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An aerobiology sampling flight at 20 km was conducted on 28 April 2008 over the Pacific Ocean (36.5° N, 118–149° W), a period of time that coincided with the movement of Asian dust across the ocean. The aim of this study was to confirm the presence of viable bacteria and fungi within a transoceanic, atmospheric bridge and to improve the resolution of flight hardware processing techniques. Isolates of the microbial strains recovered were analyzed with ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) sequencing to identify bacterial species Bacillus sp., Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus endophyticus, and the fungal genus Penicillium. Satellite imagery and ground-based radiosonde observations were used to measure dust movement and characterize the high-altitude environment at the time of collection. Considering the atmospheric residency time (7–10 days), the extreme temperature regime of the environment (−75°C), and the absence of a mechanism that could sustain particulates at high altitude, it is unlikely that our samples indicate a permanent, stratospheric ecosystem. However, the presence of viable fungi and bacteria in transoceanic stratosphere remains relevant to understanding the distribution and extent of microbial life on Earth.  相似文献   

From the first movements of people towards the Pacific Islands millennia ago to recent transnational migration in a globalised world, translocal mobility has been a central aspect of the social lives, cultures and histories of many Pacific Islanders. While Oceania has always been an area of migration as well as cultural and economic exchange, current transnational Pacific movements are deeply embedded in a twentieth- and twenty-first-century global phenomenon, which Castles and Miller [2009. The Age of Migration. International Population Movements in the Modern World. Houndsmill: MacMillan Press. (1993 1st edition)] have called the ‘age of migration’. This essay gives an overview of Pacific Islander migration and its patterns and motives as presented in previous studies. It shows how useful cultural categories can be for a deeper understanding of notions of moving and staying, two pluralistic and not contradictorily perceived concepts for Pacific Islanders that are crucial in transnational migration. With its focus on transnational migration and the challenges experienced by Fijians in the UK and Japan, and Micronesian Chuukese in Guam, Hawai'i, and the US mainland, this introduction concludes by analysing how the case studies presented in this special issue contribute to and complement current anthropological perspectives on Pacific Islanders’ multiple and complex forms of transnationalism.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Phylogenetic evidence indicates that Siderastrea glynni, a species of coral thought to be endemic to the Eastern Pacific, is actually more likely to be Si. siderea introduced from the...  相似文献   

The discovery of a population of elkhorn corals in the Central Pacific Ocean has important taxonomic implications, as this distinctive colony morphology was previously known only from the endemic and critically endangered Atlantic species Acropora palmata. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed that the Pacific elkhorn coral is genetically distant from A. palmata, and most likely represents a species previously synonymized with Acropora abrotanoides. The Pacific elkhorn coral is rare, and is of particular scientific interest because it represents one morphological extreme in the dominant genus of reef-building corals. The discovery of the Pacific elkhorn coral raises a number of important general issues in relation to biodiversity conservation, as this coral would not qualify for threatened species listing under current IUCN categories and criteria despite being demonstrably rare.  相似文献   

Green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, and white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, are frequent inhabitants of coastal estuaries from northern California, USA to British Columbia, Canada. An analysis of stomach contents from 95 green sturgeon and six white sturgeon commercially landed in Willapa Bay, Grays Harbor, and the Columbia River estuary during 2000–2005 revealed that 17–97% had empty stomachs, but those fish with items in their guts fed predominantly on benthic prey items and fish. Burrowing thalassinid shrimp (mostly Neotrypaea californiensis) were important food items for both white and especially for green sturgeon taken in Willapa Bay, Washington during summer 2003, where they represented 51% of the biomass ingested (84.9% IRI). Small pits observed in intertidal areas dominated by these shrimp, are likely made by these sturgeon and we present evidence from exclusion studies and field observation that the predator making the pits can have a significant cumulative negative effect on burrowing shrimp density. These burrowing shrimp present a threat to the aquaculture industry in Washington State due to their ability to de-stabilize the substrate on which shellfish are grown. Despite an active burrowing shrimp control program in these estuaries, it seems unlikely that current burrowing shrimp abundance and availability as food is a limiting factor for threatened green sturgeon stocks. However, these large predators may have performed an important top down control function on shrimp populations in the past when they were more abundant.  相似文献   

美国Pacific Biosciences公司宣布,利用实时测序技术(SMRT)在短链DNA上同时测定DNA序列及其后天修饰(表观遗传学特性)取得成功。  相似文献   

What is environmental enrichment? During the last several decades, zoos and aquariums have come to realize (perhaps belatedly) that animals kept in captivity need environmental enrichment for their well-being (Seidensticher & Forthman, 1998). Early zoos and aquariums tried to show as many animals as possible; hence, their exhibits were frequently small and bare to permit easy viewing, cleaning, and sterilization. Now, all have come to realize that captive animals need environmental enrichment for their health and for the education and increased expectations of visitors to zoos and aquariums.  相似文献   

We used a population genetic approach to quantify major population subdivisions and patterns of migration within a broadly distributed Indo-Pacific parrotfish. We genotyped 15 microsatellite loci in Scarus rubroviolaceus collected from 20 localities between Africa and the Americas. A STRUCTURE model indicates the presence of four major populations: Eastern Pacific, Hawaii, Central-West Pacific and a less well-differentiated Indian Ocean. We used the isolation and migration model to estimate splitting times, population sizes and migration patterns between sister population pairs. To eliminate loci under selection, we used BayeScan to select loci for three isolation and migration models: Eastern Pacific and Central-West Pacific, Hawaii and the Central-West Pacific, and Indian Ocean and the Central-West Pacific. To test the assumption of a stepwise mutation model (SMM), we used likelihood to test the SMM against a two-phase model that allowed mutational complexity. A posteriori, minor departures from SMM were estimated to affect ≤2% of the alleles in the data. The data were informative about the contemporary and ancestral population sizes, migration rates and the splitting time in the eastern Pacific/Central-West Pacific comparison. The model revealed a splitting time ~17,000 BP, a larger contemporary N(e) in the Central-West Pacific than in the eastern Pacific and a strong bias of east to west migration. These characteristics support the Center of Accumulation model of peripatric diversification in low-diversity peripheral sites and perhaps migration from those sites to the western Pacific diversity hotspot.  相似文献   

Prior to 2008 and the discovery of several important hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) nesting colonies in the EP (Eastern Pacific), the species was considered virtually absent from the region. Research since that time has yielded new insights into EP hawksbills, salient among them being the use of mangrove estuaries for nesting. These recent revelations have raised interest in the genetic characterization of hawksbills in the EP, studies of which have remained lacking to date. Between 2008 and 2014, we collected tissue samples from 269 nesting hawksbills at nine rookeries across the EP and used mitochondrial DNA sequences (766 bp) to generate the first genetic characterization of rookeries in the region. Our results inform genetic diversity, population differentiation, and phylogeography of the species. Hawksbills in the EP demonstrate low genetic diversity: We identified a total of only seven haplotypes across the region, including five new and two previously identified nesting haplotypes (pooled frequencies of 58.4% and 41.6%, respectively), the former only evident in Central American rookeries. Despite low genetic diversity, we found strong stock structure between the four principal rookeries, suggesting the existence of multiple populations and warranting their recognition as distinct management units. Furthermore, haplotypes EiIP106 and EiIP108 are unique to hawksbills that nest in mangrove estuaries, a behavior found only in hawksbills along Pacific Central America. The detected genetic differentiation supports the existence of a novel mangrove estuary “reproductive ecotype” that may warrant additional conservation attention. From a phylogeographic perspective, our research indicates hawksbills colonized the EP via the Indo‐Pacific, and do not represent relict populations isolated from the Atlantic by the rising of the Panama Isthmus. Low overall genetic diversity in the EP is likely the combined result of few rookeries, extremely small reproductive populations and evolutionarily recent colonization events. Additional research with larger sample sizes and variable markers will help further genetic understanding of hawksbill turtles in the EP.  相似文献   

Community-wide feeding interrelationships in a low-diversity coral reef off the Pacific coast of Panamá (Uva Island reef) demonstrate complex pathways involving herbivore, strong corallivore, and carnivore interactions. Four trophic levels with 31 interguild links are identified in a generalized food web, and documented feeding interrelationships with 287+ species links are portrayed in a coral–corallivore subweb. The importance of trophic groups changes greatly with time, from unknown causes over annual to decadal-scale periods, and during very strong El Niño–Southern Oscillation events such that intermittent intense herbivory by echinoids (Diadema) and corallivory by gastropod mollusks, the crown-of-thorns sea star Acanthaster, hermit crabs, and fishes result in high levels of coral mortality and bioerosion of reef substratum. Intraregional differences in species composition and abundances affecting food-web interactions are briefly described for nonupwelling (Uva Island) and upwelling areas (Pearl Islands) in Panamá. Seasonal upwelling in the Pearl Islands results in high plankton productivity, which likely augments production in invertebrates, fishes, marine mammals, and seabirds, but these pathways still remain largely unquantified. The corallivore Acanthaster is absent from upwelling centers in Panamá and from upwelling and nonupwelling areas in the southern and central Galápagos Islands, and the highly destructive, facultative corallivore Eucidaris galapagensis occurs only in the latter offshore islands and at Cocos Island. Relatively recent declines in the abundances of manta rays, sharks, and spiny lobsters are correlated with, but not necessarily causally linked to, increasing fishing activities in the late 1970s to early 1980s. The extent to which the complex yet highly unstable Uva Island food web is representative of other eastern Pacific coral reef ecosystems remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

As part of its annual bottom-trawl survey program, the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) has been collecting and analyzing the stomach contents of groundfish predators since 1981. Between 1981 and 2011, a total of 233,451 fish stomachs were collected and analyzed from the eastern Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska, and the Aleutian Islands large marine ecosystems; these data are now available online as AFSC’s Groundfish Trophic Interactions Database. Here, we discuss features of the survey and data to aid in the interpretation and use of this extensive dataset for the Alaska region. The primary fish sampled include walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus), Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus), Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis), and arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias), although 159 predator species have been included in the stomach content analysis. Prey length measurements are included for important commercial prey and can identify age or size classes of prey prior to their recruitment into fisheries and most other surveys. With these data, one can track time trends in growth, mortality, and prey composition as ecosystem indicators, and include food web interactions in fish stock assessments for ecosystem-based fisheries management.  相似文献   

Blue whales were targeted in the North Pacific from 1905–1971 and are listed as endangered by the IUCN. Despite decades without whaling, abundance estimates for eastern North Pacific (ENP) blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) suggest little evidence for a recent increase. One possible reason is fatal strikes by large ships, which have affected populations of other cetaceans and resulted in mitigation. We used a population dynamics model to assess the trends and status of ENP blue whales, and the effects of ship strikes. We estimate the population likely never dropped below 460 individuals, and is at 97% of carrying capacity (95% interval 62%–99%). These results suggest density dependence, not ship strikes, is the key reason for the observed lack of increase. We also estimate future strikes will likely have a minimal impact; for example, an 11‐fold increase in vessels would lead to a 50% chance the long‐term population would be considered depleted. Although we estimate ship strike mitigation would have minimal impacts on population trends and status, current levels of ship strikes are likely above legal limits set by the U.S. The recovery of ENP blue whales from whaling demonstrates the ability of blue whale populations to rebuild under careful management.  相似文献   


The Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) is under severe threat in Chinese waters. Only four small populations of this dolphin are known to survive in the East China Sea and South China Sea. We conducted exploratory surveys from June to September 2005, and found a population of humpback dolphins in Leizhou Bay. Thirty‐eight individuals were identified and catalogued, of which 26 were photographed and re‐identified on more than one occasion, and nine were sighted on five or more occasions each. Our preliminary estimate of the size of the Leizhou population is about 237 individuals, second only to the Pearl River estuary population. We suggest that Leizhou Bay has the potential to serve as a “humpback dolphin sanctuary” in Chinese waters.  相似文献   

Non-indigenous species may be the most severe environmental threat the world now faces. Fishes, in particular, have been intentionally introduced worldwide and have commonly caused the local extinction of native fish. Despite their importance, the impact of introduced fishes on threatened populations of Pacific salmon has never been systemically examined. Here, we take advantage of several unique datasets from the Columbia River Basin to address the impact of non-indigenous brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, on threatened spring/summer-run chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. More than 41 000 juvenile chinook were individually marked, and their survival in streams without brook trout was nearly double the survival in streams with brook trout. Furthermore, when brook trout were absent, habitat quality was positively associated with chinook survival, but when brook trout were present no relationship between chinook survival and habitat quality was evident. The difference in juvenile chinook survival between sites with, and without, brook trout would increase population growth rate (lambda) by ca. 2.5%. This increase in lambda would be sufficient to reverse the negative population growth observed in many chinook populations. Because many of the populations we investigated occur in wilderness areas, their habitat has been considered pristine; however, our results emphasize that non-indigenous species are present and may have a dramatic impact, even in remote regions that otherwise appear pristine.  相似文献   

More than 18 million seabirds nest on 58 Pacific islands protected within vast U.S. Marine National Monuments (1.9 million km2). However, most of these seabird colonies are on low-elevation islands and sea-level rise (SLR) and accompanying high-water perturbations are predicted to escalate with climate change. To understand how SLR may impact protected islands and insular biodiversity, we modeled inundation and wave-driven flooding of a globally important seabird rookery in the subtropical Pacific. We acquired new high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and used the Delft3D wave model and ArcGIS to model wave heights and inundation for a range of SLR scenarios (+0.5, +1.0, +1.5, and +2.0 m) at Midway Atoll. Next, we classified vegetation to delineate habitat exposure to inundation and identified how breeding phenology, colony synchrony, and life history traits affect species-specific sensitivity. We identified 3 of 13 species as highly vulnerable to SLR in the Hawaiian Islands and quantified their atoll-wide distribution (Laysan albatross, Phoebastria immutabilis; black-footed albatross, P. nigripes; and Bonin petrel, Pterodroma hypoleuca). Our models of wave-driven flooding forecast nest losses up to 10% greater than passive inundation models at +1.0 m SLR. At projections of + 2.0 m SLR, approximately 60% of albatross and 44% of Bonin petrel nests were overwashed displacing more than 616,400 breeding albatrosses and petrels. Habitat loss due to passive SLR may decrease the carrying capacity of some islands to support seabird colonies, while sudden high-water events directly reduce survival and reproduction. This is the first study to simulate wave-driven flooding and the combined impacts of SLR, groundwater rise, and storm waves on seabird colonies. Our results highlight the need for early climate change planning and restoration of higher elevation seabird refugia to prevent low-lying protected islands from becoming ecological traps in the face of rising sea levels.  相似文献   

About a decade of dimethylsulphide (DMS) measurements in the North East Pacific are summarized and compared to model simulations. Bottle samples at various depths have been taken three times per year along Line P from the British Columbia coast to Ocean Station Papa (145°?W, 50°?N). Despite the long timeseries, DMS measurements are still sparse and the data show large variabilities in concentrations both spatially and temporally. DMS concentrations in late summer have been consistently high, while spring measurements at the offshore stations suggest a downward trend over the past years. Low values in spring, however, have also been recorded in the late 1990s, which might hint to interannual variability in the onset of the spring bloom and/or plankton assemblage rather than to a response to recent climate change. Some of the variability, both short-term and interannual, can be caused by regional or local preconditioning of the physical environment. The model simulations provide examples where periods of low winds, shallow mixed layers and sometimes high irradiance follow a mixing event and cause DMS peaks on various time scales as well as consistently elevated DMS concentrations for longer timeperiods. The model in its current configuration, which has been calibrated with measurements in the late 1990s/early 2000s, is not able to capture the low values in winter and spring observed in recent years. We suggest that this is due to missing or misrepresented links in the biogeochemical parameterizations of the model, e.g., an incomplete representation of variations in the phytoplankton assemblage. Including a seasonally varying S:N ratio to account for the absence of dinoflagellates in winter and spring significantly improves the simulation. Variability in DMS concentrations can also be induced by natural iron fertilization, which the model reproduces when timing is specified. For example, the model can reproduce the effects of natural volcanic Fe fertilization on surface water plankton dynamics and mixed layer DMS accumulation. The model also shows that the amplitude of the short term variability (days) increases when DMSP producing phytoplankton are less iron limited.  相似文献   

Density‐dependent mortality in Pacific salmon: the ghost of impacts past?   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Conservation biologists often ignore density dependence because at‐risk populations are typically small relative to historical levels. However, if populations are reduced as a result of impacts that lower carrying capacity, then density‐dependent mortality may exist at low population abundances. Here, we explore this issue in threatened populations of juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). We followed the fate of more than 50 000 juvenile chinook in the Snake River Basin, USA to test the hypothesis that their survival was inversely associated with juvenile density. We also tested the hypotheses that non‐indigenous brook trout and habitat quality affect the presence or strength of density dependence. Our results indicate that juvenile chinook suffer density‐dependent mortality and the strength of density dependence was greater in streams in which brook trout were absent. We were unable to detect an effect of habitat quality on the strength of density dependence. Historical impacts of humans have greatly reduced population sizes of salmon, and the density dependence we report may stem from a shortage of nutrients normally derived from decomposing salmon carcasses. Cohorts of juvenile salmon may experience density‐dependent mortality at population sizes far below historical levels and recovery of imperiled populations may be much slower than currently expected.  相似文献   

Based on our own and literature data, a detailed substrate–inhibitor analysis of catalytic properties of cholinesterase of hemolymph of the Pacific gastropod mollusc Neptunea eulimata has been carried out. Using specific substrates and organophosphorus inhibitors, homogeneity of the enzyme preparation has been shown. The study of the substrate specificity, using 8 substrates—choline, fluorogenic and chromogenic esters—has revealed some features of similarity with mammalian erythrocyte cholinesterase. At the same time, testing of a large group (33 compounds) of organophosphorus inhibitors with various structure, including hydrophobic inhibitors studied for the first time, has established both quantitative and qualitative differences from the mammalian blood enzymes. It is concluded that cholinesterase from the neptunea hemolymph cannot be ascribed unanimously to the type of acetylhydrolases of acetylcholine (EC  相似文献   

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