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Routine audit of breast fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology specimens and aspirator inadequate rates In an attempt to improve the quality of the breast FNA specimens we instigated a continuing audit of this procedure in this hospital. All FNAs since 1990 have had the following recorded: mode of aspiration, e.g. freehand or image guided, patient presentation (screening or symptomatic), patient diagnostic category, cytological diagnosis and final histological diagnosis. Aspirator performance was assessed by means of the inadequate aspiration rate (IR) of FNAs performed on patients with a final diagnosis of cancer (FDC) and diagnostic category A patients (clinically or radiologically malignant lesions). An ongoing annual review of the performance of all the aspirators was undertaken, all of whom received individual feedback. Counselling and further training were offered where indicated by poor performance. Over the period 1990–1995 a total of 13 537 FNAs were performed by 27 aspirators. The IR on category A and FDC cases over this period was 16.0% and 18.1%. The best performance achieved by an aspirator in a calendar year was an IR of 3.6% with no inadequate specimens in either FDC or category A lesions, and the best performance over the entire period was an average IR of 11.75% and 14.25% for FDC and category A groups, respectively. The overall IR on category A patients ranged from 15.9% to 23.8% and on FDC cases from 12.2% to 21.7%. There was a significant improvement in individual junior aspirator performance when their first year was compared with their last year on the unit. In some cases a deterioration in intra-aspirator performance was observed, from an IR of 6% to 33%. The overall IR rate of the unit remained stable for FDC patients, 15.5% in 1990 compared with 15.1% in 1995. This appeared to be largely due to a high proportion of the aspirations being performed by experienced personnel with consistent IRs. However, concealed within the overall rate there were some poor performers who benefited from counselling and/or further training. These results indicate an important role for audit in identifying poor aspirators who benefit from targeted training and advice, thereby improving the quality of FNA specimens, and ultimately patient care.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is practised widely throughout Europe. The majority of countries have dedicated cytopathologists as well as histopathologists practicing cytology. Despite this, FNAC is performed mostly by clinicians and radiologists except in the larger centres with dedicated staff with a special interest in cytopathology. The advent of One-Stop diagnostic services and image-guided procedures are prompting further development of FNAC clinics where cytopathologists take their own samples, issue reports in the same clinical session and take extra material for ancillary tests to complete the diagnosis. The volume of FNAC work varies accordingly; in dedicated centres FNAC represents up to 80% of the workload whilst, in the majority of countries, it represents one quarter or less. Hence, the rate of inadequate FNAC varies widely, depending on the local sampling policies and the organ, but does not exceed 25% in any of the countries. The most sampled organs are breast and thyroid, followed by lymph nodes. Most countries have dedicated training in cytopathology for pathology trainees, the duration varying between 6 months and 2 years of the total training time. This discussion, focusing on European practices, highlights the heterogeneity of FNAC activity but also its success in many centres where it is practiced to a high standard, particularly in breast, thyroid and lymph node pathology. The relatively high rate of inadequate material in some centres reflects local policies and calls for greater uniformity of FNAC practice, particularly specimen sampling. To achieve this, the future direction should concentrate on specialist training, to include performing as well as interpreting FNAC, as part of the curriculum. Current emphasis on web-based training may not provide first hand experience of the FNAC procedure and should be supplemented by attending FNAC clinics and developing the technique to its full potential.  相似文献   

FNA continues to play an important role in the management of patients with breast lesions. However, the reliability and efficiency of the FNA service depends heavily on the quality of the specimens. We have audited the rate of 'inadequate FNAs' at intervals over the last 5 years and related our findings to the clinical expertise of the aspirator. We have also correlated the rate of inadequate FNAs with the percentage of patients who had an FNA preceding a definitive diagnosis of cancer. We report trends in the rate of inadequate samples, and subsequent diagnosis of cancer, over a 5‐year period. The percentage of breast FNA samples reported as inadequate was 46.8% in 1988–89, falling to 20% in 1991–92 with the introduction of an FNA clinic, and rising to 30.6% in 1993. The rates of cancer following inadequate FNA were 15.7%, 16.1% and 4.2%, respectively, and the percentage of patients with cancer having a preceding inadequate FNA were 37.5%, 13.2% and 7.1%. Possible explanations for the apparent paradox between increasing numbers of inadequate FNA specimens and a falling breast cancer rate are discussed.  相似文献   

Between 1992 and 1998 at the Pathology Section, Cytopathology Unit of the Department of Oncological and Surgical Sciences of the University of Padova, we performed one hundred and twelve FNACs of adrenal masses under radiological guidance and seven intraoperative scrape smears; histological follow-up was available in 55 cases. Immediate on-site assessment of smears revealed a satisfactory adequacy rate (92%). With a simple diagnostic tree, we have been able to classify all smears except one as benign or malignant correctly, (accuracy 97.6%), differentiation of primary tumours from metastatic depositions remaining the most difficult task. In our experience FNAC is a safe and accurate tool in the diagnostic characterization of adrenal masses.  相似文献   

E. D. Rossi, F. Morassi, G. Santeusanio, G. F. Zannoni and G. Fadda
Thyroid fine needle aspiration cytology processed by ThinPrep: an additional slide decreased the number of inadequate results Background: Fine needle aspiration cytology is the most accurate tool for diagnosing thyroid nodules. Its accuracy is related to the rate of inadequate samples, which can be minimized with the adoption of on‐site assessment of the adequacy of the material. The introduction of liquid‐based cytology (LBC) in the thyroid does not allow checking on the adequacy of the cellularity. The possibility of making a second LBC slide for decreasing the number of non‐diagnostic cases is studied. Methods: Out of 553 cases diagnosed in a single institution from January to March 2005, 166 consecutive cases with an LBC slide reviewed by the same pathologist were evaluated. The cases were classified in a five‐tiered category system (Thy1 to 5 according to the British Thyroid Association guidelines) and all but two (with cystic degeneration) were processed by LBC and stained with Papanicolaou stain. The above‐mentioned categories are defined as follows: Thy1 inadequate or haemorrhagic, Thy2 non‐neoplastic lesion; Thy3 follicular lesion/suspected follicular neoplasm; Thy4 suspicious for malignancy; Thy5 diagnostic of malignancy. For each case the cytological diagnosis was made on the LBC slide and the adequacy of the cellularity for a conclusive diagnosis was assessed. Results: Of the 166 cases, 39 were non‐diagnostic (Thy1—inadequate), ten presented features of cystic degeneration (Thy1—haemorrhagic), 90 were benign (Thy2), 22 were diagnosed as a follicular lesion (Thy3), one as suspicious of malignancy (Thy4) and four as papillary carcinoma (Thy5). Thirty‐nine cases had a second LBC for achieving a definitive diagnosis with eventual re‐classification. Of these cases, 23 (61.5%) led to a conclusive diagnosis (18 Thy2, five Thy3) with a 18.5% decrease of the inadequacy rate. Conclusions: The making of an additional LBC slide helps in achieving a diagnosis in cases classified as non‐diagnostic on the first standard slide (52.1% recovery rate). This procedure is particularly helpful for meeting the adequacy criteria in benign and indeterminate lesions and could also be used for refining the diagnosis of suspicious for a malignant thyroid neoplasm.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in the assessment of palpable supraclavicular lymph nodes. The material was analysed in 218 cases with enlarged supraclavicular lymph nodes in which FNAC was performed by the conventional method. In all cases cytological examination was performed on-site after staining the smears by the Papanicolaou method. In addition, air-dried smears, fixed smears, filter preparations from needle washings and cell blocks were studied. The FNAC diagnosis was supported by examining cell blocks which added the reliability of histological architecture; further support was obtained by tissue biopsy and/or comparison with the primary tumour in some of the cases. Eleven cases were diagnosed as inflammatory lesions and 41 cases were unsatisfactory because of scanty/acellular samples (despite two to three repeat samplings). However, in five of these, malignant tumours were later found on biopsy, which was done for persistent enlargement of the supraclavicular lymph node(s). Fifty-three cases were diagnosed as negative for malignancy (normal cellular elements, n=15; reactive elements, n=38) and 12 cases were suspicious of malignancy. In 11 cases a diagnosis of lymphoma was made on histology and in 90 cases metastatic tumours were diagnosed. The overall sensitivity was 92.7%, specificity 98.5%, positive predictive value 97.3% and the negative predictive value was 94.8%. Based on our study we feel that FNAC of palpable supraclavicular lymph nodes as a first line of investigation is a cost-effective procedure and is not only useful in the diagnosis of various lesions but can also help in deciding on appropriate management. Furthermore, the histological architecture from cell blocks can be correlated with cytology, and such material can be used for appropriate histochemical and immunomarker studies, which can be useful in enhancing the diagnosis.  相似文献   

Despite its usefulness in the diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) faces several limitations, and its sensitivity and specificity are not well established. The diagnostic accuracy and limitations of FNAC were studied in comparison with conventional microbiological methods and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Sixty patients with lymphadenopathy and a clinical diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis were subjected to FNA. The aspirate was used for cytological examination, Ziehl-Neelsen staining, mycobacterial culture and PCR. PCR was performed using two sets of oligonucleotide primers for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and a single primer for M. bovis species. The results of FNAC, microbiological methods and PCR correlated with the clinical outcome after follow-up for an average period of 24 months. Twenty-five cases (41.6%) were treated and responded well to anti-tuberculosis therapy, among them 17 were correctly diagnosed by FNAC (68%), eight by microbiological methods (32%) and 24 by PCR (96%). When PCR is considered the gold standard, FNAC predicted the correct diagnosis in 62% of cases with a high false negative rate (38%) due to the absence of granuloma/necrosis in smears from cases of early tuberculosis. In the latter group PCR proved to be the most valuable and a diagnostic success of 100% was achieved when FNAC and PCR were combined. In addition, PCR allowed immediate characterization of M. tuberculosis in the vast majority (96.2%) of cases in the study population.  相似文献   

This report describes the FNAC findings in three cases of granular cell tumour of the breast. The patients comprised two females aged 59 and 62 years and one male aged 28 years. All patients presented with a breast lump which was clinically and radiologically suspicious of malignancy. FNAs yielded moderately cellular specimens which on cytologic examipation consisted of groups of cells and single cells with small regular nuclei and abundant granular cytoplasm. Bare nuclei were also present but these did not have the characteristic bipolar appearance of myoepithelial cells. In two cases there was a granularity to the background. The aspirates were reported as equivocal or atypical, probably benign, and surgical biopsy was performed. Histological examination showed typical benign granular cell tumours with strong positive staining for S-100 protein. Pathologists should be aware that granular cell tumour may occur in or around the breast and should consider this diagnosis in aspirates containing a population of cells with regular nuclei and abundant granular cytoplasm. The main cytologic differential diagnoses are likely to be apocrine cells and histiocytes. The suspicion of a granular cell tumour should be heightened when these features are present in an aspirate from a clinically and radiologically suspicious mass. These cases highlight the role of the triple approach encompassing clinical, radiological and cytological features in the assessment of a breast lesion.  相似文献   

Transthoracic fine needle aspiration cytology (TFNAC) is an invasive procedure and should therefore be subject to regular review. We report an audit of TFNAC from 146 patients. One hundred and thirty‐six samples (93%) were adequate and 86 were malignant, 16 suspicious and 34 contained no malignant cells. TFNAC was the sole means of diagnosis of malignancy in 55 patients. However, further pathological data were available in 58 of the adequate samples; TFNAC was malignant in 31, suspicious in eight and contained no malignant cells in 19. All malignant TFNAC were confirmed (absolute sensitivity=85%; positive predictive value=100%); as were five of eight with suspicious cytology. Of 19 patients with negative TFNAC, nine were subsequently found to have a malignancy (specificity=68%).  相似文献   

This study is a review of the quality of FNA cytology results for breast lesions approximately 18 months before and 10 months after a change from a rapid diagnosis FNA service with consultant pathologist aspirators to a conventional FNA service with clinician aspirators of varied experience. The setting was symptomatic breast clinic in a large hospital in rural New Zealand acting as a tertiary referral centre for a population of 550,000. The results were collected retrospectively and prospectively. The quality of results for pathologist aspirators (total 810) and clinician aspirators (total 403) was compared using the definitions of the NHS Breast Screening Program Guidelines for Cytology Procedures and Reporting in Breast Cancer Screening. There were statistically significant differences in specificity (biopsy cases only) with 73% for pathologists and 49% for clinicians, specificity (full) with 74% and 56%, inadequate rate with 23% and 37%, and complete sensitivity with 76% and 67%. The use of pathologist aspirators allowed the specimens to be reported in a few minutes. Specimens taken by clinicians took at least 30 min to report. The financial aspects of the two approaches are discussed. When compared with clinician aspirators, pathologist aspirators obtained better quality results and these were reported more quickly.  相似文献   

In an attempt to reduce the number of inadequate smears processed by our laboratory and the false negative rate of fine needle aspiration cytodiagnosis, we have introduced a fine needle aspiration cytology service where aspirates are taken by the cytopathologist in a clinic. In the 12 month period since the introduction of this service, the number of inadequate smears fell sharply. Nine per cent of the specimens were inadequate compared with 43% of specimens from other sources. The establishment of the clinic resulted in a threefold reduction in the cost of diagnosing breast lesions.  相似文献   

Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is widely accepted as the most accurate, sensitive, specific and cost-effective diagnostic procedure in the assessment of thyroid nodules and helps to select people preoperatively for surgery. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of thyroid FNAC in our institution and to determine the reasons for discrepancies between the cytological and histological diagnosis. We evaluated the cytological and histological results of 254 FNACs obtained from 231 patients who underwent subsequent thyroid surgery. All of the material was blindly reviewed for quality control, by one experienced cytopathologist. All FNACs were carried out under ultrasound guidance. The cytological diagnosis was classified as benign, suspicious, malignant or unsatisfactory. The definitive histological study showed benign lesions in 195 of the 231 patients (84%). A benign diagnosis based on FNAC was correct in 105 of the 108 benign cases (97%). FNACs diagnosed as 'suspicious' resulted in a distribution of 49 benign (79%) and 13 malignant (21%) diagnoses. FNAC showed malignancy in 34 cases (13%) and in only one case did the final histology differ from cytology (correlation 97%). The percentage of FNACs that were inadequate for diagnosis was 20%. Review of cytological and histological slides did not lead to any change in the original diagnosis. Our study revealed a cytological-histological discrepancy (2%) in only 4 out of 231 cases over a period of 10 years, due to either a diagnostic or sampling error.  相似文献   

Aspirates (n = 163) from 157 patients with enlarged superficial lymph nodes were obtained over a 5-year period in a combined surgical/FNAC clinic. A definitive diagnosis was achieved in over 77% of the cases: benign 52.7%, malignant 25.1%. The diagnostic accuracy was 94.4%, sensitivity 85.4%, and specificity 100%. The false-negative rate was 12.5% but decreased to 3.5% when lymphoma cases were excluded. There were 36 cases of metastatic disease, the majority of which were from a primary breast carcinoma. The main diagnostic difficulty was in distinguishing low-grade lymphoma from reactive hyperplasia. An added advantage was that aspirated material could be used in ancillary tests to help with the differential diagnosis. FNAC has a well-defined role in the investigation of superficial lymphadenopathy. Used in the proper setting it will provide a definitive diagnosis in the majority of cases, especially relating to recurrent malignancy or metastatic disease. Patients with a reactive cytological picture and no clinically suspicious symptoms could be spared unnecessary surgery and reviewed through follow up. This technique is cost-effective, of high diagnostic accuracy, and results in considerable resource savings.  相似文献   

A primary carcinoid tumour of the breast in a 66-year-old man was diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration cytology. The nature of the lesion was proved by histochemical and immunocytochemical studies. The importance of a conclusive diagnosis is discussed and the value of immunocytochemical analysis as an aid to cytomorphologic diagnosis is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The distinction of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) from benign lesions of the liver in fine needle aspiration (FNA) specimens can be problematic. In an attempt to separate well-differentiated HCC from benign hepatocellular lesions, the presence of tissue fragments displaying peripheral endothelial cells (PE) has been proposed in a previous study as a useful feature in favour of malignancy. In this study, we evaluated slides from 59 cases of liver masses undergoing FNA (19 HCC, 40 benign) and evaluated them for the presence of tissue fragments containing PE. We found that 90% of cases of HCC contained tissue fragments in which PE were either focally present or abundant. However, 68% of cases containing only benign hepatocytes also contained tissue fragments in which PE were at least focally present. In addition, it appears that within the group of benign lesions, the presence of PE was related to the overall cellularity of the specimen rather than the specific nature of the lesion. Thus, the presence of PE in tissue fragments does not, in isolation, appear to be a useful morphological feature for the separation of benign and malignant hepatocellular lesions in FNA material.  相似文献   

Determination of HER-2 status is an essential prerequisite in considering a patient's eligibility for anti-HER-2 therapy; few studies have focused on its evaluation on cytological material. We present a new method of assessing HER-2 status on cytological samples, by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with an automated detection system, using fresh frozen (FF) and May–Grünwald–Giemsa (MGG) stained smears, and we evaluate the reliability of HER-2 determination on fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). The pre-treatment protocol for FF smears is easier and faster than for MGG stained slides. However, with the described procedure, FISH is also feasible on archival MGG stained slides. We conclude that with this method, cytological samples obtained by FNAC, either FF or MGG, are a reliable option for assessing HER-2 status.  相似文献   

C. Moyes  B. Dunne 《Cytopathology》2004,15(6):305-310
Definitive immediate diagnosis in breast fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) remains the aim for cytopathologists. We reviewed 72 consecutive equivocal (C3 and C4) aspirates with respect to 16 cytomorphological criteria. We assessed the power of each criterion at predicting either a malignant [positive predictive value (PPV)] or a benign [negative predictive value (NPV)] diagnosis by correlation with follow-up histology. Blind review led to 34% of cases being correctly definitively diagnosed. Eccentrically placed epithelial cell nuclei (PPV = 88%, sensitivity = 67%, specificity = 87%) and coarse nuclear chromatin (PPV = 81%, sensitivity = 72%, specificity = 83%) are the features that are most useful in predicting malignancy in this selected series. The presence of myoepithelial cells within epithelial groups is not a good indicator of a benign diagnosis (NPV = 24%, sensitivity = 80%, specificity = 53%).  相似文献   

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