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Sexual development in mammals is based on a complicated and delicate network of genes and hormones that have to collaborate in a precise manner. The dark side of this pathway is represented by pathological conditions, wherein sexual development does not occur properly either in the XX and the XY background. Among them a conundrum is represented by the XX individuals with at least a partial testis differentiation even in absence of SRY. This particular condition is present in various mammals including the dog. Seven dogs characterized by XX karyotype, absence of SRY gene, and testicular tissue development were analysed by Array-CGH. In two cases the array-CGH analysis detected an interstitial heterozygous duplication of chromosome 9. The duplication contained the SOX9 coding region. In this work we provide for the first time a causative mutation for the XXSR condition in the dog. Moreover this report supports the idea that the dog represents a good animal model for the study of XXSR condition caused by abnormalities in the SOX9 locus.  相似文献   

Appropriate self-renewal and differentiation of trophoblast stem cells (TSCs) are key factors for proper placental development and function and, in turn, for appropriate in utero fetal growth. To identify novel TSC-specific genes, we performed genome-wide expression profiling of TSCs, embryonic stem cells, epiblast stem cells, and mouse embryo fibroblasts, derived from mice of the same genetic background. Our analysis revealed a high expression of Sox21 in TSCs compared with other cell types. Sox21 levels were high in undifferentiated TSCs and were dramatically reduced upon differentiation. In addition, modulation of Sox21 expression in TSCs affected lineage-specific differentiation, based on both marker analysis and functional assessment. Our results implicate Sox21 specifically in the promotion of spongiotrophoblast and giant cell differentiation and establish a new mechanism through which trophoblast sublineages are specified.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify new microRNAs (miRNAs) that are modulated during the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) toward chondrocytes. Using large scale miRNA arrays, we compared the expression of miRNAs in MSCs (day 0) and at early time points (day 0.5 and 3) after chondrogenesis induction. Transfection of premiRNA or antagomiRNA was performed on MSCs before chondrogenesis induction and expression of miRNAs and chondrocyte markers was evaluated at different time points during differentiation by RT-qPCR. Among miRNAs that were modulated during chondrogenesis, we identified miR-574-3p as an early up-regulated miRNA. We found that miR-574-3p up-regulation is mediated via direct binding of Sox9 to its promoter region and demonstrated by reporter assay that retinoid X receptor (RXR)α is one gene specifically targeted by the miRNA. In vitro transfection of MSCs with premiR-574-3p resulted in the inhibition of chondrogenesis demonstrating its role during the commitment of MSCs towards chondrocytes. In vivo, however, both up- and down-regulation of miR-574-3p expression inhibited differentiation toward cartilage and bone in a model of heterotopic ossification. In conclusion, we demonstrated that Sox9-dependent up-regulation of miR-574-3p results in RXRα down-regulation. Manipulating miR-574-3p levels both in vitro and in vivo inhibited chondrogenesis suggesting that miR-574-3p might be required for chondrocyte lineage maintenance but also that of MSC multipotency.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of Sox8 and Sox9 during sex determination in the mouse   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Sex determination in mammals directs an initially bipotential gonad to differentiate into either a testis or an ovary. This decision is triggered by the expression of the sex-determining gene Sry, which leads to the activation of male-specific genes including the HMG-box containing gene Sox9. From transgenic studies in mice it is clear that Sox9 is sufficient to induce testis formation. However, there is no direct confirmation for an essential role for Sox9 in testis determination. The studies presented here are the first experimental proof for an essential role for Sox9 in mediating a switch from the ovarian pathway to the testicular pathway. Using conditional gene targeting, we show that homozygous deletion of Sox9 in XY gonads interferes with sex cord development and the activation of the male-specific markers Mis and P450scc, and leads to the expression of the female-specific markers Bmp2 and follistatin. Moreover, using a tissue specific knock-out approach, we show that Sox9 is involved in Sertoli cell differentiation, the activation of Mis and Sox8, and the inactivation of Sry. Finally, double knock-out analyses suggest that Sox8 reinforces Sox9 function in testis differentiation of mice.  相似文献   

为了深入探讨性分化分子机制,构建了小鼠基因文库以SRY探针筛选,分离到了两组阳性克隆,一组含EcoRⅠ/3.5kb,此片段中载有小鼠Y染色体上的Sry基因.另一组含EcoRⅠ/3.0kb或SalⅠ/3.0kb,此片段有小鼠Y染色体之外的Sox基因  相似文献   

We have investigated the process leading to differentiation of PC12 cells. This process is known to include extension of neurites and changes in the expression of subsets of proteins involved in cytoskeletal rearrangements or in neurosecretion. To this aim, we have studied a PC12 clone (trk-PC12) stably transfected with the nerve growth factor receptor TrkA. These cells are able to undergo both spontaneous and neurotrophin-induced morphological differentiation. However, both undifferentiated and nerve growth factor-differentiated trk-PC12 cells appear to be completely defective in the expression of proteins of the secretory apparatus, including proteins of synaptic vesicles and large dense-core granules, neurotransmitter transporters, and neurotransmitter-synthesizing enzymes. These results indicate that neurite extension can occur independently of the presence of the neurosecretory machinery, including the proteins that constitute the fusion machine, suggesting the existence of differential activation pathways for the two processes during neuronal differentiation. These findings have been confirmed in independent clones obtained from PC12-27, a previously characterized PC12 variant clone globally incompetent for regulated secretion. In contrast, the integrity of the Rab cycle appears to be necessary for neurite extension, because antisense oligonucleotides against the neurospecific isoform of Rab-guanosine diphosphate-dissociation inhibitor significantly interfere with process formation.  相似文献   

长期以来雌性脊椎动物的性别分化被认为是一个“默认”的程序.但是近些年研究发现,Rspo1基因的突变或缺失可导致哺乳动物XX型个体性反转为雄性.Rspo1在鱼类、两栖爬行类、鸟类和哺乳类动物性腺发育的不同阶段表达,其表达在雌雄个体性别分化时期有差异,是潜在的性别调控基因.Rspo1在性别发育早期可通过Wnt/β-catenin信号通路调控性腺分化相关因子的表达,影响原始生殖细胞分裂增殖、细胞周期和生长发育,参与调控性腺中体细胞的分化.本文总结了近年来Rspo1在脊椎动物中的表达调控及其在雌性性别决定方面功能的研究进展.  相似文献   

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