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OMKAR  Geetanjali MISHRA 《昆虫学报》2014,57(10):1180-1187
【目的】尽管一雌多雄在瓢虫科中常见,但各研究中获得的数据不足以解释雌虫多次交配和一雌多雄的一般适应性意义或适合度后果。本研究以温度为胁迫因子,旨在评价一雌多雄的某些益处(如增加的适合度)是否可传递给后代。【方法】本研究检测了黄斑盘瓢虫Coelophora saucia (Mulsant) 3种交配处理中的适合度:一雌一雄(与同一雄虫交配5次,1次/d),先后一雌多雄(与5头不同的雄虫依次交配5次,即每天与新的雄虫交配1次),以及同时一雌多雄(放进5头雄虫,任由雌虫选择雄虫,交配5次,1次/d)。观察了各交配处理不同温度下(25, 27和 30℃)繁殖力、卵的育性、后代发育和存活。【结果】结果表明,经历一雌多雄然后进行交配选择或竞争的雌性的繁殖能力最强,后代能在更广温度范围内最好地适应发育和存活。但先后一雌多雄交配的雌性与一雌一雄交配的雌性的繁殖能力相似。【结论】结果说明,在无交配选择或雄性竞争的条件下,一雌多雄的益处不明显。这可能是由于在依次射精的雄性间存在精子竞争,或由于雌性的隐性选择。据我们所知,本研究中观察发现的无交配选择时不表现一雌多雄的益处的现象,之前在昆虫中未观察到过。  相似文献   

Mating system variation is profound in animals. In insects, female willingness to remate varies from mating with hundreds of males (extreme polyandry) to never remating (monandry). This variation in female behaviour is predicted to affect the pattern of selection on males, with intense pre-copulatory sexual selection under monandry compared to a mix of pre- and post-copulatory forces affecting fitness under polyandry. We tested the hypothesis that differences in female mating biology would be reflected in different costs of pre-copulatory competition between males. We observed that exposure to rival males early in life was highly costly for males of a monandrous species, but had lower costs in the polyandrous species. Males from the monandrous species housed with competitors showed reduced ability to obtain a mate and decreased longevity. These effects were specific to exposure to rivals compared with other types of social interactions (heterospecific male and mated female) and were either absent or weaker in males of the polyandrous species. We conclude that males in monandrous species suffer severe physiological costs from interactions with rivals and note the significance of male–male interactions as a source of stress in laboratory culture.  相似文献   

Bet‐hedging via polyandry (spreading the extinction risk of the female''s lineage over multiple males) may explain the evolution of female multiple mating, which is found in a wide range of animal and plant taxa. This hypothesis posits that females can increase their fitness via polyandrous mating when “unsuitable” males (i.e., males causing reproductive failure for various reasons) are frequent in the population and females cannot discriminate such unsuitable mates. Although recent theoretical studies have shown that polyandry can operate as a bet‐hedging strategy, empirical tests are scarce. In the present study, we tested the bet‐hedging polyandry hypothesis by using the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum. We compared female reproductive success between monandry and polyandry treatments when females mated with males randomly collected from an experimental population, including 20% irradiated (infertile) males. In addition, we evaluated geometric mean fitness across multiple generations as the index of adaptability of bet‐hedging traits. Polyandrous females showed a significantly higher egg hatching rate and higher geometric mean fitness than monandrous females. These results strongly support the bet‐hedging polyandry hypothesis.  相似文献   

Female mating with multiple males in a single reproductive period, or polyandry, is a common phenomenon in animals. In this study we investigated variation in female mating behavior and its fitness consequences among three genetic strains of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum. We found that the extent of polyandry and its fitness consequences varied significantly among the strains. In the first strain PRUZ, females mated multiply but incurred costs of polyandry in the form of reduced offspring production. Females of the second strain, NDG11, mated readily with multiple partners and benefited because polyandry led to higher offspring quality. Finally, TIW1 females were resistant to multiple mating and polyandry resulted in lower offspring production but improved offspring quality. Thus, in the first population we observed only costs of polyandry, in the second strain only benefits of polyandry whereas in the third we detected both costs and benefits of polyandry. Possible explanations for such a pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

What drives mating system variation is a major question in evolutionary biology. Female multiple mating (polyandry) has diverse evolutionary consequences, and there are many potential benefits and costs of polyandry. However, our understanding of its evolution is biased towards studies enforcing monandry in polyandrous species. What drives and maintains variation in polyandry between individuals, genotypes, populations and species remains poorly understood. Genetic variation in polyandry may be actively maintained by selection, or arise by chance if polyandry is selectively neutral. In Drosophila pseudoobscura, there is genetic variation in polyandry between and within populations. We used isofemale lines to found replicate populations with high or low initial levels of polyandry and tracked polyandry under experimental evolution over seven generations. Polyandry remained relatively stable, reflecting the starting frequencies of the experimental populations. There were no clear fitness differences between high versus low polyandry genotypes, and there was no signature of balancing selection. We confirmed these patterns in direct comparisons between evolved and ancestral females and found no consequences of polyandry for female fecundity. The absence of differential selection even when initiating populations with major differences in polyandry casts some doubt on the importance of polyandry for female fitness.  相似文献   

Females of many animal species are polyandrous, and there is evidence that they can control pre- and post-mating events. There has been a growing interest in consequences of polyandry for male and female reproductive success and offspring fitness, and its evolutionary significance. In several taxa, females exhibit mate choice both before and after mating and can influence the paternity of their offspring, enhancing offspring number and quality, but potentially countering male interests. Studying female mating biology and in particular post-copulatory female control mechanisms thus promises to yield insights into sexual selection and the potential of male-female coevolution. Here, we highlight the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), a storage pest, as a model system to study polyandry, and review studies addressing the effects of polyandry on male sperm competitive ability and female control of post-mating events. These studies show that the outcome of sperm competition in the red flour beetle is influenced by both male and female traits. Furthermore, recent advances suggest that sexual conflict may have shaped reproductive traits in this species.  相似文献   

Whether sexual selection increases or decreases female fitness is determined by the occurrence and relative importance of sexual-conflict processes and the ability of females to choose high-quality males. Experimentally enforced polyandry and monogamy have previously been shown to cause rapid evolution in the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria. Flies from polyandrous lines invested more in reproductive tissue, and this investment influenced paternity in sperm competition, but came at a cost to immune function. While some fitness consequences of enforced polyandry or monogamy have been examined when flies mate multiply, the consequences for female fitness when singly copulated remain unexplored. Under a good-genes scenario females from polyandrous lines should be of higher general quality and should outperform females from monogamous lines even with a single copulation. Under sexual conflict, costly adaptations will afford no advantages when females are allowed to mate only once. We investigate the lifetime reproductive success and longevity of females evolving under enforced monogamy or polyandry when mating once with males from these selection regimes. Females from polyandrous lines were found to have lower fitness than their monogamous counterparts when mating once. They died earlier and produced significantly fewer eggs and offspring. These results suggest that sexual conflict probably drove evolution under enforced polyandry as female fitness did not increase overall as expected with purely good-genes effects.  相似文献   

The consequences of polyandry for female fitness are controversial. Sexual conflict studies and a meta‐analysis of mating rates in insects suggest that there is a longevity cost when females mate repeatedly. Even so, compensatory material benefits can elevate egg production and fertility, partly because polyandry ensures an adequate sperm supply. Polyandry can therefore confer direct benefits. The main controversy surrounds genetic benefits. The argument is analogous to that surrounding the evolution of conventional female mate choice, except that with polyandry it is post‐copulatory mechanisms that might bias paternity towards males with higher breeding values for fitness. Recent meta‐analyses of extra‐pair copulations in birds have cast doubt on whether detectable genetic benefits exist. By contrast, another meta‐analysis showed that polyandry elevates egg hatching success (possibly due to a fertilization bias towards sperm with paternal genes that elevate embryo survival) in insects. A detailed summary of whether polyandry elevates other components of offspring performance is lacking. Here we present a comprehensive meta‐analysis of 232 effect sizes from 46 experimental studies. These experiments were specifically designed to try to quantify the potential genetic benefits of polyandry by controlling fully for the number of matings by females assigned to monandry and polyandry treatments. The bias‐corrected 95% confidence intervals for egg hatching success (d = ?0.01 to 0.61), clutch production (d = 0.07 to 0.45) and fertility (d = 0.04 to 0.40) all suggest that polyandry has a beneficial effect (although P values from parametric tests were marginally non‐significant at P = 0.075, 0.052 and 0.058, respectively). Polyandry was not significantly beneficial for any single offspring performance trait (e.g. growth rate, survival, adult size), but the test power was low due to small sample sizes (suggesting that many more studies are still needed). We then calculated a composite effect size that provides an index of general offspring performance. Depending on the model assumptions, the mean effect of polyandry was either significantly positive or marginally non‐significant. A possible role for publication bias is discussed. The magnitude of the reported potential genetic benefits (d = 0.07 to 0.19) are larger than those from two recent meta‐analyses comparing offspring sired by social and extra‐pair mates in birds (d = 0.02 to 0.04). This difference raises the intriguing possibility that cryptic, post‐copulatory female choice might be more likely to generate ‘good gene’ or ‘compatible gene’ benefits than female choice of mates based on the expression of secondary sexual traits.  相似文献   

Polyandry (female multiple mating) can confer important benefits to females, but few studies have considered its potential costs. One such cost may arise through differences in the relatedness of offspring born to females with different mating histories; offspring born to monandrous females are always full siblings, while those produced by polyandrous females may be full or half siblings. These differences may have important consequences for social interactions among offspring. We used artificial insemination in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a promiscuous live-bearing fish, to evaluate shoaling behaviour in polyandrous and monandrous broods. We combined this information with known parentage data for the polyandrous broods to determine whether sibling relatedness influenced offspring shoaling behaviour. While we detected no effect of mating treatment (polyandry/monandry) on shoaling behaviour, we found that pairs of full siblings spent significantly more time shoaling (and in close proximity) than pairs of half siblings. This latter finding confirms the ability of newborn guppies to distinguish brood mates on the basis of kinship, but also suggests an important and hitherto unrealized potential cost of polyandry: a reduction in within-brood relatedness with potentially important implications for offspring social behaviour.  相似文献   

Polyandry is more widespread than anticipated from Bateman’s principle but its ultimate (evolutionary) causes and proximate (mechanistic) correlates are more difficult to pinpoint than those of polygyny. Here, we combined mating experiments, quantification of reproductive traits and microsatellite genotyping to determine the fitness implications of polyandry in two predatory mite species, where males are highly polygynous (up to 45 fertilized females during life), whereas females range from monandry to various polyandry levels. The medium-level polyandrous (up to eight male mates possible) Neoseiulus californicus received clear direct and indirect benefits: multiply mated females produced more offspring with higher survival chances over longer times than singly mated females. In contrast, singly and multiply mated females of the low-level polyandrous (commonly two male mates at maximum) Phytoseiulus persimilis produced similar numbers of offspring having similar survival chances. In both species, multiple mating resulted in mixed offspring paternities, opening the chance for indirect fitness benefits such as enhanced genetic compatibility, complementarity and/or variability. However, the female re-mating likelihood and the paternity chance of non-first male mates were lower in P. persimilis than in N. californicus. Regarding proximate factors, in both species first mating duration and female re-mating likelihood were negatively correlated. Based on occasional fertilization failure of first male mates in P. persimilis, and mixed offspring paternities in both species, we argue that fertilization assurance and the chance to gain indirect fitness benefits are the ultimate drivers of polyandry in P. persimilis, whereas those of N. californicus are higher offspring numbers coupled with enhanced offspring viability and possibly other indirect fitness benefits. Overall, the adaptive significance and proximate events well reflected the polyandry levels. Our study provides a key example for linking behavioral experiments, quantification of reproductive traits and paternity analysis via offspring genotyping to explain the evolution of differing levels of polyandry.  相似文献   

Species in which males do not contribute to reproduction beyond the provision of sperm offer good opportunities to study the potential genetic benefits that females can obtain from polyandry. Here, we report the results of a study examining the relationships between polyandry and components of female fitness in the common lizard (Lacerta vivipara). We found that polyandrous females produce larger clutches than monandrous females. Polyandrous females also lose fewer offspring during the later stages of gestation and at birth, but we did not find any relationship between polyandry and physical characteristics of viable neonates. Our results were consistent with the predictions of the intrinsic male quality hypothesis, while inbreeding avoidance and genetic incompatibility avoidance might also explain some part of the variation observed in clutch size. Moreover, the benefits of polyandry appeared to depend on female characteristics, as revealed by an interaction between reproductive strategy and female length on reproductive success. Thus, all females did not benefit equally from mating with multiple males, which could explain why polyandry and monandry coexist.  相似文献   

Recently refined evolutionary theories propose that sexual selection and reproductive conflict could be drivers of speciation. Male and female reproductive optima invariably differ because the potential reproductive rate of males almost always exceeds that of females: females are selected to maximize mate 'quality', while males can increase fitness through mate 'quantity'. A dynamic, sexually selected conflict therefore exists in which 'competitive' males are selected to override the preference tactics evolved by 'choosy' females. The wide variation across taxa in mating systems therefore generates variance in the outcome of intrasexual conflict and the strength of sexual selection: monandry constrains reproductive heterozygosity and allows female choice to select and maintain particular (preferred) genes; polyandry promotes reproductive heterozygosity and will more likely override female choice. Two different theories predict how sexual selection might influence speciation. Traditional ideas indicate that increased sexual selection (and hence conflict) generates a greater diversity of male reproductive strategies to be counteracted by female mate preferences, thus providing elevated potentials for speciation as more evolutionary avenues of male-female interaction are created. A less intuitively obvious theory proposes that increased sexual selection and conflict constrains speciation by reducing the opportunities for female mate choice under polyandry. We use a comparative approach to test these theories by investigating whether two general measures of sexual selection and the potential for sexual conflict have influenced speciation. Sexual size dimorphism (across 480 mammalian genera, 105 butterfly genera and 148 spider genera) and degree of polyandry (measured as relative testes size in mammals (72 genera) and mating frequency in female butterflies (54 genera)) showed no associations with the variance in speciosity. Our results therefore show that speciation occurs independently of sexual selection.  相似文献   

The evolution of female multiple mating in social hymenoptera   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract The evolution of female multiple mating is a highly controversial topic, especially in social insects. Here we analyze, using comparative analyses and simulation models, the merits of two major contending hypotheses for the adaptive value of polyandry in this group. The hypotheses maintain that, respectively, the resulting genotypic diversity among offspring within a colony: (1) mitigates against the effects of parasites; or (2) favors adaptive division of labor. Only two of 11 phylogenetically uncontrolled comparative analyses supported an association between polyandry and the complexity of division of labor (measured here using worker caste polymorphism or polyethism) as proposed by hypothesis 2, and after controlling for phylogeny there were no significant associations. In contrast, a previous study demonstrated such an association for parasite load as expected under hypothesis 1. In addition, we used simulation models to track the spread of an initially rare allele for double mating in a population of single-mating alleles, thus analyzing the crucial first step from monandry to polyandry. We find that double mating evolves consistently under antagonistic coevolution given that parasites exert sufficient selection intensity. In contrast, selection for enhanced division of labor resulted in only an erratic appearance of polyandry in highly (and mostly negatively) autocorrelated environments where no coevolutionary dynamics were allowed. Together, we interpret these results to suggest that parasites, and the antagonistic coevolutionary pressures they exert, may play an important role in the evolution of polyandry in social hymenopteran populations.  相似文献   

Despite numerous and diverse theoretical models for the indirect benefits of polyandry, empirical support is mixed. One reason for the difficulty in detecting indirect benefits of polyandry may be that these are subtle and are mediated by environmental effects, such as maternal effects. Maternal effects may be especially important if females allocate resources to their offspring depending on the characteristics of their mating partners. We test this hypothesis in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides, a species that provides extensive and direct parental care to offspring. We used a fully factorial design and mated females to one, two, three, four or five different males and manipulated conditions so that their offspring received reduced (12 h) or full (ca 72 h) maternal care. We found that average offspring fitness increased with full maternal care but there was no significant effect of polyandry or the interaction between the duration of maternal care and the level of polyandry on offspring fitness. Thus, although polyandry could provide a mechanism for biasing paternity towards high quality or compatible males, and variation in parental care matters, we found no evidence that female N. vespilloides gain indirect benefits by using parental care to bias the allocation of resources under different mating conditions.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of polyandry is an intensely debated subject in sexual selection. For species with male infanticidal behaviour, it has been hypothesized that polyandry evolved as female counterstrategy to offspring loss: by mating with multiple males, females may conceal paternity and so prevent males from killing putative offspring. Here we present, to our knowledge, the first empirical test of this hypothesis in a combined laboratory and field study, and show that multiple mating seems to reduce the risk of infanticide in female bank voles Myodes glareolus. Our findings thus indicate that females of species with non-resource based mating systems, in which males provide nothing but sperm, but commit infanticide, can gain non-genetic fitness benefits from polyandry.  相似文献   

Panu Välimäki  Arja Kaitala 《Oikos》2007,116(9):1569-1580
Pieris napi females have different heritable reproductive tactics. Polyandrous females have higher lifetime fecundity, whereas monandrous ones start to reproduce at a faster rate. Butterfly larvae are time‐constrained in seasonal environments. Thus, polyandry is expected to be associated with fast juvenile development, which may result in biased mortality due to physiological costs. We compared how females with varying degrees of polyandry allocate between duration of larval period and achievable size in directly developing and over‐wintering generations. Offspring survival and growth were monitored under a high density and low quality diet. Polyandrous females developed at a faster rate than monandrous ones, regardless of developmental pathway. The growth rate of female offspring correlated with their mothers’ degree of polyandry, which underpins polyandry and monandry as distinct strategies with life history differences reaching beyond mating frequency. The high growth rate of polyandrous females resulted in a short larval period among directly developing females, and in large size within an over‐wintering cohort. A change in either the duration of the larval period or pupal mass had no significant effect on the other, emphasising that growth rate is not necessarily a simple outcome of the tradeoff between development time and size at maturity. The correlation between the degree of polyandry and juvenile growth rate diminished when larvae were exposed to environmental stress, which offers an explanation why juvenile mortality was decoupled from mating tactic. We conclude that polyandry is a strategy that allows larvae to utilise optimal conditions in a more effective way than monandry. As a consequence, polyandrous females either achieve larger size or they mature faster. This gives them a double advantage over monandrous ones within an over‐wintering generation or diminishes the effects of asynchronous hatching of offspring within a directly developing generation. Possible costs of high growth rate are discussed.  相似文献   

The consequences of sexual interactions extend beyond the simple production of offspring. These interactions typically entail direct effects on female fitness, but may also impact the life histories of later generations. Evaluating the cross-generational effects of sexual interactions provides insights into the dynamics of sexual selection and conflict. Such studies can elucidate whether offspring fitness optima diverge across sexes upon heightened levels of sexual interaction among parents. Here, we found that, in Drosophila melanogaster, components of reproductive success in females, but not males, were contingent on the nature of sexual interactions experienced by their mothers. In particular, maternal sexual interactions with non-sires enhanced female fecundity in the following generation. This highlights the importance of non-sire influences of sexual interactions on the expression of offspring life histories.  相似文献   

Females of most insect species maximize their fitness by mating more than once. Yet, some taxa are monandrous and there are two distinct scenarios for the maintenance of monandry. While males should always benefit from inducing permanent non‐receptivity to further mating in their mate, this is not necessarily true for females. Since females benefit from remating in many species, cases of monandry may reflect successful male manipulation of female remating (i.e. sexual conflict). Alternatively, monandry may favor both mates, if females maximize their fitness by mating only once in their life. These two hypotheses for the maintenance of monandry make contrasting predictions with regards to the effects of remating on female fitness. Here, we present an experimental test of the above hypotheses, using the monandrous housefly (Musca domestica) as a model system. Our results showed that accessory seminal fluid substances that males transfer to females during copulation have a dual effect: they trigger female non‐receptivity but also seem to have a nutritional effect that could potentially enhance female fitness. These results suggest that monandry is maintained in house flies despite potential benefits that females would gain by mating multiply.  相似文献   

Females often mate with several different males, which may promote sperm competition and increase offspring viability. However, the potential benefits of polyandry remain controversial, particularly in birds where recent reviews have suggested that females gain few genetic benefits from extra‐pair mating. In tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), we found that females with prior breeding experience had more sires per brood when paired to genetically similar social mates, and, among experienced females, broods with more sires had higher hatching success. Individual females breeding in two consecutive years also produced broods with more sires when they were more genetically similar to their mate. Thus, experienced females were able to avoid the costs of mating with a genetically similar social mate and realize fitness benefits from mating with a relatively large number of males. This is one of the first studies to show that female breeding experience influences polyandry and female fitness in a natural population of vertebrates. Our results suggest that the benefits of polyandry may only be clear when considering both the number of mates females acquire and their ability to modify the outcome of sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Polyandry has occurred rarely among humans; and has almost always consisted of brothers sharing a wife. The reduced opportunity for fertilization of females that occurs in polyandry would appear to make it a maladaptive mating system for human males. Previous evolutionary studies of human polyandry have suggested that kin selection may play a role in maintaining polyandry in some populations. A mathematical model for determining the fitness of polyandry for males is presented, and a simple deterministic analytic solution is derived. The model indicates that for polyandry to be an adaptive alternative to monogamy, the number of surviving offspring must be greater than the number of surviving offspring under monogamy times the number of males sharing a wife. This model exists in the literature. The unrealistic assumptions made in deriving this simple equation are revealed. An alternative stochastic computer simulation model is presented. The reproductive life history of a set of brothers is simulated under different demographic conditions, using data from polyandrous societies to estimate probabilities of fitness-related events. Under the assumption of equality of values of demographic variables for polyandry and monogamy, polyandry achieved or exceeded fitness parity with monogamy one third of the time. This contrasts with the prediction of the deterministic model stating that polyandry will never be an adaptive alternative to monogamy when fitness-related parameters are equal. The conditions improving fitness expectations for polyandry are conditions where genetic replication is decreased, i.e., with fewer brothers, high female sterility, decreased offspring survival, and decreased female fertility. Also, increased age difference between brothers enhances the fitness of polyandry. Genetic relatedness between brothers did not significantly affect the fitness of polyandry; therefore the kin selection hypothesis does not receive support. To a certain degree, these conditions exist for polyandrous populations in the Himalayas. Multivariate statistical analyses of simulation results revealed that most of the effects of these demographic factors could be accounted for by their association with increased probability of household extinction under monogamy and increased number of years of reproductive monogamy within polyandry. Although conditions favoring polyandry could be specified, analysis of the correlation between adaptiveness of polyandry and amount of genetic replication revealed that the demographic conditions favoring polyandry also lead to family extinction. Deficiencies in the model are discussed. It is suggested that future studies identify the advantages polyandry may have over monogamy in the values of demographic variables (e.g., increased offspring survival, increased extramarital reproduction), and take a multigenerational approach.  相似文献   

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