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We present a mathematical model and numerical method designedto study the fluid dynamics of swimming organisms. The fullNavier Stokes equations are solved in a domain of fluidwithin which an organism undergoing timedependent motionsis immersed. Of interest are both the dynamics of a single organismand the relationship of its morphology to its motility properties,as well as the collective hydrodynamic interactions of groupsof swimmers with each other and their environment. Biologicalapplications include spermatozoa motility in the reproductivetract, swimming of non-smooth filaments, and collective swimmingof algal cells. 相似文献
A fundamental issue in locomotion is to understand how muscle forcing produces apparently complex deformation kinematics leading to movement of animals like undulatory swimmers. The question of whether complicated muscle forcing is required to create the observed deformation kinematics is central to the understanding of how animals control movement. In this work, a forced damped oscillation framework is applied to a chain-link model for undulatory swimming to understand how forcing leads to deformation and movement. A unified understanding of swimming, caused by muscle contractions (“active” swimming) or by forces imparted by the surrounding fluid (“passive” swimming), is obtained. We show that the forcing triggers the first few deformation modes of the body, which in turn cause the translational motion. We show that relatively simple forcing patterns can trigger seemingly complex deformation kinematics that lead to movement. For given muscle activation, the forcing frequency relative to the natural frequency of the damped oscillator is important for the emergent deformation characteristics of the body. The proposed approach also leads to a qualitative understanding of optimal deformation kinematics for fast swimming. These results, based on a chain-link model of swimming, are confirmed by fully resolved computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Prior results from the literature on the optimal value of stiffness for maximum speed are explained. 相似文献
Measurement of infrequent DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) in mammalian cells is essential for the understanding of cell damage by ionizing radiation and many DNA-reactive drugs. One of the most important assays for measuring DSB in cellular DNA is filter elution. This study is an attempt to determine whether standard concepts of fluid mechanics can yield a self-consistent model of this process. Major assumptions of the analysis are reptation through a channel formed by surrounding strands, with only strand ends captured by filter pores. Both viscosity and entanglement with surrounding strands are considered to determine the resistance to this motion. One important result is that the average elution time of a strand depends not only on its length, but also on the size distribution of the surrounding strands. This model is consistent with experimental observations, such as the dependence of elution kinetics upon radiation dose, but independence from the size of the DNA sample up to a critical filter loading, and possible overlap of elution times for strands of different length. It indicates how the dependence of elution time on the flow rate could reveal the relative importance of viscous and entanglement resistance, and also predicts the consequences of using different filters. 相似文献
The Importance of Body Stiffness in Undulatory Propulsion 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
During steady swimming in fish, the dynamic form taken by theaxial undulatory wave may depend on the bending stiffness ofthe body. Previous studies have suggested the hypothesis thatfish use their muscles to modulate body stiffness. In orderto expand the theoretical and experimental tools available fortesting this hypothesis, we explored the relationship betweenbody stiffness, muscle activity, and undulatory waveform inthe mechanical context of dynamically bending beams. We proposethat fish minimize the mechanical cost of bending by increasingtheir body stiffness, which would allow them to tune their body'snatural frequency to match the tailbeat frequency at a givenswimming speed. A review of the literature reveals that theform of the undulatory wave, as measured by propulsive wavelength,is highly variable within species, a result which calls intoquestion the use of propulsive wavelength as a species-specificindicator of swimming mode. At the same time, the smallest wavelengthwithin a species is inversely proportional to the number ofvertebrae across taxa (r2 = 0.21). In order to determine ifintact fish bodies are capable of increasing bending stiffness,we introduce a method for stimulating muscle in the body ofa dead fish while it is being cyclically bent at physiologicalfrequencies. The bending moment (N m) and angular displacement(radians) are measured during dynamic bending with and withoutmuscle stimulation. Initial results from these whole body workloops demonstrate that largemouth bass possess the capabilityto increase body stiffness by using their muscles to generatenegative mechanical work. 相似文献
The physical and biomechanical principles that govern undulatory movement on wet surfaces have important applications in physiology, physics, and engineering. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, with its highly stereotypical and functionally distinct sinusoidal locomotory gaits, is an excellent system in which to dissect these properties. Measurements of the main forces governing the C. elegans crawling gait on lubricated surfaces have been scarce, primarily due to difficulties in estimating the physical features at the nematode-gel interface. Using kinematic data and a hydrodynamic model based on lubrication theory, we calculate both the surface drag forces and the nematode's bending force while crawling on the surface of agar gels within a preexisting groove. We find that the normal and tangential surface drag coefficients during crawling are ~222 and 22, respectively, and the drag coefficient ratio is ~10. During crawling, the calculated internal bending force is time-periodic and spatially complex, exhibiting a phase lag with respect to the nematode's body bending curvature. This phase lag is largely due to viscous drag forces, which are higher during crawling as compared to swimming in an aqueous buffer solution. The spatial patterns of bending force generated during either swimming or crawling correlate well with previously described gait-specific features of calcium signals in muscle. Further, our analysis indicates that one may be able to control the motility gait of C. elegans by judiciously adjusting the magnitude of the surface drag coefficients. 相似文献
We consider and compare the various different kinds of flow that may take place in the anterior chamber of a human eye. The physical mechanisms responsible for causing such flows may be classified as follows: (i) buoyancy-driven flow arising from the temperature difference between the anterior surface of the cornea and the iris, (ii) flow generated by the aqueous production of the ciliary body, (iii) flow generated by the interaction between buoyancy and gravity while sleeping while sleeping in a face-up position, (iv) flow generated by phakodenesis (lens tremor), (v) flow generated by Rapid Eye Movement (REM) during sleep. Each flow is studied using a traditional fluid mechanics/asymptotic analysis approach. We also assess the veracity of a hypothesis that was recently advanced [see Maurice, D.M., 1998. The Von Sallman Lecture 1996: An ophthalmological explanation of REM sleep. Exp. Eye. Res. 66, 139–145, for details] to suggest that, contrary to previous opinion, the purpose of REM during sleep is to ensure corneal respiration in the absence of the buoyant mixing that routinely takes place due to (i) above during waking conditions. 相似文献
P.L. MILLER 《Physiological Entomology》1972,46(2):91-97
The initiation, form of leg strokes and minimal requirements for swimming in Sphodromantis lineola are described. 相似文献
Mechanics of a constrained chair-rise 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A sit-to-stand task is analyzed by a method which estimates the segmental and whole body center of mass (CoM) kinematics and kinetics using bilateral whole body kinematic data from nine healthy young female subjects. The sit-to-stand, or chair-rise, task is constrained with regard to chair height, pace, initial lower limb position and arm use. The chair-rise maneuver is divided into four phases; (1) the flexion momentum phase; (2) the momentum transfer phase; (3) the vertical extension phase; and (4) the stabilization phase; the first three are examined in detail here. The momentum transfer phase, which immediately follows lift-off from the seat of the chair, is the most dynamic portion of the event, demanding a high degree of coordination. This maneuver is analyzed in order to determine if trunk movement is used only to position the body center of gravity or if the trunk motion generates momentum which is important during the brief but critical period of dynamic equilibrium immediately following lift-off from the chair. Our evidence points to the latter case and indicates that inter-segmental momentum transfer is possible during this period. 相似文献
Springs in Swimming Animals 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
Animals can lower the metabolic cost of swimming by using appropriatelytuned, elastic springs. Jet-powered invertebrates use springsthat lie in functional parallel to their swimming muscles topower half the locomotor cycle. The parallel geometry constrainsthe spring to be non-linearly elastic; muscle power is divertedto load the spring only when swimming muscles are not capableof producing maximal hydrodynamic thrust. The springs of jellyfishand scallops are forced at or near their resonant frequency,producing large energy savings. Measuring the contribution ofelastic energy storage to jet-powered locomotion has been facilitatedby the relatively simple geometries of invertebrate locomotorsystems. In contrast, complex musculoskeletal systems and kinematicshave complicated the study of springs in swimming vertebrates.Skins, tendons and axial skeletons of some vertebrate swimmershave appropriate mechanical properties to act as springs. Todate, though, there exist just a handful of studies that haveinvestigated the mechanical behaviors of these locomotor structuresin swimming vertebrates, and these data have yet to be integratedwith measures of swimming power. Integrating mechanical, kinematic,hydrodynamic and metabolic data are required to understand morefully the role of elastic springs in vertebrate swimming energetics. 相似文献
Peter N. Dudley Riccardo Bonazza T. Todd Jones Jeanette Wyneken Warren P. Porter 《PloS one》2014,9(10)
As global temperatures increase throughout the coming decades, species ranges will shift. New combinations of abiotic conditions will make predicting these range shifts difficult. Biophysical mechanistic niche modeling places bounds on an animal’s niche through analyzing the animal’s physical interactions with the environment. Biophysical mechanistic niche modeling is flexible enough to accommodate these new combinations of abiotic conditions. However, this approach is difficult to implement for aquatic species because of complex interactions among thrust, metabolic rate and heat transfer. We use contemporary computational fluid dynamic techniques to overcome these difficulties. We model the complex 3D motion of a swimming neonate and juvenile leatherback sea turtle to find power and heat transfer rates during the stroke. We combine the results from these simulations and a numerical model to accurately predict the core temperature of a swimming leatherback. These results are the first steps in developing a highly accurate mechanistic niche model, which can assists paleontologist in understanding biogeographic shifts as well as aid contemporary species managers about potential range shifts over the coming decades. 相似文献
Swimming in a sub-adult monogenean parasite is reported for the first time. When detached from the substrate, a specimen of an undescribed species of Entobdella from the ventral skin surface of the cow-tailed ray, Dasyatis sephen, was found to propel itself vigorously through the water, head-first, by rapid dorso-ventral body undulations travelling in an antero-posterior direction. These waves pass in the opposite direction to the slower breathing (?) undulations exhibited by the attached parasite. Benedeniella macrocolpa from another elasmobranch host and benedeniines from teleost fishes merely made uncoordinated wriggling movements when detached from the substrate. The possible function of swimming in monogeneans is discussed. 相似文献
K R Brizzee 《Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology》1990,68(2):221-229
In a cineradiographic analysis of the vomiting reflex in response to i.v. administration of an emetic drug (lanatoside C, 12 mg/kg) in cats, it was shown that the vomiting act is preceded by cyclic periods of abnormal peristaltic activity of the small bowel and inhibition of gastric peristalsis. It was further observed that massive antiperistalsis of the upper small bowel with reflux into the stomach is a common occurrence in the period immediately preceding vomiting. The emetic act itself is composed of phases of esophageal dilation, gastric emptying, gastric reflux, and esophageal collapse in cyclic repetition. The response of the esophagus and the stomach during emesis is passive, with external pressures and forces apparently providing the expulsive forces, the gastric bolus being contained by contraction of the pylorus and probably an upper esophageal or pharyngeal barrier. Earlier studies were conducted in cats in which observations were made on changes in thoracic venous pressure, abdominal venous pressure, and arterial blood pressure associated with vomiting induced by Veratrum alkaloids. Retching was characterized by a growing series of brief negative intrathoracic pressure pulses mirrored by positive pressure pulses in the abdomen. Expulsion then occurred and was followed with a sudden reversal of intrathoracic pressure from negative to positive. Expulsion involved a more sustained abdominal contraction, but both retching and expulsion were brought about by the same set of muscles, according to their EMG profiles. From results observed following phrenicotomy and spinal cord section at T5, it was concluded that the diaphragm, acting together with the inspiratory muscles against a closed glotis is responsible for the negative intrathoracic pressure that occurs in retching.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
A theoretical treatment is given of isothermal potential lossesdue to frictional resistances against water flow in plants.It becomes apparent that in the past two main difficulties havebeen widely ignored: the proper choice of dimensions for fluxesand resistances deserves consideration, and the original vanden Honert concept seems to be especially prone to misinterpretation.A revised equation is presented for total water potential ata certain point in the plant, and some implications of thisapproach are outlined. 相似文献
Sandia Iskandar Madhav Lavu Moustapha Atoui Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy 《Indian pacing and electrophysiology journal》2015,15(6):293-295
Although current lead design and filtering capabilities have greatly improved, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) from environmental sources has been increasingly reported in patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device (CIED) [1]. Few cases of inappropriate intracardiac Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) associated with swimming pool has been described [2]. Here we present a case of 64 year old male who presented with an interesting EMI signal that was subsequently identified to be related to AC current leak in his swimming pool. 相似文献
A 10% random sample of all bathers at a public swimming bath were examined for tinea pedis and verruca.The overall incidence of tinea pedis was 8·5% and of verruca 4·8%. The incidence of tinea pedis in 205 male adults was 21·5%, in 288 boys 6·3%, in 60 adult females 3·3%, and in 220 girls 0·9%. The incidence of verruca in juveniles ranged from 4·2% in boys to 10·5% in girls.It was clear that both infections spread within the baths, and since a relatively small proportion of users admitted to taking precautions to avoid contracting or developing infections it seems advisable that more publicity about recommendations on foot care should be provided. 相似文献