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We investigated the pattern of aluminum (Al) accumulation in leaf tissues of native hyperaccumulator Vochysiaceae species Qualea grandiflora,Callisthene major, and Vochysia pyramidalis, from the Brazilian Cerrado. Non-accumulator Sclerolobium paniculatum was used as a control species. We expected a strong compartmentalization of Al in non-active leaf cell compartments such as cell walls and vacuoles in Al-accumulating species and the absence of Al in critical metabolic sites such as the chloroplasts. Plant leaves were harvested in the field and cut in small segments for histological analysis; hematoxylin dye was used for Al localization in tissues. Results of soil analysis of the three sites and the concentration of Al in leaves indicated that there is no direct relationship between Al availability in soils and Al hyperaccumulation among the Vochysiaceae species evaluated. The cross-sections of leaf tissues showed hematoxylin color in the palisade and spongy parenchyma cells (chloroplast) of Q. grandiflora and C. major. The vascular system of Q. grandiflora was not colored, but some cells from the xylem region of C. major were stained. In contrast, the adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells of V. pyramidalis were colored by hematoxylin, as were some cells from the vascular bundle, but color formation was not observed in the cells of palisade parenchyma. Al was not detected in leaves of S. paniculatum. We concluded that, although hyperaccumulation of Al is a common trait in the Vochysiaceae family, the processes of storage and detoxification in leaf tissues differ among the species. Two of the three hyperaccumulator species use chloroplasts as a sink for Al, with no apparent signs of toxicity. Therefore, the physiological role of Al in plant tissues remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Rudgea jasminoides (Rubiaceae) is a tropical tree species native of the Atlantic Forest in the south of Brazil. Previous studies with leaf cell walls of R. jasminoides showed a different proportion of cross-linked glycans compared to what is usually reported for eudicots. However, due to the difficulties of working with whole plant organs, cell suspensions of R. jasminoides, consisting of predominantly undifferentiated cells with mainly primary cell walls, were used to examine cell walls and extracellular soluble polysaccharides (EP) released into the culture medium. Sugar composition and linkage analysis showed homogalacturonans, xylogalacturonans and arabinogalactans to be the predominant EP. In the cell wall, homogalacturonans and arabinogalactans are the major pectins, and xyloglucans and xylans are the major cross-linking glycans. The presence of xylogalacturonans in the R. jasminoides cell cultures seems to be related to the occurrence of a homogeneous cell suspension with loosely attached cells. Although all alkali extractions from the cell walls yielded amounts of xyloglucan that exceed those of the xylans, the latter was found in a proportion that is higher than what has been usually reported for primary cell walls of most eudicots. The xyloglucan from cell walls of cell suspension cultures of R. jasminoides has low fucosylation levels and high proportion of galactosyl residues, a branching pattern commonly found in storage cell-wall xyloglucans.  相似文献   

Rudgea jasminoides is a woody Rubiaceae that produces phytoalexins in response to fungal inoculation, the response being dependent of the seasonal conditions. With the aim of studying phytoalexin induction under controlled conditions, callus cultures were established from petiole explants of R. jasminoides on a modified basal MS medium supplemented with picloram alone or in combination with kinetin. The highest frequency of callus formation was observed in solid medium containing 2.22 M kinetin and 2.07 M picloram. Development of fast-growing friable white callus was achieved in the absence of kinetin, in cultures supplemented only with 8.28 M picloram. Cell suspension cultures were established from this friable callus by transferring pieces directly to the same medium without agar. Preliminary experiments revealed that cell suspension cultures of R. jasminoides represent a useful system to analyse induced defensive metabolites produced by this Rubiaceae species.  相似文献   

The Cerrado (the Brazilian savanna) is one of the vegetation formations of great biodiversity in Brazil and it has experienced strong deforestation and fragmentation. The Cerrado must contain at least 12,000 higher plant species. We discuss the ecological relevance of phytochemical studies carried out on plants from the Cerrado, including examples of phytotoxicity, antifungal, insecticidal and antibacterial activities. The results have been classified according to activity and plant family. The most active compounds have been highlighted and other activities are discussed. A large number of complex biochemical interactions occur in this system. However, only a small fraction of the species has been studied from the phytochemical viewpoint to identify the metabolites responsible for these interactions.  相似文献   

Brian M. Boom 《Brittonia》1989,41(2):129-130
Pagamea aracaënsis Boom, endemic to Serra Aracá, Brazil is described and illustrated, and its relationship toP. anisophylla Standley & Steyerm, is discussed.  相似文献   

The analysis of geographic patterns in genetic variation has been one of the most important current tools to understand ecological and evolutionary processes underlying population structure. However, inferring such processes from population data may be misleading if biased geographic samples are analyzed. Here we expand previous analyses of Eugenia dysenterica population structure in Brazilian Cerrado, analyzing a larger number of populations distributed throughout a broader geographic region covering most of species' range. We provide new estimates of genetic diversity and population structure based on SSR markers from both neutral and genic regions, using several cluster and ordination techniques. These analyzes reveal a continuous northwestern-southeastern gradient in population differentiation, and not two distinct clusters of populations as suggested in some previous studies. This more comprehensive analysis also reinforces that a simple process of stochastic differentiation do not explain the observed patterns. Moreover, we conclude that explanations for population differentiation may focus on why genetic diversity decreases toward southeastern populations and not necessarily on barriers and interruption of gene flow creating regional patterns of population differentiation.  相似文献   

  • Enantiostyly is a floral polymorphism in which two floral forms in the same species differ in deflection of the stigma to right or left position. In monomorphic enantiostylous plants, flowers of the two morphs occur within the same individual, usually in the same proportion. In self‐compatible species the function of monomorphic enantiostyly is proposed to increase outcrossing rates and offer a reproductive advantage under pollination limitation. Enantiostylous species are usually self‐compatible and show heteranthery, with poricide anthers and pollen as pollinator reward; however, there are families, such as Vochysiaceae, that have different characteristics.
  • We analysed the reproductive system and pollination biology of Qualea parviflora and Q. multiflora, two enantiostylous species from the Brazilian Cerrado that have specific morphological and physiological traits. For this, we characterized flower traits, performed hand pollinations and studied floral visitors.
  • We found no differences between morphs in the proportion of flowers, nectar produced or its concentration, pollen quantity and fruit set. Both species were self‐incompatible and quite generalist regarding floral visitors.
  • Enantiostyly in self‐incompatible plants seems to confer a reproductive advantage by reducing self‐interference resulting from stigma clogging. This novel result helps to expand our knowledge on this complex floral polymorphism and opens new avenues for future research on this topic.

The advance of agricultural frontier may cause the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) to disappear before 2030. This work focuses on measuring the impact of pasture implantation on a cerrado’s termite fauna. Termites were sampled in a cerrado sensu stricto and a pasture, originally cerrado. All species were classified as their feeder group, accumulation curves were made and Shannon-Wiener indexes and β diversity were calculated for both areas. Cerrado was richer than pasture and species composition differed considerably, leading β diversity to a high value. The humivorous was the most representative species, followed by grass/litter feeders, xylophagous and, less representative, the intermediates. There were more xylophagous and intermediates species on cerrado than in pasture; the grass/litter feeders were more abundant in pasture, but didn’t differed in number or species; and humivorous didn’t differed neither in richness nor in abundance. This work shows that the simplification of the habitat is indeed causing the extinction of populations that depend on some specifics resource.  相似文献   

In this paper our previous chemical study of the anti-dengue active species Faramea bahiensis, Faramea hyacinthina and Faramea truncata (synonym of Faramea caudata) (Rubiaceae) is complemented by isolating from their stems, through a combination of silica gel and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography and reversed-phase solid-phase extraction, the known iridoid glucosides monotropein (1), monotropein methyl ester (2) and 10-deacetylasperulosidic acid (3). The structures were established by HPLC-DAD-MS/MS analysis, NMR spectroscopy and comparison with literature data. This is the first report on the occurrence of these compounds in the genus Faramea Aubl. This work contributes to expand the knowledge of the chemical diversity of this botanical genus, of which a limited number of identified compounds have been reported.  相似文献   

Several ant species have been found associated with domatia of plant species of the genus Tococa (Melastomataceae). In the present study we investigated the relationships between Tococa formicaria Mart. and ants in the Cerrado (savanna-like vegetation) from central Brazil. We addressed questions about the utilisation of domatia by different ant species and their efficiency in reducing herbivory. We found 8 ant species in the domatia, with Azteca sp. 1 being present in 47.2% of the sampled individuals. The other species found were: Azteca sp. 2, Camponotus sp., Dolichoderus gr. diversus, Dolichoderus lutosus, Leptothorax sp., Oligomyrmex sp. and Linepithema sp. The dominance of Azteca sp. 1 was significantly higher in the larger individuals, with about 85% of individuals in the highest size class being occupied by this species. We performed experiments of attack to live baits (termites) on T. formicaria leaves and on leaves of control species (any other neighbouring plant species of similar size). The recruitment rates were significantly higher on T. formicaria leaves. We also showed that herbivory was significantly lower in T. formicaria individuals occupied by Azteca sp. 1 than in individuals occupied by other ant species. The results of this study may be considered as evidence to support the assumption of a mutualistic relationship through defence against herbivory between Azteca ants and T. formicaria.  相似文献   

Termites usually build nests differently shaped and characterized according to each species, to protect and keep society cohesion. Some species build nests in the ground, some prefer tree thunks or branches as support, whereas other dig galleries in the wood. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the occurrence of arboreal termites Constrictotermes cyphergaster Silvestri and tree species that support the nest of this species, in a Cerrado sensu strictu of the Serra de Caldas Novas, GO. Data suggest a association relationship between C. Cyphergaster and the tree species Qualea grandiflora Mart., Annona crassiflora Mart., Caryocar brasiliense Camb. and Plathymenia reticulata Benth., shown by high Qui-squared values (chi2 = 214.986, gl. = 20, P < 0.001). This relationship may be found among other termites and tree species, including Cerrado biome, and may be due to several factors, such as natural competitors and predators, toxin production by other tree species or benefits between associated species (facultative mutualism or facilitation).  相似文献   

Brian M. boom 《Brittonia》1985,37(3):317-319
Gleasonia prancei, a new species form Serra Aracá, Amazonas, Brazil, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

In family Rubiaceae distyly is very common, and large variation in heterostyly characteristics has been previously documented. Analysis of these variations, even within a species, is very useful to our understanding of the evolutionary process that caused this polymorphism. For this reason, the goal of this study is to investigate the floral morphology and diallelic incompatibility system of three populations of Psychotria carthagenensis. The three studied populations of P. carthagenensis occur in forest fragments in protected areas in an urban matrix in the Municipality of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. Reciprocal position of style length and stamen height was found in populations, and in general short-styled flowers were larger than long-styled flowers. All populations presented 1:1 morph ratio between short-styled and long-styled flowers. Regarding breeding system, flowers of P. carthagenensis were self-compatible and compatible within plants of the same morph, and there was no pollen limitation in the populations in any case. In only one of the populations were there differences in the extent of compatibility between morphs, with the long-styled morph being more self-compatible than the short-styled morph. The reproductive strategy of these populations can be advantageous in case of fluctuation of pollinator activity.  相似文献   



This study aimed at assessing whether patch type (i.e., under-shrub soil patch and inter-shrub soil patch) has an effect on soil microbes and how different shrub species altered the soil microbes through understanding soil microbial activity, biomass, and community structure.


We characterized the soil microbes in under-shrub and inter-shrub soil patches in three shrublands (Artemisia ordosica, Salix psammophila, and Caragana microphylla), respectively, in the Mu Us Desert, China, using microbial activity indicators, chloroform fumigation-extraction analysis, and high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing.


Members of the phyla Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, Planctomycetes, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, and Gemmatimonadetes were dominant. Inter-shrub soil patch differed from under-shrub soil patch in soil bacterial composition, microbial enzyme activity, and biomass, but not in diversity. Soil collected in A. ordosica shrubland exhibited the highest microbial enzyme activity, biomass, and diversity. Shrub species had significant effects on community structure, primarily the relative abundance of Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes.


The results indicated that both shrub species and patch type had effects on soil microbial communities. In shrub-dominated desert ecosystems, spatial heterogeneity of soil nutrients and moisture might not be the main factors underlying variations in bacterial diversity. The different compositions of microbial communities in various shrublands provide a foundation for further research into the mechanisms of soil organic carbon accumulation.

This study was performed to determine whether the environmental conditions of the Cerrado domain could directly influence photosynthesis (primary metabolism) and essential oil production (secondary metabolism) in adult Vernonia polyanthes Less. plants. In the experiments of this investigation, which were conducted in two areas of the Cerrado (conserved and degraded) during the dry season (winter), leaf CO2 assimilation rate, transpiration, stomatal conductance, instantaneous carboxylation efficiency, leaf water potential, soil potential and essential oil yield were evaluated. V. polyanthes plants exhibited outstanding growth in the conserved forests of the Brazilian Cerrado, with a higher leaf CO2 assimilation rate, instantaneous carboxylation efficiency, leaf water potential, soil potential and essential oil yield than in degraded regions of the Cerrado. Interestingly, the Cerrado sensu stricto was associated with lower performance with respect to essential oil yield and transpiration but no alteration of stomatal conductance, an essential determinant of gas exchange parameters. Our data suggest that ecophysiological effects in conserved and degraded areas in the Cerrado modify gas exchange and essential oil production in V. polyanthes.  相似文献   

Few studies have addressed the phylogeography of species of the Cerrado, the largest savanna biome of South America. Here we aimed to investigate the phylogeographical structure of Dalbergia miscolobium, a widespread tree from the Cerrado, and to verify its concordance with plant phylogeographical and biogeographical patterns so far described. A total of 287 individuals from 32 populations were analyzed by sequencing the trnL intron of the chloroplast DNA and the internal transcribed spacer of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. Analysis of population structure and tests of population expansion were performed and the time of divergence of haplotypes was estimated. Twelve and 27 haplotypes were identified in the cpDNA and nrDNA data, respectively. The star-like network configuration and the mismatch distributions indicated a recent spatial and demographic expansion of the species. Consistent with previous tree phylogeographical studies of Cerrado trees, the cpDNA also suggested a recent expansion towards the southern Cerrado. The diversity of D. miscolobium was widespread but high levels of genetic diversity were found in the Central Eastern and in the southern portion of Central Western Cerrado. The combined analysis of cpDNA and nrDNA supported a phylogeographic structure into seven groups. The phylogeographical pattern showed many concordances with biogeographical and phylogeographical studies in the Cerrado, mainly with the Cerrado phytogeographic provinces superimposed to our sampling area. The data reinforced the uniqueness of Northeastern and Southeastern Cerrados and the differentiation between Eastern and Western Central Cerrados. The recent diversification of the species (estimated between the Pliocene and the Pleistocene) and the ‘genealogical concordances’ suggest that a shared and persistent pattern of species diversification might have been present in the Cerrado over time. This is the first time that an extensive ‘genealogical concordance’ between phylogeographic and phytogeographic patterns is shown for the Cerrado biome.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe the distribution pattern of bat species and select priority areas for the conservation of the Cerrado based on a systematic planning approach. We estimated species richness and calculated the total beta diversity based on Sørensen’s dissimilarity index (βsor). We estimated the species turnover using Simpson’s dissimilarity index (βsim). We then evaluated the nesting (βsne) by the difference between the dissimilarity indices (βsor and βsim). Based on this analysis, we identified the priority areas for the conservation of bats in the Cerrado based on the zonation approach. We found that the species richness and beta diversity of bats in the Cerrado are concentrated primarily in the central and northern portions of the biome. We also discovered that the conservation units of the Cerrado are ineffective for the protection of species with a restricted distribution (≤ 150 grid cells), such as Vampyrum spectrum, for which we propose the creation of new conservation units that better cover the diversity patterns observed in the present study. By conserving this diversity, we will also be protecting local habitats, which will in turn enable the survival of a wide range of species, and provide the ecosystems with the capacity to respond adequately to future changes in the environment.  相似文献   

A total of 73 ethanol extracts from different anatomical parts of 44 plant species belonging to 24 families, native to the Mid-Western region of Brazil, were assessed in vitro for their effect on the reproductive cycle of engorged females of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, using the adult immersion test. All extracts were evaluated at the concentration of 0.2 % and, among the extracts tested, the one obtained from the fruits of Guarea kunthiana (Meliaceae) proved to be highly efficacious, showing 99.1 % of product effectiveness. Extracts from other three species were shown to be moderately active, namely Nymphaea amazonum trunk (Nymphaeaceae) [51.7 %], Strychnos pseudoquina trunk (Loganiaceae) [8.0 %] and Ocotea lancifolia leaves (Lauraceae) [34.5 %], while the remaining extracts were shown to be weakly active or inactive. This is the first report on the bioactivity of these species on egg production by engorged females of R. microplus.  相似文献   

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