extracts and products were studied by electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Substrate specificity of the caiC gene product was high, reflecting the high specialization of the carnitine pathway. Although CoA-transferase activity was also detected in vitro , the main in vivo role of CaiC was found to be the synthesis of betainyl-CoAs. Overexpression of CaiC allowed the biotransformation of crotonobetaine to l (−)-carnitine to be enhanced nearly 20-fold, the yield reaching up to 30% (with growing cells). Higher yields were obtained using resting cells (up to 60%), even when d (+)-carnitine was used as substrate.
Conclusions:  The expression of CaiC is a control step in the biotransformation of trimethylammonium compounds in E. coli .
Significance and Impact of the Study:  A bacterial betaine:CoA ligase has been characterized for the first time, underlining its important role for the production of l -carnitine with Escherichia coli .  相似文献   

1. In order to investigate the factors influencing the establishment of seedlings in permanent grassland, the influence of soil moisture and nitrogen fertilization on competition between established plants of Lolium perenne and seedlings of Phleum pratense or Trifolium pratense was studied in two experiments under greenhouse conditions using the 'split-box'-technique.
2. There was no difference in the production of plant dry matter of P. pratense or T. pratense between 30% volumetric soil water content (−0·005 MPa) and 22% (−0·04 MPa), but 15% soil moisture (−0·33 MPa) reduced plant growth. L. perenne yields were linearly reduced by reduced soil moisture content.
3. Shoot competition from L. perenne reduced the plant dry matter yield of P. pratense and T. pratense more than did root competition in these experiments. When shoot competition was present, differences between moisture contents were not detected, indicating that light was probably the limiting resource under such conditions. No significant interaction between root competition and soil moisture was observed for plant weight.
4. Root competition was not prevented even though sufficient water and nitrogen were supplied. This indicated either that some other growth factor was limiting or the plants competed for resources at the root hair level even though sufficient resources were supplied at the pot or field scale. Therefore, in the situation of direct drilling of species during grassland renovation, it may be difficult to alleviate competition by adequate provision of water and nitrogen.  相似文献   

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