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Fielde's progressive odor hypothesis postulates that certain hereditary nestmate recognition odors in adult ants change progressively with age such that workers will often not accept older siblings that differ from them in age by as little as 40–60 days unless they eclosed among siblings of that age class and learned their recognition cues. Fielde's hypothesis was based on extensive but unsystematic experimental studies which fail to provide unequivocal evidence for this phenomenon. The present study tested this hypothesis for three closely-related ant species, Leptothorax ambiguus, L. curvispinosus, and L. longispinosus, by introducing workers between groups with known age structures and a minimum age difference of eight months. The results invalidate Fielde's hypothesis for these ants. However, progressive odors may yet be found in other species and may be associated with age polyethism.  相似文献   

Nests of social insects are an attractive resource in terms of nutrition and shelter and therefore targeted by a variety of pathogens and parasites that harness the resources of a host colony in their own reproductive interests. Colonies of the ants Formica fusca and F. lemani serve as hosts for mound‐building Formica species, the queens of which use host colonies during colony founding. Here, we investigate whether workers of the host species can mitigate the costs imposed on them by invading parasite queens by recognizing and selectively removing eggs laid by these queens. We used behavioural assays, allowing host workers to choose between con‐colonial eggs and eggs laid by the parasite species F. truncorum. We show that workers of both host species discriminate between the two types of eggs in favour of con‐colonial eggs. Moreover, workers of F. fusca rejected more con‐colonial eggs than F. lemani. This higher rate of error in F. fusca may reflect a greater selectivity or a greater difficulty in discriminating between the two egg types. Nevertheless, both host species removed parasite eggs at a similar rate, when these were artificially introduced into the colonies, although some eggs remained after 10 d. In addition, upon receiving parasite eggs, host workers started to lay unfertilized male‐destined eggs within 6 d, thus employing an alternative pathway to gain direct fitness when the resident queen is no longer present and the colony is parasitized.  相似文献   

Emergence from hibernation and synchronized nest foundation by foundresses of B. petiolata in the southern Transvaal, appeared to be stimulated largely by a rise in temperature during early and mid August of each season. Initial foundresses on newly built nests were joined by other foundresses during the first few weeks of the nesting season to form foundress associations. Although females were strongly philopatric and able to discriminate between nestmates (from their natal nests) and non-nestmates, former nestmates did not reassociate to a significant degree on new nests. Thus, associated foundresses were, on average, not closely related. Rather than facilitating the reassociation of former nestmates, the advantage of philopatric behaviour appears to lie in ensuring that foundresses return to an area of relatively high nesting density, where their chances of being involved in multiple-foundress groups (irrespective of intra-colonial relatedness) are high. Non-philopatric females which nest away from localities of high nesting density have a low probability of being involved in associations, and may therefore have to attempt colony foundation alone, with little or no chance of reproducing successfully.  相似文献   

The importance of early experience in animals’ life is unquestionable, and imprinting-like phenomena may shape important aspects of behaviour. Early learning typically occurs during a sensitive period, which restricts crucial processes of information storage to a specific developmental phase. The characteristics of the sensitive period have been largely investigated in vertebrates, because of their complexity and plasticity, both in behaviour and neurophysiology, but early learning occurs also in invertebrates. In social insects, early learning appears to influence important social behaviours such as nestmate recognition. Yet, the mechanisms underlying recognition systems are not fully understood. It is currently believed that Polistes social wasps are able to discriminate nestmates from non-nestmates following the perception of olfactory cues present on the paper of their nest, which are learned during a strict sensitive period, immediately after emergence. Here, through differential odour experience experiments, we show that workers of Polistes dominula develop correct nestmate recognition abilities soon after emergence even in absence of what have been so far considered the necessary cues (the chemicals spread on nest paper). P. dominula workers were exposed for the first four days of adult life to paper fragments from their nest, or from a foreign conspecific nest or to a neutral condition. Wasps were then transferred to their original nests where recognition abilities were tested. Our results show that wasps do not alter their recognition ability if exposed only to nest material, or in absence of nest material, during the early phase of adult life. It thus appears that the nest paper is not used as a source of recognition cues to be learned in a specific time window, although we discuss possible alternative explanations. Our study provides a novel perspective for the study of the ontogeny of nestmate recognition in Polistes wasps and in other social insects.  相似文献   

The outcome of any interspecific interaction is often determined by the ecological context in which the interacting species are embedded. Plant ontogeny may represent an important source of variation in the outcome of ant–plant mutualisms, as the level of investment in ant rewards, in alternative (non‐biotic) defenses, or both, may be modulated by the plant's developmental stage. In addition, the abundance and identities of the ants involved in the interaction may change during ontogeny of the host‐plant. Here, we evaluated if plant ontogeny affects the interaction between ants and a savanna tree species (Caryocar brasiliense) that produces extrafloral nectar. We found fewer ants per branch and fewer species of ants per tree in juvenile than in reproductive trees of medium and large size. In addition, large‐sized reproductive trees were more likely to host more aggressive ants than were medium‐sized reproductive or juvenile trees. Such differences strongly affected the outcome of the interaction between ants and their host‐plants, as the magnitude of the effect of ants on herbivory was much stronger for large trees than for juvenile ones. The fact that we did not find significant ontogenetic variation in the concentration of leaf tannins suggests that the observed differences in herbivory did not result from a differential investment in chemical defenses among different‐sized plants. Overall, the results of our study indicate that the developmental stage of the host plant is an important factor of conditionality in the interaction between C. brasiliense and arboreal foraging ants.  相似文献   

The ability of Apterostigma collare workers to differentiate their nest from other nests and their nestmates from non-nestmates was examined. In field tests, workers that were removed from their nest were accepted back into their own nests, but were rejected when they were placed onto a nearby (≤ 1 m) nest or a distant (≥ 100 m) nest. In the laboratory, when given a choice between a fragment of their own nest and a fragment of a second nest (near or distant), workers selected their own nest material rather than the material of the second nest. For the nestmate recognition bioassay, two workers from one nest were placed together in an arena with a worker from a second nest. In most bioassays, the nestmates were tolerant of each other, but they were intolerant of the non-nestmate. The results demonstrate that A. collare workers have the ability to recognize nestmates and their nests. The results also suggest that each nest of A. collare is an independent colony.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of ants as secondary seed dispersers of six primarily bird‐dispersed Miconia species in the cerrados of southeastern Brazil. Vertebrate exclosure and seed germination experiments were performed for M. albicans, M. alborufescens, M. corallina, M. ferruginata, M. ibaguensis, and M. irwinii. Excluding vertebrates did not significantly alter fruit removal rate for any of the Miconia species relative to open controls. Fruits on stalks and fallen fruits were removed and transported to nests mainly by species of Atta, Acromyrmex, and Ectatomma (dispersal distance ranging from 0.1 to 45.2 m), while Camponotus ants tended to be observed removing the fruit pulp (seed cleaning) where the fruits were found. Seed manipulation by Atta decreased germination of M. irwinii, but not M. ferruginata. Germination did not occur in intact fruits, and thus seed cleaning was an important service provided by the ants. Ant nest soils did not inhibit germination of any of the Miconia species, suggesting they are a good substrate for long‐lived Miconia seeds. We conclude that ant activity could have important effects on the fate of Miconia seeds adapted for bird dispersal.  相似文献   

Female investment in large eggs increases the demand for fatty acids, which are allocated for yolk production. Since the biosynthetic pathway leading to fatty acids uses the same precursors used in the formation of polyketides, allocation trade-offs are expected to emerge. Therefore, egg production should constrain the investment in chemical defenses based on polyketides, such as benzoquinones. We tested this hypothesis using the harvestman Acutiosoma longipes, which produces large eggs and releases benzoquinones as chemical defense. We predicted that the amount of secretion released by ovigerous females (OFs) would be smaller than that of non-ovigerous females (NOF). We also conducted a series of bioassays in the field and in the laboratory to test whether egg production renders OFs more vulnerable to predation. OFs produce less secretion than NOFs, which is congruent with the hypothesis that egg production constrains the investment in chemical defenses. Results of the bioassays show that the secretion released by OFs is less effective in deterring potential predators (ants and spiders) than the secretion released by NOFs. In conclusion, females allocate resources to chemical defenses in a way that preserves a primary biological function related to reproduction. However, the trade-off between egg and secretion production makes OFs vulnerable to predators. We suggest that egg production is a critical moment in the life of harvestman females, representing perhaps the highest cost of reproduction in the group.  相似文献   

Highly social ants, bees and wasps employ sophisticated recognition systems to identify colony members and deny foreign individuals access to their nest. For ants, cuticular hydrocarbons serve as the labels used to ascertain nest membership. Social parasites, however, are capable of breaking the recognition code so that they can thrive unopposed within the colonies of their hosts. Here we examine the influence of the socially parasitic slave-making ant, Polyergus breviceps on the nestmate recognition system of its slaves, Formica altipetens. We compared the chemical, genetic, and behavioral characteristics of colonies of enslaved and free-living F. altipetens. We found that enslaved Formica colonies were more genetically and chemically diverse than their free-living counterparts. These differences are likely caused by the hallmark of slave-making ant ecology: seasonal raids in which pupa are stolen from several adjacent host colonies. The different social environments of enslaved and free-living Formica appear to affect their recognition behaviors: enslaved Formica workers were less aggressive towards non-nestmates than were free-living Formica. Our findings indicate that parasitism by P. breviceps dramatically alters both the chemical and genetic context in which their kidnapped hosts develop, leading to changes in how they recognize nestmates.  相似文献   

The South American seed-harvester ant Pogonomyrmex laticeps has dimorphic queens: ergatoid (permanently wingless) and brachypterous (short, non-functional wings). Surveys in western Argentina indicated that colonies near Chilecito, La Rioja Province, produced only ergatoid queens, while those near Punta Balasto, Catamarca Province (263 km away), produced only brachypterous queens. Brachypterous queens were significantly larger than ergatoid queens for 10 of 11 external characters, but both phenotypes had comparable reproductive potential, i.e., a spermatheca and a similar number of ovarioles. Using normal winged queens of the closely related P. uruguayensis for comparison, we determined that both queen phenotypes in P. laticeps had a full set of dorsal thoracic sclerites, albeit each sclerite was much reduced, whereas workers had a thorax without distinct dorsal sclerites. Sclerites were fused and immobile in ergatoid queens, while they were separable and fully articulated in brachypterous queens. Both phenotypes lacked the big indirect flight muscles, but brachypterous queens retained the tiny direct flight muscles. Overall, this dimorphism across populations indicates that there are alternative solutions to selective pressures against flying queens. We lack field data about colony founding strategy (independent or dependent) for either queen phenotype, but colonies at both sites produced numerous gynes, and we infer that all foundresses initiate colonies independently and are obligate foragers.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根是由一类土壤中古老的丛枝菌根真菌与植物根系形成的互利互惠共生体。通过共生作用丛枝菌根真菌帮助宿主植物提高水和矿质营养(特别是磷)的吸收效率。作为回报,大约20%的光合作用产物被转移到丛枝菌根真菌中,供其完成自身的生活史。丛枝菌根形成的过程中,需要植物与丛枝菌根真菌之间进行一系列信号分子的识别、交换以及信号转导作用,这一过程由一系列植物和菌根真菌的基因控制。首先,植物会分泌一种植物激素——独角金内酯来诱导菌根真菌加速分支,而菌根真菌也会分泌脂质几丁寡糖促进植物与其形成菌根。加速分支的菌根真菌接触到植物根部以后,会附着在植物根的表皮并形成附着胞,通过附着胞穿透植物根的表皮,最后进入维管组织附近的皮层细胞并在其中不断进行二叉分支,形成特有的丛枝结构。通过对模式植物共生现象的研究,已经发现很多植物基因参与到共生形成的信号转导过程中,包括早期植物反应的基因、菌根与根瘤共生共同需要的转导因子以及菌根特异的信号分子等。本文对菌根的形成过程及信号转导途径进行详细的介绍,为人们深入研究菌根关系提供参考。  相似文献   

The unique nomadic life-history pattern of army ants (army ant adaptive syndrome), including obligate colony fission and strongly male-biased sex-ratios, makes army ants prone to heavily reduced effective population sizes (N e). Excessive multiple mating by queens (polyandry) has been suggested to compensate these negative effects by increasing genetic variance in colonies and populations. However, the combined effects and evolutionary consequences of polyandry and army ant life history on genetic colony and population structure have only been studied in a few selected species. Here we provide new genetic data on paternity frequencies, colony structure and paternity skew for the five Neotropical army ants Eciton mexicanum, E. vagans, Labidus coecus, L. praedator and Nomamyrmex esenbeckii; and compare those data among a total of nine army ant species (including literature data). The number of effective matings per queen ranged from about 6 up to 25 in our tested species, and we show that such extreme polyandry is in two ways highly adaptive. First, given the detected low intracolonial relatedness and population differentiation extreme polyandry may counteract inbreeding and low N e. Second, as indicated by a negative correlation of paternity frequency and paternity skew, queens maximize intracolonial genotypic variance by increasingly equalizing paternity shares with higher numbers of sires. Thus, extreme polyandry is not only an integral part of the army ant syndrome, but generally adaptive in social insects by improving genetic variance, even at the high end spectrum of mating frequencies.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of the queen on worker behaviour in ants and their queen recognition behaviour. Queenless and queenright homo- and hetero-specific groups were created using three Myr-micinae species (Manica rubida, Myrmica rubra and Myrmica ruginodis). In homospecific groups, the presence of a queen contributed to an increase in the brood care, which had an effect on all other tasks of the group. In heterospecific groups, the presence of a queen led workers to care more for the conspecific brood. The queen appears to be a factor in the maintenance of both behavioural characteristics of the workers and the organization of the colony. The absence of the queen revealed some behavioural differences between species compared and populations that did not occur in queenright groups. Attractiveness tests were also conducted on these colonies. In homospecific queenright groups, workers were attracted both by unfamiliar conspecific and allospecific queens, but they were attracted more by the former. Therefore, queens appear to emit volatile pheromones which have a non-species-specific and a species-specific attractant effect. In heterospecific groups, workers were attracted more by an unfamiliar queen of the familiar species (even if allospecific) than by an unfamiliar conspecific queen, suggesting the importance of early social experience for the discrimination behaviour of adults.  相似文献   

The role of nest-paper hydrocarbons in nestmate recognition was examined in the social wasp Dolichovespula maculata. Pupae were excised from nine colonies of D. maculata and placed in separate gel capsules in the laboratory. When workers emerged, they were isolated in the absence of other wasps in one of four conditions: 1. With an untreated fragment of their natal nest; 2. With a fragment of their nest that had been extracted with hexane to remove surface hydrocarbons; 3. With a fragment of their nest that had been extracted with hexane, and had then had the extract containing the surface hydrocarbons reapplied; or 4. In the absence of any nest fragment. After 4 d, the newly emerged workers were tested for nestmate recognition with an experienced nestmate and an experienced non-nestmate in blind triplet tests. Prior exposure to nest-paper hydrocarbons had no significant effect upon the ability of newly emerged or experienced wasps to recognize their nestmates. Moreover, nestmate recognition did not occur in any treatment group.  相似文献   

The epithelial cells lining the gastric cavity of the freshwater hydra, Hydra viridis, harbor unicellular algal symbionts of the genus Cblorella. It has long been known that these hydra cells can readily phagocytose algal cells and will sequester those algae that have the potential to form a symbiotic association. In this paper the evidence is discussed for when and how recognition of potential symbionts by hydra cells occurs, i.e. during phagocytosis or during the subsequent intracellular events leading to sequestration of algal symbionts.  相似文献   

Recognition seems to be one of the more remarkable characteristics of social groups. In social insects, cuticular hydrocarbons are important for colonial recognition by providing a chemical signature for colony members. The acceptance threshold model predicts that colony members will accept conspecifics when the levels of nest mate cues dissimilarities are below the acceptance threshold. We tested the hypothesis that the encounter of a guard ant worker with a nurse may cause a delay in the process of recognition, because nurses from distinct colonies may share greater amount of chemical compounds. Dinoponera quadriceps guard workers decreased their effectiveness to recognize nurses rather than did to foragers. Alien foragers received significantly more bites and other stronger acts than non-nestmate nurses when they were experimentally introduced. In addition, guards took significantly more time to react against non-nestmate nurses than against alien foragers. Analysis of the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles corroborated our behavioural analysis that nurses from distinct colonies overlap greater amount of cuticular hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

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