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Cytochrome c oxidase, the terminal enzyme in the electron transfer chain, catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to water in a multiple step process by utilizing four electrons from cytochrome c. To study the reaction mechanism, the resonance Raman spectra of the intermediate states were measured during single turnover of the enzyme after catalytic initiation by photolysis of CO from the fully reduced CO-bound enzyme. By measuring the change in intensity of lines associated with heme a, the electron transfer steps were determined and found to be biphasic with apparent rate constants of approximately 40 x 10(3) s(-1) and approximately 1 x 10(3) s(-1). The time dependence for the oxidation of heme a and for the measured formation and decay of the oxy, the ferryl ("F"), and the hydroxy intermediates could be simulated by a simple reaction scheme. In this scheme, the presence of the "peroxy" ("P") intermediate does not build up a sufficient population to be detected because its decay rate is too fast in buffered H(2)O at neutral pH. A comparison of the change in the spin equilibrium with the formation of the hydroxy intermediate demonstrates that this intermediate is high spin. We also confirm the presence of an oxygen isotope-sensitive line at 355 cm(-1), detectable in the spectrum from 130 to 980 micros, coincident with the presence of the F intermediate.  相似文献   

Protonation changes accompanying conversion of oxidised (O state) cytochrome c oxidase to the 2-electron-reduced P state, and 3-electron-reduced F state at pH 8.0 have been measured. It was found that 2 and 3 protons, respectively, were taken up. The fourth proton required for the reduction of O2 to H2O must therefore be consumed in the remaining F----O portion of the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Two radicals have been detected previously by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopies in bovine cytochrome oxidase after reaction with hydrogen peroxide, but no correlation could be made with predicted levels of optically detectable intermediates (P(M), F and F(z.rad;)) that are formed. This work has been extended by optical quantitation of intermediates in the EPR/ENDOR sample tubes, and by comparison with an analysis of intermediates formed by reaction with carbon monoxide in the presence of oxygen. The narrow radical, attributed previously to a porphyrin cation, is detectable at low levels even in untreated oxidase and increases with hydrogen peroxide treatments generally. It is presumed to arise from a side-reaction unrelated to the catalytic intermediates. The broad radical, attributed previously to a tryptophan radical, is observed only in samples with a significant level of F(z.rad;) but when F(z.rad;) is generated with hydrogen peroxide, is always accompanied by the narrow radical. When P(M) is produced at high pH with CO/O(2), no EPR-detectable radicals are formed. Conversion of the CO/O(2)-generated P(M) into F(z.rad;) when pH is lowered is accompanied by the appearance of a broad radical whose ENDOR spectrum corresponds to a tryptophan cation. Quantitation of its EPR intensity indicates that it is around 3% of the level of F(z.rad;) determined optically. It is concluded that low pH causes a change of protonation pattern in P(M) which induces partial electron redistribution and tryptophan cation radical formation in F(z.rad;). These protonation changes may mimic a key step of the proton translocation process.  相似文献   

The catalytic cycle of cytochrome c oxidase (COX) couples the reduction of oxygen to the translocation of protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane and involves several intermediate states of the heme a3-CuB binuclear center with distinct absorbance properties. The absorbance maximum close to 605 nm observed during respiration is commonly assigned to the fully reduced species of hemes a or a3 (R). However, by analyzing the absorbance of isolated enzyme and mitochondria in the Soret (420–450 nm), alpha (560–630 nm) and red (630–700 nm) spectral regions, we demonstrate that the Peroxy (P) and Ferryl (F) intermediates of the binuclear center are observed during respiration, while the R form is only detectable under nearly anoxic conditions in which electrons also accumulate in the higher extinction coefficient low spin a heme. This implies that a large fraction of COX (>50 %) is active, in contrast with assumptions that assign spectral changes only to R and/or reduced heme a. The concentration dependence of the COX chromophores and reduced c-type cytochromes on the transmembrane potential (ΔΨm) was determined in isolated mitochondria during substrate or apyrase titration to hydrolyze ATP. The cytochrome c-type redox levels indicated that soluble cytochrome c is out of equilibrium with respect to both Complex III and COX. Thermodynamic analyses confirmed that reactions involving the chromophores we assign as the P and F species of COX are ΔΨm-dependent, out of equilibrium, and therefore much slower than the ΔΨm-insensitive oxidation of the R intermediate, which is undetectable due to rapid oxygen binding.  相似文献   

Since mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase was found to be a redox-linked proton pump, most enzymes of the haem-copper oxidase family have been shown to share this function. Here, the most recent knowledge of how the individual reactions of the enzyme's catalytic cycle are coupled to proton translocation is reviewed. Two protons each are pumped during the oxidative and reductive halves of the cycle, respectively. An apparent controversy that concerns proton translocation during the reductive half is resolved. If the oxidised enzyme is allowed to relax in the absence of reductant, the binuclear haem-copper centre attains a state that lies outside the main catalytic cycle. Reduction of this form of the enzyme is not linked to proton translocation, but is necessary for a return to the main cycle. This phenomenon might be related to the previously described "pulsed" vs. "resting" and "fast" vs."slow" forms of haem-copper oxidases.  相似文献   

Formamide is a slow-onset inhibitor of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase that is proposed to act by blocking water movement through the protein. In the presence of formamide the redox level of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase evolves over the steady state as the apparent electron transfer rate from cytochrome a to cytochrome a(3) slows. At maximal inhibition cytochrome a and cytochrome c are fully reduced, whereas cytochrome a(3) and Cu(B) remain fully oxidized consistent with the idea that formamide interferes with electron transfer between cytochrome a and the oxygen reaction site. However, transient kinetic studies show that intrinsic rates of electron transfer are unchanged in the formamide-inhibited enzyme. Formamide inhibition is demonstrated for another member of the heme-oxidase family, cytochrome c oxidase from Bacillus subtilis, but the onset of inhibition is much quicker than for mitochondrial oxidase. If formamide inhibition arises from a steric blockade of water exchange during catalysis then water exchange in the smaller bacterial oxidase is more open. Subunit III removal from the mitochondrial oxidase hastens the onset of formamide inhibition suggesting a role for subunit III in controlling water exchange during the cytochrome c oxidase reaction.  相似文献   

Structures of reaction intermediates of bovine cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) in the reactions of its fully reduced form with O2 and fully oxidized form with H2O2 were investigated with time-resolved resonance Raman (RR) and infrared spectroscopy. Six oxygen-associated RR bands were observed for the reaction of CcO with O2. The isotope shifts for an asymmetrically labeled dioxygen, (16)O(18)O, has established that the primary intermediate of cytochrome a3 is an end-on type dioxygen adduct and the subsequent intermediate (P) is an oxoiron species with Fe=O stretch (nu(Fe=O)) at 804/764 cm(-1) for (16)O2/(18)O2 derivatives, although it had been long postulated to be a peroxy species. The P intermediate is converted to the F intermediate with nu(Fe=O) at 785/751 cm(-1) and then to a ferric hydroxy species with nu(Fe-OH) at 450/425 cm(-1) (443/417 cm(-1) in D2O). The rate of reaction from P to F intermediates is significantly slower in D2O than in H2O. The reaction of oxidized CcO with H2O2 yields the same oxygen isotope-sensitive bands as those of P and F, indicating the identity of intermediates. Time-resolved infrared spectroscopy revealed that deprotonation of carboxylic acid side chain takes place upon deligation of a ligand from heme a3. UV RR spectrum gave a prominent band due to cis C=C stretch of phospholipids tightly bound to purified CcO.  相似文献   

Photodissociated cytochrome c oxidase: cryotrapped metastable intermediates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
By freezing CO-bound cytochrome c oxidase at cryogenic temperatures, we have been able to cryotrap metastable intermediates of photodissociation. The differences in the resonance Raman spectrum between these intermediates and ligand-free reduced cytochrome oxidase at cryogenic temperatures are the same as those between the phototransient and the fully reduced preparation detected with 10-ns excitation at room temperature. The largest difference occurs in the iron-histidine stretching mode of cytochrome a3, which shifts by up to 8 cm-1 to higher frequency in the photoproduct. At 4 K the iron-histidine mode displays two unrelaxed frequencies in the photoproduct, which we attribute to two different unrelaxed structures of the heme pocket. The frequencies and intensities of the lines in the resonance Raman spectrum are sensitive to the incident laser power density in both the ligand-free fully reduced preparation and the photoproduct even at 4 K. At 77 K the carbonyl stretching mode of the formyl group in cytochrome a32+ is especially sensitive to laser power, displaying two frequencies-1666 cm-1 at low-flux density and 1674 cm-1 at high-flux density. These frequencies may reflect a change in conformation of the formyl group or a change in its interaction with the protein such as in hydrogen bonding to the carbonyl of the formyl group. The absence of immediate relaxation of the CO photoproduct must be considered when one studies the structure and kinetics of the O2 intermediates that are formed in triple trapping and flow-flash experiments following photodissociation of the CO-bound enzyme.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase is the terminal complex of the respiratory chain in mitochondria and some aerobic bacteria and is responsible for most of the O(2) consumption in biology. The key reaction in the catalysis of O(2) reduction is O-O bond scission that requires four electrons and a proton. In our recent work (Gorbikova, E. A., Belevich, I., Wikstrom, M., and Verkhovsky, M. I. (2008) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 105, 10733-10737), it was shown that the cross-linked Tyr-280 (Paracoccus denitrificans numbering) provides the proton for O-O bond cleavage. The deprotonated Tyr-280 must be reprotonated later on in the catalytic cycle to serve as a proton donor for the next oxygen reduction event. To find the reaction step at which the cross-linked Tyr-280 becomes reprotonated, all further steps of the catalytic cycle after O-O bond cleavage were followed by infrared spectroscopy. We found that complete reprotonation of the tyrosine is linked to the formation of the one-electron reduced state coupled to reduction of the Cu(B) site.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature on cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) catalytic activity was studied in the temperature range 240-308 K. Temperatures below 273 K required the inclusion of the osmolyte ethylene glycol. For steady-state activity between 278 and 308 K the activation energy was 12 kcal x mol-1; the molecular activity or turnover number was 12 s-1 at 280 K in the absence of ethylene glycol. CCO activity was studied between 240 and 277 K in the presence of ethylene glycol. The activation energy was 30 kcal x mol-1; the molecular activity was 1 s-1 at 280 K. Ethylene glycol inhibits CCO by lowering the activity of water. The rate limitation in electron transfer (ET) was not associated with ET into the CCO as cytochrome a was predominantly reduced in the aerobic steady state. The activity of CCO in flash-induced oxidation experiments was studied in the low temperature range in the presence of ethylene glycol. Flash photolysis of the reduced CO complex in the presence of oxygen resulted in three discernable processes. At 273 K the rate constants were 1500 s-1, 150 s-1 and 30 s-1 and these dropped to 220 s-1, 27 s-1 and 3 s-1 at 240 K. The activation energies were 5 kcal.mol-1, 7 kcal.mol-1, and 8 kcal.mol-1, respectively. The fastest rate we ascribe to the oxidation of cytochrome a3, the intermediate rate to cytochrome a oxidation and the slowest rate to the re-reduction of cytochrome a followed by its oxidation. There are two comparisons that are important: (a). with vs. without ethylene glycol and (b). steady state vs. flash-induced oxidation. When one makes these two comparisons it is clear that the CCO only senses the presence of osmolyte during the reductive portion of the catalytic cycle. In the present work that would mean after a flash-induced oxidation and the start of the next reduction/oxidation cycle.  相似文献   

Rate constants of cyanide binding to 'fast' oxidase have been measured in the fully-oxidised (O), peroxy (P) and ferryl (F) states at pH 8.0. Values of 2.2, 8 and 10 M-1 s-1, respectively, were obtained. Thus, none of these states appears to exhibit a rate that would identify it as the species responsible for the extremely rapid cyanide binding observed during turnover. On the other hand, with 'oxidised' enzyme as prepared, containing a very small fraction of one-electron-reduced (E state) oxidase, a corresponding fraction of enzyme exhibited spectral changes consistent with cyanide binding with a rate constant in excess of 10(4) M-1 s-1. Evidence is presented suggesting that mediation of electron transfer from one-electron-reduced, cyanide-liganded enzyme to free, ferric oxidase, rather than a global protein conformational change of the enzyme, is responsible for the greatly enhanced cyanide binding rates seen in the presence of cytochrome c or poly(L-lysine). Inter-oxidase electron exchange in 'oxidised' enzyme can result in a complicated dependence of the binding rate on cyanide concentration. We have demonstrated that this may give rise to a saturation of the rate of cyanide binding.  相似文献   

Spectra of intermediates in oxidation and reduction of cytochrome c oxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two kinetic components with distinct difference spectra occur during reduction of cytochrome c oxidase by ruthenium hexamine. They are attributed to reduction of heme a (fast phase) and heme a3 (slow phase) (Scott, R. A., and Gray, H. B. (1980) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 102, 3219-3774). Two spectra seen during oxidation of cytochrome c oxidase by molecular oxygen have also been attributed to oxidation of hemes a3 and a (Greenwood, C., and Gibson, Q. H. (1967) J. Biol. Chem. 242, 1782-1787). We now report that spectra for the reductive and oxidative reactions obtained with the same preparations and the same apparatus under similar conditions are significantly different. The reactions appear to populate different reaction intermediates. Reconstitution into phospholipid vesicles does not affect these two spectra significantly. During turnover, the chief intermediates are those of the reductive pathway (Scott and Gray type intermediates). Reduction of heme a3 occurs approximately 70 times faster after turnover than the reduction of the resting enzyme. This is probably a dramatic "pulsing" effect (Wilson, M. T., Peterson, J., Antonini, E., Brunori, M., Colosimo, A., and Wyman, J. (1981) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 7115-7118).  相似文献   

A novel technique was employed to collect resonance Raman spectra of an oxygenated intermediate of cytochrome c oxidase. Instead of laser pulses of high peak power, which may cause photodissociation, a continuous wave laser and a mixed flow apparatus were used. An intermediate formed within 450 microseconds after the reaction of cytochrome c oxidase with molecular oxygen could be detected. From the spectra it could be deduced that the most likely candidate for the intermediate would be a transient oxygenated species having the Fe2+ - O2 or Fe4+ = O heme in cytochrome a3 and the Fe2+ heme in cytochrome a.  相似文献   

DNA sequence analysis at mitochondrial gene COI was surveyed in 293 house flies, Musca domestica Linneaus (Diptera: Muscidae), in 29 populations from North, Central and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Western Pacific. Nei's gene diversity index (H(S)) was 0.47, the chance that two randomly chosen flies have different COI haplotypes. Haplotype diversity was greater in the Old World (H(S) = 0.58) than the New World (H(S) = 0.31). The hierarchical partition of the total diversity indicated substantial differentiation at all levels (G(ST) = 0.30), and highly structured populations. All pairwise estimates of gene flow between zoogeographical regions were less than 0.70 reproducing females per generation. The results are compared to those of a similar study based on the single-strand conformation polymorphism method. Probable colonization scenarios for house flies into the New World are discussed and it is concluded that house flies are a recent addition to the fauna of the Western Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Proton translocation in the catalytic cycle of cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) proceeds sequentially in a four-stroke manner. Every electron donated by cytochrome c drives the enzyme from one of four relatively stable intermediates to another, and each of these transitions is coupled to proton translocation across the membrane, and to uptake of another proton for production of water in the catalytic site. Using cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans we have studied the kinetics of electron transfer and electric potential generation during several such transitions, two of which are reported here. The extent of electric potential generation during initial electron equilibration between CuA and heme a confirms that this reaction is not kinetically linked to vectorial proton transfer, whereas oxidation of heme a is kinetically coupled to the main proton translocation events during functioning of the proton pump. We find that the rates and amplitudes in multiphase heme a oxidation are different in the OH-->EH and PM-->F steps of the catalytic cycle, and that this is reflected in the kinetics of electric potential generation. We discuss this difference in terms of different driving forces and relate our results, and data from the literature, to proposed mechanisms of proton pumping in cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   

Two radicals have been detected previously by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopies in bovine cytochrome oxidase after reaction with hydrogen peroxide, but no correlation could be made with predicted levels of optically detectable intermediates (PM, F and F) that are formed. This work has been extended by optical quantitation of intermediates in the EPR/ENDOR sample tubes, and by comparison with an analysis of intermediates formed by reaction with carbon monoxide in the presence of oxygen. The narrow radical, attributed previously to a porphyrin cation, is detectable at low levels even in untreated oxidase and increases with hydrogen peroxide treatments generally. It is presumed to arise from a side-reaction unrelated to the catalytic intermediates. The broad radical, attributed previously to a tryptophan radical, is observed only in samples with a significant level of F but when F is generated with hydrogen peroxide, is always accompanied by the narrow radical. When PM is produced at high pH with CO/O2, no EPR-detectable radicals are formed. Conversion of the CO/O2-generated PM into F when pH is lowered is accompanied by the appearance of a broad radical whose ENDOR spectrum corresponds to a tryptophan cation. Quantitation of its EPR intensity indicates that it is around 3% of the level of F determined optically. It is concluded that low pH causes a change of protonation pattern in PM which induces partial electron redistribution and tryptophan cation radical formation in F. These protonation changes may mimic a key step of the proton translocation process.  相似文献   

ATP influences the kinetics of electron transfer from cytochrome c to mitochondrial oxidase both in the membrane-embedded and detergent-solubilized forms of the enzyme. The most relevant effect is on the so-called "high affinity" binding site for cytochrome c which can be converted to "low affinity" by millimolar concentrations of ATP (Ferguson-Miller, S., Brautigan, D. L., and Margoliash, E. (1976) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 1104-1115). This phenomenon is characterized at the molecular level by the following features. ATP triggers a conformational change on the water-exposed surface of cytochrome c oxidase; in this process, carboxyl groups forming the cluster of negative charges responsible for binding cytochrome c change their accessibility to water-soluble protein modifier reagents; as a consequence the electrostatic field that controls the enzyme-substrate interaction is altered and cytochrome c appears to bind differently to oxidase; photolabeling experiments with the enzyme from bovine heart and other eukaryotic sources show that ATP cross-links specifically to the cytoplasmic subunits IV and VIII. Taken together, these data indicate that ATP can, at physiological concentration, bind to cytochrome c oxidase and induce an allosteric conformational change, thus affecting the interaction of the enzyme with cytochrome c. These findings raise the possibility that the oxidase activity may be influenced by the cell environment via cytoplasmic subunit-mediated interactions.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cytochrome c oxidase (COX) is the terminal enzyme of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. COX is a multimeric enzyme formed by subunits of dual genetic origin which assembly is intricate and highly regulated. The COX catalytic core is formed by three mitochondrial DNA encoded subunits, Cox1, Cox2 and Cox3, conserved in the bacterial enzyme. Their biogenesis requires the action of messenger-specific and subunit-specific factors which facilitate the synthesis, membrane insertion, maturation or assembly of the core subunits. The study of yeast strains and human cell lines from patients carrying mutations in structural subunits and COX assembly factors has been invaluable to identify these ancillary factors. Here we review the current state of knowledge of the biogenesis and assembly of the eukaryotic COX catalytic core and discuss the degree of conservation of the players and mechanisms operating from yeast to human. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Biogenesis/Assembly of Respiratory Enzyme Complexes.  相似文献   

A 15-base pair, in-frame, deletion (9480del15) in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-encoded cytochrome c oxidase subunit III (COX III) gene was identified previously in a patient with recurrent episodes of myoglobinuria and an isolated COX deficiency. Transmitochondrial cell lines harboring 0, 97, and 100% of the 9480del15 deletion were created by fusing human cells lacking mtDNA (rho(0) cells) with platelet and lymphocyte fractions isolated from the patient. The COX III gene mutation resulted in a severe respiratory chain defect in all mutant cell lines. Cells homoplasmic for the mutation had no detectable COX activity or respiratory ATP synthesis, and required uridine and pyruvate supplementation for growth, a phenotype similar to rho(0) cells. The cells with 97% mutated mtDNA exhibited severe reductions in both COX activity (6% of wild-type levels) and rates of ATP synthesis (9% of wild-type). The COX III polypeptide in the mutant cells, although translated at rates similar to wild-type, had reduced stability. There was no evidence for assembly of COX I, COX II, or COX III subunits in a multisubunit complex in cells homoplasmic for the mutation, thus indicating that there was no stable assembly of COX I with COX II in the absence of wild-type COX III. In contrast, the COX I and COX II subunits were assembled in cells with 97% mutated mtDNA.  相似文献   

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