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Cell-derived microvesicles (MVs) have been described as a new mechanism of cell-to-cell communication. MVs after internalization within target cells may deliver genetic information. Human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and liver resident stem cells (HLSCs) were shown to release MVs shuttling functional mRNAs. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether MVs derived from MSCs and HLSCs contained selected micro-RNAs (miRNAs).

Methodology/Principal Findings

MVs were isolated from MSCs and HLSCs. The presence in MVs of selected ribonucleoproteins involved in the traffic and stabilization of RNA was evaluated. We observed that MVs contained TIA, TIAR and HuR multifunctional proteins expressed in nuclei and stress granules, Stau1 and 2 implicated in the transport and stability of mRNA and Ago2 involved in miRNA transport and processing. RNA extracted from MVs and cells of origin was profiled for 365 known human mature miRNAs by real time PCR. Hierarchical clustering and similarity analysis of miRNAs showed 41 co-expressed miRNAs in MVs and cells. Some miRNAs were accumulated within MVs and absent in the cells after MV release; others were retained within the cells and not secreted in MVs. Gene ontology analysis of predicted and validated targets showed that the high expressed miRNAs in cells and MVs could be involved in multi-organ development, cell survival and differentiation. Few selected miRNAs shuttled by MVs were also associated with the immune system regulation. The highly expressed miRNAs in MVs were transferred to target cells after MV incorporation.


This study demonstrated that MVs contained ribonucleoproteins involved in the intracellular traffic of RNA and selected pattern of miRNAs, suggesting a dynamic regulation of RNA compartmentalization in MVs. The observation that MV-highly expressed miRNAs were transferred to target cells, rises the possibility that the biological effect of stem cells may, at least in part, depend on MV-shuttled miRNAs. Data generated from this study, stimulate further functional investigations on the predicted target genes and pathways involved in the biological effect of human adult stem cells.  相似文献   

Several new methods have been developed in the field of biotechnology to obtain autologous cellular suspensions during surgery, in order to provide one step treatments for acute and chronic skin lesions. Moreover, the management of chronic but also acute wounds resulting from trauma, diabetes, infections and other causes, remains challenging. In this study we describe a new method to create autologous micro-grafts from cutaneous tissue of a single patient and their clinical application. Moreover, in vitro biological characterization of cutaneous tissue derived from skin, de-epidermized dermis (Ded) and dermis of multi-organ and/or multi-tissue donors was also performed. All tissues were disaggregated by this new protocol, allowing us to obtain viable micro-grafts. In particular, we reported that this innovative protocol is able to create bio-complexes composed by autologous micro-grafts and collagen sponges ready to be applied on skin lesions. The clinical application of autologous bio-complexes on a leg lesion was also reported, showing an improvement of both re-epitalization process and softness of the lesion. Additionally, our in vitro model showed that cell viability after mechanical disaggregation with this system is maintained over time for up to seven (7) days of culture. We also observed, by flow cytometry analysis, that the pool of cells obtained from disaggregation is composed of several cell types, including mesenchymal stem cells, that exert a key role in the processes of tissue regeneration and repair, for their high regenerative potential. Finally, we demonstrated in vitro that this procedure maintains the sterility of micro-grafts when cultured in Agar dishes. In summary, we conclude that this new regenerative approach can be a promising tool for clinicians to obtain in one step viable, sterile and ready to use micro-grafts that can be applied alone or in combination with most common biological scaffolds.  相似文献   

The OTAN treatment, which is the only histochemical method available at present for the simultaneous localization of hydrophobic and hydrophilic unsaturated lipids in tissue sections, requires unduly long exposure to O3O4 and use of free-floating sections, which makes handling the sections difficult and often results in their loss or damage. Simple modifications using O3O4 treatment at 37 C and slide-mounted sections eliminate the practical drawbacks of the existing method and provide as good or better localization in less than one-eighth of the time. The modified method is applicable to fixed as well as fresh frozen tissues.  相似文献   

胎儿肺脏来源间充质干细胞的鉴定与损伤修复的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :为研究胎儿肺脏来源间充质干细胞的生物学性状 ,表型和多向分化能力。方法 :取胎龄为 4~ 5个月水囊引产胎儿 ,将肺脏细胞在SF(含 2 %FBS)培养基中培养。测定生长曲线、利用流式细胞仪对培养细胞进行表型测定 ,细胞周期分析 ,体外诱导分化实验。NOD SCID鼠放射损伤后 ,尾静脉输入经PKH2 6染色的间充质干细胞 ,两个月后检测外源细胞在肺脏的定植情况。结果 :从胎儿肺脏可培养出间充质干细胞 ,并可诱导成骨、软骨和脂肪细胞分化 ;移植两个月后可以检测到外源细胞在肺脏的定植。结论 :从胎儿肺脏可分离培养出间充质干细胞 ,在体外有效扩增且保持其低分化状态 ;间充质干细胞可以在肺脏长时间定植。  相似文献   

Signaling by Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMP) has been implicated in early lung development, adult lung homeostasis and tissue-injury repair. However, the precise mechanism of action and the spatio-temporal pattern of BMP-signaling during these processes remains inadequately described. To address this, we have utilized a transgenic line harboring a BMP-responsive eGFP-reporter allele (BRE-eGFP) to construct the first detailed spatiotemporal map of canonical BMP-pathway activation during lung development, homeostasis and adult-lung injury repair. We demonstrate that during the pseudoglandular stage, when branching morphogenesis progresses in the developing lung, canonical BMP-pathway is active mainly in the vascular network and the sub-epithelial smooth muscle layer of the proximal airways. Activation of the BMP-pathway becomes evident in epithelial compartments only after embryonic day (E) 14.5 primarily in cells negative for epithelial-lineage markers, located in the proximal portion of the airway-tree, clusters adjacent to neuro-epithelial-bodies (NEBs) and in a substantial portion of alveolar epithelial cells. The pathway becomes activated in isolated E12.5 mesenchyme-free distal epithelial buds cultured in Matrigel suggesting that absence of reporter activity in these regions stems from a dynamic cross-talk between endoderm and mesenchyme. Epithelial cells with activated BMP-pathway are enriched in progenitors capable of forming colonies in three-dimensional Matrigel cultures.As lung morphogenesis approaches completion, eGFP-expression declines and in adult lung its expression is barely detectable. However, upon tissue-injury, either with naphthalene or bleomycin, the canonical BMP-pathways is re-activated, in bronchial or alveolar epithelial cells respectively, in a manner reminiscent to early lung development and in tissue areas where reparatory progenitor cells reside. Our studies illustrate the dynamic activation of canonical BMP-pathway during lung development and adult lung tissue-repair and highlight its involvement in two important processes, namely, the early development of the pulmonary vasculature and the management of epithelial progenitor pools both during lung development and repair of adult lung tissue-injury.  相似文献   

目的 随着环境问题和臭氧层空洞化的加剧,皮肤肿瘤的患病率也大幅增加,但是皮肤肿瘤前期隐蔽性高、症状不明显,导致大部分病例都是在中晚期发现的。因此,本文基于生物阻抗谱(bioimpedance spectroscopy,BIS)技术,提出一种皮肤肿瘤早期筛查的快速无创电阻抗检测方法。方法 首先,建立四层皮肤模型,采用数值分析方法研究角质层对BIS测量的阻碍作用。其次,使用去除角质层的皮肤模型研究混有不同半径和浸润深度的皮肤肿瘤组织电学特性。最后,使用凝胶处理后的猪皮组织实验验证肿瘤浸润深度(h)的影响。结果 角质层仿真结果表明,去除角质层的皮肤对激励信号的响应更明显。皮肤肿瘤模型仿真表明,当肿瘤半径(Rtumor)及h>1.5 mm时能够区分肿瘤组织与正常组织。同时根据实验结果中正常组织与肿瘤组织虚部弛豫阻抗(Zimag-relax)定义了组织病变度(εworse,为肿瘤组织虚部阻抗相对于正常组织虚部阻抗变化的百分比),并绘制了肿瘤组织浸润深度(Depth)与Zimag-relax的拟合曲线。当...  相似文献   

目的设计一套生物反应器,能针对不同支架材料———细胞复合物进行构建组织工程皮肤。方法根据皮肤的自身生长特点和不同支架材料-细胞复合物的特性,模拟皮肤的生长环境和力学环境,通过生物反应器解决组织工程皮肤构建中支架的装夹和气液界面问题。结果生物反应器由控制系统和生物反应器主体两部分构成,能提供对多种皮肤细胞复合物的动态培养。结论皮肤生物反应器能够满足不同组织工程皮肤产品的需要。能够形成气液界面和模拟生物力学的刺激。  相似文献   

Carbowax, a water soluble wax, as an embedding agent is a valuable adjunct to the armamentarium of the tissue technologist. This report is intended to supplement previous publications on the use of Carbowax and to indicate die necessity for preheating and variation of Carbowax mixtures according to the climate.

Carbowax embedding provides an easy means for obtaining tissue sections 1 to 3 μ in thickness either with or without previous exposure to fat solvents. These sections are admirably suited for cytological study, particularly of intracellular lipoids.  相似文献   

The Epon-812 semithin-section, which had been observed under light microscope, was stuck to a trimmed resin block with 502 instant glue and was ultrasectioned for electron microscopy. This method, which is simple and tepid, gives a good result and may solve some problems happened in ultrasectioning some special material which needs to be exactly located.  相似文献   

皮肤组织工程支架材料   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
皮肤组织工程支架材料为种子细胞提供生长和代谢的环境,是人工皮肤研究中的重要内容,可按来源分为合成支架材料和天然支架材料。近几年的研究重点是:前者通过表面仿生技术增强其对细胞的黏附性;后者通过物理或化学方法提高其力学性能和渗透性等。今后应重点研究以下内容:深入研究合成支架材料的表面改性,进一步提高其引导细胞行为的功能,促进材料对细胞的黏附;进一步提高天然支架材料的微观渗透性和生物活性,促进毛细血管的长入;制备结构仿生支架材料及高活性复合支架材料。  相似文献   

A modified glyoxylic acid technique for obtaining dopamine histofluorescence from cultured mesencephalic cells is described. This method requires only two solutions: one contains glyoxylic acid, sucrose and monobasic potassium phosphate and is used at room temperature, the other is a Hepes buffered solution used at 37 C. Relatively high concentrations of a monoamine oxidase inhibitor and dopamine are added to the cultures to load dopaminergic neurons; the cell bodies and their processes take up and hold dopamine quickly and evenly. The cultures are dipped in a glyoxylic acid solution, dried in air, heated for 5 min and coverslipped with mineral oil. Since the cultures remain in their culture dishes, the entire procedure takes less than 2 hr. The green histofluorescence characteristic of dopamine is seen when the cultures are viewed by standard fluorescence microscopy. Various cell body types and sizes can be distinguished, as well as the complete extent of their processes and varicosities.  相似文献   

Numerical analysis of heat transfer processes proceeding in a nonhomogeneous biological tissue domain is presented. In particular, the skin tissue domain subjected to an external heat source is considered. The problem is treated as an axially-symmetrical one (it results from the mathematical form of the function describing the external heat source). Thermophysical parameters of sub-domains (volumetric specific heat, thermal conductivity, perfusion coefficient etc.) are given as interval numbers. The problem discussed is solved using the interval finite difference method basing on the rules of directed interval arithmetic, this means that at the stage of FDM algorithm construction the mathematical manipulations are realized using the interval numbers. In the final part of the paper the results of numerical computations are shown, in particular the problem of admissible thermal dose is analyzed.  相似文献   

成体干细胞来源广泛,无伦理争议,成为近几年的关注热点。研究表明以骨髓来源的间充质干细胞为代表的成体干细胞具有较强的多系分化潜能,可以广泛的参与包括肺在内的受损组织的修复与重建。在动物实验中已观察到,供体来源的成体干细胞可以定向分化为受损肺组织的多种功能细胞,并且有抑制纤维化等病变产生的能力。在本文中,回顾了近年来与肺损伤重建和疾病治疗相关的干细胞研究的最新进展,并探讨了成体干细胞治疗肺疾病与损伤的临床应用前景。  相似文献   

Kraiczi, H., G. Karlsson and R. Ekman. Analytical extraction of regulatory peptides from rat lung tissue. Peptides 18(10) 1597–1601, 1997.—We evaluated protocols for the extraction of calcitonin gene-related peptide, neuropeptide Y, substance P, peptide YY and β-endorphin from rat lung tissue for subsequent radioimmunoassay. The effects of varying acidity of the extraction solution and repeating extraction on the recovery of peptide immunoreactivity and non-specific tracer-binding were compared by analysis of variance. Moreover, variability of immunoreactivity was quantified for comparison. Considering all three criteria, the optimal acidity for extraction was: 0.1 M or 1 M acetic acid for CGRP and β-endorphin, 0.1 M acetic acid for NPY, 1 M acetic acid for substance P and phosphate buffer for peptide YY. Double or combined extraction unambiguously improved assay results only for substance P. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of CGRP-, NPY- and SP-immunoreactivity obtained from selected extracts suggested that differences in recovery of these peptides are not explainable by differential peptide fragmentation during extraction.  相似文献   

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