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Fast gapped-read alignment with Bowtie 2   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
As the rate of sequencing increases, greater throughput is demanded from read aligners. The full-text minute index is often used to make alignment very fast and memory-efficient, but the approach is ill-suited to finding longer, gapped alignments. Bowtie 2 combines the strengths of the full-text minute index with the flexibility and speed of hardware-accelerated dynamic programming algorithms to achieve a combination of high speed, sensitivity and accuracy.  相似文献   



Bisulfite sequencing using next generation sequencers yields genome-wide measurements of DNA methylation at single nucleotide resolution. Traditional aligners are not designed for mapping bisulfite-treated reads, where the unmethylated Cs are converted to Ts. We have developed BS Seeker, an approach that converts the genome to a three-letter alphabet and uses Bowtie to align bisulfite-treated reads to a reference genome. It uses sequence tags to reduce mapping ambiguity. Post-processing of the alignments removes non-unique and low-quality mappings.


We tested our aligner on synthetic data, a bisulfite-converted Arabidopsis library, and human libraries generated from two different experimental protocols. We evaluated the performance of our approach and compared it to other bisulfite aligners. The results demonstrate that among the aligners tested, BS Seeker is more versatile and faster. When mapping to the human genome, BS Seeker generates alignments significantly faster than RMAP and BSMAP. Furthermore, BS Seeker is the only alignment tool that can explicitly account for tags which are generated by certain library construction protocols.


BS Seeker provides fast and accurate mapping of bisulfite-converted reads. It can work with BS reads generated from the two different experimental protocols, and is able to efficiently map reads to large mammalian genomes. The Python program is freely available at http://pellegrini.mcdb.ucla.edu/BS_Seeker/BS_Seeker.html.  相似文献   

The use of a priori knowledge in the alignment of targeted sequencing data is investigated using computational experiments. Adapting a Needleman-Wunsch algorithm to incorporate the genomic position information from the targeted capture, we demonstrate that alignment can be done to just the target region of interest. When in addition use is made of direct string comparison, an improvement of up to a factor of 8 in alignment speed compared to the fastest conventional aligner (Bowtie) is obtained. This results in a total alignment time in targeted sequencing of around 7 min for aligning approximately 56 million captured reads. For conventional aligners such as Bowtie, BWA or MAQ, alignment to just the target region is not feasible as experiments show that this leads to an additional 88% SNP calls, the vast majority of which are false positives (~92%).  相似文献   

Traditional Sanger sequencing as well as Next-Generation Sequencing have been used for the identification of disease causing mutations in human molecular research. The majority of currently available tools are developed for research and explorative purposes and often do not provide a complete, efficient, one-stop solution. As the focus of currently developed tools is mainly on NGS data analysis, no integrative solution for the analysis of Sanger data is provided and consequently a one-stop solution to analyze reads from both sequencing platforms is not available. We have therefore developed a new pipeline called MutAid to analyze and interpret raw sequencing data produced by Sanger or several NGS sequencing platforms. It performs format conversion, base calling, quality trimming, filtering, read mapping, variant calling, variant annotation and analysis of Sanger and NGS data under a single platform. It is capable of analyzing reads from multiple patients in a single run to create a list of potential disease causing base substitutions as well as insertions and deletions. MutAid has been developed for expert and non-expert users and supports four sequencing platforms including Sanger, Illumina, 454 and Ion Torrent. Furthermore, for NGS data analysis, five read mappers including BWA, TMAP, Bowtie, Bowtie2 and GSNAP and four variant callers including GATK-HaplotypeCaller, SAMTOOLS, Freebayes and VarScan2 pipelines are supported. MutAid is freely available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/mutaid.  相似文献   

In addition to the rapid advancement in Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology, clinical panel sequencing is being used increasingly in clinical studies and tests. However, tools that are used in NGS data analysis have not been comparatively evaluated in performance for panel sequencing. This study aimed to evaluate the tools used in the alignment process, the first procedure in bioinformatics analysis, by comparing tools that have been widely used with ones that have been introduced recently. With the accumulated panel sequencing data, detected variant lists were cataloged and inserted into simulated reads produced from the reference genome (h19). The amount of unmapped reads and misaligned reads, mapping quality distribution, and runtime were measured as standards for comparison. As the most widely used tools, Bowtie2 and BWA–MEM each showed explicit performance with AUC of 0.9984 and 0.9970 respectively. Kart, maintaining superior runtime and less number of misaligned read, also similarly possessed high level of AUC (0.9723). Such selection and optimization method of tools appropriate for panel sequencing can be utilized for fields requiring error minimization, such as clinical application and liquid biopsy studies.  相似文献   

Accurate identification of DNA polymorphisms using next-generation sequencing technology is challenging because of a high rate of sequencing error and incorrect mapping of reads to reference genomes. Currently available short read aligners and DNA variant callers suffer from these problems. We developed the Coval software to improve the quality of short read alignments. Coval is designed to minimize the incidence of spurious alignment of short reads, by filtering mismatched reads that remained in alignments after local realignment and error correction of mismatched reads. The error correction is executed based on the base quality and allele frequency at the non-reference positions for an individual or pooled sample. We demonstrated the utility of Coval by applying it to simulated genomes and experimentally obtained short-read data of rice, nematode, and mouse. Moreover, we found an unexpectedly large number of incorrectly mapped reads in ‘targeted’ alignments, where the whole genome sequencing reads had been aligned to a local genomic segment, and showed that Coval effectively eliminated such spurious alignments. We conclude that Coval significantly improves the quality of short-read sequence alignments, thereby increasing the calling accuracy of currently available tools for SNP and indel identification. Coval is available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/coval105/.  相似文献   

Recent advances in sequencing technology have enabled the rapid generation of billions of bases at relatively low cost. A crucial first step in many sequencing applications is to map those reads to a reference genome. However, when the reference genome is large, finding accurate mappings poses a significant computational challenge due to the sheer amount of reads, and because many reads map to the reference sequence approximately but not exactly. We introduce Hobbes, a new gram-based program for aligning short reads, supporting Hamming and edit distance. Hobbes implements two novel techniques, which yield substantial performance improvements: an optimized gram-selection procedure for reads, and a cache-efficient filter for pruning candidate mappings. We systematically tested the performance of Hobbes on both real and simulated data with read lengths varying from 35 to 100 bp, and compared its performance with several state-of-the-art read-mapping programs, including Bowtie, BWA, mrsFast and RazerS. Hobbes is faster than all other read mapping programs we have tested while maintaining high mapping quality. Hobbes is about five times faster than Bowtie and about 2–10 times faster than BWA, depending on read length and error rate, when asked to find all mapping locations of a read in the human genome within a given Hamming or edit distance, respectively. Hobbes supports the SAM output format and is publicly available at http://hobbes.ics.uci.edu.  相似文献   



Massively parallel sequencing offers an enormous potential for expression profiling, in particular for interspecific comparisons. Currently, different platforms for massively parallel sequencing are available, which differ in read length and sequencing costs. The 454-technology offers the highest read length. The other sequencing technologies are more cost effective, on the expense of shorter reads. Reliable expression profiling by massively parallel sequencing depends crucially on the accuracy to which the reads could be mapped to the corresponding genes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We performed an in silico analysis to evaluate whether incorrect mapping of the sequence reads results in a biased expression pattern. A comparison of six available mapping software tools indicated a considerable heterogeneity in mapping speed and accuracy. Independently of the software used to map the reads, we found that for compact genomes both short (35 bp, 50 bp) and long sequence reads (100 bp) result in an almost unbiased expression pattern. In contrast, for species with a larger genome containing more gene families and repetitive DNA, shorter reads (35–50 bp) produced a considerable bias in gene expression. In humans, about 10% of the genes had fewer than 50% of the sequence reads correctly mapped. Sequence polymorphism up to 9% had almost no effect on the mapping accuracy of 100 bp reads. For 35 bp reads up to 3% sequence divergence did not affect the mapping accuracy strongly. The effect of indels on the mapping efficiency strongly depends on the mapping software.


In complex genomes, expression profiling by massively parallel sequencing could introduce a considerable bias due to incorrectly mapped sequence reads if the read length is short. Nevertheless, this bias could be accounted for if the genomic sequence is known. Furthermore, sequence polymorphisms and indels also affect the mapping accuracy and may cause a biased gene expression measurement. The choice of the mapping software is highly critical and the reliability depends on the presence/absence of indels and the divergence between reads and the reference genome. Overall, we found SSAHA2 and CLC to produce the most reliable mapping results.  相似文献   

The challenge presented by high-throughput sequencing necessitates the development of novel tools for accurate alignment of reads to reference sequences. Current approaches focus on using heuristics to map reads quickly to large genomes, rather than generating highly accurate alignments in coding regions. Such approaches are, thus, unsuited for applications such as amplicon-based analysis and the realignment phase of exome sequencing and RNA-seq, where accurate and biologically relevant alignment of coding regions is critical. To facilitate such analyses, we have developed a novel tool, RAMICS, that is tailored to mapping large numbers of sequence reads to short lengths (<10 000 bp) of coding DNA. RAMICS utilizes profile hidden Markov models to discover the open reading frame of each sequence and aligns to the reference sequence in a biologically relevant manner, distinguishing between genuine codon-sized indels and frameshift mutations. This approach facilitates the generation of highly accurate alignments, accounting for the error biases of the sequencing machine used to generate reads, particularly at homopolymer regions. Performance improvements are gained through the use of graphics processing units, which increase the speed of mapping through parallelization. RAMICS substantially outperforms all other mapping approaches tested in terms of alignment quality while maintaining highly competitive speed performance.  相似文献   

Correct and bias-free interpretation of the deep sequencing data is inevitably dependent on the complete mapping of all mappable reads to the reference sequence, especially for quantitative RNA-seq applications. Seed-based algorithms are generally slow but robust, while Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) based algorithms are fast but less robust. To have both advantages, we developed an algorithm FANSe2 with iterative mapping strategy based on the statistics of real-world sequencing error distribution to substantially accelerate the mapping without compromising the accuracy. Its sensitivity and accuracy are higher than the BWT-based algorithms in the tests using both prokaryotic and eukaryotic sequencing datasets. The gene identification results of FANSe2 is experimentally validated, while the previous algorithms have false positives and false negatives. FANSe2 showed remarkably better consistency to the microarray than most other algorithms in terms of gene expression quantifications. We implemented a scalable and almost maintenance-free parallelization method that can utilize the computational power of multiple office computers, a novel feature not present in any other mainstream algorithm. With three normal office computers, we demonstrated that FANSe2 mapped an RNA-seq dataset generated from an entire Illunima HiSeq 2000 flowcell (8 lanes, 608 M reads) to masked human genome within 4.1 hours with higher sensitivity than Bowtie/Bowtie2. FANSe2 thus provides robust accuracy, full indel sensitivity, fast speed, versatile compatibility and economical computational utilization, making it a useful and practical tool for deep sequencing applications. FANSe2 is freely available at http://bioinformatics.jnu.edu.cn/software/fanse2/.  相似文献   

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has transformed molecular biology and contributed to many seminal insights into genomic regulation and function. Apart from whole-genome sequencing, an NGS workflow involves alignment of the sequencing reads to the genome of study, after which the resulting alignments can be used for downstream analyses. However, alignment is complicated by the repetitive sequences; many reads align to more than one genomic locus, with 15–30% of the genome not being uniquely mappable by short-read NGS. This problem is typically addressed by discarding reads that do not uniquely map to the genome, but this practice can lead to systematic distortion of the data. Previous studies that developed methods for handling ambiguously mapped reads were often of limited applicability or were computationally intensive, hindering their broader usage. In this work, we present SmartMap: an algorithm that augments industry-standard aligners to enable usage of ambiguously mapped reads by assigning weights to each alignment with Bayesian analysis of the read distribution and alignment quality. SmartMap is computationally efficient, utilizing far fewer weighting iterations than previously thought necessary to process alignments and, as such, analyzing more than a billion alignments of NGS reads in approximately one hour on a desktop PC. By applying SmartMap to peak-type NGS data, including MNase-seq, ChIP-seq, and ATAC-seq in three organisms, we can increase read depth by up to 53% and increase the mapped proportion of the genome by up to 18% compared to analyses utilizing only uniquely mapped reads. We further show that SmartMap enables the analysis of more than 140,000 repetitive elements that could not be analyzed by traditional ChIP-seq workflows, and we utilize this method to gain insight into the epigenetic regulation of different classes of repetitive elements. These data emphasize both the dangers of discarding ambiguously mapped reads and their power for driving biological discovery.  相似文献   

Read alignment is an ongoing challenge for the analysis of data from sequencing technologies. This article proposes an elegantly simple multi-seed strategy, called seed-and-vote, for mapping reads to a reference genome. The new strategy chooses the mapped genomic location for the read directly from the seeds. It uses a relatively large number of short seeds (called subreads) extracted from each read and allows all the seeds to vote on the optimal location. When the read length is <160 bp, overlapping subreads are used. More conventional alignment algorithms are then used to fill in detailed mismatch and indel information between the subreads that make up the winning voting block. The strategy is fast because the overall genomic location has already been chosen before the detailed alignment is done. It is sensitive because no individual subread is required to map exactly, nor are individual subreads constrained to map close by other subreads. It is accurate because the final location must be supported by several different subreads. The strategy extends easily to find exon junctions, by locating reads that contain sets of subreads mapping to different exons of the same gene. It scales up efficiently for longer reads.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are frequently used for resequencing and mining of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) by comparison to a reference genome. In crop species such as chickpea (Cicer arietinum) that lack a reference genome sequence, NGS-based SNP discovery is a challenge. Therefore, unlike probability-based statistical approaches for consensus calling and by comparison with a reference sequence, a coverage-based consensus calling (CbCC) approach was applied and two genotypes were compared for SNP identification. ? Methods: A CbCC approach is used in this study with four commonly used short read alignment tools (Maq, Bowtie, Novoalign, and SOAP2) and 15.7 and 22.1 million Illumina reads for chickpea genotypes ICC4958 and ICC1882, together with the chickpea trancriptome assembly (CaTA). ? Key results: A nonredundant set of 4543 SNPs was identified between two chickpea genotypes. Experimental validation of 224 randomly selected SNPs showed superiority of Maq among individual tools, as 50.0% of SNPs predicted by Maq were true SNPs. For combinations of two tools, greatest accuracy (55.7%) was reported for Maq and Bowtie, with a combination of Bowtie, Maq, and Novoalign identifying 61.5% true SNPs. SNP prediction accuracy generally increased with increasing reads depth. ? Conclusions: This study provides a benchmark comparison of tools as well as read depths for four commonly used tools for NGS SNP discovery in a crop species without a reference genome sequence. In addition, a large number of SNPs have been identified in chickpea that would be useful for molecular breeding.  相似文献   

We aim to compare the performance of Bowtie2 , bwa‐mem , blastn and blastx when aligning bacterial metagenomes against the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD). Simulated reads were used to evaluate the performance of each aligner under the following four performance criteria: correctly mapped, false positives, multi‐reads and partials. The optimal alignment approach was applied to samples from two wastewater treatment plants to detect antibiotic resistance genes using next generation sequencing. blastn mapped with greater accuracy among the four sequence alignment approaches considered followed by Bowtie2 . blastx generated the greatest number of false positives and multi‐reads when aligned against the CARD. The performance of each alignment tool was also investigated using error‐free reads. Although each aligner mapped a greater number of error‐free reads as compared to Illumina‐error reads, in general, the introduction of sequencing errors had little effect on alignment results when aligning against the CARD. Given each performance criteria, blastn was found to be the most favourable alignment tool and was therefore used to assess resistance genes in sewage samples. Beta‐lactam and aminoglycoside were found to be the most abundant classes of antibiotic resistance genes in each sample.

Significance and Impact of the Study

Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) are pollutants known to persist in wastewater treatment plants among other environments, thus methods for detecting these genes have become increasingly relevant. Next generation sequencing has brought about a host of sequence alignment tools that provide a comprehensive look into antimicrobial resistance in environmental samples. However, standardizing practices in ARG metagenomic studies is challenging since results produced from alignment tools can vary significantly. Our study provides sequence alignment results of synthetic, and authentic bacterial metagenomes mapped against an ARG database using multiple alignment tools, and the best practice for detecting ARGs in environmental samples.  相似文献   

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