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Transcellular Mg2+ transport across epithelia, involving both apical entry and basolateral extrusion, is essential for magnesium homeostasis, but molecules involved in basolateral extrusion have not yet been identified. Here, we show that CNNM4 is the basolaterally located Mg2+ extrusion molecule. CNNM4 is strongly expressed in intestinal epithelia and localizes to their basolateral membrane. CNNM4-knockout mice showed hypomagnesemia due to the intestinal malabsorption of magnesium, suggesting its role in Mg2+ extrusion to the inner parts of body. Imaging analyses revealed that CNNM4 can extrude Mg2+ by exchanging intracellular Mg2+ with extracellular Na+. Furthermore, CNNM4 mutations cause Jalili syndrome, characterized by recessive amelogenesis imperfecta with cone-rod dystrophy. CNNM4-knockout mice showed defective amelogenesis, and CNNM4 again localizes to the basolateral membrane of ameloblasts, the enamel-forming epithelial cells. Missense point mutations associated with the disease abolish the Mg2+ extrusion activity. These results demonstrate the crucial importance of Mg2+ extrusion by CNNM4 in organismal and topical regulation of magnesium.  相似文献   

Respiratory influenza virus infections represent a serious threat to human health. Underlying medical conditions and genetic make-up predispose some influenza patients to more severe forms of disease. To date, only a few studies have been performed in patients to correlate a selected group of cytokines and chemokines with influenza infection. Therefore, we evaluated the potential of a novel multiplex micro-proteomics technology, SOMAscan, to quantify proteins in the respiratory mucosa of influenza A and B infected individuals. The analysis included but was not limited to quantification of cytokines and chemokines detected in previous studies. SOMAscan quantified more than 1,000 secreted proteins in small nasal wash volumes from infected and healthy individuals. Our results illustrate the utility of micro-proteomic technology for analysis of proteins in small volumes of respiratory mucosal samples. Furthermore, when we compared nasal wash samples from influenza-infected patients with viral load ≥ 28 and increased IL-6 and CXCL10 to healthy controls, we identified 162 differentially-expressed proteins between the two groups. This number greatly exceeds the number of DEPs identified in previous studies in human influenza patients. Most of the identified proteins were associated with the host immune response to infection, and changes in protein levels of 151 of the DEPs were significantly correlated with viral load. Most important, SOMAscan identified differentially expressed proteins heretofore not associated with respiratory influenza infection in humans. Our study is the first report for the use of SOMAscan to screen nasal secretions. It establishes a precedent for micro-proteomic quantification of proteins that reflect ongoing response to respiratory infection.  相似文献   

The myocardial ischemic border zone is associated with the initiation and sustenance of arrhythmias. The profile of ionic concentrations across the border zone play a significant role in determining cellular electrophysiology and conductivity, yet their spatial-temporal evolution and regulation are not well understood. To investigate the changes in ion concentrations that regulate cellular electrophysiology, a mathematical model of ion movement in the intra and extracellular space in the presence of ionic, potential and material property heterogeneities was developed. The model simulates the spatial and temporal evolution of concentrations of potassium, sodium, chloride, calcium, hydrogen and bicarbonate ions and carbon dioxide across an ischemic border zone. Ischemia was simulated by sodium-potassium pump inhibition, potassium channel activation and respiratory and metabolic acidosis. The model predicted significant disparities in the width of the border zone for each ionic species, with intracellular sodium and extracellular potassium having discordant gradients, facilitating multiple gradients in cellular properties across the border zone. Extracellular potassium was found to have the largest border zone and this was attributed to the voltage dependence of the potassium channels. The model also predicted the efflux of from the ischemic region due to electrogenic drift and diffusion within the intra and extracellular space, respectively, which contributed to depletion in the ischemic region.  相似文献   

Route of Passive Ion Permeation in Epithelia   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
“Tight junctions” between cells in some epithelia actually provide the main route of passive ion permeation. The degree of junctional tightness may underlie important functional differences between different epithelia.  相似文献   

For marine fish and invertebrates, larval dispersal plays a critical role in determining connections among source and sink habitats, and the lack of a predictive understanding of larval dispersal is a fundamental obstacle to the development of spatially explicit restoration plans for marine populations. We investigated larval dispersal patterns of eastern oyster in an estuary along the Northern Gulf of Mexico under different simulation scenarios of tidal amplitude and phase, river discharge, wind direction, and larval vertical migration, using a coupled biophysical transport model. We focused on the dispersal of larvae released from the commercially exploited (Cedar Point, CP) and non‐exploited (Bon Secour Bay, BSB) oyster populations. We found that high flushing rates through the dominant inlet prevented larval exchange between the commercially exploited and non‐exploited populations, resulting in negligible connectivity between them. Variations in tidal amplitude, river discharge and wind direction played a more important role in the amount of larvae retained in Mobile Bay when they are released from CP than from BSB. Under most of the scenarios, larvae from BSB were retained around the spawning area, while larvae from CP showed a predominant westward flow. Net sinking behavior of late‐stage larvae increased larval retention in the bay, but physical transport showed a higher impact in the amount of larvae retained. These findings have enhanced our understanding of larval dispersal of eastern oyster in a wide, shallow estuarine system, and been used to establish spatially explicit strategies for oyster restoration in the Mobile Bay system, Alabama.  相似文献   

A Mathematical Model of the Human Respiratory Control System   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The respiratory system exhibits the properties of a control system of the regulator type. Equations describing this biological control system have been derived. Transient and steady-state solutions for various CO2 and O2 step input disturbances were obtained utilizing a digital computer and are compared with experimental results. The effectiveness of the respiratory system as a regulator is investigated. Further extensions of the model are suggested.  相似文献   

To predict the behavior of a transporting epithelium by intuitive means can be complex and frustrating. As the number of parameters to be considered increases beyond a few, the task can be termed impossible. The alternative is to model epithelial behavior by mathematical means. For that to be feasible, it has been presumed that a large amount of experimental information is required, so as to be able to use known values for the majority of kinetic parameters. However, in the present case, we are modeling corneal endothelial behavior beginning with experimental values for only five of eleven parameters. The remaining parameter values are calculated assuming cellular steady state and using algebraic software. With that as base, as in preceding treatments but with a distribution of channels/transporters suited to the endothelium, temporal cell and tissue behavior are computed by a program written in Basic that monitors changes in chemical and electrical driving forces across cell membranes and the paracellular pathway. We find that the program reproduces quite well the behaviors experimentally observed for the translayer electrical potential difference and rate of fluid transport, (a) in the steady state, (b) after perturbations by changes in ambient conditions HCO3, Na+, and Cl concentrations), and (c) after challenge by inhibitors (ouabain, DIDS, Na+- and Cl-channel inhibitors). In addition, we have used the program to compare predictions of translayer fluid transport by two competing theories, electro-osmosis and local osmosis. Only predictions using electro-osmosis fit all the experimental data.  相似文献   

The central purpose of this paper is to elucidate in a well defined system the meaning of certain phenomena and concepts associated with the active transport of ions. To this end a specific model for a carrier system which actively transports a single ionic species is analyzed and discussed in detail. It is assumed in this model that the carrier-mediated ionic transport occurs in regions of the membrane physically separate from those regions in which free ionic movement takes place,—coupling between the active and passive regions of the membrane occurring through local current flows. The model is seen to display the following characteristics: (a) Starting from identical solutions on the two sides of the membrane, there is produced a redistribution of ions; (b) with identical solutions on the two sides of the membrane there exists a potential difference across the membrane, i.e., the “pump” is electrogenic; (c) the “short circuit” current for symmetrical solutions is equal to the flux of the neutral ion carrier complex; (d) the rate of active transport (and hence of metabolism) is dependent on the ionic concentrations in the surrounding solutions. Throughout the paper comparison is made between features of the model and properties displayed by biological active transport systems, but there is no claim of an identity between the two.  相似文献   

The dependence of the membrane potential on potassium, chloride, and sodium ions, was determined at the pH's of 6.0, 7.5, and 9.0 for the resting and depolarized crayfish ventral nerve cord giant axon. In normal saline (external potassium = 5.4 mM), the dependence of the membrane potential on the external potassium ions decreased with lowered pH while that for chloride increased. In contrast, in the potassium depolarized axon (external potassium = 25 mM), the dependence of the membrane potential on external potassium was minimum around pH 7.5 and increased in either more acidic or basic pH. In addition, the dependence of the membrane potential on external chloride in the depolarized axon was maximum at pH 7.5 and decreased in either more acidic or basic pH. The sodium dependency of the membrane potential was small and relatively unaffected by pH or depolarization. The data are interpreted as indicating a reversible surface membrane protein-phospholipid conformation change which occurs in the transition from the resting to the depolarized axon.  相似文献   

Medulloblastoma is a pediatric high-grade cerebellar malignancy derived from neuronal precursors. Although electrophysiologic characteristics of cerebellar granule neurons at all stages of cell development have been well described, such characterization has not been reported for medulloblastoma. In this study we attempt to characterize important electrophysiologic features of medulloblastoma that may distinguish it from the surrounding cerebellum. Using patient-derived cell lines and tumor tissues, we show that medulloblastoma cells have no inward Na+ current or transient K+ current involved in action potential generation and propagation, typically seen in granule neurons. Expression and function of calcium-activated, large-conductance K+ channels are diminished in medulloblastoma, judged by electrophysiology and Western analysis. The resting membrane potential of medulloblastoma cells in culture is quite depolarized compared to granule neurons. Interestingly, medulloblastoma cells express small, fast-inactivating calcium currents consistent with T-type calcium channels, but these channels are activated only from hyperpolarized potentials, which are unlikely to occur. Additionally, a background acid-sensitive K+ current is present with features characteristic of TASK1 or TASK3 channels, such as inhibition by ruthenium red. Western analysis confirms expression of TASK1 and TASK3. In describing the electrophysiologic characteristics of medulloblastoma, one can see features that resemble other high-grade malignancies as opposed to normal cerebellar granule neurons. This supports the notion that the malignant phenotype of medulloblastoma is characterized by unique changes in ion channel expression.  相似文献   

The neonatal receptor, FcRn, mediates both serum half–life extension as well as active transport of maternal IgG to the fetus during pregnancy. Therefore, transport efficiency and half-life go hand-in-hand. However, while the half-life of the human IgG2 subclass is comparable to IgG1, the placental transport of IgG2 is not, with the neonatal IgG1 levels generally exceeding maternal levels at birth, but not for IgG2. We hypothesized that the unique short-hinged structure of IgG2, which enables its κ-, but not λ-isotype to form at least three different structural isoforms, might be a contributing factor to these differences. To investigate whether there was any preference for either light chain, we measured placental transport of IgG subclasses as well as κ/λ-light chain isotypes of IgG1 and IgG2 in 27 matched mother-child pairs. We also studied the half-life of IgG1 and IgG2 light chain isotypes in mice, as well as that of synthesized IgG2 structural isotypes κA and κB. In order to investigate serum clearance of IgG1 and IgG2 light-chain isotypes in humans, we quantified the relative proportions of IgG1 and IgG2 light chains in hypogammaglobulinemia patients four weeks after IVIg infusion and compared to the original IVIg isotype composition. None of our results indicate any light chain preference in either of the FcRn mediated mechanisms; half-life extension or maternal transport.  相似文献   

The ion relations of the halophytc Suaeda maritima are described.When plants grew in 340 mol m–3 sodium chloride (—1•76MPa) leaf solute potentials decreased, and were sustained around—2•5 MPa Inorganic ion concentration (mostly of sodiumchloride) accounted for this. Comparable shoot ion concentrationsof potassium, nitrate and sulphate occurred when plants grewon different salinity types characterized by these ions. Netsodium transport and shoot sodium concentration increased dramaticallywith increases in external sodium chloride concentration upto 85 mol m–3; thereafter, further increases in externalsodium chloride concentration had relatively little effect uponeither shoot sodium concentration or upon net transport of sodiumto the shoot. The net transport of sodium plus potassium onlydoubled when the external concentration of sodium plus potassiumincreased from 24 to 687 mol m–3 Shoot ion concentrationswere remarkably constant with time, external concentration andsalinity type. The membrane flux rates and symplasmic ion concentrations neededto sustain the observed net transport of sodium (of some 10mmol g–1 dry wt. of roots d–1) are calculated fromanatomical and stereological data for the root system of thisspecies. The minimum net sodium chloride flux to load the symplasmwould be 260 nmol m–2s–1 if the whole cortical andepidermal plasmalemmal surface area were used uniformly, butthe flux rate required would be 3000 nmol m–2s–1if uptake took place only at the root surface. A flux rate ofat least 1000 nmol m–2s–1 is needed between symplasmand xylem. The symplasmic concentration of NaCl would be atleast 80 mol m–3. It is argued (1), that both symplasmicand xylem loading are likely to be passive processes mediatedby ion channels rather than active carriers, (2), that net iontransport at 340 mol m–3 sodium chloride is close to themaximum which is physiologically sustainable and (3), that growthof this halophyte is limited by NaCl supply from the root. Key words: Suaeda maritima, halophyte, salinity, roots, radial ion transport  相似文献   

Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) has been identified as one of the etiological agents of wheezing in young children with acute respiratory-tract infections. In this study, we have obtained the sequence of a full-length HBoV1 genome (including both termini) using viral DNA extracted from a nasopharyngeal aspirate of an infected patient, cloned the full-length HBoV1 genome, and demonstrated DNA replication, encapsidation of the ssDNA genome, and release of the HBoV1 virions from human embryonic kidney 293 cells. The HBoV1 virions generated from this cell line-based production system exhibits a typical icosahedral structure of approximately 26 nm in diameter, and is capable of productively infecting polarized primary human airway epithelia (HAE) from the apical surface. Infected HAE showed hallmarks of lung airway-tract injury, including disruption of the tight junction barrier, loss of cilia and epithelial cell hypertrophy. Notably, polarized HAE cultured from an immortalized airway epithelial cell line, CuFi-8 (originally derived from a cystic fibrosis patient), also supported productive infection of HBoV1. Thus, we have established a reverse genetics system and generated the first cell line-based culture system for the study of HBoV1 infection, which will significantly advance the study of HBoV1 replication and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Further support for the pump-leak concept was obtained. Net transport was resolved into pump and leak components with the cardiac glycoside, ouabain. The specificity of ouabain as a pump inhibitor was demonstrated by its ineffectiveness when the pump was already inhibited by lack of one of the three pump substrates, sodium ion, potassium ion, or adenosine triphosphate. In the presence of ouabain the rates of passive transport of sodium and potassium ions changed almost in proportion to changes in their extracellular concentrations when one ion was exchanged for the other. In the presence of ouabain and at the extracellular concentrations which produced zero net transport, the ratio of potassium ions to sodium ions was 1.2-fold higher inside the cells than outside. This finding was attributed to a residual pump activity of less than 2% of capacity. The permeability to potassium ions was 10% greater than the permeability to sodium ions. A test was made of the independence of pump and leak. Conditions were chosen to change the rate through each pathway separately or in combination. When both pathways were active, net transport was the sum of the rates observed when each acted separately. A ratio of three sodium ions pumped outward per two potassium ions pumped inward was confirmed.  相似文献   

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