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During natal dispersal, young animals leave their natal area and search for a new area to live. In species in which individuals inhabit different types of habitat, experience with a natal habitat may increase the probability that a disperser will select the same type of habitat post-dispersal (natal habitat preference induction or NHPI). Despite considerable interest in the ecological and the evolutionary implications of NHPI, we lack empirical evidence that it occurs in nature. Here we show that dispersing brush mice (Peromyscus boylii) are more likely to search and settle within their natal habitat type than expected based on habitat availability. These results document the occurrence of NHPI in nature and highlight the relevance of experience-generated habitat preferences for ecological and evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

中华虎凤蝶栖息地、生物学和保护现状   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文为1992~1996年期间中华虎凤蝶分布和生物学研究结果的总结。中华虎凤蝶现仅分布在我国中部秦岭山脉和长江中下游一带,栖息地多为次生林,可分为长江中下游低地类型和秦岭山脉高山类型。低地类型的寄主植物为杜衡,人为干扰严重;高山类型的寄主植物为细辛,人为干扰较轻。中华虎凤蝶幼期发生历期和存活受光照、温度、湿度等气候因素影响显著。其种群分布格局属典型的异质种群类型。栖息地丧失和退化及寄主植物的过度人为利用是其持续生存的主要致危因素。其种群现状满足IUCN红色名录等级新标准下列条款:VULNERABLE :A1a, c, d + 2c,应定为易危物种。文中还提出了相应的保护对策和进一步研究的内容。  相似文献   

陈浩  王刚  王成  薛菲  成海  张亚楠 《生态学报》2024,44(4):1526-1538
了解野放丹顶鹤的运动模式、家域和栖息地选择的时间节律特征对丹顶鹤种群保护和栖息地管理尤为重要。基于GPS-GSM跟踪数据,综合运用3S技术、动态布朗桥模型、栖息地选择指数,研究了盐城海滨湿地野放丹顶鹤在不同生活周期的活动节律、家域的面积和重叠指数,以及栖息地选择。结果表明:(1)丹顶鹤日活动节律具有明显的周期性特征。丹顶鹤活动强度:育成期>越冬期>孵化期>育雏期,孵化期和育雏期日间活动强度平稳,育成期和越冬期呈“双峰”模式。(2)丹顶鹤95%家域面积均值介于(111.18±22.15)hm2—(621.28±105.77)hm2,育成期((621.28±105.77) hm2)>育雏期((226.83±54.86) hm2)>孵化期((112.40±7.72) hm2)>越冬期((111.18±22.15) hm2);核心家域面积均值介于(0.53±0.26)—(45.78±6.66) hm2,育成...  相似文献   

Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea) are a species with declining populations that exhibit regional variation in habitat selection and demographic rates. The Ozark region of the south‐central United States likely provides important habitat for Cerulean Warblers, but little is known about their breeding biology in that region. We studied Cerulean Warblers in riparian forests of the Ozarks of Arkansas from 2018 to 2020. We assessed multi‐scale habitat selection for vegetative and topographic features, documented their breeding biology, estimated within‐season and annual apparent survival, and estimated territory sizes. We found that Cerulean Warblers selected riparian habitat characterized by large‐diameter trees across all spatial scales. Contrary to the results of previous studies, males appeared to avoid white oaks (Quercus spp., Section Quercus) at the territory scale, but this avoidance may reflect an underlying preference for riparian habitat. Our logistic‐exposure estimate of nest survival (0.32; 85% confidence interval: 0.21–0.46) was similar to the median of estimates reported in previous studies. Our results indicate that maintaining riparian forests with large trees is important to provide suitable habitat for Cerulean Warblers in the Ozark region. Because of similarities in habitat selection among regions, some management practices from other populations, including retaining large trees and promoting a heterogeneous canopy structure, may be useful for managing for Cerulean Warblers in riparian areas of the Ozarks. However, selection for topography and tree species by Cerulean Warblers in our study also suggests that region‐specific management strategies will be beneficial. Finally, our demographic rate estimates for this population should prove valuable in future full‐annual‐cycle population modeling efforts.  相似文献   

The narwhal (Monodon monoceros) is a high‐Arctic species inhabiting areas that are experiencing increases in sea temperatures, which together with reduction in sea ice are expected to modify the niches of several Arctic marine apex predators. The Scoresby Sound fjord complex in East Greenland is the summer residence for an isolated population of narwhals. The movements of 12 whales instrumented with Fastloc‐GPS transmitters were studied during summer in Scoresby Sound and at their offshore winter ground in 2017–2019. An additional four narwhals provided detailed hydrographic profiles on both summer and winter grounds. Data on diving of the whales were obtained from 20 satellite‐linked time‐depth recorders and 16 Acousonde? recorders that also provided information on the temperature and depth of buzzes. In summer, the foraging whales targeted depths between 300 and 850 m where the preferred areas visited by the whales had temperatures ranging between 0.6 and 1.5°C (mean = 1.1°C, SD = 0.22). The highest probability of buzzing activity during summer was at a temperature of 0.7°C and at depths > 300 m. The whales targeted similar depths at their offshore winter ground where the temperature was slightly higher (range: 0.7–1.7°C, mean = 1.3°C, SD = 0.29). Both the probability of buzzing events and the spatial distribution of the whales in both seasons demonstrated a preferential selection of cold water. This was particularly pronounced in winter where cold coastal water was selected and warm Atlantic water farther offshore was avoided. It is unknown if the small temperature niche of whales while feeding is because prey is concentrated at these temperature gradients and is easier to capture at low temperatures, or because there are limitations in the thermoregulation of the whales. In any case, the small niche requirements together with their strong site fidelity emphasize the sensitivity of narwhals to changes in the thermal characteristics of their habitats.  相似文献   

Disease,habitat fragmentation and conservation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Habitat loss and the resultant fragmentation of remaining habitat is the primary cause of loss of biological diversity. How do these processes affect the dynamics of parasites and pathogens? Hess has provided some important insights into this problem using metapopulation models for pathogens that exhibit ''S-I'' dynamics; for example, pathogens such as rabies in which the host population may be divided into susceptible and infected individuals. A major assumption of Hess''s models is that infected patches become extinct, rather than recovering and becoming resistant to future infections. In this paper, we build upon this framework in two different ways: first, we examine the consequences of including patches that are resistant to infection; second, we examine the consequences of including a second species of host that can act as a reservoir for the pathogen. Both of these effects are likely to be important from a conservation perspective. The results of both sets of analysis indicate that the benefits of corridors and other connections that allow species to disperse through the landscape far outweigh the possible risks of increased pathogen transmission. Even in the commonest case, where harmful pathogens are maintained by a common reservoir host, increased landscape connectance still allows greater coexistence and persistence of a threatened or endangered host.  相似文献   

Summary We studied aspects of the thermal biology and microhabitat selection of the endangered lizard Podarcis hispanica atrata during autumn in the field and laboratory. Body temperatures (T b ) of active lizards were within a narrow range, were largely independent of ambient temperatures, and exhibited little diel variation. Activity T b s largely coincided with the selected temperatures maintained in a laboratory thermogradient and with T b s that maximize running performance. Alternation of basking with other activities and shuttling between sun and shade were obvious aspects of thermoregulatory behaviour. Lizards shifted microhabitat use throughout the day. During early morning and late afternoon, basking lizards were restricted to rocky sites surrounded by shrubs. Near midday lizards used a wider array of microhabitats, and many moved in open grassy sites. Juveniles maintained lower activity T b s, had lower selected temperatures, and basked less frequently than the adults. Juveniles occupied open grassy patches more often than the adults. We discuss the relevance of our results for the conservation of this extremely rare lizard and the management of its habitats.  相似文献   

Two tree weta Hemideina ricta and H. femorata are predominantly allopatric on Banks Peninsula (South Island, New Zealand) except for four small areas of overlap. H. ricta was found over the outer eastern portion of Banks Peninsula including the eastern slopes of Akaroa Harbour whereas H. femorata was usually lower down on the eastern edge of Akaroa Harbour and west of this. H. ricta ranged from 20 m to 806 m in altitude whereas all H. femorata were found below 450 m. Ninety-four per cent of H. femorata occupied holes in Kunzea ericoides and the remainder were in four other tree species and in logs. Forty- one per cent of H. ricta were in logs and old fenceposts, 20% were in Hoheria angustifolia, 19% were in K. ericoides, 16% were in seven other broadleaf hardwood species and 4% were under rocks.  相似文献   

There is now little reasonable doubt about the scale of the present extinction crisis: recent and ongoing rates of species loss exceed background levels by two to three orders of magnitude. Nevertheless, species differ widely in their vulnerability to current threats. Growing evidence from both palaeontology and conservation biology suggests that past events may help to explain this variation. Communities appear far more resilient to particular threats if they have faced similar challenges in the past. This intuitive but poorly reported phenomenon has potentially far-reaching implications for attempts to focus conservation efforts on those areas most at risk from contemporary human activity.  相似文献   

Relatively few studies have examined the ecology of small mammals of South American tropical forests. The ecology of the neotropical Water rat, Nectomys squamipes , was investigated in gallery forest in central Brazil during a 14-month mark-recapture study. A total of 11 male and 10 female Water rats were captured; minimum number of animals known alive per month varied from one to four per hectare. Home range size for individuals captured eight or more times was 0.3–1.6 ha. Water rats were captured almost exclusively near the stream or in other inundated portions of the forest. Distance to water, soil moisture, number of tree ferns, number of trees, exposed tree-root cover, and litter cover on the ground were among the variables important in defining microhabitat of N. squamipes. At least some males were in breeding condition (testes scrotal) during all months; females were in breeding condition (vagina perforate) most of the year, but pregnancies were noted only in August, October and November. Captive Water rats consumed plant matter, insects (Blattidae, Gyrinidae, Scarabeidae), tadpoles and small fish. Aquatic prey items were located by searching movements of the forepaws. Water rats demonstrated agility in both climbing and swimming. Physiological dependence of N. squamipes on water is suggested by capture sites and observations of drinking in captive animals.  相似文献   

Commonness, population depletion and conservation biology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Species conservation practice, as opposed to principle, generally emphasizes species at risk of imminent extinction. This results in priority lists principally of those with small populations and/or geographical ranges. However, recent work emphasizes the importance of common species to ecosystems. Even relatively small proportional declines in their abundance can result in large absolute losses of individuals and biomass, occurrences significantly disrupting ecosystem structure, function and services. Here, we argue that combined with evidence of dramatic declines in once common species, this suggests the need to pay more attention to such depletions. Complementing the focus on extinction risk, we highlight important implications for conservation, including the need to identify, monitor and alleviate significant depletion events.  相似文献   

In many groups of organisms the location of settling is determined by competition, and fitter individuals tend to settle closer to their natal territory than less fit ones. In this work we study the implications of this phenomenon to the problem of adaptation and speciation on a rugged adaptive landscape. One consequence of fitness-associated dispersal (FAD) is that individuals with high fitness are more likely to experience inbreeding, especially with other fit individuals. Another consequence is that when dispersal is costly, the less fit individuals are more likely to pay the cost. When a rare and advantageous allelic combination appears, FAD may increase its chances to spread in the population. In a two-locus two-alleles model with negative epistasis, we find that FAD significantly shortens the waiting time for an adaptive peak shift in comparison with random dispersal.  相似文献   

Conservation genetics encompasses genetic management of small populations, resolution of taxonomic uncertainties and management units, and the use of molecular genetic analyses in forensics and to understanding species' biology. The role of genetic factors in extinctions of wild populations has been controversial, but evidence now shows that they make important contributions to extinction risk. Inbreeding has been shown to cause extinctions of wild populations, computer projections indicate that inbreeding depression has important effects on extinction risk, and most threatened species show signs of genetic deterioration. Inappropriate management is likely to result if genetic factors are ignored in threatened species management.  相似文献   

Habitat structure can impede visibility and movement, resulting in lower resource monopolization and aggression. Consequently, dominant individuals may prefer open habitats to maximize resource gain, or complex habitats to minimize predation risk. We explored the role of dominance on foraging, aggression and habitat choice using convict cichlids (Amatitlania nigrofasciata) in a two‐patch ideal free distribution experiment. Groups of six fish of four distinct sizes first competed for shrimp in one‐patch trials in both an open and complex habitat; half the groups experienced each habitat type first. Following these one‐patch trials, each group then chose between habitat types in a two‐patch trial while competing for food. Finally, each fish underwent an individual behavioural assessment using a battery of “personality” tests to determine if behaviour when alone accurately reflected behaviour within a social context. In the one‐patch trials, dominant fish showed similar food consumption between habitats, but chased more in the complex habitat. In the two‐patch choice trials, dominants preferred and defended the complex habitat, forming an ideal despotic distribution with more than half the fish and competitive weight in the open habitat. Within the groups, individual fish differed in foraging and chasing, with repeatabilities of 0.45 and 0.23 across all treatments. Although a higher foraging rate during the individual assessment predicted foraging rate and use of the complex habitat during the group trials, aggression and boldness tests were not reflective of group behaviour. Across groups, heavier dominants and those with higher foraging rate in the open habitat used the open habitat more, suggesting that both risk and energetic state affect habitat preference in dominant convict cichlids.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Wattled Curassow (Crax globulosa) is a globally threatened species restricted to humid várzea forest (seasonally flooded forest along white‐water rivers) in low‐lying regions of Amazonia. The Wattled Curassow were thought to have been extirpated from the Beni area of Bolivia, but were rediscovered near the Río Negro River in 2001. Our objectives were to determine the size of this population, examine habitat use, and based on our results, assess the conservation status of the Wattled Curassow. During July and August 2006, we used distance sampling to estimate the population density in our study area. We estimated the density of Wattled Curassows at 3.4 (95% CI: 1.4–8.1) individuals/km2 and all were observed within 300 m of the river. Based on the availability of suitable habitat (18 km2 of riparian várzea habitat within 300 m of the river), we estimated that the breeding population of Wattled Curassows in our study area consisted of 61 individuals. The specialized habitat requirements of the Wattled Curassow has important conservation implications because previous population estimates were based on the availability of várzea forest rather than the availability of water edge habitat within várzea forest. As a result, the current global population estimate (2500–9999) is higher than our estimate (500–2500) that takes the specialized habitat requirements of the Wattled Curassow into account. Given this low estimated population, along with the severely fragmented state of the few remaining populations and their dependence on a specialized and vulnerable habitat, we recommend that the status of the Wattled Curassow be upgraded from Vulnerable to Endangered.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms generating species distributions remains a challenge, especially in hyperdiverse tropical forests. We evaluated the role of rainfall variation, soil gradients and herbivory on seedling mortality, and how variation in seedling performance along these gradients contributes to habitat specialisation. In a 4‐year experiment, replicated at the two extremes of the Amazon basin, we reciprocally transplanted 4638 tree seedlings of 41 habitat‐specialist species from seven phylogenetic lineages among the three most important forest habitats of lowland Amazonia. Rainfall variation, flooding and soil gradients strongly influenced seedling mortality, whereas herbivory had negligible impact. Seedling mortality varied strongly among habitats, consistent with predictions for habitat specialists in most lineages. This suggests that seedling performance is a primary determinant of the habitat associations of adult trees across Amazonia. It further suggests that tree diversity, currently mostly harboured in terra firme forests, may be strongly impacted by the predicted climate changes in Amazonia.  相似文献   

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