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Individual net fat reserves after migration and reproductive investments were calculated for migrating female silver eels Anguilla anguilla (n = 387) collected in the outlet region of the Baltic Sea during the autumn run. It is estimated that 20·4% of the A. anguilla had completely exhausted all initial fat reserves and that 45·0% of A. anguilla were within 90% of complete energy depletion after migration and reproduction. This study concludes that a combination of body size and distance (6900 km) to the spawning area in the Sargasso Sea explains the results. An increase in the costs of migration due to heavy infection with Anguillicoloides crassus was also evaluated in an additional scenario with results showing that 26·4% of the A. anguilla had completely depleted all fat reserves. It is hypothesized that a large proportion of female silver A. anguilla from the Baltic Sea catchment area will have inadequate or suboptimal reserves for successful migration and reproduction.  相似文献   

Gills of typical yellow and silver ells, Anguilla anguilla L., were examined by light and electron microscopy. In both eel types, mitochondria-rich cells were located in the epithelium covering the primary lamellae and consisted ofchloride cells and accessory cells. As compared to yellow eels, the primary gill epithelium of silver eels was thicker and contained larger and more numerous chloride cells with enlarged mitochondria. The accessory cells also increased in number but did not show significant modifications in their size or ultrastructural features. These observations indicate that, as far as mitochondria-rich cells are concerned, the silvering process in eels would be equivalent to smoltification in salmonids. It corresponds to a preparation for seawater life and is probably controlled by hormonal factors.  相似文献   

The catadromous European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) undertakes a 6000-km spawning migration from its freshwater habitats to the Sargasso Sea. In large Blazka swim tunnels of 127 l, the physiological effect of such a prolonged swimming performance on sexual maturation in adult female eels was investigated. Two groups of eels were placed in swim tunnels for 173 days, one group was able to swim at 0.5 body lengths/second (Swim group) covering a distance of c. 5500-km over the experimental period, and one group kept in static (End Control group). A control group was sampled at the start of the experiment in order to determine the initial stage of reproductive development (Initial Control group). At the end of the swim trial, the maturation parameters 11-ketotestosterone, pituitary levels of LH and plasma levels of estradiol were higher (although not significantly) in the Swim compared to the End Control group. In addition, no significant differences were observed in most measured morphometric and reproductive parameters, including eye-index, gonadosomatic index, hepatosomatic index, and plasma levels of vitellogenin, cortisol and melanophore-stimulating hormone (MSH). Also, pituitary levels of both MSH, and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) were unaffected. In contrast, the oocyte diameter was found to be significantly higher in the Swim compared to the End Control group. Based on these observations we conclude that a period of prolonged swimming might be a physiological stimulus necessary for the onset of maturation in the European eel.  相似文献   

Synopsis Seven hundred and thirty seven eel larvae were caught in 1971 and in the period 1973–1977 by a modified Isaacs Kidd Midwater Trawl off and on the continental shelf west of France and the British Isles. According to Schmidt (1909) no larvae have been caught on the shelf itself except one glass eel. A decrease in number as well as a decrease of older stages from east to west was observed. Besides the maximum in the length frequency distribution some more smaller peaks occurred. No essential size differences existed between 1975 and 1977, between younger and older developmental stages and between northern and southern larvae. Depth preference during daylight was 300–600 m, at night 35–125 m. Mean density of larvae in the preferred depth layers was nearly 1 per 1000 m3. High densities alternated from year to year with low densities which corresponded to the total catch fluctuations of the elver ascent in the River Ems at Herbrum (West Germany) in the following spring. The possible relationships in mortality between the metamorphosing leptocephalus and immigrating elvers and between the emigrating silver eels and the metamorphosing leptocephalus are discussed.  相似文献   

Nitrification was measured in fractions of chernozemic rendzina and lessivē soil differing in aggregate size. In both soils the maximum rates occurred in aggregates between 1 and 3 mm in diameter. The effects of structural and other properties (particle composition, pore-size distribution, surface area, organic C and total N content, ratio of air volume to water volume in aggregates) proved to be insignificant except for the nitrification rate in the lessivē soil, which positively correlated with the fraction of particles between 20 and 50 μm in diameter.  相似文献   

The field of microbial phylogenetics has questioned the feasibility of using a tree‐like structure to the describe microbial evolution. This debate centres on two main points. First, because microorganisms are able to transfer genes from one to another in zero generations (horizontal gene transfer, or HGT), the use of molecular characters to perform phylogenetic analyses will yield an erroneous topology and HGT clearly makes the evolution of microorganisms non tree‐like. Second, the use of concatenated gene sequences in a total evidence approach to phylogenetic systematics is a verificationist endeavour, the aim of which is to bolster support. However, the goal of the total evidence approach to phylogenetic research is based in the idea of increasing explanatory power over background knowledge through test and corroboration, rather than to bolster support for nodes in a tree. In this context, the testing of phylogenetic data is a falsificationist endeavour that includes the possibility of not rejecting the null hypothesis that there is no tree‐like structure in molecular phylogenetic data. We discuss several tests that aim to test rigorously the hypothesis that a tree of life exists for microorganisms. We also discuss the philosophical ramifications of background knowledge and corroboration in microbial studies that need to be considered when suggesting that HGT confounds the tree of life. © The Willi Hennig Society 2009.  相似文献   

Changes in body mass and water content (WC), lipids, and fatty acid (FA) composition of muscle were determined in European eels (Anguilla anguilla) in the ‘yellow’ stage (sexually immature). The animals were held in either freshwater (FW) or seawater (SW) and deprived of food for four weeks. During this period, body mass decreased steadily. This decrease was accompanied by reduced muscle WC and total lipid in both SW and FW. ‘Yellow’ eels appeared to use lipids in muscle to provide metabolic and osmoregulatory energy. However, they maintained relative constancy in the FA profiles, so that total FA, saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated FA, were similar between salinities during short-term starvation.  相似文献   

After Schmidt’s discovery of the spawning area of the Atlantic eels Anguilla anguilla and A. rostrata, the search for the Japanese eel A. japonica began in the Pacific Ocean. In 1991, the spawning area of the Japanese eel was determined to be the western North Pacific. Because of enthusiastic research, eggs and maturing eels have been collected in the Japanese eel. These findings are the first for one of the 19 freshwater eels. The population sizes of the Japanese and Atlantic eels are linearly decreasing. Thus, these eel population sizes are considered outside of safe biological limits, and the current fisheries are not sustainable. Artificial propagation has not yet succeeded for the freshwater eels. Stock assessment and management of the European eel have received increasing attention; however, such assessments and management of the Japanese eel have not yet been seriously considered. This paper is an overview of the results of intensive spawning ground investigations of the Japanese eel and describes how the outcomes of these studies have contributed not only to biological interests but also to stock enhancement. During the past 20 years of expeditions, noticeable findings have only been collected for wild eggs and mature adult specimens in spite of the expenditure of large research grants and the large amounts of time invested. The outcomes throughout an expedition do not necessarily contribute to the development and improvement of artificial breeding techniques and stock enhancement. Thus, eel research should be more focused on the studies related to eel stock management.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between freshwater entry and otolith annular structures, a total of 113 naturally recruited European eels Anguilla anguilla from Lithuania and Latvia that entered fresh water at least once were collected. In some individuals (8·3–11·3%), the first freshwater entry coincided with a dark check that was distinctly different from neighbouring annuli. In most individuals (81·7–84·9%), the first freshwater entry occurred on rings and increments indistinguishable from other annuli. For the remaining individuals (3·8–10%), the first freshwater entry did not correspond to any otolith ring, band or annulus. According to recent evidence, the observed high correspondence between the first freshwater entry and otolith annuli was more likely due to the movement into fresh water during winter when the annulus was deposited, rather than stress resulting from habitat change. Consequently, the age estimation based on otoliths might be less influenced by this habitat change during the yellow eel stage.  相似文献   

Using evolutionary theory to predict the dynamics of populations is one of the aims of evolutionary conservation. In endangered species, with geographic range extending over continuous areas, the predictive capacity of evolutionary‐based conservation measures greatly depends on the accurate identification of reproductive units. The endangered European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is a highly migratory fish species with declining population due to a steep recruitment collapse in the beginning of the 1980s. Despite punctual observations of genetic structure, the population is viewed as a single panmictic reproductive unit. To understand the possible origin of the detected structure in this species, we used a combination of mitochondrial and nuclear loci to indirectly evaluate the possible existence of cryptic demes. For that, 403 glass eels from three successive cohorts arriving at a single location were screened for phenotypic and genetic diversity, while controlling for possible geographic variation. Over the 3 years of sampling, we consistently identified three major matrilines which we hypothesized to represent demes. Interestingly, not only we found that population genetic models support the existence of those matriline‐driven demes over a completely panmictic mode of reproduction, but also we found evidence for asymmetric gene flow amongst those demes. We uphold the suggestion that the detection of demes related to those matrilines reflect a fragmented spawning ground, a conceptually plausible consequence of the low abundance that the European eel has been experiencing for three decades. Furthermore, we suggest that this cryptic organization may contribute to the maintenance of the adaptive potential of the species.  相似文献   

During embryonic development, offspring are exposed to hormones of both maternal and sibling origin. Maternal stress increases offspring exposure to corticosterone, and, in polytocous animals, the sex ratio or intrauterine position can influence the levels of androgens and estrogens experienced by the offspring. Such hormone exposure has the potential to influence many important morphological and behavioural aspects of offspring, in particular sexually dimorphic traits. Although well known in rodents, the impact of prenatal hormone exposure in other vertebrates is poorly documented. We experimentally investigated the relationship between maternal stress, population density, sex ratio (a surrogate for the degree of exposure to steroids produced by siblings), and sexual dimorphism in a viviparous lizard, Lacerta vivipara. Our results show that prenatal sex ratios have consequences for sexually dimorphic morphology (ventral scale count) in both sexes, but with no effect of maternal stress or any interaction between the two. Embryonic steroid exposure can potentially be an important factor in generating individual variation in natural populations of viviparous animals.  相似文献   

Singer P 《Bioethics》1995,9(3-4):327-342
Our growing technical capacity to keep human beings alive has brought the sanctity of life ethic to the point of collapse. The shift to a concept of brain death was already an implicit abandonment of the traditional ethic, though this has only recently become apparent. The 1993 decision of the British House of Lords in the case of Anthony Bland is an even more decisive shift towards an ethic that does not ask or seek to preserve human life as such, but only a life that is worth living. Once this shift has been completed and assimilated, we will no longer need the concept of brain death. Instead we can face directly the real ethical issue: when may doctors intentionally end the life of a patient?  相似文献   

Marine Biotechnology - Freund’s complete adjuvant (FCA) and incomplete adjuvant (FIA), generally applied in subunit fishery vaccine, have not been explored on the molecular mechanism of the...  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this investigation was to test the hypothesis that cycling economy, as measured by rate of oxygen consumption (VO(2)) in healthy, young, competitive cyclists pedaling at a constant workrate, increases (i.e. VO(2) decreases) when the attachment point of the foot to the pedal is moved posteriorly on the foot. The VO(2) of 11 competitive cyclists (age 26.8+/-8.9 years) was evaluated on three separate days with three anterior-posterior attachment points of the foot to the pedal (forward=traditional; rear=cleat halfway between the head of the first metatarsal and the posterior end of the calcaneous; and mid=halfway between the rear and forward positions) on each day. With a randomly selected foot position, VO(2) was measured as each cyclist pedaled at steady state with a cadence of 90 rpm and with a power output corresponding to approximately 90% of their ventilatory threshold (VT) (mean power output 203.3+/-20.8 W). After heart rate returned to baseline, VO(2) was measured again as the subject pedaled with a different anterior-posterior foot position, followed by another rest period and then VO(2) was measured at the final foot position. The key finding of this investigation was that VO(2) was not affected by the anterior-posterior foot position either for the group (p=0.311) or for any individual subject (p>or=0.156). The VO(2) for the group was 2705+/-324, 2696+/-337, and 2747+/-297 ml/min for the forward, mid, and rear foot positions, respectively. The practical implication of these findings is that adjusting the anterior-posterior foot position on the pedal does not affect cycling economy in competitive cyclists pedaling at a steady-state power output eliciting approximately 90% of VT.  相似文献   

The polyol pathway, which comprises the enzymes aldose reductase and sorbitol dehydrogenase, is recognised to play a major role in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications. Although there has been extensive research on aldose reductase, the role of sorbitol dehydrogenase has been overlooked. This study examined the response of sorbitol dehydrogenase gene expression to streptozotocin-diabetes (STZ-diabetes) in the rat and whether these changes were reversed by insulin. STZ-diabetes increased testicular sorbitol dehydrogenase gene expression in a manner that was not reversible by insulin but had no effect on gene expression in kidney and brain. A secondary question was the relationship between sorbitol dehydrogenase and aldose reductase gene expression in STZ-diabetes. STZ-diabetes increased renal dose reductase gene expression in a manner that was not reversible by insulin but had no effect on gene expression in the brain, testes and muscle. Thus, STZ-diabetes causes changes in sorbitol dehydrogenase gene expression which do not parallel those in aldose reductase, implying that expression of the two genes is not regulated via a common mechanism. Furthermore, changes in sorbitol dehydrogenase and aldose reductase gene expression cannot be fully explained on the basis of the osmoregulatory hypothesis, suggesting that regulation is mediated via mechanisms that are multifactorial and tissue-specific.  相似文献   

The number of cells and the mean cell volume in the mesocarps of fruits from peach genotypes with different percentages of the genome of Prunus davidiana, a wild, related, species, were evaluated. The mesocarp mass varied greatly between the four groups of genotypes. The mean cell volume and the number of cells were negatively correlated within each group. This correlation can be interpreted as a relationship of competition between cells. In order to describe the type of competition in the different groups, we tried to adjust a model of competition for resources proposed by Lescourret and Génard (Ecoscience 10:334–341, 2003). To estimate the values of the three parameters of the model for the different groups, we applied model selection. Within nested models, we identified a single best model with six parameter values. This model was roughly accurate, but it allowed us to describe the general relationship for each group. The parameter values revealed a strong and under-compensating density-dependence effect for all groups. The percentage of P. davidiana genome appeared to influence the maximal number of cells and the strength of the competition, but no effect was found on the maximal mean volume of cells.  相似文献   

Biofilms are multicellular, often surface-associated, communities of autonomous cells. Their formation is the natural mode of growth of up to 80% of microorganisms living on this planet. Biofilms refractory towards antimicrobial agents and the actions of the immune system due to their tolerance against multiple environmental stresses. But how did biofilm formation arise? Here, I argue that the biofilm lifestyle has its foundation already in the fundamental, surface-triggered chemical reactions and energy preserving mechanisms that enabled the development of life on earth. Subsequently, prototypical biofilm formation has evolved and diversified concomitantly in composition, cell morphology and regulation with the expansion of prokaryotic organisms and their radiation by occupation of diverse ecological niches. This ancient origin of biofilm formation thus mirrors the harnessing environmental conditions that have been the rule rather than the exception in microbial life. The subsequent emergence of the association of microbes, including recent human pathogens, with higher organisms can be considered as the entry into a nutritional and largely stress-protecting heaven. Nevertheless, basic mechanisms of biofilm formation have surprisingly been conserved and refunctionalized to promote sustained survival in new environments.  相似文献   

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