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The Lyme disease pathogen Borrelia burgdorferi represents a novel organism in which to study metalloprotein biology in that this spirochete has uniquely evolved with no requirement for iron. Not only is iron low, but we show here that B. burgdorferi has the capacity to accumulate remarkably high levels of manganese. This high manganese is necessary to activate the SodA superoxide dismutase (SOD) essential for virulence. Using a metalloproteomic approach, we demonstrate that a bulk of B. burgdorferi SodA directly associates with manganese, and a smaller pool of inactive enzyme accumulates as apoprotein. Other metalloproteins may have similarly adapted to using manganese as co-factor, including the BB0366 aminopeptidase. Whereas B. burgdorferi SodA has evolved in a manganese-rich, iron-poor environment, the opposite is true for Mn-SODs of organisms such as Escherichia coli and bakers'' yeast. These Mn-SODs still capture manganese in an iron-rich cell, and we tested whether the same is true for Borrelia SodA. When expressed in the iron-rich mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, B. burgdorferi SodA was inactive. Activity was only possible when cells accumulated extremely high levels of manganese that exceeded cellular iron. Moreover, there was no evidence for iron inactivation of the SOD. B. burgdorferi SodA shows strong overall homology with other members of the Mn-SOD family, but computer-assisted modeling revealed some unusual features of the hydrogen bonding network near the enzyme''s active site. The unique properties of B. burgdorferi SodA may represent adaptation to expression in the manganese-rich and iron-poor environment of the spirochete.  相似文献   

The maturation and activation of the anti-oxidant Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) are highly regulated processes that require several post-translational modifications. The maturation of SOD1 is initiated by incorporation of zinc and copper ions followed by disulfide oxidation leading to the formation of enzymatically active homodimers. Our present data indicate that homodimer formation is a regulated final step in SOD1 maturation and implicate the recently characterized copper homeostasis protein COMMD1 in this process. COMMD1 interacts with SOD1, and this interaction requires CCS-mediated copper incorporation into SOD1. COMMD1 does not regulate disulfide oxidation of SOD1 but reduces the level of SOD1 homodimers. RNAi-mediated knockdown of COMMD1 expression results in a significant induction of SOD1 activity and a consequent decrease in superoxide anion concentrations, whereas overexpression of COMMD1 exerts exactly the opposite effects. Here, we identify COMMD1 as a novel protein regulating SOD1 activation and associate COMMD1 function with the production of free radicals.  相似文献   

The functional and structural significance of the intrasubunit disulfide bond in copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) was studied by characterizing mutant forms of human SOD1 (hSOD) and yeast SOD1 lacking the disulfide bond. We determined x-ray crystal structures of metal-bound and metal-deficient hC57S SOD1. C57S hSOD1 isolated from yeast contained four zinc ions per protein dimer and was structurally very similar to wild type. The addition of copper to this four-zinc protein gave properly reconstituted 2Cu,2Zn C57S hSOD, and its spectroscopic properties indicated that the coordination geometry of the copper was remarkably similar to that of holo wild type hSOD1. In contrast, the addition of copper and zinc ions to apo C57S human SOD1 failed to give proper reconstitution. Using pulse radiolysis, we determined SOD activities of yeast and human SOD1s lacking disulfide bonds and found that they were enzymatically active at ∼10% of the wild type rate. These results are contrary to earlier reports that the intrasubunit disulfide bonds in SOD1 are essential for SOD activity. Kinetic studies revealed further that the yeast mutant SOD1 had less ionic attraction for superoxide, possibly explaining the lower rates. Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells lacking the sod1 gene do not grow aerobically in the absence of lysine, but expression of C57S SOD1 increased growth to 30–50% of the growth of cells expressing wild type SOD1, supporting that C57S SOD1 retained a significant amount of activity.  相似文献   

Vancomycin hydrochloride (VCM), a glycopeptide antibiotic, has a broad spectrum against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). As it is known to induce renal dysfunction, the dose and the duration of its administration are limited. Moreover, the mechanism of VCM-induced renal dysfunction remains to be unclear. To evaluate the involvement of free radical on VCM-induced renal dysfunction, we carried out analysis with a hexamethylenediamine-conjugated superoxide dismutase (AH-SOD) which rapidly accumulates in renal proximal tubule cells and inhibits oxidative injury of the kidney. Male Wistar rats (weighing 200-210 g) were intraperitonealy administered with 200 mg/kg of VCM twice a day for 7 days. AH-SOD 5 mg/kg/day was subcutaneously injected 5 min before every VCM injection. VCM induced renal injury dose-dependently. Biochemical analyses revealed that plasma levels of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine significantly increased in the VCM-treated group by an AH-SOD-inhibitable mechanism. VCM simultaneously elicited an increase of 8-OHdG levels and chemiluminescence intensity of free radical generation in the kidney. Histological examination revealed that VCM also elicited a marked destruction of glomeruli and necrosis of proximal tubules. AH-SOD inhibited these phenomena in the kidney. These results suggested that oxidative stress might underlie the pathogenesis of VCM-induced nephrotoxicity and targeting SOD and/or related antioxidants to renal proximal tubules might permit the administration of higher doses of VCM sufficient for eradication of MRSA without causing renal injury.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone or Q) is a crucial mitochondrial lipid required for respiratory electron transport in eukaryotes. 4-Hydroxybenozoate (4HB) is an aromatic ring precursor that forms the benzoquinone ring of Q and is used extensively to examine Q biosynthesis. However, the direct precursor compounds and enzymatic steps for synthesis of 4HB in yeast are unknown. Here we show that para-aminobenzoic acid (pABA), a well known precursor of folate, also functions as a precursor for Q biosynthesis. A hexaprenylated form of pABA (prenyl-pABA) is normally present in wild-type yeast crude lipid extracts but is absent in yeast abz1 mutants starved for pABA. A stable 13C6-isotope of pABA (p- amino[aromatic-13C6]benzoic acid ([13C6]pABA)), is prenylated in either wild-type or abz1 mutant yeast to form prenyl-[13C6]pABA. We demonstrate by HPLC and mass spectrometry that yeast incubated with either [13C6]pABA or [13C6]4HB generate both 13C6-demethoxy-Q (DMQ), a late stage Q biosynthetic intermediate, as well as the final product 13C6-coenzyme Q. Pulse-labeling analyses show that formation of prenyl-pABA occurs within minutes and precedes the synthesis of Q. Yeast utilizing pABA as a ring precursor produce another nitrogen containing intermediate, 4-imino-DMQ6. This intermediate is produced in small quantities in wild-type yeast cultured in standard media and in abz1 mutants supplemented with pABA. We suggest a mechanism where Schiff base-mediated deimination forms DMQ6 quinone, thereby eliminating the nitrogen contributed by pABA. This scheme results in the convergence of the 4HB and pABA pathways in eukaryotic Q biosynthesis and has implications regarding the action of pABA-based antifolates.  相似文献   

Irreversible mitochondrial permeability transition and the resultant cytochrome c release signify the commitment of a cell to apoptotic death. However, the role of transient MPT (tMPT) because of flickering opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore remains elusive. Here we show that tMPT and the associated superoxide flashes (i.e. tMPT/superoxide flashes) constitute early mitochondrial signals during oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. Selenite (a ROS-dependent insult) but not staurosporine (a ROS-independent insult) stimulated an early and persistent increase in tMPT/superoxide flash activity prior to mitochondrial fragmentation and a global ROS rise, independently of Bax translocation and cytochrome c release. Selectively targeting tMPT/superoxide flash activity by manipulating cyclophilin D expression or scavenging mitochondrial ROS markedly impacted the progression of selenite-induced apoptosis while exerting little effect on the global ROS response. Furthermore, the tMPT/superoxide flash served as a convergence point for pro- and anti-apoptotic regulation mediated by cyclophilin D and Bcl-2 proteins. These results indicate that tMPT/superoxide flashes act as early mitochondrial signals mediating the apoptotic response during oxidative stress, and provide the first demonstration of highly efficacious local mitochondrial ROS signaling in deciding cell fate.  相似文献   

Toxicity of selenomethionine, an organic derivative of selenium widely used as supplement in human diets, was studied in the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Several DNA repair-deficient strains hypersensitive to selenide displayed wild-type growth rate properties in the presence of selenomethionine indicating that selenide and selenomethionine exert their toxicity via distinct mechanisms. Cytotoxicity of selenomethionine decreased when the extracellular concentration of methionine or S-adenosylmethionine was increased. This protection resulted from competition between the S- and Se-compounds along the downstream metabolic pathways inside the cell. By comparing the sensitivity to selenomethionine of mutants impaired in the sulfur amino acid pathway, we excluded a toxic effect of Se-adenosylmethionine, Se-adenosylhomocysteine, or of any compound in the methionine salvage pathway. Instead, we found that selenomethionine toxicity is mediated by the trans-sulfuration pathway amino acids selenohomocysteine and/or selenocysteine. Involvement of superoxide radicals in selenomethionine toxicity in vivo is suggested by the hypersensitivity of a Δsod1 mutant strain, increased resistance afforded by the superoxide scavenger manganese, and inactivation of aconitase. In parallel, we showed that, in vitro, the complete oxidation of the selenol function of selenocysteine or selenohomocysteine by dioxygen is achieved within a few minutes at neutral pH and produces superoxide radicals. These results establish a link between superoxide production and trans-sulfuration pathway seleno-amino acids and emphasize the importance of the selenol function in the mechanism of organic selenium toxicity.  相似文献   

The redox-active metal manganese plays a key role in cellular adaptation to oxidative stress. As a cofactor for manganese superoxide dismutase or through formation of non-proteinaceous manganese antioxidants, this metal can combat oxidative damage without deleterious side effects of Fenton chemistry. In either case, the antioxidant properties of manganese are vulnerable to iron. Cellular pools of iron can outcompete manganese for binding to manganese superoxide dismutase, and through Fenton chemistry, iron may counteract the benefits of non-proteinaceous manganese antioxidants. In this minireview, we highlight ways in which cells maximize the efficacy of manganese as an antioxidant in the midst of pro-oxidant iron.  相似文献   

Peroxynitrite is the product of the diffusion-controlled reaction of nitric oxide and superoxide radicals. Peroxynitrite, a reactive short-lived peroxide with a pKa of 6.8, is a good oxidant and nucleophile. It also yields secondary free radical intermediates such as nitrogen dioxide and carbonate radicals. Much of nitric oxide- and superoxide-dependent cytotoxicity resides on peroxynitrite, which affects mitochondrial function and triggers cell death via oxidation and nitration reactions. Peroxynitrite is an endogenous toxicant but is also a cytotoxic effector against invading pathogens. The biological chemistry of peroxynitrite is modulated by endogenous antioxidant mechanisms and neutralized by synthetic compounds with peroxynitrite-scavenging capacity.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutases are enzymes that function to catalytically convert superoxide radical to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. These enzymes carry out catalysis at near diffusion controlled rate constants via a general mechanism that involves the sequential reduction and oxidation of the metal center, with the concomitant oxidation and reduction of superoxide radicals. That the catalytically active metal can be copper, iron, manganese or, recently, nickel is one of the fascinating features of this class of enzymes. In this review, we describe these enzymes in terms of the details of their catalytic properties, with an emphasis on the mechanistic differences between the enzymes. The focus here will be concentrated mainly on two of these enzymes, copper, zinc superoxide dismutase and manganese superoxide dismutase, and some relatively subtle variations in the mechanisms by which they function.  相似文献   

To understand and eventually predict the effects of changing redox conditions and oxidant levels on the physiology of an organism, it is essential to gain knowledge about its redoxome: the proteins whose activities are controlled by the oxidation status of their cysteine thiols. Here, we applied the quantitative redox proteomic method OxICAT to Saccharomyces cerevisiae and determined the in vivo thiol oxidation status of almost 300 different yeast proteins distributed among various cellular compartments. We found that a substantial number of cytosolic and mitochondrial proteins are partially oxidized during exponential growth. Our results suggest that prevailing redox conditions constantly control central cellular pathways by fine-tuning oxidation status and hence activity of these proteins. Treatment with sublethal H(2)O(2) concentrations caused a subset of 41 proteins to undergo substantial thiol modifications, thereby affecting a variety of different cellular pathways, many of which are directly or indirectly involved in increasing oxidative stress resistance. Classification of the identified protein thiols according to their steady-state oxidation levels and sensitivity to peroxide treatment revealed that redox sensitivity of protein thiols does not predict peroxide sensitivity. Our studies provide experimental evidence that the ability of protein thiols to react to changing peroxide levels is likely governed by both thermodynamic and kinetic parameters, making predicting thiol modifications challenging and de novo identification of peroxide sensitive protein thiols indispensable.  相似文献   

The amino acid proline is uniquely involved in cellular processes that underlie stress response in a variety of organisms. Proline is known to minimize protein aggregation, but a detailed study of how proline impacts cell survival during accumulation of misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has not been performed. To address this we examined in Saccharomyces cerevisiae the effect of knocking out the PRO1, PRO2, and PRO3 genes responsible for proline biosynthesis. The null mutants pro1, pro2, and pro3 were shown to have increased sensitivity to ER stress relative to wild-type cells, which could be restored by proline or the corresponding genetic complementation. Of these mutants, pro3 was the most sensitive to tunicamycin and was rescued by anaerobic growth conditions or reduced thiol reagents. The pro3 mutant cells have higher intracellular reactive oxygen species, total glutathione, and a NADP+/NADPH ratio than wild-type cells under limiting proline conditions. Depletion of proline biosynthesis also inhibits the unfolded protein response (UPR) indicating proline protection involves the UPR. To more broadly test the role of proline in ER stress, increased proline biosynthesis was shown to partially rescue the ER stress sensitivity of a hog1 null mutant in which the high osmolality pathway is disrupted.  相似文献   

In contrast to the NADPH oxidases Nox1 and Nox2, which generate superoxide (O(2)(·-)), Nox4 produces hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)). We constructed chimeric proteins and mutants to address the protein region that specifies which reactive oxygen species is produced. Reactive oxygen species were measured with luminol/horseradish peroxidase and Amplex Red for H(2)O(2) versus L-012 and cytochrome c for O(2)(·-). The third extracytosolic loop (E-loop) of Nox4 is 28 amino acids longer than that of Nox1 or Nox2. Deletion of E-loop amino acids only present in Nox4 or exchange of the two cysteines in these stretches switched Nox4 from H(2)O(2) to O(2)(·-) generation while preserving expression and intracellular localization. In the presence of an NO donor, the O(2)()-producing Nox4 mutants, but not wild-type Nox4, generated peroxynitrite, excluding artifacts of the detection system as the apparent origin of O(2)(·-). In Cos7 cells, in which Nox4 partially localizes to the plasma membrane, an antibody directed against the E-loop decreased H(2)O(2) but increased O(2)(·-) formation by Nox4 without affecting Nox1-dependent O(2)(·-) formation. The E-loop of Nox4 but not Nox1 and Nox2 contains a highly conserved histidine that could serve as a source for protons to accelerate spontaneous dismutation of superoxide to form H(2)O(2). Mutation of this but not of four other conserved histidines also switched Nox4 from H(2)O(2) to O(2)(·-) formation. Thus, H(2)O(2) formation is an intrinsic property of Nox4 that involves its E-loop. The structure of the E-loop may hinder O(2)(·-) egress and/or provide a source for protons, allowing dismutation to form H(2)O(2).  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, exists in nature through a complex life cycle involving ticks of the Ixodes genus and mammalian hosts. During its life cycle, B. burgdorferi experiences fluctuations in oxygen tension and may encounter reactive oxygen species (ROS). The key metalloenzyme to degrade ROS in B. burgdorferi is SodA. Although previous work suggests that B. burgdorferi SodA is an iron-dependent superoxide dismutase (SOD), later work demonstrates that B. burgdorferi is unable to transport iron and contains an extremely low intracellular concentration of iron. Consequently, the metal cofactor for SodA has been postulated to be manganese. However, experimental evidence to support this hypothesis remains lacking. In this study, we provide biochemical and genetic data showing that SodA is a manganese-dependent enzyme. First, B. burgdorferi contained SOD activity that is resistant to H(2)O(2) and NaCN, characteristics associated with Mn-SODs. Second, the addition of manganese to the Chelex-treated BSK-II enhanced SodA expression. Third, disruption of the manganese transporter gene bmtA, which significantly lowers the intracellular manganese, greatly reduced SOD activity and SodA expression, suggesting that manganese regulates the level of SodA. In addition, we show that B. burgdorferi is resistant to streptonigrin, a metal-dependent redox cycling compound that produces ROS, and that SodA plays a protective role against the streptonigrin. Taken together, our data demonstrate the Lyme disease spirochete encodes a manganese-dependent SOD that contributes to B. burgdorferi defense against intracellular superoxide.  相似文献   

The role of oxidative post-translational modifications of human superoxide dismutase 1 (hSOD1) in the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) pathology is an attractive hypothesis to explore based on several lines of evidence. Among them, the remarkable stability of hSOD1WT and several of its ALS-associated mutants suggests that hSOD1 oxidation may precede its conversion to the unfolded and aggregated forms found in ALS patients. The bicarbonate-dependent peroxidase activity of hSOD1 causes oxidation of its own solvent-exposed Trp32 residue. The resulting products are apparently different from those produced in the absence of bicarbonate and are most likely specific for simian SOD1s, which contain the Trp32 residue. The aims of this work were to examine whether the bicarbonate-dependent peroxidase activity of hSOD1 (hSOD1WT and hSOD1G93A mutant) triggers aggregation of the enzyme and to comprehend the role of the Trp32 residue in the process. The results showed that Trp32 residues of both enzymes are oxidized to a similar extent to hSOD1-derived tryptophanyl radicals. These radicals decayed to hSOD1-N-formylkynurenine and hSOD1-kynurenine or to a hSOD1 covalent dimer cross-linked by a ditryptophan bond, causing hSOD1 unfolding, oligomerization, and non-amyloid aggregation. The latter process was inhibited by tempol, which recombines with the hSOD1-derived tryptophanyl radical, and did not occur in the absence of bicarbonate or with enzymes that lack the Trp32 residue (bovine SOD1 and hSOD1W32F mutant). The results support a role for the oxidation products of the hSOD1-Trp32 residue, particularly the covalent dimer, in triggering the non-amyloid aggregation of hSOD1.  相似文献   

Cancer cells are characterized by elevated levels of reactive oxygen species, which are produced mainly by the mitochondria. The dismutase SOD2 localizes in the matrix and is a major antioxidant. The activity of SOD2 is regulated by the deacetylase SIRT3. Recent studies indicated that SIRT3 is decreased in 87% of breast cancers, implying that the activity of SOD2 is compromised. The resulting elevation in reactive oxygen species was shown to be essential for the metabolic reprograming toward glycolysis. Here, we show that SOD2 itself is down-regulated in breast cancer cell lines. Further, activation of oncogenes, such as Ras, promotes the rapid down-regulation of SOD2. Because in the absence of SOD2, superoxide levels are elevated in the matrix, we reasoned that mechanisms must exist to retain low levels of superoxide in other cellular compartments especially in the intermembrane space of the mitochondrial to avoid irreversible damage. The dismutase SOD1 also acts as an antioxidant, but it localizes to the cytoplasm and the intermembrane space of the mitochondria. We report here that loss of SOD2 correlates with the overexpression of SOD1. Further, we show that mitochondrial SOD1 is the main dismutase activity in breast cancer cells but not in non-transformed cells. In addition, we show that the SOD1 inhibitor LCS-1 leads to a drastic fragmentation and swelling of the matrix, suggesting that in the absence of SOD2, SOD1 is required to maintain the integrity of the organelle. We propose that by analogy to the cadherin switch during epithelial-mesenchymal transition, cancer cells also undergo a SOD switch during transformation.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial superoxide flashes reflect a quantal, bursting mode of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production that arises from stochastic, transient opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) in many types of cells and in living animals. However, the regulatory mechanisms and the exact nature of the flash-coupled mPTP remain poorly understood. Here we demonstrate a profound synergistic effect between mitochondrial Ca2+ uniport and elevated basal ROS production in triggering superoxide flashes in intact cells. Hyperosmotic stress potently augmented the flash activity while simultaneously elevating mitochondrial Ca2+ and ROS. Blocking mitochondrial Ca2+ transport by knockdown of MICU1 or MCU, newly identified components of the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter, or scavenging mitochondrial basal ROS markedly diminished the flash response. More importantly, whereas elevating Ca2+ or ROS production alone was inefficacious in triggering the flashes, concurrent physiological Ca2+ and ROS elevation served as the most powerful flash activator, increasing the flash incidence by an order of magnitude. Functionally, superoxide flashes in response to hyperosmotic stress participated in the activation of JNK and p38. Thus, physiological levels of mitochondrial Ca2+ and ROS synergistically regulate stochastic mPTP opening and quantal ROS production in intact cells, marking the flash as a coincidence detector of mitochondrial Ca2+ and ROS signals.  相似文献   

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