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Since Panayiotis Gennadius first identified the whitefly, Aleyrodes tabaci in 1889, there have been numerous revisions of the taxonomy of what has since become one of the world''s most damaging insect pests. Most of the taxonomic revisions have been based on synonymising different species under the name Bemisia tabaci. It is now considered that there is sufficient biological, behavioural and molecular genetic data to support its being a cryptic species complex composed of at least 34 morphologically indistinguishable species. The first step in revising the taxonomy of this complex involves matching the A. tabaci collected in 1889 to one of the members of the species complex using molecular genetic data. To do this we extracted and then amplified a 496 bp fragment from the 3′ end of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase one (mtCOI) gene belonging to a single whitefly taken from Gennadius'' original 1889 collection. The sequence identity of this 123 year-old specimen enabled unambiguous assignment to a single haplotype known from 13 Mediterranean locations across Greece and Tunisia. This enabled us to unambiguously assign the Gennadius A. tabaci to the member of the B. tabaci cryptic species complex known as Mediterranean or as it is commonly, but erroneously referred to, as the ‘Q-biotype’. Mediterranean is therefore the real B. tabaci. This study demonstrates the importance of matching museum syntypes with known species to assist in the delimitation of cryptic species based on the organism''s biology and molecular genetic data. This study is the first step towards the reclassification of B. tabaci which is central to an improved understanding how best to manage this globally important agricultural and horticultural insect pest complex.  相似文献   

The U.S. currently enjoys a position among the world’s foremost innovative and scientifically advanced economies but the emergence of new economic powerhouses like China and India threatens to disrupt the global distribution of innovation and economic competitiveness. Among U.S. policy makers, the promotion of advanced education, particularly in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields, has become a key strategy for ensuring the U.S.’s position as an innovative economic leader. Since approximately one third of science and engineering post-graduate students in the U.S. are foreign born, the future of the U.S. STEM educational system is intimately tied to issues of global competitiveness and American immigration policy. This study utilizes a combination of national education data, a survey of foreign-born STEM graduate students, and in-depth interviews of a sub-set of those students to explain how a combination of scientists’ and engineers’ educational decisions, as well as their experience in school, can predict a students’ career path and geographical location, which can affect the long-term innovation environment in their home and destination country. This study highlights the fact that the increasing global competitiveness in STEM education and the complex, restrictive nature of U.S. immigration policies are contributing to an environment where the American STEM system may no longer be able to comfortably remain the premier destination for the world’s top international students.  相似文献   

We projected future prevalence and BMI distribution based on national survey data (National Health and Nutrition Examination Study) collected between 1970s and 2004. Future obesity-related health-care costs for adults were estimated using projected prevalence, Census population projections, and published national estimates of per capita excess health-care costs of obesity/overweight. The objective was to illustrate potential burden of obesity prevalence and health-care costs of obesity and overweight in the United States that would occur if current trends continue. Overweight and obesity prevalence have increased steadily among all US population groups, but with notable differences between groups in annual increase rates. The increase (percentage points) in obesity and overweight in adults was faster than in children (0.77 vs. 0.46-0.49), and in women than in men (0.91 vs. 0.65). If these trends continue, by 2030, 86.3% adults will be overweight or obese; and 51.1%, obese. Black women (96.9%) and Mexican-American men (91.1%) would be the most affected. By 2048, all American adults would become overweight or obese, while black women will reach that state by 2034. In children, the prevalence of overweight (BMI >/= 95th percentile, 30%) will nearly double by 2030. Total health-care costs attributable to obesity/overweight would double every decade to 860.7-956.9 billion US dollars by 2030, accounting for 16-18% of total US health-care costs. We continue to move away from the Healthy People 2010 objectives. Timely, dramatic, and effective development and implementation of corrective programs/policies are needed to avoid the otherwise inevitable health and societal consequences implied by our projections .  相似文献   

Recent research about the role of free radical derivatives of oxygen and nitrogen in biological systems has highlighted the possibility that antioxidants, such as vitamin E, that prevent these processes in vitro may be capable of carrying out a similar function in living organisms in vivo. There is increasing evidence that free radical reactions are involved in the early stages, or sometimes later on, in the development of human diseases, and it is therefore of particular interest to inquire whether vitamin E and other antioxidants, which are found in the human diets, may be capable of lowering the incidence of these diseases. Put simply, the proposition is that by improving human diets by increasing the quantity in them of antioxidants, it might be possible to reduce the incidence of a number of degenerative diseases. Of particular significance to these considerations is the likely role of the primary fat-soluble dietary antioxidant vitamin E in the prevention of degenerative diseases such as arteriosclerosis, which is frequently the cause of consequent heart attacks or stroke, and prevention of certain forms of cancer, as well as several other diseases. Substantial evidence for this proposition now exists, and this review is an attempt to give a brief account of the present position. Two kinds of evidence exist; on the one hand there is very substantial basic science evidence which indicates an involvement of free radical events, and a preventive role for vitamin E, in the development of human disease processes. On the other hand, there is also a large body of human epidemiological evidence which suggests that incidence of these diseases is lowered in populations having a high level of antioxidants, such as vitamin E, in their diet, or who have taken steps to enhance their level of intake of the vitamin by taking dietary supplements. There is also some evidence which suggests that intervention with dietary supplements of vitamin E can result in a lowered risk of disease, in particular of cardiovascular disease, which is a major killer disease among the developed nations of the world. The intense interest in this subject recently has as its objective the possibility that, by making some simple alterations to dietary lifestyle, or by enhancing the intake of vitamin E by fortification of foods, or by dietary supplements, it may be possible to reduce substantially the risk of a large amount of common, highly disabling human disease. By this simple means, therefore it may be possible to improve substantially the quality of human life, in particular for people of advancing years.  相似文献   

Recent research about the role of free radical derivatives of oxygen and nitrogen in biological systems has highlighted the possibility that antioxidants, such as vitamin E, that prevent these processes in vitro may be capable of carrying out a similar function in living organisms in vivo. There is increasing evidence that free radical reactions are involved in the early stages, or sometimes later on, in the development of human diseases, and it is therefore of particular interest to inquire whether vitamin E and other antioxidants, which are found in the human diets, may be capable of lowering the incidence of these diseases. Put simply, the proposition is that by improving human diets by increasing the quantity in them of antioxidants, it might be possible to reduce the incidence of a number of degenerative diseases. Of particular significance to these considerations is the likely role of the primary fat-soluble dietary antioxidant vitamin E in the prevention of degenerative diseases such as arteriosclerosis, which is frequently the cause of consequent heart attacks or stroke, and prevention of certain forms of cancer, as well as several other diseases. Substantial evidence for this proposition now exists, and this review is an attempt to give a brief account of the present position. Two kinds of evidence exist; on the one hand there is very substantial basic science evidence which indicates an involvement of free radical events, and a preventive role for vitamin E, in the development of human disease processes. On the other hand, there is also a large body of human epidemiological evidence which suggests that incidence of these diseases is lowered in populations having a high level of antioxidants, such as vitamin E, in their diet, or who have taken steps to enhance their level of intake of the vitamin by taking dietary supplements. There is also some evidence which suggests that intervention with dietary supplements of vitamin E can result in a lowered risk of disease, in particular of cardiovascular disease, which is a major killer disease among the developed nations of the world. The intense interest in this subject recently has as its objective the possibility that, by making some simple alterations to dietary lifestyle, or by enhancing the intake of vitamin E by fortification of foods, or by dietary supplements, it may be possible to reduce substantially the risk of a large amount of common, highly disabling human disease. By this simple means, therefore it may be possible to improve substantially the quality of human life, in particular for people of advancing years.  相似文献   



Increasing emphasis on integrated control of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) requires identification of co-endemic areas. Integrated surveys for lymphatic filariasis (LF), schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infection have been recommended for this purpose. Integrated survey designs inevitably involve balancing the costs of surveys against accuracy of classifying areas for treatment, so-called implementation units (IUs). This requires an understanding of the main cost drivers and of how operating procedures may affect both cost and accuracy of surveys. Here we report a detailed cost analysis of the first round of integrated NTD surveys in Southern Sudan.

Methods and Findings

Financial and economic costs were estimated from financial expenditure records and interviews with survey staff using an ingredients approach. The main outcome was cost per IU surveyed. Uncertain variables were subjected to univariate sensitivity analysis and the effects of modifying standard operating procedures were explored. The average economic cost per IU surveyed was USD 40,206 or USD 9,573, depending on the size of the IU. The major cost drivers were two key categories of recurrent costs: i) survey consumables, and ii) personnel.


The cost of integrated surveys in Southern Sudan could be reduced by surveying larger administrative areas for LF. If this approach was taken, the estimated economic cost of completing LF, schistosomiasis and STH mapping in Southern Sudan would amount to USD 1.6 million. The methodological detail and costing template provided here could be used to generate cost estimates in other settings and readily compare these to the present study, and may help budget for integrated and single NTDs surveys elsewhere.  相似文献   

Explaining or predicting the behaviour of our conspecifics requires the ability to infer the intentions that motivate it. Such inferences are assumed to rely on two types of information: (1) the sensory information conveyed by movement kinematics and (2) the observer's prior expectations--acquired from past experience or derived from prior knowledge. However, the respective contribution of these two sources of information is still controversial. This controversy stems in part from the fact that "intention" is an umbrella term that may embrace various sub-types each being assigned different scopes and targets. We hypothesized that variations in the scope and target of intentions may account for variations in the contribution of visual kinematics and prior knowledge to the intention inference process. To test this hypothesis, we conducted four behavioural experiments in which participants were instructed to identify different types of intention: basic intentions (i.e. simple goal of a motor act), superordinate intentions (i.e. general goal of a sequence of motor acts), or social intentions (i.e. intentions accomplished in a context of reciprocal interaction). For each of the above-mentioned intentions, we varied (1) the amount of visual information available from the action scene and (2) participant's prior expectations concerning the intention that was more likely to be accomplished. First, we showed that intentional judgments depend on a consistent interaction between visual information and participant's prior expectations. Moreover, we demonstrated that this interaction varied according to the type of intention to be inferred, with participant's priors rather than perceptual evidence exerting a greater effect on the inference of social and superordinate intentions. The results are discussed by appealing to the specific properties of each type of intention considered and further interpreted in the light of a hierarchical model of action representation.  相似文献   

Given small sample sizes, loss of animals in preclinical experiments can dramatically alter results. However, effects of attrition on distortion of results are unknown. We used a simulation study to analyze the effects of random and biased attrition. As expected, random loss of samples decreased statistical power, but biased removal, including that of outliers, dramatically increased probability of false positive results. Next, we performed a meta-analysis of animal reporting and attrition in stroke and cancer. Most papers did not adequately report attrition, and extrapolating from the results of the simulation data, we suggest that their effect sizes were likely overestimated.
Where have all the rodents gone?Ooh ooh, ooh ooh, oohTo non-random attrition, every oneWhen will they ever learn?—with apologies to Pete Seeger, 1955

Several studies suggest that global climate change could increase the toxicity of contaminants, but none of these studies explicitly integrate the effects of climate change on both susceptibility and duration of exposure to pollution. For many amphibian and aquatic insect species, exposure to contaminants is probably greatest during their fully aquatic embryonic and larval stages because these stages cannot readily escape water bodies where many contaminants accumulate and concentrate. Hence, by accelerating embryonic and larval development, global warming might reduce the duration of contaminant exposure for these taxa. To test this hypothesis, we isolated the effects of a temperature gradient (13–25 °C) on susceptibility (toxicity at a controlled exposure duration) and exposure of the streamside salamander, Ambystoma barbouri, to the herbicide atrazine (0, 4, 40, and 400 μg L?1) by quantifying growth, survival, hatching, and metamorphosis under an atrazine exposure duration that was either constant or that depended on time to metamorphosis (and thus temperature). Increasing atrazine concentrations reduced growth, delayed hatching and metamorphosis, and decreased embryonic and larval survival. Increasing temperatures enhanced growth, accelerated development, and reduced survival for embryos but not larvae. With the exception of growth, increasing temperatures generally did not enhance the toxicity of atrazine, but they did generally ameliorate the adverse effects of atrazine by accelerating development and reducing the duration of atrazine exposure. The actual effects of climate change on contaminants remains difficult to predict because temperature changes can affect chemical use, uptake, excretion, biotransformation, fate, transport, and bioavailability. However, this work highlights the importance of explicitly considering how climate change will affect both exposure and toxicity to contaminants to accurately assess risk.  相似文献   

Executions in Texas from 1994–2005 do not deter homicides, contrary to the results of Land et al. (2009). We find that using different models—based on pre-tests for unit roots that correct for earlier model misspecifications—one cannot reject the null hypothesis that executions do not lead to a change in homicides in Texas over this period. Using additional control variables, we show that variables such as the number of prisoners in Texas may drive the main drop in homicides over this period. Such conclusions however are highly sensitive to model specification decisions, calling into question the assumptions about fixed parameters and constant structural relationships. This means that using dynamic regressions to account for policy changes that may affect homicides need to be done with significant care and attention.  相似文献   

Quartz fields are rare features that contribute significantly to vegetation diversity and endemism of South Africa's Succulent Karoo Biome. The Riethuis-Wallekraal quartz fields in the north-western Namaqualand area of South Africa contain 17 quartz field specialist species of which seven are endemic to this specific area. Hoof-action by livestock has formed paths of approximately 0.30 m on these quartz fields. It would be important to conservationists to understand whether direct (e.g. trampling) and indirect effects (e.g. burial of flora by sediment movement) associated with the livestock paths holds any threat to the dwarf succulent (< 0.05 m) and micro-chamaephytes (0.06–0.15 m) endemic to the quartz fields. We tested the hypotheses that the unique quartz field vegetation and biological soil crusts would be affected by loose soil particles transported downslope from the paths. The soil stability index, total vegetation cover, cover of specialized quartz field species and species diversity were lower on livestock paths but did not differ between upslope and downslope locations. Livestock paths also had lower cover and fewer quartz field specialist species. It is concluded that under conditions of intense and continuous grazing, livestock are likely to have an even stronger negative impact on the specialist quartz field flora.  相似文献   

The main forms of terrestrial life in the cold, desolate Ross Desert of Antarctica are lichen-dominated or cyanobacterium-dominated cryptoendolithic (hidden in rock) microbial communities. Though microbial community biomass (as measured by extractable lipid phosphate) was well within the range of values determined for other microbial communities, community lipid carbon turnover times (calculated from community lipid biomass, rates of community photosynthetic carbon incorporation into lipids versus temperature, and the in situ temperature record) were among the longest on Earth (ca. 20,000 years). When the temperature is above freezing and moisture is present, moderate rates of photosynthesis can be measured. Lichen communities had a psychrophilic temperature response (maximal rate of 4.5 ng of C h-1 m-2 at 10°C) while cyanobacteria communities had maximal rates at 20 to 30°C (3 ng of C h-1 m-2). These extraordinarily slowly growing communities were not nutrient limited. No significant changes in photosynthetic metabolism were observed upon additions of 100 nM to 1 mM nitrate, ammonium, phosphate, and manganese. These simple, tenacious microbial communities demonstrate strategies of survival under conditions normally considered too extreme for life.  相似文献   

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