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In a Chlorella culture growing synchronously at pH 6.3 undera 12 hr light/12 hr dark regime, DNA replication occurs betweenthe 8th and the 12th hour of the cycle, the main period of proteinand chlorophyll synthesis occurring between the 4th and 12thhour of the cycle. When the culture is transferred to alkalinepH at any time up to the 8 hr of the cycle, autospore releaseis prevented, and the pattern of synthesis of DNA, protein andchlorophyll is altered. However, when the culture is transferredto alkaline conditions after the 8th hour of the cycle, thepattern follows that of a culture growing at pH 6.3 with respectto cell number and volume, as well as protein, chlorophyll andDNA contents. Thus, a transition point seems to occur afterthe 8 hr of the cycle. The existence of such a point was alsodemonstrated by reciprocal experiments in which Chlorella wascultured at an alkaline pH and transferred to pH 6.3 at varioustimes in the cell cycle. 1 Present address: Applied Research Institute, Ben-Gurion Universityof the Negev, P.O. Box 1025, Beer-Sheva 84110, Israel. (Received October 2, 1981; Accepted January 20, 1982)  相似文献   

In Chlorella vulgaris cell aggregation, the clustering of singlecells into groups is induced by an alkaline pH (9.5). The processof alkalinity-induced aggregation may be divided into two stages:the first stage (0–24 hr after exposure to the alkalinepH) is characterized by enhanced precipitation of cells fromthe medium, as well as by a seven fold increase in cell volume.The second stage (24–120 hr) is associated with a furtherincrease in the extent of cell precipitation in the culture,which seems to result from the aggregation of clusters of enlargedcells. Electron micrographs reveal the existence, at this phase,of a number of autospores in the cells within a modified multi-layeredmother cell wall. The pectin content of cells at this stageis twice that of control cells grown at pH 6.3. In addition,the relative content of the different pectin fractions is modifiedas a result of the exposure to alkalinity. It is suggested thatthe aggregates result from the repeated failure of the cellsto detach from their original mother cell walls, thus formingclusters which represent several generations of cells. 1Present address: Division of Food Storage, ARO Beit Dagan,P.O.B. 6, Israel. (Received September 3, 1979; )  相似文献   

A single dark period of longer than 8 hr induced flowering inLemna paucicostata 441 cultured in E medium. Monochromatic lightsof 450, 550, 650 and 750 nm with a half-power bandwidth of 9nm given for 10 min at the 8th hour of a 14-hr dark period inhibitedflowering. The fluence rates required for 50% inhibition were10, 0.5, 0.1 and 3 µmol m–2. sec–1, respectively.When applied between the 4th and the 10th hour of the dark period,lights of 450, 550 and 650 nm were inhibitory showing a maximumeffect at the 8th hour. But 750-nm light completely inhibitedflowering when applied at any time during the first 8 hr ofthe dark period. The inhibitory effect of 750-nm light givenat the beginning of the dark period was totally reversed bya subsequent exposure to 650-nm light, and the fluence-responsecurves for the effect of 750-nm light given at the 0, 4th and8th hour were essentially the same. This suggests that the presenceof PFR is crucial for the floral initiation throughout the first8 hr of the inductive dark period. The role of phytochrome inthe photoperiodic flower induction of L. paucicostata is discussed. (Received January 4, 1982; Accepted March 19, 1982)  相似文献   

The carbon metabolism in cell walls of Chlorella ellipsoideawas studied by following 14C incorporation into cell wall constituentsin photosynthesizing, synchronously growing cells. The rateof incorporation was higher at an early growth phase of thecell cycle. The 14C was incorporated into both the major cellwall constituents, hemicellulose and ‘rigid wall’,and the radioactivity in the latter was distributed into itstwo components, glucosamine and amino acids. In pulse-chaseexperiments, the 14C fixed photosynthetically in the precedingcell cycle was rapidly transferred into the cell wall constituentsat the early growth phase of the ongoing cell cycle, and thereafterwas gradually released from the cell walls, although the totalamount of 14C in the cells remained constant. It was concludedthat the cell wall constituents are turned over during the growthphase of the algal cell cycle, and that the cell wall metabolismin the ongoing cell cycle is closely connected with the carbonmetabolism in the preceding cell cycle. (Received February 3, 1982; Accepted June 21, 1982)  相似文献   

Flicker, M. D. and Willmer, C. M. 1986. Vanadate sensitive ATPaseand phosphatase activity in guard cell protoplasts of Commelina.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 642–648. Phosphatase activity was measured in extracts of guard cellprotoplasts of Commelina communis L. using the artificial substratep-nitrophenylphosphate. A pH optimum of 5.8 to 6.3 was determined.Ammonium molybdate (Ol mol m–3) and sodium vanadate (1–0mol m–3) gave almost complete inhibition of phosphataseactivity at pH 60. ATPase assays were, therefore, conductedin the presence of 0–2 mol m –3 molybdate and vanadatewas used as a specific inhibitor of plasmamembrane ATPase activity.Vanadate sensitive ATPase activity showed a pH optimum of 6.6and activity was stimulated by KC1. These properties are characteristicof plasmamembrane proton pumping ATPases in other systems andsuggest that proton extrusion in guard cells could be mediatedby a similar enzyme. The maximum ATPase activity is sufficientto account for all the proton flux observed during the stomatalopening response. Key words: ATPase, Commelina, guard cell protoplasts, phosphatase, vanadate  相似文献   

The primary leaves of kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) openunder light and close in the dark by the deformation of thepulvinus resulting from diurnal distribution changes of K+,Cl, organic acid (or H+) and NO3. When Rb+ was added as a tracer of K+ to the seedlings throughtheir roots, it was transported to the pulvinus cells duringthe light period but not during the dark period. Transpirationoccurred vigorously in the light but almost stopped in the dark.We concluded that Rb+ absorbed by the roots was carried to thepulvinus by the transpiration stream. Phaseolus vulgaris L., pulvinus, Rb+, diurnal transport transpiration stream  相似文献   

In light, malformin completely abolished the ability of Ag+to inhibit Ethrel-induced leaf abscission from cuttings of Vignaradiata, even though Ag+ was applied 24 hr before malformin.Malformin itself did not induce abscission in the light. However,Ag+ was active on cuttings which had been pre-treated with malforminfor 2 days in the light. No evidence was obtained to suggestreaction between malformin and Ag+. In the dark, Ag+ had noeffect on stimulation of leaf abscission by malformin. (Received March 7, 1981; Accepted May 12, 1981)  相似文献   

The rate of excretion of glycolate by the unicellular greenalga Ankistrodesmus braunii changes during its life cycle. Itis high in the main growth phase during the light period witha maximum 6 hr after the start of illumination, and low duringthe period of cell division in the dark. The glycolate excretion is stimulated by DSPD and HPMS, whilethe total 14CO2-fixation is inhibited by DSPD and enhanced byHPMS. Changes in the effects of DSPD and HPMS on glycolate excretionas well as on photosynthetic 14CO2-fixation during the courseof the algal life cycle were followed using the technique ofsynchronous culture. How far the change of glycolate excretion is due to a changeof glycolate oxidase activity during the life cycle and to achange of C2-supply from the carbon reduction cycle is discussed.The effect of DSPD on glycolate excretion suggests a participationof ferredoxin in the glycolate pathway. (Received August 10, 1968; )  相似文献   

The effects of H$ and fusicoccin (FC) on stomatal opening inthe dark were investigated using epidermal strips of Commelinacommunis and Vicia faba cv. Ryosai Issun. Citrate-phosphatebuffer induced maximal opening of stomata at pH 3.0 when testedover the range of 2.7 to 5.0. HCl at 1 mM also induced stomatalopening without appreciable accumulation of K$ in the guardcells. After 4 hr treatment with 10 µM FC, stomata openedwith concomitant accumulation of K$ in the guard cells, although1–2 hr treatment caused opening without concomitant K$increase. These results suggest that stomatal opening can be caused bysalt accumulation and/or changes of the physicochemical conditionsin the cell wall of the guard cells due to high acidity. 1 Present address: Biological Laboratory, Faculty of Education,Nagasaki University, Nagasski 852, Japan. (Received April 30, 1982; Accepted July 17, 1982)  相似文献   

Three-day-old etiolated seedlings of Pharbitis nil were exposedto red light for 10 min and sprayed with N6-benzyladenine beforetransfer to a 48-h inductive dark period, after which they weregrown under continuous white light. A second red irradiationpromoted flowering when given at the 5 and 24th hour of theinductive dark period but inhibited flowering at the 10 and15th hour. Far-red light inhibited flowering when given at anytime during the first 24 h of the dark period. Red/far-red reversibilitywas clearly observed at the 0, 5, 10 and 24th hour, but notat the 15th hour when both red and far-red lights completelyinhibited flowering. The action spectrum for the inhibition of flowering at the 15thhour of the inductive dark period had a sharply defined peakat 660 nm and closely resembled the absorption spectrum of thePR form of phytochrome. The photoreceptors involved in thesephotoreactions are discussed. (Received June 10, 1983; Accepted July 6, 1983)  相似文献   

The electrochemical potential difference for each dissociationstate of malic acid across the tonoplast of leaf cells was examinedin two CAM plants, Graptopetalum paraguayense and Kalanchoëdaigremontiana. The concentration of malic acid in each dissociationstate was estimated from an analysis of pH and concentrationsof ionic species that included calcium, malate and isocitrate.The vacuoles contained 30–40 mM isocitrate and 50–70mM calcium in G. paraguayense, and 20–30 mM isocitrateand 70–100 mM calcium in K. daigremontiana. For the calculationof the pattern of dissociation of malic acid, the formationof chelates of calcium with malate and isocitrate, which havedifferent stability constants depending on the dissociationof the acids, were also taken into consideration. The vacuolarconcentrations of the divalently dissociated form of malic acid(mal2– were 4–7 mM and 1-3 mM in G. paraguayenseand in K. daigremontiana, respectively. To obtain informationabout the cytoplasmic concentration of malate, the apparentinhibition constant for malate of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylasewas measured. It was about 330 µM in the dark period and60 µM in the light period. Considering an inside-positivemembrane potential, we conclude that mal2– can be takenup passively into the vacuole during the dark period and canbe released passively from the vacuole during the light period.Two types of channel (the "SV-type" channel and a novel "MU-type"channel) which we found recently in G. paraguayense [Iwasakiet al. (1992) Plant Physiol. 98: 1494] are probably involvedin the uptake and the release of malate in the diurnal CAM rhythm.The existence of a large pH-buffering capacity due to isocitricacid in the vacuole allows the accumulation of a large amountof malic acid during the diurnal CAM rhythm. (Received February 12, 1992; Accepted July 10, 1992)  相似文献   

The photoperiodic requirement for flowering in Impatiens balsaminachanges with the length of the photoperiod. Floral buds wereinitiated with two 8 hr but with four 15 hr photoperiods andflowers opened with four 8 hr but twenty-eight 15 hr photoperiods.A part of the photoperiodic requirement for floral inductionin this plant can be substituted by LDs containing 4 or morehours of darkness (10). It indicates the identical nature ofthe floral stimulus produced during the dark period, whetherit forms a part of the inductive or non-inductive cycles. Theeffect of these supplementary non-inductive photoperiodic cyclesin causing floral bud initiation also depends on the lengthof the first inductive obligatory cycle. More floral buds andflowers were produced on plants exposed to 15 hr than 8 hr photoperiods,probably due to the higher number of leaves that were producedunder the former condition of weaker induction. The shorterthe dark period in the photoperiodic cycle, the weaker the induction,the slower the rate of extension growth but the more differentiationof leaves. 1 Present address: Department of Biology, Guru Nanak Dev University,Amritsar-143005, India. (Received November 9, 1977; )  相似文献   

RNA metabolism was studied in apices of Pharbitis nil duringand after floral induction. In continuous light 3H-uridine accumulatedin RNA at a constant rate over an 18 hr period. In darkness,however, the rate of accumulation of label into RNA was constantuntil the 10th hour at which time a rapid burst of accumulationoccurred, peaking at the 14th hour of darkness and followedby a net loss of label. The RNA involved in this burst is probablymRNA due to its size and poly(A) content. This phenomenon doesnot seem to be associated with floral induction, since the siteof perception is the apex, and it also occurs under conditionswhere floral initiation is inhibited by a brief light interruptionof the dark period. Immediately after floral induction by a16-hr dark period the rate of RNA synthesis was suppressed about14%. This suppression lasts for about 12 hr and was followedby a twofold increase in the rate of RNA synthesis, comparedto non-induced apices, at 64 hr after the beginning of the inductivedark period. These post-induction changes were found to occurin all RNA fractions. 1Present address: Department of Radiation Biology and Biophysics,University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester,N.Y. 14642, U.S.A. (Received March 15, 1976; )  相似文献   

Cell division and chloroplast replication in Heterosigma akashiwo(Hada) Hada occurred as separate synchronous events during thecell cycle when cells were subjected to light-dark regimes.Under three different photoperiodic cycles of 10L/14D (10 hlight/14 h dark), 12L/12D or 16L/8D, cell division began athour 19–20 and finished at hour 23–26 after theonset of the light period, while chloroplast replication beganat hour 20–22 after the onset of the dark period. Almostall the cells divided only once in the 12L/12D cycle. The rateof increase in chloroplast number during one light-anddark cyclewas always equal to that in cell number in every photoperiodexamined. Light was essential for both cell division and chloroplast replication,but the minimum light period necessary for each event differed.When the light period was shorter than 6 h, no cell divisionoccurred; when it was shorter than 3 h, no chloroplast replicationoccurred. (Received February 26, 1987; Accepted June 17, 1987)  相似文献   

Measurements of intra- and extracellular pH during the excitationof Nitellopsis obtusa were carried out with antimony microelectrodesat conditions of dark adaptation and of continuous illumination.The pH of the vacuolar sap of both dark-adapted and illuminatedcells increased during cell excitation by 0·1–0·15units. H+ ions which had entered the cytoplasm during excitationin dark-adapted cells were extruded back into the vacuole acrossthe tonoplast. After cell excitation in the light H+ ions wereextruded from the cytoplasm also into the external medium probablyacross the light-stimulated active H+-channels. Protoplasmicstreaming ceased during excitation in the dark for 1–3min, and during excitation in the light—for 5–20s.  相似文献   

Evidence supporting the view that there is an inverse relationshipbetween the hydroxyproline-protein level in the cell wall andthe ability of a cell to undergo rapid cell elongation was obtained.A growth inhibitor extracted from Zea primary roots acceleratedthe incorporation of radioactivity derived from 14C-prolineinto the sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)-insoluble cell wall fraction.However, the inhibitor had no effect on the ratio of hydroxyprolineto proline that was incorporated into the SLS-insoluble fraction. We have discussed what this growth inhibitor may mean in thegeotropic curvature of Zea primary roots. 1 Present address: Faculty of Education, University of Yamagata,Yamagata 990, Japan (Received May 9, 1981; Accepted August 8, 1981)  相似文献   

Changes in the contents of major endogenous plant hormones intobacco crown gall cells, namely IAA and ribosyl-trans-zeatin,during cell growth were examined using HPLC and 14C-labeledplant hormones. The content of IAA was high at the early logarithmicstage, while that of ribosyl-trans-zeatin was high at the middlelogarithmic stage. This suggests that cell growth is affectedfirst by IAA, then by ribosyl-trans-zeatin. 3 Present address: Department of Agricultural Chemistry, TottoriUniversity, Koyama, Tottori 680, Japan (Received July 13, 1981; Accepted September 11, 1981)  相似文献   

In non-growing two-celled protonemata of Adiantum capillus-veneris,apical growth was induced most effectively by red light irradiation;half of the samples were induced to grow by 660 nm light ofca. 1.5 J m–2 and the maximum number by ca. 70 J m–2.The reciprocity law was valid in this photoinduction. The growthresumption became detectable 6 hr after the light irradiationand reached a plateau within 24 hr irrespective of given fluences.When non-growing samples were irradiated with red light of 4.6W m–2 for 4 sec or shorter, the effect was fully reversedby a subsequent irradiation with far-red light to the far-redlight control level. But, when the red light was given for 16sec or longer, photoreversibility became partial. An interveningdark period of 2 min between red and far-red light did not significantlyinfluence the photoreversibility so that the escape reactionin the dark may not be attributed to the above-mentioned lossof photoreversibility. By means of a local irradiation with a narrow red light beam(10 µm in width), the apical cell was found to be photosensitivefor the growth induction, but basal cell was not. Photoreceptivesite was not localized in any particular region of the apicalcell, but was rather dispersed in the entire apical cell. (Received January 26, 1981; Accepted March 10, 1981)  相似文献   

Conditions and maintenance of growth were chosen so that plantsof Clusia minor L. were obtained which showed the C3- and CAM-modes of CO2-exchange, respectively. C. minor is known to accumulateconsiderable amounts of citric acid in addition to malic acidduring the dark-phase of CAM. 14CO2-pulse-chase experiments were performed with these plants.Patterns of labelling during the pulse and redistribution oflabel during the chase in the C3-mode were as expected for C3-photosynthesis.Pulse-labelling in the CAM-mode during the last hour of thelight period, during the first part of the dark period and duringthe last hour of the dark period always led to an almost exclusiveincorporation of label into malate. Redistribution of labelfrom malate after the pulse at the end of the dark period duringthe chase in the subsequent light period followed the patternexpected for light-dependent reassimilation of CO2 remobilizedfrom malate in CAM during the light period. During the chasesin the dark period, label was transferred from l4C-malate tocitrate. This suggests that during accumulation of citric acidin the dark period of CAM in C. minor, citrate is synthesizedin the mitochondria from malate or oxaloacetate after formationof malate via phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. The experiment also showed that no labelled compounds are exportedfrom leaves in the CAM-mode during the dark period. In plantsof the C3-mode the roots proved to be strong sinks. Key words: Clusia minor, labelling, pulse-chase, 14CO2  相似文献   

A cell wall fraction (pectic substances) of oat coleoptile segmentsfed with 14C-glucose contained more radioactivity under theeffect of auxin than did the control. When labeled segmentswere grown for 6 hr in auxin or glucanase solution the labelin the hemicellulose fraction decreased as growth increased.ß-1,3-Glucanase prepared from the culture of a fungus,Sclerotinia libertiana, induces elongation of segments of thepea stem and the oat coleoptile. Traces of cellulase and pectinmethylesterase contaminating the enzyme preparation are notresponsible for the stimulatory effect. Cellulase seemed tobe rather inhibitory and pectin methylesterase showed only aslight effect on coleoptile elongation. A possible relationshipbetween the metabolic turnover of hemicellulosic polysaccharideand cell wall extension is suggested. (Received February 5, 1968; )  相似文献   

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