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Several female flowers were found on plants of Cymodocea serrulata collected in Mida Creek, Kenya, during August 1969. The structure of the female inflorescence of C. serrulata , previously known only from one fragmentary example, is described and shown to be very similar to that of C. angustata Ostenf. but different from that of Thalassodendron ciliatum. The occurrence of small squamulae intravaginales in all leaf and bract axils in both C. serrulata and T. ciliatum is described. Secondary male flowers were observed in the axil of the penultimate bract of about 10% of male inflorescences of T. ciliatum collected on the Kenya coast. The frequency of flowering and the factors affecting flowering in C. serrulata are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract The extent of clonality within populations strongly influences their spatial genetic structure (SGS), yet this is hardly ever thoroughly analysed. We employed spatial autocorrelation analysis to study effects of sexual and clonal reproduction on dispersal of the dioecious seagrass Cymodocea nodosa. Analyses were performed both at genet level (i.e. excluding clonal repeats) and at ramet level. Clonal structure was characterized by the clonal subrange, a spatial measure of the linear limits where clonality still affects SGS. We show that the clonal subrange is equivalent to the distance where the probability of clonal identity approaches zero. This combined approach was applied to two meadows with different levels of disturbance, Cadiz (stable) and Alfacs (disturbed). Genotypic richness, the proportion of the sample representing distinct genotypes, was moderate (0.38 Cadiz, 0.46 Alfacs) mostly due to dominance of a few clones. Expected heterozygosities were comparable to those found in other clonal plants. SGS analyses at the genet level revealed extremely restricted gene dispersal in Cadiz (Sp = 0.052, a statistic reflecting the decrease of pairwise kinship with distance), the strongest SGS found for seagrass species, comparable only to values for selfing herbaceous land plants. At Cadiz the clonal subrange extended across shorter distances (20-25 m) than in Alfacs (30-35 m). Comparisons of sexual and vegetative components of gene dispersal suggest that, as a dispersal vector within meadows, clonal spread is at least as important as sexual reproduction. The restricted dispersal and SGS pattern in both meadows indicates that the species follows a repeated seedling recruitment strategy.  相似文献   

Cymodocea serrulata is a tropical seagrass species distributed widely in the Indo‐Pacific region. We developed 16 novel microsatellite (simple sequence repeat) markers for C. serrulata using next‐generation sequencing for use in genetic studies. The applicability of these markers was attested by genotyping of 40 individuals collected from a natural population in the Philippines. Of the 16 loci, 15 showed polymorphism. For the 15 polymorphic markers, the number of alleles per locus ranged from two to seven, and the observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.131–1.000 and 0.124–0.788, respectively. These markers are useful tools for elucidating genetic diversity, connectivity, and structure in this foundational coastal species.  相似文献   

In order to study the spatial patterns of genetic diversity of a clonal marine angiosperm, the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa, microsatellite markers were obtained by screening a genomic library enriched for the (CT) dinucleotide motif. Of 38 primer pairs defined, 15 amplified polymorphic microsatellites and are described. These loci identified a number of alleles ranging from two to seven, and showed expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.35 to 0.76, when a group of 40 individuals from Cadiz Bay in Spain was analysed. Additionally, we describe here the multiplexing conditions for 12 of these loci.  相似文献   

A controversial issue in ecology and conservation is whether community composition is controlled by niche or dispersal assembly. We assessed the importance of climatic factors and geographic gradients on the distribution of orchid bees in a severely-fragmented and species-rich tropical forest region in Brazil. Orchid-bee males were attracted to 17 different scent baits and collected in 15 forest sites. In total we captured 11,081 bees from 40 species. Climatic variables explained twice as much of the observed variation in the bee species data set as did pure spatial variation. However, most of the climatic explained variation was spatially structured, indicating that the species and the climatic data have a similar spatial arrangement. In fact, part of the observed latitudinal changes in community composition appears to be explained by a concomitant gradient in precipitation seasonality. Similarly, reduced temperatures and a more seasonal precipitation may help to explain the relative distinctiveness of the fauna from some of the westernmost sites. The level of similarity among the sampled sites, although highly variable, decayed both as function of the climatic and geographic distances among these sites. The greatest pairwise dissimilarities in the composition of the orchid-bee fauna were observed among sites 200–300 km from each other, since in many case those sites were more dissimilar in terms of climate than those further apart. It is suggested that global warming and consequent altered climatic regimes will influence the distribution patterns of orchid bees in a region already threatened by deforestation and forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

Aim A central question in evolutionary ecology is the nature of environmental barriers that can limit gene flow and induce population genetic divergence, a first step towards speciation. Here we study the geographical barrier constituted by the transition zone between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, using as our model Cymodocea nodosa, a seagrass distributed throughout the Mediterranean and in the Atlantic, from central Portugal to Mauritania. We also test predictions about the genetic footprints of Pleistocene glaciations. Location The Atlantic–Mediterranean transition region and adjacent areas in the Atlantic (Mauritania to south‐west Portugal) and the Mediterranean. Methods We used eight microsatellite markers to compare 20 seagrass meadows in the Atlantic and 27 meadows in the Mediterranean, focusing on the transition between these basins. Results Populations from these two regions form coherent groups containing several unique, high‐frequency alleles for the Atlantic and for the Mediterranean, with some admixture west of the Almeria–Oran Front (Portugal, south‐west Spain and Morocco). These are populations where only one or a few genotypes were found, for all but Cadiz, but remarkably still show the footprint of a contact zone. This extremely low genotypic richness at the Atlantic northern edge contrasts with the high values (low clonality) at the Atlantic southern edge and in most of the Mediterranean. The most divergent populations are those at the higher temperature range limits: the southernmost Atlantic populations and the easternmost Mediterranean, both potential footprints of vicariance. Main conclusions A biogeographical transition region occurs close to the Almeria–Oran front. A secondary contact zone in Atlantic Iberia and Morocco results from two distinct dispersal sources: the Mediterranean and southernmost Atlantic populations, possibly during warmer interglacial or post‐glacial periods. The presence of high‐frequency diagnostic alleles in present‐day disjunct populations from the southernmost Atlantic region indicates that their separation from all remaining populations is ancient, and suggests an old, stable rear edge.  相似文献   

Information on genetic diversity and differentiation of seagrass populations is essential for the conservation of coastal ecosystems. However, little is known about the seagrasses in the Indo‐West Pacific Ocean, where the world's highest diversity of seagrasses occurs. The influence of sea currents on these populations is also unknown. We estimated the genetic diversity and population genetic structure and identified reproductive features in Enhalus acoroides populations from the Yaeyama Islands, Hainan Island and the Philippines. The Philippines are situated at the centre of the E. acoroides range, Yaeyama and Hainan are peripheral populations, and the Yaeyama population is at the northern limit of the species range. The powerful Kuroshio Current flows from the Philippines to Yaeyama. Genetic analyses using nine microsatellite markers indicated that reproduction of E. acoroides is mostly sexual. Clonal diversity does not decrease in northern populations, although genetic diversity does. However, the genetic diversity of the Yaeyama populations is greater than that of the Hainan populations. Significant genetic differentiation among most populations was evident; however, the Yaeyama and north‐east Philippines populations were genetically similar, despite being separated by ~1100 km. An assignment test suggested that recruitment occurs from the north‐east Philippines to Yaeyama. The strong current in this region is probably responsible for the extant genetic diversity and recruitment patterns.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic composition and mating systems of edge populations provides important insights into the environmental and demographic factors shaping species' distribution ranges. We analysed samples of the mangrove Avicennia marina from Vietnam, northern Philippines and Australia, with microsatellite markers. We compared genetic diversity and structure in edge (Southeast Asia, and Southern Australia) and core (North and Eastern Australia) populations, and also compared our results with previously published data from core and southern edge populations. Comparisons highlighted significantly reduced gene diversity and higher genetic structure in both margins compared to core populations, which can be attributed to very low effective population size, pollinator scarcity and high environmental pressure at distribution margins. The estimated level of inbreeding was significantly higher in northeastern populations compared to core and southern populations. This suggests that despite the high genetic load usually associated with inbreeding, inbreeding or even selfing may be advantageous in margin habitats due to the possible advantages of reproductive assurance, or local adaptation. The very high level of genetic structure and inbreeding show that populations of A. marina are functioning as independent evolutionary units more than as components of a metapopulation system connected by gene flow. The combinations of those characteristics make these peripheral populations likely to develop local adaptations and therefore to be of particular interest for conservation strategies as well as for adaptation to possible future environmental changes.  相似文献   

In this study, patterns in the taxonomic richness and composition of the fish fauna inhabiting Cymodocea nodosa seagrass meadows were described across their entire distribution range in the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent Atlantic Ocean. Specifically, the study tested whether there are differences in the composition of fish assemblages between those ecoregions encompassed by the distribution range of C. nodosa, and whether these differences in composition are connected with differences in bioclimatic affinities of the fish faunas. A literature review resulted in a total of 19 studies, containing 22 fish assemblages at 18 locations. The ichthyofauna associated with C. nodosa seagrass meadows comprises 59 families and 188 species. The western Mediterranean (WM) Sea has the highest species richness (87 species). Fish assemblages from the Macaronesia–Canary Islands, the Sahelian Upwelling, South European Atlantic Shelf and the WM differ, in terms of assemblage composition, relative to other ecoregions. In contrast, the composition of the fish fauna from the central and eastern Mediterranean overlaps. There is a significant serial correlation in fish assemblage composition between adjacent ecoregions along the distribution range of C. nodosa. Dissimilarities in assemblage composition are connected with the geographical separation between locations, and the mean minimum annual seawater temperature is the environmental factor that explains most variation in fish assemblage composition.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that genetic variation should be reduced at range margins, but empirical support is equivocal. Here, we used genotyping‐by‐sequencing technology to investigate genetic variation in central and marginal populations of two species in the marine gastropod genus Crepidula. These two species have different development and dispersal types and might therefore show different spatial patterns of genetic variation. Both allelic richness and the proportion of private alleles were highest in the most central populations of both species, and lower at the margin. The species with low dispersal, Crepidula convexa, showed high degrees of structure throughout the range that conform to the pattern found in previous studies using other molecular markers. The northernmost populations of the high‐dispersing species, Crepidula fornicata, are distinct from more central populations, although this species has been previously observed to have little genetic structure over much of its range. Although genetic diversity was significantly lower at the range margin, the absolute reduction in diversity observed with these genomewide markers was slight, and it is not yet known whether there are functional consequences for the marginal populations.  相似文献   

Male flowers of Cymodocea serrulata (R. Br.) Ascherson & Magnus have been found in Moreton Bay, Queensland, the southernmost extent of this species' range. The flower is described together with the abundance of flowering. Syringodium isoetifolium (Ascherson) Dandy is also found in Moreton Bay and flowers were found in 1973 but not in 1974.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the degree and distribution of genetic diversity within Central-European populations of Thesium ebracteatum—one of the most endangered plant species in Europe. By analyzing allozymes from 17 populations, we estimated the distribution of genetic diversity and suggest the most valuable populations for conservation. Analysis of molecular variance results showed the highest variance existed between populations (54 %), whereas the mean variance within populations was 46 %. A surprisingly low degree of variance (less than 1 %) was found between the six studied regions. We also observed no correlation between geographical and genetic distance, which supports the idea that individual populations are strongly isolated. T. ebracteatum undergoes extensive clonal growth and may survive for very long periods of time without generative reproduction. Consistent with this, we found a strong and significant relationship between genetic diversity and population size. All populations occupying an area greater than 300 m2 showed high genetic diversity, whereas small populations contained less genetic diversity. Therefore, conservation priorities could generally be decided based on population size. Because this species is a weak competitor, existing localities should also be managed to prevent species loss from habitat degradation, by mowing or from time to time otherwise disturbing population areas to create open areas for growth.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was assessed in the endangered species C. variolosus (Coleoptera: Carabidae), which is listed in the European Habitats and Species Directive. Twelve populations from the north-western margin of its range in Germany and France to the border region between Slovenia and Croatia were investigated for variation at 16 allozyme loci. In general, genetic diversity was rather low as indicated by a mean allelic richness of 1.3 alleles per locus, a mean gene diversity (H E ) of 0.071 and a mean proportion of polymorphic loci (P 95% ) of 16%. Genetic diversity did not change directionally from the margin towards the core of the range. Very high differentiation between populations (overall F ST  = 0.465), the results of a Mantel test, and poor accordance between geographical and genetic distance suggest a high degree of isolation of the island-like distributed populations. High F ST values and genetic distance measures, even between geographically close populations within the same drainage, confirm a very low dispersal power of this habitat specialist of headwater areas and swamps in woodlands, even in comparison with other flightless beetles. It is concluded that the majority of populations are demographically independent. Hierarchical F-statistics indicate that almost half of the genetic variance is found between regions and populations. Therefore, we recommend that conservation efforts consider every population as a management unit and aim to maintain as many populations as possible over as many regions as possible.  相似文献   

Aim  To examine range-wide patterns of genetic diversity in association with range limits in a broadly distributed temperate lizard, and to identify the contributions of a series of environmental, geographical and historical variables to the observed patterns. Reduced genetic diversity may limit local adaptation in peripheral populations, thereby limiting their ability to adapt to marginal environmental conditions, possibly explaining the existence of temporally stable range limits.
Location  Various sampling locales throughout eastern and central USA and southern Ontario, Canada.
Methods  Genetic diversity of nuclear DNA microsatellites was estimated for each of 38 populations from across the range of eastern North America's most broadly distributed lizard, the five-lined skink, Plestiodon fasciatus (Linnaeus, 1758).
Results  Local climatic conditions and an interaction between distance from range border and glaciation history best predicted a population's present-day genetic diversity. Overall, peripheral populations had reduced genetic diversity relative to that of central populations, but this difference was attributable to the reduced genetic diversity in peripheral populations to the north and west that are not bordered by any obvious physical boundaries.
Main conclusions  Some, but not all, peripheral populations had reduced genetic diversity relative to that of more central populations, which probably arose through an interaction of ecological and historical factors. Peripheral populations that were bordered by an obvious boundary (e.g. an ocean) had higher diversity than peripheral populations that were not bordered by an obvious physical barrier to range expansion, suggesting that reduced intrapopulation genetic diversity is associated with range limits in the five-lined skink.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Species may occur over a wide geographical range within which populations can display large variation in reproductive success and genetic diversity. Neotinea maculata is a rare orchid of conservation concern at the edge of its range in Ireland, where it occurs in small populations. However, it is relatively common throughout the Mediterranean region. Here, factors that affect rarity of N. maculata in Ireland are investigated by comparing Irish populations with those found in Italy, where it is more common.


Vegetation communities, breeding system and genetic diversity were compared using three amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) primer pairs in populations in Ireland and Italy. Vegetation was quantified using quadrats taken along transects in study populations, and hand pollination experiments were performed to assess reliance of N. maculata on pollinators in both Irish and Italian populations.

Key Results

Neotinea maculata occupies different vegetation communities in Italian and Irish populations. Breeding system experiments show that N. maculata is 100 % autogamous, and there are no differences in fruit and seed production in selfed, outcrossed and unmanipulated plants. AFLP markers revealed that Irish and Italian populations have similar genetic diversity and are distinct from each other.


Neotinea maculata does not suffer any negative effects of autogamous reproduction; it self-pollinates and sets seed readily in the absence of pollinators. It occupies a variety of habitats in both Ireland and Italy; however, Irish populations are small and rare and should be conserved. This could be due to climatic factors and the absence of suitable soil mycorrhizas to allow recruitment from seed.Key words: Neotinea maculata, AFLP, autogamy, conservation, genetic diversity, Lusitanian species, pollination  相似文献   

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